Riding the all-new #Sherco SE300 at the global press launch in Lyon, France. This bike is super fun and perfect for these kinds of conditions. Enjoy!

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    oh hard on the break can we make it oh oh Jesus not another [Music] one what is up YouTube we are out here in the beautiful French Countryside we’re out at the chatau we’re riding today but we’re here for the 2025 sherko model launch this is the first sherko event that I’ve been to as far as a global press launch [Music] all right what’s up YouTube world we are in the beautiful nation of France we are riding the 20 25 sherko models right now I’m on board the 3002 stroke listen to this thing oh yeah 32 stroke we got a crazy grass track over here some isde tests going on but it’s been dumping rain all day so I’m staying off that for now uh we did some laps this morning and it was super gnarly they do have a fun kind of GNCC course over here I want to show you guys it’s super fun look at the terrain here this is kind of not what I was expecting all these gnarly rocks little wet 2025 uh 300 SEF or SE I believe se300 2025 se300 to show this bike’s so fun you guys uh I’m in the aggressive map let’s have a lap woo oh yeah that’s a 3002 choke right there [Music] huh bike is so it’s got a carburetor on it so that’s why you hear that bark in [Music] I mean just wide open oh hard on the break can we make it no worries just a little slide out back on got to make the time over cook that one good thing we got Brembo brakes rbo flut yeah like I was saying because it’s got a carburetor not the fuel injection or the throttle body oh God little fast not the throttle body like you feel on the KTM definitely got that old school two stroke is basically go to two shoke for the hard uro guys little braking bumpy there again hard on The Brak you see how P it see how polished the trail is two whe dri going to get little Tech right here drop two gear see how sticky and just polished off it is a little GNCC esque right here out in France overall I’m pretty impressed with this bike especially those high speed sections feels good it feels stable look at this right hereo it’s like downhill mountain bike with an engine little greasy right here right into the main line over here I’m trying to get out of the main line honestly it’s so Dodge the trees one thing about riding in the woods if you are a Woods guy the trees don’t move secret line right here install the bike it’s all good we don’t even need the engine until we do oh Jesus not another one little cross R camera’s still rolling uncut that’s how we do it for YouTube grips all electric start on this thing see if I can get her to turn here fully cross rodded off camber gnarly nasty that’s a loop what do you guys think should we head over and hit the ISB test like we’re going to switch it into the mellow map can see how how muddy it is over here I’m just sliding around oh yeah okay that’s going to call it from this one holy smokes 2025 sh go SE 3002 stroke fun trip I mean I thought never thought I’d be able to ride over here definitely gives you an appreciation for these guys what they ride how they’re able to ride it you can see here’s the whole Pro shko guys they don’t want to see me take a shot at their time you know and good thing they don’t speak English all right guys that’s going to wrap it up thanks for watching catch you next time got get baby I’m back I just want to get CAU out life I’m crazy I’m M you no cap only my God you


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