In today’s video I will be touring Bydgoszcz, Poland to discover more about this underrated city and why it is not so visited by foreigners. Join me as I adventure in this city.

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    jendor Bri W in today’s video I am in Bigos the first time I’m here actually and I’m really excited because today I’m no longer in the celesia region of Poland so here I am today outside zaisha Bigos and I’m going to hop on a tram to go to the center the Centum stick around and we’ll see what it’s like here in Bigos Poland let’s go here we are Now zaisha Bigos is it pronounced bidos or Bigos I think it would be really interesting as well to get Bigos in Bigos let’s go so this is where I’m going to get the the tram and across the road is a Polish petrol garage oron Orin and here’s the name of the station Stadium zawisza in bidos all right so let’s see if we can get the tram into the center of bidos and have a little exploration let’s go all right so the tram should be here any minute to go to the center all right the tra’s arriving right we will go to the the center of bidos oh thanks I don’t have time sorry I don’t have time no I don’t need the time I know but I I don’t time because I go to my bus ah okay I’m sorry okay Center bigger Centum that way yes sir okay have a nice day M do you know how to use this machine please thank you English I hand single trip there we are 30 ly and that is just for one Journey yeah okay drink all right so I paid for my ticket now and I’m going to the center so I’ll touch my my card so let’s go discover big gosh let’s go right so we’re now on the Polish tram first time on a Polish tram actually right I wonder how many stops it is to the center not sure let’s see so this is where we are now I’m not sure big or Center the Centum it doesn’t say it here Centrum this is where I’ve got on yeah man do you know how far the center is because Centrum Centrum Centrum t [Music] many okay okay all right with a bit of help we got there so I know what stop I need to get off now super all right let’s go explore Bigos yeah that’s me Cory you you got my attention yeah what’s up you good yes of course cool man where you going where you off to uh to r s oh where’s that uh I think uh five station okay okay and the center is here right plat Pro cobat the center bigum yeah guys you know how I started this interaction with him he played was it my Tik Tok you played is it the Corey Tik Tok is that how you discovered me uh I think cool is there anything interesting in Bigos that I can go look at or any food any restaurants that I can visit uh in Bigos mannequin mannequin restaurant uh h din uh this restaurant place on din okay uh Street we on this uh street now uh I think fre station from this on PL volosi yeah oh that’s that one here yeah yeah okay uh this very good uh Place uh I think the better in bitos in bitos yes of course okay to eat something you know SC it yeah yeah yeah yeah what is your favorite Polish food uh my favorite perogi perogi ah yeah with meat yes yes or mushrooms and I know that’s quite a popular one here in Poland with mushrooms very popular yeah so you from this area in bid gosh uh cool great so already throughout my travels here in Bigos been really good I’ve came across some helpful people giving me some recommendations places to visit so maybe I will check that place out another time what’s the name of the restaurant you said mannequin mannequin okay all right we have another restaurant to check out mannequin is it traditional uh is it like a kacha or something no no it’s a normal restaurant just a normal restaurant okay cool all right so we have two more stops to go and then we’ll go discover the square and big gosh do you think it will be Lively at this time or not so busy now not so busy not so busy we’ll discover we will see maybe we will see if they have any meta Cova in Bigos or any cury is there any cury in Bigos let’s find out I’d have to go to The Villages right for Cy yeah all right so this is the surrounding area the atmosphere here you can see they they got a few shops here nice architecture here and I see it’s just one straight road uh yeah it’s just on the TR tra right one straight road yeah wow so here it is first time on a Polish tra look you can get polish ly there Polish ice cream all right hopefully I can get some street food as well because I’m really hungry so maybe we’ll get some street food in Bigos all right gansa is that the name of the region ganska uh name uh Street yeah okay the street is gadanga great all right right two more stops left so it wasn’t that far from where I got on the tram right and this is a church in Bigos that’s a church is it right what’s the name of that church uh I don’t know about uh-huh it looks like they’re doing some construction work over there though looks like they’re renovating the church right this is my stop now [Music] here we are arrived right laters thanks man you’re welcome nice to see you can I get a photo yeah of course you can what way is it is it that way to the center or that way uh that way to the center all right I’ll have a look right first day in big gosh let’s do your phot Cy Cy all right have a nice one yeah cool all right so we’re going to explore the Sentinel in big gosh there’s no Cy here but maybe we’ll go look for mitova let’s go where can I get meta Cova in bidos all right across the road I think is a shopping center it seems really nice here the street it’s not so busy at the moment but the architecture looks really really nice the street looks really clean here look at the buildings really nice buildings let’s discover this place so I’m making my way now to the center right so here we are now oh looks like they have a really nice looking church here I think this is the second church that I have came across here in big gosh I think so let’s have a look around in the surrounding area and big gosh wow so this spot now where I’m about to show you is like the main point of Interest here I would say across the road let’s go have a look in Bigos so we’ll cross the road we just need to wait for the the cars and the train to pass here all right so far so good already came across some helpful people while I have been here giving me directions and information about places to visit really great right we’ve crossed now nice and safely right now let’s explore big gosh let’s go so here is the most stari it says here some information about the surrounding area all right let’s go discover what’s up what’s up yeah so let’s go discover now and have a look at the architecture and the usual if we can get some street food in Bigos that is exactly what we will get let’s go ah I can see something interesting here wow check it out I wonder if the river Whistler comes all the way down to Bigos does it I’m not sure it’s pretty cool here though wow I’ve already seen a place where I’d like to go and get a beer wow this is amazing and this is from what I know is like the main point of Interest here you have the bridge hey hello you have the bridge at the top there’s like a statue on the line this is what you