I had to go into Blackpool so I took my camera with me for a wander around the place, Its a bit different for me as I normally do drive arounds. I hope you like it, It was a lovely day and I enjoyed the different style of shooting.Come with me and have a little nosy!!

    hi welcome to another edition of file wander uh i’ had to come into Blackpool today to uh bring some stuff back for my wife so I thought I’d come on bus and uh just get off the bus and have a wand around around central black pool it’s something I don’t normally do uh get that job here where are we Thor am yeah so have wand up towards Winter Garden a lot so uh yeah it’s uhing it’s a nice warm day today so I think I think it’s going to be a quick one this is you know not just thought to bring you with me so we’ll see how far it goes until I get fed up but I’m I’m just trying a new thing I’ve got this uh I’ve got a GoPro back bag and it’s got a fitting on to put uh your camera on and I’m just trying that so it’s uh it’s quite discreet actually uh it just looks like you’re talking to yourself that’s all so this is Winter Gardens in front up so yeah few pigeons there having a having a warm look that’s quite a big place that is it yeah had a good ride down on boss he were it were only to quit and uh it took me all over oh that’s looking down towards I think it’s Coronation Street is open in that so yeah there Tower there out you can see so just have a look yeah he to I’m naked already it’s yeah you got a Wonder up anyway Greg’s here look that’s a lovely old building that is [Music] it so I think we’ll never wander on to front uh and see how things are so hope it comes out all right this is there’s no reason why it shouldn’t yeah God that’s a big commanding building that is it my word yeah little Benny do B the hill yeah he’s not as busy as I thought he were going to be I have to talk up a bit this also get a a copyright strike so that’s v l you I yeah go [Music] here yeah the Chinese buffet vro Lounge The Hive Urban Farm Shop all right yeah that’s a view down towards front uh yeah [Music] this is another part at Winter Gardens up here oh look at these I love looking at graffiti you know graffiti art there’s a Sant look bad Sant it says thought you were going to reti me then that seagull that’s brilliant that yeah b s there’s a bit down there but it’s not not as good as that that’s goodby they C they pop up all over don’t they this graffiti yard there’s another one here look now you can stand in front of that and it looks like a is nothing more yeah some very clever people about oh this is another part at Winter Gardens look they have loads of things on here but it don’t seem to be bringing it stars like it used to but there again I don’t think anywhere else is really yeah Church the black pool Church yeah at this water good Birds having a bath in [Music] it some beautiful buildings around here isn’t it look at that since when black people are very prosperous uh you know I think they’re making well trying to get it going again but it’s not easy is it it’s come back yeah this is quite too spectacular s that is it well we yeah all right I’ll go [Music] here you’re are here K them in the head oh [Music] dear this is no building Hill h this all kicks off up here don’t it I don’t know what this building is actually yeah oh this road looks like it’s called Dean gate oh this is Edward Street this right yeah D sh of gate you want to wash your dry you nowhere to come [Music] that’s no B it some Chambers deansgate Chambers well yeah it’s an old part of black pool in here looks like old Thunder box here where we outside tell you little anyway further on my friends oh this is uping in barbecue this so this is upington street across here and pound burger man’s always on about this gra he likes his roast potatoes yeah one it’s good there’s a very qu very [Music] know Little J oh rest yeah just on Clifton Street now I’m going to wander down to to front now uh yeah these lights are very weird on here these street lights look at them amazing there’s one or two uh decent restaurants around there Mandarin I think that’s quite good I love never been in yeah I say it’s just a a quick trip down they thinking might catch TR bike yeah Premier in here there’s a lovely Breeze blowing off at Sea see we’re getting a little bit warm up there my word there’s a place just down here I think it’s on Queen Street uh I’ve be wanting to come to for a while if you’re driving you can’t uh you can’t get parked very easily uh that hav’t got a lot of patience anyway but uh there’s a statue and some chairs well some a bench um they’ve been there a while now but uh I’ve I’ve not seen them properly myself so we’ll go down and have a look just just front to this the county now it’s just de lot yeah this is talet square look where bus is coming out Trilogy night club there never been in that the little black F that’s toward s up there will come down here Old Bank Apartments this is that new tram track here that leads up to the new uh the new hotel uh yeah and Marco’s uh restaurant and everything County now this this years ago used to be a bank so I don’t know which bank it were have no idea yeah these are these benches here look and they’re uh didn’t this an old tra they good aren’t they yeah theyve been a really good job of them lovely one here a lot that’s a different model tra [Music] yeah then we’ve got this mermaid here [Music] look I think this is absolutely fantastic it’s been here a couple of years there but uh it’s it’s superb really is look at the detail on it she’s holding this shell [Music] look lovely is it I said they really train Blackpool and then just across from there we’ve got the uh the north Pier so we’ll have a wand down here and see how