behind it and so they often times have to go through it in order to get the lesson um that Elementary stage uh let’s see what other words we had in here um teaching about washing laying on of hands um tast thorns and thistles what are thorns and thistles thorns and thistles know what Thorns are right yeah they they hurt it’s hard to get through some Thorns without getting hurt beautiful roses very beautiful flower that God has created but there are some pointy objects that stick out uh of those beautiful flowers um we have good vegetation and then we have thorns and thistles good vegetation that is something we can use what can you do with a thorn or a thisle not a not a thing uh and so In this passage in verses 1 through eight it’s a warning it’s a warning the writer is warning us and then brother Alfred used he mentioned something about falling away uh hopefully I say this right apostasy all right apostasy what is is apostasy what is apostasy is that a hand all right we go a great Fallen Away Great Fallen away falling away from what the faith the faith thank you thank you and this is the warning Don’t Fall Away do not fall away we cannot repeat and repeat and repeat something has to occur and Pastor Weaver uh brother Lee carlot and Damon Neely we’ve been dealing with this spiritual growth and when we see people fall away their spiritual maturity is that of of an elementary student um and they haven’t gotten it the light bulb has not gone so their full understanding of who God is of what he has done uh and who he has sent and what he did on that cross they’re not getting it and we can’t keep repeating that same cycle we’re like stuck you know um what is it Groundhog Day you just keep repeating and repeating and repeating and repeating everything just starts over starts over it’s not a good cycle of life and especially in terms of your spiritual growth um God expects us to mature that is the expectation that is the standard that has been set when I talk to my athletes the standard has been set we’re not going to bring the standard down because you want to stay down here versus coming up here we want to get up here and the only way we can do that as Pastor Weaver was talking about on last Sunday is by staying in our word being around like-minded individuals mean when I say like-minded followers and Believers of Christ um Nick Savin former uh football coach at the University of Alabama one of the best football coaches ever W many national championships and he has said that mediocre people don’t like being around High achiev people and high achieving people don’t like being around mediocre individuals how can I say this as a Christian we are thrown into various uh areas of life and around various people um who either have a little bit of knowledge of of Christ or have no knowledge of Christ or who have a lot of knowledge of Christ um it is our job to witness to those individuals whether you’re a deacon whether you’re a minister or whether you’re just a parisher and a Pew um the expectation the standard is that you witness you go go ye therefore and teach teach that you don’t have to be in uh MOS Beek you don’t have to be in New York City you teach in your neighborhood if you’re on 33rd B uh if you’re like me on Southeast Wood Lane at Le Summit uh if you’re off Blue Ridge or in Raytown uh Blue Springs be a witness um but there comes a point in time where people individuals to come to the knowledge and understanding of who Christ is on their own we can do everything that we can we can do everything that we can Pastor mck can preached Pastor weav can preach they can teach we can drop those seeds the seeds have to take root they have to come forth through the ground and develop into what God wants them to be and so we have the warning in verses 1 through 8 we’re gonna get into our lesson because it’s 9 through 20 and I want to take if time allows I know I’ve I’ve started off kind of slow here but I I want to make sure that we understand that and it may be you there have been times in my life um I struggled with Christianity I struggled with it when I was younger I thought I’ve been doing this going to Catholic Church going to Baptist Church is this really what I’m supposed to be doing and I you know I’m picking up the Quran and I’m looking at the Bible and I’m reading them both because I you know one point I thought maybe Islam is is where I need to go and in Reading I had a vision dream whatever you want to call it and in it God spoke to me and said do you doubt who I am most powerful thing that I’ve ever experienced in life and upon that moment I knew without a shadow of a doubt where I needed to be I knew where my faith lied and so verses 9 through 20 is encouragement if you’re struggling God wants to encourage you today if you are contemplating on well I don’t know even in just acts of service uh pastors been preaching on total commitment it hit me um in that I could do more I I I coach I coach football and I coach basketball uh work in summer school and I’m just like okay I’m tired you know but who gives me energy who gives me who who helps me to recogniz when I’m tired and when I when I’m not and so in doing that Pastor was preaching one Sunday I can’t remember what passage but I was like okay I need to talk to M lore and sign up to teach EBS U and so if you’re struggling on where to go what to do how to do it just do it Nike just do it uh just do it step out because you have full assurance you know God’s got you I can’t stand up here in front of you without knowing that the Lord has me it’s not me it’s God he’s the one who gives me what to say and how to say it I don’t always say it correctly but it’s because of him and knowing that God has my back I can stand up here and I can dialog with you uh over the scriptures all right so let me have a reader verse n Hebrews 6 verse 9 someone to take that for me come on y’all it’s bright oh there we go it’s nice sunny day God has been good to us thank you okay even go ahead even though we speak like this dear friends will you’re convinced of better things in your case the things that have to do with salvation God is Not unjust he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help him we want each of you to show this this same diligence to the very end St right there stop right there for called them dear friends so he knows them very well um these are people that he is comfortable he or she as Pastor Weaver alluded to it could be a female um he or she is very comfortable with the people that they’re talking to um and convinc re Lord Jesus help me uh convinced me get here for God is Not unjust how many of you know that how many of you know that God is not let me make sure how many of you know because I that God is Not unjust all right he won’t forget do you think he will okay all right all right and when he’s talking about your Works he will not forget your Works how many of you are working for the Lord because that’s what it’s all about when you go to your job you’re working for the Lord when you work in ministry here at Macedonia you’re working for the Lord and He won’t forget that Pastor talks about rewards in heaven your crowns God if it’s if if it were not true it wouldn’t be in his word if it were not true it wouldn’t be in his word so understand that our God is just and remembers everything there isn’t anything that is new Under the Sun that he hasn’t seen that he hasn’t allowed to happen you know so he won’t forget that right there feels good to me I don’t know about you but I love God who’s that Mary Mary I love God you don’t love God hey I love God you don’t love God hey come on now so if you love them I love them I love them hey you gonna work you gonna do this work and you GNA whatever your intentions make sure the heart is pure um because we don’t want to mislead we don’t want to deceive because God’s G he’s gonna see through it he already knows you he knows what kind of Critter I am he knows what he created in me and so that is encouragement we’re being exhorted in this moment so I want you to understand um when things get difficult because they will when life gets hard or it’s trying because it will stay encouraged you know we’ve lost loved ones here in this church we’ve had members go through surgeries in this church um you know but continue to encourage them it’s not just my job see because when we talk about the expectations and the standards that’s far-reaching meaning there are a lot of things that Encompass that expectation so you being able to make a phone call send a card to someone bring them a meal um is the work of the Lord so be diligent in that all right um diligent Until the End what’s the end talk to me about the end what is that what is the end end of life okay so what happens at the end what happens at the end hold on let’s get that mic there because I I got to hear y’all I want to know what happens at the end right what happens raise your hand raise your hand raise your hand what happens at the end come on come on you going to be with him he call you home okay okay I like that so is that really the end we use the word the end uh go ahead do we have another hand no all right maybe that’s just my warp sense of thinking in terms of when the tribulation period when God comes back to receive his own and put an end to all the nonsense all the recklessness that has been going on all the chaos the turmoil um because for some of us like my mother my both my grandmothers my grandfather they’re already there so one day whenever guy sees fit I’m G be there with him that’s a you know and as Pastor talked about that’s a PR Pro we don’t need to be worrying about any of that is that a stretch ma or is that [Laughter] a you know so that end I look at it as a another beginning go ahead so question for you I want to just make sure I understood what you said not this one but I want to go back okay you said that we should encourage one another yes sir can we just read Hebrews 313 just for a second just want to uh three uh Hebrews 3:13 he said we should encourage one another right that’s what he said that’s what I said yes go 313 313 just want to validate if he you know if I’m right yeah if he’s right or not just want to validate Hebrews 3:13 get there anybody can read it 3:13 it’s one of my favorite scriptures but exhort one another each day as long as it is called today that one of you may become hardened by sins dece deception absolutely so other version what was the King James version uh that was the net I apologize so NIV says encourage one another daily as long as it is called today that none of us will be uh deceived or hardened by De so to your point to what you’re saying is we should be in a habit every time it is called today you wake up and today is called today you should be encouraging somebody because seeing is sneaky and that’s what he’s saying so the ark the arthor is saying that to what you were just saying I just