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    as well temperatures still below par for this time of year but it’ll probably feel just a touch warmer tomorrow goodbye that warm feeling inside from box boilers sponsors of weather on GB [Music] news the latest GB news travel good morning I’m Russell holding in Anin the a55 has reopened away from Belfast south of deep Malone roundabout after an accident still long delays though on Mery side the a572 is closed off the a49 under the m6 at Newton The Willows after an accident last night in Herer the a413 is blocked by an accident at Bishop’s room on the M5 in Gloucester sh there’s no diesel for cars southbound at the Melwood Services between Junctions 13 and 14 South of stoud in Essex there are delays of up to an hour and 20 minutes with some cancelled trains between cester and the lipol Street Station in London after an incident in London White Horse Road in Thornton Heath is closed because of an accident on the a of white Le and Road of Bon church is closed because of a land slip and that’s the latest you can stay up to dat throughout the day by visiting our website GB newws docomo seing to have an affair are happier with their job than with their primary relationship but what exactly does a cheater do for a living well medical assistants and nurses surprisingly top the lists of professions for female cheaters and its jobs in it or tech for male cheaters which I think is less of a surprise no this is all according to a survey by the dating site Ashley Madison okay so why I do people cheats to answer this we’re joined Now by broadcaster and psychotherapist Lucy barisford good morning Lucy morning is it okay of me to say naughty nurses in this day and age am I going to get canceled for that you’re out there’s the door yes you’re talking about the caring professions and I think it’s very appropriate surprised by women well because they’re very nurturing very loving very giving whereas the males who are in Tech and it very strategic is there a link between high pressure jobs maybe nurses infamously you know they’re working long hours underpaid stressed out is there a link between jobs of that nature and cheating maybe as a relief absolutely is is it just about sex or is it about emotional connection is it about emotional validation and increasingly people are discovering that their primary relationship is just not a place where they feel safe this survey found that personality didn’t actually come into it that much it was about half and half if you’re an introvert or an extrovert that you’d be likely to have an affair I think that’s right and I think that just speaks to the fact that all people want to have a good emotional connection so it doesn’t matter whether you’re really social or whether you’re someone who has to recharge your batteries in private time that actually we only ever want three things in life we want to feel safe we want to feel loved but we also want to feel heard and in increasingly number of marriages and long-term relationships we get into grooves we get into ruts and we stop hearing our partner we stop listening to them and they stop listening to us the people’s Channel [Music] 9:30 on Tuesday the 11th of June this is Britain’s News Room on GB news with Andrew Pierce and be Turner very good morning to you so Lawless Britain two 12-year-old boys have become the youngest knife killers in Britain after murdering a teenager with a machete in wolver Hampton would you want these killers to be named tax cutting Tories the Prime Minister will put tax cuts and help for firsttime buyers at the heart of the Tory Manifesto which is being launched this morning and is labor going to look after you labor promised 100,000 new child Dental appointments a ban on selling High caffeinated energy drinks to the under 16s and mental health support in every school does that make sense to you and the lip DS are launching their rural GP fund and promise that all patients will be seen by a doctor within a week [Music] oh that’s going to make really get voters going isn’t it ban high energy drinks for under 16 how do you ban them well I think they’re already banned for under 16 but if you buy high energy drinks in the supermarket and put them in your fridge how the government going to ban your 14y Olds if You’ got 14y old drinking them they’re already banned for under 16 this is what I can’t understand some of these policies at the moment but what’s the thread that unites them Nanny State thank you uh let us know your thoughts this morning gbs.edu news headlines with San [Music] Francis Beth Andrew thank you very much and good morning to you it’s just after half past 1 the headlines this morning the rate of unemployment is at its highest level for more than two years after it unexpectedly jumped in April figures from the office for National statistics out this morning show the jobless rate is nearly 4 and a half% defying predictions that it would remain unchanged job vacancies also saw another sharp drop the 23rd fall in a row election news and the conservative party will launch their Manifesto later with a promise to cut National Insurance by a further two pence labor says the money isn’t there and that it wouldn’t match that cut the manifesto is also expected to include help for first home buyers with changes to stamp Duty and what’s being called a new and improved helpto buy scheme energy energy drinks containing large amounts of caffeine would be banned for young people under a plan by labor it would see children under the age of 16 blocked from purchasing drinks with more than 150 milligrams of caffeine per liter the party says it’s in response to an outcry from parents and teachers who are seeing the consequences of the unhealthy drinks studies show that high levels of caffeine among young people can cause increased blood pressure sleep disturbances and behavioral problems well labor says there are no plans to extend that ban to adults and Elon Musk has claimed that he’ll ban Apple devices at his companies if artificial intelligence is integrated into its operating systems the iPhone makers announced a big move into AI technology starting with a partnership with open ai’s chat GPT it’ll be used to boost some of its apps and improve the Siri voice assistant as part of a suite of new features due to be rolled out later this year for the latest stories you can sign up to GB news alerts just scan the code on your screen or go to our website GB news.com [Music] alerts very good morning it’s 9:33 this is Bron Newsroom on G news with me Beth Turner and Andrew Pierce well it’s shocking isn’t it two boys the youngest ever convicted murderers convicted of KN crime since the murder of James Boer back in 199 3 the 12-year-olds were found guilty of murdering a man with a machete in wolver Hampton Park in a park last year was actually a teen wasn’t he yeah he was 19 they stabbed not sha cesah high in November it was unprovoked random and in a text exchange the boy said uh everyone’s talking about it literally everyone everyone knows which the other bo boy replied in a voice message it is what it is and the first boy wrote back everyone knows what happened I’m scared scared man and this could be the most chilling bit the second boy replied I’m not and then he said idrc which is an abbreviation of I don’t really care so should they be named because of course they were they are children they’re juveniles and then and they’ve not been named so we’ got in the studio the former labor advisor Scarlet McGuire and Dan Mist Sarah Vine um let’s go Sarah Vine should they be named well I think um the people responsible for them should be named I.E their parents their parents yeah I mean the thing is I mean child Killers like this is not a new thing the Jamie buer thing there you know it’s it’s not it’s not a new phenomenon but I think the time has come to say you know if if you’ve got two children this age who have clearly been exposed to the kind of influences that have led them to do something like this you know we talk about the drill rap we talk about the violent video games we talk about all that kind of stuff that you know there is a parental responsibility question there I really think there is and the thing is I mean we’ve I’ve got teenagers I know how difficult they can be I know how they how mad they can be but the thing is when a child is 10 or 11 they’re still children they don’t understand the consequences of their actions really they think everything is a game and we all know you know anyone who’s been bullied at school knows how naturally cruel and aggressive children can be it’s the job of parents to sort of civilize them and to teach them not to be like that and to and to make sure that they have the right influences in their Liv so that they don’t grow up to be like that so I mean of course they are the perpetrators of the crime and they are the ones who are primarily responsible but there’s a whole there’s a whole Hinterland there of other people who whose fault this really is well and Scarlet there’s a photograph on the front of the mail and the son I think of one of the boys posing with his machete at 1:30 in the morning putting a photograph out there a 12-year-old boy doing that at 1:30 in the morning yeah I mean I mean if Sarah’s right the parents should be named and shamed well no I actually I don’t think they should be I don’t think I mean if the parents are named and shamed we know the boys I mean I don’t in the local community will know who they are anyway I I actually I I I I don’t I think it the parents must be going through hell I mean they must feel so guilty about about about about what’s happened no but I actually what I what I think is is that that that what we should be looking at is is why it happened and and you say they shouldn’t be up at 130 in the morning sure but actually what were they doing we know that there are zombie knives there are machetes I mean that’s what we need to be thinking about is how do we get these weapons off the street right I don’t think it’s about the knives at all they could have done this with a kitchen knife to some extent the the thing is the boy one of the boys told the jurors why did he have the machete he said I thought it was cool and that’s the tragedy it’s the culture it’s the culture the culture is so uh depraved is the word I would use actually but but the thing is as a parent it’s very difficult because now these children have all got mobile phones so you know until 20 or 30 years ago you could to an extent protect children from these terrible influences from The Adult World so they didn’t see pornography they didn’t see violent films they didn’t there was there’s such a thing as censorship and the reason we had that was because we understood that young children don’t understand the consequences of their actions they are children they’re not they’re not adults so they can’t be really held responsible but now you’ve got children young eight seven eight who are just looking at this stuff on the internet and they their brains simply aren’t ready to make the Judgment they just aren’t fully developed as humans to make the judgment about what’s right and what’s wrong and if then you have parents who are not present or who themselves perhaps have the same sort of issues then you’ve got a sort of cycle of of of of ever decreasing circles where children are getting more and more exposed to this kind of thing and then you have a a very vibrant Street culture rap culture drill rap in particular which does glorify uh knifing people and violence in fact one of the uh rappers that one of the boys idolized is himself in prison they’re all they’ve all been in and out of prison these I’m not exaggerating I mean he said the boy the one of these boys these killers was raised by his grandmother he’d spent 440s on this knife so he’s obviously got access to money as well doing what we don’t know running for drug gangs probably possibly um and he he posted a picture of himself with this knife called prison freestyle and that was the name of the rapper who was in who is currently serving prison sentenced for for stabbing of it I mean the is these are who they are some of these some of these rappers are making a making record deals in jail you know particularly in America there’s a lot of them in America who are sort of richer in prison making these songs than they’ve ever actually been in real life quite Twisted I mean I still think Sarah about this Central Point If the parents have to be sh I mean you say bad but so what well so I mean Sarah just said that he was brought up by his Grand mother right that actually there there are serious problem but I mean I I think what we have to remember is this is a shocking crime and one of the reasons it’s so shocking is because it doesn’t normally happen it hasn’t happened since since Jamie Bulger was killed and and instead of and actually what’s incredible because because there are certainly knives on the street and there is a whole culture is actually that that we need to deal with that but but you know Britain is not going to the dogs because of this right this is a terrible terrible oneoff but knife crime is the figures for knife crime are up and down the country the length and bread L it’s up dramatically it is cool for kids to have a blade so therefore how do we change that therefore we well I I remember years ago talking to the East London Police who who actually every time they caught a boy with a knife they would go to his parents and they would talk through actually how that if you’ve got a knife you’re more likely to be stabbed I mean actually we’ve got to do something instead of sort of saying you know this is terrible we’ve actually got to do something about it but but yeah but you say that but the thing is is because my son was was robbed at knife point two years ago in in our street in chisik leafy chisik uh by two young men probably about the same age as him maybe slightly younger than him I’d say probably 16 or 17 with zombie knives now you know that isn’t that is actually not that unusual in the experience of of of him and his friends another one of his friends another one of his friends who was at AU Hill Carnival two years ago was chased by a group of four or five of them with zombie knives and he’s a local boy you know it’s not like he was sort of some sort of naive kind of so so it is it’s a culture it’s it’s it’s yes the knives are the the knives are sort of they’re the instrument but you know it could be anything to be perfectly honest because the culture is of aggressive gang behavior and why is prison not a deterrent I remember hearing an interview with somebody who’d been in prison exactly fitting this profile and he said my life outside was dangerous and scary I had nothing to live for I wanted to be in prison I would have felt safer he like I felt safer going to prison might even learn something but going back to the parents well if we had decent prisoners I mean frankly you know when your ex-husband was in charge of Prisons he really tried to do something so that so that they came out not reoffending he understood he understood the second he went round all the prisons after he got the job I remember him coming home absolutely Ash and faced and saying gosh because he understood that prisons are essentially full of people who have been failed by the education system and so you have another opportunity when they are in prison to try and help them be something other than what they’ve ended up being and and and that you know but that’s the conservatives you know Tories get very upset about that sort of thing because they think it should be punishment but going back to the parent thing I do think that if parents thought that they might in some way be held responsible for their children’s behavior for underage children behavior I think that would be a contributing factor improving might be more PR exactly they might be more there was a case recently in America where two parents were convicted because they had allowed their child to get hold of the gun and then the gun and then the kid had gone and shot I think it was a school shooter I can’t really remember the details but I know that that was and they were convicted because they because the jury said you allowed your child under age to have access to this gun for which you know and so therefore you are responsible and I think there is a moment where as parents you have to say I can’t just blame the lack of Youth clubs or the drill wrap or the knife or the this or that I have to accept that I have not done a good job with my with my child but I think Sarah so in that case actually the gun was in the house right um and quite rightly that the parents didn’t uh stop the Sun from taking it but and and and and there was a whole gun culture in the house but I mean what for all we know I mean as you say a grandmother brought this child up I mean we we and and maybe she didn’t pay enough attention but to say it’s her fault I think is really really difficult she’s not some 89y old granny here we’re not thinking about she was a grandmother I think who was probably in her 50s I’m not saying I’m not saying it’s her fault I’m just saying she should bear some responsibility for it they were known to the police these two villains already so that and they were at school together the teachers will have who they were I can’t help but thinking it wouldn’t have even come as much of a shock when they eventually killed somebody at what point does somebody in that Community say those two wrongin need sorting out somebody needs to be keeping an eye on them because they’re going to kill someone but that’s the other thing is is that AB of a father figure in their life we don’t teach we don’t teach people how to be parents that’s the other thing is you know we do anti-natal classes we and because because of the sort of breakdown in traditional family kind of structures a lot of people just don’t know how to be parents they don’t so don’t worry in Labor’s Manifesto they’re going to bring in teachers are going to teach children how to brush their teeth teachers are not going to teach children weting St on the six minutes every morning ridiculous it’s not teachers it it I think I probably know more about this thing than you do I heard on the it’s it’s classroom assistance and actually it’s really good if children learn to but look the parents teach them well if the parents aren’t doing it so what say is you’ve got a bad parent so we’ll let your teeth rot or are we going to try and get children to brush their teeth because there is an absolute problem with with massive and we’re going to ban 16y old under 16y olds having high energy drinks be said they’re already banned why are they putting that in the manifesto what I don’t know because I don’t write the manifesto right but I mean we ban we I mean children don’t how can you ban it well how can you ban alcohol right it’s exactly the same when when we think about because what we’re saying is we’ve got these families who are failing these children and and s k d would sat here he would say well this is exactly why I’m introducing these measures to take the place of the of the the parent because the parents aren’t doing it where has it all gone wrong so social fabric is torn so the government is not about there’s no Silver Bullet there’s no there’s no magic one that anyone can Wave It’s all about putting in place a number of different measures that will work from a diff a variety of different angles to create a better result so prisons schools all of these things and there’s you know the problem with elections is it’s all about slogans and it’s all about sand bites but the truth is this is this is an endemic problem that goes very very deep because you’ve got generations and generations of people who don’t know how to look after their children who haven’t been parented properly themselves and therefore don’t understand blah blah blah and then but there is nothing new there is nothing new about this this has been I mean I remember when the Jamie buer case came up and and there was oh my God you know this is a national thing and actually there are parents and there have always been parents for decades if not centuries who do not know how to bring up their children right this isn’t this is not a a phenomenon of 2024 well let’s ask our viewers and listeners would you name the parents or would you name the children or both right up next the issue that won’t go away Sak starm has refused to rule out imposing this controversial vat addition to private school fees as soon as September that’s right you’re with Britain’s Newsroom on GB [Music] news this is GB news and we are Britain’s election Channel this vote may seem to be about the politicians in the media but actually it’s about you and we won’t forget that join us up and down the country as we follow every moment together more than ever it’s important to hear all sides as you make your DEC decision ahead of polling day we’re here for you this is GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s election Channel this is GB news Britain’s News Channel today we’ve got two fantastic individuals who have invented a teddy bear to help children who are suffering with mental health yes so Lynn and Samantha Krill came up with the idea for the trouble muncher toy following Samantha’s own battle with an eating disorder and OCD yes the teddy comes with a notepad and encourages its owners to write down what’s troubling them and then they can pop the note into the Rock sack on the Bear’s back I struggled with mental health most of my life actually and oh no it’s fine um I’ve got one I feel quite sorry for you but um and one one thing I always did was message my mom and it was a thought dis disassociation kind of technique I would message you even now I message you thoughts that come into my mind but massively when I was younger and I thought what happens if you’re younger and you don’t have this um yeah and I think in today’s technology fied world I think we go back to basics and it just helps them to process by writing it down everything’s so instant these days so so it’s like an indirect way of telling your parents how you’re feeling what you’re going through such a great idea what’s the feedback being from parents who have uh got a trouble muncher for their kids what you got stor it’s been really good um in one household he sits on the kitchen side and um I think during the day the parents the the children put their worries in or at night and then they know that their parents will look at it during the day and it’s gone into some schools as well you’d imagine you’d want one of these trouble munchers in every classroom in every school up and down the country because children who are being bullied for example you feel like they can’t tell their parents they’re too embarrassed to talk about it this is such an important tool isn’t it for children to communicate that yeah well you were saying mom’s mental health counsel and you had a young young child who was had Snapchat AI so you talk to an AI and Snapchat and that’s what they talk to now the people’s Channel hi there I’m Michelle jub and I’m going to take a second to tell you all about my show jub zenko we start off with the issues of the day we then bring in both sides of the arguments we get rid of the disrespect and then you throw me into the mix and trust me I’ll tell it exactly how it is and then of course the magic ingredient you are home we mix it all together and what have we got in my opinion the best debate sh in town Monday to Friday 6: till 7:00 on GB news Brit’s News [Music] Channel very good morning it’s 10 to 10 now parents are facing a higher cost of private education if labor come into power at the general election K starm is Flagship plan to add 20% vat to independent school fees is a policy that’s caused a within his own party David Morton is Headmaster at the King School in Gloucester good morning David thank you very much for joining us presumably the King School is an independent at fee paying school just give us an idea of where how many pupils do you have and how many families do you think this is going to impact yeah thank you good morning uh we are we’re an independent uh Day School in Gloucester with 750 children we go from three years