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    #JimmyCarr #Comedy #8outof10cats

    okay fingers on buzzers is it uh prince Andrew prince Andrew uh he’s been in the news he’s been in the news a little bit yeah he’s knocking about because of the controversy he’s retired from public duties I don’t know what he actually did apart from walk around parks and pedos yeah the whole way through the interview was extraordinary as he had all the misplaced confidence of a lettings agent on episode one of The Apprentice bit beforehand he told his press secretary I’ve smashed this absolutely going to smash it the Crux of the thing is grown men really love the idea of a much younger woman and I can’t believe that’s still a scandal I think it’s wrong but is it unusual no when I was 17 I was banging the 31-year-old prom security guard and he wasn’t even powerful he could get me just closer to The Keg I think his daughters are just innocent victims cuz imagine I’ve got an embarrassing dad you got you know when your dad just an embarrassing dad flip cup ticks out there I would be so gutted as well because like he was like it was very unusual I was at home with the children and the one time he drove you to a birthday party was cuz he needed an alibi yeah in his defense woking Peach to express his quality they’ got like the oven in the middle it’s great Vibe the toilets of qualities watching it it did look like such a car crash the whole interview and I just thought like imagine being in that family and your dad has literally turned a car over that year and that’s still not the biggest car crash in what is it with the ruls not shaving off that last bit of bum fluff on their head they never commit do they to that tiny like Willam got it is it looks like an ass just shave it just shave it I say it kind of reminds me of I’ve got a naked cat what I think I think you mean to say shaved [ __ ] no no don’t anyway he a sphinx cat a sphinx cat so they’re totally hairless cats totally I’m obsessed by them really his name is Mr CH and once I brought him into a caty I picked him up two weeks later over Christmas and he came back with a prince Andrew like Peach fuss all over him I had to like Wax him down shower wa yeah it was awful so your your the cat that you had the cat was freezing and basically the animal Instinct made him develop Peach fuz just like prince Andrew so a cat a BAL cat grew some hair clearly doing really well and then you got it home and went yeah B wa I mean it was a bit of Scotch tape it wasn’t a real whack I mean that’s one of the worst assaults on young [ __ ] that we’ve allegedly discussed this round well I can tell you uh prince Andrew was not one of the most talked about people of the last year but the biggest unanswered question of the Epstein Scandal is how did pedophiles with dirt on the royal family get so good at killing themselves robs team what do you think the nation are afraid of uh like snakes spiders all that sort of thing you don’t like snakes no hate snakes I can’t watch I’m a celeb cuz I just get too scared for them it’s horrible have you seen that video of Steve irn when he’s like oh it won’t bite me it won’t bite me he’s very calm and then out of nowhere yeah but whatever happened to [Music] him I don’t mind snakes the creepy crawlies I I really get yeah spiders SP spider people always go like oh they’re more scared of you than you are of them I was like well get out my house then could you get the spider then in your house like if there was a if there was a spider in the buff could you go get it uh yeah depend on Sid anything above 5 foot I’ll leave it in there I’m not afraid of insects because I live in the UK I don’t understand this fear of spiders when your spiders have the lowest street cred worldwide of any spider other spiders are like oh I can paralyze them I can poison them I could kill them what do your spiders do piss you off it’s like when you guys complain about snow the world is laughing what about Creepy CES generally I’m Co with that i’ I’ve got I’ve got bigger issues than a than a like a spider you know like haters and snitches that’s like on the agenda haters snitches spiders yeah what about if there was a spider that snitched on you oh no yeah then you got stamp it at number one that’s that’s just the code is it yeah I like I like I can get away saying things of that’s just the code and why people just go yeah fair enough we have centipedes in Canada and I was alone in my flat in a very rough part of Toronto and that’s back when I was very young very small very Brittney hair colored skin skin colored hair and it was 2 in the morning and there was a centipede on the wall I knew we couldn’t sleep with it there so I just went outside in little pink hot pants and I asked some gang members if they would come inside and kill the centipede and they were lovely really nice guys and they killed the centipede and then they left and then they like looked out for me and I was always like bring them snacks and things s are you talking about something I’ve seen on pornh hubs are you scared of creepy cwes cuz I mean you went in the jungle yeah I’m not I’m not scared of creepy cwes last year fly enough was not funny well don’t say it then I was doing something and a cockroach ran into my ear roll and um it stayed in there for 3 days it died in there I went to the hospital was it was this in the jungle or is the jungle we was doing a trial it down a year how big are your ears honestly they must just open up like thing is you what you’ve got in there is a brain whereas his go straight through anyway the bug went in and the hospital couldn’t get out of the a for three days and like literally it’s like my party trick for little well I’d do this and then you’d smell and it smelled like death no oh what a party trick have some of that Rob team what else is the nation be talking about oh uh is it the return of winter love Island have you seen it I love it I prefer the summer one I don’t like wanking with a cold but yeah it’s a weird one this year though like it’s called love Island it’s in Cape Town it’s a big old island is it Africa I I’m I’m a bit disappointed it weren’t proper winter love Island it’s just a say minutes so I thought it was going to be like you know like shrivel dicks freezing cold in the SE Rock nipples jizz icicles hanging from the ceiling proper winter that means you’ve got to do body shaving in the winter I do admire most of the time it looks like an unsponsored roundabout there about October 10 May it’s like an unsponsored roundabout down there Catherine what do you think so I watch the show I’m mid-30s lady and I’m so distracted there go yeah no for everyone else he’s letting it go I’ll let it go mid-30s yeah go on I you know exactly how old I am you adopted me anyway you was a small tie boy I’ve had a lot of work [Laughter] done so you you watch it right you love it I am distracted by the lack of skin care and sun protection in the it’s really making it impossible for me to watch I can see them cooking I can smell it and it’s really upsetting for me like I it’s just going to be melanoma Island I was in South Africa once and I got burned through a t-shirt I didn’t know that was a thing I was on the beach and I got sunburned through a t-shir and it’s about some someone said it gingers get too much Flack blondies burn the sign yeah for years and years Jers have taken old blond go we’re dead we cannot take it I burnt for a t-shirt mate is that a thing yeah I I went to Jamaica I put 50 on my head every day Red Ed well where do you go beyond 50 you can’t get a 90 you can’t get a 90 I saw 100 once did you yeah spency what’s your secret to tanning what do you do you put do you put oil on I mean you incred bit oil yeah you put oil on oil no Factor you got antibiotics cuz he got blisters all over his lipes ago that was two weeks ago he got blisters on his lips and he told you that was sunburn did he I just went into town love I got terrible sunburn on my winky as well I can’t believe it you’re the color I want my decking to be de actually can we can I take you to B andq and get you color match but what’s the average working day for the GC you’re a legend yes what you do well I wake up at 4:00 I do some meditation Bo come on 4 in the afternoon no 4 4 a.m. 4 in the morning I always wake up 400 because it’s the only peace and quiet I gets to like do my emails um is that that’s meditation now yeah emails meditation well yeah I’ll wake up have a cup of tea meditate right think right let’s seize the day do my emails and then literally back to bed for 5 hours no no no I’ll be picked up about 7:00 I go into my Boutique I sort the stock out then I’ll have TV work meetings I do a podcast um you what’s your podcast Jimmy it’s the number one podcast Jin’s podcast you can get loads of information on there gardening crystals Jemma’s mom pops on with some advice yes it’s the next best thing out there it will change your life yeah but will it make it better um cuz you have you have a lot of pepperazzi following you all the time I’ve had to move three times I always give people fake address now oh do you yeah how do they get to your house well well just well that’s a good question sometimes I get followed I have been followed um you know sometimes they just follow the delivery driver yes yeah um me and stormy are the only people in the UK to have a deliveroo platinum card deliver Platinum tell me everything about this it used to be the thing was like the Nando’s black card was the what’s this it’s only me and stormy you have to eat together no I’d love to eat what do you you get is it free delivery I think it’s say like £12,000 a year W or might be 6,000 wow and we’re s halfway through January so that’s gone now yeah that weeks ago that weeks ago what’s your what’s your favorite what’s your goto on delivery um I’ve got to say I love a bit of Pizza Hut I’m not going to lie I do love pizza or the the Brown Derby from wimpy yeah oh it was the best the brown der donut ice cream on top loads of chocolate sauce and lashings of nuts [ __ ] lashings of nuts that’s what they do in Saudi Arabia is it you you’re a vegan yes uh well Jimmy I started off being a vegetarian I’m more vegan now because I’ve then become very aware lately no recently I I was shown how the cows are treated to get the milk hence I now drink oat milk every day have you seen left into those oats though and if the real truth was told of how they get milk from cows trust me no one would be drinking it what’s the name of the phone I think it’s a Jordy chat up line isn’t it WWE think the real Injustice that it’s not pronounced Hua wooi H woo who woo it’d be great be like lra is boring but luga baruga who doesn’t want to go to luga baruga but they they think that they’ll spy on us through 5G but yeah I don’t think I’m very interested to spy on well they’re going to look at my phone it’s just me watching Dennis Burham videos in a hardcore dwarf porn and I know you can’t say dwarf anymore but you try Googling little person porn and not have the police R Us quicker than you can say Snow White bukkaki I’m sing you okay so 5G what’s a g what’s a g this guy yeah I mean oh that might be the dumbest thing I ever said it’s cuz 3G was quality for there was no one or 2G 3G was quality 4G popped up for a bit now it’s 5G I mean 3G is the OG ofg yeah I mean what what next you know G Gina G Gina G yeah but she didn’t get a very good reception either that was the g spot we couldn’t find it it’s not that hard um no but I it’s fascinating that people are so suspicious of them but actually it’s not like you can really turn them down as Britain like if you don’t use these guys then it’s like they will just have to go back to dialup and to that I say meow to our new technological if we don’t go with them we’ve got we’ve got Alan sugar and amstrad exactly oh we’re using the faop phone 3,000 well that’s that’s Trump’s supposed to be sorting out he’s got don’t worry Boris I’ll sort out for you it’s like when you get a job pric up at home