Join us inside our Second Kilo Sale event this year, held out our warehouse in Mountsorrel every 6 weeks! (Saturday 3rd August – 30 Loughborough road, Mountsorrel, LE12 7AT 10am-3pm)

    good morning everybody you join me getting the Flippin corporate coffee that is Costa no it’s all right man like I’m not going to fire shots at these corporate coffee places they serve as a purpose granted it’s 8:00 and independent ones are actually open now but well I don’t think they are actually independent ones open later this is another chat about coffee anyway it’s kilo day it’s kilo kilo kilo day uh have I wore a red shirt because of anything no today no I just thought I’d wear a red shirt uh there was one little ining when I was like H the last kilo sale video I did was the second most successful log video that I’ve done so what I’m going to do today is try in a couple different ways I’m going to do a live on YouTube for the for about an hour to an hour and a half I’m going to accept that if barely anybody’s there then I’m not even trying to um put that out into the universe it’s just that basically this has been one where I’ve neglected the advertisement on my side and let Marge just do all the Facebook the community stuff just to kind of see plus also thought Tik Tok would longer me off but clearly I could have just done it but it doesn’t matter it’s this isn’t like a YouTube that’s just all about TT is it um so yeah I’m going to go and do this kosl and then yeah it’s going to be just kilo kilo kilo until 300 p.m. so let’s just see see how it goes on the next one wow I look so sleepy please excuse this so one video I did the other day I did this one man um I found this charity shop in Nottingham and it got quite a big response like I got loads of people commenting um and and basically the theme of the video is I went into this charity shop and I found 60 quid on these like items went to go and ask the woman that was in there right and she was saying to me that the whole purpose and premise of it was that the basically items that have been given from an outlet store now the comments are absolutely like incredible Intel so I’m going to just turn it around and talk to you I’m going to work on more POV shots today but I want to just talk to you like so I can just break this one down so there was just this big big thing that was going on like literally with the sort of conversation the thread of it where this charity shop that I went to in Nottingham no sorry this charity yeah the charity shop I went to in Nottingham essentially had all of this stuff that had been given from uh Timberland and vans now the woman in there had said that it was like they it’s like offcut Outlet sort of stuff in a sort of TK max style fashion never been worn stuff but new with tags oh no new without tags sorry so what’s happened is they’ve been the the the tags have been crossed out so that they can’t be returned in the store but they’re new products and the new tags been ripped out but the price was high and honestly there was a North Face jacket for 95 quid there was Timber ones for 60 quid the TRS were like 50 and it was just like a price that you go what now in the conversation thread I’ve been reading a lot of people have kind of been talking about how a lot of these charity shops now will work directly with outlet stores and a lot of people have been saying how Zara works with Charity shops now I don’t want to start firing shots or firing assumptions on this one but Marge actually had a real good perspective on this we’ll have to talk to her about is in a sense where a lot of these companies could be potentially um using charity shops to basically hide a lot of profit in the way that they give Outlets I know a lot of you might be going yeah no [ __ ] Sherlock um but you know we don’t want to look at charity shops in that way but my thing that I think I’m going to focus on now is like are charity shops becoming outlet stores and if a charity shop is an outlet store does it does it actually like lose the right to become and be called a charity shop I think that that that guy was blatantly on his phone his whole head was down at the wheel it was like this he looked like he was praying he wasn’t praying but like well if you closing your eyes driving you should be praying praying that you’ve been don’t H anything anyway so the weather’s looking a little bit Bleak England flags are on there on people’s houses got another one there shout out to John booy with his uh we’ve got our bun in I’m waiting for my aunt Catherine and Mar to come through uh but yeah I just thought I’d share that with you I’ve got one comment this guy’s put a comment I’m trying to look for it at the minute and he basically put a comment saying do you think that people now sell on Vintage rather than donating to charity shops I think I’ve already mentioned this point I really want to go into um I really want to go into the coffee shop and ask some of the ladies that are in there what they think of that like I.E get General interactive perspective I of like hey girls do you um do you sell on Vinted okay do you would you ever donate to charity like that’s the thing is like ask the younger people cuz they’re the people who are like coming into that mergence of like you know like what age do you actually think about donating clothes to Charities like what age does that kick in when you’re like oh yeah or is there an age um