Découvrez les aventures de Fred, initiateur du G1 Cyclotour, ce tour de France de la Monnaie Libre (quasi 100% sans monnaie dette) à vélo qu’il réalise avec David et tous ceux qui veulent bien les suivre sur une partie de leur parcours.

    A l’heure où tout semble s’assombrir autour de nous, je vous propose d’ouvrir une fenêtre sur le nouveau monde qui émerge en partant à la rencontre de ces pionniers qui ouvrent la voie, vers une autre économie, une autre façon de se relier entre humains à travers les échanges et le don.

    Et vous, seriez vous prêts à tout quitter comme Fred et David pour expérimenter ce nouveau monde?

    – Sophie –
    Activatrice de communautés pour la planète
    ✨🌱 ✨

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    🎵 Musique de Bad Fun

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    I came across Stéphane Laborde’s video which explains the relative theory of money and then I said to myself but it exists it’s incredible a world like that if we could create it together it would be great hi everyone here Sophie activator of communities for the Planet and with Ma Puce à l’Oreille I share with you my visions my thoughts my experiences and I set out to meet those who make their dream a reality and today I am with Fred who has a great project in G1 currency G1 currency it is an alternative currency on which I have already made a video I will refer you to it I will give you the link it is it is a currency which is co-created by all the members of the community in equal parts so it is a currency which is fair and which is also free, say free because it respects certain principles of freedom and so today we are going to talk about it with Fred who is very involved in the development of this currency and who has a great project that I want to talk about with him but first I’m going to let Fred introduce himself yeah hello everyone my name is Frédéric I was born in the Gulf of Saint Tropez in the south of France and I came to G1 free currency following a burnout in fact that I had 2 and a half years ago because I worked a lot for people with disabilities because I like a lot of disabled people and as a result I worked too much finally I worked too much yes I gave them too much so it made me sick finally my body didn’t like it I worked 20 hours a day and my body couldn’t stand it anymore so I had a burnout and the same evening incredible synchronicity I came across the video of Stéphane Laborde who explains the relative theory of money and then I said to myself but it exists it’s an incredible world like that if we could create it together that would be awesome so I opened an account I sold a lot of stuff that I had following my burnout I separated from my partner so I had a lot of stuff for sale and then I made thousands thousands of G1s and then I asked myself the question what I was going to do with them and then I was told if you go to a G1 market you will see you will find people who are active in G1 free currency and who trade in G1 currency so I went to a G1 market then there I bought myself two bikes a computer some food and then I met great people who were in the same energy that me in fact and then well well I started to exchange with them they wanted to uh push me a little further into free currency they certified me I didn’t know what it was so then I became a member Co-creator of G1 currency and a member of the Web Of Trust and from there I said to myself what could I do to make myself useful for these people so I decided to put my skills and my experience in the service of the G1 Free Currency but no more in the service of the debt currency which for me the debt currency it makes me vomit since I no longer want uh finally I no longer want to sustain this system which works on on the enslavement of peoples corruption and manipulation so that’s it so I decided to get 100% involved in G1 free currency so I closed my bank account and I decided to put my experience and my skills to work for G1 currency (june) and the G1 Community (junists) so as I had all trade contractor skills and training and as I worked before for people with disabilities well I decided to offer my contractor services 100% in G1 Free Currency for the G1 community for those who need some work done on their home throughout France so now I only live with G1 currency except of course for my cell phone plan because that unfortunately is the only thing I can’t negotiate not yet with phone companies that’s it and for the rest well everything is a question of negotiation we can have everything in fact just need to open people’s hearts and open up to them and there is no worry we can negotiate everything in G1 free currency except well things that still involve systemic corruption like cell phones and all these networks but for the rest no worries – how long have you been living on the basis of G1 currency? So you really succeed to get by without consuming anything in debt currency? You really don’t use euro anymore? I only use the euro for my mobile phone and there I always find arrangements by as I no longer have a bank account I have no more euros so I always find an arrangement with the person for whom I am doing the work by telling them well this month well I am staying with