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    welcome to beyond the coverage I’m Chris horer in today’s edition I want to cover Primos rogish because we’re less than one week out of the torto France he’s one of the big four favorites and I want to cover the obstacles that Primos rogish has to overcome in order to win this year’s 24 Tour to France or at least be sharper and have to clean up the obstacles I have at least six obstacles that the Slovenian riter for Bor hanro has to be able to clean up in order to win the 24 Edition now now there’s always two extra obstacles that every Rider trying to win the Tour to France or any grand tour for that matter have to overcome they have to come in healthy they have to come in on something near their best form it has to arrive throughout a grand tour at some moment if you’re going to win that grand tour you have to be healthy you have to have your top form at some moment it doesn’t have to be perfect throughout the first week but it’s got to get there at some moment in a tour of France in order to win it now Primos rogish outside of those two obstacles like all the Riders have to overcome he has at least six obstacles the first one it’s very obvious he has to avoid crashes we’ve seen Primos rogl lose two chances at winning two tour to Frances in 2021 and 2022 where we saw Primos rogish crash hard early in the first week of both those tour def Frances and tourus Def France excuse me and we know that if he crashes hard there’s a good chance that he’s not going to finished this year’s 24 Tour to France so the first obstacle is everything and the most important for Primo rage is don’t crash yourself throughout the tour to France now we can look at some of his crashes and say they’re not exactly his fault for sure crashes happen all the time I am not blaming Primos rogic for all his crashes but if we go into the Balta espia two years ago and he’s coming up to a summit finish after dropping REM Co the pole he has mads pson there he moves straight over to the right side he comes back and hits the hip there if Fred Wright and crashes himself those are the kind of crashes that he has to avoid the ones that he’s causing himself the ones that you can easily see sitting on your Chester Field that Primos R glitch took himself down on this crash you have to be able to limate that obstacle if you’re going to win the Tour to France and your Primos rogach now next up is going to be bad moments in the race that we’ve seen Primos rogich have if I take you back to last year’s Gerald diala he had bad moments when he’s going up to the top of some of those climbs where his American teammate sep cus then from Yambo visma had to save him and do damage control up to Almeida and garant Thomas in order to keep Primos rogl close on the general classification those kind of moments he has to be able to overcome and have less of those and they can’t be as dramatic because when we start looking at the next obstacle that Pros Rish has to overcome it’s his team Bora hrow and no one on his team there of that that whole seven roster of riders that’s backing up Primos Rog to give you eight Riders total none of those seven Riders have shown that they’ve been able to go deep into a torto France last climb of a stage a big mountain stage and if Primos rogish has a bad moment none of those writers have shown that they will be capable of being there for Primos R and if I take you back to dolphin a stage eight win Primos rogich was having a bad moment in his last race before this year’s 24 edition of the torto France Primos Rog needed a teammate on that stage luckily he had Chone there from liel Trek that helped him a couple times pulling throughout that final climb and that saved the 8 seconds that won him the dolphin a before this year’s tour to France but when we look at his teammates vlassoff has not shown that he’s been able to go multiple stages deep into a tour to France and be left with three four five Riders left at the front group and remember four Riders are yonas Primos Tad and Rimco edipo so vov has to be able to stay with at least five and we have not seen that out of vlassoff or even ji Henley the jro deal winner in previous years we have not seen him stay at the tour to fronts you’ll say Chris he won a stage at last year’s tour to France ji Henley did win a stage but he was up the road in the Breakaway tactically got away from the Riders going in that break won that stage and didn’t have to compete against Jonas Vino and T Pacha when he won that stage five of last year’s tour to France we still have not seen him go deep into the tour to France even though he’s a jro de Ty win now the next obstacle SE cus the American writer he is not on the team for Primos rogich and everyone of Primos roget is gror victories he has four of them every one of them sep cus was there to help Primos rogach and do damage control whenever he had bad moments they kind of overlap right all six of the obstacles that Primos rogish has to overcome they mostly almost somehow overlap with each other and sep cus is