want to validate it that every time we get up we should be finding people that we can go and encourage every single day and and the whole book is really is encouraging don’t forsake the assembly it’s encouraging so I’m just validating what you’re saying I appreciate that how many of you are married in here raise your hand how many of you encourage your spouse when you get up each morning come on come on sometimes I send my wife a text every day saying to her good morning hope you have a great day and I love you and I do that that because Pastor Brooks when we were going through counseling he told us don’t stop doing the things that you did to get her and the same for her and so I can’t just stop sending those text message it may seem cliche it may seem like it’s just but I mean it I mean that every day um and so I want her to know that every day amen so as Mack was so eloquently stating there exhorting encouraging one another whoever you encounter for me it could be a student it could be a a colleague um when we’re here at church you know someone that has been going through something support and encourage them you know often times and and I’m guilty of this because when the loss of a loved one is so difficult um and I just isolate um and I appreciate the messages and all that but I’m not I don’t want the attention um that comes with it um and that’s just me and how I grieve um and so but I’m bad about I would say at times reaching out to others because of my own personal um way of dealing with death and so I have to get better at reaching out and supporting um and so but even in uh when it comes to preaching and teaching pastor always talks about when someone stands up to preach other than himself to come up and give that preacher a word of encouragement come up and support he says it every single time and so I appreciate because the word is the word the style should never matter uh how they go about delivering it if they’re um colorful if they’re monotone and they just stay right here and the word is the word and so when you hear the word then you should be uplifted you should be encouraged um and so uh I digress I apologize I’m I’m rambling there a little bit but um in this we’ve got to understand how important it is and what we’re talking about is a connection a connection to to one another we can’t do this alone uh you know each one of us needs support in order to walk this walk uh to keep the faith um God did not leave us alone he said that he would never leave us nor forsake us and so if we have the full Assurance going back to the title if we have that full assurance and we know and we know that he’ll send us some support we know that and so that should continue to motivate us and encourage encourage us to keep going pastor we you’ve been quiet back there I’m I must be doing okay that’s hey I I love pastor we I love danan go ahead I’m G jump on where where Pastor M left off at when he said today so when does tomorrow come does it ever come exactly because he he gives us today understand he gives us he’s given me this day he’s giving you this day tomorrow’s not promised I hope you know that tomorrow is not promised because he can call us home whenever he sees fit all right amen um trying to think what part of scripture did we leave off on verse 11 is that where we’re at or we need to go to 12 12 all right someone read for us someone I need a hand I need a hand there we go verse 12 yes ma’am Hebrews 6 for the word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any tweeted word six Hebrews 6 that’s all right you’re okay you’re all right see we started grumbling there it’s like wait a minute all right Hebrews 6 verse 12 there you go that ye not Slaughter slothful but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit their promises all right what is slothful lazy lazy and we get that way we get that way you can you can sit there and act like I ain’t never lazy you can sit there and act like I don’t like sitting on that sofa and just watching shows and not being disturbed uh but we get that way again encouragement motivation we read that read that last part of that for me again sister go ahead just read it all just read all 12 that ye not s but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises all right followers of them Pastor weav what didn’t last Sunday you talk a little bit about some patience yes sir followers of them what when we follow them what are we talking about followers of them I think before you got to the word patience there was another felter word up there that said faith and without faith it’s impossible to please God so therefore you must have faith first and then you the patience to come along and knowing that you’re going to go through in order to get it right so we follow those who have gone through already that’s what I’m then that means that we too must go through it started out by saying we can’t be lazy so we must be busy about our father’s work and in doing that we’re following the example that’s been set before us amen that that’s what I was looking for um those who have come before us us have given us the example you know so our for fathers and for mothers uh they have established that which we need to follow as long as it’s of Christ let’s make sure we talk about that Faith um because again we talked earlier in verse one about elementary but there’s a maturation process there’s a growing up process that occurs and that’s and it’s God working on us so that anybody in here not gone through anything in life anybody if you have please raise your hand because I want to know who you are and how you’ve done that um and but the part of it that is is the part of it is so great is we have been able to get through it can’t go around it can’t go under it can’t go over it got to go through it and that develops us it sharpens us it it God is shaping and he is molding like I don’t know I wasn’t never really great with with Clay you know but you know you take a because when you take a big it’s a big block that they give you when you start working with some clay to try and shape and mode into whatever figure you’re wanting it to become and you have it on that wheel and you’re working and you have a little water and whatever again the shape that’s God working on us in the same fashion he is shaping and molding us through our situations so that we can be the example for the next group and so that they can hold on to that same faith that we have that we got that I got from Big Mama and grandma and my mom and my grandfather you know so that my faith stays strong and then I know because the expectation is up here that I have to continue on that same path and journey may look a little different my circumstances may be a little bit different than theirs but I’ve got to set the tone and I say for my children and anyone because I’m I’m a teacher and so I come in contact with a lot of children and I try to stay consistent so that they know coach MO is this he ain’t G to waver they say mean so my my students say I’m mean okay so they know Coach Moore is right here but they also know I’ll do anything for them not gonna get the answer but I have a question not for you I’m going get the mic back to you sit and you can take it where take it so I got the laziness I got the faithfulness but what’s patience that’s for y That’s for y’all what is patience what is patience yes what is it there’s a hand back there C you got those running shoes on Sensei got them okay all right who’s first patience starts with you have to take yourself out of the situation completely then you can see patience because then you go to God don’t I want you to is this a a as Chef would say a christianese response or is this your own understanding of patience I want your own understanding of my own is taking myself out of the situation and looking around me so that first I calm down so that I can get to the patience or whatever’s being the time I need you know and sometimes it’s just saying for give them for they know not what they say before I react okay okay okay I like that example what we got over here hello hello patience of we but I think one of the foundations for patience is to give people Grace not only others but yourself grace and mercy okay anyone else I like that I like both of them like both of them else with patience how do you how do you see patience no oh there we go I see patient as endurance you can endure a lot of stuff when you have patience okay okay as some of you know I had knee replacement surgery oh we got another one I’m sorry where we at go ahead S I see for me patience it’s endurance like sister said is pain for me and it produces growth okay good anybody else so how many of you how many of you have had major surgery or major illness uh what’s the recovery like see because I like I really like when my sister said the fruit of the spirit because that spirit you hit me with that um it allows you to some of you piggybacked on one another in terms of endurance um but that recovery it is hard it is very hard Scar Tissue on my knee when they went in and did the surgery on my knee they told my wife he had much scar tissue from his previous knee surgery they had to remove it just to get to my KNE cap and so when I went through my physical therapy you talking about some pain them brothers uh I love them I’ve gone back and buit them it took four of them to to get this this KN to B they had to put kettle bells behind my shoulders because I would this this leg is the good one the good knee and have your feet on the wall and they just they work on bending it getting that flexion in there because my extension which is the straightening out was was pretty good but that flexion so when I went to my orthopedic surgeon I was at 107 degrees which he’s like well because those muscles and stuff hadn’t worked you hadn’t worked them in such a long time you may only get to to 110 so for me mentally I was like you selling me short I’m like being a former athlete you like challenges and so as I would go through that in my mind I’m like thank you Jesus thank you Jesus and it hurt but that’s all I could say because that’s what would get me through that pain and so then the next visit huh I’m at 118 so I’m looking at him like you said 110 somebody’s got something else in mind but anybody any cancer survivors in here radiation chemo I watched my aunt with pancreatic cancer go through go through it so to be a survivor of that how much patience do you have to have to sit there and and I don’t know the process but as far as the chemo or the radiation but just sit there and just let it run through you Tanya KO remember here she got to ring that Bell she went through it you all who are survivors you went through it any heart attack victims not victims but survivors of a heart attack you know so when you have that patience fruit of the spirit it’s a comforting feeling it’s it’s a hard feeling because I know I