
    This stream is created with #Comedy

    spee speech for spe for for how this Germany PN mind penis is droopy have good day spe okay so apparently I was in a art museum and all the paintings and sculptures they were owned by the whole family I don’t know who is the whole family in America but they own all of the art it pricess each of the paintings and art has has no price they’re Priceless it was a it was [ __ ] and it was a complete waste of money I hope I will never do that again was so bad so it was not a castle the castle was just an empty shell for all the the art inside speee speech I took some pictures of the art I can show you some of the pictures inside she say she say it’s okay to uh to show pictures oh how how do I show pictures on this app oh I don’t know no I cannot I cannot show it was insane [Music] it was just an art collection of one family in America the whole she showed me the the website here the website here’s the the website that was completely [ __ ] that one there it was so [ __ ] I can’t believe it I have to go back to the garden I would never go there if I if I had known better I would never have paid to go in there it was [ __ ] I was there please waste of time that was [ __ ] okay let me read about it what say so it’s a private collection all complete waste of money if only I had known better [Music] [Music] h sorry every once it it was a fortified castle by the 12th century slot Dan book had be the manor house of mrave Herman the first from finson fincen BG and his brother Hinrich Herman voed with his vessel C who the first from Loom from Loom and in 1130 a wed to have him murdered unfortunately for Herman bukom the first from LOM was a close friend of Kaiser Luther II and the letter had had had had the from Vincent BG for fade their properties as punishment danur Castle was assumed by the Bishops of hildesheim with the stipulation that a religious Sanctuary be founded there thus began the danab BG’s new world as the home of various religious orders and a role it played for 700 years religious role cool now it’s just an art museum from a private person in America I don’t know who this person is but he’s very very rich rich [Music] man all art found I I have a ticket there I can go back in there again it’s just Posh it’s just fancy it’s completely [ __ ] I can’t even show this because it contains nudity almost nudity I saw this that was ridiculous that was [ __ ] I was in I saw him it’s it’s a man made out of needles or something like that completely [ __ ] I didn’t I didn’t see that I saw I saw this I’ve never seen anything so [ __ ] in my whole life absolutely [ __ ] ridiculous but all all the Earth in there is Priceless there was no price [Music] so it’s Andrew Andrew Hall he’s the owner of all the art there [Music] for fore no media is on okay so I finished inside the castle it was it’s complete [ __ ] it’s just a private person uh paintings it was so it’s it’s [ __ ] [Music] but I can still go inside so here it is I got my ticket here I haven’t seen the garden yet I want to see the part [Music] I don’t know if I want to see the Garden or not maybe I maybe I just yeah maybe I just stay outside [ __ ] that I I I I just have to uh look I just have to realize that I just have lost 16 for absolutely nothing waste complete waste of money unbelievable but that’s why I want to see the garden because I have paid I paid to see the garden this not is is the garden uh is it beautiful or beautiful it’s beautiful okay um do you know where I can put my um my horo and uh English uh yes I understand yes you have uh got the h under the the under the escalator the stairs okay okay I I maybe I go in so okay I have still have ticket yeah but the bicycle has to stay outside yeah stay outside yep I park somewhere this here you havec where the oh yeah I see now I see very good very good excellent beautiful Wonder Bar Wonder sh good AR see that is service that is customer service that is customer service so I I go and put this in my in the in the locker room and I can see the beautiful garden [Music] I don’t want to stay outside there’s so many criminals everywhere there also so many poor people on the streets they disgusting I hate poor people how do I take how do I take this off [Music] there we go okay go and there then I have to find find the the Lo the Lo room where’s my keys hey where my keys there my keys but there so many criminals outside so I don’t want to stay outside so F annoying this very annoying there we go go we are back we back look at this so the castle is just an empty shell they they they took they took out everything from inside and installed art instead here’s a got I put I put all my things to I would like to go to the G here okay that is okay put water [Music] hold back inside yes good I’m done get okay okay outside okay outside SM really good