In this webinar, experts delve into the capabilities of the RE Data Explorer, which is a powerful tool that utilizes the best publicly available data sources to support renewable energy analysis and decision-making. After walking participants through the key functions of this useful open-source tool, presenters explore extensive solar and wind resource data for Ukraine.

    This event is an invaluable resource for professionals, researchers, and policymakers involved in the renewable energy sector, particularly in Ukraine. Attendees gained insights into how RE Data Explorer can be leveraged to optimize energy strategies and support sustainable development goals. The webinar will was conducted in Ukrainian with English interpretation available for non-Ukrainian speakers.

    good day my name is Anastasia Sara we will begin first we will go ahead and uh go through some organizational matters this webinar is conducted in Ukrainian at the end if you’re if you need to hear Ukrainian go ahead and select Ukrainian at the bottom panel you have to click on the globe and select Ukrainian you can ask either Ukrainian or English in Q&A or in chat and right now I will switch to English because I believe that we also have individuals who listen inar is in Ukrainian as we were mentioning in our distribution materials please if you are not a Ukrainian speaker make sure you choose the English Channel for interpretation in Zoom so to do that on the lower panel in Zoom you have um uh you have a sign that looks like Planet when you click on it you should choose English and of course feel free to ask questions in English through the Q&A function or using the chat function uh please let us know if you if you find or if you have some difficulties finding this function thank you so this is the following schedule for today we will have an introduction from Andre kenko uh we will also speak about re data Explorer instruments and we’ll have a demonstration and then we will have questions and answers Andre kenko go ahead and uh say your presentation hello hello everyone my greetings all participants of this conference and uh our event it’s very important event who gives us opportunity to see uh Ukraine from a development uh energy um not just a part of southern part but whole area of Ukraine also I would like to ask you in case if you if you hear announcement of bomb shelling please don’t ignore it and uh uh use a bomb shelter and please don’t ignore it we will uh interrupt anyway the conference is going to be online and you will have an opportunity to listen and ask questions uh a few questions about wi energy of Ukraine first of all I would like to say despite on um almost 71 percentage of all windmill occupied wind mil energy uh contined to generate energy and uh provided to some regions of Ukraine wind energy 70 % he uh electric stations are destroyed almost 50% uh Hydro electric stations were destroyed and it also negative influence on Energy System of Ukraine that’s why in Ukraine we don’t have electricity all the time at this moment we’re at Business Center we are using a generator who provides which provides energy for us you can see the capacity in beginning of 2024 it was 1.9 gab and I just want to remind you that 71% is located uh on OCC uh territory mostly all this regions is MIAA regions which are controlled by uh Russia and uh those like those stations are going to continue to work also western part of Ukraine Z also located there uh three electric station is also being built uh because the equipment was delivered before the war and one station in Le uh wind turbines uh were delivered uh during a war time and thanks to our partners who were able to provided uh 238 Mega V uh were installed in Ukraine at this time next slide please I would like to show you uh some uh dynamics of increasing wind energy starting uh 2015 2023 so uh you see some jumps in 2021 it was already uh ready project to provide in 2022 and in 2022 we expected not 81.6 but thousand gabs so exactly at the time uh the building starting and uh the majority of those projects were on southern part of Ukraine so as you see and on the grass below you can see 1,000 uh gab 1900 gigabytes it it was uh installed in 2023 beginning 2024 uh next slide please uh I would like to summarize to at this moment we have active development of wind energy and we have new projects many of them which not only started before the war but started uh uh for the last two years uh on today you can see a wind energy um spread all over area of Ukraine central part and western part so uh as you see in the red square area we can’t do anything because it’s occupied our military actions as uh anyway 57 projects which we’ve been calculated which are located in development stage located in controlled area which are expected to be invested and to be built so Wind Mill uh map which was uh buil uh by system of Ukraine it’s a good call to give imagination the full potential of Ukraine and as soon as possible to start windmill energy to provide electric ecological clean energy such as Resource as wind and provided uh Ukraine with uh energy in the most difficult time uh where all uh Energy System have been destroyed so we are very appreciated to National Laboratory uh for their participation and it help to provide uh wind map which [Music] will and we also uh appreciated Ukrainian companies which provided us with research data to improve quality of wind meal map and uh create a full capacity information uh was mov start in 211 2023 next slide so um I also would like to so to attract your attention about windmill uh map want all participants who are developers who who buil wind maill uh station to hear me out and uh understand this presentation how you can use this map wind map in case if you need any additional um clarification our American Partners uh would be able to provide you with the ANW and finally uh what we are given a review of windmill uh map uh it’s published in uh Ukrainian and in English and we would be able to provide you was information of energy system of legal changes and about the activity of our association which unite 100 ,000 people of windmill energy so thank you for your attention and I would like thank you very much Andre continue our webinar and