@thescandiflicktv will release a full length film about this trip in his usual cinematic style – stay tuned for more crashes, epic landscape and comradery

    Contact: Advriderjay@gmail.com

    The Gear I Use: https://www.amazon.com/shop/johannesdalen

    oh we are in the middle of montenegrian mountains if you wonder how we got here go grab your favorite drink and I’ll tell you the whole story I want to introduce you to a group of guys we call ourselves the introvert Adventure Riders and I take much pride in being the one who gathered this craziness that we are about to share with you guys current is somewhere in southern Slovenia just a few miles away from the Croatian border we arrived in Slovenia in lublana this very morning a bit tired we drove all through the night from Sweden yesterday first day of riding today on the Slovenian T and uh I’ve for some reason heard it isn’t as exciting or cool as other TTS but I must admit I found the T or the riding we did today was excellent it was it was uh not your typical Norwegian wide almost like pavement gravel it was more like tighter loose gravel and lots of like small single track with slippery rocks and uh lots of mud and on the pr7 with the tkc80 tires that was interesting but I guess I can’t complain as the other guys they were on bigger bikes pretty much everyone is on the t7 and I’d rather be on the pr7 with TK c80s rather than t7 with proper tires so we found this cozy place to stay for the night and uh yeah now we’re going to have something to eat a proper night of sleep and then it’s all about Catia in the morning so yesterday I kind of of the day saying the Slovenian TT was not very difficult but yeah in the middle of the park safe to say especially with all this rain I’m not sure if you can tell but it has been a mud bath total mud bath and I bought the pr7 to have a light bike and enjoy these kinds of things but I have to ride the many of the t7s down instead so I’m back to an old old friend how you doing there buddy is this a face of a defeated man or not yet not yet not yet I got a couple of Heroes to save me all the time that’s excellent man ah we need lunch we need [Music] lunch well how about that as a backdrop all right day two finished almost 12 hours of riding we are in Croatia as you probably can tell I have no clue what the town is called we found a small hotel uh we covered around 200 km today in 12 hours and I think that tells you about the level of difficulty of the trails we did today uh it has been raining the whole night and the whole day that’s why I’m using my rain gear and rain and Forest equals a lot of mud it was a blast but we had several crashes and tip overs and we got stuck and we had to help each others over the yeah pools of mud and I guess that camaraderie of helping each others and getting through obstacles and not knowing what’s around the next Corner that’s just sums up the whole experience in my honest opinion great day a bit tired still it will be nice with some food and then a good night of sleep before we continue further south on the cian T tomorrow morning uh yeah that’s about it for today take a look at this beautiful town I have absolutely no clue what’s the name it doesn’t really matter we’re having a time of our lives and that’s the most important thing oh I can tell [Music] [Music] the introvert adventur riders with the scandy flick leading the group look at this mess happy birthday man thank you so much how how’s my hair 29 perfect 28 it’s perfect 29 ah no no no no 27 you you are beautiful man all right we have reached somewhere in um Croatia between yeah Croatia and Bosnia full day of riding today as well started out with lots of rain and if someone told me that a viking from the north coming all the way down south to Croatia would experience riding in 10° grease pouring down with the rain I wouldn’t have believed you but yeah it was really really cold but it was a phenomenal day of um of riding as well 10 hours in the saddle I’ll roll some footage of the riding as I speak uh the other day I rode my friend’s t7 with my old rally rid suspension and twin pegs and on a regular easy Gravel Road the bike was just phenomenal I I I loved riding the t7 again and I was like Wow for this kind of riding just easy gravel the t7 is just excellent it’s perfect and I was like the pr7 is almost too capable for these easy roads but today we had a lot of Rocky two track and lots of mud because of all the rain and the pr7 really shown shined shown today such a great bike lightweight capable absolutely enjoying myself trying not to get hit by a car here and tomorrow we riding into Bosnia will be interesting to see how the Ted Bosnia is oh [Music] [Applause] yeah scand flick you we set to up the [Music] clear tires when we get a chance yeah the introvert Adventure Riders have reached the creation town of canine I think Canon canine not really sure the bikes are down there one heck of a day so much excellent riding so if you’re going to the Croatian T I highly suggest there’s three Loops there’s one in North skip it only Tarik two in the South are excellent big rocks gravel uh single track grass muddy Hills uh hill climbs and yeah all everything that we want in riding in one day that’s excellent the bad news however is that we’ve had two guys off their bikes with um not broken but bent bent damaged foots so we’re not really sure how to deal with that but we’ll heal up for the morning I also went down on on some rocks today and I’m a bit sore but you know that’s the that’s the beauty of it uh still really enjoying the pr7 what a bike oh so much fun um yeah I guess that’s it for the day three or Friday 4 3 not really sure now I need a shower and um perhaps a pizza and a beer that would be nice we call ourselves the introvert Adventure Riders and our motto is where the comfort zone ends and I want to show you where exactly the comfort zone ends yeah this is where the comfort zone ends so we decided since we’re finished with the cian TT we we rode on the tarmac along the coast from canine in um ctia down here to Montenegro where we’ll stay for the night and um and continue on the monegro tent tomorrow um Road from from Croatia through du brnik and along the coast it was magnificent it it is the best way when you have to ride tarmac it is the best way to do it on these twisty back roads and uh the introvert Adventure Riders are already heading for the pool so yeah I was challenged by one of the other guys since I I wasn’t very positive to riding on the tarmac for 7 hours getting down here but doniel said hey man you you have to try the pr7 on the road when you reporting back to YouTube so I did that and I have to say I don’t like tarmac at all but but the pr7 is it’s it’s it’s a bike that continues to impress me it’s it’s very capable offro as we we’ve already talked about but it’s just just so easy ride on the TAC as well it’s no middle sized Adventure twin cylinder bike but for a a single it is as comfortable as you can find them yeah time to get into the pool and then it’s the Montenegro T