I’m super excited to share my very first lifestyle vlog with you! Filming this was definitely out of my comfort zone, but after reading two back-to-back comments requesting it, I decided to give it a try. So follow me as I stroll around Céret, soaking in the beautiful sights and sharing my spontaneous thoughts along the way.

    Thank you for all the encouragement, support, and suggestions that goaded me to try something new. I hope you enjoy this little adventure as much as I did. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more content, and potentially more vlogs!

    Patricia 💕

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    📘 My Second Book “Live a Bold Life” https://www.amazon.com/dp/0997759909/
    Version française “Ayez de l’audace https://www.amazon.fr/dp/0997759941/
    📙 My First Book “Growing Bold” https://www.amazon.com/dp/0997759933/
    Version française “Vivez une vie d’audace” https://www.amazon.fr/dp/0997759917/

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    ✓ 14 THINGS things while you WAIT to move abroad!: https://youtu.be/UYaK136mMbs
    ✓ How I learned to speak French in my 50’s (in French with English subtitles) https://youtu.be/5higyFt89Ao?si=azfe785arB5BLM5c
    ✓ Should you wait to move abroad to learn a foreign language? https://youtu.be/SQRSPkfW0S8
    ✓ Why I Quit My Job and Moved to France at 51!: https://youtu.be/lrDg0gmhMuM
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    Video hashtags: #expatlife #patriciabrooks #courage

