The community gathered for a vigil after two women were killed in separate bicycle crashes in Cambridge. WBZ-TV’s Brandon Truitt reports.

    prayers and pleas for protection tonight after two women were killed in bicycle crashes in Cambridge so tonight friends gathered for a vigil as wbz’s Brandon Truitt shows us they say more should have been done to prevent their deaths Cambridge has invested tens of millions of dollars into cyclist safety but there is a call to do more after two women died in bike accidents here in just as many weeks feels unimaginable that someone so young and so full of life could have been killed so tragically bikes Lin the sidewalk in front of Cambridge City Hall Monday this community gathered for a ceremony that was part visual part call to action earlier this month Kim Stanley was killed while riding a bike the mother of two was on vacation here from Florida and just last week 24 year-old minty WN died from her injuries after colliding with a truck that was turning right when was in this bike lane on Hampshire Street this Lane was created within the last 6 months the driver stayed on scene and wasn’t charged I think the support of you all here is the perfect reflection of the deep community that she sought to build when was a third-year grad student at MIT studying physics ranked as one of the top students in the country her friends and family feeling like she was just getting started she was constantly planning the next ski trip dinner party or weekend getaway and these were always overflowing with friends we got to do better the city has already pumped tens of millions of dollars into Vision zero a goal of eliminating bike deaths by reducing speed limits to 20 mph and limiting right turns just last year they allotted 50 million more dollars to expand bike Lanes along Mass Avenue cars don’t own the roads the roads are for everybody and we have to understand that modes of transportation are changing drivers say more bike Lanes often means more traffic and less spaces to park but the city says it wants to do anything it can to keep something like this from happening again in Cambridge Brandon Tru wubz news


    1. People need to pay attention to their surroundings! How about bicycle riders stop for red lights,wear helmets and look over their shoulder when approaching intersecting traffic!

    2. A lot of these people are from other sides of the world and thinking that it’s safe to ride their bikes, heading to work or school, but none of them are actually following the laws. The news is not covering how people riding bikes, almost 99% of the time burn lights. I see it every single day.

    3. The city of Cambridge is responsible for this tragic death.
      Hampshire Street is a bike deathtrap.
      It has a row of parked cars blocking off all visibility of the bike lane.
      Every single right hand turn is a deathtrap.
      The city of cambridge needs to fix this.

      The parked cars do not provide protection, they make the bikers invisible to cars turning right.

    4. Let’s be real, MA traffic congestion + safety has never been a money or technology issue, but a common sense issue.
      Yes there are too many reckless drivers in Cambridge + Somerville.
      But I’ve also seen mopeds + bikes going the wrong way day and night.
      For those who are familiar, the Hampshire/Portland zone is esp. dangerous. 😩

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