got to sit in it and I got to go through it and I’m not going to give up because I know whether I make it or I don’t make it God’s got me because if I don’t make it I’m not I’m not upset because I know it’s not the end it’s the beginning for me if I do make it I’m giving him all the praise the honor and the glory and hopefully my life has been in example to others so am I close to to your definition or giving an example ma or has everyone okay here’s a simp definition is to not get frustrated when things are not going your way is to remain patient careful and knowing that whatever Journey that God has us on we have to stay patient in like God you you know what’s best so guess what it’s going to take me 15 years 10 years three months whatever it is I’mma just going to en enjoy the journey and just one foot in front of the other so good job good job class all right third we gonna have to go through let’s get through 13 uh let me look here yeah let’s go on 13 through 20 let’s go ahead and go 13 through 20 someone to read that someone take that for us know it’s a mouthful we got a mic got a hand there’s a hand we got a mic we got a hand here okay pastor Sam someone get a mic for my sister yes thank you um I’m reading from NIV all right when God made his promise to Abraham since there was no one greater for him to swear by he swore by himself saying I will surely bless you and give you many descendants and so after waiting patiently patiently Abraham received what was promised people swear by someone greater than themselves and the oath confirms what it what is said and puts end to all argument because God wanted to make the unchanging nature of his purpose very clear to The Heirs of what was promised he confirmed it with an O an oath God did this so that by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie we who have fled to take hold of the hopes set before us may be greatly encouraged we have this hope as an anchor for the soul firm and secure it enters the inner sanct behind the curtain where our Forerunner Jesus has entered on our behalf he has become a high priest forever in the in the order of a word that I cannot say no yes amen melc that’s all right it’s all right MDC mzc um an high priest a king um there was a lot in there God promised he promised who did he promise who did he promise he promised you yes he did but in the scriptures who did he promise Abraham what did he promise what did he promise Abraham father of many nations all right did that promise come true so if it came true Our God he ain’t gonna lie which the scripture says more importantly who did God make a promise to or no who did he make an oath to himself why there’s no one greater is that a hand no okay um there’s no one greater and so when I read that I was like and I’ve I’ve heard that before but just think about it God is there and and he ain’t even looking around for anybody he ain’t looking around for anybody to make this oath to I’m just gonna make this oath so as it is written so shall it be done you know uh how powerful is that because we make Oaths are we making the right kind of oath probably not um but one who is greater it says that that’s who you make an oath to so the only one who is greater than us is who is God but guess what he keeps his word so when we make an oath do you keep your word that’s only something you can answer I don’t expect you to answer now because I know many oath I made and promises and God if you just do this for me then I promise that I broken broken who is the Forerunner for us come on y’all don’t be bashful huh say what you said before okay all right like I tell my students don’t be afraid I say as an adult we never afraid to speak up so I’m trying to teach them to be able to speak up stand on what you you know stand on God’s word Jesus was the Forerunner what is what is the veil what is the veil I wanna I need you to know this what is a veil what is a veil what is a curtain okay okay I just need to know that you know I don’t think I’d be a good teacher if I didn’t check for understanding because there may be someone in here who does not know that we were once separated from God so the perfect individual in Christ Jesus had to come to remove that Veil he had to because just remember they were making all kind of sacrifices at at the Lord’s tables that they had built the altars and none of them none of them understand none of them did what Christ did for us because to be separate from God is to be an enemy of God so if you do not know Christ Jesus as Lord and savior if you do not know that he died for your sins guess where you stand as Pastor Weaver would say these on people over here on this side is with God people over here on this side I ain’t even gonna say it because y’all I know y’all y’all with God I I’m not even gonna put that on you you know because stand with him be diligent um oh I lost my train of thought I apologize just know okay time is running out on me time is running out on me um so again who is God and what can God do or what can he not do cannot lie that’s how I should have phrased it I apologize he cannot lie he cannot fail cannot contradict himself I like that I like that jam he is everything he is everything he’s everything to me H you hear that song I think sometimes when we hear songs and the message we I don’t know for some of us because I know Pastor Weaver said I don’t know how you can stand up or sit in this church hear the word or hear a song and not be moved because if he’s everything to you some something in you should stir up well that’s just not who I am huh then who are you you know I get being reserved but that undignified praise I don’t care who’s watching because I’m gonna praise him as pastor we I don’t want the rocks to cry out for me because I’m GNA praise him I know my time is running down I you know at time at time be diligent to the end have the full assurance that the Holy Spirit which God has placed in you that is with you and will give you the courage to encourage others to exhort others and to help someone who is lost to be saved got to believe it don’t be afraid of it don’t denying you you don’t want him to deny you accept who he is in your life honor him each and every day each and every day that He blesses you to get up honor God Amen I thank you once again for your time I thank you for your dialogue in this Sunday school class great participation uh great attendance I love you guys um remember um our pastor as he gets up here today to uh give us a message from on high uh remember those who have passed away who have who have died and gone on to Glory um remember those who have had surgeries uh that are recovering pray for them keep them in your prayers be intentional as I remember M talking one time he writes down anytime he comes across someone who when he ask how they’re doing or what they’re going through he’s intentional about writing that down and praying for them be intentional be intentional in everything that you do and study God’s word continue to study God’s word amen all right let’s close out father God I thank you uh I thank you for your Rich word um that allows us to grow to mature uh in you uh as always father keep our pastor lifted up in you strengthen him strengthen his family his wife Terry and his sons his mom his entire family be with them be with Macedonia Baptist Church and our Ministries here dear Lord continue to allow us to be a beacon of light uh in this community uh continue to allow us to grow in your knowledge um so that we can better serve you it’s all about us serving you uh because we love you uh and we praise you in Jesus name I pray amen e e e for e for [Music] e for e for he the get pap test t after okay [Music] [Music] [Music] was here I was like T Test testing testing testing [Music] [Music] man [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] she going [Music] amen good morning good morning good morning Usher is anyone outside in the for you let them in as we get ready to worship God together amen amen this is the day that the Lord has made we will rejoice if you guys clear me up just a little bit and get a little bit of Reverb this is the the Lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it amen amen still a little bit of a chatter we about to get into worship I know you guys are so happy to see each other we can go ahead and give God a hand praise we can do that amen God is good God is so good let me bless you with something really quick okay because you’ve seen a Sunday before right we was here last Sunday if you were here last Sunday but you have not seen this Sunday before because this Sunday didn’t exist yesterday amen so this is the day that he has made we should rejoice and be glad in it amen so I’m going to invite you to stand to your feet as we get ready to go into our praise and worship with our praise team amen amen praise the Lord everybody praise the Lord he is so good amen amen it’s good to be in the house of the Lord amen amen one more time praise the [Music] Lord on on the taet of your heart when you’re right him on the taet of your heart [Music] I am the vine you are the branches he who abides in me will forever be fruitful [Music] indeed I am the way truth and the light no one gets to the father except that he comes through me [Music] so let not Mercy let not mercy and true and true for forsake for for not Mercy let not Mercy true and true forsake forsake forsake forsake Him on the taet of your heart take the word and write it on them on the T of your heart I am the way I am the way truth and the light the truth and the light KN the father he to let not Mercy let not mercy and TR and true forsake forsake forsake you forsake let not Mercy let not mercy and true and true for you for you for you for you write him on theet of your heart we’re going to take the word and write it on the tablet right him on the taet of [Music] heart TR the Lord with all your heart trust in the Lord with all your mind trust in the Lord with all your strength and live to your own understand trust in the Lord with all your heart in the in the Lord with all your TR in the Lord trust in the Lord with all your strength Le not to your own understanding trust in the Lord with all your heart TR in trust in the Lord with all your mind TR in the trust in the Lord with all your strength to your WR understanding I will hide your word in my heart I will your word in my [Music] heart your word in my heart I will hide your word in my heart TR in the Lord trust in the Lord with all your heart trust in the Lord trust in the Lord with all TR trust in the Lord with all your and Le to your own understanding amen amen Flow To You Flow To You Let the River of My Worship Flow To You Lord I pray and all I do Let the River of My Worship Let it Flow To You Like streams in the valley they swell with the rain let the song of my heart let it rise to bless your name and Flow To You Flow To You You Let My [Music] Worship flow to you that ought to be our prayer today that our worship flows to him come on say Flow To You to you to you let the river of My Worship Let the River of My Worship blow you Lord I pray Lord I pray oh all I do all I do let the rivers of My Worship Let the River of My Worship let it to you like stream like in the valley say swell SW with the rain let the song of My Heart of My Heart let it r you you to [Music] you let my worship to [Music] you come on say Flow To You Flow To You Love to You To You Let the River of My Worship the river of My Worship come on all over the place to Lord I pray Lord I pray in all I do [Music] all River of myship to you light dreams in the valley light dreams in the Valle they s with the let the my heart my heart Let It [Music] Rise you you [Music] you my worship let itow you [Music] oh now I know y’all can say this say let all My Worship let all my praise Flow To You flow to you help me see let all my wor sh All My Worship all my praise and all my praise love you y real good come on say My Worship let all my wor all my praise let all my [Music] praise [Music] you you my wor all my wor all my praise all my [Music] praise all my all my [Music] Praise My All My Worship all my wor All My Worship all my wor All My Worship all my wor let all my praise let all my praise let all my praise let all my praise let all my praise let all my praise let all my praise let all my PR let all My Worship let all My Worship all my praise let all my [Music] praise come on y’all say let all My Worship let all My Worship all my praise all my praise it you let all my wor let all my wor all my praise all my praise let you to you amen amen amen you may have your seats [Music] yeah [Music] yeah all let itow let it blow let it blow let all My Worship all my [Music] worship all my praise nobody but you nobody but you nobody but you let all My Worship All My Worship all my praise let all my praise Let it Flow To You Let it Flow My Worship my wor all my praise all my praise nobody you nobody but you nobody but you my words all my praise let all my praise Let It Blow to [Music] you [Music] you yes God I was wondering what you guys are waiting for I was just wondering so do me a favor Ashley just about 20 more seconds and here’s what I want you to do I want you to stand to your feet I don’t want you to look at your neighbor I don’t want you to look at what’s going on uh yesterday don’t want you to think about nothing else but your worship to God okay just 20 more seconds okay just 20 more that’s it I’m not trying to gas you up [Music] my my praise all my [Music] praise all my wor all my all my praise let all my praise all help me my My Worship all my praise let all my praise it nobody for you nobody but you nobody but you let all my wor let all my wor all my praise my let itow you amen put your hands together for God please put your hands together amen amen God is so good please remain standing for our responsive reading he is so good Matthew 21st chapter verses 28 to [Music] 32 you didn’t have to end that but okay I was I was going to try to read it on beat with [Applause] you what do you think there was a man who had two sons I’m on Pace with that he went to the first and said Son go and work today in the vineyard all right we’re ready for the next one there we go [Music] answer ler he changed then the father went to the other son and said the same thing he answered I will sir but he did not go [Music] all together for John came to you to show you the way of the righteousness and you did not believe him but the tax collectors and the prostitutes did and they even as you saw this you did not repent and believe him amen may you may the Lord have a blessing reading hearing of his word you may be seated amen ushers if you you could open a door and allow those out in the best of you to come in as we move on to welcomeing amen good morning how’s everybody doing on this day God worship going strong and everything and now another important part of our service is the welcoming of our visitors if you’re a visitor or an invited guest of someone at this moment please stand and remain standing to your feet any visitors all visitors if it’s your first time second time third time fourth time if you’re not a member perhaps you’re watching and you checking Macedonia out please let us know you’re out there type something in there say hello good morning let us know you’re there so that uh they can reach out to you please remain standing if you could please remain standing on behalf of our Pastor John Leslie Brooks and his wife Terry and the Macedonia Church family we thank God for sending you this way this morning we know that you’ve had hundreds and hundreds of churches that you probably passed and many at the tip of your finger finger tip on the computer that you could have just stayed home in bed and jammies and just watched but you chose to come here and worship with us this morning and we thank God for you perhaps you have a church and you Faithful member there take what you learned today and go back and support your pastor in the Kingdom work of God if you don’t have a church home and you’re looking and you thinking about Macedonia we would love to have you to come and join the work that’s going on here in the urban Corps now let’s do what we are known for Macedonia show ourselves and our neighbors and our invited guests some love [Music] [Music] [Music] you get [Music] [Music] come [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] test it test it [Music] [Music] all right shall We Stand and let’s just continue to give worship up to the Lord this is the day this is the day that the Lord has [Music] made I will I will rej I will re and be glad in and be [Music] glad that the Lord has made I will I will rejoice and be glad in this is the day this is the day that the Lord has this is the day this is the day yes it is this is the day that the Lord has made that the Lord I will I will rejoice I will rejoice this is the day that the Lord has I will I will rejoice and be glad in this is this is the day this is the day that the Lord has made well in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus we have the victory in the in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus all you have to tell me who can set me for us we all [Music] our Jesus Jesus Jesus we have a victory is in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus we have a victory in the name in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus you have tell me who can set be for us when we call on Great Name Jesus Jesus Jesus we have a [Music] victory who can stand us we we we call on great Jesus call his name Jesus precious pre Jesus we have the victory yes we do Hallelujah you may be seated [Music] yeah good morning Macedonia it’s so good to see you all this Sunday service it definitely is and we have a lot of announcements to get to so let’s just hop right in Macedonia here are your Sunday morning [Applause] [Music] announcements at the movies is back here in Macedonia this will take place on the 5th Sunday June 30th during our regular church service so instead of our traditional service we will watch Snippets from a movie to hear from God this will allow us to recognize God on our everyday activities this movie will be streamed online using Vimeo only the password to view service that day is NBC 1916 invite someone new we will see you on Sunday June 30th at the movies here at Macedonia service begin at 9:45 join us as we explore how God in the Bible frequently use dreams and Visions to guide people on their path during this 3-day biblical Journey BBS adventurers will take part in a virtual reality Quest and draw inspiration from individuals in the Bible who follow God’s plan after having dreams through this study we will learn how to turn our vision into reality winning God’s way register today at Macedonia our semiannual business meeting is right around the corner here will we keep members informed engaged with the mission of Macedonia during this business meeting we will discuss planning developing goals in the future direction of Macedonia you can ask questions as well so join us July 13th at 12:00 p.m. and remember this meeting is for members only and stick around after the business meeting to join us for a momentous occasion as we celebrate the grand dedication of the completion of our phase 4 building campaign be part of history in the making as we unveil this state-of-the-art fac facility designed to inspire learning worship and fellowship join us as we marked this significant Milestone with a special ceremony tours of the new building and a reception to commemorate this achievement don’t miss this opportunity to witness the future unfold before your eyes save the date to be a part of this exciting Journey well Macedonia that’s all we have for you today but if you want to hear these announcements or any other information make sure to head to our website at Macedonia we love you you all and see you next [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] week amen good morning ushers anybody outside let them in as we get ready to go to our offat torial period amen we welcome those who are visiting with us online we thank God that we have uh via streaming we can reach out to you amen real quick two more additional announcements I want to make uh the ushers should be passing these out take as many as you can uh it’s a little card talking about next week the showing of uh the Disney movie safety we’re not going to watch the whole movie Just Snippets and see what God has saying to us through the movies it’s at the movies amen don’t bring no popcorn we ain’t eating okay but is really who’s showan who’s who’s who who’s been to a uh at the movies before so you know exactly how how God blessed us we believe God speaks to everything so it takes some there should be some at the kiosk deacons ushers if you will be outside and give them an invite people again those who are watching online the only way you can watch it is on uh Vimeo Vimeo only Facebook um YouTube and the other ones contractually it can’t be shown since we’re showing Snippets of the movie Just Snippets so if you’re not going to come the only way you can watch it it has to be on Vimeo and the password is NBC um 1916 Macedonia Baptist Church MBC in the year we got started 1916 so please take as many as you can and ushers let’s make sure that people can get um as many of these as they want and the NBC is in lowercase amen amen real quick before we have an uh what’s name this is a special announcement I want to make is that we got a special reunion class here with us today and I don’t know how many of them are here but this class is celebrating 70 years class reunion 70 years if you’re here from the Lincoln RT Coes class reunion 1954 please stand a wave your hand amen Mar are you in you ain’t in no 54 girl Mr Porter cladia loot come on right