Here’s our update for June. What we’ve been up to, what’s getting upgraded and where are we going?

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    Follow me, my wife Jenny, Poppy, our Westie and sometimes Tara, my sister’s Cavaschon. We do Motorhome Reviews, Motorhome Days Out, Help, Hints and Tips on Motorhomes, Motorhome Tours in the UK and Europe, we visit Motorhome Shows, and spend over a third of our year living in a motorhome. In fact all things motorhome!

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    00:00 Poppy sit
    00:35 Coming up
    01:11 Home for 2 weeks
    02:02 Watching on TV?
    03:45 What have we been up to?
    08:01 Stickers
    09:38 Fiido spokes
    12:34 Front mudguards
    13:36 VB air suspension
    17:38 Denmark tour
    21:24 Second Scottish trip

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    YouTube Channel

    Please: DO NOT send me personal messages on Facebook, Instagram or Email UNLESS it is important.


    ▶ Video Equipment and Software:

    ▶ Motorhome Essential Accessories:

    ▶ Motorhome:
    Fiat Ducato Swift Kon-Tiki 784 (2024)

    ▶ Car:
    VW Club Up! (2015)

    ▶ Dog(s):
    Poppy, a West Highland White Terrier (2013), Tara, a Cavascon (2014), my sister’s dog, who we look after occasionally.

    Thanks for watching!

