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    Join me as I stream GeoGuessr.

    all right hello everybody looks like we’re live just going to double check should be all up and running but you never know so always make sure to come over and refresh the page it’s not refreshing which is fun keep trying there we go it’s working now we’re good all right welcome to the stream uh where where are we where did we leave off last week we broke I think two streaks last week which was not ideal very unideal and we’re now at 22 uh we started last week with 30 and we had a rough time so let’s try to do a little better today Christopher lik’s already in the chat saying hello hello Chris for like good to see you in the chat let’s get rolling this is looking I was going to say European but maybe not we go we have some um that’s really hard to read upside down says G that says rice I can I can I can pick that word out that’s an easy one everything else not quite getting but looks like there’s a town over here so let’s go to the town yeah we got palm trees feeling in Indonesia it’s kind of off The Vibes A vibe guess for Indonesia this looks like yeah there’s an Indonesian flag there this looks a lot like where we got in Indonesia last week boom Indonesia um I think that’s enough honestly I think there are more Flags right up here as well yeah yeah there’s look at all these Indonesian Flags I think we’re fine let’s just go ahead and do that cool boom easy and now we’re somewhere with a highway sign look at how quick that’s going to be and look at that we’re in Bulgaria Christopher like saying yep Indonesia send um actually let’s think about this for a second before I just decide it’s bulg well I guess okay if exit is for Sophia that feels and also so the The Relic it’s not Greece we see Athens there but it’s not Greece because it’s clearly not in Greek it’s Latin and cerc script um as for scor that’s a bit more of a if Sophia is the exit like let’s let’s go to Sophia let’s or here what was the name of the road should be okay so the e870 if we can just zoom into Bulgaria really quick and find the E there’s the e871 which makes me think we’re on the right track um I I feel like it’s a safe gas so let’s think about this if this road continues to Athens goes through Scorpio ah the e871 continues into North Macedonia this could be North Macedonia this is uh but it’s further on and ah Christopher likon could we be in Slovenia huh that’s an interesting thought let’s look at some of the road names got the e50 e61 uh nothing that’s matching up but that’s not a bad guess so let’s take this exit and find out where it puts us or we can look at this great all right well we’re going to go back and try to read that from afar oh here we go here we go here we go ancient something I I don’t know why I’m trying to read this Relic part Ethan brewhas saying Serbia Serbia is also a good guess so it’s ancient Observatory something millennium BC so let let’s let’s look in Serbia for a road that matches so it was the e870 that’s what we’re looking for we’ve got the e80 A4 A1 e75 we want it going toward so it’s got to break at some point there’s the part that goes to Scopia and Athens and there’s the part that goes to Sophia and what was the other City on there actually now that I’m thinking about it so let’s look Palanka I do not know where that is so this road is heading south One Direction goes to Palanka and sopia where is here’s Bella Palanka which puts us in Serbia but I don’t I don’t think it’s the same place Bella Palanka and Si Palanka seem like two different things for a reason I don’t know though cuz for like to say North Macedonia lock it in final answer so we’ve got the e871 ah Crea Palanka so this is going south so we’re likely we could be right here on this road we pull off we get onto the e871 and go through Crea Palanka eventually arriving in Sophia so that validates that board and then this side we’ve got scoria and a is atina I’m assuming that that means Athens um so in the e75 heading towards scop Scopia I don’t know how to say it so finding the e75 is now what I think we need to focus on so Christopher like I you could be right with that we just need to figure out so it’s not Bulgaria and if we take the exit we’re going here here’s the e75 so I think there’s a decent chance we’re in kumanovo or in that area I think we are on the A1 coming up to this exit so let’s go look cuz for like saying e871 is there too okay so we got what’s this I need to find a business that matches up that’s what I want to find and that’s that’s what will validate this for me uh H what was this called again zebrak I’ve probably butchered that H I think I think we’re good but it doesn’t hurt to check what’s something other than going on a hunt for more evidence that we could use to deduce that this is North Macedonia right now so I’m trying to think let’s get down here so Deluxe Auto which I’m pretty sure we saw um nope so let’s look at these signs belr scopy uh so yep that works that doesn’t disprove what we’re currently thinking W dig saying hey hello W dig good to see you in the chat shout out to the US Men’s National Team you’ve got to represent tonight very happy with the uh the two win it’s nice after uh spending the last week supporting Scotland at the Euros to support a team that actually uh knows how to play the sport it’s very refreshing so Deluxe Auto is there no can’t read that yeah W dig saying condolences for the Scots today ah yeah it was such a there was the part of me that believed um I think I think this is exactly where we are like right here you know what I’m going to go look for this grocery store there was part of me that believed with a a tie against Hungary that there was hope for advancing but it was the what was it like the 94th minute goal to knock Scotland out that was that was heartbreaking fourth place in the group was heartbreaking this is okay we’re not where I thought we were are we further up here I mean I’m willing to go for North Macedonia if people think we’re in North Macedonia h w dick saying you have a buddy who’s Scottish and he’s unwell right now yeah I’d imagine that was that that was the biggest sporting heartbreak I’ve experienced in quite a bit not like a long long time but quite a bit Christopher likes saying s anyone anyone disagree yeah I think the last time I had that kind of pit in my stomach from Sports was uh I guess the Bucks a few years ago o no I think I have my timeline off but doesn’t matter we have two people good for Macedonia let’s do it awesome yeah we’re in the town that I guessed we were and it looks like we got off at the exit that I thought we were supposed whatever not compaining now I’m complaining this is got to be Denmark right that’s got to be like is that a could that be an Icelandic flag yep W dig exact same reaction could that oh oh oh oh it’s a Greenland flag we’re good we’re good it’s a Greenland flag look at that look at look at that could have been could have been hard could have been awful we could have you know gone around in this boat for a while but we’ve got a Greenland flag which is Denmark as Christopher like is saying any objections to Greenland flag with Greenland scenery on a boat I think that’s solid uh and if it’s not I can’t even fault us for that I don’t I don’t I don’t think anyone would guess anything else in this scenario so let’s do it Denmark awesome 25 fantastic looking like Europe again got some houses though I would say that’s pretty common everywhere going around the houses now we’re going down a hill ooh what do we have going on here this feels uh does this feel like a slightly Eastern European pattern feel like it kind of does Christopher like saying technically Denmark is the fourth largest country in North America yeah wait would Mexico be the third I assume Mexico is the third right okay let’s try to look at this person is that I feel like that’s a badge right there like that’s this has got to this is a brand new shirt and we can’t see the batch that’d be so easy I wish or that’s also a pretty decent red herring like people everywhere wear Real Madrid shirts and and aren’t in Madrid every Real Madrid shirt I’ve