you and my phone plan is going to run out so could you make a transfer to the phone company so my account does not get closed that’s it and this way my phone continues to work there and then no otherwise I don’t need euros because I can negotiate everything – And so have you already done work for people ah yes a lot yes a lot – what did you do? where did you do what type of work well I renovated houses I took care of putting up ranches wooden cabins – where? In Tarn region, in Toulouse, near Nantes, Draguignan, the golf Saint-Tropez ah yes Forqualquier, Carcassonne, in Aude region, near Bézier, here near Montpellier, Aix-en-Provence yeah many places everywhere there are G1 members in fact – okay and when you arrive in a place to do the work in G1 in fact you are paid in G1 and you are housed and fed in addition to the payment for your work in G1? how does it work? Well I ask to be paid in G1 and housed and fed that’s uh well I’m not asking for many G1s I’m asking for 250 G1 per day which is not much but what matters to me is to create wealth through connection and relationship I am using G1 to create wealth through relationship for me G1 is a way to exchange and reconnect to our human nature, to find this link between us that’s what I use G1 for – and do you find that G1 allows it? well yes of course absolutely and in fact the fact that it’s cryptocurrencies well that doesn’t bother me because even if I’m not for all that at the end of the day if everything collapsed it’s no big deal because I already have created these links and relationships thanks to G1 so even if there’s no more internet it doesn’t matter to me the links are already created for me everything could collapse tomorrow I don’t care in fact it’s not a problem for me – ok so it’s been a while now that you started a project which, and you are not alone on this project, is the cycling tour, the G1 cyclotour what do you call it the June cyclotour? the G1 Cyclotour – ok the G1 Cyclotour in fact you were talking about dreams earlier I dreamed it in fact here I finally have a bit of Forest Gump inspiration – ah yeah? – I dreamed that project … well as I do everything by bike I dreamed that I was riding my bike with my trailer and there were people following me That’s it and then I don’t know maybe 3 or 4 days after this dream I find myself in an incredible place I didn’t know it existed there are a lot of cyclists who don’t know about this place and yet it’s dedicated to cyclists it’s a sanctuary for cyclists yeah I found myself there and I asked the girl who was next to me to pinch me because I couldn’t believe it existed it’s called Notre Dame des Cyclistes it’s is a sanctuary where the greatest cyclists of all time are buried there it’s in the Landes in France it’s called the Élan d’Armagnac and so I took photos it’s incredible and so well yes 3 days ago I dreamed of this and today I came across it it’s a sign so I said to myself I have to rally G1 with the bike and try to create something with that for that’s it for to rally people and to create wealth through connection so uh well a year ago uh I started talking about it at the G1 free currency summer school and then little by little people told me ah well, we’re going to create a website for you, we’re going to do that for you, we’re going to take care of that, we’re going to help you, and then things started going, they were set up in a good mood, joyfully and with love, in fact, that’s it. and it’s going really well, there’s also David doing the tour with me who contacted me and told me well I would love to do it with you but only I don’t have a bike, how could we figure it out? so an incredible thing happened, a bautiful synchronicity I came across a video of an experimental bike I send an email to the inventor it’s the Pi Pop bike and to tell him well to thank him for the planet because it’s a bike that works without a battery without lithium it’s a big capacitor I can’t tell explain much on the technical level and how it works but there you go and so I send an email to the inventor to thank him and then I explain my project to him that I love cycling and that I want to create wealth through connection through the bike and at 3 a.m. I receive an email from his wife who tells me oh well your project is wonderful my husband and I met on the bike on the road to Tucson in the United States and next year we would like to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary on the G1 Cyclotour 2025 what can we do to help you – incredible! – so I said well that’s good there is someone who will do the G1 Cyclotour with me but he doesn’t have a bike can you make him a bike? ah well there’s no problem we’ll make him a bike give me his number I’ll call him to get his contact details I mean his muscle mass his height his weight et cetera wow – so well I put David in touch with this lady and they started manufacturing the bike for David he picked up the bike on March 16 at the factory in Olivet near Orléans and then he brought it to Belgium for the tour departure so uh it’s great what happened the problem is that the bike was not adapted to what we wanted to do because it’s a bike uh for Holland it’s good for the cities it’s good but for traveling and riding on dirt roads