far we go I can catch tram bike so it’s not really a problem so St boardman’s on here got R all it looks like TI in this is Hotel the you been clion uh it’s for Shores now yeah if few want from to Metropole there look just there then we go down there uh well that sounded well not bentle yeah good down toward watch shananigans and Y and that [Music] yeah look on a trke here look looks good that yeah I see quite a bit of traffic now we got to get to uh this Pelican crossing here or crossing or whatever you want to call it I’ll tell you what we’ll go to uh to Oyster rooms Robert’s oyer rooms I’ve not B past there for years that’s Shenanigans look it’s short today yeah we’ll have a look the oer bar there we are look established 1876 wellow [Music] well yeah I’ve just had a word with that guy Robert and he’s just told me it’s oldest building on on the prominade older than Blackpool Tower so uh yeah impressive isn’t it get across here look out for drums don’t want to do an alen Bradley on it do I oh he’s not in look full it’s side I think it’s actually later on tonight but what a view what an absolute view see what it start at beer look North beer we go down here another Wonder that where they Al in all it’s glory this is wedding Jaa uh you can get married and there’s a window when youve been married and he can have a photo talk and you’re uh the to was in distance in background uh it’s a great idea you do see it used quite a lot actually Vegas din that’s been short nobody seems to have took it on it’s a shame is it [Music] [Music] yeah tourist information I’ll just spin around and show you window well you can have your photo to there on that corner there L and uh it’s looking out towards Blackpool Tower that’s in distance you come here to beach house another a meal and celebrate yeah always busy here yeah let a go we’ll get a strike if not there not belong before a show I think I think it’s August time some something like that we went we went that’s a good day to come but it gets so busy and I’m not very good with crowds nowadays so yeah little bit fur like P amusements there I say it’s not normally one I do it you know I’m usually doing drive around ones better to shot at beach house there L yeah but I thought this would just be a bit a bit different today so I think this has been uh the comedy carpet’s been well shown but we’ll just go on it anyway we get a good view at Tower look from here yeah it’s uh unbelievable is it that’s all makes me sneeze when I look up at things like that when the sun’s out Albert in land looks like there one or two FK about yeah the comedy carpet look there you go but it’s got all sayings of the old comedians yeah how very dare you been around this oh you are awful but how are you hello Playmates smoke me Kipper I’ll be back for breakfast be off the committee yeah some old people that Comedians and that that’s been in Blackpool lot they’re right around these uh obviously W was here [Music] yeah anyway further on this is the big one nice to see you to see your ni Brucey yeah well all very good my wife said to me this morning she said he’ll drive me to my grave had the car out in two minutes got black lives matter really didn’t it platform and for my for my money it turned into an agenda my God some M but goldens here I’m this is a goon thing Ying Tong song what [Laughter] all brilliant well if you like what you seen you know what to do give us a like give us a thumbs up and uh well leave a comment they’re all very welcome comments uh you know it’s building Channel up lovely now uh you know it’s it’s lovely to read comments and when you subscribe I think it’s brilliant it’s h makes it feel that you’re doing something you know that people want to watch and well I’ve got subscribers and people liking me channel I’m going to carry on doing it uh so yeah so just have a quick Wonder up there look Tower again look yeah spy glass yeah so while you you know whever you’re enjoying it keep a thumbs up leave us a comment whether you like it whether you don’t some some people will some people won’t it’s just one of them things in it you can’t please everybody so uh this is file wandra and I’m signing off on a lovely sunny day in Blackpool for ones and we’ll see you on the next one so take care and see you bye here we are back again back again as the there used to be a gentleman on your say yeah SP GL year look I’ve changed cameras of it cuz uh this is a bit easier to uh to see so yeah these gimbal things are all right but I think I prefer an action camera uh and it looks where you want it to look so uh yeah look at that so what’s it see yeah you know you can’t beat it when it’s like this weather it’s he Tak some beating black pool at that getting ready for a cter paint though the coat are looking at us somewh like that anyway yeah North beer standing out well look yeah go down here and have a a squint walk I was going to go as far as this but well I have done Golden Mile here yeah well it’s all good fun so just come past life boat place I think or shall we no I think we’ll go to Tower and go back I’ve got enough footage uh so uh I’m going to catch TR bike I don’t know how much that’ll be I mean bus I couldn’t believe it for 2 qu to C it were amazing it’s not getting car out for [Music] that see life place down there look oh is that Odyssey in distance look uh I can’t get me head around that it just looks like a load of plastic to me anyway that’s just a grump old man for you awesome car there right I’ll got you later


    1. 8 mins video outside st John's church was a graveyard in the 70's behind the church Abingdon market was a police station with prison cells in the cellar even had it's own horses stables.

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