ever seen in person was not in Madrid so yeah pretty easy red hairing chrisopher like saying yes me Mexico is the third largest country in North America W dick saying could be Swiss I like that we got the cheese here we got some hills doesn’t really feel like low cam does it feel like low cam I can’t tell yet cats is saying hello everyone nice Jersey youan thank you cats appreciate the support from a yeah okay swis plate from a North American rival country um I’m feeling very Swiss here I don’t know what this means potentially it’s the houses that are that way um rout La besta better rout laa yep that checks out H Chris for like saying people don’t consider France and the Netherlands to be South American countries but technically they are uh cat’s saying French side of Switzerland yep I completely do we want to does anyone object to Switzerland right now I think we’re good I think that plate sealed it for me let’s look at this plate I don’t know what this plate is but the other one sealed it for me uh yeah yeah chrisopher like is saying about France and the Netherlands being South American countries it’s um what’s the thing the I feel like it’s the trivia question that always it’s like one of the most common trivia questions I always hear is um who does France share its longest border with and the answer is Brazil because of French Guana um but I it’s a good question but I feel like I hear it all the time and by the Netherlands do you mean what do you mean because I’m trying to think because suram speaks Dutch but is in Dutch and then like the Caribbean oh cool we’re out of we’re out of room we could for Switzerland let’s let’s let’s do Switzerland no objections um okay St Bart St Martin okay I didn’t know those those were considered uh South American I just I just Loop all of the Caribbean in with North America in my head my official uh continent dividing line chrisopher like saying the airport is that the one where the planes come in really low on the beach did we come from this way or yeah yeah we did then we went up there oh but hello frite good to see you in the chat I realiz I didn’t acknowledge that I acknowledged the St Bart comment but not the high people apologies okay yeah Christopher like saying that is that airport uh not seeing much else think might have to send Switzerland limit uh yeah General wasn’t sure if I saw that right Freight saying this looks Swiss by the way yeah we’re kind of on that uh we all seem to be on the Swiss page frite saying send I’m I’m taking that as permission I’ve been wanting someone to say send it let’s do it awesome fre that say near G I didn’t check that was near G um I don’t know where G is so I can’t check sorry so Europe again got a that’s a Baltic looking Church oh here we go here we go words that’s a language that is quite a language yep cat saying Hungary that seems to make sense with the words that we’re looking at and Ethan bruha also saying Hungary yeah W dig saying Hungary sorry to trigger you I wasn’t going to mention it I wasn’t going to bring it up uh seems like we’re all on the same page do I have permission to send it Freight saying G is Geneva and German I did not know that actually that’s it’s a surprising one surprised I haven’t heard that at some point before so thank you for that information yeah this is looks very Hungarian maybe I can look for the T and I’m kind of zoomed out a lot but I don’t want to zoom in too much and just go over all of Hungary at like magnified Zoom but I I think we’re good right we got the little EU stop sign what else is going on here we got some more signs what do these say truck stop in English uh vaa yeah not going to try that uh I’m not going to try that I will say whenever we get hungry Ethan bruha is always very quick to to say it’s Hungary so I I want to take that as pretty much confirmation that we’re in Hungary with Ethan bras saying that anyone object Christopher likes saying Hungary all right let’s do it there we go awesome 27 Ethan Brew saying you did study abroad and Hungary at one time okay that makes sense I it it hit it just like I clocked it I was like Ethan brua knows Hungary too well so I assumed you live there at some point or spend a lot of time there this given very very UK or Ireland uh what’s that going to say Stone Bank freie I’s wanted some goulash now freeze I please refrain from mentioning food in the chat uh because I’m going to get hungry as well EU plate doesn’t tell us oh wait just let’s look at the back plate Ireland boom uh UK plates one of them is yellow I don’t remember which one I think it’s the back one but one of them is yellow and both of those were white and as as we’ve talked about the EU plate isn’t a dead giveaway for Ireland over the UK because some people still have it it’s like a knickknack or a political statement just cuz for funsies like that oh that’s a yellow one that’s a yellow one what is that uhoh okay new Theory we’re on the island of Ireland I’m not sure whose side we’re on uhoh granted cars move and that could be one random British car but uh it’s unsettling I’ll I’ll describe it like that unsettling that’s doesn’t see okay the scenery doesn’t match with it being Northern Ireland I don’t think caution side entrance that’s so it’s fully English haven’t seen gaic yet little stumped what are these Hills all right we’ve got another car down here so let’s go look at this car yeah Christopher like saying Ireland or Iceland Vibe I think there’s so much English there’s not there’s there’s no G and now there is we’re on the island of Ireland and I want to see this car’s rear playe but it’s backed in that’s some cows let’s head up toward oh here we go here we go here we go um I can’t make sense of either of the logos Traymore Beach okay and that signs entirely in English Christopher like saying steer is on the right yeah steer is on the right on the car um UK and Ireland both drive on the same side though so that’s it’s not going to tell us anything there is a noticeable lack of gck that’s what’s throwing me off Paula Murray sounds [Music] Irish the sun is blinding us Christopher like saying this is Ireland okay do you have a part of Ireland in mind just out of curiosity I just want to see one car I I want to see another car without a British plate because that’s Ros big that’s the same car again right with the UK plate uh I mean if it’s on the co uh it’s facing south yeah yeah it has to be Ireland if the the if the ocean is to the South cuz Northern Ireland it just unless we’re like here the SE is not going to be to the South h here we go there’s some civilization up here this should actually be pretty good let’s look at this car that’s also backed in EU plate why is everyone backing their cars in why ah I want to see the rear plates sheep uh let’s keep on going the same car up ahead of us I don’t know what are people thinking at this point oh that’s jarring AV written on the road Seaside Cottage oh we’ll be able to see these plates the these are two more British plates that’s extremely concerning I was coming around to this being Ireland but now I’m not so sure o oh wait wait St Joseph protector of Jesus and Mary protect us I can’t read the final line hey well we keep going little house I’m so thrown off the boats just someone put a flag outside that’s just put a flag out I I need someone to bail us out this is stunning but I don’t know where it is some people out on the beach some more sheep or cows cows more houses houses people backed in so we can’t see their rear plates someone not backed in so we can see their rear plate it’s white this is tough we’ve got another car that we can see the rear plate of up here and it’s white all right recency bias we’re in Ireland and we’re leaving the builtup area awesome okay what are people thinking at this point I’m I’m willing to make a guess I’m willing to to just democracy this and YOLO it but if people want to keep looking we can keep looking C to say maybe we get to a highway soon I don’t think there’s a highway out here I think we’re a long way away from a highway yeah Christopher L saying I want to say it’s Northern Ireland near the border with the country with Republic look of Ireland but