there in the corner and Mr Porter come on give it up you can do better than that now come on now two of them amen 1954 real quick listen to me 1954 that was the year that the United United States Supreme Court desegregated schools Brown versus the Board of Education Supreme Court unanimously agreed that separate but equal was not constitutional was not constitutional and that was the year that schools in the United States of America was uh integrated think about it when sister lock Mr P them graduated they had never been to school with anybody other than their same race think about it they were graduating in 54 and the ruling came in 54 when they was a seniors graduating and yet they’re still here amen good god wow real quick 1954 to give you appreciation of the CL of 1954 Lincoln RT Co let’s look at some things real quick the white Eisenhower was the president of the United States he signed the bill mandate that the words under God be added to the Pledge of Allegiance I was in 1954 turn me up something just a little bit 1954 before that under God was not in the Pledge of Allegiance show you appreciation of seven years of class reunion uh back in 54 the average cost of a new house Lord have mercy was $10,250 give me 10 of them give me 10 of them give me 10 [Music] of a gallon of milk Lord have mercy was 91 Cent ah all right a dozen eggs cost $300 now it was $49 Cent a loaf of bread you want that sandwich Mr Porter 12 cent it like 12 cent when y’all graduated a brand new car that ain’t even a down payment that ain’t even a down $1,700 and that was for a brand new Buick I know neither one of y’all had one either not at 18 years old give your appreciation of time okay Macedonia Baptist Church we were only 38 years old when Mr Porter and Claudia lock the class graduated in 1954 but here’s what hasn’t changed Hebrews 13 and8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday today milk don’t went up gas don’t went up president has changed but our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the same welcome Lincoln RT cod’s class of 1954 70 years come on y’all 70 years [Applause] and here’s the thing I like about it from what I’ve understanding please correct me if I’m wrong it’s only maybe 10 of them left who are still alive and another 10 two of them are members of Macedonia Church Baptist Church still serving the lord amen amen amen come on we can continue to give the Lord a hand praise for 1954 and while you’re doing that ushers would you please come you had me at the eggs being you know 51 cents I mean to God be the glory for his faithfulness let’s pray father we thank you so much for this opportunity to worship you through giving God you’ve already provided the modotto for giving because you’ve given your son today Lord we want to follow that model by giving Lord what you have blessed us with from a financial and a monetary perspective God we ask that you would just bless this offering to continue to be used for the upbuilding and the expansion of your kingdom thank you for everyone who has a heart and a mind to give and thank you for those who desire to give but do not have it father we just ask that you would bless it 20 30 50 100 fold God that your name might receive the glory the honor and the praise in Jesus name we all pray and we say amen God bless you you’re in the hands of the ush [Music] Judah send Judah send of Judah send of Judah for everything he has done for every Victory he has won [Music] send of Judah send of Judah send up Judah for everything he has done for every Victory he has [Applause] single s down s down up sit [Music] down sit down to for everything he has done for every Victory he has [Applause] won let everything that has praise the Lord let everything that has praise the Lord let everything that has praise the Lord let everything that has praise the Lord praise him praise him for his good him him for his greatness him [Music] praise him for his kindness praise [Music] him him for he is worthy PR him him him him him him him pra him him him him PR him pra him PR [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] him him him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] him him [Applause] him right [Applause] [Music] how many of you want to praise him on this [Applause] morning I think earlier this past week Summer started and that was the longest day of the year was it not and the Earth shifted on this axis at that time period that we got a longer day but think about what God has done for us and how we can now just Praise Him amen our condolences are as follows we have none I didn’t think so I didn’t think so we have been going through a lot here in Macedonia with condolences and it is a reprieve amen that we had none on this week but PR prayerful of those who have gone through and is still going through amen when one hurts we all hurt amen I don’t know what you come to do but I come to praise the Lord I come to give him the praise and the glory and the honor we hope to offer at this time that you may come that we may give back to God just have a Comm of communion with God of talking with him those who want to come to the altar you free to come come at this time those of you are in streaming online we ask that you would join in with us as well as we come at this time for our altar prayer this is our corporate time period that we come and pray pray to God amen amen again the altar is open the joy and strength of my life yes he is he [Music] all he promised to keep me [Music] every day I want to go with him when he comes back I’ve come to far and I’ll never turn back [Applause] [Music] God God GL my [Music] God we come before you right now we know that you are our all in all it was you who woke us up early this morning it was you God that spoke to us gently in a sweet voice telling us to wake up and arise to see the day that I promised given unto you it was you God that allow us to have the activities of our Limbs and our bodies that we may yet come to be able to praise you on this morning we say thank you you didn’t have to do it God you could have let us slep on throughout the Midnight Hour but God you woke us up and we just give you the glory and as we come on this morning God we yet realize that you blessed us to have all that we have the abundance of our minds our hearts filled with love and joy peace God we say thank you Father because you’ve been good to us you make ways out the no ways for us you’ve allowed us to travel over the dangerous highways and come to this destination this morning we say thank you God because you put food on the table clothes on our back God you yet gave us God a peace of mind and we say thank you and God as we come now before your throne we just want you to know that we worship you on this morning we praise you God we glorify you God you are worthy of all the Praises on this morning God where would we be this morning if it had not been for you being on our side God where would we be this morning God if it hadn’t been for you who kept us saved father we say thank you this morning God God as we come this morning to worship and praise you God and to lift you up God we ask that you speak to our hearts on this morning Father reach down and let us hear a word on from you father fill us with your presence on this morning God we just want to Rejoice knowing that you made it all possible God we didn’t have to have what we have God hallelujah but we say thank you you’ve been good to us father you have been good to us when we look from where you brought us from to where we are present time we have to tell you thank you Lord then you thought so much about us God that you gave your only begotten son that he would come down to this earth God die hang on the cross father but rise on the third day for our sins we say thank you thank you Lord continue to be with us as we go forth in our worship service God we just want to lift you up on this morning we realize that nothing that we can do is not without your presence father so we just want to say thank you again Lord you know the prayer request of those who stand before the altar right now God you know every home that’s represented here on this morning Father you know those who are streaming live with us right now God tune your ears God to hear what we say God and then allow us to hear our tune our ears to hear what you say to us also speak to our hearts this morning God speak to our hearts God we come to glorify you we come to lift you up it’s in Jesus name that we pray amen and amen [Music] God God God is my he’s my own he’s my [Applause] he God is God is my my everything my everything my life everything in my life God is God is my don’t you believe he’s everything he’s everything he’s [Music] everything my’s my than [Music] [Music] you are here moving in the M I worship you I worship you you are here working in this place I worship you I worship you for you are a way maker Miracle work Pro in my that is who you are make mirle work prise keep light in the [Music] darkness my God that is who you are say you are here you are are here touching every heart touching every heart I worship you I worship you I worship you I worship you say you are here you are here healing every heart healing every heart I worship you I worship you I worship you I worship you come on and say you are way maker way maker Miracle Worker promise keep keeper light in the darkness my God that is who you are way maker way maker Miracle work promise keeper light in the darkness my God that is who you are you are here you are here turning lives around turning lives around I worship you I worship you I worship you I worship you say you are here you are here bending every heart bending every heart I worship you I worship you I worship you I worship you come on and say way maker way maker Miracle Worker prise keep keeper light in the darkness my God that is who you are way way maker Miracle work prise keeper light in the darkness God that is who you are [Music] [Music] in you are mirle work keeper light in the darkness God that is who you are say that is who you are that is who you are say that is who you are that is who you are that is who you are that is who you [Applause] [Music] are that is who you are that is who you are you are that is who you are that is who you are that is who you are my God you are that is who you [Applause] are that is who you are yeah even when I don’t see it you work even when I don’t feel it you’re working you never stop you never stop working you never stop you never stop working even I don’t see it I don’t feel it even when I don’t feel it you you never stop you never stop stop stop I don’t see it’s your even I don’t feel it your never stop stop you never stop you never stop you never stop you never stop never stop you never stop you never stop you never stop stop you never stop you never stop you never stoping you never stop you never stoping you never stop you never stop