    well you asked for it and you got it in this video I am doing a vlog Style video because some of you have requested it in the comments ah we’d love to see you walking around town and doing just your normal everyday things and to me that felt a little bit uncomfortable maybe a little bit unnatural to film but I caved and so this video today is just me walking around town and sh you part of my life thank you so much for joining me today if you’re new here welcome I’m Patricia Brooks and I moved from Richmond Virginia to the south of France 6 years ago and now I help women who are ready to start the next chapters of their lives in a foreign country work through the fear and the self-doubt so that they can finally get to their dream country and on this channel I share content about life in France moving abroad and how to find that confidence and courage to go for what you want so as I said this is a vlog Style video so without further Ado here we go so I am on my way to my friend alen’s house to see her new pet dog she got this dog a couple of months ago it’s a puppy and I been dying to see what this dog is like so I’m headed over there now so I um decided to record this because I’ve gotten a lot of requests for these blog Style videos and well I don’t know that this is my style I thought well I need to stop resisting and try it out and see how it goes see how I like it to see how you like it and we will go from there so I will chime in I guess from time to time with the thoughts that come to mind as I head to my friend’s house all right it’s a nice day today um uh this is a nice spot back up a little bit and show you that view of the church yeah all right I can’t Dole cuz I’m running late but it’s a nice day today not too hot I’ve got my hat on I forgot my sunscreen it’s period of time in between spring and summer where you aren’t used to going out with the sunscreen on or the Hat in your hand so that’s like winter time when it starts to get cold you’re like oh yeah I need my coat cuz it’s cold out all right what I love about France is there seem to be flowers everywhere right there’s just this beauty just naturally but also people you know like to spruce up their homes with flowers my mom she loved flowers and every week she would get flowers from the grocery store and if I was visiting her I would be able to this this this a two-way street that I just came down and it’s very narrow and the sidewalk is almost in the street but as I was saying as I was saying uh my mom love flowers and so every week she would get flowers from the grocery store and if I was at home with her I would I would have to cut them she’d say Okay they’ve been ordered they’ve been delivered um Patricia when you arrange the flowers and I always hated arranging flowers but that was something that my mom absolutely loved all right and you can get quite a workout here because it’s not flat here I know some people who are looking to make a move abroad that’s a consideration you know I want going to be some place where it’s flatter um because you do you do feel it even when the incline doesn’t seem to be that steep you might hear me you might hear me huffing and puffing a little bit cuz I am getting a workout see see what I’m talking about just just gorgeous absolutely stunning absolutely stunning oh Patricia don’t Dole the sun is not as intense as it will be in another week or two and I need to prepare myself CU one thing that I noticed about where I live and I think it’s one of the things that artists really enjoyed about um this area is the light it’s really bright and it’s really intense um hot all right all right this is the first time I’ve been to my friend’s house we usually spend time hiking together so um this is a little bit different today and I might have to stop and consult my um directions but if I do I do you see the mountains in the in the distance ah absolutely amazing spee speech spee glad I have my hat on couple weeks ago I went to Spain and like I said it’s that time of year where you don’t think to grab your hat and I didn’t have my hat and would have loved to stay longer at the little show they had but it was in direct sunlight so I couldn’t do it here we go this is one of those lines that you feel it and you’re huffing and puffing up it I don’t know how much of this visit I will be able to share with you because some people are more private and don’t want to be all over internet but I will definitely be able to show you some pictures of the dog absolutely all right woo flat land it’s gorgeous day today we’ve been having a bit of rain we need it we’ve had a drought for a year and a half now and it hasn’t been good for the produce and the fruits so we’ve had a bit of rain but not enough I think here is where I’m going to have to consult my ah all right I am going to stop my video um I don’t know that if I have a view of a view of Sur from this high it’s not maybe you AR coming down I will share that with you I will share that with you this is my friend’s view from one of her patios nice nice really nice incredible what and he’s lived here for for how long the house is built um in June 2017 okay it’s a nice and then and during five five years uh I traveled between Paris and him yeah she told me that yeah it would be like uh my holidays here yeah I mean it’s every month it’s worth you know that um that trip to get here right it’s worth that every other every week every other week this is your time I love I it looks like she understand what uh what she what I’m I’m talking about her you want to come here can I pet you no no so sweet [Music] of course not you camer shy Tim oh you she she likes to eat flies oh that’s nasty well I I think that that’s all you’re going to do I thought you jump around to play that’s your this is your first appearance huh it’s your first appearance [Music] [Music] so I just finished spending some time with my friend and that was nice really nice I um had a nice afternoon and I’m nice and relaxed and I think I’m going to take the rest of the day off I typically go back and do some work but this afternoon or this evening there is an event that I want to go to in town and um yeah so I’m going to do that to show you more of the uh the scenery the sun is much hotter than it was when I um came well part of that is because I was in the Sun a little bit so my skin is warmed up but it is almost summertime and there’s some chickens here in this yard can you see it can you see them my friend the bini just this morning he came by and he gave me a half a dozen eggs can you see these chickens you see them can you see them so so he gave me U came by and he called and said oh would you like some eggs and he knows that I like eggs because I as an American do eat eggs for breakfast most days most mornings and so he swung by and he brought them to me and that is one thing that I um Love is getting you know things like eggs farm fresh eggs or vegetables from people’s Gardens um it’s something that feels really good feels really really good um to me and I love these parasol Pines they call them pine trees I’ve never seen these type of pine trees in the US they may exist but I don’t know when I came here for the first time and I saw them I like what kind of trees are those and I looked them up and they said parasol Pines so all right normally when we don’t have a drought there would be flowers on either side of this bridge and it really makes a difference um to have them it feels a little bit Barren without them a little bit Stark so I hope that this s or drought in English will stop soon and want to just kind of kind of take in the view and sit down and talk to you about this video that you just finished watching and get a sense of your thoughts about this kind of format not something that I think I will do every day but I will do them I think I think this was pretty nice if you enjoyed this if you enjoyed this if you feel like this is some of the content you’d like to see on my channel let me know comment um and I’ll see what I can do I was a little bit hesitant to do this because you know I feel like my life is just normal it’s very normal the things I do to me seem dull but I think the fact that I am in France and that it’s normal to me after six years um says something and that maybe it’s not really so normal and that you know maybe I should let you in a little more often so as I said let me know your thoughts on this video this type of format and um I’ll see what I can do about doing this once in a while now I want to thank you so much for your time and for watching this video If you enjoyed it give it a thumbs up share it with friends subscribe and I will see you again next time bye for now


    1. There is nothing `normal` about you Patrica and nothing normal about that part of France, you are both outstanding. Your voice is so calm and soothing which compliments the scenery. Good luck!!!!