that’s that’s what the evidence points to with the plates okay another white plate ill tired saying hello good to see in the chat ill tired uh maybe you can help us out we’re pretty sure we’re along the Northern Ireland Republic of Ireland border but we aren’t sure which side which is a ton of fun so cuz cars parked at houses have had both sets of plates H this is curious maybe we’ve crossed the border multiple times it’s not like a no they they at least have a sign this is this is rough El TI saying you’ll have to rewind you you don’t really need to the we’re seeing cars with UK and Ireland plates and that’s about it there’s there’s nothing else other than you know know this which is very clearly uh Ireland or Scotland Cat s Seas on the west yep there we go sees on the west rather than what we were seeing earlier with the South and that’s see that that’s a point in the direction of Ireland wait rosbeg this is where we are this is where we are yeah yeah yeah we came up here this is the beach we were at earlier and then we I guess we’re on Eden Road should there be a lake over here H I think this is where we are I genuinely think we’re on Eden Road ill tired saying Northern Ireland is more mountainous okay let me think cuz we saw the beach out to the it was kind of to the South I think we’re good I think this is where we are and we started I guess somewhere down here and you know what the the UK plates probably are how long of a drive is that out to here hour in a bit I would totally drive that on a weekend if I lived on the UK side of the Border I think this makes sense fre sight say so it’s not bellarus then no unfortunately not it’s not the the bellian beaches okay Ethan bras saying that is the town we went through all right cool let’s do it awesome Yep there we go that was complete luck that just have happen to squirrel upon it Christopher likes saying 20 30 minute drive maybe fantastic is this the nope nope I’m not going to finish that sentence if you think you know what I was going to say no you don’t um Sons to the South we know it’s Europe I don’t need to check where the sun is this feels Baltic question mark H frite say just got done with meal preps you can start trolling like usual it’s uh Menace the bellus comments one day they’re going to add bellarus and it’s going to one day they’re going to add bellus no they’re not no they’re not I just remembered why malarus isn’t in here we don’t have to worry about that yeah if if if bellarus ends up in here there’s probably bigger things happening cat saying yeah cat saying Estonia W digs saying Finland or Estonia Ethan bras saying looks Estonian but need more we got to person on a bike yeah exactly freezey if they do we’ll be done for too much that’s in the in the unrealistic world where bellarus gets added uh uh kind of like meme in reality will become a little too blurred cat is saying we’re close to the Sea okay how are you picking up on that yeah this is this is Finnish or Estonian 100% I would love to know what this symbol means would love to know what this symbol means yeah Christopher likes saying bellaro showing up would take an act of leadership change that’s yeah that that’s what I meant with um if bellarus ends up in this there’s bigger things happening cuz a leadership change uh that would be uh hopefully peaceful okay so cat is saying SE on the North side which would mean Estonia um passed by it earlier I did not notice and we haven’t exactly made a ton of progress so let me just go back I don’t know why I’m looking South uh freeze saying As Natural oh oh meme in reality merging together where did you see the C uh okay are those yeah I’m ignoring the bus stop I do not see the sea I’m going to keep going this way freie I saying glorious comrade lucenko will never will never die or step down I have heard he’s Invincible him and Kim Jong-un both cat saying maybe just the houses gotcha free saying could this be Poland I don’t think so this is so so Finnish Estonian that it’s painful to me at least I don’t know if others agree with that uh ill Tire saying we’d have to enter a town to see the sign oh yeah the Poland sign uh oh as natural that’s that’s what Free’s comment was about there we go big brain w dig saying da G it’s one of those two I’m assuming you mean Finland or Estonia look at these [Music] houses okay cats is saying the o with the Tilda is only is only an Estonian I mean that’s kind of jarva Johnny I feel like we’ve seen that before um looking around is this the best strategy no but sometimes it works it did not do anything for this time it would seem okay paid paid is in One Direction I’m not going to just scan the whole thing again I’m going to quickly glance don’t see it okay move on okay the get the o with the TAA on the As Natural sign there’s p on the map okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait there okay um okay let’s go back where else are we looking for Christopher like saying Central Estonia Ethan brewhas saying you like Estonia yep okay paid yep that’s very good catch cats um PA is in One Direction and I don’t think we need to find jarva Johnny oh found it all right cool anyone object to Estonia we are 34 km from paid and 12 from jarani and that could not put us in any other country so I think we’re good any objections free Z San Estonia send let’s send it awesome 29 okay could this be ooh I was going to say it’s the Indonesian flag but it’s the Polish flag on the poles and the bus stop I don’t have a Vibe guess immediately this feels kind of Central America it feels both Southeast Asian and Central American and with it being right-and Drive I want to go with Cal American yeah cat a South America let’s do some driving Freight’s saying no way that’s Poland it’s actually uh the far-flung Polish colony in the Caribbean yeah Freight saying Panama or Colombia I like either of those I think I’m more on columia but I don’t know yet we don’t know yet this car though hello that’s not a Colombian plate it’s not a plate I recognize and N still still don’t recognize it Christopher like saying if if that’s than I am a God we we might be seeing some interesting Revelations tonight H Gesa Jesus is the my king can’t see the last word h Freight saying could be Costa Rica too okay those plates are white is Costa Rica does Costa Rica have coverage of course cats the Central American country of bellarus can’t forget about that it’s lucashenko got a bit of a tan he’s been out in the sun too much Rancho carlata okay I feel like Panama is our best guess right now this doesn’t feel so like places this could be let’s just kind of rattle them off uh okay no don’t know seor lucenko fantastic po proximo so let’s look at that little little tuck tuck what does this say right here can’t read it awesome okay so here are some thoughts okay fre saying wait a minute the sign said Rancho blah blah it said Rancho Don Raul Rito so I’ll let freey frite did you have a thought this looks like a slightly different plate I was going to say could this be Mexico so we’re seeing if if so there’s two different kind of plates we’re seeing different States plates in Mexico the Mexico is similar to the United States and Canada in that different states or provinces have different license plates and that could be like a freight saying could be Guatemala too given that word is not used in South America okay not used as much uh Rancho okay noted uh but yeah Freight saying that’s what you’re leaning to Mexico so glad that’s not a wild shot in the dark then okay hasienda or FAA are used from Honduras South I’ve was going to guess Henda would be what’s used um but wasn’t 100% confident and didn’t want to say something stupid so um you take my word for it that I assumed that oh look at that so FAA for rent um uh well that’s interesting as we’re talking about that um Chris for like saying pobl proximo is nearby town in Spanish frite s Rancho is used from there to the north and yeah frite s that’s complicated things ill TI saying Mexico is not in the North American numbering plan okay here we go this could be helpful [Music] confor is it a wildlife protection yeah uh okay okay here we go we have approximately so we have we have a