old up to 18 years old and uh the impact is going to be fairly considerable we did a survey of our parents and we got some fairly precise figures back as to how many of them felt it was going to be unaffordable uh if 20% was added onto the school fees and and that figure was that 80% of our parents said they would find it difficult with 10% saying they would remove their children immediately and I think those figures are probably broadly representative of other schools across the UK like us well David I can ask you two things there um what are the fees and if 10% of of parents do take their children out of your school is your school still viable um so the fees Vari according to the age range uh so they will be between around £15,000 and £24,000 for the year they’re slightly cheaper in the primary section of the school the junior school and more expensive in the senior school um what we’re trying to do is avoid that 10% of parents leaving so we’ve taken action already to make sure that doesn’t happen um I would say that a school of our size could probably accept 10 or 15 parents leaving something like that but that would then remove any surplus that we make for for for the year so more than about 20 parents leaving taking their children out of the school would cause a real issue for us do you have many people on waiting lists to come into your school I think quite a few private schools particularly in areas maybe where the state schools don’t get outstanding results they tend to have a list of those waiting in the wings uh so that is the case in some schools but it does vary enormously across the country uh in this area we have seven grammar schools in gler which are really really popular and highly academically selective so um Kings doesn’t have long waiting lists now what what would you say to the if the labor party were here they’d say very sorry about this but not we’re worrying about the 93% of pupils who are in the state sector and if it and there’s a row about this but if it does mean higher St class size in the state sector for a few years so be it yes I think there’s two things about that there’s the the impact on the state sector and there’s the impact on the private sector and at the middle of this is children you know they they are the one who are having one chance in life in their time at school and it can make an enormous difference the size of class that you’re in quality of the teachers that are there the resources of the school um and we labor shouldn’t make political uh Capital out of children’s lives I don’t think that’s a good idea at all so I would say to uh labor leader where he on this uh discussion that they should look at other ways of raising money because I absolutely agree with the aim which is increasing funding for State schools I don’t think any independent head teacher in the country would have an issue is with that but I think the way that they’re going about doing it by having a one- siiz fits all flat tax on Independent School parents is is not the best way there are other ways that they could look at as well and of course you have to give a terms notice because Sak starm is saying he can’t rule it out till September will you give any sort of Grace to parents from September if they say I I can’t now move my child but I I can’t pay this extra 20% are you going to let them stay well we’ve taken steps at Kings to make sure that our parents don’t get in that situation so we’ve already announced that fee rise for September is going to be 4% um we’ve made savings across the school and we’ve said if labor add vat at 20% there would be an additional 9% at some point in the future when that comes into action I think labor may not have thought through the practicalities of adding vat onto school fees there’s you know huge amount of work to be done with hmrc uh to to work through and there will undoubtedly Independent School to contest thank you David David Morton there Headmaster from King School in Gloucester lot to discuss this morning here’s the weather with Alex a brighter Outlook with box solar sponsors of weather on GB news good morning welcome to your latest weather update from the Met Office here on GB news bit of a chill out there today it doesn’t really feel like June there’ll be some June Sunshine around there’ll also be a fair few showers around as well now the breeze is coming down from the north hence the ch quite a bit of cloud developing through the day so it’s not going to be sunny everywhere but much of the West Northern irelands Wales Southwest England Western Scotland staying dry and fine and even further east there’ll be some Sunny spells but expect showers over parts of northern England the Midland East Anglia and the southeast and um even if You’ got the sunshine it isn’t warm temperatures struggling into the mid teens for many feeling cooler with that wind particularly on some of these North Sea coasts that breeze will continue to bring a few showers around so for this evening yes plenty of showers course East angle in the Southeast but for much of Southwest England Wales it’ll be a fine evening not very pleasant for sitting out in because temperatures will be dropping pretty sharply once the sun has set but a fine day by L for Northern Ireland and in fact most of Scotland will be dry through the evening just the odd shower coming in but still a significant chill particularly over the northern is temperatures here quickly dropping back down to single figures and feeling cooler with that wind which will continue to blow through Tuesday evening the showers though well they should tend to fade away so many plac is becoming dry as we go through tonight we always keep some showers coming into the northern alss we’ll keep quite a bit of cloud in some places but where we have the clear skies it is going to turn quite chilly again temperatures well down into single figures in some rural spots so another fresh day on Wednesday the winds though won’t be as strong on Wednesday and there won’t be as many showers either yes still a sprinkling over Eastern England and Northeastern Scotland but I suspect many areas will be dry as we go through tomorrow Some Cloud but a bit more in the way of sunshine there’s lighter winds as well temperatures still below par for this time of year but it’ll probably feel just a touch warmer tomorrow goodbye that warm feeling inside from box boilers sponsors of weather on GB [Music] news the latest GB news travel good morning I’m Russell holding on Mery side The a572 Remains closed off the a49 at Newton Willows after an accident last night in Lincolnshire the a17 is closed off the a151 north of Hall beach after a vehicle caught fire in Herer the a413 is blocked by an accident at Bishop’s FR delays of up to an hour with some canceled trains between Colchester and Liverpool Street Station in London after an incident the M25 in Essex is lane closed anticlockwise started Junction 26 at walam Abbey with cues from Junction 27 for the M11 on the M4 west of London it’s down to a single Lane eastbound after an accident on the elevated section between Junctions 2 and 1 from brenford to chisik with cues from Junction 3 at hon also in London White Horse roads blocked by an accident between Cen and Thon Heath causing delays and there are delays of up to an hour to trains through basing Stoke with a signaling problem that’s the latest you can stay up to date throughout the day by visiting our website GB newws we’re making this summer funner with three incredible prizes to be won one first a fantastic £15,000 in tax-free cash that you can spend on anything you like next there’s the latest iPhone 15 with a brand new set of apple airpods and finally £500 to spend at the UK attraction of your choice the summer fun could be on us for another chance to win the iPhone treats and £15,000 cash text prize to 63232 text cost £2 plus one standard Network rate message or post your name and number to gb6 PO Box 8690 Derby d19 T UK only entrance must be 18 or over lines close at 5:00 p.m. on the 28th of June full terms and privacy notice at gbwc swin please check the closing time if listening or watching on demand good luck good afternoon Britain good afternoon Britain weekdays from midday we bring you the most compelling stories from across the United Kingdom and why it matters to you from your doorstep to our inbox that’s right we want to hear from you good afternoon Britain only on GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel I’m Christopher hope this is GB news Britain’s election Channel join me Neil Oliver every Sunday night at 6:00 p.m. on GB news and if an hour is not nearly enough for you go to GB news.com for special extended episodes online every Friday at 9: p.m. where we can truly get into the nitty-gritty of what’s going on GB news Britain’s News Channel I’m Michael Portillo this is GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel [Music] 10: a.m. on Tuesday the 11th of June this is Britain’s Newsroom on GB news with me be Turner and Andrew piss Lawless Britain two 12-year-old boys the youngest knife killers in Britain they killed a teenager with a machete in wolver Hampton we’re asking should they be named tax cutting Tories finally the Prime Minister will put tax cuts and help for first time buyers at the heart of the conservative party Manifesto Christopher hope has more The Cho unveil their Manifesto here at cson racetrack but will it be enough to get the party out of second gear we’ll find out soon grown labor looking after you they promising a 100,000 new child Dental appointments a ban on selling high caffeine energy drinks to under 16 mental health support in every school he a Strictly Come Dancing fan well it is absolutely engrossed in a scandal at the moment the star dancer Giovani pice is asked following growing allegations of threatening and abusive Behavior will bring you up to [Music] speed I don’t know it’s a great Omen for the Tories doing their Manifesto on S because back in 97 John Major laun the to election campaign and they went to one of our famous racetracks and the idea wasn’t Maj was going to get in a Formula 1 car when they got there it was on blocks with no wheels on which tells you what did what was the headline your R whs fall off Tory campaign oh no what do you think about the fact that they’ve chosen the Silverstone racetrack to launch their campaign it’s just kind of inspired a million ponds hasn’t it West streeting was interview this morning he said it shows we’re all revved up and raring to go I mean it it’s so cheesy well Christopher hope say will they get out a second gear or will they get out of first GE you could have asked cuz let’s face it they’re not in pole position at the moment are they the I’ve got a lot more where that came from right gs.com your say let us know your thoughts this morning first of the very latest news is San [Music] Francis very good morning to you it’s 2 minutes past 10 the headlines from The Newsroom this morning the conservative party will launch their election Manifesto later with a promise to cut National Insurance by a further two pence labor says the money isn’t there though and that it wouldn’t match that cut the manifesto also expected to include help for first home buyers with changes to stamp Duty and what’s being called a new and improved helpto buy scheme well it comes after Rishi sunak dismissed rumors that he considered resigning following the Fallout from his decision to leave a D-Day event early work and pension secretary Mel stride told GB news this morning that there are big and bold promises to come it’s a binary choice between ourselves as a party which now uh is seeing the highest joint level of growth uh in the G7 we’ve got inflation down to near normal levels we’ve got Rising uh real wages which has been going on now for 11 consecutive months and we’re now going to be delivering some uh pretty big uh tax cuts we’ve already tax cut uh cut taxes for 29 million uh working people worth 900 for an average earner we’re going to go further in our Manifesto M stride there speaking to GB news this morning well we’ve heard earlier that the rate of unemployment is at the highest level for more than 2 years after it unexpectedly jumped in April figures from the office for National statistics show the jobless rate has nearly hit 4 and a half% defying predictions that it would remain unchanged job vacancies also saw another sharp drop the 23rd fall in a row and there’s some good news with inflation dropping to its lowest level since 2021 though economists had expected a bigger drop energy drinks containing large amounts of caffeine would be banned for young people under a plan by labor it would see children under the age of 16 blocked from purchasing drinks with more than 150 milligram of caffeine per liter the party says it’s in response to an outcry from parents and teachers who they say are seeing the consequences of the unhealthy drinks studies show that high levels of caffeine among young people can cause increased blood pressure sleep disturbances and behavioral problems Labour says though there are no plans to extend that ban to adults and staying with labor the party are also pledging to add an extra 100,000 Dental appointments for young people across the country in an effort to C clear backlogs across England you would see extra slots opened up during evenings and weekends while supervised brushings would also aim to improve self-care for younger children the party says it will cost around 109 million pound the shadow Health secretary West streeting says it will be funded by tightening tax rules so we’ve committed to deliver 700,000 emergency NHS dentist appointments 100,000 of those will be targeted at children um there are dentists out there that are willing to do the work but we have to pay them so and we’ve committed um we’ve committed 100 million pounds to the emergency dentist appointments which will be paid for by closing tax avoidance and also closing the tax loopholes that are currently left there by the conservatives in their non-doms Arrangements next to some international news for you the Hamas terror group has now accepted a ceasefire proposal that was passed by the UN last night the security Council backed the three-phase plan which includes the release of hostages and the withdrawal of Israeli forces a senior member of Hamas says the group will accept the deal and is now ready to begin negotiations over the details it’s after 14 of the 15 members of the United Nations security Council voted in favor of the ceasefire with only Russia abstaining Elon Musk claims that he’ll ban Apple devices at his companies if artificial intelligence is integrated into its operating systems the iPhone makers announced a big move to AI technology starting with a partnership with open AI chat GPT it will be used to boost some of its apps and improve the Siri voice assistant as part of a suite of new features to be rolled out later this year and a record number of passengers have been passing through Heath Rose terminals over the last 12 months the airports announced that 81.5 million people travel through its complex in a year to the end of May that’s up by almost 10 million chief executive Thomas WBY would would be rather says that it shows Heath row has put the covid pandemic firmly behind them for the latest stories you can sign up to GB news alerts just scan the code on your screen or go to gbwc [Music] alerts it’s uh 7 minutes past 10 you’re with Britain’s news news with Andrew Pierce and B Turner in just over an hour’s time Which senate will launch the conservative party Manifesto but you can’t wait key policy will include a tax break for landlords a further TWP cup to National Insurance we’ve had two of those already this year and help for first time buyers by raising the threshold for stamp duty but will it be enough to turn the electorate let’s speak to our political editor Christopher hope who is at Silverstone this morning Chris um we were just sort of taking the Mickey slightly out actually out of that as a chosen location to launch your Manifesto because the puns right themselves don’t they the the Tories aren’t exactly in pole position at the moment in this race to number 10 um what’s the logic there what are they telling you well the logic again morning Andrew morning be the logic of being here in silverston is this is a kind of you know part of the future the F1 industry we have in this country is at the absolutely Apex of Motorsport engineering and I think that’s why they want to demonstrate the importance of of high level uh high-tech manifacturing that’s part of the of the sale from richy sunak in terms of why he backs Britain all the time and and when we were with him um in Belfast recently he’s with a high-tech boat manufacturer so you are seeing this idea of high-tech manufacturing that’s the idea of course being on a RAC trck and putting Petrol in the tank and not being in the pits maybe and getting out of second gear all the meters you mentioned work in politics too and perhaps escaping from behind cist arm is um slipstream to take to overtake on the final lap all that can happen in in a race and it can happen in politics too and that’s the hope but so far nothing is worth they’re still 20 points behind in the polls we’re expecting another two 2% cut in National Insurance now if the toys win power again that’ll mean they will have halved National Insurance from 12% to 6% in a calendar year that’s extraordinary but no one’s noticing the problem is these are bold policies they’re trying to push out there but the world appears or voters appear to be have tuned out from the message according to the polling we know all about the nation the um the uh um national service idea the the triple lock Plus on pensions so they won’t tax the state pension labor hasn’t got an answer on that um and also on tax cuts we hearing that from the try party labor still in a mess about areas that they may be cutting or not on tax they’re only giving a guarantee not to increase some basic taxes so they have got a message but how can they get anyone to listen and the hope is they can grab attention today all right Chris that’s Chris hope uh in s and we will of course um bring you live as the manifesto is uniled I think it’s about 80 pages what how long is that going to take him is he going to read it all out you think no I think the lip Dem Manifesto was 170 Pages too much you just need about 14 bullet points don’t you absolutely Ian this is a brilliant message jen.com tax cutting Tories he said you can’t fat a pig up on Market day good point my view is they’re deliberately throwing this election but they’ve gone too far they’re supposed to lose narrowly however they may never recover because he ruding to the fact clearly that we have the highest tax burden in this country since 20 since 1948 and I heard Mel stride the working pension secretary during the media round today saying we’re not putting up taxes they are because they’ve Frozen the income tax thresholds which till 2028 they’ve been frozen since 2022 which means more people every year will be taken into tax or higher tax having said that labor have no plans to lift the freeze yeah so whoever wins your taxes are going to go up Beyond No Doubt whatsoever no Sunny Uplands on the horizon I don’t think regardless of who who wins now two boys have become the youngest convicted murderers in Britain since the killing of James buer in 1993 the 12-year-olds are found guilty of murdering a teenager with a machete in wolver Hampton uh in the part of the West Midland region that has become the country’s knife crime Capital they stabbed 19-year-old sha cahai in November in an unprovoked attack with the significant risk these two boys posed to the public should reporting restrictions be be lifted and these boys be named well can talk now to heish Brown who’s a former detective inspector at New Scotland Yard heish um we if when you read the the um some of this the coverage of the court case you’re reminded that they were they are just children because they were allowed to play with what are theget Spinners fidget Spinners during the proceedings uh to occupy their minds they supposed to be listening to what was being said because they are just children but they’ve committed a heus crime and I would argue Heist they perhaps they should be named because we can it perhaps it would would it perhaps act as a deterrent to other kids well of course um it it would act as a deterent I think with some people and of course there’s a public interest should the public know so we’ll have to wait to see which way the judge goes but I I I do feel you know with this horrendous crime With A lot’s been said about knife crime I think the right messages have to go out the Ed education and I mean in the home in the schools um in workplaces uh clubs and things like that really really hammer it home and I think uh another measure and I I’m not comfortable with it but it’s those archers in schools rather like when you when you go on a plane security arches just to see if it flashes up someone’s got a knife it’s not very nice thing to do school shouldn’t have to do that but it’s a positive measure this target hardening and the last era I think is the the police the involvement of police and um the the the public blow hot and cold on this unfortunately but the Stop and search is absolutely essential and without that this undoubtedly will continue uh and the police know what areas to look they know the sort of people they’re going to look at and Society I think has to come to terms with this and just acknowledge that’s got to be the way forward but there are three main ways forward and perhaps they all apply or perhaps just sub them but positive action better than we got clment yes hey M what what one of the boys was apparently bragging about the fact that he is now known he’s got the distinction of being Britain’s youngest knife killer 12 years old and 73 days if you name these kids the risk is that they will wish to be famous they all want to be famous they don’t care what they’re famous for and I think if we start naming them we run the risk of glorifying them to some extent yes that’s right but I I I still think there’s the public interest side and the and of course these things do seep out through the worldwide web and and we powerless to stop that they they were known to the police they were known to the police heish and you’ll have known in your time you know these villains you’ll have known who they were you have knocked on their their doors aund times but what’s happened in the decades ago somehow the local it takes a village the phrase somehow the local Elders would have swept them up somehow the granny of the neighbor or somebody would have got involved and kept an eye on them or even giving them a clip around the you know around the yearold to keep them in in check now people are very scared of getting involved with other people’s children and if there’s nobody there who who how do we stop this how do we encourage that’s social cohesion I I couldn’t agree with you more um I I live in a village population 12,000 people is8 miles from the uh from the city and um and we don’t see the police here um most of the CCTV has been taken down and uh and the Yousef and and with respect to them I sure they want to do a good job but the use of pcsos and not police officers I find is most satisfactory but we need people certainly in uniform and if it is the pcso so be it to be there we don’t see anyone down here we have drugs and antisocial issues in this um in this small town which is still referred to as a village but here I am in West Sussex but we’re but I could be talking about anywhere in the country and people I’m quite sure will agree with me this social cohesion we have to get the public involved but we must have the police presence to go and sort things out I mean we we have issues with shoplifters and what have you the police know who they are but they’re not doing anything about it and this can lead to all sorts of things so yes better police public relationships police to be yes I know they’ve got a lot on their plates but this is terribly important we might thank you heish heish brown MBE their former detective inspector at New Scotland Yard do you know what my mom was that person in our local community