you you you never stop you never stoping stoping come on and help me say way maker way maker mirac work a promise keeper light in the darkness my God that is who you are your way maker maker worker light in the darkness my God that is who you are way maker Miracle Worker promise keeper light in the dark God that is who you [Music] are you’re a way maker you’re a miracle worker promise keeper you the light you the light in the darkness that is who you are [Applause] [Music] thank you Lord [Music] [Music] [Music] amen that is who you are [Music] hu amen we preach not our ourselves but Jesus Christ as Lord and ourselves as your servant for Christ’s sake we say good morning to you how y’all doing aren’t you glad he never stops working hallelujah praise God from whom all blessings flow we will continue our series on totally committed and like I said before and I’ll say it again it is my prayer we started the Series this year dedicated this whole year to being totally committed totally committed your walk that these series of sermons is challenging you and helping to expose God’s biblical truth in our lives and how we are the salt and the light of the earth and that we got all of our chips in if anyone have to come after me let him first deny yourself self-denial is first then you pick up your cross follow Christ we’ll continue on you have your Bibles turn with me to Matthew the 21st chapter Matthew is the first book of the New Testament we need our Bibles I know we put it on the screen but come with your Bibles I said it before before and I said again coming to church without B your Bible is like Batman that’s right like [Music] L that’s right like peanut butter like Chicago Bulls it just ain’t right it just ain’t right bulls have never recovered amen seriously you need to bring your Bible to church you you need to bring your Bible understand when the preacher is talking you need to hear God’s word whether it’s on your cell phone or you you need you need your Bible Matthew 4:4 is written man shall not live by bread alone but every word that proceedes out of the mouth of God Thy word if I he in your heart that I might not sin against me amen ushers hold the doors at home I pray that you uh consecrate this time and let’s hear from God totally committed Matthew the 21st chapter this once tax collector Levi Matthew 21 we will begin reading at verse 208 what do you thinking there was a man who had two sons went to the first and said Son go and work the day in the vineyard verse 29 he said I would not but later he changed his mind and he went then the father went to the other son and said the same thing he answered I will sir but he did not go which of the two did what his father wanted the first they answered Jesus said to them truly I say to you the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom ahead of you let’s pray God of our weary ears God of our silent tears thou who has brought us thus far on the way thou who has by thy might led us into the light keep us forever in the path we pray lest our feet stray from the places Our God where we met thee lest our heart drunk with the wine of the world we forget thee Shadow Beneath Your Hand may we forever stand true to our Lord and savior avor Jesus Christ Lord I come now power and might with great confidence and assurance that you are God God I just pray that they don’t see me John lesie Brooks I have them to understand I’m M inp being used by you proclaiming thus said the word of God I pray that you draw by your holy spirit that the body of Christ will be equit for the work we ask this may the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight oh Lord my strength and my redeemer let all God’s people say last week I dealt with and I finished the series on Luke 9 51-62 we finished it three excuses in Luke 951 is where he’s headed to Jerusalem Luke 9: 57-62 is the three excuses turn me down just a little bit Jazz three excuses three excuses any excuse anybody has for not being totally committed Jesus exposed those in that little short paropy and we went over each one we went over each one the first one blurted out Lord I’ll follow you wherever you go Jesus said foxes have hes Bears have nests but the son of man has no place to lay his head he didn’t want to leave prosperity he didn’t want to leave his home that was just Tau the second one Jesus initiates an invitation y’all remember that and he says to him follow me and he says Lord first let me go and bury my father Jesus responds Let the dead bury the dead procrastination using family and procr the nation I am but I got to stop it stop it sell out to the Lord and then the third one Jesus says follow me and he says Lord I will follow you but first let me go back and say goodbye to my family and my friends and Jesus said no one who puts his hand to the pl and do what look back and looking back is really letting go so if you’re not totally committed you can fall under one of those three categories whatever your little excuse is and I say that in love it falls either you materialism procrastination or looking back and not letting go whatever you are and I pray that you are challenged and you rise up and understand what it mean and how the body of Christ can be a Perpetual force in this community with totally committed Christians and here it is listen to me now vast majority of you probably are challenged to the point where you say I ain’t sold out well you don’t need to go to sleep today cuz I got good news for you it may have been painful for the last three weeks but today I got good news for you after next week when we do safety and today I’m going to do The Parables directly of Jesus rebuking religious leaders there’s three Parables they’re linked together the two sons we’ll do that today the parable of the tenants and the weding banquet all of them are directed at religious leaders y’all hear me why why they question Jesus listen to me now because they did not want to relinquish Authority so as we start this series totally committed is about relinquishing control of your life relinquishing Authority power is not given it’s taken and Jesus has no problem taking it from you ask me how I know know he will take it so with this being understood let’s con continue this series on totally committed are you ready to give up Authority in your life because if you’re not totally committed it’s one of these things it’s an excuse and ultimately you are questioning Christ’s Authority now watch this Matthew 2128 Jesus asked a question but before we get into the question what Jesus asked you got to understand and we’ll deal with it in Bible study make sure you write your notes he had cleaned the cleansed the temple they came in here cleansed the temple they didn’t like that he’s he’s the authority he’s cleansing the temple yeah my house is a House of Prayer you made the den a theves he’s cleansed the temple so now the religious leaders remember we talked about disciple are questioning Jesus by what Authority now wait a minute in other words who do you think you are y’all young used to be song Who Do You Think You Are Mr Big Stuff y’all remember that I ain’t always been saved I ain’t always been say so they really questioning him saying now now you coming in here we got things just like we want them and you comeing here and you changing stuff just like he does to our lives and you if you’re not careful you just like this religious person you saying let me hold up Christ I got to live at this standard of what you who do you think you are who who do you think you got to re understand and I can I cannot emphasize this enough he is not talking to he talking to church folk not not macedonians he talking to church folk who questions who dare question Jesus is Authority you may say I ain’t ask this a okay when you are not totally committed what you’re doing is you’re questioning his by what Authority do you you come into my life and you got the audacity to tell me what to do with my money how to live my life what to do with my body how I should live what I shall forgive how dare you say that but what Authority do you have and Jesus would ask you the same question he’s going to ask them let’s take the plane off let’s get this plane off the ground verse 28 Jesus’s response I love this I love this Wonder he he he he don’t answer their questions you know he he don’t answer their questions look what he said he didn’t ask any questions he asked them a question uh I can see him now let let me let me reconstruct this text reconstruct this text they saying uh you ran the temple out uh we got a question they try to trick him about John the Baptist and if he’s with God he’s this they’re trying to trick him and ask him a question by what they question his authority and he says what do you think what what what what do you think oh and by the way by the way good Christian people God does not have to answer your question I don’t care how mad you get and well God you got to answer me he ain’t got to answer you nothing the Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof the world matter of fact even he talks to you you ought to be glad and you shaking your finger at God say now I need some answers why this happen I’m down here doing this why you doing this God says listen what you think let me let Mama mother when I I’m regressing I’m getting a little angry up here questioning God let me stop let me park right here just for a second let me park right here you wouldn’t dare question your mama or your daddy why you questioning Ruby Jean Brooks raised me and she said boy go I didn’t dare say why I looked at and said where where we going so Jesus said real quick he says what do you think he says there a man who had two sons he had two sons and he went to the first and he said Son go and work to to day where in the vineyard now watch this he asking them the same questions about Authority a man had two sons he says go work in the vineyard The Vineyard watch this the vineyard The Vineyard represents in this text following God yes yes yes doing what God says totally watch this watch this watch this watch this sometime as Christians we make this we we make this mistake maybe you haven’t made this mistake sometime we make this mistake we make this mistake is that we say I’m working for the Lord and you in the church when you say it but the Bible tells us that the Earth is the Lord’s the fullness thereof the world and they that dwell therein which means that everything you do and everywhere you are you are working for the Lord don’t think just cuz you in the church ushering you driving the or two that is the work of the Lord but the main verb is To Go Make Disciples your job is the vineyard the your neighborhood is the vineyard your business is the vineyard everywhere you go God is assigning you to go somewhere oh I know I’m right about it you have to open up your Paradigm you have to open up your Paradigm to see I’m working for