The 600 metre climb up to the beautiful village of the lace, Lefkara.

    Since 2017 the “Cyclepaths” have raised thousands of euros through our European cycling adventures by setting up fundraisers for the individual events. I (Lee), in particular support the Sirius Dog Sanctuary here in Limassol, Cyprus. Unfortunately there is a big animal neglect problem here and I support anyone who fights this ongoing battle.

    We always pay 100% of the costs for these trips and every single cent raised always goes 100% to the charities.

    Music in this video:

    Song: Sunbalt – Pacific
    Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
    Video Link:

    Song: Fredji – Happy Life (Vlog No Copyright Music)
    Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
    Video Link: • Fredji – Happy Life (Vlog No Copyrigh…

    [Music] [Music] good morning it’s the 9th of May and today I’m going to um cycle up to a village called Left car it’s the village of the lace and it’s in the the laa District of Cyprus and I believe it’s about 600 M climb and today I’ve got a northeasterly wind and that is the direction I’m going in already you can hear it uh very strong wind today it’s unusual especially from this direction but the good thing is when I come back down the hill the the wind’s going to be in my favor just 2 km in and already the headwind is really Bing me in the face it’s really strong uh today I’ll be bypassing uh a village called Ziggy I’ll go through tne Village uh hio ktia and around the scary new area that’s where I’ll turn left and climb up the mountain this is the B Road I’m heading towards laica at the moment and right next to me just over those trees there the the A1 Highway still going still windy there’s the highway again just got to the sign roundabout uh from that roundabout if you go right that takes you down into the village I was talking about it’s fishing village with a little Marina there very nice but we’re continuing East towards laica not so far as laica but uh that’s the direction we’re heading in and then we take there so left turn up into the mountains as I mentioned and now on to the other side of the highway still on the B- Road tney 2 km 10 km in feels like 20 with this bloody wind coming into tney there’s a cemetery uh in front of me there’s the old part of tney which includes a very old church and this is it the center of chne and there’s the old church back out there’s the bike center of chne uh it’s a friend of mine runs that Matas he does some good uh cycle to us uh so if you do come to Cyprus is uh Matas I’ll put the name of the place in the link because I can’t remember it um and as I say he’s in tney Village the toy Tavern is in front of us you can probably hear this creaking on my bike and to be honest it’s really getting on my nerves uh and I think it’s something to do with the the bottom bracket there which is a pain in the ass [Music] this is part of the village called hia it’s kind of again highways behind me it’s kind of a stopping point like a truck stop on the other side for example and a eating place [Applause] [Music] 200 M up now I’m going to go down a bit and then I’m going to be looking for that left turn up into the mountain that’s where I’m heading for left car it’s 11 km from here which is going to be all upill here’s the start of the climb donkey Park still says 11 km he said that 2 km ago [Music] [Music] 320 M up now uh probably about just over halfway up I’ve just stopped just to refresh just WIP my face for those of you who’ve not seen these videos before or seen the YouTube channel we are the European Psychopaths we try to make interes in cycling videos in particularly around Cyprus and many places in Europe when we do these European trips we try to raise money for the abandoned and abused dogs in Cyprus there’s a serious animal neglect problem here and through these videos and some hard work uh we actually raised generous amounts of cash for the dog sanctu here so even just by watching the videos sharing them telling your friends about us uh everything every little bit helps uh we’re not currently doing any uh charity runs but just enjoy the videos uh like them and if you not subscribed to the channel subscribe and you’ll see some very interesting videos enjoy I’m guessing it’s about another 6 or s kilm to the left car I’ve never I’ve lived in Cyprus for 16 years and I can honestly say I don’t think I’ve ever been to left car definitely not cycle this but I’m sure I’ve not been here at all uh supposedly be a nice interesting Old Village uh I’m 330 M up this hill now decent Road uh and I feel quite safe on it to be honest [Applause] so as you can see on the sign panel left core cattle left core cattle D Cattle meaning down so it’s the down part of left call I’m going to the upper part panel now on 510 M got left car is right and I’m guessing that that’s panel left car in the distance and this is cattle about 1 km to panel left car now let’s just stop and have a look at this Viewpoint so as you can see we’ve come quite a way up from the nearly the coast down there and we 562 M up that is cattle left car and this has got to be panel LIF cor it is definitely the village of the lace I’ve just come past that shot there and it said watch the women making lace this is it left car well worth the cycle up so far so good I just wanted to take some pictures and the phone is overheated I got to wait 10 minutes that’s all the climbing done now you can see over there yet again uh I’m 600 is open 25 km from the house again the iPhone still froz available in one minute so I can start taking pictures you can see it’s to the new road and this is kind of a Ring Road around the village uh it looks like I’m just about to come into it now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] getting a bit truy now [Music] that’s [Music] don’t [Music] [Music] [Music] hey w [Music] [Music] as you can see from the walk through it’s an absolutely stunning Village uh very beautiful nice little tight streets uh quite a lot of tourists here I can see why I can’t believe that I’ve lived on this island for 16 years and I’ve never seen this place just beautiful now Road besid Church [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now yesu yeah [Music] [Music] it’s coming up to 1:00 and that means [Music] beer: and I can see one right in front of me there I was thinking this place right behind me for a beer but before that I’ve just got a feeling there’s something down there so I’m going to have a look down there first and then it’s a beer o00 say there’s a post office and a sporting center so I’m going to go back up there and go to that bar there the place is f somewhere else this is a second choice I can see beer in the fridge so this is it cheers thank you okay how much is it I think, 1550 yes uh bring me as much beer as you can with the change if you can ah yeah so you don’t want change no just you come get another one you’re a good man for is the 50 cents and uh I’ll give you a good report thank you very much enough much appreciated thank you just had a chicken Snack in that place two pints of be here and with the Changers just said give me as much be as you can and he gave me a full point so Bravo to that guy and uh I highly recommend the place it’s the coffee yard bar restaurant here in left cor and now make my way down the hill and get onto the coast to Mari just getting myself out of left C and now uh I’ll take that Old Road s in on the other side of panel left cor and then obviously downhill all the way and I’m planning to get onto the coast near AAS theodoros and go to Mari and make my way back home but stilling beautiful place here on the way back out now the opposite way to where I come same road down so it is literally I’m 612 M up and now it’s going to be a massive downhill it’s all the way down now the camera can’t probably pick this up but the views to the left on me just absolutely stunning fabulous fabulous day today that was amazing 15 km downhill I’m just bypassing now the village of AAS theodoros uh it’s getting hot now it’s 20 2 33° and there’s a gradual downhill from here to the coast and then it’s the just along the coast Road and past the The Village I talked about Ziggy and back home I just hope that the winds not changed Direction he’s behind me want to go back old British phone box there it’s not an original but they try this is still part of AAS Theodor some Tas supermarket and as I say this road takes us right down to the coast I think he’s about 5 K down to the coast now finally on the coast and you can’t seear that goddamn wind anymore that’s because it’s behind us 8 km in front there is the village of Ziggy welcome to Ziggy bit quiet today but it’s usually a very busy place the weekends all the SI come here and eat fish so there we go back home 65k is done back with Mr Max and um it was a as I say a great day I’ve never been to that place in all my 16 years in Cyprus and I really loved it so if you do like our videos uh like them subscribe and spread the word for us thank you


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