and then your mate goes I can do that after the price don’t worry and before you know it you’ve got your mate Ranger house you’ve paid him in cash up front he’s crying about his divorce installing a 56k mod de while you’re digging out your VHS P for an analog Obie what what do you make of this uh 5G they reckon the Chinese are going to be able to spy us you worried oh God no I’m not the person to ask well you’re dressed like a spy um Katherine are you worried by w we I don’t mind being spied on you know you can watch me all day I’ll make little asides to the camera like my very own flea bag I would mind it at all but I don’t understand G and I don’t understand why we can’t make our own G do you know what I mean why do we need American G or Chinese G Chinese J has AER who’s coming tonight Mike Phil Chinese J tonight it’s our panelist job to gu the most memorable things about school Rob’s team what do you remember about school oh well the teachers do you have any great teachers was there anyone that stood out not really all I really remember from school is really want in pubes I just like I was 13 is in PE that was all pbed up I was like I’ve never wanted pubes more now I’ve got them don’t know what to do with them all you got pbes yet um one really long one yeah last week I ran downstairs mom look it’s happening what were your teachers Paisley some of them were all right I guess but a few of them didn’t like me one in particular because I did used to spend quite a lot of time on the phone and then this teacher caught me on my phone and I was put in inclusion for the rest of the week so basically they lock you up in a room at the top of the English block with like a supply teacher or like a like a what they called people that help people that help you teaching assistance honestly I had to eat my lunch up there and everything it was really sad feel sad for teachers now because they’re not allowed to discipline anyone if I was a teacher now I’d be fired day one and any type of abuse that happens to your child at the hands of another child they’ll never tell you which child it was cuz they don’t want vigilantism but I know it was Maryann and I just start flirting with their dads to break up their family you want to go straight to the child you just want to be like hey Hannah are you going to be nice today how’d you like to spend every other weekend on the M25 you’re about to have two Christmases bit I don’t care I used to love it when you see a teacher outside of school like what a thrill you know when you see them like in the Morrison in a fleece and they look all bagle they look like you know when they pulled Saddam Hussein out of the ground b as well that oh there’s so much marking oh there’s so much marking how hard can that be they know the answers uh we both went to school in southeast L didn’t we right and it’s it you don’t learn anything apart from how to know when a fight’s going to happen they never taught us anything that we’d use they taught us stuff like Spanish and music everyone want to schoes a gas fitter got one flamco [Music] guitarist none of us to do our tax returns we all now a g sh gwynth Pal’s Fanny candle yes tell me everything you know about this she’s made a candle that smells the same as her vagina yes thank God it wasn’t just me that just I thought I was the only one who heard about this WTH peltro also sells vagina eggs that it’s like resistance training for drug mules you put like an egg up yourself and then you like go around all day and go to your CEO job or whatever and then you have really strong pelvic floor and a lovely boiled egg when you get home yeah no it’s an extraordinary story so gwith Pal’s Lifestyle brand goop has released a candle called this smells like my vagina it sounds like an accident this smells like my [Laughter] vagina we couldn’t get the candle $75 but it’s sold out it’s sold out because Chris Martin bought them all to reminisce he just lit them all in one room just remembering you could release a candle couldn’t you like a knob candle yeah that smells of like parmesan and gizz and WD C just stick a wick in a bit of a g [Music] gonzola don’t get me wrong right don’t get me wrong here I love a vagina yeah but I’ll be honest the smell is not my favorite part it’s all about it’s all about context isn’t it you you want to smell a vagina when you’re expecting to smell a vagina it’s like toast if if you’re making toast and you can smell toast great and if you if you’re not making toast and you can smell toast you need to call an ambulance [Laughter] well we’ve had one made up I don’t know if you can read that but we’ve got the ingredients from their website of what was in it uh it’s um citrusy burgot Burg she wishes it smell like burgot have a little have a go on that is that what yours no it’s not all let’s have a look well I don’t know I don’t smell it myself let’s have a let’s have a look I’ll be the judge of this oh yeah darling is remarkably similar it’s actually it’s a very nice candle every single person who sees that candle is going to want to smell it aren’t they because no way Chris smarter would not have got divorced Rob let me let me give the other guys a it’s a lovely candle a nice candle very nice you know the goop thing isn’t hers either it’s not her goop no no no it’s a bunch of investors paid her to be the spokesperson for it’s not her company who’s the genre of I just sniff there so many questions excuse me on this side we think our V smelling that is exactly what my vag go and find out wow so Willies don’t smell great either that’s not all likely cand it exactly no one no one’s trying to make smell I tell you why my Willie doesn’t smell nice cuz just being in a vagina what do you think the nation are afraid of ghosts I afraid of no ghosts got compelled to say that do you believe in that do you do you have any sort of no I don’t you do though didn’t you I mean there’s bits of it that I believe and there’s bits that I don’t believe you know what I mean you believe in ghosts that bit no I believe if there was Ghost then it’ be overpopulated there’ be ghosts everywhere you know a stopped clock is right twice a day such a good point it’s a good be if there were ghosts there’ be ghost everywhere yeah all over the sh I tell you what right i’ done done a ghost documentary years ago and I stayed at this Fell’s ass he’s an old old GE called Fred he lived in his place called the Rams in yeah I had to stay there one night and he reckons that there’s there’s a certain ghost called an incubus Incubus Incubus Incubus it’s a ghost that tries to have sex with you yeah and then there’s the succus succus yeah yeah I think that’s self-explanatory that one but yeah yeah no no one tried to do nothing to me so I was pretty insulted they weren’t interested in me at all were you should have done his I creep in and suck off Fred and really great prank Rob Great Prank oh right I just suck Fred off he fors a ghost [Laughter] quality come here who’s raming you now friended Rob and Joe Ghost Hunters are you scared of death Jamal I nearly died not that long ago was I was in Bangkok and I got measles and my lungs hemed and so I was coughing up blood my mom never got me vaccinated you were not vaccinated bro this is what happened cuz I remember like cuz they were saying to me have you been vac vaccinated and I was like I don’t know I rank my mom and I was like Mom did you vaccinate me when I was a kid and she goes ah like there’s four of us and only two of us were vaccinated my mom is a nice woman man well two of your siblings would disagree I’m not afraid of death at all just thought I put it out there why aren’t you scared of death because I think the Wake situation is quite exciting when I was six I stayed in a bed with my dead granny what yeah so it was awake and it was awake well she’s not dead then it’s called awake and so after the person dies before they go to the church and get buried you have awake yeah we’re not awake here okay well then why is this such a surprise to you because you SI you sometimes we don’t sleep with the corpses that’s the only difference did you know for example 51% of people say they’ll take their next holiday alone my girlfriend will she doesn’t know yet but she will one in six British grandparents plan to spend all their savings before they die so kill them now and 90% of people are happy in their own company right let’s get [Applause] started what are you talking about that’s the name of our first round it’s our panelist job to get the British Public’s top three most popular talking points Ashley what do you think the nation have been talking about this week what what do I think people have been talking about this week as a guess I think it might well be that Donald Trump became uh the 45th was it the 45th 45th 45th president the final the final resident but Kathy you met um Clinton Bill you met Bill Clinton what how was Bill well I was I was at a dinner I kind of gate crashed a dinner it was a 100th anniversary of Labor dinner and there lots of business people there and I thought something might be good to interview so I was on a table with all these business people and we each had a box of peppermints and one of the guys said I dare you to go and get Bill Clinton to sign your peppermint box so I was said yeah all right yeah fine bit of a risk of billing it well sign peppermint box so I went over there he was he was surrounded by men and obviously seeing me at the back he reached over winked at me pulled me towards him and signed my peppermints now I half expected him to say will you suck it and see po news everyone po [Music] news I’m going to watch more news if that’s the kind of stuff you say let’s have a look and see whether the presidential election is up [Music] there yes Donald Trump is the new president I must say as apprentice task go Trump’s really nailed this one Hillary’s currently sitting in a cafe crying into a cup of tea trying to work out who she’s going to bring back into the boardroom did you know for example 17% of adults don’t class sexting as cheating I love sexting nothing turns me on more than reading the phrase who dis 47% of people think boy Racers are the worst type of drivers and that’s a survey of people who have never seen your mom Park in a disabled Bay and then do one of her funny walks into ssbd and 80% of people say they always visit cultural attractions when on holiday although that drops to just 20% when you explain that watching someone shoot pingpong balls out of their Foo is not technically a cultural attraction right let’s get [Applause] started Ashley yes what do you think the nation should be talking about without a doubt it must be uh the potential United States of trump uh America is basically about to play the biggest game of would you rather that the world has ever seen and the question is as a president would you rather a woman uh loses a few emails wears a lot of pantsuits or a racist sex pest um turns out America really hates pantsuits should we take a look and see if uh the American election is up there yes the most talked about thing yes it’s the US presidential election Trump or Clinton it’s the political equivalent of being asked would you prefer to [ __ ] your mom or give your dad a blowing Robin what do you think the nation will be talking about U what do I think um what you going for what’s been happening brexit yes brexit’s big again is it is it the new brexit ruling the new brexit ruling well explain the thing is the issue is it’s basically not really should we go or not it’s basically Theresa may look stupid now because she said she’s going to trigger article 50 but she can’t until all the MPS vote to do it so that’s the new problem is it it’s so bloody confusing though it does feel like Britain has turned into an episode of Game of Thrones you know when Game of Thrones alliz Winter’s coming Winter’s coming and winter never comes like I feel every time we watch channel 4 news like brexit’s coming breit’s coming you know nothing John snow we don’t know what they’re