either way I know most of the time it’s just like your parent goes do you want this no scoop it off but anyway I’m literally looking for this comment inside three 350 comments oh yeah and I’m one of them Psychopaths I reply to every single comment on Tik Tok um or YouTube if I can obviously I’ve replied to as many comments as possible in as many places the only ones I can’t get back to as much I do apologize for are messages um I just don’t reply to message but comments yeah anyway enough of that I got to find this comment and then hang up a few more bits and bobs for the kilo I really don’t know how it’s going to go but either way guys we’re going to have a good time because I’m going to bring you along with me so even if three people turn up you know that that’s three more than none even though that’s me my mom my auntie all good though okay so it’s 8:53 second coffee nay food has been secured so your boy going to be skus scaring to somewhere soon um well I’m used I’m I’m used to I’m basically having all the coffee so that I can sort of get fast charged up so we’re going to get this sort of ready I’m just going to keep hanging up some bits and Bob’s putting them on this men’s so it doesn’t look so flipping sorry for itself um hang on having three cameras imagine if like you needed to clean your eyes it’d be so long if you was a fly I was thinking that was a really really strange point so sorry about that one but yeah basically we’re going to be having what is that jacket Voyager that’s hard I’m looking at that thinking will that be my size that’s cool extra large probably not but yeah um we’re just going to see like I’m not really putting pressure on it at all I’m honestly genuinely I’m not it I’m not actually too worried or concerned about it because I think that what will happen from the whole situation is it’s just going to be like it’s going to be nice we’re going to be here we’re just going to be doing some bits we’re just going to be getting through it like we’ve got literally all the Men’s wearing here the t-shirts are super stacked and I’m I’m still thinking how can I do one for this uh you must have seen it yesterday but I feel like somebody’s going to buy this today um I think it’s actually a knock at United uh the only reason that gave me that one is cuz it says we all ate Manu um but I don’t think everybody hates them otherwise they wouldn’t be the biggest Global football team would they that’s either them or Real Madrid actually I think it’s real Madrid anyway um so just going to get doors open get it ready and uh yeah let me tell you a bit more about something else so what is going to be on the cards now is this is the phone oh yeah look we was weighing these balls of wool so essentially what we’re going to do the balls of wool they’re going to go in to the kilo sale I think we worked out that you’d get about I just bit my tongue I think you get about 10 bundles of wool for £750 and I think they’re a pound of bundle uh to buy from like other places so as long as we undercut that it’s fine and it’s just like a little I don’t know this is just like a little whatever but yeah I’m going to basically get this phone on YouTube live so this this one’s going to be on live probably at about4 to 10 5 to 10 maybe and we’re just going to have the camera there um and like I say I think that because YouTube live will be better because it doesn’t mind me doing the music morning you’re all right absolutely got aired then by my own Auntie that’s fine uh I’m over it if you see this thank you for that joking um no what we’re going to do is we’re just going to keep it all moving I’m going to get the camera ready and set the other phone is going to be the one that’s going to be used for the card machine that I’m charging and yeah we’re just going to see how it goes it’s literally 10 till 3: so it’s 5 hours of seeing what’s what like the beauty with things like this is if it starts to go really quiet I just start bringing out more things and hanging them up because again with like this sort of business with like vintage secondhand and this ecosystem like there’s never not something to do as in you wouldn’t be just sat there going oh I’m just sat waiting like you would just crack on with it do you know what I mean so that’s what we’re going to crack on right a couple sneezes later the time is half n I’m still sneezing wow this is actually jokes this is a clip I’m actually putting in yeah wow what a pathetic 10 seconds um so basically now we got half an hour I’m going to get this phone set up so these are like the last shots I’ll be able to get for the YouTube today we get this set up this will be the camera maybe it’s Hy you know kind be upset uh yeah we’ll get this one set up on the live and then we’ll just leave it there to do its thing um and see what happens so again the intention of it is I’m just seeing what happens this will show me the power oh my God talking when you need to sneeze is actually one of the most irritating things ever um we’ll see you on the other side but this is actually live and direct live and direct with Joe’s inside we’re actually inside the kilo right now now it’s nice it’s good professor snapes in the corner as well you’ve actually got some bits this is actually my friend Joe who’s inside full bag full bag got the only bags that you want to get are a full bag of that not a bag of anything else bag of this bag of that yeah everybody’s