M people would just bring their difficult teenagers and just go joy s him out and they just put them in the kitchen and my mom would go right sit down we’re going to have a glass of orange juice and she was that person and even the local school would get her in cuz she was a former police officer as well a volunteer police officer where are those people now in the community because I think there’s a fear because of he safety and they’ll be told to mind their own business and they’ll be safeguarding issues as well this wretched word that creeps into everything absolutely she was had of safeguarding our high school as well for 20 years even after we’d left because she wanted to stay involved in the local community and we need those people to want but who’s got the time everyone’s working two jobs you know she was lucky to be a full-time mom so she could volunteer and help I think Sarah Vines Point earlier was very important when she said actually name the parents name the parents the my worry with naming the par well name the parents now maybe what’s going to happen they’re going to get people putting their Windows through they’re going to get abuse from the local it’s just going to and you might say well so what but actually that’s only going to cause more more for the police to do they shouldn’t be having a comfortable time should they hard to know let us know what you think at home I it’s a really difficult issue isn’t it your say the time is now 10:7 but I still to come oceans 24 style robbery this real life jewelry heist will leave you gobsmacked don’t miss it this is Britain’s Newsroom on GB [Music] news this is GB news Britain’s news channel mvin kersch was a boy When The War Began by dday he was trained and ready to fight after years waiting we taken a long time I suppose I was an agitator he remembers reality unfolding to the sound of thumping guns in the morning about 5:00 I woke me up St going towards from now and I could see the outline in in the Dawn and I could hear the couldn’t see but I could hear the sh big shs going overhead both ways nobody was bothering into fire at me which was quite good then I began to feel nervous and I realized it’s not just an adventure it’s actual World War mvin served in the ordinance regiment his job was to get supplies like ammunition and vehicles onto the beach when an advanced party including some of his friends were destroyed mvin stepped up thee of me went the reconnaissance unit we were supposed to go on D+ 6 the reconnaissance unit was going D plus2 to find a fful sides uh for 200 drivers and a th000 Vehicles which we were going to start all kinds they got they went across but they didn’t get across they torpedo the only boat torpedo that that day I was put on the boat that night any boat going across and told was buy site for vehicles of men so I just crossed over them and I landed got to the top of the cliff and just with a strange driver in a track vehicle told him just to drive down one of the roads and see will be ConEd the people’s Channel join me Nana aquer for an informative interactive news program with the difference it’s fun it’s true you’re not wrong no one will be cancelled lovely join me from 3 p.m. every weekend only on GB news Britain’s News Channel every Saturday 10 till 12 we’ll bring you all of the news that you need to know we’ll also remind you that there is so much to smile about it’s my favorite time of the week I get to relax enjoy some lie hearted stories and let Ellie teach me about fashion too that’s Saturday morning live every Saturday 10 to 12 only on GB news Britain’s News Channel we’re proud to be GB news the people’s Channel and as you know we always love to hear your views now there’s a new way of getting in touch with us at gbs.edu [Music] welcome back it’s 1021 Andrew you’re on the Telly right throughout the election campaign we’re going to be hearing from people across the United Kingdom about what really matters Nelson’s fault we’re not coming to you yet Nigel hang on today we meet Sam Richardson from fouth I’m Sam Richardson I’m 29 and I’m from fouth so in F and Truro the labor party have the best chance of getting the Tories out so I’ll be voting for the labor party the ship well I would consider myself to be Center left of center um in my sort of politics I feel like the last 14 years have been a bit of a disaster to be honest uh Food Bank usage is up there’s a really bad housing crisis in cormal everywhere I seem to go there seems to be shops closing down the high streets are dying and I just feel like most things have been really badly handled by the conservative party so I think K is quite a serious man which appeals to me I think we need especially at the moment moment with the world in the state that it is we need someone who can look at the books make sure that the numbers add up he someone that I feel like with his Pastor a human rights lawyer I think that he’s well suited to the role and well suited to the job at hand I know that there’s an argument that he’s boring but personally I don’t what’s wrong with boring I I yearn for the day where I don’t wake up and worry about opening up my news app and saying something ridiculous that the leader of the country has said it doesn’t have to be this so po all the time I don’t know that we should ever support one political party anyway I think we should have our own political opinions and then ear towards whoever best represents those I think that’s a much better way of doing it instead of pledging Allegiance like a sports team when you’re 19 there’s a lot of future left right um so I would say that I’ve actually probably seen more politically engaged young people whether or not that’s around economic or social issues it seems to be more prevalent now than personally what I’ve seen for a long time especially with things like the climate crisis right we are now with Nigel Nelson and Pierce Pinger in the studio where do you want to start this morning for let’s talk about West streeting because um he’s put turn the media around today he had quite a difficult interview I thought earlier um this morning where he was asked a very straightforward question look he’d already said labor will not do what the toes doing they’re saying they’re going to cut another 2p of mass Insurance fine then he was asked would you prioritize spending on the NHS of tax C waffle waffle waffle you can’t ride both horses it’s one or other Nigel yeah and I think spending on he’s he’s going to be the new health secretary and it is it is spending on the NHS I mean there have been areas where they’ve got into some difficulties over this over things like the 100,000 Nursery places they’re talking about what we we’re still waiting to hear some detail about uh where you find the 40,000 staff to make those Nursery Places work so I think we got to that stage in the campaign where every sort of shove their policies out there they’re now being looked at but what we need now is the detail to find out exactly how how to make them work and look and we saw the r yesterday between Bridget Phillips and the shadow education cly then K St slapping down Emily thornber let the cat out the bag didn’t she when she said of course State Room State School class sizes will have to grow yeah in the short term because of the vat hike on private schools which will go into P go into Force immediately it’s one of the first things they’re going to do and she was slapped she was telling the truth well well probably she made a mistake in fact because telling the truth no no no in fact it wasn’t her brief and so she was saying something that we don’t know I mean I think if you take the the um tax on private school fees we don’t know what the result is going to be and the evidence would show that money doesn’t make a huge difference to um parents sending their kids to private schools so the original report which is all based on uh over the last 20 years that the real terms increase in fees has been 55% 7% of kids go to private schools that hasn’t changed in that time so money doesn’t seem to have been a major factor that 20% overnight that’s a gradual increase of a few percent every year 20% overnight is just not doable for various families across well this I mean the question is whether it’s doable or not I mean the the um the study was by by The Institute of fiscal studies that that they were the ones who came up the report all this is based on now we don’t know the result it’s about that non non-dom tax the non-dom tax won’t work everyone everyone leaves this tax won’t work if all their parents if all the parents withdraw their kids from private schools and they and they collapse the evidence so far is that isn’t going to happen well Nigel says that appears we had a head teacher on today we had one on yesterday both from Fe one in Gloucester very Multicultural City one from uh um I think it was EP yesterday ascot both saying it’s going to have a detrimental effect on school numbers because parents are indicating they’ll have to take children out 10% they already are and I mean two private schools have already closed and of course Money Matters and uh this is just a spiteful and ridiculous socialist move for no reason at all other than Spite and it is it shows party really like and in fact today the biggest bombshell which has gone unnoticed is Dame Harriet Baldwin who is the head of the treasury select committee who has pointed out in a brilliant piece in the telegraph uh that labor are basing their stealth tax uh increases on the IMF recommendations that are not widely known and these include things like capital gains tax being put on selling your first residents right um which would hit the housing market in an enormous way um penalize drivers uh for putting a tax on them for driving at all uh on based per mile all kinds of stealth taxes these are the things the labor party do not want you to talk about and if you and also huge increases in capital gains tax U equating that to income tax which would be a colossal rise these are the taxes that that starma does not want to be asked about and when asked if you notice when he was asked would he raise capital gains tax the other day he refused more than once to answer the question I’m glad you rais that because because the guardian reported last week and you’d have seen it Nigel that she the Rachel Rees the shadow chart will bring in 10 to 12 tax rises in September October she does have budget and a lot of them around capital gain tax it seems that har bin has put flesh on the bone and told us what they’re going to be yeah tax on selling your first home for God’s sake get people on the property well first of all first of all uh as we we speak here that is not labor policy well we’ll see um so um yes I’m sure there will be little things I mean what the guardian was a big thing if you’re selling your first te it is indeed but there could be a number of number of smaller taxes where you get into a kind of big pot at the at the end of it um labor not are not going to raise the the uh main taxes vat income tax and so on as we know we’ve heard about the tax Rises on Noms the windfall tax on the um uh on the oil Giants and the private schools tax I think we get we’re getting to a stage now of trying to pretend we know what the other side is going to do but to challenge you on this because you say they’re not going to raise the taxes they are going to raise income tax because they are not going to lift the freeze on but but so we can’t say labor aren’t going to raise tax because they are and so with the Tories yes I mean no one no one has changed that fundamental thing about thresholds thresholds stay till 2028 which means more and more people going to pay you’re talking about 4 million people paying tax for the first time 3 million will be paying more tax that’s perfectly true what we don’t know is about these taxes and I think that the the important thing now this is Manifesto week what voters have to do is look at each Manifesto and see which they think is the most realistic at the end of the week but always with labor you have to look at the the wording which they choose very carefully starma talks about not taxing working people more what he means by that is he’s going to tax successful people who’ve got some money more because the one thing the labor party can cannot bear are successful people that’s who they want to penalize and it’s again pure spite nothing else The Mask slips on this on this private school policy and the fact that they’re so embedded with it um can we just change the gear a little bit gentlemen should we talk about these Italian thieves raiding talk about raising money talking about stealing yeah that be the nebor Manifest I wonder if starmo was D in those there didn’t I what’s happened Pier yeah oh sewers 11 instead of Oceans 11 in in Rome it’s it’s a really straight out of Hollywood a gang of Thieves have broken in through the underneath Bulgari which is a very expensive jewelry store in the Via condotti which is the smartest St Street in Rome rather like Bond Street in London and they broke in and stole all these jewels and timing it to Perfection knowing the police would come it took the police 7 minutes to get there and four minutes trying to get in because they barricaded the room the the entrance where they knew the police were coming meanwhile they half inched all the stuff they could and uh went back down under the sewers and escaped amazing and I suspect people will now be looking for them by smell rather than is there a film in this well I it is it’s straight out of a film it is isn’t it yeah can I just point out that the cameras which is why we have no footage yeah but the the hat and garden robbers who were all pensioners they were yeah but they they stole £14 million this this only got away with half a million euros I think they’d be disappointed with their Frank Frankly that’s probably just a bracelet in bul obviously if they had stuff of really you know millions of dollars worth of jewelry they’d put it in a safe these were all apparently still in display cases which also tells you if you own a jewelry store in Rome maybe take it out of the Cas at night and put it in a safe like most sensible Jewelers here very good right Pierce Nigel thank you so much we will be I want to show in the second half of the show amazing footage of a jewers in London being robbed and the police reaction to it I’m going to try and dig that out brers as well don’t go anywhere first though the headlines with San [Music] Francis just coming up to 10:32 the top stories from the news room and we’ll start with some news just coming into us uh this morning that Gary Glitter has been ordered to pay more than £500,000 in Damages to one of the women that he abused that woman is suing the uh disgraced pop star uh whose real name is Paul Gad following his conviction in 2015 for abusing her and two other young people between 1975 and 1980 so that news just coming to us this morning that Gary Glitter has been ordered to pay more than half a million pounds in Damages to one of the women that he abused and in other news this morning the prospect of an imminent cut in the Bank of England’s interest rate has been dealt a blow after the latest data shows that basic pay is still Rising wages were up 6% in the first three months of the year figures from the office for National statistics also show unemployment Rose slightly the jobless rate is now nearly 4 and a half% defying predictions that it would remain unchanged the conservative party will launch its election Manifesto later with a promise to cut National Insurance by a further two pence Labour says the money isn’t there and that it wouldn’t match that cut the manifesto also expected to include help for first home buyers with changes to stamp Duty and what’s being called a new and improved helpto buy scheme energy drinks containing large amounts of caffeine would be banned for young people under a plan by labor it would see children under the age of 16 blocked from purchasing drinks with more than 150 millgram of caffeine per liter the party says it’s in response to an outcry from parents and teachers who were seeing the consequences of the unhealthy drinks studies show that high levels of caffeine among young people can cause increased blood pressure and sleep disturbances and Elon Musk claims he’ll ban Apple devices at his company’s if artificial intelligence is integrated into operating systems the iPhones makers announced a big move to I AI technology starting with a partnership with open ai’s chat GPT it’ll be used to boost some of its apps and improve the Siri voice assistant as part of a suite of new features to be rolled out later this year for the latest stories you can sign up to GB news alerts by scanning the QR code on your screen or go to gbs.edu [Music] cheers britania wine club proudly sponsors the GB news financial report well let’s take a look at the markets for you this morning the pound will buy you $1.27 31 and 1.1 1841 the price of gold is 1,258 per ounce and the footy 100 is at 8,25 points cheers britania wine club proudly sponsors the GB news financial report Still’s come this morning found out the shocking reasons why the professional dancer Giovani panise will not return to Strictly Come Dancing this is Britain’s Newsroom on GB [Music] news the latest GB news travel good morning I’m Russell holding on the M57 on Mery side two lanes are closed northbound after an accident between Junctions 3 and four from Stockbridge Village to NOS causing delays and the a572 remains closed off the a49 at Newton The Willows after an accident last night the m56 in cheses partly blocked westbound between Junctions 10 and 11 from streten to Preston Brook in Lincolnshire the A7 is blocked each way by an accident between Brant Bron and beckingham in Northford the a165 is blocked by an accident at Castle acre and the a47 is partly blocked by an accident to the AAL roundabouts in Herer the a413 is blocked by an accident at Bishop’s FR that AR of up to hour with some canceled trains through basing Stoke after a signaling problem and on the M27 in Hampshire there’s a lane closed westbound where someone’s broken down Junctions 9 and8 from FM to berson cling Delight that’s the latest you can stay up to date throughout the day by visiting our website GB news.com Mark Dolan tonight weekends from 900 p.m. England’s new patron saint Gary Lin a man Holier and more virtuous than Mother Teresa and Gandy combined strikes again never once to miss the chance of some moral posturing goal hanging PR opportunist Lin has spoken out about tonight’s Champions League final he tweeted the following this is the first time I’ll be cheering for RA Madrid in a Champions League final The Germ side Dortmund have signed a three-year sponsorship deal with weapons manufacturer Ryan metal now Gary liner is not a stupid person following a stellar career on the pitch it was a stored transition to broadcasting and let me tell you he’s worth every penny of that 1.3 million P A year of license fee payers cash to introduce football clips how did it escape the attention of this bright man that our democracies and our freedoms are protected and defended by the weapons produced like companies such as Rin metal in fact we should big up not Ry metal who have produced some of the armaments which are now helping Ukraine I’m very confused cuz I thought Gary Lino was very supportive of Ukraine and their battle for survival but now he wants to take their weapons away I’m very very confused after all they’re going to need weapons with which to defend themselves they can’t fight by sending off tweets like Gary does now many people love Gary liner he has over 8 million followers on Twitter this Idol of the progressive left battled hmrc in court to reduce his tax bill by almost £5 million this latest Lin rant about war is weapons grade nonsense sorry Gary but you’re firing blanks the people’s [Music] Channel welcome back so Giovani panise will not return as a professional dancer for the next series of have Strictly Come Dancing the BBC’s launched an investigation into the Italian dance because it’s been a series of complaints from three contestants about his conduct so joining is now as Show’s reporter Stephanie tchi uh Stephanie what’s what’s happened here what’s the background to this story a lot of our viewers may not watch strictly it’s unusual for a dancer that was doing well to be taken off the series completely definitely he javanni was a much loved dancer and strictly he’s been on there for nine series you know we saw him in 2021 when he helped Rose alen Alis win the glitter ball trophy that was the first death contestant to win it last year he had actress Amanda Abington and there was a lot of rumors a lot of stories coming in the newspapers that they weren’t getting on she dropped out in week nine and eventually in in an interview she did she said that she suffered post-traumatic stress from being on the show she’s now launched a lawsuit against the show primarily Giovani saying that he was threatening towards her he was quite abusive and abrasive um so this has you know she’s kind of struck a match and then two other complainants who have been on the show have also said that he was also abusive towards him Giovani of course denies these claims and he says you know what’s been taken as my passion and my ambition to see these professional these celebrity dancers do well has been mistaken and it’s been claimed for abuse and obviously we know with the BBC now as with any reality show there is that duty of care so for unfortunately for Giovani he’s going to be missing this season which is a shame because it’s the 20th anniversary is going to be a Monumental one and he is very much loved by the viewers post-traumatic stress is that really what they’re saying isn’t that what soldiers who on the front line in Afghanistan and Iraq and who were in Northern Ireland for years endure so he was a t tough Taskmaster during rehearsals post-traumatic stress is this not a little bit over exaggerated Stephanie well Andrew in this day and age where a lot of people are sensitive about their mental health and On These reality TV show do the strict well you know they took the paycheck so it’s okay for do the paycheck but you have to ear you have to earn your money when you’re doing these strict rehearsals and you know what there is kind of like this backlash that is happening again strictly where a lot of these contestants after they’ve taken the paycheck Andrew they’ll be like I found it quite difficult it was tough on my mental health dealing with the backlash from the public if they’re not dancing properly so you know in this day and age where people are so sensitive people are always going to find something wrong about these reality he has been the Target and even if he does clear his name the damage has been done you know how can you yourself from all these abusive you know the problem is when they do invite these celebrities onto These reality shows they’re not actually doing thorough mental health checks to see what is their Breaking Point here because there’s a majority of celebrities who do love Strictly Come Dancing but for someone like Amanda Amington she clearly found it quite difficult and found the pressure too hard and you know if she does say she had post-traumatic stress who are we to say she didn’t have that okay well it’s not a great line Stephanie um it’s funny he won it a couple of years ago he did win it he won it with with the de yeah he did he did and I saw that was Debbie who used to be married to Paul Daniels was one of he was with her too and I’ve talked to her about her time he said it’s the best experience of her life since Paul died Amanda rington is no snowflake the woman who’s made the allegation say she got PTSD who is she what she she’s an actress you might know her face um she has done no no no she’s done I think she was on Sherlock oh oh well she was married to um the actor in Sherlock she yeah she she’s a very you she’s one of these actresses that you may not know her name but you would definitely know her face and she’s a bit of a chameleon she’s played blonde characters in certain in shows and then she’s um she was in Mr srid she was in Sherlock um crooked house after you’ve gone her partner that she adors and