coming I used have a friend at school who used to they used to hold a PE in and what he used to do is he used to hold the pin but he used to hold the end of his for skin so it swell up like a ball the woring thing is the people J went to school with are probably trying to sort out the brexit just go what article 50 watch this first you know what it’s a tough job how would you know how would you even know what a job is 7% of drivers have gone to court over a speeding incident it happened to me I tried to explain yes I was speeding at one point but to be fair hitting those pensioners slowed me right down 5% of people have worn the same pair of jeans for the last 10 years and we call those people dads and 43% of British women don’t get enough sleep well ladies trust me if you go to bed with me you will right let’s get started Rob’s team what the nation been talking about over the last week Trump again you think I think this is a glimpse into the next four years yeah depressingly apparently he’s calming down a bit is it’s not as bad I think that’s a general Vibe he’s sto the ban on Muslims things not going to happen and the walls a little bit you know it’s more fancy and but then you sort of go oh right he’s calmed down then what what has he done oh just appointed a white supremacist as his right hand man oh good thank God I thought he was going to do something racist I think the whole thing about the fence is going to be really funny you know because you know it was a wall at some point and we already have some walls you know then it’s going to be a fence in some parts then it’s going to be barbed wire at some parts a dog at other parts and just like a keep off the grass sign at the very end I don’t think though like he he he’s sing he wants to keep Obamacare and still do the wall but it’s going to be expensive why doesn’t he just build one really long hospital and just put that on the boulder you know he build it on the wrong side though yeah oh no I can’t believe I was getting away with saying these things like it’s just insane some of the things he says and what he says he’s going to do the thing is he’s he’s in his 70s that my dad’s in his 70s I’d never let him run a country unless no unless my mom was with him all the time Come On Dave yeah just talk to him stop eating cakes and crack on with the job it does feel like every time when you look at what 2016 has given us if Donald Trump got elected feels like the world’s at War the refugee crisis is escalating Mary berries off Bake Off red they changed the size of to Fred it feels like 2016 what if you got left for us we’ve one month left will Postman Pat come out as a pedophile the things his cat would have seen but it is watching the news at the moment like I finally understand watching football cuz night after night I feel like I’m watching like this going oh come on get off get off the [Applause] news what Sarah what do you what do you make of Donald Trump what your well um I find that the in America seem to be so contradictory so on one hand they’re like very pro-life and so that’s very um tricky in terms of women’s Reproductive Rights and on the other side they’re talking about proun laws and supporting that and I feel like if we just called maybe fatal shootings very late term abortions like like how can it be that like you are allowed to kill an intruder in your house but not evacuate one from your womb Pi a team it’s one of the other we were the 10th call he made was to Theresa May and everyone’s questioning that and if we want his attention we need a [ __ ] he wants to grab and I think we should pretend that Kelly Brook is prime minister not just to entice him not not let him near her I’ll kick his head in if he touches her but just to like get him interested you saying that instead of phoning number 10 it should be some sort of chatline first that’s just a kind of ha imagine though being Theresa May and being like her age and getting to the top of her game and she’s still ladies waiting for some jackass to call called 10 other people and eventually at the end of the night around 4:00 a.m. she gets this text from Donald Trump going bae you still up and she why do I get myself any situation she definitely texted back FIS like she didn’t know why was that a snub though she was the 10th do you know how hard it is to be a 10 in Donald Trump’s book like you have to be 50 years younger than she is already well let’s have a look and see if Donald Trump’s one of the most talked about things of course yes it’s Donald Trump president-elect foreign secretary Boris Johnson said there was a lot to be positive about following Trump’s victory yeah especially if you’re a big fan of sexual assault and racism 10% of European babies are conceived on an IKEA bed so be sure to follow the instructions put Peg A into slot B and then screw until the nuts tighten salad drawers in fridges contain 8,000 bacteria per square cm and for viewers in Scotland the salad drawer is the bit of the bottom of the fridge where you keep your emergency logger and 20% of people admit to Preparing a meal just to photograph it for social media it sounds weird but to be honest I’m like that with my erections all right let’s get started [Applause] [Music] oh too late Rob um stor Angus that’s the first one of the year you know what I would have called it winter isn’t it I do like the way the way they’ve all got such weird names like the next one is going to be Barbara apparently and then there’s a Doris they all sort of sound like menopausal dinner lady I do think like it must be good for insurance firms because a lot of I imagine quite Butch men wouldn’t want to phone up their insurance company and be like oh you’ve got to give me a new shed Barbara’s just destroyed it that was Tom Allen’s impression of a Butch man I don’t get to meet many of them it’s Angus then it’s going to be Barbara’s the next one then Connor Doris Yuan Flur Gabriel Holly I mean they just they’re quite Posh aren they they’re like middle class white names where’s like St Shena we talk about fog bows fog bow incredible cuz that was like the best worst thing to come out of the storm Angus wasn’t it cuz that was what everyone was saying oh wow look at this amazing fogbow it is a colorless rainbow as if the world isn’t [ __ ] enough well I think it’s Trump’s New World Isn’t it he there there’s a rainbow but I don’t like [Laughter] gays when is it a storm when does it go from Windy to a storm is it when the umbrella goes inside out how do they measure the wind speed do they just sort of Drive alongside in their car just wait until it’s defined when they s their head out if they do by the Tongue of a dog we thought we had it bad but America obviously much worse take a look at this this report from San Diego we’re live here at Fashion Valley Mall this is a parking lot that is notorious for flooding you look at all of this water this car is submerged and I am kneed Deep in water but we got gut react from one driver who had his car stuck in this we really feel for him this [Music] morning oh bless him there was a point in America when they started talking about storms I think one Senator said that they were a punishment from God uh for gay marriage I think or as I like to call it garage but I do think it’s a bit naive to think that God’s punishment would be a load of storms because then you course have a load of firemen coming after you and a lot of gay men like them but I do find in the UK we haven’t had that sort of problem I mean if there’s ever a storm all you tend to see on the news always some old woman in a dingy and I think maybe that is God’s punishment the thing that annoys me when there’s flooding it’s always the guy in the High Street in a canoe on every bit of news footage who has a canoe in their garage I mean gay marriage why do they always use they always use sandbags I don’t I don’t he stops the water well it doesn’t does it have you seen a beach I want let have a look and see if straw Mangus is up there yes it’s Mangus so those were the nation’s most popular talking points but in other news Donald Trump has said this week that he’s as liberal and tolerant as the next man unfortunately the man he was standing next to was Nigel farage Trump has call for Nigel farage to be Britain’s ambassador to America so what he like about farage but he doesn’t care what people think about him prick did you know for example 26% of new moms worry about their social life changing so you lose the chance to hang out with the girls drink prco and have a good old gossip but on the other hand you’ve got sick down your top your house stinks of baby [ __ ] and your boobs ache so swings them roundabouts 10,000 Birds die each year crashing in Windows hey birds get with it maybe it’s time you got on Mac that is a silly joke and 177% of women want a partner who likes their cooking better than their moms I’ll admit my girlfriend’s cooking is much better than my mom’s but when it comes to [ __ ] right let’s get [Applause] [Music] started best way to put the spark back into a relationship what do you think role play she rolls over and I’ll play with myself Alex what what what do you think what’s the best way to put the spark back into a relationship I think there are two options okay alcohol perfect easy or a life and death situation sometimes you can combine the two you’re doing enough yab bombs in one night oh or you you’re having a picnic on a very high cliff hold on back in love what do you think ashleen if you if you had to put the spark back into a relationship why bother with Sparks why not go fire set your sent on fire then he’ll notice me um Craig I’d say have an affair you know the breakup sex is brilliant and then coming back to one another is brilliant you really are the voice of strictly have an affair everyone they’ve all taken that advice haven’t they see I would never do strictly if if I wanted to cheat on my husband I would just do it and Skip all the dance rehearsals it’s such a convenient excuse isn’t it like oh I was cursed I didn’t know what I was doing I I walked under a ladder and fell onto his [ __ ] I didn’t know what had happened have you have you had relationships that needed a little bit of a spark and what did you do absolutely my boyfriend’s so cute but it’s kind of nerdy he like uh wears a mouth guard every night to bed and he sweats a lot so I just like imagine he’s a boxer he has like little night terrors I’m like fight him baby so cute I tell you what doesn’t put a spart back into relationship if you’ve got kids is when um the baby’s crying and you go oh have you tried giving it of milk don’t tell me this and she goes oh yeah I’m just sitting with a baby I’m not [ __ ] feeding for 3 hours oh yeah I didn’t think to’ give it milk did I I was seeing looking and crying at me you this sounds Charming o robone did you meet your wife in prison sitting here with a baby not feeding it this little Mug’s had nothing three days okay best way to put a spot back in a relationship what do you think to to sex sex toys um number 10 is swinging oh no but just got Park’s nice is it date night date night’s number two it’s it’s it’s more than a date night weekend away that’s the right answer yeah yeah it’s the best way to put SP back into a relationship is a weekend away I tried to be romantic by taking my girlfriend to a spa but apparently she wasn’t impressed and it’s not even a decent Supermarket hello and welcome to 8 out of 10 counts a show about opinion polls surveys and statistics did you know for example 15% of people say carbon monoxide detectors are too expensive yeah I love my kids but not 12 quids worth one in three horses in the UK are lame so you might think horses are cool but actually a third of them pretty lame and 40% of people in middlesborough say they wouldn’t buy a property without a front garden of course because they need somewhere to keep their fridge right let’s get [Applause] started ashling’s team what do you think the nation have been talking about this week uh article 50 ah my head