people in the challenge:
    @SeanGK-84 @DavidMC10 @OussiFooty and Seb!


    Second Channel (pls sub)


    for every save these goalkeepers make they will make $100 all right Sean here’s your first $100 baby first of many but there’s a Twist only the winner of each challenge gets to keep the money wait what in this first challenge both keepers have three chances to make a save every save gets them $100 and whoever makes the most saves keeps all the money Seb you go next you both have the same amount of money but there is another twist always with the twists man I will make the goal bigger every time we shoot but also the shooter will get better no problem it’s fine this is fine iy come in baby I want you to destroy them I’ll try my best let’s make that goal bigger usuy I want you to score please yeah score [Music] that you sh it right at him I told my yes he’s a good goalie now it’s time for Seb yes that’s better that’s better now we getting there now the goal got bigger and we have a different shooter give me 50 I’ll tell you where I’m going I’ll give you 30 David and penalties cold killer why was that shot I despise you can you do something so that he doesn’t score is that really what what El you want me to do man come on oh bro that is so look so defeated that’s the first challenge done and you get the $300 of the saves plus the $100 Seb made but Seb don’t worry even though you lost this round you go one save that will be very important later because the person with the most saves and the most goals will receive an extra reward at the end of the video I’m so worried what do you mean on to the next challenge in front of you guys we have a volleball a tri triangular football a basketball an American football and a joab ball you will take a shot from each of these balls and try to save them simple enough and you get to choose your shooter between David and usuy Seb you go first who do you want uh I’ll take David before you shoot David this is a good time to tell you another twist I’m worried for you every shot you score you make $20 I’m going to try score five he’s going broke hey you know you can win money it’s going in hey you just slipped $100 yes that’s my goalie o gasu hey David is scoring everything I’m not sure if I’ll be able to top that hey what a goal I don’t even know if I’ll score one go on Son bro no bro have you seen that safe there is no way I’m scoring a goal oh my goodness hey I’m actually surprised I got that in where are you aiming usy I don’t know I’m shooting at basketball bro what do you want me to do oh my hey this is a basketball hey hey the shape gets it gets crazier and crazier he could get all four oh no did that hurt Sean that looked like it hurt that was just so weird I didn’t know what was going on iy I know by this point you lost this one to David but remember that it matters how many you score there is no there is no way I’m scoring this ball against Sean if this goes in I [Music] retire wa with challenge two done Sean ended up taking $300 from his save plus $100 from SE saves whilst us and David made $40 and $80 but don’t worry guys the next challenges are going to get a lot harder this was already hard how harder does it get for this next challenge we’re doing free kicks you’ll be able to set your wall however you want and if the ball hits the wall how can us safe and give you $100 I think what I’m going to do is I’m going to get the bins and place them all down on the level and then I’m going to get the two small goals put them up on top and then for Extra Protection I’m going to put Mo on the side and the last touch I’ve never had two guys in the wall who look like they don’t want to be there more wait wait wait wait I didn’t think this through am I going to get hit all right David I wish you all the best I want to see a top corner cuz that’s literally the only thing you can go for ooh wait Sean you just made $100 Oh What A Catch I want to try the CR7 I got no hope right now you need to score man show us the CR David Naldo to step up unfortunately only shots on target count so David still had two shots left so I was thirsty gone hey David you’ve done this many times before in a bigger Stadium oh my God yes bro it almost hit my face hey David last shot you got to score one man come on last shot I want to walk away with something wa what a sa he held it in his hands too you just made three saves incredible saves as well Seb you basically have to match that I’ll just have to you know rely on my engineering tactics and whatnot knowing it would be very hard to beat usy Seb decided to pile any item he could find on set see it would have been great if I actually studied engineering see do you realize you can’t see anything I know like there is only one side of the goal you can shoot at exactly and that’s exactly where we’re shooting come on I Ah that’s 100 to Seth and minus 20 to you are you ready for this master class hey he’s bro that’s like Prime verge of on Yo Seb so far you made a great wall I had some [Music] help oh manasu sad I can’t see it with this challenge done Sean and David have the advantage but there are still many surprises coming in this video I think think my goal for this video that Seb wins one challenge I think my goal is to win the entire thing but you know it’s set your goal high you know in this challenge we will take shots from three different distances every shot we take we get closer to the goal are you guys confident yep from here it’s good that you’re confident because you’re going to be using these things se you go first but with Seb ready in goal I had another twist in my mind I don’t think either