p is that uh so you can uh okay and and you have to give it back yes oh okay they have on boilers but you have to give back home boers okay now we see the garden I hope Garden is is okay to film The Garden so here is the first I I I really love this uh sculpture because it looks like a big penis this is the [ __ ] where all the sperm come out and see here also have a dick and so it’s it’s basically a warrior you can see he’s very evil looking oh we it’s very badass bad ass R I love this place I want to stay here forever I don’t want to go outside again it’s much better inside that’s a second we already saw that one time earlier today I have no idea what it’s supposed to be other than a piece of [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] ah very big piece of [ __ ] let’s go to the next one the next piece of [ __ ] art the next piece of [ __ ] oh the sound is really bad let me connect the sound the the microphone see what I’m doing is also art I’m also doing art I’m recording art are you [ __ ] kidding me what’s this supposed to be what is this like a traffic stop light Jesus Christ I wonder how much she got paid to make that probably millions millions she got paid Millions to make that I could do the same I can do the same just give me 1 million 2 million I can do the same and now sound is better it’s better of sound now oh my my my my brain hurts my brain really hurts now when I look at this it really hurts let’s go down here why not why not go down dead end oh no oh my God look at this piece of art look at that piece of art oh my God that’s amazing oh my God I can’t believe it oh let me let me buy that I’ll give you one trillion billion million dollars that was a good end I just steep in an apple dead end okay I didn’t know it was a dead end oh we found another piece of art it’s a lot of mirors so in case you don’t know if you have never seen yourself in a mea before now you have the chance this is for the people who has never seen a mirror before what is the point of this I have no idea oh you can go inside oh this is actually really cool oh my God this is really cool I’m so confused where am I what just happened let me try again what just happened there oh my God so you can see nature from all kinds of angles it must has to be a woman this can only have been made from from a woman this is made from a woman’s hand 100% sure cannot have been from a man could never do that [Music] let’s see sorry about the EBC angles [Music] have a lap here the Garden scul Park yes number three yep H it was a man and he’s probably Danish it was yeah yeah behind he made the mirrors now we go down and look at Pier P kabu also a Dane P kabu he’s a very famous Danish uh uh scul uh what you call that in English Artist Artist PAB very famous artist there it is there it is it’s a it’s a piece of wood it’s a piece of wood here and on on top of the wood he just put a lot of clay a layer upon layer of clay and then he scrap it out so there’s a hole there and and he probably got paid a lot of money to make that I could do that myself I can also I can also take a piece of wood and put a layer upon layer of clay and then just let it Dr this is not art this is just scamming other people from their money that’s what it is it has nothing to do with art nothing but that is typical Pabu he’s famous for make making nonent art sculptures very famous for that in Denmark unbelievable it makes me so angry when I see that now I I think there are no more no more sculptures finally we don’t have to watch any or look at any more sculptures now we just look at the garden thank God for that I’ve always thought that Artist Artist are scammers basically just scammers they’re just scammers nothing else it’s it’s like uh look at the the King’s new closes and then the king is completely naked but the king is so stupid that he buy he buy what what the tailor with it what he buys he buys the Tailor’s closes the tailor he make invisible clothes for the king and then the king is so stupid that he buys it and he and he walks around completely naked in the city and he say look at my new clothes isn’t it isn’t it beautiful my new clothes and then all the the people in the city they laugh at him they say oh my God the king is so stupid that’s the King’s new clothes by H Christian Anderson that was really funny that’s that’s not I I did not make that up that story it’s a fairy tale or a funny Tale But hence Christian Anderson can someone ban the weard in chat do we have a moderator who can ban the weard in chat I know there are so many I know there are so many Wards but that’s there one he’s spamming all the time so this is it this is the garden it looks like a forest to me doesn’t look like any Garden at all and I paid € 16 to get inside here just to get away from all the poor people outside this is not uh this is not a garden