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    SIGINT and ISR uncovered signs of the Russian Motor Rifle Batallion mobilizing for a potential assault on the main operating base Hammerfall. 11TH Airborne Forces of Drengr Platoon paradrop behind enemy lines whilst Frost Platoon engages the enemy on the front lines.

    11TH ABRNE Drengr Platoons mission is to neutralize the enemy command structure eliminating their radio network, isolate and destroy the enemy air equipment on site and ultimately disrupt the enemy’s assault plan.

    11TH ABRNE Forces deploy with the new M7 Rifle chambered in 6.8 SPC for field testing.

    The following combat footage follows the 11TH Airborne Forces as they conduct a successful paradrop onto enemy fortifications utilizing the T10 Parachute.

    Every campaign mission is a ONE LIFE, meaning our soldiers take the situation seriously and value their lives resulting in one of the most immersive experiences you will ever have in a mil sim environment.

    Want to join the campaign? Visit our Discord and submit an application to join in on the fun!

    Our campaign takes place in 2025 when Russian Forces have joined forces with Chinese PLA Forces to capture a large swath of Ukraine up to the Polish Border. Article V has been enacted and U.S. Forces have been deployed to the region to defend the polish border and push back Russian/Chinese forces. U.S. Forces are strained and deployed to Taiwan, the Chinese Mainland, North Korea, Alaska, and Ukraine.