lives with he was a stunt man who was in a wheelchair not long after they they met met he was paralyzed she’s a tough cookie she was married to Martin Freeman for her she was so for her to make this allegation I think you have to take it quite seriously BBC obviously are taking it seriously there is an official investigation if the police need to be involved I’m sure they will be um and as you say she’s made the allegation and then two other more more women from the series have come forward say they want to also make similar complaints it’s that fine line isn’t it perhaps where at what point is robust coaching in that room crossing a line being cruel he wants to win and if he thinks they’re slacking and not putting their weight he’s going to be tough on them I think there’s going to be more to come out from this but um he’s denied any wrongdoing he wrote this on social media I reject any suggestion of abusive or threatening behavior and I look forward to clearing my name we’d love to hear what you think this morning at gb.com your say up next though find out why 20 branches of Barkley’s Banks were uh smashed up and sprayed with red paint and what can be done to stop it happening again you’re with Britain’s Newsroom on chb news good morning welcome to your latest weather update from the Met Office here on GB news bit of a chill out there today it doesn’t really feel like June there’ll be some June Sunshine around there’ll also be a fair few showers around as well now the breeze is coming down from the north hence the chill quite a bit of cloud developing through the day so it’s not going to be sunny everywhere but much of the West Northern irelands Wales Southwest England West and Scotland staying dry and fine and even further east there’ll be some Sunny spells but expect showers over parts of northern England the Midland East Anglia and the southeast and um even if you’ve got the sunshine it isn’t warm temperatures struggling into the mid teens for many feeling cooler with that wind particularly on some of these North Sea coasts that breeze will continue to bring a few showers around so for this evening yes plenty of showers across East angl and the southeast but for much of Southwest England Wales it’ll be a fine evening not very pleasant for sitting out in because temperatures will be dropping pretty sharply once the sun has set but a fine day by and large for Northern Ireland and in fact most of Scotland will be dry through the evening just the odd shower coming in but uh still a significant chill particularly over the northern Isles temperatures here quickly dropping back down to single figures and feeling cooler with that wind which will continue to blow through Tuesday evening the showers though well they should tend to fade away so many places becoming dry as we go through tonight we’ll always keep some showers coming into the northern alss we’ll keep quite a bit of cloud in some places but where we have the clear skies it is going to turn quite chilly again temperatures well down into single figures in some rural spots so another fresh day on Wednesday the winds though won’t be as strong on Wednesday and there won’t be as many showers either yes still a sprinkling over Eastern England and Northeastern Scotland but I suspect many areas will be dry as we go through tomorrow some Cloud but a bit more in the way of sunshine there’s lighter winds as well temperatures still below par for this time of year but it’ll probably feel just a touch warmer tomorrow goodbye this is GB news and we are Britain’s election Channel this vote may seem to be about the politicians and the media but it’s actually about you we won’t forget that join us up and down the country as we follow every moment together more than ever it’s important to hear all sides as you make your decision in the runup to polling day this is GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s election Channel hi there I’m Michelle jub and I’m going to take a second to tell you all about my show jub and C we start off with the issues of the day we then bring in both sides of the arguments we get rid of the disrespect and then you throw me into the mix and trust me I’ll tell it exactly how it is and then of course the magic ingredient you at home we mix it all together and what have we got in my opinion the best debate show in town Monday to Friday 6: to 7: on GB news Britain’s News [Music] Channel well what do you think we want to hear what you think you can send your views your opinions uh you can text us or you or you’ll post your comments by visiting GB news.com allsave you can send us abuse you can send us nice things we don’t mind if you send us abuse or can’t send us pictures Lu no yeah no exactly well someone says don’t encourage a boost I get plenty anyway so not a day goes by without some abuse that’s part of the job right what have you been talking about you are saying Ella said For Heaven’s Sake she’s a snowflake bear this is about Amanda Abington she couldn’t handle a perfectionist she decided to ruin his career sort of feel a bit like that the persecution of males continues um how does Bev know that Amanda Rabon isn’t a snowflake that doesn’t make sense I’ve seen I know I know her a little bit I don’t mind in the in transparency I’ve had I’ve had some interactions with the man rington I’ve always found her to be she’s just not a snowflake but post-traumatic stress what soldiers endure been on the front line having been shot at by the Taliban and it does seem like a strange use of that phrase I guess what I would say is I suppose the pressure cooker of strictly in is in itself why they get paid but that’s why they get paid so much money they don’t get they don’t get paid that much money to do strictly anymore over £100,000 is a lot of money I don’t think it is that much is it I think it is and they asked you to do it is that what they offered you to do strictly no and who who um who um who was I’m trying to think who’s got the most money in strictly who’s know I think they have a flat fee my ex remember yeah they had they do what did he get I don’t know it was after the divorce otherwise would found out um it was it’s a flat fee but then if you stay in after so many weeks then you get extra per week if you get to the final final oh was he I could have told him that was going to happen two left feet yeah rowers to be honest Sportsmen aren’t terribly good dancers particular there was one cricketer who did well in it a few years ago forgotten his name uh I don’t know right I think he won it and Matt dorson one it the rby player actually okay uh GB news.com your say to send us your messages now Pro Palestinian activists have vandalized 20 branches of barys across England and Scotland why they sprayed red paint through rocks and smash Windows across London brist St in Edinburgh they’re demanding that the company distance itself from Israel’s weapons trade and fossil fuels city of London Police said three men aged between 34 and 45 have been arrested in connection with criminal damage at the Barkleys on morgate yesterday well let’s talk now to the government’s advisor on political violence and disruption Lord wary Lord wary um we we all support the right to protest and demonstrate this is just Mindless vandalism yeah it’s it’s criminal sabotage and it is very deliberate in its attempts to try to for these people to force their way into the conversation and to effectively intimidate the public and elected governments into doing what they want it it’s totally unacceptable and we need to be able to push back against it and do more I think to deter this kind of thing happening how go how do you deter it well you look at what is happening and and clearly the activists at the moment are not being deterred by the threat of being arrested and and being taken to to court for their vandalism and you can look at the the problems with the criminal justice system the fact that it’s t often takes very long to to get people to to trial and sometimes charges can be dropped but in what I’m recommending to the government is one of the recommendations in the uh review into political violence it was published just before the election was called is to do more to restrict the activities of groups like this Palestine action group that that choose to use law breaking as a core tactic to try to change people’s minds to do more to stop them being able to advertise freely on social media to raise money as they can now I mean it is absurd that we have this situation that actually this group are you know actively um advertising what they do recruit having training sessions which is quite open that they are training people to to break the law and then have been live tweeting from the scene of their criminal sabotage in the past and asking people to join them that shouldn’t be acceptable and I and I think the government can can do more to be able to crack down on those kind of activities but that should be presumably a new law that covers maybe the use of live broadcasting a crime is there anything in the statute book at the moment that would cover that no well what what I think we should be able to do is to say that um is say that organizations that do that are clearly um and very deliberately breaking breaking the law to change um to be able to change try to change people’s minds is that they they shouldn’t be able to operate freely as organizations and you look at the you look at terrorist prescription in this country and that has been effective in saying to in effect in in Banning an organization it’s not perfect but it is really effective in in cracking down on their activities and I think you can use that model these people are not suggesting necessarily that they are terrorists you wouldn’t be labeling them as terrorists but you’d be using that model of restricting the capacity of an organization to operate and applying it to these types of organ ations that routinely break the law to get what they want it’s just Mindless violence and vandalism against these properties isn’t it these men three men who’ve been arrested what hopes do you have that they will be served the correct penalty and sentencing I I th Chu them well I’d also make them clear up the mess I’d make them clear up the mess Lord War it I’d make him scrub the red paint off those walls when high jackets and then I’d give him a criminal sentence I I won’t comment on anyone who has been uh arrested individuals who’ve been arrested but I mean clearly the the system is not working to properly uh deter people I think restorative justice is is important I think something to understand about the way that that groups like this and activists operate is you know actually I I understand why we use the term mindless it’s not mindless actually people are deliberately doing this because they think it’s going to be effective and so we need to do more to be able to show that actually if you are going to intimidate people break the law commit these acts of sabotage you’re not going to get your way thank you Lord War we the the clock is against us I’m afraid thank you so much good to see you and when I said mind us I realized it was the wrong word but what I mean is it’s not going to make any difference not going to make any difference to the war in the Middle East idiots right here’s the weather a brighter Outlook with box solar sponsors of weather on GB [Music] news good morning welcome to your latest weather update from the Met Office here on GB news bit of a chill out there today it doesn’t really feel like June there’ll be some June Sunshine around there’ll also be a fair few showers around as well now the breeze is coming down from the north hence the chill quite a bit of cloud developing through the day so it’s not going to be sunny everywhere but much of the West Northern irelands Wales Southwest England Western Scotland staying dry and fine and even further east there’ll be some Sunny spells but expect showers over parts of northern England the Midlands East Anglia and the southeast and um even if youve got the sunshine it isn’t warm temperatures struggling into the mid teens for many feeling cooler with that wind particularly on some of these North Sea coasts that breeze will continue to bring a few showers around so for this evening yes plenty of showers across East Anglia in the Southeast but for much of Southwest England Wales it’ll be a fine evening not very pleasant for sitting out in because temperatures will be dropping pretty sharply once the sun has set but a fine day by large for Northern Ireland and in fact most of Scotland will be dry through the evening just the odd shower coming in but uh still a significant chill particularly over the northern Isles temperatures here quickly dropping back down to single figures and feeling cooler with that wind which will continue to blow through Tuesday evening the showers though well they should tend to fade away so many places becoming dry as we go through tonight we always keep some showers coming into the northern ALS we’ll keep quite a bit of cloud in some places but where we have the clear skies it is going to turn quite chilly again temperatures well down into single figures in some rural spots so another fresh day on Wednesday the winds though won’t be as strong on Wednesday and there won’t be as many showers either yes still a sprinkling over Eastern England and Northeastern Scotland but I suspect many areas will be dry as we go through tomorrow some Cloud but a bit more in the way of sunshine there’s lighter winds as well temperatures still below par for this time of year but it’ll probably feel just a touch warmer tomorrow goodbye that warm feeling inside from box spoilers sponsors of weather on GB [Music] news it’s our summer spectacular three top prizes that happen to be one there’s cash £15,000 in tax-free cash to spend on anything you like this summer plus a brand new iPhone 15 with a set of apple airpods and if that wasn’t enough we’ll also treat you to some fun in the sun with 500 to spend at your favorite UK attraction this summer for another chance to win the iPhone treats And1 155,000 cash Tex prize to 63232 Tex cost £2 plus one standard Network rate message or post your name and number to GB 06 PO Box 8690 Derby de1 9t UK only entrance must be 18 or over lines close at 5:00 p.m. on the 28th of June full terms and privacy notice at GB newws win please check the closing time if listening or watching on demand good luck I’m Mark Dolan and this is GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s news channel in the GB Newsroom we bring you the news as it happens with our team of dedicated journalists across the UK GB news brings you accurate reporting of the day’s topical agenda when the news breaks wherever and whenever it’s happening we’ll be there this is GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel I’m Simon Evans and this is GB news Britain’s News Channel if you want your news to be straight talking this is the nightmare for the conservatives again down to earth it’s not just Notting in where this is happening is it and most importantly honest hardworking middle class taxpayers they’ll get their book thrown at them they catch me Martin dney Monday to Friday 3: to 6:00 p.m. on GB news Britain’s News Channel I’m Patrick Christies every week night from 9: I bring you two hours of unmissable explosive debate and headline grabbing interviews what impact has that had we got death threats in the bomb threat and so as time passes she could have said stum you made my argument for me my guest and I tackle the issues that really matter with a sharp take on every story it went everywhere something practical could be done or I can become something different Patrick chrisy tonight from 9:00 p.m. only on GB news Britain’s News Channel hi there I’m Michelle jub and I’m going to take a second to tell you all about my show Ju Z we start off with the issues of the day we then bring in both sides of the arguments we get rid of the disrespect and then you throw me into the mix and trust me I’ll tell it exactly how it is and then of course the magic ingredient you at home we mix it all together and what have we got in my opinion the best debate sh in town Monday to Friday 6:00 till 7:00 on GB news Brit’s News Channel [Music] and it’s 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday the 11th of June this is Britain’s news GB news with Andrew Pierce and B Turner so Lawless Britain two 12-year-old boys have become the youngest knife killers in the UK after killing a teenager with a machete in wolver Hampton would you want these killers to be named tax cutting tour is the prime minister will put tax cuts at the heart of the Tory party Manifesto which is being launched shortly we’ll bring that to you as it happens and labor want to look after you they’ve launched their health plan for children this morning and the libdems launching their rural GP fund and promise that all patients will be seen by a doctor within 7 Days Olivia rutley has more yes the lib Dems are trying to be the leftwing party of opposition while K Sama takes the center ground but how are they doing in the polls find out more with me very soon [Music] so Richie sonak is currently what filling up the tank with petrol changing the tires is it silverston to launch the Tory Manifesto today what do you think he’s doing putting his helmet on are they in reverse gear first gear set all the puns I hope he’s got his fireproof outfit on I can tell you that because no doubt the Press will be a bit unkind to him uh tomorrow morning I don’t know what he’s going to add this Manifesto don’t already know there are rumors that in addition to the cut in National Insurance there could be something a pledge on income tax that would be really interesting but what can what can he possibly say fact let me ask you what can he say cut a cut an income tax that would win your vote but is that enough you can’t see your GP there potholes in the road nothing works the trains are dirty nothing’s on time what can he offer you it would it would be clearly walk with labor because labor already said they won’t cut National Insurance like the Tories were income tax cut as well big gap between the two parties yeah yeah is it there it looks like there is a little bit of difference I say well you think is a big gap I guess it will it be a huge gap if they cut tax as well it would be if they cut it cuz you can promise it but will you deliver it remember Boris Johnson said be a a lock on National Insurance vat and income tax you put up National Insurance g.com your say to tell us your thoughts this morning first with the very latest news San Francis [Music] very good morning to you it’s just coming up to 3 minutes past 11 and as we’ve been hearing the top story today Rishi sunak is expected to announce a further two pence cut in National Insurance when he outlines the conservatives election Manifesto in around an hour’s half an hour’s time rather the manifesto is also expected to include help for firsttime home buyers with changes to stamp Duty and what’s been called a new and improved helped to buy scheme it comes after Rishi sunak dismissed rumors that he was considering resigning following the Fallout from his decision to leave a D-Day event early work and pension secretary Mel stride told us this morning that there are big and bold promises to come it’s a binary choice between ourselves as a party which now uh is seeing the highest joint level of growth uh in the G7 we’ve got inflation down to near normal levels we got Rising uh real wages which has been going on now for 11 consec months and we’re now going to be delivering some uh pretty big uh tax cuts we’ve already tax cut cut taxes for 29 million working people worth 900 for an average earner we’re going to go further in our Manifesto but responding to those plans from the conservative party the labor leader sakir starma says the tor’s plan doesn’t make economic sense and that he wouldn’t match the National Insurance cut money is not there for the door the t’s desperation um and what they’re producing is a recipe for five more years of chaos and I think that’s why it’s so important that we see this election as a choice because we can’t go on like this we need to turn the page rebuild start with labor we we’ve got six first steps that are ready to go on July the 5th get on with the job roll our sleeves up so that’s the choice before the country well away from the election Trail the rate of unemployment is at the highest level for more than two years after it unexpectedly jumped in April figures from the office for National statistics out this morning show the jobless rate is nearly 4 and a half% defying predictions that it would remain unchanged job vacancies also saw another sharp drop the 23rd fall in a row and there was some good news with inflation dropping to its lowest level since 2021 though economists had expected a bigger drop TV chef Jamie Oliver says that a ban on the sale of drinks to young people would be a welcome relief for parents and teachers Labor’s plan would see children under the age of 16 blocked from purchasing drinks with more than 150 milligrams of caffeine per liter studies show that high levels of caffeine among young people can cause sleep disturbances as well as behavioral and mental health problems well Jamie Oliver says previous governments have failed to put the health of children in their manifestos health hasn’t been put Central to any Manifesto uh in the last 20 years ever ever ever you’ve never seen it on a bus with a number you’ve never seen it important right so this is really exciting for me it means they’re looking at the detail it means they’re looking at the science it means they’re looking at supporting kids and families especially the ones that are struggling uh it means they’re looking at supporting teachers it means they’re looking at supporting better outcomes in schools and then therefore health so this is exciting for me it means they’re getting into the detail and then the question is what next Gary Glitter has been a to pay more than £500,000 in Damages to one of the woman he abused the woman who can’t be named is suing the disgraced Popstar whose real name is Paul Gad following his conviction in 2015 for abusing her and two other young people between 1975 and 1980 he was brief briefly released in February last year before being sent back to prison that was after attempting to access images of children on the dark web overseas the Hamas terror group has now accepted a ceasefire proposal that was passed by the United Nations last night the UN Security Council backed the three-phase plan which includes the release of hostages and the withdrawal of Israeli forces a senior member of Hamas says the group will accept the deal and is now ready to begin negotiations over those details and finally stick with us is the message to England fans from the squad ahead of Euro 2024 England’s preparations for the tournament ramp up up today after Gareth Southgate side landed in Germany last night defeat to Iceland in their final friendly saw them booed off at wemble last week and they face Serbia in their tournament opener on Sunday that’s the latest from The Newsroom for now your next update at half 11 until then you can sign up to GB news alerts just scan the code on your screen or go to our website gbs.edu welcome back we’re going to show some unbelievable fotage of Joe Biden in just a moment I mean it’s getting cruel now Wheeling that man out on stage we don’t you don’t miss this but first of all let’s have a look at what um you have been saying at home um sorry just loading we like the system but it does it does have a you know what while this is this is loading let’s have a look at this yeah this is Joe Biden the president of the United States the most powerful man in the world running for office again in a few months time at this so he’s at an event clearly Music Festival everybody around him dancing next to the vice president camea Harris quite a good mover and he doesn’t move at all he looks like he doesn’t even know where he is he’s completely static if you’re listening on the radio lots of people around him and you can see the gentleman to his left who clearly wants to be dancing to the music is awkwardly sort of clapping and then he puts his arm around Joe Biden