is Sor I think basically the MPS voted in favor of triggering article 50 but that’s just an advisory vote not legally binding so was the referendum that wasn’t legally binding so now it’s gone to the Supreme Court and they’re going to debate it out and vote on whether that vote should go ahead or not and if they don’t vote in favor of the vote there has to be another vote on that vote so I’m just really glad after the vote on brexit or we’re way out of the complications of the EU because everything’s so much simpler now I think they’re answering basically the Supreme Court were answering a question that’s been huge the last year can brexit get any more boring and it turns out yes it can is it going to be a hard or a soft brexit was one of the questions also the red white and blue brexit it’s just getting ridiculous it’s like Theresa’s had word vomit I’ve got the clip of Theresa mate I mean good luck good luck with this people talk about the sort of brexit that there is going to be is it hard soft is it gray white actually we want a red white and blue brexit that is the right brexit for the United Kingdom oh okay well no fine we want a brexit that looks a bit like bunting huh this supreme cult thing I can’t believe how quick it’s been they’re saying they’re going to have a decision in 4 days like I faked Whiplash in 2010 I’ve only just got paid Chris Kamar I made a whole brexit thing go ahead I know I don’t know anything about politics I have to be honest I’ve seen you on Sky you don’t know a lot about football either not sure okay let’s see if brexit’s up there [Music] yes it’s brexit the case for brexit’s been presented to the Supreme Court if it gets through the next stage is judges houses then if the judges can’t decide Derma oi takes it to deadlock best way to make a good first impression stay flaccid you live and learn Jim now when I meet someone fully flaccid I’ll swear by it it’s a little bit of a compliment if I was to if I was to meet someone they got a straightway bon I was like thank you I think I think we have found the best way to deal with if anyone ever gets flashed it’s a horrible thing if you get flashed in the park I think he’s kind of gross but I think that that uh yeah thank you okay what how do you make a good first impression um I don’t know Jim so let’s say let’s say when you were you know your football career when you turn up in Stoke as a player you arrive at a new club I turned up at Stoke on crutches I just recently had a cartilage operation so you turned up on crutches limp towards the door and uh and signed and signed yeah I mean that it’s a Maverick isn’t it signing someone going well he can’t walk but I reckon I reckon if you put him near the goal he’d be all right that that that was the best they saw of [Applause] Me Okay best way to make good first impression Jimmy compliment number eight that’s number eight on our list smiling it’s exactly right smiling of course you got that looking it can make a good first impression from 400 yards yes the best way to make a good first impression is smiling you can’t tell much about me from my smile but what you can tell is my dentist has just bought a speedboat the UK is the fifth fattest nation in Europe so who’s fatter than us well I believe it’s FIA linia sloania and the PNE Islands a recent study revealed Taiwan is the best country in the world for expats my auntie is now an expat he calls himself Chris never been happier right let’s get [Applause] started people have been talking about sports wise maybe the paral Olympics Jimmy well there’s a par Olympics and then there’s the boring Olympics that’s why they put the par Olympics on second cuz you couldn’t put the par Olympics on first and then watch the other boring Olympics because You’ be like oh my God Tom dy’s going to dive wait he’s got two arms boring Ellie how hard would it be for you to go for another cycle another Paro Olympic cycle well I want I think stick to swimming take an interest plan is my plan is to go to um another par Olympics and then I’m going to join the bakia team so bakia is when there’s a white ball and they’re normally in teams right and they just try and like get the ball to that white ball as close as they can the next Paralympics you’ll go and then you’ll join another team and try and do another Olympics yeah probably that’s my aim Gabby you watch the Paralympics every oh yeah yeah I wasn’t I was wasn’t out there I’ve been out there for the Olympics but I wasn’t out there for the Paralympics I watched it at home and enjoyed it as as a viewer and uh they just did magnificently the whole team was incredible cuz London was such a success I don’t think anybody thought they could achieve you know that and then go some you know and double their tally of goals I I love the Paralympics because it’s kind of it’s inspiration your house isn’t it not yet M wait till T I love it because you know we’re successful but it’s like once every four years I get to go into a room and I’m not like the weirdest looking one in there it’s like is it like you know sometimes if you saw like someone with like a prostate leg and you walking you might hold wait to hold the door door open where occasion might have been if you’re both able bodied it’s sort of like a 50/50 who’s going to open the door but I don’t know like is there sort of different levels at the par Olympics of like there there’s a hierarchy yeah um of the blind ones no one gives a [ __ ] about that’s all two blind BLS at train station bump into each other and one said sorry and other went don’t worry about it I don’t know how they worked out who was wrong you should see at the Village it’s like for especially blind people you see a visually impaired person like all just like holding each other like guiding each other who’s at the front a visually impaired person well that I mean that’s are they still there the vill is brilliant isn’t it it’s like someone’s got one of us wet and we’ve multiplied way you look there’s so many dis people I bet the parking spaces are rammed you know I thought would have had a really busy day GE at the train station does the ramp on the train oh yeah get all the spectators coming you know when your train pulls in and the has to get the ramp out what’s going on 2 hours in [ __ ] when we went on the plane out there we were on the plane with some of the paralympians and you know cuz they have that like that little aisle wheelchair yeah so there’s only one to get them through so it’s all they’re all dumping their wheelchairs at the start and the blue in it just looked and go oh you’re [ __ ] kiding wasn’t C back to the terminal okay let’s uh let’s have a look and see if the Paralympics is up there oh yeah this is the Paralympics ticket sales for the Paro Olympics were disappointing but when I first heard there were a lot of empty chairs in the stadium I thought there’s been a miracle okay Catherine see what you like the look of I think I like the face paint okay well you’ve picked the face painting which means it’s time for our face painting challenge Rob and Josh Katherine and Tom put on your smoks come and join me in the Middle come on okay so it’s a face painting challenge the rules of the game are simple Rob uh you’ll paint Josh’s face Catherine you’re going to paint Tom’s face uh the person who does it best wins an extra point for their team couldn’t be simple except Katherine and Rob will both be wearing special goggles so everything will look upside down oh god oh no Catherine you’ll be painting Tom to look like a tiger and Rob you’ll be painting Josh to look like a clown okay okay so those are the goggles if you those this is goggles okay I don’t like it it’s horrible I might throw up I can’t I don’t know if I can do it my cut looks massive in no if I throw up I throw up all right your time starts now okay oh [ __ ] I’m daring go C in I mean I can’t even get the [ __ ] brushes okay I want to do well white base Rob white base for the clown I was going to do his nose actually you start getting involved sure so just it’s awful I I can’t even get to it it’s [ __ ] mental oh look at that look at the speed he’s working with is Rob going fast it’s not even started it’s so awful I’ll do that and you move your phone it’s so awful try a different brush okay you know I was going to say this is my sorry is in my mouth okay wait close your eyes a bit Good Very tender tou well I it’s bothering me that I can’t be good okay I don’t like hurting people it feels very symmetrical that’s far what are you keep your hands still I’m so sorry Josh darning sorry why are you pained his shirt I can’t I can’t oh wait because you I keep my head Absolut I don’t know where anything is why are you slurring your words I don’t know what’s going on here he a oh here we go that we’re back in the game now Divine and I think I think you’ve got perfect symmetry until until the spots went on there’s nothing in that one oh for [ __ ] sake okay okay close your lips I try to put some black on what is that on my head [ __ ] off I can’t do it where are you joh I can’t do it I feel like I’ve wanked off an elephant okay your time’s up you can take off your glasses oh it’s so horrible it is horrible I think we’ve got to agree Catherine is the winner of that challenge 12 Maisy Joe go and get your is there a rat under my hat hats on um Katherine come with me let’s play is there a rat under my hat come on is there a rat under my [Music] hat um right well just on facial expressions I think you can tell who’s got around under their hat I mean might be a Double Bluff oh yeah it could be a Double Bluff but it definitely isn’t look at her Catherine who’s got a rat under their hat I don’t know I think I need a lot of time to tell Joe I think what Katherine’s trying to say is could you tell us a little bit about your childhood where did you go to primary scho yes so I went to a place called fornel and then I went to Hy Grove and then fell into the acting and yes Rob what’s your favorite film Demolition Man Demolition Man interesting choice um Catherine any further questions before we conclude it’s interesting because St on step on I just wanted to tell you guys Angela was telling me a second ago that if a rat defecates on your head and any of it seeps into your eye you’ll go blind yeah and then Maisy Maisy do you like dogs cuz we might be getting you one love dogs hurry up just seriously hurry up so who do you think has a rat out of the Hat I mean either either she’s the actress of a generation yeah I don’t know if Maisy has a rat in her hat because I think this might be a Double Bluff situation like I don’t really know Maisy are you a good actress no and then Joe swash he’s had cockroaches in his ears God knows what else he’s cool as a cucumber but he’s been in the jungle and so Rob can’t do none of that in the jungle you justed your jokes yeah i’ a [Laughter] skill we going to need an answer I really can’t tell who what you mean you can’t tell there’s never been a more obvious question in the history of Television this is like a quiz on this morning I think it’s Double Bluff too I think it’s Double Bluff you see we don’t trust people so who do you think’s got a rled hat quick I think the rat is in Joe’s hat might be in my he’s never been [Applause] more the greatest ever ad unbelievable should we test who got the most out of school let’s have our very own spelling be come on come on up be fun um okay I’ve never watched a spelling be in my life spelling be right you stand there not American b e e face each other sorry face each other okay now we’ve up the anti a little bit Yeah so if you answer incorrectly I will give you an electric shock oh no you’ll be fine don’t worry about it okay I do really need a Wii it’s another imagine if I just pissed myself here and we’d all be like no we won’t tell anyone oh [ __ ] off thank you [ __ ] hell it really hurt it’s not bad out at me ass does it really hurt no it’s fine a nice oh I didn’t like that at all I thought you’d be into it okay can we have some tension lighting please okay