will thank you so much Andre we will continue our webinar so uh this webinar will because partnership parnership between us Aid and the US agency for International Development and the national renewable energy laboratory partner to deliver clean reliable and affordable power to the developing world uh this is done through political support planning and deployment Support also through Global Technical toolkits enr is a national renewable energy laboratory we have more than 3,000 employees we have um 1100 Partnerships and we have a large volume we work with this um partnership created Global Technical platforms so in general there are four instruments that we’re going to be speaking about this is the re Explorer and this is used for potential um development of renewable energies there are also other uh platforms Greening the grid i g j Di and resilient energy today we’re going to talk about renewable energy or re Explorer this is a platform um web- based that enables energy resource exploration this is going to be um helpful for developers and politicians who deal with um renewable energy this supports proos prospecting integrated planning policym and other decision-making activities so you could have the repository for download of high quality data and integration with other analytical tools this platform supports prospecting integrated planning policym other decisionmaking activities to accelerate renewable energy development the re Explorer web platform provides renewable energy data and all of these are accessible for visualizing and downloading so that those who are using it are able to make their own analysis so the there’s also metadata access function in the application which provides additional information about each data layer where this information was gathered and how it was developed before we start I would like to show a few examples of how re data Explorer is used so that we’re able to understand further how we can use this platform this video will be in English so if you’re listening in Ukrainian go ahead and uh connect to the Ukrainian Channel and if you’re on the bottom of the screen you should see a globe and you can click on that once you click it you need to select Ukrainian the DAT set enabled our research to create Rob data to be us in the M most we Ed the on the univ we calculated everything from the areas of the the most cable for Sol installations and the C funding thecal solar generation I am very passionate about how analytics can drive renewable energy and create social impact especially for my region in Southeast Asia the objective was to use the re data Explorer to extract High Fidelity solar resource data along with mological um data to train a machine learning algorithm that predicts solar radiant this algorithm can then be applied to other data sets from the Philippines and other parts of the world and I Aspire that in the future it will be used by organizations and communities in developing countries such as my home country the Philippines to encourage investment in solar infrastructure and educate and build livelihood for local communities a St Explorer has been a very important tool to support longterm energy planning for our country is in area in the world with a high potential for renew resources using data from the a Explorer our team published a document to allow agents in the energy sector State business and Academia to have a technical refence for evaluation of solar energy potential we try to promote investment we will stop here and we will continue our presentation so we will continue with solar and wind resources I’ll start with solar resource the solar resource data for Ukraine that covers 205 to 2022 from enr’s National solar resource database and so tmy for Ukraine is based on 2005 to 2022 the besides re data expl Explorer these are also available in Sam also PV watts and reopt besides these renewable datas we also have Global solar Atlas Global horizontal eradi we will focus on NS or DB uh direct normal irradiance and Global horizontal irradiance these were created uh with PSM version 4 so characteristics 4 kilm resolution meteorological data and 15 minutes values of solar radiation data you can find out more information on NSR db. so wind data we they were created through super wind and this is geographical coverage for Ukraine mova and Eastern Romania um this was from 2000 to 2023 at 2 kilom and minimally 5 minute intervals besides these there are other meteorological variables including wind speed and direction temperature and also relative humidity and there are also various GL ground levels starting from 10 to 200 if you wanted to read more about this meteorological data meteorology you can find out more on this article that’s called the high resolution metor so I would like to do data resolution comparison we see ER A5 and super 3 wind the ra 5 has 30 km at 60 minutes and super wind has 2 kilm interval at 5 minutes so we can understand the potential of renewable energy and what you can expect from that in different uh locations in Ukraine besides this um enal has a few data download options the first one it could be data for point locations or small areas this all can be downloaded through the re data Explorer and I will tell you more about how to do that if you want to down download a few more options you can do that through API to access larger quantities of data through automated approaches you can also have access through highly scalable data service hsds or Amazon web services besides uh wind and solar data there are other data sets for Ukraine that can help with your analyses this is environmental data for example rivers lakes um protected areas and this is from World database unprotected areas Consortium there are also roads and railroads from open street map and administrative boundaries so right now we’re going to have a demonstration in order to show you this application and how you can use that go ahead and let me know if you can see the screen okay so this is the homepage for our Explorer you can find it at this website there a few um sections that will help you understand the first one is the about tab here you can understand this program understand what data is available and what technologies are available for which