currency looks like MTS it’s 500 of them is is anyone else not MTS if I’m reading that right I okay that’s meters cool okay approximately 500 meters cool thanks America moment ah [Music] cool oh that’s a fun brain fart little motorcycle let’s read this stuff out here Sita nothing jumping out to elados no no no no free saying let’s look for beer brands I was looking for the the oh Corona no is it Corona is what’s the what’s the one we always see in Mexico what’s the beer Meadow for Mexico o school bus with nothing written on it an emergency door in English I’m that feels like a safety hazard putting emergency door in the language that I’m assuming is not spoken here kind of feels like a safety hazard oh here we go uh official School rural something Christ King okay well let’s keep going oh Modell and Corona I was couldn’t remember Modell cat’s saying sure we can find the definite sign 100% we should I’m just surprised we haven’t yet just lolly gag in around what’s right here uhas something Cafe and Market H menuet join the chat menuette good to see you welcome in we are somewhere in uh here probably that’s about what we’ve deduced uh empty Shack I’m trying to think what have we seen that could be a decent clue that we just kind of let slip by oh here we go um nope still nothing yeah nothing jumping out about it this pattern seems to be on every pole the white top and red bottom it’s on the poles it’s on the bus stops I think I saw it on a wall is that another sign right there is it going to say the same thing as the last one no no it’s not going to I don’t think but let okay okay wait there might be things to read nope so let’s read these things inab okay no I’m still not seeing anything too helpful Freight saying landscape is Central America for sure cat says Guatemala it says it on the sign where do you see Guatemala that’s crazy under enab cats that’s insane that’s actually insane okay I get I see it now that’s a great catch that is genuinely such a good catch because for like saying Serita is a Mexican tequila I don’t remember seeing Ser I we probably saw it but I don’t remember seeing it yeah yeah every everyone I’m I’m glad it’s not just me missing like Guatemala that’s small yeah that that was crazy catch cats all right anyone objects to Guatemala that’s crazy no passing it’s up here come on let’s go a little faster I want to read this um yeah nothing nothing jumping out but we already we already know it’s Guatemala um we’re just kind of looking for funsies all right let’s do it awesome near Biz actually I did some reading about this border recently um and how it’s kind of and how it is disputed between the two of them and something about because Biz plays host to a lot of Western militaries there was something that happened here in this town one time it was like a soccer game on one side of the or was it that town or yeah yeah it would have to be there was a soccer like someone was killed on one side of the pitch as they were trying to escape into b and a whole thing um cool we got it free saying hey cats I got this rash I need you to look at are we on a train where are we on a train why do they have trains why are we on a train cat saying you go to Guatemala this far so excited Guatemala does look really cool that that’s somewhere I want to check out cats is saying Canada I fully see what you’re saying with that free saying better than the I gu boat yeah that that’s a that’s a good point Christopher like train stations will help train stations will help a lot um cat’s saying or northern Europe fite saying Swiss Train oh oh this could be this um it looks like the kind of symbols the different Swiss cantons have and cats is agreeing this is a Swiss Train I think could be Switzerland this doesn’t look like Canada over here yeah does anyone disagree with Switzerland happy to keep riding the train for a bit just kind of chugging on down the tracks oh we got a tunnel how long’s the tunnel ah it’s a very brief tunnel this is cool as annoying as it is to get this in geoguesser it’s a pretty cool idea to take the 360 Cam and sit on the train okay cats is saying I agree that doesn’t look like Canada all right okay fite saying Ride at some to confirm let’s ride it a bit we might actually come into a station if we’re going past this town up here just going on through Christopher like saying you want on that train yeah this is I mean this is stunning anything we can see here Davos cool so yeah definitely Switzerland oh oh oh we’re coming into the town we’re coming into the town this is going to be cool let’s see where the train goes Freight saying this could be Bernie’s Oberland okay menuette saying Swiss yeah chrisopher like saying Davos Switzerland as the Davos graffiti would have you believe oh this is cool this is really cool little mountain murals oh yeah this is this is sick crossing the road soon we’re coming into the station Oster valder and let’s see where are we exactly let’s look for something come on give us the town it’s not not showing it um but I think we’re good I think I think we know where we are and I’ve fallen behind in the chat because I’m trying to figure out where we are but I’m pretty sure we’re on the same page with Switzerland so let’s go ahead and do that all right yep Davos literally right into it yeah free saying telling you man we’re way back m garbon in cats is saying yeah maybe you should try that in Switzerland cats that’d be that’d be impressive if you pull that off just sit on the train it’s kind of ride on through we got a South Africa web address right here um checks out excuse me oh up blue sign I didn’t see that sorry for as I said I fell behind in the chat um yeah cat send South Africa send definitely agree with that anyone object y Christopher like saying South Africa uh also on the topic of Africa uh just remembered shout out cats I had an issue trying to contact attacked a hotel in Rwanda during the week and I put in the Discord like anyone have uh or I was asking about the cell plans to call internationally and cats recommended WhatsApp and I realized okay everyone’s going with South Africa so let’s do it awesome o w pretty far out there right on the border with batswana um was oh yeah C cats was saying uh contact them over WhatsApp and I had contacted them over WhatsApp so I opened WhatsApp again just to check and I forgot I have my WhatsApp notifications off and they had actually contacted me so that was a funny moment um but yeah shout out cats thank you cats did anyone okay what was this language over here I wasn’t paying attention because I was talking let’s let’s look do Doo with the little dots on the o what’s this plate I don’t recognize that plate I’m ignoring the plate on the bus I mean the plate over here H okay Christopher lexon if you have Google fi you could call International too that that’s what I was trying to remember what that was frite saying Norway or Sweden this could uh what’s this bus stop it says SL sosen I don’t know okay so we have two people saying Norway or Sweden frite and menuette are both saying that menuette saying the seems like Norway or Sweden Ethan bruh saying s is Swedish okay so it’s Swedish I’m assuming l means something to do with bus or transport cat is saying you got contact by contacted wait wait wait yeah yeah Sweden that matches Swedish web address should be good cat is saying you got contacted by hotel in Africa through WhatsApp you know they might be using it there Manda gotcha makes sense yep Sweden anyone object um yeah no I messaged them back and forth for a bit and then they’ve um they’ve stopped responding so I meant to follow up with them today and then forgot but I’ll do that after this um okay yep seem to all be on the same page Sweden let’s do it yep just outside of Stockholm like Ethan bruha said that’s cool that’s out there that’s going to be a crazy drive all right let’s go awesome love this we have frite and Christopher L saying Google f is great I do need to look into it I I just genuinely forgot what it was called that’s why I went to the Discord and was like what were the what were the phone plans we were talking about that one time so I’ve completely forgotten and I need to