it’s not it’s not what you need so it wasn’t suitable at all so David left the bike in Luxembourg with a G1 member and we got another bike that someone gave him more suitable and that’s the one he has today and with which he will probably finish the tour if in the meantime he doesn’t break it but otherwise he should finish the tour with this one and so the Pipop bike was recovered by the company in Luxembourg and there’s no problem eh we’re still going to stop by Olivet to thank the company for allowing David to start the Tour and we thank them in fact there are lots of synchronicities like that that happen every day, it’s incredible yeah since I did my burnout in fact before I was pushing like a donkey to push the doors I always had pain in the shoulders tension in the neck and today the doors open by themselves I have no more tension everything is fine – ah yeah? – yeah – how do you analyse that? what was happening before? well before I wasn’t centered I wasn’t aligned I was doing things perhaps against against the will of my being today well I am in tune with myself and things happen on their own in fact – yeah you know your values ​​and you do things that are aligned with your values ​​with the things that… – I feel more like I don’t want to be someone else in fact I don’t want to play a role in fact I have nothing to prove in fact nothing to anyone I just have to be myself that’s all that’s why I dreamed that "who loves me, follows me" I’m with my bike and "who loves me follows me" that’s exactly it, it’s like Forest Gump when he puts on his pair of sneakers and he starts running then he finds himself at the end with 10,000 people on his butt that’s it no need for explanation that’s just about being who you are and then that’s it that’s it – so where are you going with the G1 Cyclotour? where did you start? where did you go? where did you stop? – uh the goal was to pay tribute to the Belgians because they are really dynamic for G1 free currency, to pay tribute to Stéphane Laborde because he is the creator of the relative theory, he is the inventor of the TRM, the relative theory of money which gave birth to G1 and who lives in Perpignan and also to pay tribute to the Spanish people because the Spanish G1 Community is also really active, to also pay tribute to the Bretons in Nantes where there is a Vietnamese guy called Minh Tai who opened the first 100% G1 restaurant there then go up to Mont Saint-Michel because Mont Saint- Michel is a fairly powerful energetic place that I like and then go back down to the G1 free currency summer university but as this year there won’t be one we’re going to arrive at the JuneStock Festival which will take place in Pomérols near Montpellier in Hérault region – and what is this can you tell me more about it? – it’s an art festival 100% in G1 so there will be dancing activities, music, theater play, uh singing, sculpture, painting workshops and exhibitions, all activities based on art, 100% in G1, here it is and I invite you all to come and in fact it will take place in the countryside and everyone will be autonomous, self-responsible and that’s it what I like about it is that we don’t expect anything from anyone, we are all sovereign, we all act as sovereign beings responsible for their lives and we don’t need "Daddy" the State to organize things for us so that things can be done we must be autonomous and responsible and as I always say we must all be independent and interdependent, like bees, here we are when we are alone, like a bee is vulnerable and fragile, but when they come together when they do things together they are invulnerable, well for us it’s the same – okay and so then what are the stages you went through with the Cyclotour? so you left… – so the goal is to pay tribute to the Belgians for the Belgians, to leave Belgium so we left from Liège, Vervier more precisely because in Vervier there is Claire who develops and oversees the collective of G1 free currency there in Belgium and then then we went to Luxembourg because the Luxembourgers are super active also they gave us lots of contacts, they are good people then we went to Switzerland we got to discover an incredible biodynamic farm run and the farmer Étienne didn’t know about G1 free currency at all, it just happened like that, we didn’t know where to sleep we slept there among the cows and goats we were supposed to just stay one night but we ended up staying there 3 days yeah because we didn’t want to disturb him in the milking and calving and all that [Music] so we didn’t want to impose ourselves we let things happen and then when he was ready we talked to him about G1 so he was super interested and when we left, he had a farm stand and well he put all the prices in G1 so we helped ourselves he opened an account in G1 and today there is a key place near Bale where the G1 members can go use their G1s and so it’s up to him now to create a movement locally around that, that’s it and everything happens like that in fact, so we left Switzerland afterward we went to [Music] Alberville [Music] Grenoble Valence and in Valence we discovered the first 100% organic G1 currency grocery store in France and in the world in fact, run by Claudine they created a collective of G1 members, there