countries and then if you go to tab where we work you can find out more information about different Partnerships and the results of work that has already been developed with our data Explorer we also have a resources and trainings tab here is is a resource library that you can access online and guides which will help you understand the programs and trainings that are accessible through YouTube the last one is ask an expert you can ask experts and developers of these programs you need to include information about yourself your name your email and then you can send a question to our experts in order to go to data Explorer you can either uh go to uh to access data Explorer or on the map so you could see this map there’s a few options but before we’re going to continue reviewing what’s available what you see is the first page welcome to re data Explorer this is a questionnaire that you can fill out if you want to this will help will be helpful to those who want to continue getting to know the development of this program and ask questions if you have questions so we’ll close that if the top panel is in your way so there’s a helpful section that where you could hide it and then you’ll have more space for your map if you click on the bottom arrows you can um um you can find links to other programs through enal Partnerships first um you there’s an option to zoom in and zoom out and so then there’s also a legend tab you can also select the style of your map we selected the light one you can also do dark or you could have a satellite style map so we’ll um discuss the other options a little bit later um we have a different menu on the left we’re going to start with the data Library so when we select that this is the option where you’re going to select the data that you’re interested in first you’re going to select your country we’re going to select Ukraine so you can filter through categories there’s a lot of different options for example if we select wind and then we can filter the data and what renewable um energy we’re interested in and this in this situation it’s super wind besides wind I’m also interested in data for n s rdb Med set for Sun data and elevation and administrative borders and regions so once you select um the data that you’re interested in you’ll see it on your map you also see it in the legend section so there are four sections of data and they’re layered on top of one another but there are a few options on how for example if you want to see the win data first you can click the arrow up and then that data will be on the top layer but if you want to see besides wind data you want to see the elevation of the location you can um lower the opacity of the wind data and that way you could also see more data on the map where you could make a more informed decision so you’re able to see all of this information when you click on the I you can find out more information on this data and uh this is accessible on all all types of data this is the data library for visualization you can categorize them and then you could zoom in into the map um see the data for specific locations and regions and so forth there’s also the option to download data you can you can do that in various ways first it’s the address if you know the exact address address um that you wanted to see you could put that in you you can also select a point option so you just um put a location select the location on the map and then the program will give you all the available data sets for this location besides this you can select um your data by with other options you could um select a territory you could um decide on what that territory looks like through a [Music] square or select the territory through using the radius function so once you see then you’ll have the the the database option for this location that are available in this situation I’m just going to select a point so that we you can see how to how you can download this data so here we see that wind data is available Sun data is available so let’s um see how we can download wind data for Ukraine once you select that you have to select attributes there’s the direction of wind and the speed of wind I’m interested in in speed 100 at 100 m and um at a elevation of 100 met then we need to select years it and the available years are 2000 to 2023 for example I’m interested in uh 2017 and 2021 then you need to select intervals the minimum is 5 minutes and maximum is 60 minutes I’m going to select 15 minutes then I also have the option to convert you to local time to simplify my analysis and then I can put my email in so when you selected your email and um put in your email and you can click the download so this data is going to be prepared and sent to your email so it’s very important to know that you have that you put in the correct email if it’s an active email address you will get that email of this data we we can also look at the Sun data that’s available you need to select attributes interested I will select ghi and dni I will select years because this is a medor Rel iCal year I’m going to select a general year which is from 2005 to 2022 interval available is 60 minutes I can also convert the time and then lastly put in the email and download the data so downloading is fairly simple um based on what data you’re interested in and then you can analyze in other programs but in addition to this we also have programs that we personally built and these are programs that help you figure out the potential right now we have PV Watts where it um estimates the energy production and cost of energy at a specific location so we’ll select this select this location we select the location number so first you need to either put in the address or coordinates I put in coordinates because it’s a little bit easier at this moment for me so now this program finds this coordinate and then it gives you the resources and lets you know where it is then you have to put in information about your system so this will be the capacity of the solar system and then the Tilt at 40° it’s going to be a roof mounted system there’s a few options one AIS one AIS backtracking we’re going to be on the fixed roof mounted once you run the analysis so the this is the results that you get so this is the yearly