tomorrow I really hope it is waterproof okay the most hardcore of riders well at least when we are on the trails we give it everything but we enjoy ourselves when we can okay I will put away the camera now I feel like an Instagram [ __ ] you are get out of here I’m not and here are the antisocial Adventure Riders phone when when you’re when you’re away for a long time you got to take care of business you can’t just all be on a permanent holiday like this guy well I don’t like it woo [ __ ] it’s hot [ __ ] [Music] all right good evening YouTube so we reached our destination for the night we are somewhere in the middle of Montenegro first day of riding in this country um fifth day or sixth day of of Friday uh cross this crazy looking Mountain here uh thousand almost 2,000 meters above sea level and it’s been absolutely nuts I will roll some clips over here so you can see how it looks uh actually quite technical being a lot of big rocks like Rocky uh climbs big rocks takes at all on your bike uh your body and not at least your tires what do you think young man hey now we need some local food then it’s off to bed before another day tomorrow we ride towards Bosnia which is supposed to be crazy good as well good [Music] night a so scan flick where are we now I have no idea what the name of name of this place what was the place Lake what lake something let me check let me check Lake up in the mountain m Lake up no it’s called yero yeso a lake is called something cap which means Lake I think and then yero and we found we found an amazing omelette perfect you know I love my omelets oh careful that’s expensive it’s okay my fault my fault thank you so much all right day six of riding uh we were we’re still in Montenegro supposed to be in Bosnia today but I think we heavily underestimated the technicality of the Montenegro tent it’s um according to reports and and videos that we’ve watched online uh it’s supposed to be much easier but uh I I disagree it’s it’s actually quite hard it’s it’s a lot of ups and downs huge rocks uh yeah so it takes more time than than we first thought Bosnia will be tomorrow that um yeah uh switch bike with one of the t7 guys today because he struggled a bit with all the ups and downs and he has uh 50 Mill millimet lowered foots so I got caught on a stone and my I got what Chris Birch call a outwards foot syndrome luckily no permanent damage but was not very pleasant and I’m also starting to pick up a cold so I’m not feeling as indestructible as I usually do but uh it is what it is tomorrow it’s a new day and I’m sure it’ll be all fine yeah mon negro T is is absolutely stunning but but but but harder than what I think the internet says all right burger then good nights [Music] hold it trick for B feel hello what’s up oh now I [Music] day seven of riding finally crossed the border from Montenegro into Bosnia uh before we did that we had lunch in a place uh in Northern Montenegro uh with the lake was just completely blue and the mountain was magnificent and the food was great one of the guys had a flat so we had to deal with that uh yeah this day had absolutely everything then we crossed into Bosnia and uh uh it was less technical to begin with uh Southern Bosnia just nicely packed gravel road so we can finally have some speed instead of all these big rocks that you find all over Montenegro but uh yeah then we did one of the detours and that was just muddy and Rocky hill climbs technical grass used to be a mine field so we had to stay on the track it had absolutely everything and um it was good riding as well uh got completely covered in water I had water up to above my knees luckily the air intake on the p7 is far up absolutely magnificent day and now we are somewhere in Northern Bosnia near a ski slope we just rode down that and yeah the riding we did just 30 minutes ago we came down this mountain and it was just grassy Fields with with huge mountains all all over if this is T Bosna um it’s going to be the best T that I’ve ever ridden by far by far and Montenegro was excellent as well now yours truly need some rest 12 hours in the sadle good night s oh I heard up sure got this man W that [Music] oh all right and we are going down there to Musta are looks nice a good job on the freaking top the pr7 is starting to look pretty damn worn there a lot of things coming loose but that’s not the bike’s fault it is yours truly all right day eight of riding and we have reached the Bosnian town of mustard I believe it’s 38° we have been in the saddle for 10 hours today start of the day with passing through Saro looked like a beautiful town and then we actually rode up the ski slope I’ll roll a few clips of it um while I talk that is the very ski slope they used in the Olympics in 1964 I believe I’m sure the DJI or the GoPro will make it look flat as a pancake but it was pretty steep but yeah second gear full thr lean back on the bike no problem at all yeah uh then we climbed out to the top of the mountain that is just I want to say south of mustar could be nor not really sure 2,000 M up uh very interesting steep full of these huge rocks of the front wheel was just all over the place but makes it interesting and and more enjoyable than your regular Gravel Road uh yeah 8 day in a row with 10 hours in the saddle we are starting to feel the fatigue build up and you know whenever I go on big trips like this I I day four or five all EX excited enjoy the riding and then day seven 8 n the the fatigue just kicks in and when whenever that happens I always think about the guys racing rallies like the D car 14 days in a row doing those crazy speeds and in the maloto class they even fix their own bikes it’s mindboggling how they’re able to do that when we get completely completely exhausted during just few hours in in this laser your pace getting pools at the evening and yeah being served great food as well but yeah there’s a difference to the levels here all right so we are in the middle of Bosnia and one of the guys got another flat so I’m doing some preventive YouTube uh I’m Vlogging you vlogging me yeah back and forth doing some out I know only recording and thinking about Their audience and what not so I’m doing some preventive maintenance here change the pre- filter on the pr7 as you can see it’s pretty dusty so yeah always keep one of these preed under the seat on any bike yeah Dusty Dusty boso good evening from the Croatian Coast Town of split so we started off the day in Bosnia continued on the T but then we came to a Lun late lunch at around 3:00 and we all just looked at each others and just okay we’re all finished we are all completely finished of all the dust and off-road riding so we decided let’s end this vacation with a bang 10 days of riding Offroad T Croatia montro and Bosnia let’s end it with a bang so we headed straight for split arrived here rented a uh an apartment down by the beach so we are having a good time for a couple of days before we head back home to the north and that that’s it for the this trip to the Balkan countries and what a trip it has been


