♪♪♪ – Ain’t from here. Something you wanna say? <i>ANDERS: I will tell you this.</i> <i>♪♪♪</i> <i>In these territories…</i> <i>…men will come try you.</i> <i>They will take from you</i> <i>until you are</i> <i>wiped clean from this land.</i> I’m just saying that’s something you might wanna keep in mind. – You think? – [laughs] ♪♪♪ <i>- COL. HOUGHTON:</i> <i>You and I are standing guard</i> <i>in one of</i> <i>the last great open spaces.</i> – That looks like a promising place. – The place I might be able to see myself. ♪♪♪ <i>- COL. HOUGHTON: You just have</i> <i>to stand at the river,</i> <i>and you can see what</i> <i>the men and women up there see.</i> <i>It’s what drove us</i> <i>across the ocean</i> to this country in the first place. ♪♪♪ <i>COL. HOUGHTON: Hope.</i> <i>♪♪♪</i> – Lieutenant, there is no reason for you to stay here. – And here you are. [whistle blows] ♪♪♪ – The men who hunt this land, they’re not gonna share it with you. <i>- TRENT: What you build…</i> <i>♪♪♪</i> <i>…they will burn down.</i> – We just gotta keep going. ♪♪♪ – You be careful. Someone’s gonna take that gun and rap you with it. – What? – [crowd gasps] – We talked enough. ♪♪♪


    1. Costners "How The West Was Won" mega epic. If he could film this in CINERAMA he would have, no doubt. Its gonna be a looong story. Dont complain right away, wait for the story to start coming full circle. Which looks like it may happen in Chapter 2. I will be looking for all the throw backback references to older epic classics.

    2. я только что вышел с предпремьерного показа фильма. это шикарно! больше не буду спойлерить

      I just came out of the pre-premiere screening of the film. It's gorgeous! I won't spoiler anymore

    3. Dont put chapter 1 in the trailer. Mission impossible learned that the hard way. Gotta trick people like IT chapter 1, and Lord of the rings, the fellowship of the Ring

    4. Thoroughly enjoyed this tonight at a special screening, I didn't even look to see it was on for 3hrs, I just love a good western and the fact it had indigenous tribes represented make it more of a must see..from the days of watching Geronimo on TV, to Bonanza, they lately anything to do with Yellowstone, Costner and Co didn't fail to deliver..I'm just curious how many years passed by in the end scenes, this could easily be a 3 part saga..oh and the scenery is just breathtakingly beautiful.

      I was dissapointed in The dead don't hurt, kinda lost its way a bit, so Horizon is definitely a welcome to the big screen

    5. Wracamy do korzeni historia kina jak widać lubi się powtarzać a sam Kevin Costner pławi się w rycerskich etosach dzikiego zachodu jak nikt inny nieustannie go poszerzając o kolejny niezwykły Horyzont nie daje o sobie zapomnieć powtórnym jakże epickim obrazem spod znaku prawa i porządku ów Tańczący z Wilkami przewodnik stada nieustraszony i nieugięty wielbiciel sprawiedliwości John Dutton z pasją godną wielkiego artysty idąc przed siebie wytycza kierunek i już na zawsze pozostanie w sercach i umysłach tych dla których przeszłość to nie tylko matka faktów które nigdy nie powinny były się wydarzyć a przyszłość widziana oczyma wyobraźni swoich wyznawców której to my jesteśmy kreatorami na scenie życia obsadzeni w głównej roli dla siebie samych będąc drogowskazem .

    6. We are going back to the roots, the history of cinema, as you can see, tends to repeat itself, and Kevin Costner himself basks in the chivalric ethos of the Wild West like no one else, constantly expanding it with another extraordinary one. Horizon does not let us forget about himself with another epic film under the sign of law and order, this Dances with Wolves guide herd, a fearless and unyielding admirer of justice, John Dutton, with a passion worthy of a great artist, sets the course ahead and will remain forever in the hearts and minds of those for whom the past is not only the mother of facts that should never have happened, but the future seen through the eyes of the imagination of its followers. which we are the creators on the stage of life, cast in the main role for ourselves, being a signpost.

    7. Why is it that so often they cast women who clearly had plastic surgery, like lip fillers…for so many historical movies and series. It doesnt fit the time periods. Its very distracting, as its written all over their face and pulls you right out of past time, back into the here and now. Although with her its subtle, its still noticeable the actress Sienna Miller did lip filler.

      Another example is how they let hairstylists go too far with styling the cast ….for instance in the walking dead,…Daryl starts of as a blond guy….al of a sudden his hair changed to darkbrown…but his facial hair is still a dark blond. He's looking way too styled. Im guessing they think that dark hair fits his mysterious loner character better…predictable.

    8. 3 hours long. A film filled with stereotypes, archetypes and cliches. I will go see it, just for the sake of the cinematography. But, I expect to get bored.

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