generation for the electricity or energy so this is a 4 kilowatt system so there’s a solar radiation data for every month and the AC energy so this is what you have access to an re data Explorer you can also use or click on the the about tab on the side which will bring you to the homepage you can ask an expert if you click it’s going to bring you back to the ask an exper site and another another helpful section especially if you’re starting to use this instrument you can um click on take a tour uh get an overview and basically how to use this tool so at this point we will end our demonstration and I would like to um introduce IIA Jovi to have a presentation thank you n and and uh very glad for everyone to join today so I have a few uh points that I want to make about how this data can be used uh and so I’ve switched to English I hope if you prefer to listen in Ukrainian you can change the interpretation on the zoom button uh but I’ll just talk briefly about how these data can be used so uh we use data at enal for very different um use cases all focused around understanding the power production from from renewable energy projects and how they impact the power system so you can use these data in enroll tools for example pvwatts the system advis visor model and reup those are all financial analysis tools as well as technoeconomic project studies uh so you can also use these tools in Comm these data in commercial tools uh like pvsyst that’s a common tool for uh project performance and project financial analysis and what we make available is this data for free um so you now have access to data across all of Ukraine it is high quality well verified uh methodology to produce the kind of data that is used by industry to develop uh project financial analysis and project performance analysis another category of tools uh is uh modeling and optimization of the energy system so tools like reads like Sienna like plexos uh these are tools that are used to simulate uh the operations of electricity markets uh and also to identify what are the resources that should be built in order to achieve a lowest cost power system in the future so these data are all critical uh inputs to these tools so we develop these tools at enal for our internal research but we also make the data available for industry partners and for uh government Partners to use uh the same data data in the tools that you use power system operators they commonly use uh tools like psse or powerflow analysis or dig silent uh Power Factory for powerflow analysis uh so these same data are useful to do that kind of analysis of transmission planning and Generator planning we also use uh these data in open source tools uh in Europe pipes is a very common L used tool in research as well as applied studies um copy is another tool commonly used in in Europe uh so these are used for you know Regional scale Power Systems analysis there’s another category of tools that are focused on understanding the economy-wide Imp impacts of renewable energy and what is the optimal amount of renewable energy to include in the economy tools like time and and gcam these are General equilibrium models so these data can also be used to inform those analysis because with these data you have a better understanding of the renewable resources in Ukraine you can more accurately understand what is the contribution of renewable energy to the economy of the future uh that’s all that I wanted to cover here and happy to take questions about how you can use these data how we use these data uh and how the data were developed so over to you N I think we will have a a Q&A session now right yes thank you so much thank you so much so we will uh read questions we have three questions in our chat and I will be a moderator of this session which Q&A you can ask questions in Ukrainian or English we will translate it and we will moderate this process at this moment and please feel free to raise your hand or just ask questions in the chat I have a question uh about it’s a practical question so we choose a point uh on elevation and wind uh Direction and we can send we can uh send this data to um our email so how does it work does it uh is it processed um is this processed uh manually or is it processed by computer so this data is this data is processed by computer it depends what area you want to receive data so it might take one to five minutes all those computer uh colleagues please ask questions now I see Ivan jukov he has a question yes please uh Ivan good afternoon can you hear me in my understanding uh a explore uh you can use a data uh and real data correct that in our e data Explorer the data is from enr that’s correct we have both enal data as well as data provided by the World Bank through the world global energy Outlet so both of both data sets are available wind ask another question please also see in in a ra explor there are some uh layers uh um solar energy which would be better to use it and well it depends uh what data do you want to receive uh you can get a Sol uh and other three layers so like this we developed this data and all this data have separated capacity all the data uh we received by our experts and that’s why we think uh why it’s uh uh useful okay thank you thank you Ivan okay so there are a few questions in the chat uh there was one question from civil bosski um s do you want to ask the question okay if does not want to come on I can ask the question and answer it so the question was is the data measured or is it modeled and if it is modeled what is the error uh so the data is a combination of measured and modeled data in the case of solar we have uh satellite measurements that have uh tracked the solar Radiance over Ukraine and all over all of Europe uh for a course of 20 years uh but we adjust that data um to include modeling of the cloud cover so we have what is called the physical solar model so we combine the modeling of cloud cover and um diffuse irradiance across the entire uh geographic region of Ukraine combin that with the measuring measurement data to produce a more accurate estimate of the amount of solar radiation that would fall on a solar pan uh so there is of course error associated with any measurement and with any model but we do do um significant