are not many members, there are not many, there are 13 people but they manage to run the 100% G1 grocery store and there’s everything you are looking for just like every week I look at what’s new today I had some smoked salmon uh some vanilla goat’s milk yogurt and some little hazelnut chocolate bars that’s it and I haven’t finished my little tour well there I see there is pâté from the pâté from Mont Gerbier-de-Jonc in Ardèche candied chestnuts from Clément Faugier there is a little bit of milk there are eggs but there it is empty today there are some not today there are none there there are lots of homemade things herbal teas from vinegar oily macerates jams syrup products for the soil all that is homemade yeah and again we didn’t come on Thursday because apparently it’s Thursday that it’s open they had an exceptional opening for us today ‘today but normally it should be closed there are chickpeas there is there is gingerbread pasta beers mushrooms mushrooms herbal teas uh what is that vinegar well milk almond how they do it yeah well they do it we would have to see with Claudine yeah but they have lots of ideas they have lots of ideas in fact the advantage of free currency is that it opens up the field of possibilities that we are creative and ideas they have plenty of them they are full of ideas there and so they have also set up a sort of little internal rules but which belong to them but it’s good Claudine would have to explain all that to you we made a video we made a video when we were in Saint-Marcel des Valence in her in this grocery store where she explains a little how it works and also François Xavier who was in 1971 one of the first to open an organic store in France in Valence he is part of this collective ah yes he is a pioneer there he too has some interesting information to pass on okay there we interviewed them both really good after that we went down so Valence Montélimar Avignon Forqualquier [Music] Forqualquier is also an incredible place because on an energetic level it’s super powerful yeah it’s aligned with the pyramids and I learned that not long ago but that’s why we feel so well and then there is an energy of resistance there and also resilient people who want to function independently and therefore they have a collective of free currency which is really well developed well afterwards to the fact that there is 6naps which was created over there uh thanks to Philippe Guillemant so uh what is 6naps 6naps is a social network like Facebook but initially it was created for junists by Philippe Guillemant to connect the junists who does what who offers what who gives what what can I have an exchange of that was that was that at the start good today it It’s a bit that has changed a little because there are not only junists at the beginning it was created for junists you have to know it and you have to say it and then therefore there is a strong concentration of junists there -low and well I started a first project for a permaculture junist who was one of the pioneers of Permaculture in France in the 60s and who settled there who gives uh cooking classes to learn to cook with wild plants who gives lessons to learn how to make miso who gives lessons on permaculture finally there he does lots of things in free currency and he was super happy that I came to see him to do the work at his house and that made me happy opened a network of incredible people so now well I’m more or less settled there we’ll say because with all the work there I ‘m going to stay there for years so you’re going to work in free currency yeah yeah as usual renovation of the building finally building project yeah we talked about this place in Forqualquier together where you told me that in fact this person who was in permaculture had offered a lot of products in free currency and had found himself with a lot of free currency in his accounts where but in the end he didn’t really know how to use them he had been a little slowed down on his investment in free currency because of that and when you arrived suddenly that changed the dynamic it recreated a dynamic because you made it possible to somewhere close the loop that they had started well to create to create a circular economy you need suppliers you need applicants uh if you if you accumulate Junes and then you don’t know what to do with it well it’s useless so what you need is to create a circular economy of seeing people what am I ready to give what are you ready to give to give me in exchange that’s what exchange is and the problem of many junists is that they are all in on June at the start and they want to bring in Junes and bring in Junes but then they don’t know what to do with it because behind there is no offer because they haven’t understood that for June well you have to ask yourself the question the first question you have to ask yourself is what am I ready to give so uh am I ready to give 5% of my time 2% of my time 10% of my time am I ready to give €100 per month or €50 per month to develop it it doesn’t matter but you have to be ready to give something and many people think that it just happens no you have to invest, you have to be creative, you have to give something and then you reap the rewards and the problem is that there are a