Complete text:
    I was on my way to Rennes, France. The weather in Normandy is rainy most of the time. I lit a fire under a tree. Nature is very beautiful. I bought a pair of cycling shoes from the store. Shoes help to waste less energy. After a hundred kilometers, I reached the coast of the English Channel. I rested for half an hour. I had only 300 kilometers of waterway with England. After heavy rains, the derailleur hanger completely broke. None of the stores in the city had the piece. I had to wait a week to order parts online. I had to repair the bike myself. There is a solution for every problem

    مسيرم به طرف شهر رِن فرانسه بود. هواي نورماندي اكثر مواقع باراني است. زير يك درخت آتش روشن كردم. طبيعت خيلي زيبايي دارد. از فروشگاه يك كفش دوچرخه سواري خريدم. كفش كمك مي كند كه انرژي كمتري هدر برود. بعد از صد كيلومتر به ساحل كانال مانش رسيدم. نيم ساعت استراحت كردم . تنها سيصد كيلومتر راه آبي با انگلستان دورتر داشتم. بعد از بارندگي هاي زياد، hanger Derailleur كاملا شكست. هيچكدام از فروشگاه هاي شهر قطعه را نداشتند. براي سفارش انلاين قطعه يك هفته بايد صبر مي كردم.ناچار خودم دوچرخه را تعمير كردم. براي هر مشكلي يك راه حل هست
    #biketour #travel #bikepacking

    I was on my way to R FS the weather in Normandy is raining most of the time I Le a fire on the tree nature is so beautiful I bought a pair of cycling shoes from the store shoes help to waste less energy after a 100 kilm I reached the C of the English I rested for half hours and only 300 km of Waterway with England after Heavy Rain the realer hunger completely broken none of the store in the city had the piece I had to wait a week to order part online I had the repair bik myself there is a solution for every problem

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