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    #dayinthelife #ww2 #madjack

    [Music] out from the hell that is dunker back from the steel thrust of the German war machine comes the beo they’re worn out and foot sore they’re hungry for weeks they have been shelled and bombed from three sides they had to stagger Back to the Sea to survive they were betrayed but never defeated or dispirited we shall fight on the beaches we shall fight on the landing grounds we shall fight in the fields and in the streets we shall fight in the Hills we shall Never Surrender it’s 1940 and the Nazi Blitz Creek is cutting through Western Europe like a hot knife through butter the British expeditionary force is in full Retreat desperately falling back towards the coast to evacuate from Dunkirk France and across the English Channel it’s Urban Warfare on a whole different level except for this one guy who seems to be treating the whole thing like a medieval reenactment fair this is Captain Jack churchi of the Manchester regiment also known as Matt Jack and he’s called that for a really good reason the guy was absolutely ridiculously certifiably nuts while his fellow soldiers are running for cover madjack Churchill is basically strolling across the battlefield with a broadsword in one hand and a long bow in the other instead of retreating Matt Jack does the opposite he turns around and he starts picking off Germans with arrows like he’s gask Khan conquering China here’s one example during the retreat towards Dunkirk a group of Nazi soldiers are on the attack in a village near beun France but they’re pretty surprised when an arrow rips through their rank and hits one of them in the chest it’s Matt Jack’s Arrow an arrow that’s followed by a barrage of machine gun fire as he leads his regiment on the attack instead of fleeing toward safety again equipped with bow and arrows and a broadword and a pistol on his hip that doesn’t get much use Churchill leads several of these Guerilla style raids and counterattacks as the Allies are fleeing towards the English Channel now during a lull in the fighting another British officer comes across Matt Jack riding his motorcycle it’s a bizarre Matt max style site Matt Jack has stuck a captured German officer’s cap on the motorcycle headlamp and there are packs stuffed with arrows slung all over the bike like some Hell’s Angel SL Mongol hybrid and then there a streaks of blood across Churchill’s face and neck when the officer asked about the obvious injury Matt Jack Churchill just asked for a stiff drink before casually explained that he’d been shot through the neck after his men encountered a German Machine Gun Nest but instead of retreating Matt Jack says he was just too tired to run away so he thought it’d be simpler to just destroy the machine gun position himself despite the wound [Music] even as a young Lieutenant before World War II Matt Jack Churchill is already pulling stunts that are making his superiors question his mental stability like during his pre-war stent in British India most officers would take a train or car between postings right not mad Jack he decides to ride his motorcycle the full 1500 miles from Puna to Kolkata by himself with barely any roads built between the two cities now Legend say says that Matt Jack crashed into a water buffalo along the way and he had to cross rivers by pushing his bike across railroad Bridges now while he stationed in Burma Matt Jack Churchill picks up a slightly unconventional new hobby playing the bag [Music] pipes before long Mad Jack Churchill is so obsessed that he’s waking up his entire sleeping Quarters at 3: a.m. playing loud aggressive pipe Tunes to wake him up basically he’s that neighbor who mows their launch at 6:00 a.m. on Saturdays but he picked up another skill in India and it was archery but he still has time to kill before World War II officially kicked off 1936 he help and quit the military and he went into the private sector he was working as an editor of a newspaper in Nairobi he then tried his hand at modeling for magazine ads he even got a couple roles in the movies one in which he actually played the B pipes in and another he gets to Showcase his archery SK skills but then comes the war and Matt Jack Churchill is back in the thick of the [Music] action the Fateful R of 11 has struck and Britain’s final warning to Hitler having been ignored a state of War once more exists between Great Britain and Germany after the hellish evacuation from Dunkirk that I talked about earlier he joined the newly formed British Commandos an elite raiding force and from that point on he spent the next few years of the war basically behaving like a derange warrior SL poet on the battlefield take the 1941 raid on the Norwegian island of vuko for example objective is the small defended island of voga off the Norwegian Coast 350 mi from Scotland so begins this combined operation overhead the Royal Air Force provides an umbrella of protecting aircraft as the Commandos are waiting ashore from their landing craft who do they see charging ahead PL March of the Cameron men on the bag pipes well yeah mat Jack Churchill a couple years later during the Alli invasion of Italy Churchill pulls off something straight out of an arrow Flynn swashbuckler movie he and a single Corporal managed to sneak Behind Enemy Lines into the town of P Lei at night from there Churchill captures the entire German Garrison practically single-handedly by surprising him one Sentry post at a time with a sword when all is said and done he’s marching 42 confused bewildered German prisoners back to Alli lines at sword point now as legendary as Churchill’s Battlefield Madness was though his luck finally runs out during a raid on the Adriatic island of barash 1944 after leading an assault playing his back pipes because of course he did he ends up cut off and alone on a Hilltop fending off waves of German counterattacks at one point Churchill is a sole unwounded Defender left armed with just a single magazine Force rifle as he played will you no come back again on the pipes to taunt the enemy now madjack Churchill is finally captured after taking some shrapnel to the head for the rest of the war he shuttled between P camps and he even spent some time in the notorious Zen hous and concentration camp in Germany in one of the craziest P Escape attempts ever he crawled out through a drain steals a German uniform tries walking all the way to the Baltic Sea Coast before being recaptured just miles from Freedom after failed escapes and transfers m Jack Churchill ends up at a plw camp in Austria in April of 1945 with the war’s end right around a corner he decided to gamble it all on one final Escape into the nearby Alps carrying just a rusty can to cook vegetables and a few onions He Slipped Away during an air rate cut power and takes off on a tough Journey South across the brener pass in Italy manjack Churchill basically lives like a modern day Mountain Man for over a week he slept under the stars and he forged for food on farmlands along the way finally after evading German Patrols days Churchill stumbles upon an American armored unit and persuades them that he is not a Nazi by asking them if he can have a spot of tea in a British accent or something I don’t know whatever way it happened the Americans believed him and just like that he’s a free man again in the spring of 1948 with the British mandate over Palestine expiring Mad Jack Churchill found himself in the middle of the Brewing tensions between Jewish and Arab forces in Jerusalem and of course matad Jack being mad Jack he responds to the situation with his typical eccentricities it all goes down during an ambush of a Jewish Medical Convoy by Arab militants in the streets of Jerusalem now while pretty much every sa person is taking cover Matt Jack Churchill rolls up in a strip down armored car hops out straightens his cap and casually starts strolling down the active Battlefield completely exposed oh yeah he does the whole thing while decked out in full formal Scottish regalia red and white killed sport I mean the works I mean who in their right mind would open fire on a grown man wearing a killt in the midst of a combat zone Matt Jack Churchill seems ripped from the pages of an adventure novel or maybe even Brad Pitt’s character and in glorious bastards he was a singularly eccentric man who defined the very essence of the phrase no fear as he carved a path of confusion and laughter across the battlefields of World War II carrying around archaic medieval weapons bag pipes and Kilts thanks for watching if you like this video share it with a friend subscribe like ring the bell all that good stuff to stay up to date on all the Nutty stories from human history


    1. The bow , arrow and broadsword got me in the dealership….TO THE MINI BIKE! sealed the deal😁😁😁😁GO MAD JACK!

    2. Jack Churchill was a hero with a colorful personality! RIP to the greatest generation who saved civilization from the evil Nazis!

    3. Sounds to me like he had Bi-Polarism, i.e would NOT be allowed into the military today….but Tranneees and “Jedi Knights” can!

      Fucking bassackwards ass system

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