The Gerês+Xurés Loop has everything it takes to be one of the classic bikepacking routes. Located in the highlands of Minho, Galicia and Trás-os-Montes, a cycling expedition through the mountainous massif of the Peneda-Gerês National Park, rolling along gravel tracks and lost roads, between Portugal and Spain.




    DJI Action 2
    DJI Osmo Pocket 3
    DJI Mavic Air 2



    after a long wait anise and I finally got back on our bicycles J was the perfect spot for a bike backing Adventure but this time with some friends we rode through some tough Trails cross streams and we supported each other through every challenge every morning we packed and geared up for whatever the road surprised [Music] us if you’re curious about how how’s Journey turned out stick around and enjoy this video [Music] I’m not usually a fan of biking in the rain but this time we decided to take on the challenge we embraced getting soaked and just keep pedaling first 10 km done it’s been just a bit challenging because of the rain that’s it the UPS has been easy because we decided to go on the tarmar road since uh the weather is not pleasant the views are not great I think we’re going to stop soon for brunch let’s say because it’s getting late for the lunch spot that Doo has planted Doo is the organizer of this exploring trip through Jes on the four days well let me explain what was the plan the bike packing Adventure through the Pan national park covers 220 km with over 5,830 M of elevation gain this journey WIS through Highlands grave paths and hiden Roads exploring the rugged beauty of both sides of the Portugal Spain water along with me and Ana we travel with our travel buddies theog Mara Ricardo and Ruka we’re here in a more technical area some rocks on the road and it’s going up we have to move the wheel all left and right left and right so it’s bit exigent the environment has been like this fog but no rain it’s interesting to see how heavy our bikes are and how much we can do everybody has a normal bike me and an has electric bike and of course we are the most relaxed ones doing this it’s a mind game where you have to be persistent and thinking this is not going to be the whole journey like this it’s just a moment but um yeah it’s it’s tiring and uh physically and [Music] mentally but that again that’s the beauty of traveling by bike I can paddle at my own pace stop whatever and whenever I feel like it it’s just me enjoying the freedom to soak everything around me we still have 25 km to reach our destination and it’s 5:30 supposedly we are going to arrive around 9:30 which is really already nighttime we going slow it’s a long first day but we are really enjoying the time now because we finally got some good weather and the views are starting to get really really incredible The Sun Also came out right now and and it’s just [Music] beautiful just arrived to the village where we going to have food we’re supposed to be here quite early but yeah it’s very [Music] good after that we headed toward our final stop cast La just 20 kilm away with a few climbs to keep things interesting [Music] starting the second day today we’re going to Pon Juniors it’s going to be a nice uh going away to Spain and then come back to Portugal so let’s start today okay really nice this area where we slept very very beautiful and starting already with a [Music] appeal as we peddle through breathtaking Landscapes we fully immerse in the sights sounds and scenes of [Music] nature each turn reveals a new view and makes us wonder about the next one on a paved or Gravel Road it’s a huge treasure for bike backing in [Music] Portugal we just left Portugal over there and here it’s Spain I think we crossed here and now we going this then to go inside to P Jun is around here if I’m not [Music] mistaken it’s been almost 6 hours that we are traveling by bike and we did already 51 km on the road it’s been a lot more than yesterday yesterday I think we did 40 something now we are around 17 km to the destination P the Jun it’s a place that we went before and we really enjoy it so we’ve been on this cycling Journey for nearly 2 days now the 125 km we’ve covered the shared memories and the challenge of this route are starting to Tire us out but they are also shaping us into stronger more resilient Adventures ready to whatever comes [Music] next on the next day after a cozy night escaping the rain at the friends place we headed straight to the famous Village [Music] Bakery and then it was time to say our goodbyes to grainda the friendly owner of the bakery to our new friends Doo Flavio and Kya then was time to say goodbye to Mara the injury in the knee made her stop early to recover and avoid future problems and then we continue our travel [Applause] on our third day bike packing through sh the rout throw us into nature and gave us plenty of challenges to handle we’ve been cycling for only 8 kilm for about 1 hour cycling but duration 2 hours and a half it’s taking us quite a long time but what’s the point of traveling by bicycle if not to Lose Yourself A little it’s all about the tril of taking risks stepping out of the Comfort zones and testing our limits when we explore new places every appeal battle and an expecting turn is a change to discover hidden places and create our own unique Journey it’s about navigating those unfamiliar trails that AR on the usual tourist maps and finding the true essence of Adventure in the [Music] unknown the challenge we face and the risks we take aren’t just obstacles there are opportunities they enrich our journey turning every ride into a story of resilience and growth so we thought we were on the right track and we were but we find out that it’s impossible to continue further the track is kind of close and very hard even to walk it’s hard so we have to go back around 5K back going up and down again and then find a different road to go to U which is a village nearby I see it happens when you’re exploring [Applause] so the news are we probably have to avoid our mission to travel because the tomorrow is going to be super rainy and so we are thinking to abort the journey and go back to Pon the junor where we we were this morning and stay there and eventually somebody’s going to bring us back to suaj where we start the whole journey it’s a bit sad but we cannot control the weather eventually this trip didn’t reached the end as we thought but one thing I learned by the end of the trip we realize it’s not just the destination that matters but the journey itself the sweat the laughs the breathtaking views and the Shar sense of accomplishment these are the moments that transform a simple bike ride into an epic adventure [Music]


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