this is a forest it’s not a garden it’s a forest apparently it’s an English English Park but it it it looks like a forest to me or am I crazy I don’t know maybe I I have completely lost my mind I don’t know but this is not a park it’s a forest okay let’s just walk in the forest let’s just take a walk in the forest then yeah why not we have to kill some time oh look a man-made waterfall wow I paid 16 to to see that manmade waterfall there and look there a tree I I paid 16 to see that tree there’s another tree oh my God and there’s another tree it’s just been a horrible horrible day today I can’t wait to get a fresh cold beer a very bitter bitter sweet beer a little bit salty beer I mean this is this is just ridiculous man why did I even why did I pay 16 to come here in the first place I’m so angry this is [ __ ] man why is there a river all of a sudden there just rarded I hope it’s it’s better on the other side of the river there I really hope so I can’t take it anymore let me look at the map let me just check the map see we must be near the end of the park the park mind you the park that I paid 16 to visit 16 to come here mind you what is the difference between coming here and go take a walk in the forest absolutely no difference I mean this this this makes me so [ __ ] angry see this oh it’s very long way ah number one jenney must be up here last sculpure for today then I will never come back here again what a complete waste of time it’s ridiculous where is it where’s the last one must be here somewhere what can it be the last sculpture it has to be good has to be very good because I have walked a long way to get to this sculpture here it’s closed where is it where is it number one on the map Jenny where is it it must be here somewhere it’s gone can’t believe it now we have to check the map I can’t find it I will never do this again never I will never go to a museum again in my whole life never it says here it’s uh it’s up there now I have to go back I’m too far away I have to go back and let’s see where’s the river the river is there so there’s nothing it’s just this here nothing else is there’s nothing else in this [ __ ] Museum oh last sculpture this is it the the river is the Border borderline and then it’s just this park here why do I have to pay 16 to see this 6 euro is the same I pay to sleep every night and to camp in a safe camping site I cannot afford to pay 16 and 8 for a cup of coffee a very small cup of coffee mind you so 24 Euro wasted today why is this it is this the last sculpture it’s just a bridge see I have to find a lake I have to find a lake somewhere it must be very close to here where’s the lake there’s one sculpture here hiding somewhere but I cannot find it must be here somewhere I see something up there in the distance that is some very nice trees there oh my God they are very beautiful Tre trees Tre trees they are very beautiful trees oh my god I’ve never seen those trees before they’re very nice oh they must be very old trees I think it’s a castania tree no I don’t know what kind of tree this is must be very old there’s also an old tree over there what is that over there I don’t know what it is anyways I cannot find the last sculpture it’s gone maybe I’m just stupid I don’t know I couldn’t find it go to Eli and buy beers maybe it’s up here somewhere there’s no sculpture no I’ve just wasted my time that’s it I wasted my time today and I regret coming here I really regret it it’s just a forest there some there something going up here what is that there there’s a lake I found a lake so the sculpture is up there the last scul sculpture by Jenny they are very special trees that’s for sure you don’t see these trees every day where where can it be is it up here or where is it maybe I have to take out my map I saw the map it must be up here have to follow the world here that should be up here the last sculpture sculpture number one on the map is it in there there’s something in there I don’t know what that is it’s not here it’s not here not here he’s not here oh my God I need the map I need to take out the map here the M there we see number one it’s right there number one it’s right there it’s right down there the last sculpture is right down there by the lake and it’s made by Jenny where is it it must be very small I can’t see it I can’t see it the sculpture is right there in front of me or where is it must be very very small yeah that’s just a lake where’s the sculpture maybe it’s a spring water maybe it’s coming there something is coming up there it cannot be it cannot be just a lake because everybody can make a lake there’s no uh I mean you don’t I mean you don’t have to be an artist to make a lake like this it cannot be the lake it’s just a lake I refuse to believe this is the lake I refuse to believe it maybe it’s something to do with the light or maybe