just in their effect I mean up here actually as well it’s quite quite a little setting as well so we’ve got the room up here that’s just got got little bits and bubs I kind of made a point um I kind of made a point how I didn’t really make much advertisement like uh approaches and we kind of just left it for like the community pages but that’s kind of I don’t know that’s just like the root of it really like I probably should have done more for Tik Tok I probably should have done some more bits but you know what you live and you definitely learn but it’s all good we’re just like seeing what happens it’s here but one thing we are going to do one thing we are going to try and do is we’re going to try and do hang on let me get a thumbnail yeah thumbnail what we are going to try and do is like almost integrate like evening ones with it so we’re going to try and do some different times as well so see how it works if like you know for example if we just did like an evening one or something like and we was don’t know like hiring it out to like say like a like a after work sort of session like a sit till 8 or 9 sort of thing might be a shout you know so that’s going to be something that we might consider it’s one of the ideas it’s one of the many ideas I’m just currently running on um just coffee no food uh and I think it might be time for some absolute scan so although we’re still here in in the right now and it’s just nice I think that like with a lot of things of like kilo Sals as well it’s always very busy at the start and then it kind of like dips off but the thing is is just like actually being here and kind of like engaging with people that is hilarious I’m really sorry I’ve got to get you in this is the woman who sold us the snake literally snake last week I’m sorry I have to that is so funny keep okay guys let me just do the custom clean so the time is like 25 1 and you know what it’s been a really it’s been really nice I was I must have said I know you you you all know like I had some reserves cuz I was thinking oh my goodness how’s it going to go go I’ve not advertised it I got nervous because I couldn’t advertise it through um like Tik Tok if I’m being honest with you guys I’m going to stop this whole sort of TT narrative I’m going to make it a little bit more of a blend uh so it’s not constantly the talk but it’s it’s it’s been going well so far you think it’s it’s considering it’s just been like the community pages I think it’s quite it’s quite good really like this hasn’t had a lot I don’t feel like this has been like a spamm advertisement do you but this is also one thing we’re doing now so we’re kind of seeing this as an opportunity where we’re thinking right we’ve got all the space we’ve got the facility for it all this stuff that people miss out buying today we want to get them like essentially you think if you work or at the weekends you’re like look I do I spend time with my family at the weekend I can’t be here you might want to be like yeah I want to get a minions tea for like a quid on a on a Wednesday night so what we’re looking to do is potentially start reintroducing some like booked in times in the evening essentially the POA with that yo I move my hair and scratch my nose so much um essentially the POA with that would be that we’ probably do something where you could essentially we would do it where it’s like right 7 till 9:00 p.m. on a Wednesday we’re here someone like Marge will be here or somebody else and then what I would be doing is i’ either be onto or here and essentially what having like a booked or an allotted amount of time would do it just allow us essentially guys to um maximize the use of the time cuz one thing I think we maybe when we discussed it before one of the points was yeah we could do it as like an Open Booking thing or we could do it as like a booking thing but then we’d have to set like a minimum spend part me is thinking I don’t know about minimum spends like obviously I know about minimum spends but one of the main things I always think is how can you discourage people the least uh by what you do and I know that with a lot of suppliers I reckon they will come into treacherous ground just on the back foot of like how they offer um offer that scheme you know like when you go to a supplier and they’ll go okay you can you can get this stuff um and it’s going to be you know there going to be like a 50 minimum spend before you’ve even started you got to spend 50 Quid and I think that that’s like one of them really difficult things to sort of get on with sometimes so we’re kind of thinking that because we’ve got this facility down here we’ve got like all the space upstairs essentially a lot of this space up here that I thought I would have would be really like this sh a lot of the space that I thought we’d have would be to kind of like reutilize um like YouTube videos and consultancy and stuff as one part of it nobody bought the ski boots but I think the realistically it would be better having it as like a kilo private appointment um it’s just another part of it one of the main points people need to realize is that by doing it are guys you’re all right so the men’s down there women’s up there by just been trying on oh you’ve been trying on okay sweet sweet sweet we just wanted to weigh some of it yeah that oh cool go for it sorry somebody just came and I was just having to like sort of payment app but now what I was