Tom you’re first can you spell the word facius f a c e i t to me know that’s that is incorrect the correct spelling of fous is f a c e t i o u s there’s no way there’s a t in there is it say you want to try again no okay next one Rob yeah maneuver oh don’t [ __ ] give it that like you know what’s going on even Rich Osman went oh yeah good luck Rob maneuver m n o u r v [Applause] e oh that was that like Back to the Future when Biff got angry maneuver is m a n o e u v r e you should have just read it off the a I going say it’s okay next one all right easy one spell pterodactyl p p oh yeah sorry [Applause] T right e r o d a [Music] t okay it was you were doing really well it was uh PT e r o d a c t y l you missed out the C oh well I was very worried about getting electrocuted they’re like those things they used to advertise that you put on your tummy and got a six-pack yeah I’m going to have an amazing six-pack just just on my ass if you play your cards right later Rob I feel so sad I’ve got the posture of a dog at battery easy one for you Rhythm R Great star H why T hm correct so Rob’s the winner you’ve won the spelling be it ow [Applause] cther what do you like the look of O I think I like the carrot okay you’ve chosen the carrot which means it’s time for a quick bonus round Gemma Katherine join me for carrot in a box let’s do it the rules of carot in a box are simple you both have a box but only one of the boxes has a carrot in it the aim of the game is to end up with a carrot it’s a game of bluff okay Catherine in a moment I’ll ask you to look in your box if you don’t have the carrot then you have to Bluff Gemma into her giving you her box but ultimately it’s gemma’s Choice whether she keeps her box or swaps it with your box okay so Catherine look in your box yep okay Catherine you want a carrot Gemma you want a carrot let’s play carrot in a box [Music] I can confirm Jama there is a carrot in my box right I know a black when I see one I used to be a car dealer there’s a carrot in that box yes there is a carrot in the Box yeah there is there is a carrot in the Box you’re right I know that there’s a carrot in that box by the first bit of conversation you did I told you there’s a carrot in the Box yeah yeah but I think he was saying that to flank me I could be wrong but I do think there’s a carrot in that box would you lie to GC no I wouldn’t but you want the carrot listen babes I’ll be honest I’m not going to lie literally literally a carrot in my fanny and the box I think there is yeah you sure yeah never never been Sher you’ve never never been sure of I thought the aim of this game was to tell if there’s a carrot in the Box yes right that the end I think there’s a carrot in that box can we lift the lead and can I sit back down honey please just this game thing it pyes me out no I do think there’s a carrot in that box I’m sorry and your complaint is you’ve been standing up for too long [ __ ] hell GC put me out of my misery open that box and let me sit back down pleas to be fair to Gemma she’s got a long journey home she give her cab driver free addresses J it’s your decision do you want to swap with Catherine’s box or do you want to keep your own swap the Box the carrots mine okay all right is there a carrot in that box yeah well done JMA that means the car box it’s JMA she want to was the guishing you’re put it up again it’s the same color isn’t it listen I’m Soo cled out I’m not I could learn a lot from you people lie to me all the time and I don’t know until I’m pregnant right time for a quick bonus round as Liam’s here we’re going to have a cake decorating challenge Rob Ashling to the cake decorating station and now your task is simple use the ingredients in front of you to create a cake that’s a self-portrait rob you can definitely do a self-portrait the shape and color is exactly the same already okay here’s what you’re aiming for this is a self-portrait I iced earlier is that not just one of your spare faces and to make things more interesting I will be electrocuting you as you ice the case okay oh [ __ ] okay so Liam and I will be judging at the end of this as fairly as we can you’re up against the clock on this so start decorating now come on thought was so anxious piece of [ __ ] oh my God this is very terus oh my bloody lad [Laughter] I’m I’m two more away from emptying my bows oh my God I thought that might help I’m going to R Cliff down my leg in a minute oh Jesus [ __ ] Jimmy now you’re little [ __ ] oh my this is the most Irish I’ve ever seen okay 10 seconds to go 10 seconds uh can I take some of your bits we need more marshmallows for Rob’s teeth okay oh m is actually looking brilliant you little [ __ ] oh my god oh let’s take a look at your cak so therapeutic you all right I don’t know I think I’m like Found Jesus I would say actually that was maybe the the best swearing I’ve ever heard so Rob take us through your cake just turn it around there okay perfect let’s take a look at Ashley’s oh that Ashley can I ask were you in the mighty Bo at some stage Rob could you hold that up against Ashley’s face so we can see I mean it’s pretty much [Music] identical thank you okay so um Liam who’s is the best Liam yeah okay so whose cake is the best Ashley yes yes how’s that lost it’s lost Rob your little face oh it’s all right it stayed intact pigs can run at a speed of 11 mph unfortunately for pigs what can run at 12 miles hour is David Cameron right let’s get started [Applause] tonight it’s the panelist job to guess the British Public’s top three most talked about bricks of the last year Rob Jeremy Corbin it’s got to be up there he keeps getting revoted in do he I just don’t think I’d trust him with a barbecue the country he’s always been a little bit kind of I don’t know he seems a bit nerdy [ __ ] what is he in charge of he’s nothing literally [ __ ] up he’s he’s the what what’s happened is he’s the leader of the opposition party the labor party and then all the MPS all the people in the party with him tried to get rid of him but the voters went no no we like him so they’ve got a leader that they all hate lead you hate yeah it’s ridiculous with this labor leadership thing because to vote on it you’ve got to pay 25 quid people don’t even vote in the general election and it’s free who’s going to pay 25 quid to elect the person that’s going to lose to the Tories same people that voted for honey G he is NI he came backstage to a gig once I’m in the same burrow as him and he in London did he come to a gig he came to a g a comedy gig and everyone was able to rip the piss out of him and he took it on the chin and like high-fived everyone you’ve met him you like him how would you improve his image see I like that he sticks to his guns I like yeah like maybe AB shade even know what but um but then that’s a real Lefty you know you want your left to become a socialist looking with a peak cap you don’t want them to look like the Tories you want them to be you want them to look like the opposition you want them at some stage to get into government don’t you yeah but then we that kind of ruined their Vibe you know well take take a look at him back in his younger years take a look at this it’s not a fashion parade it’s not a gentleman’s club it’s not a banker’s Institute it’s a place where the people are represented is uh that the jumper that your mom made yes it is she didn’t make the shirt as well as no no she didn’t make the shirt that came from the co-op but the the jumper she knitted and it’s very comfortable and it’s perfect for this kind of weather because I’m hopping in and out of buildings all day long going to meetings and different places and it’s just just perfect for the winter weather I mean he looked he’s got that really sort of musty look about him hasn’t he he looked like an expert in a disaster film No One Believes until it’s too late he was right it kind of reminds me like you’re very of Bernie Sanders you know yes like but both of them remind me of like someone that only eats soup he’s like he’s like where’s my soup people want him to be this like crazy guy but he’s he’s never going to be like posting pictures on Instagram of him eating salad and having a laugh like or a [ __ ] shot yeah you don’t you you know he has to have a a big hairy mess down there right maybe that’s why you so musty Sam what do you make of Jeremy Corbin I like it it’s like a dodgy geography teacher look want to be a messed out cuz I’m just saying the look your rocking is you know a PE teacher what says sport about that it a 70 sport like seex sport what are you talking about here like sport sport not dodgy kind of like no no dodgy things yeah yeah I don’t see you in that way no I think I know where you’re going with it and I think it’s I would like to finally just get this out in the open I would like to see a mustache to pedophile ratio that’s all where we’re going it’s where I know this where we’re going it’s definitely where we’re going and I know that you are getting to that eventually like he’s got a dodgy look like he’s hanging around toilet blocks or something damn I don’t think Jim was alluding you look like a pedophile I think it’s you look like all the people on Guess Who Don’t to take again sorry can I just can I just can I just flick you forward oh does it make you a little upset that the top of your head gave up and the front of your face kept going you don’t have to take you don’t have to stand for that you’re a beautiful man slowly migrating down my back and it’s a look I’m my wife seems to love it so yeah you remember look at see if Jeremy Corbin’s one of the most talk about people of 2016 yes number three yes it’s Jeremy Corbin in June a motion of no confidence against Jeremy Corbin was passed but Corbin wasn’t worried at his age you get used to unwanted motions being passed all the time did you know for example 77% of men get down on one knee when they propose it’s a meaningless tradition but some people still like marriage one in three horses in the UK are lame so you might think horses are cool but actually a third of them pretty lame and 17% of adults don’t class sexting is cheating I love sexting nothing turns me on more than reading the phrase who this right let’s get [Applause] started what do you think the nation should be talking about um yeah I’m a celebrity get me out of here jungle shows back now it now you used to work out there you used to do the what was the show on after yeah so I used to do the spin-off show and we talk about I was in Jungle but I did that for three years I miss it I really miss it sometimes I just go to Rainforest Cafe for a sit down rob you when I was there yeah I was there when you were there respect what you yeah what I like about when you was there it’s got Joey’s got I mean I’m not going to have a g your teeth because I can’t really you know but when you was on it when you used to brush your teeth and I don’t know if you still do this it’s made me laugh so much he doesn’t move the toothbrush you just shake your head it’s so Weir wa I still do it so how you brush your teeth every single day that yeah but Joey when you brush your head you just keep the comb still and just move your head I’m almost afraid to ask this but how do you wipe your arm completely normal you know crocodile vagina’s on the menu this time crocodile vagina they’ve got crocodile our vagina in again Katy upkins going back [Applause] [Music] in that is an insult to crocodiles well what’s weird is they always do something it’s always something random like a camel’s toe or a crocodile vagina or something off a kangar I feel like there must be like sort of like some port center for all these animals this the crocodil a my vagina I lost my toe that kangaroo crying in the corner go Christopher Biggins at my [ __ ] not the first person to say that I should are you a fan of the show I like the I saw the one where what’s name Gillian is it Gillian McKie is that how you say name you say whatever um and She fainted because she wanted to do a challenge I’ve once done that in an old job