    1. Thank you very much for sharing your adventure! Now you only have to find yourself some 'light adventure bike' riding friends, so you can fully enjoy your PR7's advantages (;

    2. Wait, how did you already finish your film of this tour? 🥵😂 I’m barely out of bed after having driven 27 hours to get home. Awesome film my friend, TJENARE, and thank you for this adventure, one to never forget 🏍️❤️

    3. Looked like an amazing trip mate, Eastern Europe definitely has some amazing sights, and the riding looked epic. 👍👍

      I just got back from my European odyssey, sadly a few weeks early because some scum bag stole my DR from outside a B+B in northern England, so not a good ending to a trip. 😔😔

      Pity my trip was cold wet and windy most of the time, European summers suck. 😂😂😂😂

    4. Looks like a super fun trip Johannes. I did the TET Slovenia last year and loved it, but to be fair, I only have the TET Netherlands to compare it too. That's pretty easy to beat. Definitely want to do more of the Balkans.

    5. What a beautiful area! Great trails too! What fun! Glad you had a great time! “Introvert Adventure Riders” is it? love the name too! WOW … the hills are alive with the “Sound of Motorbikes” awesome!

    6. Me and my dad just came back from Croatia and did parts of the TET. Quite challenging for some rookie adventure riders, but I will come back some day. Guess you guys had the same rainstorms as us.

    7. Hi ,Johannes, excellent trip movie and comments! As I plan to go to Balkan TEts , it is impotant to me to choose the right motorcycle for trip. I found my Tenere too heavy if the offroad is muddy ,rocky etc.. and later I am exausted of continiously lifting this heavy bike up..
      Could you comment – finally wasn`t Tenere too heavy or hard to drive in all these Balkan TeTs, maybe better would be light bikes PR7 and Husq701, KTN 690R? Mean would better take lighter ones insted of Tenere? Thank you for answer!

    8. These are our Balkan lands, we love them and you are also welcome! Note – Driving through the forest (most areas) is illegal in Slovenia and Croatia!

    9. Very very nice ride! 🙂 Thanks for sharing! Montenegro TET is so beautiful! Btw, Kapetanovo Jezero means Captain's Lake (Jezero = Lake).

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