call another country frite say Africa I would agree with that unless it’s yep cat’s saying it might be Australia too except it’s right-hand drive so it’s not Australia um okay so let’s think right hand drive Africa none of this part none of that we’re here right so this is kind of the the Sahara kind of um there’s no follow car so we’re probably not in Nigeria and going with where has coverage I would now go with and as fite is saying Ghana or Sagal um I don’t think we should count Nigeria out because there’s no follow car but that’s an important thing to note yeah cats s senagal so essentially cats is now saying senagal without the question mark and Ill tired is now saying what I was about to say uh we’ll have to see what language signs are in but we can if it’s in French we can just be done if we see a French sign it’s senagal wait a minute oh okay it’s it’s not bolted in up here I thought the sign was somehow up but that wouldn’t make sense because gravity on it would have gotten blown over but I thought the sign was upside down and the cow was somehow the right way up I keep going chrisopher like saying Sagal or Morocco would be your guess I don’t think Morocco’s in this I don’t think Morocco has coverage is that a sagales flag over there um Meridian is that what that says that looks like the senales flag I mean right darus Salam that’s I I know that name but I don’t why do I know that name what am I what am I there daru moti cats is saying yes the senales flag I mean if it’s if the senales flag is on a post in the ground I think that’s pretty solid um sounds like DARS Salam yeah the people on the road were black not Berber or Arab Christopher like saying Sagal yeah I think I think Sagal is uh is our move unless anyone friendly objects I know Freight seems to be on the fence oh it’s a truck I thought this was a road sign that just kept getting it never got close closer it’s a truck it’s a blue truck I thought it was a highway sign H Freight wants to see one road sign in French all right let’s Zoom how do I I got to get the order right there we go Zoom keep on moving oops yeah that was a complete accident um cool well good mistake this is interesting architecture let’s go read this is that Icelandic are we in Iceland is it that easy yep can’t read a word of that ill TI saying what just happened you heard mistake um I forgot that if you do the zoom thing while you have something pre-selected there’s some bug that just sends whatever you’ve pre-selected that’s what happened but we had the right country pre-selected um so yeah cat saying Icelandic W dig saying that’s Icelandic ill tired saying that looks Icelandic important to note that the Pharaoh Islands also uses the o with the the weird weird from my perspective as a native English speaker um ruvik’s largest shopping center we’re in Iceland uh ‘ll Ty that’s what happens when you’re ironing dress clothes and half paying attention that’s yeah that’s fair um but yeah cats exactly that doesn’t I was going to say this is very much not the Pharaoh Islands uh so I think we’re good with Iceland does anyone object it was it tired a few weeks ago I was actually doing ironing while watching something and I had my head turned to look at the TV and went to reach for the iron and fully grabbed not like fully grabbed but like put my hand on the hot part and it took a second to be like oh and yeah that was a ton of fun let’s do Iceland everyone saying send ruic who would have thought seeing ruic on the side of that van that would being ruic this is I’m getting New Zealand Vibes right off the bat or Australia and the yeah driver side checks out what’s this right here oh is it going to have a city on it H oh this shouldn’t be hard no tired saying ow yep ow also Hotel iron suck you should go to Iceland twice summer and winter like winter and Iceland I see what you’re getting at but uh okay name of a I’m getting behind in the chat again left lane ends merge right yeah Hotel iron suck I I I don’t think I’ve ever ever used a hotel iron I think I forgot hotels had irons give us something free light sent as similar light as EUR are you saying where we are right now or Iceland El TI saying think is the name of a realy who gotten the Uruguay V Panama game Uruguay I as much as I don’t want them to win because they’re are main competition for the group and that’s probably who will end up dropping points too the they’re a favorite for at least the semis so got to take Uruguay 03 country code is that even I don’t know the numbering system I’m not going to Christopher lik saying New Zealand cat saying this is bellarus ah yes lucenko Avenue right here Freight and serious question for the chat you have four days off coming up are three enough to check out and get a sense to visit ruic that’s hilarious if you do it I fully support that Christopher likes seems to fully support it o we’re on a highway hide Museum of Modern Art well let’s just find a highway sign telling us where we are this looks like a welcome to XYZ Province board Melbourne Australia anyone object anyone object to Australia and Ill tired saying free yes if you do not change times you can get the car and go out not as great if you had more but still nice you can go as far as the glaciers that’s that’s awesome that’s and Iceland’s also I don’t know how to drive manual I know a lot of people around my age don’t know how to drive manual um but I’m pretty sure Iceland is mostly manual cars so that’s I don’t know if someone can correct me on that but that that’s an important thing too if you’re looking at renting uh cats is saying send off and I know I I we know so boom Melbourne 36 this one’s giving me like three different vibes okay free I say you drive sick no problem awesome good to hear n TI say regarding time zone nearly 24-hour day most everything’s outside so don’t bother you can get automatic cars okay cool remember that being a thing like four years ago well five years cuz four years ago would have been but like 5 years ago my friend and I were looking at going to Iceland and it was kind of like well who who’s going to learn to drive stick um come on come on keep going keep going anyone have any thoughts as to where we are ill TI saying think in Europe with ballards we need slams right now SLS has always got us with the Ballard metas little car keep on moving is he sheep sheep make me think is New Zealand a dumb guess I think sheep just Che cheap I I like it’s such an iconically like Commonwealth thing I I know sheep are everywhere but that’s just I come on come on let’s go menu at say driving stick is not that difficult actually if can be more fun I know people tend to have more fun driving stick that that’s generally what I’ve heard as well got balua tapen flat Corkscrew Road toeka mouth Lawrence I feel like those names fit New Zealand um ill tired saying otherwise General guess would be Canada CU you can see the occasional shoulder white lines okay Christopher like saying France I think we can rule out France with the signs we just saw uh it looks like right-and drive from this imagery we do need to figure out what what side of the road is being driven on um CU that will that will very much help us kind of deduce where this could be okay fite saying the sign is not correct for New Zealand cat saying New Zealand’s a good guess it’s like the scenery around rura I don’t know where that is but I’m taking your word for it and Freight saying Ireland has lots of sheep Ireland does in fact have lots of sheep I don’t think the signs match for Ireland um like like the the names they didn’t feel Irish but that’s that’s just what I got from the signs so okay with them not being correct for New Zealand could Australia be an option I feel like it’s I don’t know where in Australia this would be but we saw English it’s hilly we have yet to figure out which side of the road we’re driving on H we should probably go back and look at that house nothing helpful nothing helpful y yep everyone’s we’re all on the same page we need to establish which side of the road we’re driving on we got a tractor which isn’t helpful like all we need is a single road sign that will that get whatever side of the road