the Lord and we say this all the time you probably get mad at me but listen to I’m tell you the truth I just hate this job why Colossians 3:2 three whatever you do you do it for the Lord you should be representing God where he planted you stop being mean and evil and lazy coming to work then you going to invite me to church I ain’t going to your church you lazy you don’t even do no work you complain all day you on your phone all day you don’t even do a decent job you gossip all the time you represent Christ wherever you are even if you sweep Street sweep the streets so that God can get the glory you’re a school teacher do it to God’s glory you’re a business owner you’re a bus driver you’re a plumber you’re a dentist you’re a doctor come down on some of them bills come down a little bit represent Jesus have mercy listen whatever you do you do to the glory of God and God is calling every last one of us go in the vineyard go go and represent me go and do the work now watch this notice this I got to make this point notice that the master orders watch this both sons and here’s the thing you know I like the languages he ordered both of them to go into the vineyard to work the text really implies today today he went to him w heard and says hey go work today love Ruby Jean Brooks to death I love her to death but she taught me so much i’ be in the room doing what I have to do playing My Little Nintendo and the electronic football game we’ have all that stuff we football courts Rock I mean supertoe hit the head poop and she would say John Lesley yeah mama she said come here boy right now she from North Carolina right now I had to stop everything I was doing right now and I had to go do what she said right now and God is calling you to stop what you doing right now he said go and work today I got to unpack this I’m going to take my some time today listen you’re being called to work he talk to religious for he said what you think I’ve ordered you to do something right now some of you talking about I need to get my life together go work right now now look at verse 29 look at verse 29 you in the vineyard and the first son and some of us are the first son I ain’t going to ask you to say which one you are but the first one says um I will not that’s why you got to appreciate the Greek language you got to understand the language I know y’all hate when I do this but you got to understand the languages he did not politely say it Daddy Dad come on dad I got a date tonight I would do it but that it’s just not a good time that’s not the will not his will not in the Greek language was that of defiance it’s called emphatic language it’s defiant language watch me now he said emphatically no I ain’t going I will not no I ain’t going heck no if he’s one of these kids today he probably cussed oh that’s just him you lost your mind yes sir Pastor Brooks in jail I knocked him out I knocked him out one I knocked him out cuss me out but this kid was this this son was so defiant I mean I mean he he was so defiant he says I will not go defiant defiant he was straight to the point he was clear it ain’t going to happen it ain’t going to happen but the text says but later but later but later I looked and did some research it don’t tell how much longer but later sir and some of y’all before you start shouting you that first son God has called you to do something and with your Defiance of your life you are telling God emphatically no I like the way I’m living I will not do it and I ain’t talking about church I’m talking about your whole life God has called you to Holiness God has called you to righteousness God has told you to work in the vineyard and you by your life even though it ain’t verbally with your actions you have defi God and some of y’all just like me with raised in the church and couldn’t wait till we got 18 we got 18 I said I ain’t going to nobody’s Church she can’t make me go cuz I ain’t underneath her roof I don’t care nothing about no 12:00 I’mma watch the kickoff at 12:00 with Greg gumbo every Sunday you don’t make me miss it for 18 years it’s a new day now it’s a new day it’s a new day it’s a new day I will not do it you are living in Defiance but later maybe you was in the hospital sick maybe your L was when you got pregnant and wasn’t married Come on talk to me somebody maybe you was in jail but later 10 kids later talk to me somebody sir some heartbreak later yes sir come on later y’all know what I’m talking about now you’re addicted to pornography later it didn’t say what it was but later he changed his mind and I don’t want to get into your business this morning but how many of y’all can identify with this first son you said God I ain’t doing nothing that you say do but you got out there in life and you walk right past this Vineyard and you living your life you got your little man jual job you got everything happened and then the economy crashed and now you got that little three car garage you got that mortgage note uhhuh you got everything on and then they call you to the office say we going to give you a severance package later living your life just any kind of way and later watch this and this is what real this is what I think this text is just so beautiful right here he changed his mind most translations said he repented most translations said he repented and what went so now I started digging what you mean he repented he repented what do you mean he repented now now most of us think repent is when we are salvation this was not a salvific repent it’s a Greek term repent he changed his mind which means by his own thinking because of circumstances he felt bad and had an emotional response he regretted disrespecting the father but watch this watch this this is the same repentance that you will find in Matthew 21 273 when Judas had sold the 30 pieces of silver and it says that same Greek word he repented Judas didn’t get saved Judas said darn it my plan didn’t work I know we ain’t SH now so let’s not make him save just CU he changed his mind and it can’t be salvific cuz salvific would means that he now is accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior and watch this you can’t repent for yourself ain’t nothing in you going to make you repent you can only be drawn by the Holy Spirit you can’t repent of yourself you can feel sorry you can have tears Judas had tears but he killed himself so this first son he felt bad about it he didn’t get saved he didn’t get saved he didn’t get saved he didn’t get saved he felt bad about it and he said maybe I should start doing what God my father has told me to do and he says I’m going start doing the work of God and here is the shouting material a lot of us and you ain’t got to say Amen we are repen of in the way that we feel sorry when life hits us but we ain’t saved we come to church and do the work and I’m here to tell you the church is full of a whole lot of people who have repented in in the in in in the Greek term mat ma bethan yo okay methan yo that means to feel sorry for her and he and he regretted so in his mind he says you know what I’mma go back and iin going to do what the father told me to do so he went back into the vineyard Miguel and he started working but he wasn’t saved but he was working and I’m here to tell you when you ain’t going to like this a church is filled with a whole lot of people who is doing a whole lot of work but you ain’t saved you just feel sorry for what you’ve done but wait a minute I told you some good news today here’s some good news today I told you I ain’t goingon to leave you out there today the good news is that when he started doing the work he got saved and what I’m saying is that we can’t make the church full of a whole lot of perfect people that’s why you coming here don’t be talking about what she doing she working her way back she don’t understand who Jesus Christ is she understands she’s messed up on the inside he messed up what he’s done on the inside but we don’t want them in the church because we say look at him ain’t that the one who said they didn’t do XYZ listen to me baby forget them come on and start doing what the Lord has told you to do and when you doing what the Lord tell you to do you going to be around the preacher preaching you going to be around the song talking about he keep on working Miracle Worker promise keeper light in the dark you going to say what y’all talking about I’ve heard that and before you know it the holy spirit is going to draw you and if it draws you then you’re going to say I’ll say yes Lord yes and we got to let people in the church work their way back to the Lord stop being so angry stop being so holy that folk in the church have to be perfect I’m glad that when I came back I didn’t have it all together but I knew I needed my savior I know I needed God and I just started going back and he says I will draw you I will draw you with my loving kindness and people who know what I’m talking about we shouting because when we came to the church you didn’t want us in here yes sir yes sir you looked at us crazy yes sir you looked at us because of our reputation you looked at us because the skirt was too short you looked at us because we wasn’t we had just got out of jail you looked at us because we was no good but you know what I ain’t here for you and I’m glad God looks beyond what I’ve done and he says okay now that you changeed your mind it is the holy spirit that will draw you to Salvation oh I wish we could get that yes sir I love you to the devil don’t you believe everybody in here saved but that’s okay sir you playing with fire coming up in here come on come on up in here Pastor you going to let them come up in here just any kind of way I show him where they at where he at where he at where he at where he at get him Holy Spirit get them Holy Spirit if thou shal confess with the mouth the Lord Jesus bam and believe that you keep coming it’s going to get I wish I had some witnesses here some of y’all so this first son represented of that day the prostitutes and the harlots and those for us who are jacked up after he went after he regretted it and we’ll deal with that listen to me and I’m gonna move on that repent you can’t there’s nothing in you to make you going to repent that’s the job of the Holy Spirit so he repented he felt bad he went back and he did the work wow now look notice this Matthew 21:30 Matthew 21:30 father went to the other son he said the same thing and he answered now now look at the difference his language was I will sir that word translated in the Greek is Kiros which means Lord Lord with a capital l which means he is now verbally calling him Lord and I’m not trying to offend anybody but he perectly calling him Lord way maker Miracle Worker promise keeper light in the darkness my God that is who you are that’s what your mouth is saying he is Lord he Lord he has risen from the dead and he is Lord that’s my song that’s what your mouth is saying I know you’re