    up poppy could you go in your bed please I can’t sit there she never makes this easy move on come on E sit there or go in your bed yeah yeah there yeah look at you no she’s off now are you off there that was short appearance there she is from poy go on go on this is why we don’t never try and film with her [Music] right all right so Po’s gone Poppy’s gone so coming up in this all right Poppy’s gone yes so coming up in this video uh we’re going to go through what we’ve been up to since we got home yeah and got some more planned upgrades for Connie and our plans for tours and meetups coming up so uh do stay tuned because it’s going to be quite a long one by looks of it what’s that right right okay so we’ve been home for two weeks now we have I mean the last time we were away was at the vanners collaboration wasn’t it at Summers wood which was a really enjoyable weekend yeah some of the others are already want to plan one for next year so you know we all gotten very well didn’t we it was great week weend yeah it was a was a Meetup for YouTubers really rather than uh subscribers so yeah um how can we put this we’re not keen on uh big meetings no cuz we’re not great entertainers are we no we’re not the song and dance type think of yeah so that’s why we don’t do great big things but no that was just to get to know each other in the collaboration wasn’t it and I think it really achieved that didn’t it yeah absolutely um I did a post uh last week and I I was curious because in my analytics the statistics that YouTube give you uh it tells me that 51% of our uh viewing figures are people watching on TV yes so I did a post I got loads of people load of comments from people say we watch on TV and yes watch on a phone and everything I thought it was quite interesting but there must have been people who couldn’t comment on the post because a they hadn’t seen the comment because they only watch on TV yeah and uh and B because they don’t use a phone to uh to watch YouTube so so tell me if it’s useful but I think I’m I’m planning a video on how to watch YouTube uh using a smart TV and a phone because a lot of people don’t realize that you can subscribe even on a smart TV you can easier than it was it was a bit of a nightmare to begin with but you can now you can view comments can’t you but I don’t think it’s got the facility yet for actually making a comment no so I want to do a a a video on you know showing people how this can subscribe how they can leave a like and if they want to how they can watch us on and comment on the phone as well yeah so let us know if you think that’s going to be useful uh and partic particularly I’d love to hear from people who can’t comment but that’s really difficult is it is yes yeah I mean I I one of the best things about YouTube is is getting comments and the interaction uh between our our viewers and ourselves yeah so that said what we’ve been up to we’ve been up to well you ordered some Ship Shape bedding it’s not very easy to say that I’ve got to be careful how you say that yeah because um we originally reviewed that didn’t we wasn’t it our first product it was our first ever product review and I kept going saying this is not a um paid paid for promotion and but we’ve struggled a bit to know how we would use it because we had slatted beds didn’t we yeah in the bolera which is where I got it from originally and in the Swift contiki sport but in this van we’ve just got a board uh which basically covers over the garage yeah so in theory if the garage gets cold uh condensation can form on the top side of of the the board where it’s warmer yes and mold can get into the mattress and it it’s a problem that a lot of people who’ve got this sort of layout W with Bed above a garage uh may be familiar with so I’m hoping that that’s going to be a solution for that but anyway I’m probably telling you what’s in the video there on you yeah so you made a little video haven’t you yeah which people might have might have watched by now um maybe and I think it’s probably coming out after after this video won you have a why yeah yeah right so what else we’ve done some gardening haven’t we which is unusual for us you gave me a list didn’t you I gave you a list yeah we’ve um we had an area at the front don’t we where some shrubs had died off over the winter yeah so we finally got two new shrubs to put in there yeah and there’s was another area at the side wasn’t there which origin had a shrub a giant shrub like a triffid thing that that kept trying to strangle me every time I got out out the car so you were always trying to have cut it back and whatever so anyway so that was taken out the gardeners that we’ve got took that out but we’ve now put some Stone down we so I’ve been doing that and just keeping the garden down we while we’ been here I I always find quite a big job when I get home is is cleaning the van both inside because it’s like a mini house yeah and and cleaning outside so yeah I’ve dry sparkled the outside um that took me about half n till about half two while yeah cuz you’ve done the roof and and everything yeah so yeah give it a really good clean which meant that it the following night it rained it rained yes I don’t know how I manage it but every time I clean the van it rains immediately afterwards and we also had the window cleaner didn’t we and that normally does it because normally he’s just gone and then it pours a rain yeah yeah never mind um the other it’s not really a bit of news it’s a bit of non- news but the we’re hoping to get our bay window fixed the one that the one that leaks yes um and they rang me up almost as soon as we got back and said they can’t find the bricks for it they’ve had to order the bricks uh yes and they won’t be in stock until presumably you’re watching this you’ll be watching this on Sunday so on Monday hopefully I’ll know whether they’ve got the bricks or not yes and they can fix our our leaking roof so fingers crossed we get that fixed yes You’ already got a video for Sunday so have I oh yes right okay so this will be Tuesday then you’re thinking uh yeah so hopefully by the time you watch this we’ll have we we have had it fixed yeah we’ve I don’t know whether we said but we finally got the nhbc um to agree to our claim it’s not taken a heck of a long time and they finally said it’s the cavity tray which which which is happening a lot to people I know people have commented on it when we said about it the problem they said it’s the cavity tra we’ve known all along really it’s the cavity tray but I think they’ve used some like delaying tactics you know paint paint the roof that was that that was one of them one of them yeah uh