you have to be here in the night or I don’t I don’t see it I don’t see it where is the sculpture I cannot see maybe it’s the stones this man got hit warning in in front of me this man got hit running in front of me oo this man got hit warning behind me okay I see very confusing maybe it’s it’s a lake I don’t know we have to find out we have to figure it out ah so this is the is maybe it’s the benches that is the sculpture and the lake wow I mean I could do that myself this is [ __ ] okay that was uh that was behind this man was hit running in front when they execute me not everything will come to an end oh so it’s the lake she’s talking about the lake the lake in a clean swept see Street a fireing tank rolls on it mows down houses okay my brain hurts today she was hit on the first day before she could carry out the first order she was hit by the first day I’ve seen Heroes and that’s what I must till till about tell about I’ve seen Heroes I have no idea what this is and I really don’t care the youngest Soldier was 10 years old the child lives one more hour Jesus Christ man what those who gave the first order to fight let them now count our corpses that but that is the generals the copses are the soldiers in a war it’s all about the war the child lives one more hour so something with a war the youngest shoulder Soldier was 10 years old it’s the second world war it’s the second World War I don’t know very confusing this man got hit running behind me oh there’s a big fish nice it’s birth it’s it’s a it’s a vagina it’s bir the youngest Soldier was 10 years old the man got hit running behind me it’s a vagina she took about her own vagina and the youngest Soldier was 10 years old okay I see that make sense okay I will definitely never come back here again I just wasted a whole day in this place I feel betrayed I feel absolutely horrible I don’t even know why I came here in the first place it was because of the castle but the castle is it’s just an empty empty empty Castle this tree actually has a like tan tan he was swinging in this tree see it has there see this is what T he was swinging it has big big lean lines so T he was swimming from three to three in this isn’t it amazing if someone come up to me I I tell them I want my money back because this is a complete waste of money I want a we font I don’t want to pay to see to see this it’s with haded feel really sad sad because I have wasted my whole Saturday in here [Music] what football what football did I miss okay let’s uh let’s continue with the plan that was a waste of time and before that we saw the temple the sandstone temple and before that we saw the mosum that was covered okay so after after the waste of time uh what is the plan let me look at the map where do we go from here after we have wasted all day spend 8 lb and a cup of coffee a very small cup of coffee no whe Feld see where we go where we goland let’s see let’s see see see see I was here SLO D in B first of all it’s not a SLO it’s an art museum I don’t know why they call it a SLO complete game but we’re here now so we have to go down there no that is mum no no no no no we are here now that was the Fisher house we are here now we here we actually right here now the castle complete waste of time uh then there’s the moer and the bridge and the boat house and that’s about it but this is a walking tour I need the I need a bicycle thing to yeah I need this one here this one this one okay let’s see here there Alo I just have to Bicycle we can go to B ven BG Wen yeah let’s go to an old B Wen BG there old renberg there it’s not so far away we are here now we up there ah we we follow this way here ah this way okay work wenberg we bicycle there good now we can finally see some history instead of some stupid some stupid [ __ ] art from scammers around the world like this here like this no never mind I have to be careful I not get kicked out I don’t want to get kicked out what okay it was a nice walk in the sunshine and uh in a very fancy Art Museum mind you this is one person his name is Andrew Hall and he owns all of these uh art collections here sculptures everything so it’s probably him who who told me he’s American by the way mind you he’s American mind you so it’s probably him who who L me low me to waste my time this is probably very interesting if you are in America if this was America it would be very very interesting but this is not America remember that we’re not in America anymore but it’s an American person private person he owns he must be very very rich he owns all of this here he just borrowed the castle for his art a very expensive art he just Bor it you understand it’s one of the largest art collections in Europe [Music] now we have to go to a book an old book BK work walk I’m not allowed to film inside so I have to I have to uh put the camera down here a little bit