talks to him to basically give the guy an excuse to not be dancing and has this fixed grin on his face cuz he doesn’t know what to do but he knows he’s got to smile he looks a bit like a waxwork dummy in Madden two swords it’s just awful I here’s my suspicion I don’t think he will stand I think at the very last minute they will pull him from the ticket they will say his health is not up to it and they will put somebody else in at that last moment perhaps Michelle Obama well she she’s already said she wouldn’t do it but yeah but she doesn’t want to do the campaigning she doesn’t have to do it now the boring bit is the campaigning she doesn’t have to do any of that she just wait in the wings let him make her the person who would make a difference here is the first lady if she said darling you’ve got to give up would he would he listen because I think otherwise they’re going to have to take him out with the men in the white coats I have no doubt that whoever his handlers are they are having that conversation with her about how to play this strategy because they will keep him there and especially if Trump ultimately does end up running for the Republicans then he will well who yeah I mean I’m sure he will but I think that’s even that’s not a done yes I’m sure he will um but then what who do they who do they put against Trump at the very last minute to Scupper his plans anyway fascinating right two boys have become the youngest convicted murderers in Britain since the killing of Jamie buer in 1993 the 12 the 12 year olds were found guilty of murdering a teenager with a machete in wolver Hampton last year they stabbed 19-year-old sha cisa cahai in November in an unprovoked attack attacked in a text exchange the boys said this this is what’s awful everyone’s talking about it literally everyone everyone knows to which the other boy replied in a voice message it is what it is and then the first boy wrote back everyone knows what happened I’m scared man and and this could be the most chilling bit I think the second boy replied I’m not and said idrc which is basically a way of saying I don’t really care and because he of course in particular seems to be reving in the notoriety join now is a social justice campaigner and no stranger to this program Winston Davis Winston um good morning to you the have we got Winston here he is there’s Winston morning to you Winston Winston the obvious question is how on Earth do these boys get access to this terrible weapon but also what’s gone terribly wrong in their homes that they’re posting photographs with this machete at 1:30 a.m. in the morning and they randomly pick on someone and murder him almost for fun I mean yeah obviously very very sad case um these uh these boys um in first to go back to the um you know should we be naming them as The Killers uh is it in the Public’s interest I’m not sure about that I do think that the The Wider conversation as you’ve just said about what’s going on their home actually is further than that it’s actually more about firstly how are they getting access to these knives yeah and and and and how much of an impact has social media um and music had on these young boys you know 12 years old to the point where they think that only one of these knives is cool as they said in their statement and that posing with them um you know to make them look look good they’re the questions that we need to be asking I mean um there are people that are doing a lot of work to try and get these knives off of the streets and that’s what the focus should should be on on a on a tactical level like immediately like the sale of these sorry yeah well I was going to say for me Winston it’s not about the knife it could be a machete knife it could be just a knife that they get from the kitchen if they’ve got that sort of murderous intent and the complete lack of empathy for another human being these boys are operating within some sort of moral vacuum there’s no judgment in their life no one has called them to task you must meet little scalles like this all Time Winston what could save them from a life of crime so I I I think that you know look the boys 100% that what theyve done is you know disgusting you know murdering someone uh the crime that committed is is is shocking but they are still boys and there are many thousands of boys that are you know like like this on the verge of being like this that are carrying knives to look cool for protection of for whatever it is and actually to like in The Chariot that of Southside young leaders Academy we focus on early intervention so actually at 12 13 years old we’re finding that the drop off rate and and the boys that come to us is massive from 12 13 years old we’re finding that when we’re getting boys at eight years old and we’re able to keep them for three or four years and instill in them a sense of identity this talk about this moral compass and actually get hold of them early that’s the key to it um and and and and at 12 years old you know they’re on they’re onun the path you know we go from 12 years old maybe they haven’t stabed someone but they might get expelled from school and as soon as they go expelled from school they’re on that path there to criminality and potentially prison in the future what would you what would you say Winston because there is a debate we’re having this debate here on the program should these boys be named they they’re children of course they’re children they’re 12 but what they’ve done is heus and monstrous uh and um a lot of people say we have a right to know who they are and who their families are and why they’re in this position in the first place um so we looked at the exchange just now on the the text messages there from from him one of them clearly is like a leader within this although they’ve been done on joint Enterprise one of them is the leader in this and you can see that he’s he’s like he’s morally bankrupt yeah but then there’s the other one in there the other one in this who actually is you know scared and thinking about what’s happened and he’s showing remorse even in you know behind the closed doors so so then to name both of them you’re exposing one of them that might have a chance in 10 15 years time to try and turn his life around and try and do something else cutting that chance away and then just creating another person that’s going to be there that is going to come out and like the the boulder Killers one of them seems to have you know turned it around and gone off the radar and the other one contining to commit crime and being a danger to our public there’s no there’s no excuse for this sort of murderous criminality Winston but these boys would have been eight and seven when they were locked at home when they couldn’t go to school they’ve had two fundamental influential years in their life where there was no sport no teachers no social workers no wraparound care no support what impact has that lockdown period had on this generation so exactly what we just said it was you said social social media so they’re getting their learning not from school they’re getting it from Tik Tok and Instagram and and you know and all of the influences that make it normalized to not care about life there needs to be great regulation on kids ACC in social media they say there’s an age limit to it but as soon as they’ve got a a a smartphone that’s it they’re locked in and they they’re watching it whether they’re posting stuff or not they’re on it and that there needs to be regulated it’s like you can’t just let you can’t just let children said eight nine years old watch people getting their heads chopped off and people you know mad stuff that you see on online whether whether it be violence or sex or whatever it may be all of it is going towards dehumanizing and desensitizing these young people that’s what we need to get a griffon and how do and and that’s the point isn’t it these kids have access to things that I never even heard of when I was their age but they can see stuff that is not meant for children’s Minds because their minds aren’t big enough and Broad enough to contend and to tell the difference between right and wrong well the fact is that the the minds haven’t even developed we know that you know with with with young young men your the prefrontal context of your brain doesn’t even fully develop to you in mid 20s so by giving it to to Children a their brains literally neural the neural Pathways in their brains literally haven’t even developed properly so 100% you they that’s got to be stopped and and and and actually an education back to parents that you know giving your your kid a phone I know it’s convenient to give children a phone and give them a smart device it keeps them quiet but how the dangers and the Damage that they can cause going forward and not just actually in terms of extreme circumstances like this but in terms of normal life interacting with other um people and other young people to do your studies to have Focus to have DW to have an actual um an expanded um like attention span these things are being deprived of our children even if they’re not out committing crime what’s that saying for the Next Generation Winston we the front page of the papers this morning as well some of the England football is going out to the Euros amazing young black guys who’ve done really well amazing role models for these kids and yet we’ve got a problem in with young black men glamorizing knives rape um drugs through the music industry which is so powerful unless you’ve got teenagers I don’t think you realize how influential this cultural um depravity and I don’t use that word lightly it is depraved some of the things that these people are talking about why are there not more black commentators talking about how problematic that is so so two things here B right uh firstly it’s definitely not just a a black um boys problem this this drill music this street culture it’s not just affecting young black boys if you go up to Liverpool you go up to Manchester or other areas where there is poverty and depravity of of predominantly white areas you’ll see a lot more white boys that are behaving in this way as well and looking up to these black guys they’re looking up to the black rappers and the singers and a lot of them are American some of them are based here as well the the perpetrators of the creators of this music Black what well again you have to look back at the history of where these music’s come from and who’s been funding it and who’s been who’s been orchestrating it and actually goes back to the finger about why are we not seeing more positive black role models on on the in the news and media well who controls the media who allows these headlines to go out last last week we had a classic example of it England lost against um Iceland at the football um sacko was on the pitch for 25 minutes and yet he gets all of the the the back pages saying how how bad England played and how bad it is someone’s controlling that Nar narrative to put him on the back page winon you’re not you’re not suggesting that the people who write those Sports stories that are picking on him because he’s black listen you can do it your own interpretation listen you take it for your own interpretation I’m saying to you there were 15 other players 14 other players that played on that pitch he played for 25 minutes yet he took up the central back pages of two or three of the main newspapers why was that well perhaps he played really badly and he was a contribution to the whole of that game for 25 minutes well I I just I’ve worked in new for years I don’t accept that there’s any in endemic racism on Sports Des I just don’t buy that I think that’s too extreme of view I don’t I don’t know anything about the football match either so I’m struggling here I think I know but be but no but be’s making a point and I’m just trying to get come back to you and understand that there are people that control the narrative so look there there are people out young black guys out there that are doing great positive things but they don’t doesn’t it doesn’t make for good news you know I can give you I give you a whole list of people that are doing great things but he not making for good news someone and Winston do you know what I want on the front page of the papers I want these drill artists and these rappers to be criticized in the press and they never are and and they they aren’t on mainstream media mainstream media is not touching these guys it’s all over social media where they have a free reign to perpetrate violence misogyny rape drugs criminality and that’s what our children are absorbing let me give you one example right there’s a guy called faren Paul right he runs a um a page and a charity called FaZe amnesty his main focus he was a victim of knife crime his main focus is going out educating young people taking knives and um weapons off of the streets he he doesn’t get funding he goes around doing it off his own back he’s got a good following on social media I’ve never seen him mainstream papers I’ve never seen him on a mainstream News Channel and he’s doing work for years and he’s changing life physically taking these the zombie knives going to police stations with him but no one’s going to him and backing him and giving him funding or giving him highlighting the good work he’s doing and there’s so many other people that are doing that you know um this a guy say Hol Williams say Hol Who’s down in South London he’s doing the same thing he runs a charity called mity again trying to change The Narrative of of young black boys in in and around South l good you know and we applaud those people and Winston that is specifically why I wanted you on the show this morning in our meeting I said we need somebody that works with these kids who is a positive young male black role model who is doing great work and we really appreciate you uh coming on this morning social justice campaigner at Winston DAV than you thanks good to talk to you still to come we’re on the countdown till Rich soon at launches that contou party Manifesto I bet you’re waiting with baited breath you’re in Brit’s room on GB news it’s good this is GB news and we are Britain’s election Channel this vote may seem to be about the politicians in the media but it’s actually about you and we won’t ever forget that join us up and down the country as we follow every moment together now more than ever it’s important to hear all sides as you make your decision ahead of polling day we’re here for you this is GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s election Channel good afternoon Britain weekday from midday the Princess of Wales has reportedly been out and about enjoying days out with her family while she continues to undergo her treatment for cancer and Buckingham Palace says they have been inundated with tens of thousands of Getwell soon cards and gifts for the princess yes I can imagine so now we’re joined by former Royal correspondent at the son Charles Ray uh Charles how do they know she’s been out and about with her with her family um good afternoon Tom and Emily uh it’s interesting yes I mean how do they know that she’s been out and about no pictures have have been seen of the princess out and about um and I’m surprised that with all the people that got camera phones that she has been that out and about that we haven’t seen her but anyway we have to accept that the that she is out and about um she’s with her family uh and um but the palace are making it quite clear pointing out that this should not be confused with her returning to work anytime soon there are even some suggestions that she won’t return to work probably until the Autumn and there’s one suggestion that may not even be till next year like her father-in-law she’s not sitting at home with her feet up watching daytime TV she is actually working she’s actually doing things and yet this is a difficult time of course for the royal to navigate everything uh the King has cancer the Princess of Wales has cancer and we’re in the middle of a general election campaign where the royal family have to be very very careful about where they go what they do and what they say sure and as you quite rightly say Tom I mean things have had to be cancelled in any case so during this next six weeks we are not going to be seeing any members of the royal family um doing as much as they possibly can or I can do prior to a general election [Music] the people’s Channel join me Neil Oliver every Sunday night at 6:00 p.m. on GB news and if an hour is not nearly enough for you go to GB news.com for special extended episodes online every Friday at 9:00 p.m. where we can truly get into the nitty-gritty of what’s going on GB news Britain’s News Channel I’m Michael Portillo this is GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News [Music] Channel 1125 we’re going straight to list to K starm the labor leader who’s in the Northwest wait one second oh we thought he was in the Northwest told to take throw straight to G he’s actually in the Northeast not the Northwest either we have been absolutely clear that all our plans are fully costed fully funded uh we will not be increasing income tax National Insurance or vat so no tax increases for working people none of our plans require tax Rises but this is coming from the party that’s put tax to the highest level since you know for 70 years and they’re building this sort of jerob Corbin style Manifesto where anything you want can go in it uh none of it is costed um it’s a recipe for more of the same and that’s why this choice of turn our back on this Turn the Page and rebuild with labor got six First Steps we’re ready to go on July the 5th here’s P back with us in Jeremy he’s bit of a cheap me him when he served in that terrible Marxist Shadow cabinet for three years and he did say Jeremy coin would make a great prime minister something he’s never rescinded um yeah but I’m I’m afraid that this Manifesto coming up uh I can’t think of another election in my lifetime where a Manifesto has meant so little because it’s too little too late and no matter what he says and I’m sure we’re going to get some great promises about tax now I think but it’s too late and of course the man the real villain of the piece is Jeremy Hunt who’s been completely invisible in this campaign because he’s so concerned as usual about his own future he’s he spends the whole time in his own constituency pretending he’s a good constituency guy uh because he’s desperate to save his own neck he um and he hasn’t done all the things that he could have done because he wanted to seen prudent Chancellor um thinking of the future and the Big Ticket jobs he’s going to land having been a Chancellor and I I think he is the real villain of the Tory party and also of course an avid remainer um who um would love to like starma get closer to Brussels and the EU although last weekend we saw the EU change dramatically to the right and that might not make starers um uh future intentions quite as easy as he thinks and and we I think there is a chance in the manifesto in addition to the National Insurance cup we already know about they’re going to promise that they might promise a income tax cut is K is Pier right it’s too late um I’d be very surprised if they did promise an income tax cut so I I think the National Insurance is the one that we’re we’re expecting at the moment an income tax cut it’s a question of how how however would you afford it um I mean if they were doing something with tax thresholds yeah that’s the key that would be a really important that would be a really big one to actually um to to to re reset the date of 2028 before the freeze ends or just bring It Forward something like that would would make a a major contribution but at the moment all the Tory MPS that I’ve talked to on the front line they’re not even mentioning sunak they’re not mentioning the party they’re trying to to um win their seats based on them and saying look we I’m your representative up in Westminster and doing it that way incumbency is worth well how many a few I know I mean it’s a personal vote type type of ple and we all know personal votes don’t really count for for that much but um equally they feel that they’re being tarred tarred by um a very dodgy brush from k k uh sorry ryak um and so they’re just trying to ignore him what did you make Pierce of sella bravman saying that the conservatives should welcome Nigel farage into the party well I think U that um when she said it and before Nigel made his D-Day mistake um just explain what you mean by that well I mean that when Nigel said that Rishi was out of touch with our culture um that was a little bit going a bit too far because he may have been out of touch with the the the electorate in some ways but to it did sound a little bit racist to me and Nigel has been on the up and I’m afraid he’s now on the way down and there were a lot of people I knew who were on the cusp of voting reform and voting for him but when he made that remark about culture that Rishi doesn’t understand our culture I’m afraid that I think has cost him uh some you see the front page the Telegraph here cuz they’ve put on the front page Nigel farage and the photograph and we can we can focus in on this front page it’s not flattering least flattering photograph they could find well I wonder if that’s a sign the telegraph I think it’s flirted with farage and now it’s the flirtations over I think Nigel is a terrific man in many ways he was doing a terrific job and there was no doubt that reform had huge momentum but I think with the demographic profile of the people he was winning over many of them and I know several people who’ve told me this personally that they’re put off by when he went just that bit too far attacking I think that’s absolutely right that the that to start talking about it’s very dog whistle you start talking about um Rishi sunet doesn’t understand our culture as if the Prime Minister comes from a completely different culture born in southampt when he’s born in Southampton went to a major public school in in this country the one thing he is is is part of our culture so to separate that I think I want to defend I totally know what you mean but I want to defend this little bit if I say rich sonak is not part of our culture what I mean is he is a globalist he’s one of those families that doesn’t live anywhere he will not live out his days in this country he’s got his house in California that he’ll go to his children will be schooled all over the world he’s your ultimate technocrat in that regard I don’t think he does share our culture I think Nigel’s talking about him and in that regard not as necessarily that he’s not British born well if he was talking about him in that way he didn’t make it sound like it and he should have made that clear um because I think most people took it a different way and I think when the polling show comes out it’ll show um reform having peaked a little bit too early in this campaign although latest polling showing that Nigel’s more popular than rishy sunak with the public well that would be after D-Day that that was after D-Day and I’m sure that is the case what did you think of that pierce I was interested to know your opinion that well it’s extraordinary because um Rishi was at school at Winchester where I was and in Winchester College there is a place called War cloysters which you walk through every day to go to the classrooms and when you walk through it because it has all the names of the former pupils who died in the two World Wars uh inscribed on the walls of the cloysters when you walk through it you nod your head you bow your head in in commemoration and you do that every time you walk through so as a boy you are it’s instilled in you the memory of wartime and so I think what Rishi did upon I mean it was unforgivable it was a catastrophic moment for him it is it is what has undoubtedly cost him even more seats than he’s going to lose and it was something that whatever the apology it doesn’t work and I think the real problem is the people advising him surrounding him are clearly uh not up to the game because this is the worst worst conservative election campaign I have ever seen by a mile and you’ve advised on a few of them I want to again I want to defend him a little bit on that Nigel because he would say I was there for