and anyway cessa came out and it it’s sort of a bit stunned just agreed with everything and said what do you need is in cavage your tray and that’s right and uh you know should I get someone to come so hopefully they will have come by the will of time you’re watching this yeah that’s right uh so what’s next um yeah I ordered some stickers um I’m not very good at this sort of thing um so anyway I didn’t realize I thought that they’d come in you know and well I don’t really know what I thought I thought the back in would I don’t think you really realized what die cut meant well it didn’t mention die cut no it it just said stickers didn’t it it just said stickers it was on Amazon yeah and I thought yeah sheet of stickers and I assumed that the backing would allow to take each of the stickers out but it doesn’t no it’s just this piece of paper with stickers stuck on it so if anyone wants any stickers like 10 sheets of them you can have yeah yeah you can have a sheet it’s a bit awkward to sort of give somebody a sticker which is all sticky on the back and you know got to run and put it somewhere so yeah you can have a sticker as long as you can stick it straight away it’s an instant sticker there are invented something now we we have ordered some some replacement well no but we’ve S I mean naing took this lovely picture yeah we have used the picture yes I’ll probably put it on the screen it probably best in it yeah um and I I didn’t manage to fit it on this one very well but we hopefully the ones you’ve ordered it will come and they I didn’t know it even called die cast no no no right apparently that’s what they are not diecast Die Cast I did say die cart didn’t I I think you said diecast anyone remembers Corgi and Dinky they were Die Cast well they all right okay um the other thing is when I review products I you know they I take it out of the box I assemble it I try it out see how I get on with it one thing I can’t do of course is uh is test a product over a long time and then um then at the end of the video say this product has lasted well or this product hasn’t lasted well but what I can do is I can tell you what’s happened about one of the products that I reviewed now the I if you remember I did the one of the first know the first bike that I got the F d4s the ebike the folding uh bike the little bike which which is really handy which was handy in the other motor because it was small I could put it on a bike rack uh and it it is fairly compact that I found it got three broken spokes now I think it happened when I was cycling at at Bley Park you remember remember I cycled up that hill um was it called blly Hill can’t remember I can’t remember what it’s called but it was a bit Rocky and I think I must have broken the spokes there and when I reviewed the bike to be fair some people said they got one and it had some broken spokes so you know it’s a sort of thing that you can’t you know you can’t tell people in advance what’s going to go wrong so you know so I what I would say is whenever you watch a YouTube review video just remember that they’ve got it out the box they’ve tested it a bit hopefully for a bit of time and they can only give you an opinion on what it’s like it’s like then yeah so so hands up um I’m I’m not happy with the fact that it’s got broken spokes I’m also not happy with the fedo um delivery service I ordered the spokes two weeks ago almost as soon as I got back as soon as you got back I thought yeah still got no no tracking on the delivery still don’t know where they’re going to arrive I was hoping to take the little holding back with us to on our next trip but I can’t do that so yeah that’s interesting isn’t it I haven’t reviewed any ebikes since I have been offered a few haven’t I so you you kept saying no not another flaming bike well yeah there’s three in the shed at the moment and uh there my original bike there’s the fedo there’s the there’s the one I’m going to talk about a little bit later and the uh the big one one the big the big white the big white yeah yeah yeah so the big white went to was it seems big to me and it is Big it’s big and that’s the problem it if fits in the garage just about well it means I probably can’t take the awning with me but if I could could take the fedo then I probably could well that’s what we were sort of planning for our next trip wasn’t it but you can’t take it with broken spokes no no so I’ll have to figure out what to do about that so a bit of a product update yeah right yeah um you’ve got some oh yeah I’ve got been meaning to get these um for a little while rustle russle yeah but I got some mud flaps yeah you went over to Warden Summit didn’t you be a professional yeah dealer so it’s a a bit of rubber a bit of Steel um some fixings hopefully somewhere I don’t oh yeah yeah some fixings in there I had to panic there um and yeah £90 worth of rubber and steel yeah plus vat plus vat they are the the Fiat um stroke Citron stroke um um what’s the other one buo um proper mud flaps so hopefully they’ll fit and shouldn’t have any problems but yeah there you go mud flaps just just been to yeah I I’ve just come back from Walton Summit with so yeah yeah so that’s that um other bit of upgrade news is we’re going to get air suspension fitted out we’ve been talking about it for a little while and we’ve decided to go for what we think is probably one of the best uh Solutions and it’s not the cheapest Solution by any stretch of the imagination no but we’re going to go for VB full air suspension which will mean that we can adjust the the level of the vehicle when it’s on site we can use it to empty the water you can tip it one side to empty it out uh you can lift the back up when you go on to feries uh and hopefully it should improve the ride so looking forward to getting that fitted we couldn’t get the fitting in before October I mean we got the the September trip abroad was hoping to be able to get it for that but couldn’t sort of fit it in it takes a while for it the kit to arrive anyway and they were fully a& e Leisure we’re going to yeah in cheses and they could they couldn’t fit Us in apart from a tiny little window in August could they yeah you didn’t want me to go no because it was in between two trips and it was only like two days and they need the van for three days they need it for three days but there was three days there but it was probably pushing it yeah yeah so we’re going to go and stay at a site I think it’s called Belmont hall or something like that all right which is about 8 minutes away the night before and cuz I stupidly said to you didn’t I cuz I could book it for the three nights yeah you said how can you do