I was hung over I went into a biscuit cupboard in the morning I went to go for a sleep and my boss came in and found me and I’m went oh I must have fainted and she went halfway through a Kit Kat what did you think of uh Scarlet muffett as well because she ultimately won I lik the fact that she looked so beautiful afterward like she had no makeup on and stuff and it did remind me the amount of the amount of effort we put in you’ll never actually know you’re curling your eyelashes you’re dying your skin you’re Plumping up your boobs you’re pulling on your spank getting at the hair you’re doing the hair here you’re downstairs hacking away trying to get rid of it so someone can get their head in there you’re doing all this stuff then you come downstairs and you go well how do I look and he’s like well you always look beautiful to me and you’re like [ __ ] you did you know for example 40% of Britain have trouble getting to sleep not my girlfriend she can fall asleep at the drop of a trouser 20% of British oap are unhappy we don’t know about the other 80% cuz no one’s visited in a while and according to scientists ironing Burns 157 calories an hour but that can’t be true otherwise why is your mom so fat right let’s get started ashing team what do you think the nation have been talking about well I’d say it’s our dear old pal in America uh Lord Trump the evil he had fired James Comey who’s a head of the FBI for investigating Trump into what was some probably dodgy dealings with Russia and so now he’s fired him in quite a dramatic way and I’d say even Kim jong-un’s B like come on mate this is a bit bad the guy found out on the news like he found out on the news he’s the head of the FBI as a spy yeah he also thought it was a prank but I actually like the idea that it would have been a prank and Trump would have just phoned him an hour later gun I think I think Trump misses the apprentice and just wants to fire someone on telly again yeah he wrote this really weird letter that said it’s definitely definitely definitely nothing to do with Russia and thank you thank you thank you for not um investigating me I’m not being investigated I’m not the investigated you’re fired nothing to do with that have fun he’s basically doing the political equivalent of like hey guys look over there what whatever country it’s always Russia isn’t it that Putin’s a right nosy bastard is he if he your next door neighbor be popping his head over the fence wouldn’t he you live next door to cute and he’s like oh got a new barbecue have you yeah you can see it just standing on yours looking at my new one what you think Jamal do you know it’s just it’s just uh since the controversy came out and it’s like they asked Edward snowden’s opinion and since that Edward they’re always asking Edward snowden’s opinion it’s like we okay we get it Edward’s got an opinion but like they ask him about everything so like next be like so what do you think of Kim Kardashian it doesn’t matter that said what do you think yeah what you I asked what you thought and you went I don’t care what Edward Snowden thinks yeah there’s a reason I haven’t boed him on the show I’ve got you here I care what you think what you think stop passing the bux I’m sorry it’s just it’s just it’s just Edward stoda cuz everyone like no gives him [ __ ] and he deserves to be giv some [ __ ] sometimes so Sarah what do you make of Donald Trump you know what I don’t like him they said to him oh look we’ve read for all through Hillary Clinton’s emails and she’s not there’s nothing there that breaks the law and he was like no you didn’t have time to read them no one’s reading them all are they it’s too many in it I can’t get through mine I’m having a ride with Caroline from Hungry House at the moment they make up a name on Angry ass and it was because carolan hi a message from Caroline hi Rob F tweet you’re not real Caroline you’re an algorithm Caroline stop pretending like we bonded over half a chicken once I feel sorry for James Comey though because how can he get another job now as a spy now that he’s famous which also bring me to why is James Bond known as a great spy hello I’m Bond James Bond oh God I’m not supposed to tell me people I think they keep changing his face though don’t they with actors that’s true that’s you in the running for Bond no you’d make an amazing Bond don’t I look like someone tried to make Daniel Craig and I turned out you put in the microwave oh notini anyway I’m dying here I’d be an awful spy on the basis that everyone would see me coming i’ liter you would be able to hide would I I’d walk into somewhere and they go that boat was in the market yesterday do you look different do you look different I mean yeah this is about this is his disguise can I find our glasses can I make a good spy cuz this is it Tak sometimes people like oh hey Ashley who the hell are you I want to vomit you’re so blind I okay let’s have a look and see if Trump is up [Music] there yes it’s Donald Trump firing the head of the FBI this is the most shocking thing Trump has done since wow lunchtime did you know for example 30% of British men avoid changing their hairstyle I haven’t avoided changing my hairstyle but until Lego make a different one I’m stuck with this British Shoppers spend almost 55 billion a year on the High Street and that’s 55 billion and 5p if they forget to bring their own carrier back and the most popular time for people to have sex is 10:24 on a Saturday night it certainly is for my girlfriend because that’s when I’m on stage right let’s get started what you think the nation have been talking about this week um is it the NHS computer virus thing the NHS computer virus thing yeah well tell us all about that story you sound very well informed yeah well um I’ll be honest with you when I first saw in the news it said NHS dealing with a virus I thought it’s bit of a slow news day it MRSA just after the flu jab we won’t be in this problem will we um yeah so it got hacked the NHS got hacked and they’re saying it’s probably North Korea or Russia and yeah basically all the computers got like blocked up and then blocked up I don’t know what you call I didn’t realize you were technically mind the compu the computers are blocked up they’re all blocked up I’ll leave that 10 minutes of I you love it’s all blocked up okay Z what would hackers find on a doctor’s computer most of it would be unbelievably boring like came back for another prescription came back cuz their ankle still hurt but wasn’t a hack what they did was they infected it with malware which meant that it just disabled the computer so I don’t think the hackers got any information they didn’t want the information the way it works is your screen freezes and say phone this number and for 250 quid will unlock your computer do you think they were using Microsoft instead of Apple because that way the doctors would turn up cuz an apple a day I’m just trying to put a bit of lighthearted this into a terrible situation but that’s what I found interesting about all of this text stuff when it went down is that the doctors were having to Whatsapp their patience and you just think how terrifying that would be like sending someone their results and then not seeing the blue ticks come up like is it too late I feel like that’s all anyone needs the worst thing to come out of the NHS hacking is that people were added to more WhatsApp groups no I just hate that when someone has seen the message and you know that they’ve seen the message but they don’t reply like how am I going to sleep now why wouldn’t you reply cuz it’s 300 in the morning I’m married I got my answer got my answer Pate what do you think of this NHS hacking it’s utterly terrifying it’s utterly terrifying because the idea that our records would be out there not that there’s anything particularly bad in mine is there not nothing I don’t think so but God knows anyway yeah but I’m not scared of God you’re you’re not scared of God so why why do you not just don’t go work do you use email a lot for do you use like are you allowed email prescriptions and stuff like that I don’t know yeah you have to email your patients within a hospital bed they’re there in front you just go if you’ve got a bed that is I mean that’s the that’s the really horrible thing about these NHS the NHS hacking just shows what a terrible State the NHS funding is in because they’re using these very old computer systems and you hear about nurses going to Food Bank s you have doctors appearing on panel shows to get by tragic I’m still living off the proceeds of my bestselling diet book what’s the name of that diet book Dr Zan Von tulkin and where can we purchase it which camera do I look at oh any of them I suppose that one there how to lose weight well it’s also on channel how to loose weight well it is called that you’re a vegan you couldn’t put on weight if you tried your diet prohibits crisps crisps are vegan as are lots of chips you can be my cousin can you can you cut this out my cousin Jude is so fat and a vegan cut that out that’s a secret secret I’ll do it I’ll do it cut that out Jude cut that out no problem terible F you’re watching fat sorry I’m sorry Jude you’re such a chunky monkey wobble slob well let’s have a look and see if it’s up there y yes of course it’s the NHS hacking the NHS has been hit by a Cyber attack it’s even affected our family we had to say sorry Nan the nurses can’t get on Facebook so we’ve had to turn off your life support did you know for example 50% of people say they feel they’re not living life to the full come on how can you say that you’re sitting on your own watching E4 in your pants eating a yogurt it’s pretty on Tinder has 10 million active daily users oh yeah it’s got users all right you could have called me Carlos could and 64% of teenagers think they have it harder than their parents well I’d like to say to those teenagers they’re wrong no one has ever had it harder than your mom right let’s get started [Applause] ashling’s team who do you think are the most popular people in Britain uh JK Rowling she’s become incredibly successful a global phenomenon yeah you love her oh I love her I’ve read have you read all the Harry Potter books no I’m 32 but I’ve read a lot of her work on Twitter which I think is genius because she is sorry no no the books are stupid they’re childish it’s silly she is a woman who basically has become a billionaire by taking children’s pocket money she’s a genius in my book did you see recently speaking of Twitter she’s had this big um like Twitter spat with Joanna trollop which is actually really hard when someone’s called a trollop already to work out what to call them I love the idea of like authors having feuds that like she’s driving by Joanna trp’s house in her Beamer going what’s up Joanna TR [ __ ] R witches I’m not wasting her time arguing with people on Twitter when she’s a billionaire point if I was a billionaire I’ll go in Argos and buy one of everything I mean that that’s that’s literally everything we need to know about you rich have you read these books have you read the har I haven’t you know what I do I think you know she’s made it okay for a whole generation of children to read again which I genuinely think is a real shame because when I was growing up you were allowed to just watch television because these days have to read I you know my daughter read all the Harry Potter books I had to read some of them they it’s fine uh but I say to my son oh you when you read this thing it’s good it’s got like Wizards and there’s like lots of desks and stuff like that and he honestly goes you know there are video games right why on Earth would you be reading a book when there’s a video game it’s quite a positive message there for you can’t help the truth computer games are better than books and so are films because you don’t have to do the thinking it’s there you know what I mean and I tell you tell what I think stepen Spielberg’s got a better idea of what I want to watch than what I do I’ve got I’ve got a pretty good idea of