Great fun ride with stu! Love a good session like this! Even the crashes were fun!
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    #dirtfactorybikeshop #ramp1

    okay another day another bike ride now I’ve not got Jess with me today she’s in work but I’ve come to ramp one skate park I’ve got my slope bike and stew is somewhere so we’re going to have a bit of a session here today have a play see what we can ride [Music] 1 2 3 stew warms up with the maddest stuff ever using that rail literally jump from there land to there just insane oh that’s real good [Music] so happy with that not often I get a chance to play with the uh Peg on the slope style bike but whenever I do I try and use that opportunity and ice picks are just something that feels so much fun just to Glide along it’s almost basically a manual but on the peg rather than the wheel but it’s fun finding things that are tall enough for the slope bike cuz a lot of things you can grind on a BMX you cannot grind on the slope bike it’s the peg is too high off the ground with the size of the wheel so fun finding something I can have a bit of a play on and uh I got a clip on my phone as well so I’ll try and insert that here cuz that’s a bit better in the slow-mo so pleased do that one you’ve got to get a hold of yourself so here at ramp one they also have the big Rhythm Section section in the middle so section section but this is all of the river and the jump section the box jumps big quar pipe and everything probably be leaving this section today no point there’s a risk to reward ratio and today I’m just having a nice chill day with Stu playing on some techie stuff it’s not worth the risk to the small reward it would give but people want there is a nice big Rhythm Section in here but soon I think we’ll maybe Mo through into the next section and go through the sketchy tunnel and have a look what’s over there that’s that was so fensive forsman right there but that was [Music] cool ain’t nobody see I was just saying to steu I don’t know if he knows the rules it might not be the same for BMXs but definitely on a full suspension mountain bike in a skate park when you see a sign like that you just have to send it to Flat it’s it’s the laws of mountain bike so let’s give that one a go now [Music] set drops a flat done a little vehicle swap he’s having a play on my bike he’s not run a slow bike before and if anyone knows me you know my reputation with skateboard so woohoo I am definitely not a skateboarder I just get hurt on these things but they are cool for cruising about on [Music] ain’t nobody me ain’t [Music] nobody like subscribe see there 1 let’s get started [Music] oh that’s real [Music] [Music] good that felt pretty cool rail hops however not massive are always pretty scary please get that one ticked off too I don’t know what it is about hopping over rails but I hate hopping over rails such a head mess we didn’t need the camera but I see stew just eyeing this up so [Music] just to apologize to everyone for the beeping they are actually fitting a new fire uh fire alarm system at the moment so when it’s been beeping and shouting fire alert get out there’s not actually a fire we are safe to still be riding normally if you hear that get out but today we know why it’s going off and behind the scenes of shot my stot got I love empty quiet skate parks just to chill session do whatever we want [Music] in oh that’s real good now that’s getting injected I think [Music] [Applause] noin no me a no [Music] prepared to put the work in today having a few crashes but it’s such a fun session here with sko he was just saying then this place does have it’s an old school bones Vibe so not many of you guys watching this will probably be from the year that you remember bow skate park in Stockport but it was awesome and this kind of has that same kind of vibe to it so it’s really cool and fun to get some crashes out the [Music] way so there we go I think we’re done for the session we’ve spent about 3 hours in here both have got some clips both have taken a few Falls and slides in the process of getting those clips but always a fun session love riding with stew so thank you very much for the session today and ramp one here has been really fun highly recommend people to come down have a have a little play on it really good now it’s reopened again so take you long for the next [Music] ride like And subscribe [Music]


    1. Fun looking place. Good place to improve your skills. Save me one of those bikes. Tell me when the best time is for you. I see you then. 😁👍

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