one of those obstacles that he’s given up by leaving viz malissa bike and going over the boransir because if we look at last year’s jro like I told you when he had a bad moment sepkus had to save him when we go back to his Balta espa’s victory in 2020 while going up the angaro when he was getting dropped from Hugh carthy who finished third on the general classification that Year’s wal espa Hugh karthy went on to win that stage and Primos had a bad moment dropped it was sep cus that saved him on the angoo did damage control so Primos Rog can go on later to win the ball toia now the next obstacle for Primos Rish that I have on my list it has to be TTS this year’s Tor France has two time trials in it and when we go back again and look at the four grand tour victories from 2019 2020 2021 all three walto Spa victories and his jural last year each one of those grand horse he had an individual time trial victory in in fact if we look a little bit closer 2019 the only stage win he had was a individual time trial in 2023 Geral deala the only stage win that Primos rogish had was the individual time trial when his form finally came back to 100% Fitness on the penultimate stage and he beat Garren Thomas going up the individual time TR to take the pink jersey at the end of last year’s Jal de Italia but this year’s Tor France we have two individual time trials like I told you but the big difference between his four last grand tour victories we look at this year’s tour to France when he’s going against a competition like Jonas vineo who won a remarkable individual time trial ride last year in the 23 edition of the tour when he went on the win T Pacha let me remind you guys 2020 he won the individual time trial against Primos Ro Glitz in that Year’s addition to dislodge this other Slovenian out and put him in the second on GC so we know those two guys can time tral and rco evapo when he won the ball to espa well he won the individual time trial there and Primos rogich didn’t so when we started going back to the tourto France with only two individual time travs only two that’s quite a bit stage seven and the last stage at 21 Primos Rog most likely needs to win an individual time trial if we’re going to look at the statistical history of the Slovenian winning grand Tours he needs at least stage seven or stage 21 can you imagine if we come all the way into Stage stage 20 and Primos Rog which is wearing the race leader yellow Jersey it’s tied on the general classification and we go into that individual time trial in N going up cold to EZ and we have the other Slovenian T Pacha still behind him within a few seconds or yonis vineo or Remco Evol it’s going to be looking back at the 2021 tour to France all over again and the pressure is going to be massive for Primos rut to win that individual time TR on the last day in nce if he is to win the Tour to France huge obstacles right now for this year’s edition of the Tor of France for Primos rogach in order to win and there’s even one more I want to talk about the six is the Tactical ability of Primos roget we saw last year in 2023 when Primos roget won starting at the beginning of the season in trino adriao tactically he was perfect there he stayed on the wheels he raced it good I didn’t like some of the stages when w van art was attacking and blowing up his teammates but Primos Rog always stayed with the GC favorites and won multiple stages to to win trino adriatico and the general classification later shortly after that Catalonia last season in 23 he won against Rimco Evol after tactically always following the Belgium kid and riding it intelligently to win more or less on time bonuses over REM cool at the BTA Catalonia then he went into the jro DEA raced it tactically smart had bad moments at the jroa but had sep cus back there to save the day as I told you earlier in the video we go further into the season last year he raced tactically incredibly smart as we went all the way into the Balta espa where realistically the only tactical mistake he made which isn’t a tactical mistake if you want to try to win the Balto but it is a team mistake and I don’t believe you ever attack your teammates when we have sep Kus wearing the race leaders yellow red jersey at the Balta espia I didn’t like that tactic but if you want to win that is the correct tactic to do so Primos rogus tactically was pretty smart through 2023 but history has shown in the past that Primos roll glitch tactically makes a ton of mistakes and I’ll take you back to the jural de Italia when we’re talking about 2019 where he was racing against venzo nii those two neutralize each other out carapaz went up the road won that Year’s edition of the jural deala and Primos Rog finished third on the general classification because tactically he put himself in a position where venzo nibbi and him wouldn’t work and that allowed carad to go up the road now you would think well how’s that work coming up to the 24 Tour to France well remember there’s four big-time favorites at that Year’s jural did tell you there is only two venzo nibbi and