the main ceremony the veterans had all left King Charles was still there William was still there Prince well still I have a country to run and a Manifesto to prepare that we’re launching today I made an early exit but I defend my right to do so on that day it was just a huge mistake I mean the Optics were absolutely appalling what it showed to me was that he really doesn’t understand anything about politics he’s made loads of political mistakes during his time there was a classic he I mean if you were being cynical about it he had a chance of a photo op um with all the world leaders he could be next to to macron next to Biden in I don’t like any of those no I’m sure you don’t that is being with a certain electorate I can’t stand Trudeau I think he’s a revolting dictator but it’s but it’s it’s still it’s good good for electoral World State yes it makes him look Prime ministerial accuse him of being a globalist I want I liked him saying I’m not bothered about that lot they’re veterans yes the commemoration yes maybe it seeped into him that he didn’t feel he needed to make a public show well he’ll be he’ll be off on Thursday to the G7 yeah with those very people with those very people and he won’t leave early and this time I think he’ll be there till the very end of the after eight minutes the photograph with the world leaders he can strut his stuff on the international stage starma would have given his right arm to be absolutely there there was no chance of that photograph for him no that absolutely but I mean that’s the cynical side of it quite simply once he was there once he’d been with the veterans he should have known I’ve got to stay to The Bitter End I wipe out today this is the Veterans the British public before Trudeau every time but why wouldn’t he want to be there with well it’s much it’s much preferable to campaigning in Britain yes particularly when you’re on the losing he came back to sign off the manifesto a meeting at 6 o’ he could have had the meeting at 10:00 of course he could 12:00 6:00 in the morning yeah it was it was still going to be there the AR it was a catastrophic mistake and it does as Nigel said I mean he his political judgment is terrible yeah and he’s Happ to apologize every time he opens his mouth yeah I mean he’s a decent man in my opinion he’s a man of integrity and I respect his intelligence but I don’t respect his political judgment cuz it’s poor and he’s surrounded by the most appalling cabinet in living memory not that we see the cabinet well you don’t they’re running scared and man called Mel stride who else are we seeing in this campaign yeah absolutely Mel stride for goodness sake what a disaster or Richard Holden even worse with that catastrophic interview John Craig John Craig who was doing a pool interview and John is the nicest um interviewer you could get yet and the fairest and yet Holden made a complete mess of it and and even drove Jon to distraction it was absolutely suicidal why are we not seeing the cabinet do you think they to too busy fighting their seats they’re worried about their seats now or is it rich push himself over every opportunity because he wants to try and increase his popularity I think that that we’ve come to presidential campaigns in this country so mean we normally see the Prime Minister uh out there right at the front um some of the other ones yes Jeremy hunt may lose his seat so we haven’t seen seen any sign of Jeremy Hunt there on the campaign Trail um but I think that it’s the way we design it we’ve got this idea that it’s karma versus rishy sunak much in the way it would be Biden versus Trump yeah and we only see let’s in labor campaign we see starma Rachel Reeves not many others no you don’t you see West streeting because health is don’t see much of Angela Raina no and I think I think that the that the answer is for a British election we ought to see far more people yes cuz they’re the people are going to run the country um um let me just read out some of the messages we’re waiting for Richie sonak he’s going to be launched the conserv baed bre we’re waiting Silverstone with baited breast at the RAC track what do you think about the choice of venue peers choosing Silverstone to make the announcement well I have no idea why he picked it I mean well I think it’s about the being at the Forefront of technology and it’s thrusting British industry Stone’s probably the most rundown F1 track the whole you’re so I didn’t know that he’s got peeling pains old RAC but I could but were you there a lot of empty space yeah in 197 when major launched his campaign I don’t know which RAC track it was and there was going to be a brand Formula One car the bleming thing was on a was perched on bricks the wheels have come off they take so all the headlines was Wheels come off Tory campaign so I think you should have launched it on the BBY stockhome actually then at least there’ be someone on these boats or on a or on a plane to Randa a plan to Randa somebody the home secretary’s been to Rwanda no one migrant has been to Rwanda let’s be fair one but he was happy to go and we had to pay him to go maybe that’s where we should have done it yes well of course if it was next week it’d be royal asard which would be much more appropriate yeah yeah quite um let’s have a look what people are saying at home Janet has said I know exactly what Nigel farage meant when he said that son like didn’t understand our culture uh he’s first generation immigrant they often don’t have the historical perspective around the sacrifice made by fathers and grandfathers and uncles and brothers and cousins as the family were wasn’t here then even though they are living in England their immediate culture is not British yet she says you need a few generations for that to instill what do you make of that Piers um no sorry I don’t buy that yeah I go along with a no as well for something like that that it’s suggesting what what Nigel was trying to suggest yes and his dad was a GP mom ran a local pharmacy I’ve never heard that before k d why didn’t he make more of that k d did I tell you my dad was a toour maker Angela I tell you fact by the way fact did I tell you I had a baby when I was 16 my life was so terrible and hard they just wear all this stuff out we can’t stand it really it’s very tedious I know it really is but also our viewers are actually saying that this is the conservatives just trying to pull down Nigel farage that that the conservatives are uh scared of Nigel farage peers and therefore you’re you’re scraping the barrel to criticize him well I think I mean Nigel farage um yes of course he’s the he’s is a huge uh he’s not just a threat now he’s reality because um he’s going to take an awful lot of votes from the conservatives there’s no doubt about it I think he would have taken more if he hadn’t made that one REM Mark that’s my only point but I don’t think I think he may just have peaked but we’ve still got four weeks this and again this is star this isak’s fault for calling a six weekamp she didn’t need to do in France that they called the election on Sunday and and the first part the vote will be before our election and that’s what we should adopt I me in the old days in the old days we used to have threee election and now we seem to have they get longer and longer and the six week election is just too much and it BS everybody to death in the end so this person has got in touch they’re calling themselves Dark Days Ahead uh they said ah the mainstream media and the Tories are Running Scared the attacks on ner F will be frequent from now until the election he already explained what he said and he wasn’t being racist why is it the Tores always bring out the racist card when farage is doing well it won’t work anymore now he he but look Nigel farage can take it he dishes it out very well he would perform very well in the leaders debate on Friday uh and he dishes it out and he was more focused I think in his attack on rishy there where he accused him of being not patriotic and I thought that was a fair comment that that is better yes and I mean again with Nigel he’s such a a good performer he’s got four weeks to recover from this which I suspect he will do I mean we’re getting Peaks and troughs already in this election and the charts are going up and down every week as you’d expect in the campaign so he’s got plenty of time to come back much more so than Rishi there could be a trump effect as well remember as it were um if if if the mainstream media attack Nigel farage so much and people feel disenfranchised disconnected and they think he is anti-establishment that might play in his favor well I mean certainly he is anti-establishment that’s the whole that’s his his his reason to exist um so I think when it comes down the Trump the Trump sort of argument is um valid in the sense that Nigel farage will always have his core voters he’ll have his Bas just like President Trump has his Bas so no one cares about Trump being a convicted felon um those people will vote for him anyway yeah where where the problem comes and I think this is where the Point pier was making is when you broaden that out that Niger will have those voters will stick with him but other people who are not quite sure might decide not to go that way exactly that’s my point exactly he wouldn’t object to it he is a Marite character yeah for sure yeah and all was ever thus yeah but I mean so far he’s the success of this campaign yes don’t forget it was always from day one being labors to lose yeah because if you go into an election 20 points ahead I mean you’ve got to be pretty hopeless to lose yeah with that kind of lead May ever happen Tesa May nearly Managed IT of course in nearly did and and of course we’re going to see the manifesto launch we just they’re getting preparing for it in um silverston as appear posit points out one of the most Rundown formul one tracks in the whole of the country in the world definitely the world with that kind of backdrop it might as well be anywhere I mean what’s the point of having it somewhere does and you imagine all the headlines tomorrow reverse gear second gear um Pit Stop pit stop yeah what were the other things well he wasn’t he’s not at the front of the grid all of those all of those jokes and and blow out yeah yeah if it goes overtaking undertaking yeah um so and there’s something else oh jilan Keegan it’s Jillian Keegan she the education secretary who is the MP she was she’s candidate in ch she got a big fight in her hand so she is introducing her that’s an interesting choice very interesting choice why would he have Jullian introducing him female he needs to be careful the roof doesn’t fall in yeah cuz she’ll blame because the tax pick up the bill that’s right yeah yeah and she’s not Penny Moren Penny important point but she but of course this this Fe into the criticism that I’ve been making that we’ve not seen enough of the team that’s right education is a huge and important part of but I bet your education will form a very small part of the manifesto although I suspect they’re going to raise the they’re going to do something on fate schools don’t you think Nigel yeah I mean um I think Catholic schools there may be a rule where if they only want to take Catholics they can yes it may well be there’ll be something in there on that I mean they’ve certainly been talking about that talking about that in the past yeah um so um but I mean education has hardly I don’t think it’s surface in this campaign at all has it no oh apart from labor going to bring in they’re going to teach children three and five years had to brush their teeth Manny state but if you remember um the absolute chaos when the the announcement about the school roofs falling in we haven’t heard anything since that no about whether they’ve been fixed or whether anything has fallen down also nothing that big Panic Countrywide panic and why the education secretary decided to own it for the government when it’s a problem for Education authorities around the country around the BL government she caused that panic she did unnecessarily yeah every time I meet she says oh it’s Andrew Pierce why do you write such terrible things about me why do you think SE have a guess she’s seen as sort of being quite normal isn’t she well she went to a comprehensive and she didn’t go to university uh she she didn’t an appr imagine a world where given that 93% of people W go to State School in this country it’s unusual to have somebody in government who went to state school yeah and she didn’t go to university she did an apprenti and she’s very proud of the fact she did an apprenti ship but she’s from Liverpool she is tradition in comedians yeah you know Jimmy TBA Ken DOD just to name so maybe she’s telling a few jokes now to keep them all happy yeah I can’t see them rolling around the room can you no um so and then n look ahead we’ve got Labor’s Manifesto launch coming on Thursday yes that’s right yeah they’ve gone long yes yeah um probably best to go last on something like this perform is next week and perform is next week so but I mean for for labor to come after the tour is I think that’s always a good way they can pull apart uh the Tory Manifesto for the next couple of days then launch their own yeah um and I think they they’ve got a few things they need to clarify to actually make it work this thing on VAT on school private schools which Piers was earlier talking about pure class or MV I don’t in myew it’s definitely going to put lead to larger class sizes certainly in the first year or two well again we have to we have to see if if a school’s closed down some are in financial trouble anyway uh it might do for them and whether or not parents withdraw their children but we are talking about 1.5 billion you can raise from this which is quite a lot so there’s a number of things that labor have already ear marked to actually spend that on right now just telling you Ben hin who won turned the tide in the May elections in May he’s the me member tside I think Nigel Ben hin Valley te Valley he speaking now he had a great success look he had 72% of the vote four years ago he got about 50 % of the vote this time he won was important important and but and he put the boot in on she soon he didn’t have Richie sonak on his leafleting material or or barely even had the conservative party on his marketing material he’s a man that some people thought could potentially be a Tory leader but he’s taken a period so he’s not interested in that he’s still only 38 quite interesting it is he’s very impressive it is looks old so he could still renounce his per and and and take the job along with David Frost d Cameron David do you think we’ll see much of David Cameron in this campaign well we haven’t seen any of him so far from when he stood in for the Prime Minister that yeah I have a theory on this the Sunday Times reported that he was apoplectic that the Prime Minister came back early and he told him not to do it I have a theory that he probably said you go back prime minister I’ll stand next to the president of the United States I’ll be photographed I need to burnish my International credentials after but the green seal lobbying Scandal which destroyed his reputation that’s my mellian theory I think David Cameron’s probably enjoying a a beer with Jeremy Clarkson in chipping noron yeah I mean well he’s also traveling around the world quite a lot there there quite a few crises that the foreign secretary ought to be dealing with he thought he had a year as foreign secretary which is why he came back because he does need to improve his reputation because he hasn’t got one yeah and also he he was bored I mean he was he was sitting in his shed not doing very much so he had to come out and given a job like foreign secretary yeah I would imagine he’s having great fun doing that well I imagine he’ll be at the G7 yeah um so that’s what he’s doing at the moment preparing for that because even though it’s a a complete waste of time for for for them they’ve got to go through with it because it is obviously a vital meeting it gives the Prime Minister chance to shine on the world stage particularly now we’ve had the UN and Hamas agree to the Israeli um proposed um ceasefire which is the big news of the day really is huge news but Israel won’t agree to it well I mean it’s meant to from Israel in the first place so so the the the far well the far the the right in Israel won’t like it they they want to keep the the war going well and hamus will just use the ceasefire as a time to regroup rearm and get ready well well hang on I mean I I mean if this plan works the idea would be a six we Ceasar and a permanent peace after that with the return of all hostages I don’t believe hammers um well okay their their Creed is to destroy the state of Israel is that right that is right I don’t believe them but the but if they’ve been been sufficiently um decimated during the during the war and the Palestinian Authority can take over uh take over Gaza there is a chance of a lasting peace there right well I don’t believe a word they say well I you can’t believe what Hammer says but um nevertheless they apparently have said they agree to this so we’ll have to see what happens but this surely is one of the most important things along with the Ukraine situation still something we keep pushing away yet the situation in Ukraine is critical and Putin is making increasingly militant noises and threats and the biggest danger to Europe at the moment is Russia without any doubt and these are very big issues the world goes on uh aside from these elections and and yet foreign policy rarely surfaces in a general election campaign no even though even though the world is at its most unable years minui of constituency yeah of brushing teaching kids how to brush their teeth in a classroom yeah well and cost of living I mean important important things that actually do affect people cost of living and so on but um you can understand that voters don’t care hugely about what is going on in the rest of the world unless they’re directly threatened by it it’s the pound in your pocket it and after Labor win they’ve used the word change and that’s what we all have loose change by the time they tax us out of existence um if you’re just joining us we’re waiting for Rishi sonak to take the stage in silverston to launch the conservative Manifesto uh no said on Twitter has said silverston going round in circles there you see all theed of course they will it won’t be fast lane slow lane of Honor yeah they’re going to come they’re yeah exactly do we have when did we last have a British Motor Racing world uh Lew Hamilton yes Le Hamilton yeah I don’t don’t know and do you think they’re going to get lab were going to be very excited that um Jamie Oliver appears to be endorsing them is that a big is that big um these sort of show busy endorsements I’m always a bit skeptical about they to unravel yeah they do a bit so um I think they would be pleased rather than ecstatic about it it’s nice to have the name there a famous name that people can Rec they’re quite obsessed with TV chefs cuz they used Tom Carriage they did yes Tom Carriage is the other one restur chain recently went bus leaving lots of people in huge debts exactly yes he the person I’d want Endor my campaign because there were I mean literally dozens of small firms were never paid and he and he’s a very rich man not me go not my fault again an example of how a labor supporter has no idea how to run a business unfortunately parents trust him though with their children’s diet and health if he’s endorsing the labor party’s campaign to feed kids better in schools a lot of parents will listen to what Jamie Oliver says he killed the turkey Twizzler remember just to give you a little bit of background gossip of what’s going on at silverston our very own Camila tomin has tweeted uh lovely catering ladies at silverston UK tell me that they offered to serve breakfast Quant Etc to the assembled press this morning but the conservatives declined the offer of food so now we have a group of hungry journalists covering the manifesto not good because were warn to bring their own food they really yes they were yeah saying they had to bring their own food oh this is the cut price Tory party well that doesn’t look good does it that doesn’t uh get very good good write ups on the back of that no no no exactly well nice CR on and he’s still banging on Ben hon I don’t know why I think anybody’s vaguely interest in anything he’s got to say I mean he’s got he’s doing the warmup act but um um it’s the main chance we’ve had two warm up acts so far you think we’ll get a jugler next he will maybe Ed Davy could come yeah yes maybe that’s what the Prime Minister should done a water slide or something he’s had a good week though Ed Davey I think he has I mean but it seems like he’s ticking off something on his bucket list all the way through I desperately want to fall off a off a a paddle board and uh desperately want to go down a a fun ride in th Park um it doesn’t seem to damage to him at all and he’s likely to get an awful lot of MPS under the present polling yeah he should he could come back as the official opposition the way things are looking it’s to be a leader of because you’ve got no policies you got no chance of power you don’t really have to do anything and mugs all over the country will waste a vote on you yeah well they they did do something in Coalition I mean they certainly tempered what the Tes were doing and introduced various things the personal allowance at uh over 12,000 now that is a libdem idea so they they were able to actually influence government when they were when they were in it uh the problem was it destroyed their party and they also presided over the post office Scandal because three successive post office ministers between 2010 and 2015 were Liv Dem when this Scandal was at its worst and they reported to the Secretary of State who was Vince cable Li abely I know it’s it’s on their DAV again has managed successfully to avoid any questions about the post office Scandal for which he has yet to properly apologize as well yeah and that is the serious side of it yeah I’ve just seen some uh breaking footage on Twitter Nigel farage on the reform big blue boss in South Yorkshire today and he had rocks thrown at him by protester that Nigel’s just posted this footage no doubt Emily and Tom uh will bring you this there was a big crowd there and a leftwing as Nigel’s describing them a leftwing violent mob took rocks out of a builder’s bucket and threw them up to uh the B and you see people thought it wasn’t it hit him it hit him and that could have hit him in the face and of course he had the milkshake thrown at him that could easily have been acid well he got hit by this is a and this is what I’m saying about the Trump effect if enough people start literally physically attacking the man that we like an underdog in this country we vote for people who have being person that actually gives you that of gives you votes and they’ve caught it so they should he should be charged with the criminal I mean that’s um assault and it’s a pretty big rock he’s picked up walking from past the building like concrete he’s taken out of and it and it hits him it does hit him he’s not hurt he’s not hurt but he’s thrown two yeah and then um the builders looks like the build the builders are actually the ones who rep who um and thereand him who grab him the police look at the very slowly and then one of the police gets this guy and wrestles him to the ground and good too um we’re still waiting for the s for Rishi sunap to deliver the conservative party Manifesto I did say with baited breath I hope you have been breathing since because you have inspired you know what I I think he’s gone back to London I think he’s left early he’s gone early so we hand over to rishy sunak to launch Manifesto he’s getting a round of applause standing Evas but they are all Tory part members thank you thank you well good morning everyone it’s great to be with you all and great to be here at Silverstone nowhere better in fact to Mark the fact that our economy has truly turned a corner now we’re a month away from the Grand Prix here and we can be confident about even more British success seven of the world’s 10 leading Formula 1 teams are all based here more Grand Prix cards