it’s on that will help us immensely cat is saying leaning more towards New Zealand the Landscapes feel more familiar I’m also oh oh oh oh left hand drive left hand drive right yes wait yes yes left hand drive Commonwealth koni K koni Road I’m I’m really feeling New Zealand frite what was it about the signs that were not new Ze kiwi to you okay free in New Zealand then anyone anyone thinking otherwise not necessarily anyone object but do anyone have any other thoughts free saying the place was off what do you mean okay freie say said New Zealand just based off the road name yeah it felt like a very mauy name okay I will I will now say does anyone object to New Zealand I’m not going to pre- click it just cuz accidentally correctly guessed Sagal earlier but uh anyone object to New Zealand and Christopher Leon of course they put us in the most remote place in New Zealand it looks cool though this is like this should be like a like an ad for visit New Zealand it’s pretty nice um okay cat sins might be close to hobbiton not sure if that’s a Lord of the Rings joke or if there’s actually a hobbit I I I’m I’m banking on that being a Lord of the Rings joke uh freie like saying it’s beautiful all right I think we’re on the same page there we go yep cool 37 decent progress okay Middle East okay fite saying it does exist okay gotcha it’s both it’s it yes from Lord of the Rings but also real cool all right so let’s play where in the Middle East are we I thought I thought I was hoping it have the location right there just be a quick quick one no no there’s no words on there I can read okay freeit saying Jordan I like Jordan Christopher L saying if you get a chance to watch it USA Network has a series running called race to survive New Zealand sounds interesting what’s what is that what are they surviving in New Zealand just like the elements uh this car looks like it has information on it come on H yeah right s it’s always Jordan or Tunisia Tunisia does have a follow car but I know we I think the last couple times we’ve gotten tesia it hasn’t been there and yeah cats is saying what I was just thinking leaning Jordan because of the English sign Tunisia would have been French as a second language come on let’s keep going I feel like the scenery matches Jordan too like Jordan’s is a bit more hilly than tanisia or at least Tunis Freight asking anyone else having the stream cutting out yikes anyone else having that issue menuette saying looks like it could be Jordan I definitely think it’s Jordan while we’re at the end of coverage there oh okay Ethan brewhas saying it’s skipping a little mostly good now okay um I’ve got the ethernet plugged in hopefully that does not remain a problem El tired saying you thought the UAE but the hills threw you off few dips but nothing bad thought Hotel Wi-Fi issues okay well you all let me know if it gets bad it’s honestly Teddy pulled the plug the no Teddy’s Teddy’s too zoned out to to do that right now and actually I don’t want to say his name out loud and make him want to come over on stream and I think okay so we’re at to dead end this way we can’t go that way I’m going to take us back to the start and we went that way right so let’s go this way um but yeah I was also considering the UAE for B at the start but yeah the hills are kind of the hills can make that not the best option I I definitely think it’s Jordan cuz racking my brain if you just threw me it it this feels like a very geoguesser moment like kind of you’re not how do I explain this this is this is the part of it where it is the game more than actual knowledge of you know if you threw me right here I wouldn’t know where we are um but knowing where in the Middle East has coverage it’s not tenisia it’s not the UAE is there anywhere else sleeping with decent coverage TI saying other dangerous idea Pakistan not set on that but it’s another mountainous Arabic country so Pakistan doesn’t have official coverage I don’t think I think we’ve gotten it before though on our our 500 plus streak I think we got it once or twice H yeah um I I can’t think of much that will help here oh here we go roundabout this should actually be pretty helpful if it weren’t very blurry um buono Street freie saying if it was Pakistan we would have seen a son of security guys with AKs patrolling cat saying yes we did get Pakistan I feel like Pakistan was also when we did get it it was also it had like 30 Pakistani flags all over the place unfortunately I don’t know any of these names it seems like we can only go this way got a steep raade don’t know the plates Pharmacy El TI’s asking can we go to the signs again of course so we have I Al yeah I’m not going to I’m not going to butcher the uh the names Freight say we got Karachi and lore was asking how can I join I don’t think there’s a way it’s just kind of playing along in the Stream uh menuette saying would Pakistan have English signs I think potentially I mean there’s the uh British influence influence probably bad word to descri former British colony and I think we’re out of coverage okay El TI saying just all royalty names not sure if you called any from Middle East history class cat saying yes uh Pakistan has English signs too and also a thought Pakistan is a republic right so it’s not going to have names of princes Jordan is a kingdom and would have names of royalty on the signs uh chroma saying can’t you create a party I don’t know how to but I will look into it I’ll try to figure out how to do that um yeah cats is saying you’re correct it’s Republic menuette saying good thought ill tired saying making that connction now fre saying yeah Islamic Republic but no no King no princes I think I think we’re good with Jordan I think at this point we have enough evidence to say maybe not necessarily that this is Jordan but that it’s not anywhere else that’s kind of what we’ve got anyone object to Jordan I’m not going to pre- click it um and I think we’re also out of places we can go oh no we can go this way cool did we no we didn’t come from this way Freight saying send Jordan cat’s saying this might be Aman chaotic coverage on that side too let’s read that let’s read that can’t read that all right wait wait wait yeah okay Jordanian flags for a second they look they looked Qatari from afar and I was really confused but cool let’s do it awesome yep I’m on just like cat said all right um [Music] CU for like saying Jordan yeah [Music] umia I think Australia has the yellow Center Line that’s a complete guess this looks like a tail light which is driving in the left hand side which tracks free in us really I kind of uh yeah maybe the car is definitely driving on the left hand side I think definitely driving on the left hand side I think is a very contradictory statement um no no okay right hand drive I’m wrong so okay where are people standing in the chat CH for likes at USA or Canada freeit at USA menuette saying right-and Drive which is in fact correct cats saying Australia for me as well okay let’s try to C we’re not going to catch up to the car cuz it’s going it’s the opposite direction as us no passing that’s not a US road sign I don’t think um cats is saying USA then freeit saying Southwest us menuette saying you were looking at passing lines very good catch menuette that is a very good catch should have noticed that El Ty saying Canada sign you think cats can you confirm Christopher like saying Canadian sign yeah this could be Canada if we have that’s for sure not a US sign and we’re in right hand drive so I think I think we’re good yep menuette saying you’ve never seen that sign in the US cat saying not familiar somewhere on the east side then huh okay we’ve got kilometers so we’re not in the US okay or British Columbia this could be could be British Columbia freie say could be a tribal sign oh wait wait wait wait wa wait what’s this what’s this awesome it’s Portuguese we’re in Brazil I saw the Red Dirt at first and thought could be Brazil I don’t think the mountains line up though I’m not going to say anything cat’s saying Canada then then not Canada all right well that’s an interesting one H yeah chrisopher likes that in Brazil well menuette the look of the face Freight saying you