what you want to watch yeah yeah you FLIR with me uh so David have you you’ve read the books right yeah I mean they’re just they’re quite complicated you know I will say that about them it’s just generally I feel I grew up in a more simple time when a a wizard had a pointy hat you know was a man a woman that was a wizard was a witch and had a cow and or a cat Cow sorry yeah they’re quite complicated they’re quite complicated David wasn’t able to remember all the facts I love all the Harry Potter books the only thing is like they Hogwarts is not a great school every year they have a rather large amount of accidents involving children at least one of the staff members get murdered like off should be stepping in what is going on here there’s a snake in the sewer I’ve not really read Harry Potter I’ve not watched the films it’s it just it reinforces the fact that boarding schools are weird isn’t it I don’t the reason you wouldn’t enjoy it is because the kid with hair like yours is the bad he’s always the B what I like about the films is um you know cuz Daniel rackliff as Harry Potter he was so methed he’s actually stayed a child have you seen you what should we have a look at uh I mean obviously JK rling has Legions of fans this may be her biggest fan hello I’m Harry Potter himself you’re looking for America’s biggest Harry Potter fan but you’re in luck you found the world’s biggest Harry Potter fan in 2006 watch it steady on in 2006 I went and saw JK ring in New York City this and this which is now one of four tattoos on my [Music] body with plans for more uh what fun fact that is the man that kills JK around if he ever has sex he’s going to shout at expell Armor isn’t I hope he needs to worry about that let’s have a look and see if JK Rowling is up there yes it’s JK Rowling JK Rowling was once unemployed and living on state benefits but now she’s richer than the queen who ironically is unemployed and living on state benefits did you know for example Candy Crush is the most downloaded game on smartphones and that’s because Tinder is not technically a game although I am a player in the past 2 years 25% of UK adults have bought plus-sized clothing if you don’t know what plus-sized clothing is it comes in XL XXL and [ __ ] you now and 25% of Brit’s employer cleaner I once I had sex with my cleaner I bloody love that Henry the Hoover right let’s get started [Applause] what are you talking about that’s the name of our first round it’s our Palace job to get the Public’s top three most popular talking points uh Rob’s team what you think the nation should be talking about this week I think it’s got to be the older snap election that’s been going on for about three years been going on a while let’s H for this oh it’s going to be so quick and it keeps changing I don’t know what I’m I don’t know who I’m voting for I don’t know what’s going on anymore I just can’t keep up Rosie do you know who you’re voting for well between you and me I’m disabled we thought you’d been drinking to be JY I have but I don’t know who I’m voting for it really depends on the day when I’m in the Poland boo when [Applause] I Christian what do you uh what do you think is going to happen in this election I think it’s really exciting it’s become really exciting in the last two weeks because two weeks ago they said right it’s going to be a landslide for the Tories they going to have 170 seat majority it’s going to labor are going to be wiped out and then something in the last two weeks has gone well there’s a couple of things there’s a couple of things I mean first of all Teresa may hasn’t been as good as everybody thought she would be and she’s dodged interviews and debates and all that kind of stuff and Jeremy Corbin hasn’t imploded which a lot of people thought would happen and so he’s he’s been much better than anybody thought and she’s been worse than people thought what I’ve enjoyed is like Theresa Bay cuz like she’s quite good if you send her out of a script and she delivers a message and does that but as soon as she’s got to answer her question or improvise she starts panicking she gets like visual ticks her face go and then she’s not panicking and going back to her stock Fraser brexit means brexit got strong St malfunction malfunction I think it’s because she’s Marge Simpson well dressed up as Marge Simpson but secretly underneath she’s Mr Burns like heyar can I get you a beer but underneath you’re like H the dementia Texs excellent I can’t believe how uncomfortable she looks at living she doesn’t need to do I don’t know a circuit some stand up a few months out doing the pubs small venues get a confidence you know cuz she’s a really impressive woman when she seems to have an AQ oh she seems to be quite an impressive oror and then take that away I think I kind of like the idea that politicians should look like you know Teresa may and Jeremy Corbin I like the idea that they’re not that polished otherwise you put me in charge I’m bloody good off the cuff I I feel like there’s a lot of lazy stereotypes about Jeremy Corbin like oh you no Jeremy Corbin’s made out of hay Jeremy writes his emails by hand Jeremy Corbin is secretly the child from the TV show wolf and at night time he turns back into a Shaggy Dog I do feel a bit sorry for politicians in a way though is because like whatever you say they get 100% scrutinized and these people that go into the thing and ask them questions and they’re so like righteous when they ask why you going do this what about you do about that and I’d love to see politic do a bit of research on them and go yeah yeah yeah that’s fine I don’t know well you going to clear out your shed months you’ve been saying you do that when you s your [ __ ] out then come back at me Qui Bill what do you think’s going to happen in the selection I’m I’m really enjoying the selection it’s really exciting now because it’s unpredictable it’s it’s like Game of Thrones you know in that I’ve not paid to watch it but she a May is like Cersei um she’s miscalculated the threat that um The High Sparrow holds you know and High Sparrow is obviously Jeremy Corbin um and now she turns out he’s embarrassing her in front of all of King’s Landing are you a maybe a ukip fan myself yeah yeah I go to their rallies M um I throw throw Chow men at them and you know what they eat it they eat it they’re passionate by the Hypocrites did you know for example 70% of British men say they wear their watch as a status symb I know I do and my status is tiny [ __ ] a clock 40% of young adults don’t know how to change and Nappy it’s easy you just have to pull the legs through fold the flaps over secure them and at no point look your nana in the eyes and 12% of British women would prefer their man to be good at DIY rather than sex I like to combine the two drill whole a against the wall until flush then screw until nuts Titan right let’s get started what are you talking about that’s the name of our first round it’s our panelist job to guess the British Public’s top three most popular talking points ashling’s team what do you think the nation have been talking about I think people might have mentioned the election results Jim so the the results have just come in as we’re recording this quite exciting uh the exit pole has predicted a hung Parliament with no party gaining an overall majority yes so obviously we’re recording this last Thursday this goes out on Tuesday so it’ll probably be sorted in the next couple of days but no one’s no one’s clear this evening on what going can I say that a hung Parliament sounds like the least sexy porno I’ve ever can I just say this she called an election she didn’t get the majority the real story here I sense will be Teresa may because this was a piece of political gameplay Teresa may called the election she thought they’re never going to get anywhere close to me they were predicting majority of 170 seats for the conservatives and I mean they’ve lost seats yeah I bet Corbin’s loving it and he wandering around just swinging his dick about what you reckon he calls it the comrade the red Peril El president have you met the red Peril lethal uh are you are you happy with this result of you a supporter of Labor or um I am I am um originally a supporter of Labor I’m not the biggest Jeremy Corbin fan I be honest I think he’s definitely changed my opinion on this election he’s definitely come out a bit more but I just find it really to take someone who wears baggy suit seriously did you see how many Grime artists he was hanging out with yeah it was cool but again I just feel like is that really genuine or you just trying to get the the Young Generation on I don’t even know genuine I don’t know a lot about Grime they can’t do worse than than Theresa though can they all you got to do is repeat a couple of sound bites on a loop wear a necklace that looks like a bike chain everyone think are strong and stable do you want to do you want to see my impression of Theresa May go you ready have you not turned up to a [Applause] debate although I mean In fairness to Teresa may she’s not the most charismatic of politicians so I think if she turned up to the debate she might have done even worse well the problem with the the hung Parliament is of course it’s not over it does seem like there is going to be like more instability which means we probably are going to have another election which means that we’re just going to do it over and over again it was Indie ref brexit now it’s going to be Indie in the Temple of Doom then Indie the last then brexit brexit returns brexit forever brexit and Robin and we just go on like that until eventually we’re all just dead did you see that they were saying you can take selfies outside of the polling station but not inside of the polling booth and I was like God imagine if there was like another type of Booth where you could take a photo of yourself is that so you don’t show other people’s votes cuz they were saying you you can say who you voted for but you can’t reveal anyone else’s votes but then this thing came around they were saying you can bring your dogs to the polling station and I’m like that will definitely give away who you’re voting for right Pitbull ukip Whip It labor some hounds and a couple of horses Tor and then the greens turn up with a fox and it all kicks off and of course Philip May brought Theresa [Applause] why can’t we just vote on an app yeah but it feels like you’ve got more saying Britain’s Got Talent than you do in the election yeah cuz you vote on that every week and then they have a little final I reckon they should have a little runoff couple of weeks we just end up with a dog for prime minister not just a dog I’m going to ruin that say s there’s two of them two dogs what this is like the time I found out that baby horses weren’t called ponies I don’t like horses because don’t do a teeth joke flat Palm flat Palm I don’t like when you drive through the New Forest they all the ores knocking about and they’re on the road I’m like you’ve got the old of the New Forest you can’t eat Tac [ __ ] off out my way it doing yes political satire here on okay let’s have a look and see if the general election is up there of course it is yes it’s the general election it was a snap general election he’s a prick she’s a prick snap days before the election Corbin made an appalling Gaff in a radio interview but they opened a window and it was fine did you know for example 22% of British people that have found something unwanted in their food chose not to complain I found something disgusting ing in a box of chicken nuggets once six chicken nuggets 30% of British men would ditch their partner for a friend I admit I would I’d say to my girl sorry babe but you know with me it’s bros before hoes and tonight baby girl it’s chess club I’ll be back by 8:30 and pet owners that sleep with their pets are susceptible to a variety of animal diseases not me I always wear a condom right let’s get started [Applause] Ro what you think the nation should be talking about this week oh um glastenbury oh yeah