Primos rogich tactically it might not even have been a bad move to make venzo nibbi do some work but tactically it allowed carapaz to go up the road this year in 2024 Edition with four favorites up there you got to believe if Primos rogach gets in a in a position he may not work with the other Riders there much like we have saw yis Vino do when T pachar was attacking them yonis Vino tactically would sit on on T pachar but tactically that was the correct move to do because the Slovenian T Bacha was always going to take points away so will we see some kind of tactic out of Pros World which when we get into the 24 edition of the Tour of France with four favorites up there we could easily see two or three of the favorites neutralize each other out on stage one let yonas Vino come back to the group his form starts getting better and better after stage one and maybe yonas Fino goes on to win the Tor France just because of tactical mistakes from the other three if I compare all four writers and how they race how intelligent they are racing tactically well three of the writers we know Rim kapool last year at the Balta espa he let sep cus go up the road and gain a ton of time who won that Year’s BTA ESP we know that the jro from 2019 the story I just told you with vin ni and Primos rogach and many times since and after that point with Primos rogach has made tactical mistakes we know T pagar has made ton of tactical mistakes and I can just take you back to Jon Jonas Vino’s first tour to France win in 2022 up cold de granan on stage 11 where Primos where Tad pagach excuse me made a ton of mistakes and his teammates made a ton of mistakes and then jonis Vino went on to win that Year’s tour to France so when I look at the four Riders Jonas Vino is the only one that I believe races incredibly tactically smart as an individual I have never liked viz molissa bikes tactics or Yambo visma in the past their past sponsor name I have never liked their tactics as a team but yones Vino with the exception of last year’s 23 Balto espa when he’s attacking his teammate which again as I already pointed out with Primos rogach if you want to win the Balto espa it’s not a bad tactic it is a terrible nightmare scenario to do to be attacking your teammate in a race that’s wearing the race leaders yellow Jersey like Primos rogic and yonis SPO did I did not like that but tactically it wasn’t a bad move if you want to win the walto SP can’t argue with that so yonas Vino has been something close to about Flawless that I have seen out of the writer there from bis molisa bike throughout his racing and let me point out of all the six problems that Primos rogish has to overcome to win the Tour to France yoris Vino has not had a bad moment during a grand tour he has always been steady you’ll say well he had bad moments when T paga beat him on a couple stages last year they weren’t bad moments T paga was just a little bit better yonis Vino never dropped his form never blew up never just lost minutes never had to drop back and fall back and get help from a from a teammate like we saw Primos rogach do at the jro with sep cus Jonas Vino has never had bad moments and yonis Vino as a rider individually I believe has tactically been the best of the four Riders and almost spot on as an individual Rider I wouldn’t allow my teammates to do what his director sport TS was telling his teammates to do to him during the last two torto Frances but that being said jonis vineo racing as an individual he has been the best of the four Riders up there so when we look at Primos rog’s list that he has to overcome those six big hurdles at least two or three of them Jonas doesn’t have to learn anything tactically racing individually if he gets up there against the others and he certainly does not have bad moments in grand Tours at the tour to France he is always steady and reliable at every day at every stage of the race I can bring you back to T got you on that stage 11 again tactically bad bad moments bad and I can bring you into of course Manon 2 the stage that W van artw where vimma Lisa where Yambo vimma Jonas fineo dropped T Pacha and he had a bad moment luckily for him he had some help going down to descent from carass back there helping the chase but of the four Riders Jonas Vino has the least of stuff that he has to sharpen up in his tool chest to get ready for this year’s tour to France but of the four Riders jonis V was the one who crashed the hardest on stage four of the bass country so he might still have the most to overcome but it might just be one obstacle those first two have coming in healthy and 100% on form hope you guys like today’s take Primos Rish has a lot to overcome to win the Tour to France but he is one of the big favorites and if anyone can do it that Slovenia can win this year’s tour to France I have no doubt about it with four favorites up there he’s one of the top three out of the four look forward to watching this year’s tour to France make sure you hit the like And subscribe button and I’ll see you guys on the next Edition real soon for