lot of people who have started selling lots of stuff, accumulate Junes and on the other hand, they haven’t found an answer to their needs so there should be a lot more people like me who meet a need, I’m fine, I work in… I have all the CAPs of the building so whether it is a problem of plumbing electricity painting tiles masonry plasterboard I can answer a lot of things but there should be more in other sectors of activity eh there it is but it’s starting to come and then we will need bike repairers, car repairers, finally all kinds of activities to allow people who have Junes to spend them and then to get the economy going, that’s it, but today well Bruno finally the people for whom I work finally for whom I work because I no longer want to use the word work – for whom I work well they are happy because there I have created a circular economy in fact I arrived offering my services so he asks himself the question ah well so it’s good if Frédéric he comes to work for me I’ll have to create Junes to be able to pay him in quotes so that remotivates them it creates a dynamic, but it should be everywhere, yeah, it’s interesting to close these exchange loops and therefore by charging somewhere 250 Junes per day, which is the equivalent of about 25 days of monetary creation, yeah which means that people cannot hire you for a very long time if they do not start to create value themselves and receive Junes for the value that they create, so that really drives the economy by putting these quite high prices so in fact it’s just a test eh because we’re all trying to do it our way there are some who will tell you ah 250 Junes per day but you’re kidding it’s nothing uh for those who don’t have one it’s a lot so it creates controversy there is a lot of controversy in the June but that’s what’s interesting it’s free that’s it it’s debated all the time it’s never agree it’s we must never forget that it’s free and that we must let everyone and everyone must test it’s must experiment we are here to experiment we must experiment and after the future we will be told if it works or not but for the moment it’s a test or so stop worrying about the 1 for 1 things so what are the 1 for 1 well there are people who set up systems system where there is 1 G1 for 1 € that’s it but hey we have to leave people free they do what they want if they screw up they screw up and in any case freedom of exchange is that yeah and then well people are not stupid they are going to go where where their where it speaks to them yeah so if it doesn’t work if it doesn’t make them vibe they are not going to go there so in fact things will turn off on their own and and the good ones things will be highlighted and and the less good ones and well they will disappear so you have to let it happen you have to be patient you have to be confident you have to have faith that’s it’s quite organic the way in which it develops what it really is depending on the forces in the presence of the desires of the experiments which work which do not work et cetera and uh not say to themselves Well he uh it’s it’s better than the other no let it happen you will see later and those who have problems of ego well it’s first of all work on them and yeah that they have to do because June makes you work on yourself that’s it so work on yourself first then get into June but hey it’s complicated eh or then go into June to work on yourself because it’s a real space of experimentation also on yourself and uh where you want to do things you try it doesn’t work and it doesn’t change and in fact you learn a lot, all these things that don’t work or all these relationships that are in tension and it’s a space for personal development, what is that? I asked a question on the free currency forum to get testimonials what have people experienced thanks to free currency and there are a lot of developers who have responded who have said well, free currency has been a space for experimentation to improve development skills of such a language, they had the space to try to develop things for free currency and they made a career out of it afterwards even though at the start they were not developers so that really gave the place it gives the place for people to experiment for to grow in fact within the free currency so that’s something that comes up often that we often hear that it helps us to grow internally because in relation to what we feel confronts and and the relationship with money is something also important in our world well yes since the system of money debt it is made to enslave us and to imprison us people they think that they are free with the currency but on the contrary it imprisons them with I am talking about debt currency while free currency is the opposite it opens the field of possibilities and it takes us out of this prison of this enslavement that we must understand that well already in a first time to enter free currency you have to deprogram the old patterns and that’s it and then relearn differently by being more in the heart in being in the exchange the real exchange what that is between people and then after Forqualquier you are left where and well in Forqualquier we went down to Arles and then well Montpellier I think so how long has it been since you