are made in this country than anywhere else and the UK has won more titles than any other Nation so Formula 1 is a great example of all our strengths coming together our technological knowhow our Innovative Advanced manufacturing capability and the skill of our Workforce 25,000 engineers and apprentices are involved in this industry and Formula 1 isn’t the only thing they do here at Silverstone as nice as it would be for Brad Pit to turn up of our Manifesto launch he’s currently filming just outside with a brilliant British crew one of the many uk-based Productions taking place thanks to our support and tax cuts for the creative sector so from the northern studios in harleypool to Pinewood to the coming Crown studios in Sunderland Britain is truly now the creative capital of Europe so that so just thinking about that the fact that we can lead the world in such competitive Fields should make us all enormously proud of our country but crucially optimistic about our future because we Brits can out compete the best in the world and what we conservatives want is more British success stories and that’s what our Manifesto will deliver now the last few years have been some of the toughest our country has faced in decades we were hit by covid and then the spike in Energy prices following Putin’s invasion of Ukraine but economic stability is now returning inflation back to normal real wag has been rising for almost a year now and the economy growing healthily again so the question now is who is best to turn that Foundation into a secure future for you your family and our country now this Manifesto is our clear plan for the United Kingdom it’s about the Bold actions that we will take to deliver that secure future we conservatives know that security is essential for success and that’s why we’re raising defense investment to 2 and a half% of GDP by 2030 to deal with the increasingly uncertain world that we live in this is the biggest sustained increase in the defense budget since the end of the Cold War and one that K armor will not match labor would rather keep the Civil Service and it’s bloated pandemic level rather than give our armed forces the equipment they need and when there is a war in Europe turmoil in the Middle East China flexing its muscles in the South China Sea we are in a world of increasing threats and we must show our enemies that this country with our allies will stand strong now this axis of authoritarian States Russia China Iran North Korea must know that their attempts to destabilize our world will simply not succeed now is the time for bold action not an uncertain K starma as our prime minister now our increase in defense investment will not only fire up our defense industrial base creating good jobs here at home from Barrow to lossy mouth but allow us to stand up for our interests deter our enemies and defend our values is it only we conservatives with our iron resolve who can be trusted to keep Britain safe now we need border security too the confidence that it is your government that decides who comes to our country and not criminal GS and that is why that is why if you vote conservative on July the 4th the flights removing illegal migrants will depart in July establishing the deterrent that will stop the votes because when people know that if they try to come here illegally they won’t get to stay then they will stop coming and if we are forced to choose between our security and the jurisdiction of a foreign Court including the echr we will always choose our nation’s security but labor have no answer to this question as you saw the other week K starma simply can’t tell you what he would do with people who come here illegally because he doesn’t believe it’s a problem now with brexit we took control of our borders but migration has been too high in recent years and we have a clear plan to reduce it last year we announced changes which mean 300,000 people who were previously eligible to come here now can’t and we will introduce a migration cap that means Parliament your elected representatives will vote on how many people should be able to come here every year our plan is clear we will Harve migration as we have halved inflation and then reduce it every single year now we don’t just need military and border security as Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has shown we need energy security too it is only by having reliable homegrown sources of energy that we can to send our bills soaring so in our approach to energy policy we will put security and your family finances ahead head of unaffordable Eco zealotry unlike labor we don’t believe that we will achieve energy security via a state controlled Energy company that doesn’t in fact produce any energy that will only increase costs and as Penny put it well on Friday there’s only one thing that the G GB energy stands for and that’s giant bills now our clear plan is to achieve energy security through new gas powerered stations trebling our offshore wind capacity and by having new fleets of small modular reactors these will make the UK a net exporter of electricity giving us greater energy Independence and security from the aggressive actions of dictators and let me just reiterate that with our plan we will produce enough electricity to both meet and domestic needs and Export to our neighbors look at that a clear conservative plan not only generating security but also prosperity for our country and we conservatives also have a plan to give you Financial Security we will enable working people to keep more of the money that you earn because you have earned it and have the right to choose what you spend it on now K starma takes a very different view he says he’s a socialist and we all know what socialists do don’t we they take more of your money because they think it belongs to them now I know labor have been taking inspiration from one of Brad Pitt’s most famous films the first rule of Labor tax Rises is that you don’t talk about tax Rises but we know that the policies labor have already announced will require them to increase taxes on working households by 2094 my friends families cannot afford that and it is our job to make sure that that doesn’t happen now I had to take difficult decisions because of Co but now we are cutting taxes for workers for parents and pensioners and we are the party of Margaret Thatcher and Nigel lawon a party unlike labor that believes in sound money so today’s plans and you would expect nothing less from Jeremy and me are fully funded we will pay for permanent reductions in taxation by controlling the unsustainable rise in working age welfare that has taken off since the pandemic in this party we believe that it is morally right that those who can work do work and that hard work is rewarded with people being able to keep more of their own money so we will ensure that we have lower welfare so that we can deliver lower taxes and as conservatives we believe that hard work shouldn’t be taxed twice that’s unfair that’s why Jeremy has been cutting National Insurance contributions that only workers are forced to pay our national insurance tax cuts are already Worth £900 to the average worker and we will keep cutting taxes in the coming years meaning that by 2027 we will have halved National Insurance to 6% that is a tax cut my friends worth 13300 00 to the average worker making more progress towards our long-term ambition to abolish the double taxation on work when it is economically responsible to do so now I also want to say something about the self-employed because they’re the risk-takers the people who graft hard to make a living who get our economy growing they embody the most conservative of values the desire to build something to create wealth and opportunity but setting up on your own means you don’t have the same security that those on payroll do so it must be worth taking that risk we need to make it worth taking that risk and that means that their taxes must be cut so in the next Parliament we will scrap entirely the main rate of self-employed National Insurance ATT tax abolish an Enterprise encouraged we want to encourage more people to become entrepreneurs to set up their own businesses to try and make something of it so we will abolish that tax for millions of our hardest workers and create a new culture of Enterprise in our country we conservatives want a Britain where setting up a business is as natural as taking a job so we will do more for the self-employed so that they can do more for Britain now security also means the security of knowing that you will have dignity in retirement so we will also cut tax for pensioners with the new triple lock plus ensuring that the state pension is never dragged into income tax labor by contrast would introduce a retirement tax meaning that for those who rely entirely on the new state p mention they would be caught by income tax for the first time in our country’s history and we know Labor’s record from the 75p state pension increase to Gordon Brown’s 118 billion pound tax raid on private pensions it is clear your pension simply isn’t safe with the labor party and we conservatives want to sprend opportunity across the whole of our United Kingdom we don’t want you to leave the place that you call home to succeed and ultimately that is a test of leveling up so we will give our young people the skills and opportunities they need to succeed in today’s world we won’t cling to outdated ideas such as the belief that the only route to success is through University so we will curve funding to rip off degrees and use it to fund a 100,000 new high quality apprenticeships we will build on the success of our education reforms by introducing the advanced British standard which will enable our young people to receive a broader education and break down the split between Technical and academic education that has so held our country back will’ll invest in a new form of national service to give our young people the chance to enjoy new experiences learn new skills and feel a sense of community belonging and National purpose national service will help us build a more unified more cohesive Society so that we can be secure in the knowledge that we are all on the same side and we conservatives also want to create a society in which everyone has a chance to own in the last 5 years we’ve delivered a million new homes in the next Parliament we will go even further delivering 1.6 million new homes by speeding up planning on Brownfield land in our inner cities and by scrapping defective EU laws and we will go further because we conservatives believe in tax cuts so for young families for the firsttime buyers purchasing a home up to £425,000 we will abolish stamp Duty entirely and that’s not all we’ll do we’ll also introduce a new form of helpto buy a new helpto buy scheme to get a new generation onto the property ladder all part of our plan to build an ownership Society where more and more people have the security and pride that comes from owning your own home from McMillan to Thatcher to today it is we conservatives who are the party of the property owning democracy in this country in fact we want to make life easier for people at every stage of their lives so we’ll also give working parents 30 hours of free child care a week from when their child is 9 months to when they start school will make child benefit fairer and simpler by moving to a household system that no longer penalizes single earner households and ensuring that any family that earns less than £120,000 a year will receive it that tax cut is worth on average 1,500 to £700,000 families showing once again it is we conservatives that are the party of the family and we will always Champion them and we want all families to have the Peace of Mind of knowing that the NHS will be there for you if you fall sick so we will increase NHS funding in real terms every year and train and recruit more doctors and nurses every year we will make the NHS work better through investing in new technology and reforming how it works you should know that if your kids have an earache or a sore throat or a chest infection you can get quick and Rapid treatment without having to take time off work and so we will expand our fantastic Pharmacy first program but parents should also feel that it’s safe for their children to walk home at night so we will recruit 8,000 new police officers one for every neighborhood and cut antisocial Behavior through intensive hotspot policing and we will protect women and girls by guaranteeing Single Sex spaces through an amendment to the equality act to make it clear that sex means biological sex now labor like to talk the country down they want to pretend that everything would be great if they had never left office and pretend that somehow we have not achieved anything but that’s just simply not right remember the note that said there’s no money left left when labor left office in 2010 unemployment was higher than when they came into government public and private debt was accumulating the banking system was broken the deficit was ballooning and even labor accepted that after years of spending significant Cuts in public expenditure were acquired they went into the 2010 election admitting they would have to make Cuts labor left Britain on the brink of bankruptcy worse the money that labor had put into public service had not been accompanied by sufficient reform Labor’s welfare system was more about disguising how many people were out of work than actually getting people back into employment and for all the money that labor had put into education our schools were falling down International League tables and almost half of Labor increase in the NHS budget had been swallowed up by higher pay and more bureaucracy and despite that awful inheritance we’ve delivered the third highest rate of economic growth in the G7 created 4 million jobs 800 a day with Ki using our brexit freedom to open up new markets we have now overtaken France the Netherlands and Japan to become the fourth biggest exporter in the world and we can conservatives under David took the difficult decisions to repair the public finances and control the national debt and that meant that when covid hit we could support people and businesses with Furlow deliver the fastest vaccine roll out in the world and provide record funding to the NHS we reformed Welfare by capping benefits and introducing Universal Credit Ian’s reforms mean that now work always pays we’ve reduced absolute pover y we’ve reduced child poverty we’ve reduced pensioner poverty we’ve cut carbon emissions by a third maintained our position as NATO’s second biggest defense power and Boris and Ben and Grant put the country at the Forefront of Defending Ukraine against Russian aggression because Britain will always stand up to tyrants we’ve halfed violent and neighborhood crime thanks to the work of Home secretaries from Theresa to pretty to James and improve standards in our schools thanks to Michael’s reforms and a generation of inspiring teachers English school children are not just the best readers in the United Kingdom they’re the best in the Western World we strengthened our United Kingdom with the forces of separatism in Retreat we legislated for equal marriage and now it is not even surprising for so many people from diverse backgrounds to sit around our cabinet table I know you all agree with me we may not have got everything perfectly right but that is a record I am mighty proud of now this country has a proud past and a and I believe in that innate confidence in ourselves that has always run through our Island story and just as we’re proud proud of all that we created invented and discovered in our past so we can be confident and optimistic about what we will achieve in our future but I’m not blind to the fact that people are frustrated with our party and frustrated with me things have not always been easy and we have not got everything right but we are the only party in this election with the big ideas to make our country a better place to live labor offer no solutions to our problems they would only make them worse and all a vote for reform or the liberal Democrats does is allow labor to do whatever they want to our country do not forget that K stor is asking you to hand him a blank check when he hasn’t said what he’ll buy with it or how much it’s going to cost you just think about what labor would mean higher taxes for every working household can you afford £22,000 to more in taxes French style labor laws that will lead to higher unemployment and more strikes a ballooning welfare Bill higher immigration and more Net Zero costs their policies will mean as they let slip this weekend bigger class sizes because of their desire to slap VAT on school fees labor would cave into the demands of the public sector unions putting up your taxes to meet the Union’s extortionate demands and K starma will also use that blank check to change the rules of the game to his benefit giving 16y olds the vote not because he believes they are adults he doesn’t want them to serve on a jury or do any of the other things that adults do but because he thinks they’ll vote for him and that will make it harder to remove him from Power if labor win this time they’ll change the rules so that they are in power for a very long time so if you don’t know what labor will do don’t vote for it if you’re concerned about what starma isn’t telling you don’t vote for him and if you’re worried about what Labor’s 294 of tax Rises would mean for your family’s Financial Security don’t vote for them in conclusion let me say this we conservatives will always stand for our values for aspiration for freedom for opportunity for security your conservative MP will deliver lower taxes lower IM immigration protected pensions and a sensible approach to Net Zero now our country wants a clear plan and bold action our country needs a secure future and it is this conservative Manifesto that will deliver it thank you thank you thank you right we got lots of questions from the media to come so the fun hasn’t stopped here we go uh let’s start with GB news Prim Christopher Hope from GB news um you stand behind in front of a a slogan saying clear pan bold action secure future why not be bold and commit to pulling out of the echr if it keeps stopping you stopping the small boats thanks Chris I’ve been clear throughout that I believe that our plan is compliant with all our International obligations but I’ve also been clear and the manifesto is crystal clear that if we are forced to choose between the jurisdiction of a foreign Court including the echr and our country’s National Security then I’m going to choose our country’s National Security every single time uh next we go to the Ft prime minister George Parker from The Financial Times um I just you you represent a northern seat for Richmond you’ve seen the opinion polls you’ve seen Kama campaigning in the north of England do you reflect on The Last 5 Years and consider you may have let down the areas you promised to level up and whether indeed there’s a reckoning coming George I don’t know if you were here before but I don’t know if you heard the speech from the conservative mayor of tside who is right here and you know I’ll take a second to pay tribute to Ben and all our fantastic MPS in the teas Valley for what they’ve delivered for the region I mean Ben gave you a flavor of it before because we we’ve been working together since I became an MP you talk about the north tside was an area that labor neglected for decades took it completely for granted and it was Ben and rmps and counselors that transformed the region and I was fortunate to be able to work with them to help do that but if you go around tside now every High Street and Town Center Eagles Cliff yarm Stockton Darlington arol is getting investment from our various leveling up funds the new brexit enabled Freeport is creating unbelievable high quality jobs in the industries of the future the treasury campus is in Darlington and as Ben said it’s one thing for treasury campus to be in the north but it’s not in Newcastle it’s not in Manchester it’s not in leads it’s in Darlington because towns matter which is why we’re also backing 130 towns across the country including in the north with2 million each so local people can invest in their priorities but more than any of that what Ben and the team have done what the conservatives have done is give everyone in tside a sense of confidence and optimism about their Futures uh next we go to the BBC thank you prister chrismon BBC news for much of the last state te months you’ve tried everything to try and revive conservative fortunes and not much appears to have worked could we rename this document today Your Last Chance Saloon what do you think is in this that can shift things that perhaps haven’t shifted up until now thank you well Chris I’ve been very clear when I got this job we’ve been through a very difficult time as a country but thanks to the hard work and resilience of the British people and the actions of the government we have truly turned a corner inflation back to normal the economy grow wages Rising energy bills falling and that’s why this election is right to talk about the future the future that we want to deliver for our country is one where Above All Families will have Financial Security because their taxes are being cut look at what this Manifesto contains a tax cut for everyone in work as we Harve the rate of National Insurance a tax cut for the self-employed abolishing the rate of self-employed National Insurance in the next Parliament a tax cut for Pion protecting the state pension from paying Labor’s retirement tax in the next Parliament because we believe in a country where you have dignity in retirement a tax cut for parents because we want to support Working Families making sure that they get support with their children’s cost and a tax cut for all young aspiring homeowners as we abolish firsttime buyer stamp Duty up to £425,000 that is bold action from this conservative government this conservative party to deliver a more secure future future but it doesn’t just stop with our tax cutting agenda we’re spreading opportunity through 100,000 new apprenticeships in a modern form of national service we’re ensuring our border security with a new legal migration cap in Parliament and a plan to get the flights off to Rwanda and we’re ensuring our country’s energy security but also doing it in a proportionate way that lowers people’s bills does not saddle them with extra cost in an ideological Pursuit towards net zero that is the offer in this Manifesto and there is a clear choice at this election we are the only party putting bold action on the table to transform our country labor have nothing to say about the problems our country faces and how best to address them nothing K stor is asking for a blank check and he will not tell people which taxes he is going to put up that are ultimately going to cost them £2,000 so if you want a secure future if you want lower taxes if you want your pensions protected if you want a more sensible approach to Net Zero and you want your border secure vote conservative at this election next times Radio K mccan times radio prime minister times radio listeners often tell us that they’re fed up that nothing works they care a lot about the services they use every day but there is nothing in this Manifesto about the billions of pounds of cuts to local councils to Justice to prisons that are coming down the track in the years ahead what is your plan to prevent those billions of pounds of cuts thank you well under our plans Kate investment in day-to-day public services will continue to rise in the new Parliament it will continue to rise ahead of inflation um but I also think it is reasonable to look for a efficiencies in the public sector and what we’ve seen is that public sector productivity since the pandemic has declined it’s declined quite significantly now as the chancellor said out a little while ago if we just recover those levels of efficiency that we had a few years ago so nothing heroic nothing that we haven’t done before that will free up 20 billion pound right 20 billion pounds that could be reinvested in public services on everyone’s behalf without raising a penny of their taxes so I think that’s the right priority right