amount of validation and correction to minimize error uh so although there is always some error involved uh we do have um a very uh robust process of validation to make sure that our data are very accurate for the wind data uh we have a different approach so this wind data was developed with a combination of nmass data that was collected Ed from different regions in Ukraine as well as a artificial intelligence machine learning model that uh use downscaling methods to downscale the era five uh uh weather uh modeling data which is at a 30 kilm resolution we downscale that to a 3 kilometer resolution uh and that machine learning method uses met Mass data to minimize error and minimize bias so with wind data there is Al also you know a mix of modeled and measured data there is always bias there is always error associated with any measurement and any model but again we use uh um met Mass data to limit biases and minimize errors we have a journal article um that will be released uh soon to provide you with a very detailed assessment of these errors um uh what I can share is that uh the data that we’ve produced uh is consistent with industry standards for data that is used for project financial analysis okay I’ll stop there see if there are any other questions yeah we have actually a couple of questions so I’ll translate them for you um so first question is it possible to adapt the data for Arc geese or Q Gees yes you can can download the data in U JS format uh and so if you’re interested in uh specific applications in GIS you can ask us in the ask an expert um tool so you can write us an email and we can send you uh the data in different formats great thank you another question are these um does this data is this data accepted sorry by Banks or for investment institutions for uh receiving financing uh that’s a good question it depends uh in the case of solar data typically uh satellite measurements over a long period is sufficient but it depends on the financial institution it depends on the bank for wind projects typically a financial institution will require on-site measurement data but again it depends on the uh history of devel of the developer experience as well as what the financial institution will accept um maybe Andre will have more insights on this the question to Andre was from M about data can be accepted by Financial institution and um the question was like not just use but accept this data so for example if a company uh wants to get invest certain project um a company provides certain information about wind map and energy will then accepted so it depends uh when you have certain reports after this after your researches so wind uh windmill map will help you to understand if your project is going to be profitable so it’s in my opinion I believe but thank you so much mola seuk for asking a certain question is regarding windmill uh so the next question so is it possible to use re data Explorer for the hydrogenation no we currently only have data for wind and solar in the r data Explorer for Ukraine thank you um the question is about uh how how often are we planning to update the data in the future we do not currently have any plans to update these data so we have made uh 20 years of historical data available in this tool typically 20 years is sufficient in order to capture the uh variability from year to year and so uh this is the most robust data available for you Ukraine and we don’t have any plans to make uh updates in the near future thank you uh there is a question from Alexander bitki so what is the difference between your uh data and the atlas Global or data from wind Pro great question uh the global wind Atlas has uh a very sophisticated uh data model uh and we use it it’s a a very high quality tool the difference is that our data is made available uh on hourly or subhourly so five minute time scale and it is also higher resolution geographically so our focus is to make data available that can be used in financial modeling as well as Power Systems modeling we have a different purpose than uh the World Bank data the World Bank data is very detailed uh um on the historical um a long-term average uh we focus more on capturing actual wind profiles uh hourly and subhourly intervals and so we have optimized our methods in order to accurately capture how the wind varies uh from day to day from hour to hour throughout the year and that’s why we make the data available for download at these uh five minute to hourly time scales great thank you there’s a question from Natalia is it possible to consider the um the spacal constraints geospatial constraints in technical potential um tab for the wind in re data Explorer yes you can explore the spatial constraints for wind projects and solar projects and Technical potential however I think the World Bank tool does a better job so so the World Bank re zoning tool has very robust data about um uh Zoning for winds sites and so I would I would recommend if your purpose is to evaluate um uh placement of wind turbines uh to look first at the re zoning tool made available by World Bank thank you there’s a question from Ali what is the error percentage acceptable particularly in I if I am designing a large scale solar or wind across a life cycle cost and that to subjected to climate change and other sociopolitical factors it’s a really good question I don’t have an answer for you because uh this will be different in different locations and depending on your use case so um I think we should have a more detailed discussion about uh errors offline okay the question from Olga she’s representing the ven uh ven city council so she is asking if this resource can uh can provide an information on the potential of wind for for the community in Vin so they try to understand if they can try to look for the options of the technology implementation that has like the wi technology implementation in their location for examp example uh wind turbines uh on the buildings uh for example to provide the electricity uh in the times of blackout yes uh these data can provide data these data can provide you insights about the wind resource in Venit and in other places uh typically the application of this data is for utility scale wind plants so these are wind plants