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    welcome beyond the coverage I’m Chris horer today’s edition I want to talk about playing posum for the 24 tort France we are Monday with only four days left before the torto France starts because if you’re over in Europe right now they’re already going to bed so Monday’s over for the European writers right now they got to get sharp and ready and everything has to be focused 100% for the 24 torto France that starts on Saturday June 29th but what about the three three of the four favorites that are starting the 24 edition how much posum can they play we saw dolphin a with Rimco eople he wasn’t on his best form but we saw him win the individual time trial Rimco evap had a solid individual time trial but then he proceeded to get dropped on the mountain stages looked like he was riding steady and within himself and never blowing himself up on the last two mountain stages but the first Mountain Stage after the individual time tral he certainly went a little bit deep there and I would say got better on stage eight as his form started progress it he gave interviews basically agreeing with what I just got done telling you that he was happy with the way his form went and started to progress a little bit more through Dolan now the writer who won Dolan Primos Ritch can he play posum at the 24 Tour to France well he won dolphin a but he got dropped on the last Mountain Stage he didn’t win the individual time trial stage and as I told you in yesterday’s video and Beyond the coverage throughout all of his four grand tour win for Primal RIT all of them had time trial victories in them so how much posum can he play once we start getting into the 24 Tour to France I’ll cover that but the third writer Jonas Figo when we’re talking about the writer who is the defending Tour of France Champion two time backto back and beat tot pagach the win twice can he play posum on the torto France stage and how long can he play posum for throughout the early parts of the 24 Tour of France all three of those writers crashed at the bass country on stage four and we know they’ve all had problems and haven’t turned into their best self versions of their s either at Dolan maybe yonas fineo has in training we don’t know so maybe he can play POS up but when we start looking at TD paga well he’s got the posum card to play too right kind of none of us agree with that not even myself but maybe he can play it he wanted the jural det tell you maybe he tells everyone that he’s tired but the problem is in bike racing when I start looking at some of the UN Unwritten stuff about yonas Vino and his training like we would love all of us fans that love watching bike racing would have loved to seen the daily activities of yonas Figo but all of all of the cycling teams when they have a yonas fineo they’re always trying to keep it quiet they don’t necessarily want to tell you what is like but the problem is what I’m here to tell you about on today’s video is that once we get into stage one you’re not going to be able to play posum not on stage one if the race is blown up if UAE team members start destroying this 200 plus kilometer stage one with six7 massive climbs it starts climbing right from the start of the race drops down that’s a little bit long distance where you get some kind of recovery you go up another climb but then once you get into the last 80 kilomet of the race four categor climbs and the first three are beasts at about 7% around 5 6 km long and you only have about 50 km between all four of those races when you hit this all four of those climbs until you hit the summit of the last one and then you got about 25 27 km into the finish that of course is going to be a descent so that’s going to use up a bunch of those kilometers and then a flat run into the finish of 101 15 kilomet so if UA e te members come into stage one they don’t want to play posum We Know T pagar he doesn’t really play posum right he puts out on straa some fantastic training rides of 100 mile rides where he’s blowing things up he’s put out points and times on straa before the jro Talia started where I brought it up on beyond the coverage and I said the guy was stilling 500 watts reaching into his back pocket pulling it out putting the on camera mode and posting up how fast he was going behind the scooters so TD Pacha doesn’t play posum but will the other three guys do it well we’re going to find out really quickly in that 50 km stretch on stage one when UAE members are drilling it just exactly where a lot of their form is it won’t tell us where their best best form could be but it’ll tell us that at least they’re solid jonis Vino will not be able to play posum no matter what he does on the training before the tour to France no matter how hidden it is once we get into the last 80 kmers of stage one if UAE team members start blowing the whole field up and I think they’re going to have to blow it up starting there with 80 km to go with four climbs still left they’re going to have to blow it up on those Category 2 climbs because the last one is not very difficult it’s about 5% and that’s climb is it’s steeper than of course this Chessa when we’re talking about Milan and Remo and we’ve seen where the pelon’s been able to hold together on that but of course the length of it is a little bit longer and it’s a another percentage steeper at 5% instead of what you’re normally looking at at 4% but it’s pretty steady which means you get a big draft so what I think could happen on stage one and why these Riders the four favorites can’t play posum if tot paga is blowing it up and he can’t reduce it down to himself and one or two other Riders then it’s going to be a bigger group which means he’s going to have teammates on the front still they didn’t blow it up it wasn’t successful we’re going to see something like we saw at mean and Ramo where you have a bigger bigger group because UAE team members just can’t make the selection T Pacha has