left on the G1 Cyclotour we left on March 23 we were supposed to leave on March 21 we had two days of late because I broke my face the first day because my bike had a technical fault so we had it repaired in Belgium by the Becker family whom I thank, great people and so we left 23 March today it’s the end of April it’s been more than a month since we left we’ve done more than a third of the journey OK and well we ‘ve done the hardest part eh I think yeah because the Ardennes were complicated we started with the cold the rain the ice the hail the cold the humidity the mud it was complicated ah yeah yeah so there you are heading towards the south there we are in the south yeah and then well it’s raining a little but oh well it’s not serious compared to what we experienced okay you’re starting to get used to the bad weather yeah and well that’s southern rains but it doesn’t last long yeah there it’s hot so you leave after heading even further south that’s it yeah after Montpellier we go down to Bézier after Perpignan so to pay homage to Stéphane Laborde then we go to Spain why Spain ah yes because the Spaniards yeah they are very active and I I saw a lot of them at the summer school at the Bouzigue farm and then to Castres and I find it super dynamic so we’re going to go see them afterward we’re going to go up towards Bayonne we’re going to get a cycle path called the Velodyssée which goes to Nantes after which we ‘re going to go see Minh Tai, it’s the Vietnamese who had the incredible idea of ​​creating one of the first 100% June restaurants we will then go and see Mont Saint-Michel and then uh go to the Somme also to see a guy, a beekeeper who knows nothing about free currency but he wants he wants to get out of this pattern of debt currency system and he wants to find an alternative to that and we spoke to him about free currency and so he wants to launch into free currency he wants us to come on see he does he develops care products based on bees so a great guy who wants to get into free currency ok so that’s it uh so we go up to Mont Saint-Michel and then we come back down we have to go to Béllac because in Béllac incredible things are happening also it’s towards Limoges there is a baker who has a brilliant idea which is that from 5 a.m. every day all year round well you can buy this who stays in the bakery in June that’s it until 5 a.m. it’s the euros from 5 a.m. it’s June or the euros ah yes and that way she never has anything unsold she doesn’t have any bread from the day before or things like that stupid it’s good so ideas there are plenty of them yeah yeah you have to use it you have to collect the ideas of some to evolve but it’s good to listen to them from you because you’ve seen lots of things so you see the initiatives of each other perhaps what works better what works less well what works less well in your opinion what is complicated what works better than Well what we need is to regain our energy autonomy to no longer depend on all those who are corrupt and who and who hold the energy finally who hold us who enslave us by energy that’s it and soon by the water and by air and so here we find solutions in free currency to produce energy what yeah that would be something that would be necessary and that you have already seen in free currency or not yet uh yes yes I met schoolchildren people who are completely autonomous in everything eh yeah yeah well I don’t know if you have heard of Dominique Guillo he is one of the pioneers of the autonomous house in France he is nicknamed the Pierre Rabhi of the autonomous house and so he is autonomous in everything and today he is in the free currency also okay because I met him one day and I made him enter the free currency okay he signed his book to me and it’s over there towards Durfort la Capelette towards Moissac that’s it and from the moment we free ourselves from all this influence this imprisonment in fact because why would energy pay why should we pay for it? why should we pay for water? not normal so we must first reappropriate all the energy given by the planet which should be to us which should belong to us everyone all the people and there is no need there will be no saying I am born in Africa I don’t have water you were born in the United States or in France you have water it’s not normal we should all finally be on the same level equity here is finding equity in planetary level everyone has a part of the planet that belongs to them there is no more to you than to me so the question is how do we share these resources these commons how do we manage resources together how to get them sharing in this state of mind is well no but you have to come back to yourself, that’s learning to work on yourself and trying to no longer function by wanting to take advantage of the other yeah that’s what you want to scratch, enslave no, here’s doing work on yourself to no longer have fears because why do all these psychopaths want to take over the planet because they are full of fear in fact they are not in love so find love in oneself love for oneself and for the others, this makes me think, can we go back to why did you manage to strip yourself of everything, is it something that you had in you in relation to the experiences that you have