that are built uh on tall towers uh at a minimum of 80 MERS uh height up to 120 meters so we typically do not consider um uh small scale wind turbines on buildings when we do analysis but it these data can be used to analyze those applications as well thank you a question from sir he is it possible to model sever several points simultane ously 20 wtgs for example yes uh so you can download as as Mia demonstrated you can download the data for uh a large area uh any size area that you choose uh and then you can use that data to model any number of wind turbines that you’re interested in Great and the question from tool would it be possible to share financial modeling tools for wind and solar please yes uh enr has several tools available for financial modeling for both wind and solar uh one of them is the system advisor Tool uh and we have many webinars from enal available about Sam uh another one is pvwatts uh so you can go to the website or sorry en. pv. goov um another tool is called reopt that’s for financial analysis of microG grids that use clean energy uh and so all of those tools are available and all of those tools integrate these data that we’ve presented today great uh another question can it also show the offshore wind assessment yes uh these data have offshore as well uh and so the Black Sea is covered under the wind data however I should add that we do not have validation data for offshore and so you should U be careful about interpreting data when there has been no offshore wind turbine in the Black Sea great thank you so much Ilia I think for now we don’t have any more questions in our questions and answerers I will check the chat uh okay this question we have already answered there is another question so um what is the benefit of high resolution data uh great question so uh I mentioned the World Bank data you know and and also eror five is a common data source that’s 30 km by 30 kilm the problem is uh when we do analysis of the power system system uh if we place the wind turbine in a location uh and use data to simulate that turbine that is at a course resolution so 30 kilm by 30 kilm we will average out the production of that plant and we will not capture the Peaks and The Valleys over time of that production and so our analysis of the impact on the power system will be invalid at a higher resolution data so as you go down to a grid of three kilometers by 3 kilometers like the one we made available in this data set you can capture more precisely the patterns of wind uh at that specific location and you can have um a better representation of Peaks and valleys and trends of the wind generation over the Year great thank you and the last question can the data be used for dayhe had Market forecasting no this data is not intended for uh Market forecasting in an operational time scale this is not a forecast data this is uh only historical data and it’s used to simulate the average production of a turbine or a solar plant over its lifetime not for the next day or the next hour thank you IIA there is another another question um if it’s possible to use the resource for hydrogenation I think we answered that unfortunately it’s not there is wind data and solar data so I’ll jump to the next question uh kindly tell the name of software used in micr gdes within Renewables that you just mentioned yeah the software is called reopt uh re and maybe someone can write it in the chat yeah I’ll write it okay and that’s available for free uh um made available online by enil great um the question from Alexander whe whether it is possible to simulate the generation for a specific turbine model yes uh you can simulate generation for a specific turbine model in software called the system advisor model um so you can use the data that we presented today in the system advisor model and then choose a specific turbine uh and uh understand the generation output of that specific turbine and I’ll type in the chat uh the name of the model great thank you I think so far we have no other questions but we can wait a couple of minutes if anyone has any other questions questions and answers um uh Chim um so what is the difference between the data of enr and I’m not sure probably IIA you know in Wind Pro for example SS 5343 yes uh so era five on its own is a uh uh course resolution data set so uh you cannot get 3×3 kilometer data from era 5 windro is a downscaled version of era five so similar in methodology to what we’ve done um the problem is that wind Pro is not available for free at an hourly or sub hourly resolution and that’s really the difference we’ve made this uh data available for free for the public to download uh with no cost thank you Ilia um so we will wait around two minutes please if you have questions any more questions raise your hand or write them in the chat anasia I see you just wrot down resources uh I believe Alexander grko will get this answer unfortunately data are not um are not available for hyro generation thank you very much colleagues I believe you will have more questions because you will have a really cool course how to use uh wind map and solar map and we should invite more companies solar energy uh companies we expect that it will be a very interesting Atlas to show them but we can share video presentation and by the way we we had a lot of questions unfortunately not everyone uh wasn’t able to join because of problems with electricity or other issues and we also wanted to uh put this information uh especially this webinar uh to make other companies to uh see and probably they would be able to ask usat I also wanted to ask Anastasia L sopia Dina who were um able to join us I see a lot of likes I believe they love this uh idea believe it’s not going to be our last webinar we will have questions we don’t have any other choice it looks like some issues with electricity so I will continue I just wanted to say thank you to join us uh we absolutely going to send you this presentation this Ukrainian uh version of this webinar will be available on YouTube of electric energy website and English version will be available here I wish everyone thank you for participating have a good day and until pretty soon goodbye thanks everyone bye

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