going to say is like the reason why doing that like using the system for this is the most key thing is basically how we’re buying stock at the minute is we’re getting kilo stuff as a byproduct of it now a lot of this we can you know you can see Brands you can see football top you can see bits and Bobs now this is all like unsorted stuff where we’re going to go through it separate all the different parts of it now in the most time here like this kilo space will just sort of adopt mostly unbranded stuff mostly things of like a bespoke nature where it’s like you know look it might be a Zara classic jacket that’s still quite cool but it’s something that if we ran it on till or if you know like I went through that’s sick like I went through to you recently um one of the things I’m not doing is I’m not like uploading products individually to the internet just because a lot of like the moving parts that are going on right now just not requiring me the time to H&M one the require me the times do it so look look at this H&M knit right nice quars it and this is what I’m just going to show was very very very all right you not too bad thank you so look it’s 375 before that so it’s like super super cheap um but yeah this is where this is what we’re doing with these rails anyway so that’s kind of like a thought process at the minute like how are we going to utilize the other bits of the business at the same time um I I don’t know like it’s kind of like how I chime in with like the live streaming like I love the I love the live streaming I love doing that and sometimes I find myself like going back to back to back to back to back and then other times I’m like I feel like I’m aware I need some days in between just to like organize it this would be adopted in the exact same way in a sense where we’ probably just do like I say like two evenings plus once a month was even thinking of doing it once a month rather than once every 6 weeks uh just so that we can if I’m being honest with you guys I need like a routine with it so that I can advertise it um and I’m just going to basically uh do what we have to do with these bits but yeah four coffe is down no food and lack of thoughts now what time we on 20 to1 get it gone yo everybody the time is 1:51 right now and I’ll be honest with you let me see if I can position you up there if I’m honest with you I’m just going to try on this top but it’s been good um Me and Mar just saying this like it’s kind of mad how it’s been actually a steady stream of people like we didn’t even expect to be honest with you I I didn’t really hold up my end of the bargain today in terms of like the advertisement before but it’s just really nice I think the this is too small man this is a women’s one as well what what yo what um no oh my god did you hear that so that one’s going to go on the women’s R but no seriously really good one thing that I’ve like not executed as well as I probably should with this is like the the sort of end of cycle you know like say say each time we do this like 50 to 80 customers potentially like 25300 people come cuz believe it or not a lot of people will come and not everybody will purchase which is a part of it so with that in mind like what I’m thinking is we’ve got we’ve got this thing here so we’ve got this for um we’ve got this one so our tilt thing that’s up there that I’m just getting people to scan but then like I want like a little QR code or like something that we put in the bags where it’s like here is my YouTube here’s our laundre you know all the parts of the service that we do that we can be like yes this is us come and find us and also that’s how you make things passive is by it being like you know passive is almost feels like it’s like a passing thought like it’s something that goes alongside the thing that was happening anyway so people come here as an experience but a lot of people don’t like intend to leave with anything like they just coming to browse you know you’ve got people that are of a mixed you know you’ve got cold warm and hot audiences a cold audience is somebody who’s never bought vintage secondhand through a kilo sale warm with somebody who’s probably been Thrifty a little bit but maybe they still actively use fast fashion and stuff and then like a warm funnel is like those people you know that only live in car boots trailer shops kilo sales vintage stores and anywhere affordable like me so you know we got a good pool of individual people and lots of different PE but I guess what the one thing I should have really done is you know you live and you learn I need to be a bit more proactive with those things but I don’t know it’s all it’s all a part of it it’s good it’s good it’s good it’s good it’s good it’s good and um this is what this is what we’re doing it’s just nice the sun is out we’re in like a nice setting you can’t complain when the sun’s out can you’re like I know that’s like a typical British thing but you just can’t um yeah the imminence for food the imminence for a meal is hitting different right now so yeah yeah


    1. Was gunna message you on TikTok and ask how the kilo sale went, but I’ve had friends over all weekend so it slipped
      My mind, love you broski I loved seeing the kilo sale live the bit I watched

    2. Yooo is that bro in a BORN X RAISED NIKE SB TOP kinda fire fit I can’t lie 👀👀👀 bro sale was luuuuussssshhhhhh

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