I need to get my uh I need to get there smell really good in here quickly get my lockets and then I’m out of here [Music] there we go water H honey there my my back my back do it finally finally I don’t know I’m I’m I’m I’m not I’m not rich enough I’m not rich enough to come here it’s only for the witch I really like that sculpture there that’s really nice this looks like a a Warrior from a computer game s that is very nice you can actually scan it down here down here I can scan it let me get out of here this is absolutely horrible that was a very nice uh walk in the park very nice but now I go to the b b d d b what Dan is it called Dan yes Dan the the B down there down there yeah this hops Hopson B is it called Hopson B yes oh let me check uh just a minute no no golden PA yeah I’m going you have to give it back to me yes here it is you can you can keep your um you want this one I will just check you out okay yeah check me out yes wenberg I’m going to uh wenberg now just for the 100 time when I get some more money and I will be witch one day I’ll come back here and I will be together with other witch people so I can enjoy enjoy it I can really enjoy it so now we go down to venburg there so we have to Bicycle a little bit way I don’t know how to I I I I think I will use cahoot kamut I think I’ll use Kuts to show the way down there that was interesting I’m I’m just not witch enough I need to be more witch let me see Kut Kut Wen be that it is is it that one that looks really boring yeah Wen back there that looks really really Bing okay anyways we go navigate here we go there we go so now I use uh kamut uh to show us the way you can see we are right there now right there I didn’t see that one part down there I have to come back another day and pay 16 again if I want to see [Music] that I completely missed this building and this down there no anyways I just want to get the [ __ ] out of here man [ __ ] waste of time say on my ass next keep right now keep right take the next right then turn left now turn right then turn left take the next left oh my God sometimes I hate the decisions I make they’re so bad now turn left yes turn left yep follow this way for 1.16 miles an auto automobile Auto automobile on next go stra yeah just go straight now continue straight on road yes are we live then donate if we are live it looks very boring that that book there maybe I should just go to the nearest cup and get drunk and Qui and go to my camping and C Qui myself to sleep I think there’s something wrong with the donation alerts again yeah that’s not good maybe I have to replay or I have to reload the overlay maybe I think we’re offline oh my god I’ve never feel so stupid before how this Germany BN M penis is droopy have good day here comes the moneyone this is just replays I replay all now last donation was last donation was 6 hours ago can you imagine 6 hours ago there must be something wrong with donation alerts again I think I need to find a new donation provider and just never use donation again I just don’t know what what kind maybe streamlabs or something like that I don’t know I def I cannot use donation alerts anymore because it doesn’t work [Music] what for hold on to your heads is very beautiful field there very beautiful I think it’s beautiful at least [Music] is Denmark going to play uh football today [Music] it’s a very nice summer day today oh they not play today hey why you say they play today you idiots so left our light let’s check what is she saying she say turn right and then left there we go turn right in 40 ft turn right onto long distance Cycle Way follow this way for 700 ft sh I’m in suum very small village remember it was really cold this morning oh my God that was my favorite car sports car oh my God that was my car after him he took my car I have to turn left here now turn left onto Bergen W turn left here follow this way for 0.38 mil in 400 ft go straight onto waser stasa now tra on sta Wasa Oh you mean Vasa Vasa I see a I see a guest house here they’re probably closed they’re probably closed probably closed let’s see if they are closed or not oh there’s a bicycle uh holder for me let’s see if they’re closed or open I can get up be maybe they can also fill off my water tank for me I think this is the wrong I think this is the wrong entrance oh they’re closed yeah they closed I thought they were open okay next next bar they’re closed I could see I could see inside it’s closed maybe it’s over here is it here here you’re traveling in the wrong direction take a look at the map I don’t know if it’s here or not we have to try I hear some cows there are cows in there [Music] you see the C I’ll show you a car just a minute I see [Music] you oh they’re closed I think they are out of business out of business do you see the cows he

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