thinking Arizona this whole time I mean if you take out the Colonia domain there we go that that’s Arizona that’s what where in Brazil is this it’s in Bia I’m I’m still just so stunned yo we almost just said this was Canada we almost put that as Canada maybe we deserved to have the 500 streak end if we’re doing that um yeah cat’s saying the sign that’s why the signs didn’t feel familiar honestly if we hadn’t come across that sign would I would have probably gone Canada but if we hadn’t come across that sign and cats hadn’t said anything would have definitely gone Canada and if we’d lost the 500 streak on that uh it would have been hilarious actually El tired saying wow and also be fair the weather changed in the forecast totally looked more dry than the initial ones that’s a good point the we the weather definitely changed Freight saying Dunning Krueger effect almost got us I not familiar with that what kind of it’s aasia and yeah ill tired EU plates yeah whenu quoting Frieza in the tan Canadian province that’s wow glad we saw the sign all right well let’s look let’s read this sign oh no not a sign we got a cross okay Frieza it’s when you think you know more than you do so it giv you false confidence in your own hoopus got it yeah Christopher likes saying the mountains look like British Columbia too that’s like western Canada was such an easy like oh could totally be this and I was honestly thinking Southern Alberta but if Catz doesn’t think it’s Alberta then was kind of second guessing that in my head what a wild one with love to see something here oh here we go here we go here we go there’s something Eastern Europe cat’s saying no the mountains here are similar to Switzerland okay gotcha free I saying kind of stunned not going to lie yeah I that round definitely in my head goes down in like a top 10 or 15 rounds for me of just like what H Balkans is a good one cats yeah menu what saying most us roads have shoulders hm hadn’t really clocked that I think I drive in Rural America enough it’s not frequent we go we got a church uh yeah free saying Croatian looking that’s words um that’s a car what’s this sign say yeah that looks that looks cro does is that does that look Croatian El tired saying except in Arizona to the um us roads having shoulders Chris Lexing the Canadian Rockies are the most beautiful in the world next to Switzerland and oh wow cats went hiking in the Canadian Rockies yesterday that’s awesome how was that skola we’ve seen that before I don’t remember where but we’ve seen it cat is saying looks Croatian but could be Slovenian too I’d kind of lean to more towards Slovenian personally but not confident H okay we saw that in Serbia frite saying I don’t think this is Serbia we haven’t seen any Relic Hil tire went hiking the Colorado Rockies the other day that’s awesome he I guess went in Denver on a work trip you go hiking in the Rockies that’s sick this says bus that’s a picture of a bus so that confirms what’s written here which doesn’t help us at all and okay free s we we saw skola in Belgrade as well well belgrad’s in Serbia I don’t know why I get jumble Balkan cities around in my head before I like actually complete the thought Cass saying it was nice the trail you went to is busy but the views are still amazing that’s cool that’s still fun um what’s this going to say yep I don’t recognize any words there uh yeah and Cat’s saying if it’s Serbia it would have been dual script and Ill tired say factoid on us shoulders the further south rural red you go the smaller the shoulder is the more blue Coastal or liberal the state The Wider the shoulder typically because of Road funding interesting that is a very cool fact thank you for that El tired H we’ve seen this this is in so many places it’s in so many places where is this I don’t know where this is ah I’m feeling Slovenia but yeah yeah free that sign did say bosniac but did I go past it did come on am I going insane yeah I I chose to ignore that because Bosnia does not have coverage um okay Ethan brew has saying probably Bosnian beer cool I’ll just zoom into the Balkans for now um yeah Christopher lik saying Croatia cats is saying leaning Croatia Slovenia has more Mountains in the background okay that’s a good point Ethan bruha saying Croatia Vibes I mean if people are fully down for Croatia I’m I’m down to do it I don’t want to be the bottleneck here a menuette saying have you never been in Oklahoma they use shoulders as a driving Lan I love when people do that that’s that’s so safe uh um CH for like saying Croatia on the Serbian border fite saying could it be Montenegro I don’t think it’s Montenegro because montenegro’s du script I yeah yes right um El TI saying no have not do think we should wait though okay um freza saying could have been Montenegro or Albania I don’t think it’s Albania no Albania Rift um and Cat’s saying the language is not Albanian and Cat’s also saying let’s wait for more clues so cool I was talking to so my my barber is Albanian and lupina that that doesn’t change anything for us um chrisopher like saying we’re literally on the border so let’s lupina I do not see it where that’s it um I’m not seeing lupina um what was it say right my my barber’s Albanian he’s been in the US for like 3 years and we were talking earlier maybe border with Bosnia I’ll finish I’ll finish that story after we finish this um bad bad time to tell that story there we go lepina on the border with yeah Bosnia good catch cats Croatia any objections and and also good catch Christopher like if that’s what you were referring to with we’re literally on the border and me just interpreting that as the Serbian border so apologies yeah cat saying there no seems to object so let’s do it awesome yeah yeah wow wow okay cool Kimo song Jr all right left hand drive Africa let’s get moving [Music] oh yeah um Albanian Barber was saying to me earlier today um I’m talking about like Albania Kosovo and uh he was like I understand like and as I like still fairly new to the US he goes I I understand Mexicans trying to speak English better than I understand Co Owens speaking Albanian and I thought that was funny um cat sing East Africa freeit saying Rwanda Christopher like saying Kenya Vibes off the bat okay we got some some submissions El tired saying LOL um I kind of agree with the Kenya vibes from Christopher like Capa Academy um Christopher likees saying leftand drive it’s a yellow plate I think Kenya might have yellow plates but I don’t quite remember it’s too flat to be Rwanda I think and I’m pretty uh no I’m not sure never mind forget I was going to say anything um so let’s think left hand drive likely East Africa I think we’re all getting that Vibe and yeah Christopher like saying Kenya’s left um so just kind of thinking through that Kenya’s left uganda’s left where else could this be so places that have coverage leftand Drive East Africa like the ven diagram there CU I think even Uganda doesn’t have much coverage um KO region I don’t know where that is yeah African or Africa something church I I swear that’s a Kenyon plate I’m pretty sure we’ve seen those before uh what’s going on over here Ministry of Education Primary School chrisopher like saying k k Kio is Kenya cat’s asking to go back to that sign which sign um this where’d it go over here let’s that’s from the side here we go is this the sign you were asking to go back to I’ll leave it here for a second the first one I don’t remember what the first one was to be completely honest where was it um not not that where was the first sign how far back was it so I don’t remember reading it if it just says like words on it that don’t mean anything it just immediately exits my brain how much further back do we need to go Christopher Le saying you’re the Kyo River in Kenya I mean I’m pretty good with that is this the sign okay cats we can go forward just might have seen Kenya written there I kind of want to go with Kenya Christopher like saying I mean we saw Kao written and if Christopher like has literally found the Kyo River in Kenya so maybe that that’s not going to be it but I don’t know where the rivers are I thought it would be a little easier to find one but we can keep going