that stay in we’re going to take the car yeah and this is one one of the advantages of being a to St the car is that we’re going to take the car with us as well and then we’ll obviously we’ll deliver the van and then we’ll come home and then you’ll go back in the car and yeah pick the van up yeah I think I also want to film because it’s quite near to the anderton lift yeah the um the a canal um lift that goes up yeah I’ve Never filmed that so haven’t you oh yes I have I have filed you have went there with Glen that’s right well Glen yeah that yeah so um okay so if you’re enjoying this video so far you’re founding it useful give us a thumbs up and if you haven’t already please consider subscribing uh and also have a look if you think you subscribed just check you are subscribed cuz a few people have said to me that they’ve suddenly discovered they’re not subscribed anymore yeah I think it’s I think it’s even easier now to sort of accidentally click unsubscribe subcribe especially when you’re watching a video yeah I mean it I know we keep asking for it but the more people who subscribe the more people get to watch the videos and we hope that the videos are useful so the more you subscribe the more you help other people as well as us yeah you know what I’ve I’ve noticed um aen joined me to a a Facebook group for a caravana motor home Club chat and a lot of people are on there ask have you ever been to blahy blah and what’s the site like yeah and there’s a Temptation for me to say well yes we have been here our video but I don’t like to do that because it looks like we’re promoting ourselves and there have been problems on some Facebook groups other people complaining that you know YouTubers are promoting themselves but if you know anybody that is going to a caravan motum club or or a c camping and caravaning Club yeah we have done what is it about two over 200 over 200 arriving at video so we’ve been to a lot of campsites so if it’s helpful please share our video yeah that that helps as well yes and we don’t like to self-promote us no that’s why I’ve sort of held back because uh there’s so many on there sort of asking things and I think well I yeah I could say something here and share a video but I think that looks like oh you’re trying to promote your channel yeah yeah so it’s difficult isn’t it it’s a difficult balance yeah right right so moving on to moving on to what’s coming up yeah to tours on what we’re doing next so the first thing is we finally finished planning our Denmark trip um the last sort of uh bolt to put in place really was our trip to dorf and the Caravan Salon um it was a reason we couldn’t do anything was you can’t book tickets until um when was it 5th of June it started yeah it’s not very long ago about last week yeah yeah so last week so we couldn’t book any tickets no and we we never booked tickets before so we didn’t know what to do so we went on to the website it was it was a bit enlightening wasn’t it um trying to book things on a German for some reason Google wouldn’t translate it from it wasn’t the Caravan Salon that was the site that we would be booked afterwards in German no the dorf site yeah booking was okay but you had to book a day ticket that’s before you could book um camping before you could book a a camping spot which I suppose is fair enough cuz they want to know you know you’ve got a ticket before you yeah book the camp so we’ve booked uh we’re going with Trev Su Posh cats camping we both booked day tickets and we both booked 48 Hours uh parking Camp maximum say that’s the maximum you can book you can’t book more than 48 hours we were thinking we would there be there for days which left a bit of a problem so we had a bit of a panic and thought what do we do next because you got to leave by if you arrive at 7 um on say the Frid I don’t know when it is the Friday you’d have to leave by the by S on the FR Saturday Sunday yes that’s in the evening not 7 in the morning when whenever I mean it’s 48 hours from whenever you arrive to whenever you get there oh is it but I don’t think you can you can I don’t think the camping spots open till 7 no no and they want you to leave obviously by 7 cuz there must be other people coming after that so we thought we can’t go too far and and spend too long looking for somewhere to park I mean we could do Park UPS so admit I just thought it would be really busy because there’ll be people who are going to the Caravan Salon wer they so we wanted to make sure we got somewhere and that’s where the ger it was all in German it wouldn’t translate Yes it I mean we’ve done a little bit of Germany night class but they didn’t really help us very much does what was it there was a camping spot for a bully and we thought what’s a bully Buu l i they had soe laughing didn’t they yeah it it’s it means a equivalent of a a T2 camper yes because that’s what it was originally called the VW bully because obviously it’s not they’re not very long pitches that was the idea of them so we had to make sure we had a proper pitch didn’t we yes remember what it was called I think it was just called like Stell plats yeah St place or something like that so we’ve added an extra campsite to our to our trip we got a great big long list of campsite scaring me yeah yeah CU it’s three it’s three weeks isn’t it like 21 days and we’re going right up to Denmark and then coming back yeah yeah so I’m I’m really really looking forward to that should be a really good trip um yeah so so anyway so that was sort of you know the what we were doing last Sunday wasn’t it really yeah and and we would to talking because Trevor and Sue are in the outter EES aren’t they so we’re sort of talking to them on WhatsApp Trevor’s got had problems with his laptop screen didn’t he so he was able to do all this on a phone yeah which must have been challenging because it was difficult enough on a big screen that’s right yeah right so uh we’re all booked up we’re all booked up yeah and ready to go um but we have got a trip coming up on when we’re leaving Thursday so you’ll be watching this video on Tuesday Tuesday so the Thursday after that we’ll be going we’ll be off on another trip we’re going with Glenn and Sharon um reason going back to Scotland with Glenn and Sharon and we’ve just been to Scotland with Bob and alen tell re I mean because the vanas collaboration was sort of the dates for that were were established Bob and alien wanted to go end of May um so we thought well we’ll go with them to Aaron and then we’ll have a tour with in Sharon um afterwards so that’s why we’re going back but we’re not going back to the same area we’re going to the Northeast which is an area we’ve