    Arma Reforger Milsim Unit with custom addons and a custom map

    [Music] best problem Baseline green light light green light green light one go two go three go four go 5 go six go seven going Viking one Viking two this is nine over 10 traffic nine one two be advised we drop 300 meters short of the objective we need to proceed North double time quad bounding over iing two once we hit the ground drop those packs link up we will be Squad bounding two objective I’ll copy two moving to you copy on your right got it2 remember is off the rear have the or to the right got one far right as well get your squad rallied up they’re moving on to one right now Viking two was for sage break it right you guys are moving too far left break it right Bon one recommend reorienting 50 m to your right over all right mg’s on rear M moving back for let’s start moving towards the Rally Point [ __ ] we got one on rear coming in Far Viking one be advised Viking 2 has stragglers far in the field we are holding for them over airm Viking two this is one send traffic one two I have some of your men with me we’re grouped up together s copy I’ll grab him once we hit the tree line over say again sorry here nine this is one one send it you want one moving to the tree line airm one push to the tree line 26 two let’s move mov m to the rear of the formation you with two yeah AR get formation D get a wedge going two wedge off of me one this is nine fix your formation [Music] over if you’re in two move to the right one once you hit the tree line You’ll Be providing security to the West along the southern side of the tree line form a platoon firing line two you’ve got the north side over a for copy holding security West Firing Line all squads reorient 30 Dees left whoever’s standing up get down nobody standing you need to be crouching dud make sure you file pass one they’re going to be establishing Security on our left here don’t get jammed up stay to the right of them two moving SMY all right you can hear me air all right Reay what you said of the Oda C start orienting rifles left two for a firing line off me good right there one two catch your breath make sure we all in order gears check we’re moving over nine this is one send it one miss one time sign cycling you with us good copy can you reach him on local comms over correction good copy one spread your Firing Line uh to connect with two over one two we are up in 60 seconds as we approach forward keep your eyes healed for enemy movements nine hold missing one more good copy be advised once we reach 043 070 and 043 069 uh we will break byking one you will take the southwest side and induct squad assault over want to say again are you set over a firm one is set two are you set two set over all units up proceed forward half pace guns up overis is it just you and I in one one now the line right wing speed up a bit watch your as we move speed up a little position I think you’re good slow up a little bit there Sheriff about 10 me behind sorry it’s all or with my legs hey whoever this is to my right be sure you’re checking your uh your right side just periodically sure they’re not coming from our flank watch Ang two speed it up a bit falling behind one copy speeding up all units LDA ahead once we reach the LDA Viking one you are clear to break for squad assault Viking two breach the bush line pressive Fire On Target over break over two watch for contact we have a road to direct front possible contacts ahead set up two again R to the next Bush line engage all contacts danger close copy go go go let’s move fortification one advis popping smoke over two two volumetric fire go go go get those rounds out don’t look for targets just [Music] engage C jam on right on you on you medic get some hard cover get shoot re frag frag out check check right one this is nine are you assaulting over reloading copy cover in one I need you assaulting [Music] over any elements of one sit rep [Music] over LDA Ahad LDA Viking one you are clear to break for squad assault Viking two breach the bush line Fire On Target over airm airm one break left set up hold one cross Rush next push line engage all contacts danger close go go go fortification front fortif one ading smoke over one pop smoke got it SM a firm I got smoke out L-shaped Ambush move left Firing Line move we got a BTR where I see it I see it clear my back blast clear my back one one back blast clear this is [ __ ] are you assing over I got got him leave him go move move one one let’s go one I need your assaulting over any elements of one set rep I’m on your Nemesis clear it nine this is one do you copy one is actively ing good cop we have radi inside of the in want to SEC the bar ay get the barn stack on me stack on me I’m on you come in come in now [ __ ] I need support here [Music] move one I need to sit right on that Barn over left side medic yeah left side left side left side go down the lineone need a medic one I need a sit rep ASAP n this is one Barn is clear good copy confirming area is clear [Music] over still taking contact good copy Viking 2 will sweep through Viking 2 we’re moving forward slow guns up Pi your targets let’s go [Music] St Firing Line Stay Firing Line we got a DF blue coming out blue coming out friendly to the front possible Tren position off right keep your eyes right contact Tree Line Tree Line tree line right by two we have contact in the tree line across the field over Viking two I need you shifting right into those trench positions off to our North over trench positions you got some holes over there to the north take up battle position positions get on those tesos good question one let me find them who’s how’s he doing he’s doing all right I’m just I’m equipping a saline bag into my Advent now so I can get R uh let’s go and get him inside the barn once he’s set nine this is one one send it over one is taking one casualty and our agress point sending small attachment of two man team to retrieve over good copy be advised two actual is down getting two acting in charge all elements of two who’s highest rank all right Cas set I say again who’s the highest rank on two gremlin all right injured get him inside get him treated get him up all elements of Viking 2 respond overon all elements of Viking 2 respond over a what’s your current location over uh position over thees good copy you’re assuming two acting at this time Viking two acting over Who acting I need you watching North and Northwest between asmith 280 and zero over where’s Viking one let me just move him over here all right if you can you get him in touch with me tell him to get to the barn currently looking for one T’s down Medic One Two this is one one one move in Reg at the bar wait for to get up now I just go away from up now there’s nothing else I can do