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    #YOUTUBE Welcome to our YouTube channel #Francewithme1 #ag47fr We are thrilled to have you join us on our virtual journey through the beautiful country of France. On this channel, we specialize in creating travel content, capturing the essence of France’s diverse regions, cities, and attractions.
    Through our videos, we aim to transport you to iconic landmarks, picturesque landscapes, and cultural experiences that will make you feel like you’re right here with us. Whether it’s exploring the charming streets of Paris, discovering the enchanting castles of the Loire Valley, or indulging in the culinary delights of Provence, we strive to provide you with a rich and immersive experience.In addition to travel content, we also bring you exciting events and live coverage from various destinations in France. From festivals and celebrations to cultural happenings, we keep you updated with the vibrant and dynamic atmosphere of the country.

    now I’m going aent side please don’t forget me my Channel Wherever I Go I will give you live videos because I’m living in such a paradise [Music] [Music] good my [Music] put you you are you are my [Music] OBC fite Country Side Country Side Country Side country road I cannot go to OB Side I will continue towards Asa [Music] there’s a radar control room in 33 km that is the sign H by my friend from marel Miran why you not coming nowadays why you not joining with us and also uh there were many friends from Paris I don’t know what happened there they have missed me you have miss me [Music] [Music] now the time is 7:48 in the night but still the sun still sun is shining noway sunet at uh 10:30 11:00 in the night up to that the light is like this we have short period of night 5 6 hours only so what we are doing we are closing all the windows and sleeping otherwise we cannot sleep because of this sunlight so all the Europe Europe area is getting 5 six hours for sleeping very short nights we have that is amazing [Music] [Music] beautiful beautiful and beautiful house I cannot show because it’s a private house beautiful architecture half Timber houses in this region there are many half timbered houses very old architecture and they are preserving they are not destroying these houses and building new they are [Music] preserving half team good [Applause] [Music] I’m going to the passage a rate aqual land side now I am [Music] in and also side col now I am in Ro that is the village [Music] [Music] [Music] Rock the yeah I’m going to see I’m going this this this going back my fault [Music] uhhuh uhhuh uhhuh amazing uhuh lowly [Music] sweet how they coming in line like babies no one is overtaking no one is going hurry because everyone [Applause] is and they are keeping their perfect [Music] distance they are not losing their points that is so it’s very hard to get a driving license here in France you have to you have to do Cod that is oh my God if you are going to do the Cod that is crazy I did it myself but I got 39 out of 40 uh my God I was a headache and I’m waiting for my driving test I have experienced 30 years in driving but here it is totally different because we are driving right hand side and we are we have the left hand side hisor whe so it is for me totally different because in my country in Sri Lanka we are driving in left we have the hyeran whe in right hand side here it is totally different okay it’s green for me which side I’m going this side yes [Music] oh this is the town of rock for nobody is here everybody is gone to houses because very hot day all the shops are close clost everyone is back to their homs ah one cyclist is coming coming coming coming coming okay he’s going and have a beautiful place ammo how are you Amo Amo Amo ammo am am I’m from Iran K Halal MD VOA shukran shukan [Applause] shukran are you watching my videos in Iran thank you um thank you shukran shukran [Applause] [Music] and here I’ll show you I I [Music] [Applause] highway road l62 [Music] this is one of fa [Music] [Music] it’s a62 highway a62 I you know this highway because of agricultural Manu they have blocked this highway a62 from varium pass and w [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it’s the way we came back [Applause] [Applause] I’m I’m up from Iran yes he from Iran [Music] wherever you go you can see the developing areas in this rural Villages they are still developing they are constructing their facilities e [Music] [Music] [Applause] I have come to our starting point this is the place where are we started our journey today anyway my friends I want for your encouragements also so don’t forget to send me your comments I will reply [Music] all and I’ll show you very very big team Park that’s called aqua land aqual land is the biggest theme parking this region will aita this the theme park aqual land Aqua land okay anyway thank you guys thank you guys for your in God

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