we’ve sort of touched on but we’ve not really gone up the coast have we we’ve sort of gone in land ball it’s a couple a couple of places we’ve been to before but we haven’t filmed yes so I mean we’ve got a little video we’ll we’ll start showing that now um so the one of the first stop is for far isn’t it yeah then for far I managed to find uh some old footage that we recorded when we did a trip with Bob and you yeah in 2016 after their daughter’s wedding oh that’s right yeah and we we took the Sony handicam hand handicam this is holding invisible one yes it’s one of those and uh we the idea was we were going to film our trip yeah and I think that was the first time that we’d done that properly wasn’t it yeah yeah we have gotten throwback Thursday that we sort of put together about it during the lockdown that’s it yeah so um here’s a little clip of that yeah next will becep for big cheese cheese Mel mry p right we’ve arrived here at fora site uh which is a lovely little site and uh Bob and Jenny arrived about half an hour before us I think uh we arrived just at half 1 and we went to walk up to the town and we’ve got a few things for tonight we’re sitting with a can of beer relaxing nice nice and warm but um overcast but warm so we’re here for two nights then we’re heading to codon morning the other other place we’ve not filmed is ston Haven I was quite surprised I thought I had we’ve been been there before with again with Bob and alen yeah but we’ve never filmed it and uh it was 2015 when we went there oh wow it’s quite a time ago so that’s um we always wanted to go back but never sort of fitted it into a trip so because we’re doing this sort of like up the coast and going that way and we’re able to yeah um there’s the car there Name Escapes me that’s right up on no that’ss with d we put the number something like that yeah we’re guessing aren’t we um I looked at the website for that and would you believe there are 180 steps up to it right okay so I think Su and Sheila managed to get up there but is not a lot it’s like one of those spiral staircases is it yeah it’s quite exposed though that’s that’s what they say and they close the castle if it’s you know really bad winds or whatever but we’ll see who can who can get out there it might not be me but okay the other thing about going back to abedine is I’ve actually got um family routs in abedine area because my great great grandfather was from abine yeah yeah was his was your great great great grandfather’s name quite a name uh Maxwell yeah but it’s Maxwell macm Donaldson oh that’s right yeah yeah yeah he was born in 1822 yeah and he was baptized at s Nicholas Kirk yeah in abedine and apparently St Nicholas is the patron saint of abedine yeah so if Charles might have to go and visit that church might have to visit that that’s where he was uh yeah but he came he was a coach Mar uh coach Builder and he came to England didn’t he to Hull and that’s where he met your great great great great grandmother yeah and then he eventually settled in Yorkshire didn’t interesting that he went to Hall isn’t it that’s where Swift are based coach Builder yeah coach buil mot I talk to that yeah H’s another place where you’ve got some distant relative aren’t you I can’t remember who that was now who did who painted a lot painted ships yeah quite famous painter wasn’t he yeah name can’t can’t can’t remember his name so the other other place we want to go to the other campsite is Huntley castle that’s right we it’s Affiliated site we’re originally going to Keith based on when Trev Su had been there but that’s some sadly had to close for some reason so to find something else so Huntley Castle we’re going to so we’ve been to Huntley haven’t we think we’ve been to the Tesco there be explored much further so be interesting so you want to see our video on Tesco at Handley yeah and then we’re going to Granton on spay um where we’ve went 2018 again really nice site yeah we originally went there when we’ve hired the first Moto we ever hired with your mom the advance oh no sorry when we hired one we hired one yeah borrowed one borrowed one from baric yeah that was a repeat no it wasn’t Galaxy that’s right yeah great big long thing on and uh we went that Granton on spay was then a club site right now I think it’s an Affiliated site and it’s it was nice it was nice when we went there originally but last time we went there we were on the super pitch and it it was really nice I remember the little guy on the bike going around he showed us to the pitch a little Mot most thing yeah yeah so and the final sort of stop on this trip is the woods the woods yeah which we also briefly did we open to try the restaurant because it wasn’t open it was sort of um I don’t know one of the periods in between the lockdown wasn’t it it yeah it was something about you could only um have a drink outside or something you could only drink with people if you were six six M away from every I don’t know I don’t can’t remember exactly what it was but they the restaurant then was was closed so couple of nights there and then we’re back just for an overnight stop at Green Acres which we filmed last year that’s right um then we come home but we don’t come home for very long because um Glenn is 60 yeah isn’t he and he’s having a big do so having a big do he’s invited half of berry to it and some Southport so yeah so we’re going to that um we getting Tru coming and KAS and Pete yeah so um you know we going to go to burs aren’t we for a couple of nights and then go there going to do a bit of overnight camping in a car park that should be a novelty for us should then we’re coming home because we’ve got to get stuff together for Robin Linds do yeah which would it’s all plan yeah I mean one of one of the things that about Robin Lind do is is their support for the race against dementia so um you’ve got some things together haven’t you that some there’s going to be an auction so I’ve got some things to auction off one of them is going to be an ebike so it’ be one of the ebikes I’ve reviewed and it won’t be my big white one and it won’t be the little Fe which that narrows it down narrows it down a bit so look out for that um after that we we thought we’d have a little uh Welsh tour so yeah I’ve got a few I booked some sites one to see L um On’s a and I’m probably going to get this pronunciation wrong ABA bran yeah I mean probably we will talk about that in the next update but that’s the one I’m looking forward to you’re looking forward to the Welsh tour I’m looking forward to that yeah yeah it should be good so that’s about it so we’re going to say uh That’s all folks and bye for now yeah bye then