out the back proceed out the back around the side back side back side don’t peek Sheriff don’t peek go out the back hey yeah go the and move to the yes one taking a casualty our medic don’t know where he moved to the trench move hey if that trench doesn’t wrap you around I need you on that a what move on me down this trench line airmed airm he was hit by back blast he may be critical negative look slightly wounded at this time pass over to airm blue hold security right here facing this way first where’s the rest of one out they didn’t listen and went down the other [ __ ] tr oh my God I tried getting them to come back they didn’t oh my n one one one this is one one one on me get down here away from that cluster [ __ ] you’re in the ROM trench line over copy I need you on my pause immediately reference the white smoke we’re just below it on it on the double coming in behind you airm damn just shot a dude on accident this is two we’re currently Pinn down at the bunker here on the far side of the objective over good cop I have one moving onto your rear uh please advise on direction of those targets over yeah I’m good I don’t know he still SED there’s nothing else I can do for my inject for because he’s too injured 100 confirming eastbound 100 m out in the tree line uh confirm that direction over you I think we got I think we got good copy can you uh double check that direction eastbound uh is towards our drop over uh yeah two we got two I one this is nine I need to sit right on your location over one is currently holding security to the north small Detachment of Russian shred breach through good copy we’re waiting on wounded once the window drop enable we will be Oscar Mike to Second objective over bro he’s not improving there’s nothing I can administer him to him at all he’s he’s in bad condition I can’t do anything else all right with you I can do that looking Bingo on mags R up with two we’ll keep you in the rear with [Music] me yeah on me follow me two acting uh be advised two six and niner and round to your location over he quite he qu can’t get up after I’ve done absolutely everything I can forra got go up and over way this way this way this way this is my first operation I just finished like two hours ago all right two get ready to move by one are you set over oh okay is set over copy one Viking two will cover your breach of phas line Alpha once you’ve secured a position two will move into the tree line then we’ll Advance forwards over a all right two acting when we’re across uh we’re heading straight North yes uh you do understand that you placed uh two in the hands of a pv1 who just graduated boot uh nobody else replied on the radio so good on him that’s fair that’s that’s fair to be honest we didn’t hear you on radio well if one of you wants to reli him go ahead I can’t unic me I I’ve got a lot of jobs already on my hands especially with getting this guy up who’s going to step up [ __ ] it I’m I’m taking over too R yay Rumble all right once we cross that tree line we’re going to be proceeding straight North I’ll keep him on my back until get so I have to drop check on him again we get p the Trine we’re heading do North do North yes we’ll pass one small clearing and then the second large clearing is our Target objective we’ll be setting up SPF on the east side of that that’s approximately grid 04075 that is our staging Point by want say again over n my [ __ ] DG one is set waiting for crossing good copy one you’re clear to cross two one is going to be Crossing towards our front one is already cross holding security for two good copy guard Viking two let’s move north advis I can two his Oscar mik over quick quick quick quick quick OD two left clear right right two set up hold security wait one hold security bing one you’re out of position you should be off on our left over a on a tree get some hard cover one position yourself approximately 50 m off to our left formation is at your discretion over a firm one continue forward 50 me [Music] why isn’t he improving one let me know when you’re set over he’s yeah he’s improving very slow you youve EP in your kit I won’t let me administer Himes two two injured Apparently one it one set copy are you set moderate you can hit him with that he’ll be up 26 I need you getting him up on your back we’re moving here are you set yep I’m set Viking one Viking two proceed forwards half pace guns up over a firm one proceeding forward half pace go all right two upking two up we’re moving D North stay in a [Music] wedge just stay stay behind your yep actually just hang behind me bu for that first clearing we’re going to skirt it along the right side we’re skirting right around the first CLE hey F if we stay on this angle we should bypass it possible visual on it well this is nine be advised uh we are going to be losing visibility on you here shortly keep current Pace lead to Face line Charlie Over airm open clearing left right watch your angles hold hold hold hold hold Viking one this is Viking N9 be advised we have visual on enemy Helicopters Northwest of our location 340 from grid 0 4075 approximately 200 met we will be approaching slow and prepping at over okay for all right get them up where’s our goo stuff X up here get that thing prepped move off on a right angle that way you’re clear all back blast do a visual on that Chopper where’s the Healer direct front uh disregard not direct front 34 Z that’s our Target objective we need to approach slow and move up into an SPF position all right one is moving let’s go up keep it low Viking two up contact is engaged I need you hitting that Chopper race up Gunners start engaging targets two Firing Line nine this is one it over one is holding that Bine Charlie good copy two is moving to phaseline Charlie approximate 10 seconds over SP out a little bit more two Orient left about 20° we need to get on that Target and provide SPF at an angle good Viking one is Viking N9 be advised you are clear to proceed through phas line Charlie we’re clear to assault once two engages over airm passing Charli waiting for Assa start getting fire position set up Chopper knocked out ASAP the chopper low voice is low right here space out on Main we need two to commence attack we’ve Conta go go go they’ve been spotted engage proceed two I need you pushing forward slow to the edge of the tree line to engage targets bound over one be advised two is engaging over proceed forward slow get them bounding I got reload R pressing two slow treat one be advised your units are moving towards two uh recommend shifting fire over two n this one end it shift fire right copy two shift fire to your right 30 Dees focus on that encampment Far [Music] Side we got some movement Under The Sheds mg moving around nine this is one one send it lift fire two lift