to race stage one at the final climbs the last 80 km of stage one he has to race it a lot like Milan and Ramo in terms of he needs his teammates to blow up the pelaton he can’t do it himself and they need to blow it up before we get into the penultimate climb or as the beginning of the penultimate climb starts his teammates have to disintegrate the field they got to start four climbs out then on the penultimate climb his teammates have to disin the field he cannot pull a Milan Sam R type effect with his team where they weren’t strong enough to really blow it up on the Chessa he went into the poo and then he had to do the destruction himself but let’s say UAE team members can start to blow it up tody Pacha lights it up on the penultimate climb he gets a bit of a gap he’s got rim coab to pull with him now I always tell you guys you don’t ride with the best rider in the world but all four of these guys are the best riders in the world if Tad Pacha go go up the road with Rim Co the pull on his wheel Rim Co the pull has to work you’re like he doesn’t have to work well he doesn’t have to work but if you got Primos rogach back there and yonas Vino back there gapped off rim coav theol knows that this is a good selection I’ll say right up here I’m beyond the coverage if you’re up with Tad paga and you’ve dropped the other two this is a good moment to work you find other times to sit on Tad pagota if he’s stronger than you but you work immediately with t pagota Maybe maybe not on the maybe not on the penultimate climb at 7% but when you get on the last climb and it’s at 5% then you’re probably going to have to work with the Slovenian a little bit but you need to be very very careful because if you’re taking pulls with t pagar and you haven’t been on your best form yet since the crash of stage four you do not want to find out that you are not a anything other than 100% while you’re pulling with t pachar on the last and final climb of stage one or he’s going to light you up and solo whole thing but do you work with them you come through and you pull a little bit if you’re not exactly certain where your form is even Rim Co pool you take shorter pulls you take a little bit softer pull in t pagach you wait till the summit of the climb once you get to the summit of the climb it’s 25 27k into the finish of stage one then you start going pool for pool with t paga assuming your form is something close to 100% if it’s not quite 100% and we’re talking 95 you got to be careful because the Slovenia might light you up somewhere along the valley before the Finish even comes but if you believe you’re 98 98% form and your Rim Co the pull you got a pull with t pagach if the other two are behind now yonis Fino what are we talking about in terms of him playing posum well let’s say he’s up there with t pagach and it’s the other two that are dropped it’s Rim coople it’s Primos rogich that are dropped and your yonis Figo can you afford to play posum you can’t afford to play posum if you can eliminate those other two two Riders you got to get rid of them so when everyone’s hiding their form coming into the 24 Tour to France where us fans sitting on the Chesterfield would love to know exactly what kind of training yonis figo’s been doing Primos rogach has done from since Dolan Rimco Abol what kind of training have you been doing every day of the week the two weeks that you had between dolphan a and the torto France there is no posum that you’re going to be able to play on stage one because we know T paga is going to light everyone up and once he gets on the pedals and he’s going 100% on the pedals we’re going to find out right away who has good form and who doesn’t and they will not be time to play posum because let’s say that it is yonis vino and Primos rogach that are dropped as Rim coo and T pagach are going up the road if yonas doesn’t start working right away with Primos Rog and he still wants to play posum a little bit and he doesn’t know exactly where the form is of Primos rogach they need to be careful because Primos rogach just barely want Dolphin and got dropped from Carlos Rodriguez and American writer Jorgenson so Jonas doesn’t exactly know where Primos Rogue which is form is either so if he plays posum too long and these two Riders rim coipo and Tad pagach work together the Tor of France could already be over with on stage one so what I’m telling you right now if you’re yonas Figo if you’re Primos rogach or Rim Co the pool and you think you want to play posum on stage one with your form so you can try to hide it a little bit against the other Slovenian Tad paga the number one ranked writer in the world I’m telling you right now you better be very careful because Tad paga he doesn’t play posum he is going to throw down with his whole teammates on stage one and light things up and if he has a gap and they’re hesitating back there playing any tactics at all before you know the Slovenian T Pacha could already gain 30 seconds to one minute on the whole pelaton of the torto France on stage one so when we’re when all those Riders and all those teams aren’t putting out on straa what kind of training they’re doing and they think they can play posum on stage one there’s no way because with the form of T Pacha after winning the jural daala trying to win the double here on Saturday starting with the 24 torto France there’s going to be no posum out of the Slovenia and T pagar and that is going to immediately make the other three favorites starting the Tor to France have to show their cards right away if they’re up the road with Tad pagar or if they’re chasing T pagar they’re going to have to throw in with whatever writers they got around them or t pachar is already going to have a lead at the torto France on stage one hope you guys like my take here on beyond the coverage got some more stuff for you maybe throw in a story time before the T to France starts proper make sure you like And subscribe I’ll see you guys on the next Edition real soon