    1. you had me worried after 6 items he had to overcome but the ending showed me you still believe in Rogla!!! Great take, lots to think about.

    2. Tactically, he dropped his former teammate Sepp and embarrassed him at last years Vuelta. It wasn't Jonas, and we all know it. Therefore, if I were Sepp, tactically, my whole purpose of my race would be to drop Roglic embarrass him as well as helping Jonas to win the TDF.

    3. On the money! If Jonas will win it’s because he is the most consistent. You cannot make a mistake against him! And everyone else has been known to make those mistakes. But I still have him off the podium, crazy I know. I just think his injury is gonna impact him more than people think.

    4. I don’t understand based on which results is Remco a favourite. Apart from Vuelta win, he had significantly more losses than wins in all stage races but particularly in Grand Tours.🤔

    5. I think there's 3 main one's, Remco, I just don't see him at the level of the others, now I've said that, he'll go on and win 🤣Roglic is an amazing natural athlete, but he doesn't have a cycling brain, he'll crash, that's a guarantee, but as long as he only crashes 3 times everyday, he might have a chance. In these races, it's so hard to predict, man for man Pogi, I think edges anyone, but illness, an off day, anything can mar that and then it's a dice throw.

    6. I was interested to see that you mentioned Primos's crash near a stage finish when he went from left to right and tried to cut into the grourp of 3 lead by Mads and then crash. He blaimed the others while I always thought it was his fault and a bad decision on his part, something I think he shows too often. Why was he back in the pack on the Tour where he hit a hay bale he didn't see coming. Probably wouldn't have happened if he had been near the front or was paying attention. I know he is very good, but I question his inconsistencies and how he seems to beat himself – witness when he crashed 3 times on the last stage of Paris Nice and choked on the Tour ITT against Tadej. I doubt he'll win this year.

    7. chris, any chance you can give your take on FDJ? how 'bout this lenny martinez? i think he's gonna be right there with the leaders soon.

    8. His biggest obstacle including many others will be not getting caught doping so far they've been extremely lucky or smart not to be caught 👍🏻

    9. The fact of the matter is Primoz, Sepp and Remco are down below Tadej’s level… only a fit Jonas can try, however, the past 2 TDFs has been Visma vs Tadej. This year Tadej has a stronger team to support him

    10. And thanks for reminding all those who bet on the 2023 Vuelta (and lost) that Primoz owed EVERY GT victory to Sepp's premier assistance.

    11. @ChrisHornerCycling You keep giving an example from last year's Giro (the photo you posted is from stage 16) as his bad moment. That's blatantly false, because he was riding injured at that moment – riding with a 5 cm hole in his thigh after a crash in stage 11 (also not his fault). That's not a bad moment, that's riding within your limitations. You also gave the last stage from this year's Dauphine as an example of his bad moment – also riding injured from 2 crashes. I'm not saying he doesn't have bad moments, you're just giving wrong examples…

    12. I don't remember a grand tour where Roglic has not crashed, usually multiple times. I would love to see him win, but this year I see him just as crash prone as usual.

    13. As u know Chris no one can have a bad day going by the Dauphine all the pre favourites are struggling with their form Roglic only just won the last stage his team isn’t strong enough to support him in this years tour. UAE tactics will be a very hard first week to gain time before the mountains 🚵‍♂️

    14. With every video I'm getting more and more excited. Sadly i dont be able to see a lot live but I'm already looking forward to catch-up here

    15. I dont get your criticism of Hindley and Vlasov. In last years Tour Hindley came 7th, but he lost the podium only after he crashed. This year, he came 3rd in the only WT stage race he was Captain (Tirreno). And Vlasov already Top 5ed the Tour and was also in the Top 6 of every stagerace he rode this year, even as support for Roglic (Paris-Nice and Dauphine).
      So I would strongly disagree: Both have shown, that they can up there until the big 4 will battle it out.

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