usually see when you are looking up information about Bigos this is the main point of Interest here and as you can see on the boats there across the river says Bigos really nice colorful buildings I noticed when I came to Europe that was the first time that I saw colorful buildings in Europe because in London most of the buildings look the same so that’s something that stood out to me the colorful buildings look really really nice so here it says big gosh wow really nice peaceful chill out Place wow really nice Wow Let’s have a look and see what we can discover here wow amazing place all right I’m going to walk down a little bit further and see what we can come across here’s some statues in Bigos some Polish statues oh it’s a really really nice atmosphere here in Bigos look at the architecture I wonder if that is Gothic architecture this building here wow all of the buildings look really cool wow oh check out that small little boat it says woodneck looks like a cool chill out place though here so what we can do is we will make our way around and then go on the top of the bridge where I saw somewhere I can chill out that was so Random the guy on the tram I just heard Cory jend and they was playing my Tik Tok so maybe they did that just to see is that really Andre traveler on the same tram as me yes that was me on the same tram ah chesky Port that’s interesting and they also have coil beer here as well that’s cool I’d like to go on one of these chesky Port that’s interesting and they have coel beer here as well which is Czech beer wow okay really nice architecture though on The chesky Port restaurant wow check it out chesky Port I wonder if they have Czech food there or what gave them the idea to call it chesy port and they have coo beer wow it looks like a really nice place here it’s not so popular as the other cities in Poland it’s quite small Bigos compared to the other bigger cities all right so here we are at the top this is what it looks like on the top and it’s a a new region because I am always in the celestian region in Poland and finally I’m out the celestian region discovering polish discoveries all right let’s go number 64 wonder where that was going I saw the name of the bus but I could not even pronounce it they have quite a few bolt scooters here when you see these scooters you know that the place has to be at least a little bit developed because I have been to some places and they don’t have the scooters check out these padlocks are they some kind of love padlocks or something I’m not sure what the representation of this is for oh and here is a museum in Bigos a Polish Museum looks like they would have some kind of outdoor seating area here looks like maybe something for a theater but it says Museum oh interesting right let’s make our way onto the main Square in Bigos so they have restaurant here and they have a Sweet Factory and the time is what’s up hello hello what’s what’s my name Andre yeah Andre sorry where am I from England Jamaica yeah yeah where you from Poland po polish what you drinking no is good be good my friend my friend have a nice day I’m going to walk it’s Polish Polish is good B Polish food is very good I like polish Lu Ros Ros if I understand a yeah a bit I understand yeah hello hello hello no I can say like J Andre Pik you know I’m Traveler what’s your name my name Andre Andre Andre yes Andre let’s do a photo let’s do photo all right all right and photo and photo yeah St oh mine Jamaica Jamaica you know I need to rush have a nice day me and the journey continues ja you can get a nice gorat CPS from jabka all right now let’s go discover the Centrum in Bigos let’s go ly American ldi not even polish why do they have American ly here I thought they would have polish ly here H interesting all right so let’s continue now onto the square and have a look around in the surrounding area right this is where we are have a look check it out the square in Bigos and this is where we are check it out wow it looks really organized here like everybody’s just sitting at the restaurants nicely and calmly compared to roab or wara this whole area here in the center of the square would be filled up people would be here socializing I’m not sure if it’s the particular day that I am here now but as you can see it’s not so quiet but loads of people are out but as I said Bigos is one of the smaller cities in Poland but it’s still nice to come here and discover and see what is here in the surrounding area so I can see that they have restaurants here they have a place to get burger and more restaurants down there in the surrounding area interesting hello yeah Andre and and Cy J Cy that’s [Music] me where can I buy [Laughter] uhhuh okay have a nice day bye-bye all right polish girls here really lovely as well really friendly outgoing right so here is the square the Bigos Square let’s see what we can see in the surrounding area they have a a traditional shop there I think on the corner there’s a restaurant there maybe I will come out in the morning and get my breakfast in one of these places who knows yes Andre yes I know like Cy thank man right just getting a pick with my fans dis dis yeah all right so already walking around the square yo tech tech let’s go let’s go Cory jend Cy how to say never mind in Polish like it’s okay like problem cool all right so this is a restaurant here in Poland welcome welcome thank you very much Jer thank you the people here are really lovely really welcoming so maybe I’ll come out tomorrow morning and browse the shops because I’d like to find somewhere where I can get some Polish breakfast maybe some Kil baser I’ve never seen a beard run car looking like this before usually it’s red dulski it says there in the distance fancier beer right now actually right time to get a beer right here that rhymes time to get a beer right here zet zet beer I will get today maybe or if they have let’s see polish football today Poland Play No Spain and and Bulgaria okay is Poland any good at football no no good what is what is Poland good at hockey or what sports volleyball okay okay cool you pick yes please pressure all right wait a second uh currency Polish Polish you need copy um yes please I have a Cofe Jun right enjoy a nice beer now junle your about thank you all right let’s enjoy a Polish now lovely nice polish beer sip on my polish beer right here at this polish beer [Music] garden and watch a bit of TV right so until the next one you lot do for


    1. Polska to Ε›wiat dla osΓ³b z charakterem ktΓ³re pragnΔ… poznaΔ‡ naszΔ… kulturΔ™ i miasta takie jak Bydgoszcz ŁódΕΊ ToruΕ„ KrakΓ³w i wiΔ™cej

    2. I wish i could be there , i could give ya a proper tour , im living london so i bet we could have so much chat and fun πŸ˜‚β€πŸŽ‰ you know this geeza you have on miniature was actually homeless trump right ? πŸ˜‚ soft approach btw πŸ˜… love you bro

    3. Bro. make your mind up: BYDGO… NOT BYGO…… and you mixed them up, making it sound like BIGOS the dish. Sometimes you said it correctly, sometimes not. There is clearly a D, which is not a silent letter.

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