going to get offended every time the church open you there you on every committee stop bro stop you ain’t coming to bible study this first son said all the right things this represented the Jews the Pharisees the priests the church go but look at his text his mouth said it but what he what did not go wow he believed that he’s Lord but he wasn’t totally committed in too many churches now today I love you we border we border we border what do you mean we border this is what some Churches do today they have a whole lot of attendance so they can say they got got thousands of people they’ll let people believe without doing and I’m here to tell you if you are a True Believer there’s no separation from believing and doing you ain’t going to do unless you believe and if you believe you ain’t going to do there something wrong too many churches Foster this environment that I’m glad that you here so therefore I am not going to challenge you I’m just glad that you paying your ties I’m glad that you showing up I’m glad that you singing in the choir I’m glad that you teaching Sunday school I’m glad that you’re doing XYZ I’m glad that you’re doing this I’m fix to get fired I’m glad that you’re doing all of this I’m glad that you’re doing all let’s just come and we just praise God ain’t that church just off the CLE yeah but there’s nobody doing ain’t nobody in the vineyard ain’t nobody living the life of Christ outside of this building total commitment and again let me let me stress this I am not preaching Perfection how can somebody jacked up like me preach Perfection I don’t I don’t believe God is calling us to be perfect people say the text says be perfect for I am perfect again you got to understand the language he is perfect he says I am who I am the total being who I am you be totally what you are and what you are capable of being you can’t be perfect without God and you say yes I can I said I got the holy spirit in you the fact that you got the Holy Spirit In Me tells me you ain’t perfect cuz if you got the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you that mean you prone to make mistakes can I tell a witness Romans 7 that which I find myself doing I don’t want to do and that what I want to do I find myself not doing it is sin that lives in me that’s why God gives us the Holy Spirit that’s the perally to comfort us to lead us and to guide us so you are not perfect so I am not preaching Perfection I mean commitment I mean trying your best doing the best you can doing the best you can doing the work what would the church be like if everybody was committed totally committed but the first song was all T all T I knew he get no amens today all talk but said the right things and Jesus asked them in verse 31 next text look what he says in the next text which of the two did what the father wanted what son are you they answered the first one the first one and Jesus said truly I tell you tax collectors prostitutes the one that you look down on will enter the kingdom again I hate to do this the NIV says ahead of you but the actual translation in the Greek translation said the the text is instead of you it’s not ahead of you because Works won’t get you to heaven the translation in the Greek is instead of you you got to be the dumbest person ever you spending your whole life faking you spend your whole life going through the motions that’s got to be miserable I don’t want that for you I don’t want that for you depart for me I never knew you I never knew you I never knew you I never knew you why are you coming in here and you not going to commit why why why wow but here’s the good news if you son number two you should got time ask me how I know ask me how I know cuz I’ve been son number one and son number two don’t you let this title fool you don’t you let this title fool you I know what it’s like to be in Rebellion sir I know what it’s like to come to church and having people look at you I know what it’s like when all seven of us came to church with no father people made you look down on because what they said about your M I know what it’s like to live a life of rebellion nothing I’m proud of but yet come to church I’m blessed and I’m highly favorite but yet in my life was still up I know what it’s like I know what it’s like but here is the good news of the Gospel here’s the good news whosoever and I’m glad that the whosoever includes the prostitute the backslider the liar The Gambler the adulterer the homosexual the lesbian whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved I ain’t what I should be but I’m glad I’m not what I used to be please be patient with me God is not through with me yet and I’m working in the vineyard and I’m doing what the master said ask for me in my house we will serve the true God we’re not perfect but we’re committed and if you ain’t there God gives you another chance God gives you another chance you can come in here fake it but you can leave committed the question is that’s it you still got time here I am here I stand Lord my life is in your hand I’m tired of Faking I’m tired of not being totally committed Lord I’m longing to see your desire fulfilled in me I Give Myself Away somebody here today if you’re the number one son and you’re rebelling you just out coming you just trying to make your way back keep coming keep doing the work it’s the job of the Holy Spirit to save you you son number two and you came in here know you not committed you can say wait a minute here I am here I am here I stand God come on deacons Lord my life make a commitment today if you online and you don’t want to walk down here you can text 833 299 2949 come to see your desire Ral in me I is there one is there one don’t be afraid if you don’t want to walk you can and we’ll meet you in the back so you [Music] can you already saved you’re already saved and you need the church home come come on Tim so commit today here I am come on y’all here I stand toally committed stop going through the motions stop living a lukewarm life watch what God does watch next week what a total life can do with that son the in the bement God’s going to fill up his house he’s going to fill it up he’s inviting you to the table come on y’all I give myself away is there one I give myself I give myself away so you can you myself away is there another don’t be afraid if you at home and you’re watching or if you here you say I don’t want to walk down in front of these people you don’t have to right now you can text 833 299 2949 and right after church we’ll help you lead you to Christ or help you get committed assign you with somebody a yoke fellow somebody who would say you know what I’ll walk with you not in condemnation cuz Romans 81 there’s no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus no condemnation we going to sing it one more time if you’re here come come on Dr is that one one more time I give myself I give myself away is there one I give myself I give myself away so you so you can use Give Myself Away [Music] I give myself away so you can use me my life is not my own to you I belong give myself you got time why she’s taking name to you come on Timothy my life my life is not my own to you I belong to you I belong I give myself I give myself to you I give myself I Give Myself Away totally committed I give myself give myself away so you can thank you deacons let’s see what God has done assister secretary when you hear your name please stand to Pastor Brooks and the Macedonia Church family God has sent us sister to Shonda Walker coming for as a candidate of [Applause] [Music] baptism to Pastor Brooks the Macedonia Church family God has sent us brother Jim stoer coming by Christian [Music] experience Pastor Brooks in the Macedonia Baptist Church family God has sent us Mr and Mrs Jones coming by Christian exper [Music] [Music] experience and Pastor Brooks and the Macedonia family God hasent us their granddaughter as well sister Asia fever coming for [Music] baptism amen praise God all of our new members please stand turn to your left and go with our new me uh new members team and let’s celebrate what God has done the [Music] church the church God has spoken Let the church Let the church Let the church amen God Is Spoken God Is Spoken Let the church Let the [Music] church amen if you heard from God and you’ve been blessed let’s thank God for his word amen thank God come on thank God for his word ushers hold the doors it’s time to reflect what God said to you today how you going to apply what we said today how you going to play God apply God’s word who you going to share with [Music] what are you going to do what did God say to you take a moment to [Music] reflect death change [Music] has come all for [Music] me a [Music] wonderful change has come [Music] all he change [Music] change my life complete change and now I sit change I’ll sit at hiset I’m so glad he change to do change what must be done change I’m work working work [Music] soad he a wonderful [Music] [Music] changeful a wonderful come over [Applause] [Music] change me [Music] CH you you one CH a wonderful change hallelujah thank you for changing me God now use me lordly committed me change I don’t change I do it Jesus has amen wonderful visitors we have something for you in room 11 if you are visitors please go down the 110 we have some for you we glad you were here Wednesday we will have Bible study uh bring your questions bring your questions amen love you Macedonia may we stand John 13:35 says by this will all men know you my disciples that you show love one towards another we are one we are one in the spirit We Are One We Are One in the Lord in the Lord we are one in the spirit in the spirit we are one we are one in the Lord and we pray our Unity our Unity May one day May one day be Resto and the BL we are gracious by our love all love and now know we are by our love we will work we will work with each other with each other we will work we will work side by side side by side we will work with each other we will work [Applause] side by side will each one’s digity and say each one PR and know we are Chris by our love our love and know we are Christians by our love we will walk We Will Walk with each other walk we will walk hand in hand hand in hand we will walk with each other with each other we will walk hand in hand together we will spread the news that God our land and they know we are cre by our love our love and know we are cre by our love we are by I love and I know we are prous by our love make sure you take something to invite somebody for what God is saying through the cinema next week movie safety about a life somebody who is totally committed and also visitors of Room 11 please may the Lord bless you may the Lord keep you may the Lord make his face shine upon each and every one of you may the Lord let the bonance upon you and give you peace let every heart say peace and love [Music]

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