fire lift fire lift fire lift fire 30° above their head keep firing keep firing just fire above their heads one confirming lift fire over confirm lift [Music] fire we got friendlies moving in watch your fire keep it high confirm man down man down popping smoke don’t move for him don’t move keep firing out Smoke’s out medic we got injured off the right OD at the back there for moving be advised all con Viking one Viking 2 we are taking contact from the West recommend redirecting your forces over two contact West uh 28 Z get eyes on engage I the uh the casualty the guy he went down just to the right I was his dead you said he’s dead he’s deceased yes good copy Odin this is Viking n9ine over come on oding come on [Music] Odin this is Viking nine over Odin passing successful completion of secondary objective uh we have eliminated enemy helicopter support on location requesting qf forces over reloading left side rear rear rear rear moving on rear I’m having aun I got contact rear [ __ ] n this is one and off the West contact close close on our rear one be advised we are engaged with contacts on our rear at this time air medic I have a minor injury to my admin not priority enemy contact pop smoke pop smoke B two I need you shifting your fire watching west and southwest over West andwest V one I need to sit rep on your location over Viking one is moving in to assault the position on our West I’m moving good copy be advised we are additionally engaged on the south they’re approaching us and trying to wrap around from the southwest over a one additional information to follow uh we are positioning Viking 2 to watch the south side over airm nine be advised there’s a second encampment further to our West that is suppressing us at this current moment in time good copy uh find hard cover suppress that is objective three over airm two you read me on this net n this is Odin this is Odin send it over I need coordinates for Drop Zone good copy drop zone is as follows wait one zero 3 9 075 [Music] over 039 break 075 a disregard shift one grid North 039 break 076 over good copy by Frost in way hey you got any extra morphine one be advised I’m going to be shifting two to the South we’re going to wrap around and secure the Bravo phase line over mind if you’re ble to establish security to the West we have CF inbound over our location uh morphing please is already 0 38 break 0 7 6 how long we can keep carrying Odin here with us I’m not going to lie cuz he’s in serious condition for a while we’re going to have to hold on to him unfortunately you want to take turns I can carry him I I can carry him worry about it two I need you shifting South 50 m and proceeding West to phaseline Bravo over it says improving so it just might take a while I need you shifting southbound 50 m skir tree line and proceed West to phas line Bravo over all right get ready to move it’s so annoying I can’t do anything for we’re moving south bearing 1 180 once we reach the tree line we’re breaking right uh D West just heads up call sign big gun Kia two we’re moving wedge backing one qf has been called in uh we are going to secure Bravo phas line wait for their approach over okay right medic pick him up dude we should sweep these contacts he I can just shoot these guys okay yeah yeah now they’re down all right back on Mission formation are we missing one I’m only seen three of you got one king back I told him to pick him up ro oh he’s up he said he up all right pick a tree position for them you guys just confirm your [Music] position Viking south of phaseline Charlie then immediate West you will see us over all right keep eyes peel across that road nine this one one send it over already left unknown wait one Odin this is Viking N9 overend traffic uh please advise is qrf and Route over qrf is still on ground good copy your last Viking to Viking two send it requesting qrf bring out one time xm7 rifle I am currently missing mine over hey two over here n this is one I got him up give me your rifle one send it how’s your injury going Viking one Viking two get ready to move we’re not going to hold for Q over airm moving behind Viking one proceed southbound 50 m Crossing phas line Charlie link up with Viking 2 we are maneuvering onto assault position for phas line Delta over uh Odin you’re in command take over nine say again one proceed southbound 50 meters link up with Viking 2 over all right we’re going to shift into platoon traveling that means Viking 2 you’re moving in a wedge Viking one is going to be in a wedge on our front we’re going to cross the LDA Squad bounding up to our assault position just north of the clearing at approximately 035 break 076 that is our assault Ingress route you’re proceeding North from there copy all right two move us forwards we have Viking one to our front move give me a wedge offing one we’re assuming platoon traveling you will form into a wedge on our front clear the LDA so two can cross once two is across one hold position hold off you’re at the position one I need you securing this LDA secure this L wait for two to cross two hold wait for them to clear path hold two hold wait for a hole to be carved once it’s carved you’re going through set security on the far end copy checkpoint double time hurry up all set copy two [Music] cross heirm if they’re not engaging don’t engage we need to move by quickly on this next Target objective who is across one funnel Through Fire team by fire team two first one two Let’s cross on me M’s moving with you one let’s go watch that West and Northwest Wilder Crossing all right all units that Lake to our front is our evacuation route we’ll be taking that River out if you get lost or separated move for that River [Music] understood out one let me know when you’re cross proceed West once you’re formed up a one one set setm one two set set one take us out two form up wedge on my rear again hold Nemesis direct front there’s a m hold on that two two two two two two we got mortars one break right action Right On Target Two suppressive Fire get on these trees I need you quick assault fast assault neutralize that mortar Nest ASAP two I need three minute checkins Che cover cover cover cover Move for cover roll for cover roll for cover don’t fire in the open roll roll roll [Music] n by Frost one 30 seconds [Music] out Odin please advise qf uh wait one by Frost one this is fing N9 [Music] over by Frost please inform troops on on uh troops on the helicopter that we are in contact at this time they will be dropped uh in unknown territory alert them to proceed to their Southwest over good copy one sit rep on your assult over expressive fire Express [Music] n he’s dead he’s dead he’s dead [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]

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