    2. I think that allowing us to experience the everyday life, city layout, buildings, and plant life gives as a glimpse at what France might have in common with what many of us have here. Familiarity. Also, the possibility that such a place might be less costly to live in AND offers access to non punitive healthcare system….sweetens the deal. Generally, I think that most Americans are not lacking natural beauty (trees, plants etc.)….rather we are anxious for our economic outlook. Good work.

    3. Thank you, Patricia for this Vlog. French life seems much simpler than here in California. You get to walk more. I liked your comments about the flowers. Would love to see how you shop.

    4. Really enjoy your vlog Patricia, and what a great way to see everyday life in your town. Would love to see some of the local outdoor markets, hiking trails, train trips to other places in any future vlogs!

    5. I've never seen this part of France before – except in paintings. I'm amazed that it looks just like the artwork. I really enjoyed the video. Thanks very much for sharing.

    6. When Matisse and Cezanne spent time living and painting in Provence, the parasol pine was often a figure in their works from Aix, Marseille, Nice…it’s also one of my favorite local trees. Lovely stroll with you around your village

    7. Patricia! You are becoming my YT mentor in my head. Loved this content, and you've convinced me that maybe I should try one of these videos as well. One person's ordinary is extraordinary to many. Ceret looks lovely-thank you for sharing!

    8. Patricia I commend you on integrating so well to your new country. I keep watching these videos of Americans complaining after they move abroad and nott adjusting well. Ceret is gorgeous thank you so much for letting us in.

    9. There's rough times ahead in France, politically, socially and economically. I hope you'll be OK as a black woman in a small village. Let's keep hoping it doesn't turn into a fascist state in less than two weeks.

    10. Congratulations, Patricia! 
      Great first vlog! I was thinking the same thing as Sherelle Wallace (see her comments) after I watched your vlog. What I liked most about it was your utter lack of pretension (so refreshing and rare these days on YouTube), your natural look, your beautiful smile and presence, and your inviting way of asking your audience to come along on this new journey with you. . . and just see what happens.

      You were brave and daring and took a risk, and by all the positive comments you've received, it obviously worked! Like the others who've commented, I hope to see more of your vlogs.
      P.S. Not saying you shouldn't get gussied up when you want to! 💅👠💄–just saying I/we love that you didn't feel the need to put on a show. You were real and that's I/everyone enjoyed most. You're keeping it real. Bravo, again!

    11. It was more fun watching your reaction because I already this village! Some of the buildings show are over 100 years old a few could have reach 200 years, but I did some build around the 1940 & 1950 and a few new ones! I saw France in the 1960 their had not recover from the WWII completely but today France is rebuild your a shoe-in for France I hope you feel it!

    12. This looks like the geography—specifically the hills—just north of San Francisco. Marin County. Notice the tile roofs on the houses, those are the kind you want in fire country.

    13. Very nice video, Patricia! You're certainly receiving a whole lot of positive feedback. I agree with so much of what many others have said. You really just let the simple act of walking up a hill to visit a friend on a beautiful afternoon in a beautiful place speak for itself. That's just lovely! I'll offer one other opinion/reflection, just something for you to consider. I don't think it's necessary to think of this type of blog as a "lifestyle" blog, if you don't want to. You can retain the same focus as your other blogs: personal reflections on moving abroad, making big changes, making realistic dreams come true. It's just that the background, the setting, for your reflections can be some lovely little journeys like in this video. You'll have to balance the two, carefully guiding the topic back and forth between personal reflections and what you're doing in the moment. People will be very, very interested in what they're seeing, where you're going, etc, so it's important to talk about that a lot. But you can also include those personal reflections like in your other videos. That way, perhaps you can "sell" your coaching/personal reflections by showing the effect they've had on your most important client — yourself. I really don't know, maybe it wouldn't work, but perhaps that would draw in quite a few people and make new connections for you. As usual, good luck, bravo, and thanks for the lovely video! I genuinely look forward to seeing more! And a little request: Can you show me the Mediterranean some time? 😄

    14. Bonjour! You are fairly close to me. 🙂 I am just outside of Narbonne, we moved here from California. I found your channel today when I started searching for vloggers in France. What a beautiful view and pool at your friend's house. Thanks for sharing your day, ciao!

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