    1. Pogi's TdF strategy will be identical to the Giro. Smash early and smash hard. Let everyone else fight for the podium and GC spots. Stage one will have plenty of fireworks and plenty of folks blowing up. Only one question remains. How much time will Pogi be in the lead on Stage 21?

    2. In this scenario if Pog crashes or has mechanical his esteemed t.mayes are likely 2-3 mins off the pace for GC. You're not risking this on stage 1 goose

    3. I agree that Tadej will blast the field on stage one, but I don't think that Remco will work Tadej, nor the other two if they could follow Tadej on the last climb. He will suck the wheels as he is still not 100% after the crash.

    4. Holey molely 4 days to go. Fingers crossed that Chris does a video on all the stages before the TDF starts cause that would give a guy like me a clue on what to expect. Stage 1 sounds like a GC stage but who knows. The excitement builds 💪

    5. This is I would say is the consensus as to what we will see on stage 1. TP would be crazy not to at least see if he can eliminate JV as early as possible. It reminds me of Lemond taking 2 mins out of everyone on day 1 of the 1991 TDF. You strike hard and strike early before you let your rivals work there way into the race.

    6. I think a better title for this Beyond The Coverage would have been "Who should play POSSUM?"😂
      Tried to count the "play possum" but I stopped when I realized that I didn't have enough space on my sheet of paper for the tally marks. Amazing video Chris as always keep us pumped up till Saturday 🤘👍

    7. Stage 1 is tough but i reckon it will just be the sprinters that get ejected and the big players will mostly be engaged in a bit of cat and mouse without fully unloading .

    8. JV isn't afraid of losing a little time on TP (say, <2 minutes), He knows TP will have at least 1 bad day later – especially last week -, since TP did the Giro and WILL have accumulated some fatigue. JV's mindset is incredible like that!
      The REALLY interesting part is how well PR is going to ride. He is HUNGRY for that TdF win! But, is he up there with TP & JV?
      @Chris Horner : Would be interesting to hear your thoughts on 'mindset', what your experience has been riding against/with riders of a certain mindset!

    9. I live in Rimini. The descent after Barbotto is incredibly fast with big sweeping bends that open on the exit. It’s going to be interesting to see if Remco has the bottle to stay with the leaders. They’ll be doing 100km/hr. That descent and the climb to San Leo immediately afterwards will decide the stage

    10. The TdF can be competitive if the ‘other 3’ choose to work with each other and get their form back as Tadej keeps lighting them up and they limit damage by working together. Could make the last week interesting! Having said that, I hope they don’t, I want Tadej to dominate and win the whole thing by half an hour, ok 10 minutes.

    11. I was just recommended an NBC video titled "Beyond the Podium" and almost mistook it for an extra episode of this. Quite the coincidence, I'm sure NBC will explain more on an episode of the dragonfly effect.

    12. Bold prediction: Pogacar is gonna pocket the yellow jersey on stage 4. He will put 5mins on every GC contenders up the Galibier and descend solo to the finish.

    13. Dont know if he physically can do it and he is young still . Tdf is not the other races. Using 165mm cranks instead of 180mm cranks, over 100mile race it gives a 4min advantage. Pogocar has switched to 165mm this year. Big marginal gan according to chatgpt analysis. But that doesnt inckude mountaibs with little aero advantage

    14. Jonas Vingegaard would be an idiot to pull with Pogacar if they are alone in the front.
      He would work all he can if they had dropped Pogacar.
      Jonas Vingegaard is not there to finish after Pogacar, and Roglic/Evenepol are not teh same level

    15. The problem with Pogacar and UAE attacking hard on the first stage is he'll spend the whole tour defending.
      May not be a bad strategy the previous years but here there are three other competitive teams.
      It seems smarter to let someone else lead for a bit, wear one team out, follow the attacks and maybe let another team lead for a couple of days and then smash it hard on a targeted stage and take several minutes on other favorites.
      Pogacar's problem is going too hard too often, full gas from stage 1 looks like his usual trap.

    16. Stage 1 is set to be the most exciting opening stage of the TDF ever. Anything less than 1 min loss is a win for Vingegaard. They all know it. UAE will of course do everything to crush Vingegaard on the day. Imagine Pogi taking off alone 15 km from goal if Vingegaard is still hanging in. A fair 1.st stage win with additional time bonuses the following days could widen the gap down to Vingegaard a lot – so worth going for if you are Pogi. If Vingegaard does not get dropped UAE will have to reevaluate their entire game plan.

    17. Jonas should not be on the team. He will be dropped on the 2nd climb never mind the pnultilmate climb. Do a video on this disaster waiting to happen. I get he is the defending champ but it will be brutally obvious after stage 1 he can’t challenge and then what value does he bring to WVA, Kuss and MJs TDF. Selfish by him and Visma.

    18. Great stuff Chris!! In drag racing ,they call it sandbagging ! We all know that you don't want to loose a lot of time !! Pogacar will say I am going ,see can you keep up !! If he can stay up on the bike ,not crash or get sick .He will blow them away !!!!! As far as Jonas goes , we older folks in our 50's ,60's and beyond can't fathom a person's in their mid 20's recovery and raining. We will have to wait and see. It could be that the only hope for the other teams are some stage wins and possibly a podium position as Pogacar has already cleared off a spot on his bookshelf for the 2024 Tour De France trophy!!

    19. Everyhting has to be focus for the riders

      Background scene of Pidcock competing in the MTB world cup and Pogačar doing some goffy stuff 🤣🤣

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