Ella you played glastenbury I’ve done it twice now you’ve done two glur how was it for you amazing I well I grew up in Somerset actually it’s kind of like the like once you got finished gcss you go to glastenbury so to play it four years later was sick W was good good people talk about glass andury like they’ve been to Vietnam yeah man I did 2007 uh 2008 uh you know was crazy crazy time you just weed in a field and listen to music looking at the back of someone’s head I used to go to it a lot and thought I was having fun and then I took my husband he’d never been when we first met I said I want to take this Glen B it’s brilliant it’s really good fun and then we were watching Coldplay and a bloke pissed up the back of his leg he said I am not having fun K that’s better than going I like this you don’t have to go now that’s the great now it’s televised you don’t have to go do you I watched the Dell last year you can moot it when she’s talking like when she does all right love you have a cup tea you just Pamela have you been to any festivals I’ve never seen a concert from the front you’ve never seen a concert from the front have you always been backstage yes never never been this way that’s crazy no I haven’t my problem with glast it’s oh it’s like freedom and all that hippie [ __ ] but the admin for a ticket is ridiculous oh my God it’s it’s easier to get a visa for North Korea than get to do you know make glass interesting if they banned girls from wearing denim schz about banning them on shoulders cuz I’m you know usually standing behind him with the um the poor fella is just trying to get his Knob Off he’s 7 hours like that on the off chant what a festival do you have a good time yeah okay the worst thing about the festivals is clearly the toilets but I think some people are using them wrong Flink oh oh [Music] this isn’t Ural is it I think it is man I have got a business idea for festivals which I’ve been trying to pitch for years but no one’s interested okay adult nappies I mean I know that sounds a bit weird but if you call them Festival pants and then because the problem is you drink and then you go down the front you’re like I need a piss and then you got to go back and it’s a nightmare fesal pants what you could do is like put like pictures like bonnel yes on them yeah yeah yeah oh you could have Jay-Z on the front of it and then you could have written I got 99 problems but a [ __ ] ain’t one [Applause] well I can tell you that glb is not one of the most talked about things but at glassbury now instead of camping you can go glamping which is where you fly in by helicopter and stay in a posh tent though most regulars agree glamping is for glunts did you know for example on average it takes 12 weeks after starting to exercise to see measurable changes to your body and that’s according to the Box my penis pump came in another couple of weeks 20% of mothers return to work earlier than expected well to be fair babies are annoying and 75% of Brits have tried to give up sugar my girlfriend can’t give up her sugar not one her sugar looks this good baby right let’s get started [Music] okay fingers on buzzers Ashling team H these are my favorites which is like like a girls holiday oh they’re like the lads and the girls all going away together yeah I love that just a GS holiday it’s just really nice because like you you go out with your gals then you stay out drinking every night for seven nights until 7 a.m. fall in love with a local Barm man then you fight with your friend then you go out and you get some food and then you get food and you end up in a foreign hospital where you can’t speak the language and then you almost missed your flight home and then you come back to the office and like oh did you have a good relaxing holiday and you’re like yeah I was really relaxing like I love a girl holiday not entirely selling it to me but I made up some you know Lads on tour girls on tour T-Shirts um I think you’ve uh there you go give those to you got some for you as well there you go gone for last leg over for you crack addict and Ryan gags Ryan gags oh this is nice Posh nsh that an instruction nothing rob you got what have you got let’s go [ __ ] Jam let’s go [ __ ] J put them on stick them on that’s the front wor about messing up my hairir where is it it’s my anus is it um is it is it bleach blonde no no I went brunette Jimmy Carr I said um so have you been on any girls holidays had a couple of girls holidays my niece turned 21 and we went to I Bea and it all sounds great s sand CA but I think I’m allergic to those three things and when I go away my legs is a thing called elephant Titus anyone heard of this heard yeah I’ve got it in my legs but one n so anyway I just look [ __ ] I’m sunburnt and I’m hot and I get drunk really quickly what’s your level like what can you drink before you’re like oh my it’s very interesting as I get older I go from being absolutely fine have one more glass of wine and then I’m I fall over I went to calls that was brutal it’s just I don’t think I could go on all day anymore I just sort of like my hair my eyebrows my marriage too much I did once go to uh gay pride in Berlin and that did have a lot of lads on it mhm you could say that was a Lads holiday it was entirely Lads lad Lads lad Lads Lads lad that’s what I kept shouting so lad’s holidays I like the be I like the drinks on on those sort of holidays things like fish bowls it gets you absolutely off your nut oh does it yeah imagine my surprise uh fishbowls for everyone please genuinely wowow I do like gr turns out thank you oh yes what has that music done to you people the I believe this is a uh this I’ve given you sex on the beach here and this is uh you’ve got blue balls leaning is it legit oh it’s legit getting a bit of brain freeze hang on yeah we we hid an iceberg it’s it’s not that nice it tastes antifreeze yeah it tastes very chemical I don’t think you should drink anything I can’t drink it with the straws it’s silly I mean you can take the girl out of Albert Square you’re really hammering through that we thought it was a contest you were so need to drink after the [ __ ] I’ve just said on there you have enough of that if if you really fill up on fluids then hit the ceiling how much have you done it it’s all in the fits on the bottom of the glass cuz we’re Lads Lads Lads Lads lad Lads so much better than my other L do you remind me of those those programs you know those ones that are like the lads are out in San Antonio and they always seem to go and do exactly the same thing and that one where their moms and dads turn up at the end it’s like oh my God I’m so ashamed I can’t believe I brought you up to go and get pissed and then shagle those people and then you see them together their parents and you think yeah you did did you know for example 43% of women want a partner that surprises them from time to time you’re back early darling this is Karen surprise 45% of adults try to unplug from technology at least once a week my nan unplugged from technology recently well technically we unplugged her and the average person will spend 35 days of their life brushing their teeth but spare a thought for Rob Becket his teeth are like the fourth Bridge as soon as he’s finished he has to start again right let’s get [Applause] started SCS team um I think people want to travel people like traveling yeah I don’t I don’t really like traveling really I like being in the place I don’t like getting there I went to uh Thailand and it was really strange because basically there’s not a lot of blond fellas in Thailand and like people coming up to me laughing pointing and rubbing me head like those was all laughing at me cuz I was different so it was like thought that slightly racist but I wasn’t bothered I didn’t care but like I felt like sorry what does that feel like more but people actually used to do that to me though like I had a bit more hair when I was at school people used to come up to me go testing testing what did you go school a white school a white school a private school it was a private it was Private yeah I went to why you so surprised I went to private you said you’re from croen I didn’t know they had them in croen surprise surprise there’s a part of croen where they took away all the rich people Sor sorry uh I call [ __ ] on that this private school is sounding more like a secure unit white people are the absolute worst and then when the kids go on Gap years and they try to help they’ll be like Oh I’m just going to build a school that’s maybe 20 minutes of digging a hole and then it’s just drinking in the hostel and they don’t want you to be there they don’t want you there with your pale skin and loose morals it’s like if we had hookers from La come help lend a hand in British schools I definitely would have G to SCH it does make you realize traveling though like the white privilege so my my uh brother-in-law is British Indian and we travel together home for Christmas this year and I’m really late to airports all of the time and he was getting really angry with me and I couldn’t understand it and I was like come on mad like we we’re just run through the airport and he’s like you don’t understand I’m a brown man who likes to wear manly black clothes and my Orthopedic backpack clutches around the front I cannot run through an airport and your ex SAS you’ve traveled the world right right yeah I’ve traveled to all the [ __ ] holes basically and CU they say join the Army and see the world you join the Army you get to go to all the best bits all the bits that are currently on fire been Afghanistan Syria Iraq do you have a real just like you need adrenaline buzzers all the time yeah I like to live on the edge I’m I like to take risks he’s got no trousers on at the moment Harry where’s the best place you’ve ever been I’ll probably um Dubai that was quite fun yeah’ be nice when it’s finished look it was the first time I’d ever been to like an amazing hotel and then you looked out the window and saw women with no rights and you’re like yeah yeah yeah I kind of I kind of shut the window on that enjoyed the of it you know H up where’s the coolest place you’ve been where where have you traveled from um I I really liked going around southeast Asia I went to Malaysia bad thing is I flew Malaysian Airlines uh we’re lucky to have you here yeah I know it’s really easy to make fun of an airline for losing two planes but uh all I’d say on the issue is uh I’ve never paid so much attention to that safety video in my life I asked them to rewind that see you flew with them after they lost two after after they you love a bargain it was the bumpiest landing I’ve ever had in my life uh he landed a plane like he didn’t expect to get that far but first time I went on a plane right went abroad went to Jersey right last year yeah so I was I was a kid right and I was to meet Grandad and he said he was to fly planes in the war that was his job and then we’re on the plane he SM he’s he’s smoking when you could smoke prob he smoking got whisking it’s all getting a bit jittery hang on Grandad why are you nervous you used to fly playing in the wall didn’t you and I was [ __ ] lying weren I all right well should we have a look and see if traveling the world is up there yes it’s traveling the world more and more oaps are taking Gap years bad enough not remembering why you went into the living room but Cambodia what did I come in here for I hope you enjoyed those clips uh if you want to watch full episodes of 8 out 10 cats then you can on my YouTube channel um just you know search for it on YouTube and you’ll find it because it’s there


    1. Thank you Jimmy for uploading this. I know it wasn't you who personally uploaded the video but, still, this channel has your face on it. Which is kind of a channel on itself.

    2. I stopped watching when they started on Trump. See, I'm from the future, and the President after Trump, is Biden, and right now, the world, is begging for Trump to come back.

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