    1. Hi Bob and Jenny,
      I now mostly look at you mostly on TV. I have just found out how to comment now on the phone. The air suspension will make such a difference to the ride, and it is so handy for levelling. Good luck and safe travels.

    2. I watch on my laptop and then connect to my large tv with an HDMI lead. the reason I do this is because I watch English tv via my laptop. ( I live in Denmark)

    3. I have to speak, about the window wall above your heads, it appears as if you have a black mould problem? I know this. is not the case, perhaps you can, explain

    4. When ever we are looking to book a site up we always look to see if you’ve been there first, and look up a few others we follow to see if they’ve been too, your videos are so helpful, we have the same van you have and had self levelling put on, next year we’re hoping to get an A-frame added too, safe travels to you both😊

    5. Have you ever been to Widecombe Fair in Devon is the second Tuesday in September every year. If you are down that way then worth going to see but make shore you have your car in tow as lanes are narrow. I’ve been going for 20 years.

    6. Watch on TV if at home & comment on phone 😁 The trips sound interesting! We’re Scotland bound soon too 😊 What a wonderful life this motorhoming is, very blessed. Safe trip, Em & G 💜

    7. Hi both, great video, very informative as useful, look forward to seeing your bed upgrade (as we have the same beds) and your air suspension etc.
      Your both looking great on your healthy eating well done.
      We're away on the 17th to Troutbeck head (thanks for the arriving video) safe travels on your trip🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿

    8. Great video as always, inspired by your tours, we've just got back from a couple of weeks multi stop 'mini tour' of Yorkshire in our Elddis 115, hitting Nottingham, York, the coast (Whitby, Scarborough, Cayton, etc) then back down south via Doncaster and Newark Motorhome show. You should do a tour down South, would love to see you hit some sites through Devon, Cornwall, etc as that's our usual stomping ground….

    9. Hopefully we'll meet you at Rob an Lynn's event, please please save us a sticker and we'll run back and put it with our collection 🙏 😊

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