so let’s let’s Zoom a bit zooming on through and let’s stop here cool time that perfectly and we’ll keep going got people and cars and hopefully when we come over this hill there will be something helpful like this sign Ministry of Education something Secondary School busar Secondary School cool got this little shop simoto shopping center 4G fast just got faster Airtel freeze s reminds me of my hikes through the Canadian Brazilian dry mountains yeah this this is going to turn out to be like minus zah I don’t know how to say that state properly but I assume you all know what I meant okay Christopher like saying Northern Kenya for CAO so let’s take a glance um is that the river zooming enhance it’s not showing the river name love that uh no okay let’s keep going come on click click I’m clicking let’s go let’s move forward all right we’re getting there it’s going to say secondary school Republic of Kenya I think we’re good unless that’s like uh just complete red herring and they’re like you know what let’s let’s call this school Republic of Kenya uh anyone object to Kenya cats is saying saying Kenya I know Christopher like is already saying Kenya the sign says Kenya let’s do it awesome all right singor it’s almost like uh Singapore uh yeah fre saying let’s send Kenya Christopher like bows Christopher like I think called Kenya right off the bat that’s the same plate we just saw in Kenya um but palm tree I mean yeah this could be Kenya again Kingdom properties ask for a plumber darani let’s zoom in a little um not seeing that immediately decent Cuts Barbers wait okay cat saying Kenya on the sign where does it say Kenya um where where how do you always ah there we go haha Kenya again cool any objections we’re good let’s do it awesome all right fantastic eye everyone that was that was great and that’s a kir plate I’m going to guess we’re in Kyan that’s another K plate which again makes me think that we are in Kyan and these are K looking mountains cats is saying Kyan send anyone object to sending KGAN such a beautiful country Freight say someday you want to go to the lake they have there is it um is it the this one I was looking at was looking at I think either this lake or this Lake um so I’ve talked about this with Central Asia being like in the back of my mind coming kind of moving its way to the front of my mind and I was looking at this um Trek around again this lake or that Lake you kind of like Trek around the lake on a horse and then you stay in a yurt um looks really cool and then my friend sent me some cities some Silk Road cities in usbekistan so I think that’s kind of coming together I am going to be pretty cool are we good on Kyan though ooh another car is that going to have a Kirk plate it has a Kirk plate all right let’s do it cool oh yeah look at that all right H northern Europe or Europe nothing jumping out got a sign pH felic doll 22 cat say looking forward to your guys trip in Central Asia we’ll see about it’s a it’s a very like we got to do Rwanda first Rwanda and then we and then figure out Central Asia uh this is Italian right yeah and cats I’m sure you’re looking forward to your central Asia trip I know you’re doing you’re doing like a guided thing right Freight saying you want to see Maron MV Etc I need to educate myself more in what the good sites to see are um I think that saysit right there at the end so yeah Chris we like saying Italy cat saying agree have to focus on your other trip first that your Guatemala trip iselia I think I think we’re good for Italy there’s five minutes left and I I think we take the easy one and try to get an extra rounded before the end um Frieza making a good point why is the sign in two languages I did not stop to consider that let’s go back and look whenever I see Italian I’m just like oh and don’t question anything else and that has obviously um led to problems for us in the past I think this could just be English spelling because it’s I mean if it’s Italian this is yeah and cat saying doesn’t seem like places in San Marino yeah I’m freeze then we got spanked by San Marino menuette let’s not forget about Montenegro uh just bringing back bringing back the bad memories Montenegro last week and yeah menu saying San Marino freie saying it’s a local language okay I we’re still good with Italy then right any objections to Italy okay near Slovenian border by TR that makes sense okay let’s do it we can fit one more oh we are not by trest we are in the center North okay no time no no time to think about that though where are we now plot um yeah chrisopher like s on the road between Milan and Verona menuette saying no objection free sop never mind okay EU plate uh Navara maybe a reference to the old uh Kingdom of Navar in Iberia which became what we now know as The Basque Country not that it ever wasn’t the bass country but it was at one point called the kingdom of naar do I know why no uh freeze s white local language Lombardi then that would make sense Otis I can’t read that I don’t know what that says either but I do see a Czech web address at the end here CZ and pra doprava Freight saying cheia Ethan bruha is saying it cats is saying it anyone object we can do it and still fit another one in we have time no objections going once going twice send got it all right New Zealand seen kites heli bike or hike what’s a heli bike what is a heli bike leftand Drive um stock truck affluent Freight saying it’s a one seat flyer thing okay I think I think I have a fig I I think I’ve maybe seen that kind of stuff before yeah Ethan bruha I want to try a heli bike whatever that is same ill tired saying Australia maybe Christopher like say helicopter bike El tyon hel sounds very British English one of those bike things that fly it has a parachute on it okay very interesting um yeah motor home also sounded very British English as well New Zealand roads are different it says New Zealand right here I think we’re good with that one thing I do really want is like you know those those hoverboards that you get the little remote for they have those but for surfboards now I’ve seen people with them they were like $5,000 so it’s just completely ridiculous to actually buy but if I had unlimited funds I would I would just spend my weekends on one of those that’d be awesome um but yeah all seem to be in agreement that this is New Zealand given the the sign that said NZ yep New Zealand we’re now at 46 countries and as frite has said it’s time to save it it is 10 p.m. right on the dot we did well we were able to cram like three into the last 10 minutes and yeah cat saying we continued our streak today we didn’t go through like three new streaks um and that’s a win you know I when I was making the thumbnail for today’s stream I was like how many streaks did we get through last week because it says the third streak and I was just like I just go with a number um yeah um yeah FR say we didn’t get spanked by the Canadian Brazilian tan Hills thankfully and yep menuette we made it out of the 30s and hopefully next oh wait wait wait there is no stream next week I mentioned this last week and the week before that and I should have mentioned it throughout the stream just to catch everyone as you all come and go but uh there is no stream next week I will be on a plane and the week after that it will be moved to Monday because again I will be on a plane but I will be on a plane back here so I can then do the stream on the Monday I will be in New York all of well that’s the coming Sunday that’s getting cancelled up to the next Sunday so there will be um no no stream then I see Kat is saying enjoy your trip to Rwanda Rwanda is in two months yes Ronda is in two months so that that will be a different thing than that I’ll again that’ll be me sitting here saying hey you know no stream uh free that so know what are we supposed to do with our pyromaniac selves light fires that’s what you need to be doing instead um but yeah that is uh that is it for the stream great effort everyone thank you all for your help and uh I will see you all in two weeks and a day two weeks and a day I will see you all then so thank you and good night

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