lived in your life how you managed to strip yourself of everything that was material and leave in a completely different system what gave you the confidence to do that well already since I was little I have always liked to be of service to others and even when I was doing sporting exploits I was always called the Fredo of the Heart because even I wasn’t into too much performance but I have always liked to give, always liked to be in associative circles uh I lived with a disabled person for 12 years, that’s it, I have always been into giving in fact it’s in me so for that I haven’t worked too much but I don’t know I had shocks I also had shocks traumatic shocks which revealed to me also it’s important sometimes you have to suffer in order to evolve that’s how I would like that we can not suffer in order to evolve that will perhaps come but for the moment that’s how we have to go through the suffering of illnesses so I had depression I had a burnout I experienced somewhat complicated things but it opened my heart it made me aware because I too was formatted profitability-profit-investment good little soldier and I was unhappy in fact I was doing from psoriasis from eczema I had tension everywhere and now I have no worries whatsoever everything is fine yes so I freed myself from my fears and so that allows you to find everything you need in your project in your life project 100% free currency your G1 cycle tour project with David and it allows you to meet lots of people so here we are we are with people who host you when you go to Montpellier so it’s super nice that’s is accommodation in free currency how does it work for accommodation along the cycle tour how do you do you don’t do work in exchange no no no no it’s just well we create a link on our way and then when we have the opportunity to find yourself on a passage where there are junists and well we offer to pay them in free currency and to sleep at their place and then when there are none well we sleep in the woods no matter what It doesn’t matter, we are autonomous, we are autonomous anyway, no worries, but most of the time people are more into giving so there would be no June, they are still in giving so they don’t ask but we are there to make the June run because the important thing is that the June for it to work you have to make it work so we say but if if we give Junes and then like that you will be able to give them to people you will be able to open accounts and then then giving Junes to people who do n’t have them will allow them to exchange things on markets there you have to circulate the June that’s it so you shouldn’t say well if I have 20,000 and I have some give 20,000 I will have more I will run out no you have to get out of fear fear it blocks you so free yourself from fear you will see it will come to you by itself no need the universe it takes care of everything is great because one of my last questions was uh what advice would you give well free yourself from fear ah yeah free yourself from your fears and then and then from the shortcomings of your shortcomings and then you will see everything will work there the universe is smart it takes care of everything and it knows what to do for you if you deserve it of course if you don’t deserve well well it will make you understand that it must deserve so here we are, we have what we deserve and we are all deserving if we know how to come back to ourselves and open our hearts, no worries, thank you Fred for these final words and happy to have been able to find out more about the initiatives that happen in free currency because we can’t always follow everything , there are so many small groups everywhere, initiatives everywhere and it’s good because the cycle tour really allows you to see what’s happening in the different initiatives that we would not have thought of knowing that there are things like that happening in different corners of France so it’s super cool to see that so thank you very much and good luck on the cycle tour we will follow you we will put the links to follow you to see the debrief if people come across this video once the cycle tour is over ah well we have we have a Telegram thread and on this Telegram thread every day I keep a logbook with the photos the interviews that we were able to meet the events that are happening around the cycle tour so if you can put it there we also have the website yeah but the website is not up to date it is not up to date okay it’s better to go on the Telegram feed or on the Facebook page that a friend updates every day okay well I will put all the links under the video thank you very much thank you good luck thank you have a good day goodbye [Music]


    1. En grand merci Sophie pour ta réalisation, l'énergie que tu as mis pour faire cette vidéo est merveilleuse. Tout est là, je ressens bien le message que j'ai voulu faire passer en créant la g1cyclotour2024…j'espère que la g1cyclotour fera des milliers de bébés à travers le monde…pourquoi pas un g1cyclotour aux USA par chez toi. Tu es la première à développer la monnaie libre aux USA..pour te rendre hommage. A voir😉. Biz et merci pour ce que tu mets en place pour la june et les efforts que tu fais. Amitiés 💜

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