⭐This video featuring driving fails, instant karma, close call, road rage, hit and run, car crashes, good drivers, bad drivers, and many more… This video can be utilized as a learning tool, so the viewers can learn from other mistakes, not their own.

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    *Driving safely should be your number one concern behind the wheel. Following these defensive driving tips from our videos to improve your own road safety.

    ⭐Ruby Dashcam Academy provides actual footage of road incidents captured on dash cams. There’s a story-line & our own unique contributions (TEXT COMMENTARY & VOICE-OVER) throughout the video. We have also added the special editing effects, trimming, zooming, etc with the footage throughout the compilation. This whole process required our 3-5 days for producing a video.

    ⭐These videos with own unique contributions can be used as an educational and informative resource for viewers to analyze and evaluate situations, stay alert and get out of a potentially dangerous situation on the road in the future.

    ⭐Visit our official website for defensive driving tips: https://rubydashcamacademy.com/

    If we made a mistake or you just want to remove your clip, please let us know here: hannahbruntnell114@gmail.com

    ⭐Submit your clip for the feature here: https://rubydashcamacademy.com/submit-your-clip/
    Thank you for watching and stay safe!

    #ukdashcam #ukcarcrashes #baddrivers #drivingfails


    1. #5 Just waiting for the “usual suspects” to accuse the cammer of using the roundabout as an “overabout”, but it’s clearly an HGV of some sort from the camera angle.

    2. 5:30 #10 cammer is another of those drivers who seem to think because parked cars are not on 'their side' of the road, they have priority over an oncoming vehicle that has already moved into the narrow section of road.

    3. No queue jumping, is correct. Space was available, and should have been used, it being open to be used, not blocked off. What the biker was doing was zig zagging in order to help them get up the hill, as far as they could. Doing what they were doing does help, but being to elevated could only manage so far.

    4. #8: thats 2 minutes 12 seconds i'll never get back, are you getting short of content? what a totally boring useless clip of someone using lane 2 after roadworks😠😠

    5. 5 – Physician, first heal yourself. You obviously cut over the centre spot rather than driving around it.
      8 – Thus proving that you made up no time by "using all the road space". I've been in a similar situation where the closed lanes were blocked and the traffic speed in the through lane rose from 5mph to 30mph.
      11 – Cyclist was riding an unroadworthy vehicle (evidenced by the chain jump). How is this your fault?
      12 – Driver who stopped is an Audiot. Enough said?
      15 – "When I blew my horn" – or "When I decided to provoke an idiot"…

    6. number 5, maybe if you learnt how to use a mini roundabout properly, you wouldn't have that situation.
      the genius of mini roundabout design is it's VERY difficult to have an accident if used properly. the number of times i've had to educate people on this for the penny to finally drop.
      it's called a ROUNDabout for a reason wally brains, not CUTACROSSabout.

      looks like you're in a truck, so your turning circle is wider, which means if you took the correct path, you would have seen the back of them as you passed through to your exit.

      if that was a collision, believe me, you would be equally culpable if not fully.

    7. #16 – you had SEVEN seconds to react to that. – this was done entirely deliberately to get youtube content… you should have your licence revoked… shocking driving.

    8. #8 finally someone submitting a clip which shows correct driving! The lane isn't closed until its closed, so use the space!

    9. #10 at the beginning of the clip you pointed out that there was a space for the oncoming car to stop but didn't, at exactly the time that you had space to stop……but didn't!

    10. #8 the driver was correct to use the other lane. If the lane was open then use it. The amount of times we see everyone queuing in the one lane even when there’s signs saying use both lanes the zip merge at end and they still don’t baffles me.

    11. 3:07 – After watching the whole clip, no it's not queue jumping. Those idiots blocking the road back to the roundabout are in the wrong. The two lanes should stop this kind of congestion and should be used!! – Its the same when two lanes merge into one – YES USE BOTH LANES, People just need to learn how to drive, if everyone left the required 4 second gap between cars, the merge would be flawless.

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