of you guys have scored enough goals so for this challenge only every goal you score I will give you a $100 wooo now it’s getting interesting hey I’m going to score all four even though there’s only [Music] three that the strategy was good I’m going two for [Music] two did I say that I wish I could give you another incentive but you’re already making $100 a safe I’m not making anything that’s a point go on David man that’s what I’m talking about now that you’re closer what’s the point what what’s the Strat I’m going to do what I was named after the David Beckham free kick whoa say if he’s playing mind games right now I’m not sure if he’s playing mind games or ball games hey hey 200 hey that’s $200 you can make more to go how does it feel it’s like been wrapped in bubble wrap no that’s that’s not yep yep yep Sean just made 100 R it can you hit more like that please n oh safe there you go before you went bottom right next you went bottom left none of them worked what are you going for this time I genely do not know a goal hopefully oh save I miss all three I feel bad for you s you definitely got the hardest shots Sean you have made a lot of money Seb I’m sorry but hey I like to travel light okay so far these are the numbers the boys have got and the money they’ve made Sean and David have clearly been the winners so I came up with a bonus challenge to see if things change this next challenge is all about luck behind you guys there is two bins inside one of them there is $100 inside the other one there is nothing you guys as the goalkeepers have to choose one to save you guys as the attackers you have to shoot the other one really so we can make $100 yeah seems pretty easy this is 50/50 but I’m going to try and go right which one do you think the $100 is 100% in the right one oh great save you go first David [Music] nothing1 St just to be clear the save only counts if you save the binda has the money hey he he saved my bin that means that you keep whatever is on that b save time three two one yeah and this is exactly why this challenge is luck not even luck it’s on S side today this time is going to be iy against Shan every challenge the money gets [Music] bigger okay H that hit three two one you ready SE Y which one do you want Seb no clue man you want that pin he’s just edging more and more towards that pin ah it’s no money s $200 $200 I chose right with this challenge Seb and uszi won a lot of money but they still had the least saves and goals but I want to give you a chance to redeem yourselves so for this final challenge we’re going to go on teams team loser versus Team winners and it’s going to be a mystery penalty challenge whichever team wins the penalty shootout gets to keep all the money one in that shootout anything but tiny [Music] go good luck this is still counting towards the saves and the shots also remember David whoever gets the most goals Saves by the end of the video will get the mystery price easy I just have to score hey let’s go Z you could have got it bro the J is s’s highest enemy I don’t know please be something good be something all right be something all right no be honest with me Sean you think you can save it oh easy yeah what a penalty SE please help us out you can save the next one can I yes oh I’m allowed David David David D ah hey it’s the best one you can get the one step shot is the easiest challenge in the roulette no yes let’s go give me the one step tiny go no there no tiny go oh bro why me bro not even twoo free bro I’ve got Mo on that corner cuz he proved in the free kicks that he is the bravest by fair I’m taking the left we’re going to put someone else down the middle easy bro I had to go for the top come on one goal give me the small goal give him the tiny goal the weak keeper is in goal Seb come on you have got this yeah what a safe what a safe let’s go man this is currently 2-1 if you score he gets even come on on the yellow the [Music] yellow brother e i on top of the reward with this gold you get one closer to David all right here he goes yeah yes come on hey my weak foot is even more horrible it’s currently 21 no pressure give him the tiny goal tiny goal tiny goal tiny goal yes yes David do you have a different strategy than USI my strategy this round is to actually hit the goal unlike usy yes let’s go Z man took that motivation just an easy one come on please give me an easy one give me an easy one not a crazy one yes yes the only way you score against three Keepers right is if you hit a great shot [Music] yeah follow back in the game let’s go in this exact moment everything is tied you score he misses you win you miss he scores you win yes sir the pressure for David is there come on David time you go yeah no way Sam if you save this Uzi will score hey the pressor David he’s red he has been in this exact same position before and he did the exact same thing he [Music] lost yes B tiny go no tiny go for him please oo it’s the best one you can get all Uzi had to do was score this one to win no no oh so close going what did we get what is it David wig foot man you already missed once now miss it [Music] twice yes my go what is it what is it what is it what is it what is it what is it what is it ooh two keepers o he’s been in this exact same position before and he scored he scores right now and he wins okay let’s go yes I did it with the last pen usan said redeemed themselves but Sean and David still had the most saves and goals giving them the extra reward an extra $500 for each yes and if you love this video you love the next one so click on David’s face to watch it


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