recover where we used to be before the pandemic focus on efficiency and productivity and you can see that in the NHS productivity plan that we have fully funded and if we do that that unlocks billions of pounds that we can reinvest back into the front line to deliver better high quality services for people because of course I want to see high quality services but as a conservative I also don’t want people’s taxes to have to go up when we can get efficiencies to fund them [Applause] ITV uh prime minister um Tories in government since 2010 have been pushing up the tax burden the share of national income taken by tax to levels we haven’t seen since the late 194 is why should anyone believe you when you say you’re going to cut tax well simply Robert because we already have but I’m I’m upfront with people I did have to take difficult decisions after covid that was the right thing to do because when I was Chancellor I thought the right thing to do was to support our country through Co whether it was supporting the NHS whether it was a fur scheme and when the energy crisis in Europe hit the right thing to do was to help everyone with their energy bills those things don’t come for free and I think everyone watching knows that those things don’t come for free and you don’t build our country’s long-term Financial Security by shying away from difficult decisions like that that’s not the type of leader I am so I did make those difficult decisions but now that our plan is worked inflation is down wages are rising the economy is growing we have started cutting people’s tax taxes this year everyone in work is getting a £900 tax cut on average thanks to what Jeremy has done and we’re cutting taxes for businesses making this the most attractive country in the world for businesses to invest something that hundreds of our leading businesses describ as the single most transformational thing that we could do for growth and productivity in our country delivered it so yes people can trust me when I say we’re going to keep cutting their taxes one because we’ve set out a very clear plan to pay for it because I think the welfare bill is growing at an unsustainable rate and there is an opportunity again just to reverse some of the damage that Co has done to free up an enormous amount of savings that we can reinvest in tax cuts but also because that’s a type of country I believe in and that’s why people can trust me I believe in a country where hard work is rewarded that’s why I want to cut people’s tax when they’re working hard I believe in a country that encourages entrepreneurship and risk-taking and small businesses which is why I want to cut taxes for the self employed I believe everyone should have the ability to own their own home so I want to cut taxes on stamp Duty I believe if you worked hard all your life you should have dignity and Security in retirement which is why we want to cut taxes for pensioners and there is nothing more precious in life than my family and I’m sure that’s the same for everyone in this room which is why we want to support families and we want to cut tax for them too that’s why you right uh can I go to the Daily Mail thanks PM Jason G in the daily mail um you’re targeting the self-employed here do you think uh white van man can swing this election for you and and on The Wider picture there’s a lot to say in here about tax but unless I’ve missed it nothing about the overall burden can you today guarantee us that if you get in overall taxes will be lower by the time you finished yeah I Jason because of the measures that are announced in the manifesto and you can see the document afterwards the tax burden will be about one percentage Point lower in every single year compared to the forecast that you saw at the spring budget uh a few uh a couple of months ago that Jeremy outlined and you know you talked about particular group I do think there is something that is special about those who are self-employed now I come from a small business family myself but those people who are setting out on their own taking that risk do something that’s incredibly Brave right and our economy is built on people like that they don’t have the security of knowing that the paycheck’s coming at the end of every month they’re out there working incredibly hard to provide a better life for them and their families hoping that they can start like that and grow something bigger and I think that is enormously Brave and they deserve all our admiration but they also deserve our support and that’s why we want to take the Bold action to abolish the main rate of self-employment National Insurance in the next Parliament demonstrating not just that we want people to have Financial Security but demonstrating our values and the type of economy and society that we want to build Telegraph thank you prime minister Ben Mary Smith from the Telegraph manifestos are about policies they’re also about politics there’s four weeks to go you’re 20 points behind in the polls what do you say to those who say the man Manifesto isn’t ambitious enough and that this won’t be a game changer well Ben just to repeat what I said before right the tens the tax cuts that I went through tax cut for everyone in work that will be worth 1,300 in the next Parliament as we har national insurance tax cut for the self-employed where we abolish the rate of self-employment a tax cut for everyone who’s wanting to start buying their own home as we abolish the stamp Duty for firsttime buyers up to 425k a tax cut for families to support them as they bear their young children and a tax cut for the millions of pensioners in our society so yes I do believe that is bold and that comes on top of the action we’ve taken to secure our borders to get flights off to a wander a new migration cap and a more proportionate approach to Net Zero but the choice of this election is is clear cuz all elections are ultimately a choice either K starm or I are going to be prime minister on July the 5th if I’m prime minister you will have this bold action all you’ve got from the labor party is a blank sheet of paper not a single big idea that has been put on the table in this election campaign so far right when the first announcement we made a new form of national service which has completely energized conversations everywhere across the country and yes not everyone will necessarily agree with it but no one can deny that it is not bold action that can transform our country and I think transform our country for the better nothing comparable to that from the labor party so as people think about the choice yes of course there are challenges we face as a country but they should ask themselves who has the solutions to those who is going to do things they’re going to actually deliver the change that you want to see the only thing that is certain about K armor and the labor party is that they’re going to put up everyone’s taxes and they’re going to put them up by £22,000 and I’m going to fight very hard till the last day of this election campaign so that that doesn’t happen Okay Sky News thank you prime minister um Central cell to voters from you is I will cut your taxes but a recent poll shows that only one in six voters believe you won’t raise their taxes or raise major taxes compared with one in four for labor Labor’s more trusted on tax than you at the moment that’s your record as Chancellor and now prime minister I’m sure it’s a disappointment to you haven’t you blown it now whatever you say thank you well Beth I’m actually very proud of my record as Chancellor because when I’d had that job 3 four weeks in a pandemic struck this country I saw that it was right to do something radical to do something bold because that was what was required to help get the country through it and we delivered on that those are my values those are the values of our party and we will always be there to protect this country through difficult times but we’re also a responsible party we’re also a party that’s not afraid to take decisions that are in the country’s long-term interests even if they’re difficult you saw that with me when I said yep we did all these things but we do need to also pay these things back and secure our children’s Financial Futures and you saw that with me a couple of summers ago where I made the same argument again that it wasn’t right then to start cutting taxes until we had tamed inflation and now that we have I’ve delivered on that so I’m not afraid to do things that are difficult the only poll that matters is the poll on July 4th and I’m very confident as we approach that date the choice will become increasingly clear for people there is only one party that will continue to cut your taxes after July 4th and it’s the conservative party and there’s one party that’s going to put them up and it’s the labor party and that choice will be crystal clear right uh the sun thank you prime minister Harry Co from the Sun um your Manifesto here says that you’ll process tens of thousands of outstanding Asylum claims within six months um but all the home office statistics show that speeding up the processing of Asylum claims leads to higher levels of approval when labor suggested this exact policy your own ministers called it an amnesty so is this what your policy accounts to and amnesty for Asylum Seekers and if I may on Chris’s Point you’re hemorrhaging support to Nigel frage why on Earth not go harder on the UCR why fud it thank you so I AR that’s just simply not right on last year thanks to the improvements we’ve made we processed more claims than at any point in the last two decades right and that has actually helped us release over 100 maybe 150 hotels now back to local communities for normal use and actually the grant rate you talk about the grant rate the grant rate was down last year it was down so we because we changed how we evaluate the claims we refused far more than we had in the past um but the choice on migration is is quite simple at this election you know I believe you need a deterrent right we’ve done lots of things that have helped us get the numbers down by a third last year and those are all good and sensible but in order to fully solve this problem it just needs to be clear that if someone comes to our country illegally they can’t stay and that means you need a safe place to send them that’s what the flights to Rwanda will do establish that deterrent and i’ I’ve said what I’ve said about the ECR but I’d also say our act specifically gives ministers the power to make the decisions on rule 39 things that are handed down by Strasburg I would not have put that power in the bill if I was not prepared to use it right and also change the Civil Service guidance to make it clear that they need to follow the ministerial decisions but I’d also point out that as we’ve seen in the last month or so multiple other European countries all agree that having a deterrent like that safe third countries to return people is a crucial part of solving this problem so when I made my speech just after becoming prime minister I said on this issue where we lead others will follow that has now happened the only person who has not got that memo normally he’s very in favor of EU alignment is K starma right uh could go to the Express Thanks prime minister Steph Spyro from The Daily Express uh the manifesto promises a regular rhythm of flight to Rwanda every month as part of a relen this process to remove illegal migrants can you put a figure on the number of flights you expect to take off every month or a number of people please now um Steph we deliberately not because we don’t want to compromise operational security but I would been very clear that it’s not just about one flight you do need a regular rhythm of flights because you need to build that deterrent and what I can tell you is that the Airfield is on standby illegal migrants have already been detained escorts have been train Tred the flights have been booked the casew workers are already working through it so all the plans are in place so that if I’m reelected as prime minister if we are in government those flights will go to Rwanda and we can build that deterrent and that’s a choice for everyone at this election if you want the boat stopped there is no way to do that without having a deterrent ours is the only plan on the table and as I asked K sta repeatedly the other night what would you do with the migrants that come come here illegally there simply wasn’t an answer right just saying smash the gang smash the gangs is not a plan A slogan is not a plan right you need to have something to do with illegal migrants we’ve got a plan he doesn’t and that means the situation will just get worse and I think lastly we have is it a local democracy reporter hi sorry I think I’ve sat on the wrong side um yeah my name is nardia Lincoln I’m the local democracy reporter for Northampton sh um in the county we’ve had a massive problem with s children um not getting enough provision um and not getting the proper education which has also been reflected nationally um in the most recent report um it found that there was systemic and widespread widespread problems why have these families been let down for so long and what would a conservative government do to help them yeah thanks nardia and we want to make sure that children everywhere and regardless of their backgrounds get all the support and the opportunities they need to live fulfilling and thriving lives when it comes to scnd in particular we’ve raised the funding by about 60% overall over this Parliament I don’t have the figures off top of my head for Northampton share um but what we talked about in the Manifesto is to open many more send free schools uh which is in the manifesto and funded because we know that provision needs to increase and the manifesto makes specific provision for that because as I said this is about making sure children no matter where they grow up in our society have all the opportunities to be supported and to thrive and that will always happen under a conservative government good thank you very very [Applause] much well there we have it that was the Prime Minister Rishi sunak unveiling the conservative Manifesto in it headline measures include another cut to National Insurance a white van man tax plan that was the rabbit out of the Hat working to abolish National Insurance for self-employed individuals but also words there on ignoring the European Court of Human Rights if it gets in the way of Rwanda deportations and even some stuff on housing yes it’s interesting that point on the echr that was something Christopher hope our political editor asked will he be bold and remove us from that foreign Court he said he will always choose our national security over any foreign court so sitting on the fence on that one I think yes a line he’s used before but clearly uh the party is divided over the issue of whether to extract the United Kingdom from the ECR but perhaps more importantly a new line in this Manifesto not just the uh uh the phrase that uh the Prime Minister will choose National sovereignty every single time over the wishes of a foreign court but a commitment to work with other countries to reform the way these International treaties work now could that be something that actually gathers some Pace after the election results that we saw over the weekend in Europe it starts to look less like a pipe dream and perhaps something that could actually be achievable but I think the main point he wanted to get across from that and do get in touch and let us know what you think the main points were there and what you made of that all but it is labor will tax you more we are committed to Bringing Down your taxes and yes a few tax cuts announced there too well get in touch GB news.com we’re going to have some reaction very soon indeed by our Stellar uh panel but we’re going to bring you some breaking news now we’ve had a very worrying development from South Yorkshire uh Mark White is here in the studio uh Mark tell us uh well these uh this is an incident in which objects from a construction site were thrown at the reform leader najel farage in barnesley town center we’ve got some video of that that we can I don’t think we have some video at the moment but uh we will have that soon it basically shows uh someone who’s wearing a red hoodie um at this kind of construction site at the side of a road uh Nigel is on a battle bus a reformed battle bus going through uh barnesley Town Center and a number of objects are thrown towards him now I spoke to Nigel briefly just to ask him I think we got the video now you can see the video there that’s Nigel on the uh the bus uh just as these objects the you see I think that was a coffee cup initially and there the suspect is running off down the street and is tackled by the police South Yorkshire police have confirmed that a 28-year-old man has now been arrested on suspicion of a public order uh related offense is currently in police custody uh as I say I spoke to Nigel briefly to ask him if if he knew what was thrown at him he said cement uh but he also thinks stones and a coffee cup thrown towards him as well so clearly it’s potentially serious any of these items especially if it’s a harder item thrown from a construction site towards you it could potentially cause you harm so um Nigel has issued a brief statement saying I will not be bullied or cowed by a violent left-wing mob with where who hate our country is what he said and also he also um thanked South Yorkshire police for very quickly detaining the suspect a 28-year old man now in custody it must be said it’s heartening to see such rapid response from South Yorkshire police perhaps uh other police forces around the country could learn from how effective they were there but uh but Mark this is of course not an isolated incident it’s becoming part of a pattern well it is and it’s part of a worrying pattern of incidents in which politicians generally are being targeted and some of the attacks much more violent than the last as far as Nigel is concerned it’s only a week since he had a milkshake thrown over him in Essex and people at the time were thinking ah a milkshake but you don’t know if you’re someone who has a liquid thrown over you in this day and age when acid is quite often used in attacks what that liquid is it’s thrown over you so just in that sense apart from the fact it’s horrible to have anything thrown over you you know it can be clearly uh very worrying and alarming for anybody who’s at the center of that attack and let’s remember that this follows a number of violent incidents in Europe where we had the uh Slovak uh Slovakian prime minister who was shot and seriously injured just last month a few days later separate incidents in Germany uh when other politicians at an anti-islamist rally uh were attacked a policeman killed in one of those incidents and then another politician a few days later in Germany attacked as well so some real concern and some concern for the authorities here as we get right into the cut and thrust of this election campaign when politicians are at their most vulnerable that’s when they are out and about in the campaign Trail coming face to face with the electorate and there is always a scope for those that react badly to an individual politician’s beliefs uh in acting that in a violent way so very concerning incident this and uh he said after the milkshaking incident he told a journalist uh he gave his reasons why he thinks this happens to him and he said it’s because he’s out and about with the public very close to the public um and this sort of things happens when you you are out and about um and so I guess the intention of these kind of incidents is to uh make him fearful of doing such things as this well very much so I mean he certainly is out and about with the the the public he wants to be up close and personal uh to members of the the public but he’s not the only politician that does that I mean especially local MP they’re all out meeting their constituents uh at this particular time building up to an election so it is a particularly concerning and worrying period for those who are charged with ensuring that our politicians are kept safe from those that might want to cause them harm and yet pleasing this sort of incident is so very hard because as we saw there that was a lone wolf a man in a crowd acting Alone by by what we can see there and obviously there were lots of people who were shocked and stunned and some construction workers who tried to to pin him to the floor but how on Earth can you police things like this when it’s just a singular person with some Rubble no I mean you can have a police presence and a security presence there but if someone wants to act in the spur of the moment it’s very difficult to do anything other than react after the event and ensure that you know as much as you can you try to protect someone from an attack and ensure that a suspect is arrest Ed but yeah when you’re in a public area and you’re inviting members of the public to come forward to meet you as you want to present them with your uh political campaign how how can you guard against it and that is the very difficult um process uh that the police and security officials have to go through as you have to try to look out for the known threats but it’s the unknown threats you know people that they don’t know that are acting on the spur of the moment that are often the most potentially dangerous individuals depending what they decide to do yes and people could act as though they’re supporters and then uh commit an incident like this thank you very much indeed Mark White we’ll bring you any more updates as in when we get them yes we’ll also be looking back at the conservative Manifesto of course Rishi sunak announced that Manifesto in a room full of journalists against a very boring blue background perhaps the reason why we see our politicians increasingly against these sort of IND or controlled venues is so they can avoid uh those sort of attacks that we’re increasingly seeing on the streets but we’ll have all the analysis of the conservative Manifesto what does it mean for you and does it contain anything that could possibly shift the dial in this election well that’s the question isn’t it really so get in touch GB news.com USA we’ll be back in just a tick this is of course good afternoon Britain we’re on GB news Britain’s News [Music] Channel it’s our summer spectacular three top prizes that have to be won there’s cash £15,000 in tax-free cash to spend on anything you like this summer plus a brand new iPhone 15 with a set of apple airpods and if that wasn’t enough we’ll also treat you to some fun in the sun with £500 to spend at your favorite UK attraction this summer for another chance to win the iPhone treats and £15,000 cash text prize to 63232 text cost £2 plus one standard Network rate message or post your name and number to gb6 P box 8690 derby D1 9t UK only entrance must be 18 or over lines close at 5:00 p.m. on the 28th of June full terms and privacy notice at GB newws win please check the closing time if listening or watching on demand good luck Nano queer weekends from 300 p.m. Angela what’s on the menu well the menu today really is the battle between King Charles um prince Andrew about his home a royal Lodge uh it’s gone on for quite a long time now because increasingly the place looks very dilapidated no paint no you know raw under the family under the way that


    1. Sunak has no intention of ever shutting the border he's lying…..If he had ANY intention, all he had to do was enable Article 25 of the United Nations Convention of the Law on the Sea

    2. Youtube will not give me an option of June 11, 2024 for GBNews. I put in European elections GBNews June 11, 2024 five times in various forms-and it comes up with 20, 21, 22, 2023-and every other option. It will not pull up the current date no matter how I phrase it.
      What is YouTube trying to hide?

    3. How come you cut the clip of that guy that works with the young guy the mix race guy it’s cause what he was saying was true why ain’t nobody calling out the music industry we all no why it’s a crying shame every body just wonts to blame the coloured children but nobody don’t won’t to call out the record labels it’s a disgusting

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