Your guide for the 2024 Tour de France official fantasy game.
    In this video we look at:

    1. The scoring system
    2. Using your Stage Winner Bonus
    3. Which riders to select
    4. Transfers
    5. Cheap riders to keep in budget
    6. The prizes awarded to those that win!
    Good luck!

    hey up everybody and welcome back to the Alo cycling YouTube channel where today we’re going to be taking a look at the official toor of France Fantasy game this is your chance to become your own director sportif of your own team throughout the to of France there’s also quite a bit at stake here because as you can see when you click on the prizes tab you can see that you know if you win you get a watch you can get a selection of the jerseys if you finish inside the top five you can get a pair of Oakleys for six place a backpack uh a saddle the game for whatever console you want and also patonk balls and then if also each stage there’s something on the line as well there’s a panini sticker set there’s like a replica of the medal which the Riders get at the end of each stage so obviously there’s quite a lot to be going out the stakes are quite high and therefore you’re going to want to watch this video in order to determine how to score the most amount of points and the first thing you’re going to want to do is go over to the bottom right and we’re going to click on the game rules where you see how many points are available this is really important to understand in order for you to create a team which is going to score the most amount of points there’s no point in creating a team that’s just very slap Dash and is just not utilizing the scoring system to its most advantageous way obviously the most points are scored by your stage position getting 200 for first and then slowly decreasing down and down you still get points if you finish about 100 it’s not a lot you only get one point there’s also the intermediate Sprint the any of the categorized climbs gets you points for getting most combative Rider in a day and I think this is a new addition for this year is that you get one point for every kilometer that a rider spent in the Breakaway which may not seem like a lot but when you consider that some of these stages could be 200 plus km long if a rider were to be in the Breakaway for 200 km that would give you the same amount of points as somebody who would win the stage and for a breakaway Rider who might be in the Breakaway contest an intermediate Sprint and do well in a stage that’s going to get you lots and lots of points you also get at the end of each day the Jersey classifications so you get the yellow jersey green jersey polka dot white jersey and also super combative but that’s right at the end but at the end of each day whoever’s doing well in each of the jerseys will gain these daily points and and that’s like additionally on top of all of these stage points now what you can do is you can set a captain for each day and you can change that each day for free and all these points here on screen at the moment the stage points will be doubled so in theory if you got somebody who is in the Breakaway who won the stage you could be looking towards 500ish points which is a heck of a lot of points to be taking in and will surely lead you to a lot success you can change the riders in your team that cost you 50 credits to do that and as you can see at a moment up here just is in small writing but I have 400 at the moment you can gain these there have been some quizzes prior to the tour and prior to this video which unfortunately you will likely have missed out on if you’re watching this now but that gave you opportunities to get to you some points there is going to be one more quiz before the tour uh on the Friday I believe before it starts that gives you another opportunity to gain either like a 100 or maybe even 200 credits so that would be anywhere from 2 to four credits and you also have the opportunity on any of the TTS to gain points for transfers you do that by guessing the time of the TT and generally just you kind of just want to take a bit of a ballpark guess you know if it’s a flattish TT they’re going to be averaging about 50ks an hour or something like that and obviously this won’t make much sense for the final stage which is a TT because you don’t need to make any transfers at that point so the main thing you need to determine is who’s going to be in your team at the start and then how you’re going to utilize your credits your transfers throughout the race to try and maximize your point scoring potential so I guess that takes us quite nicely onto the Riders obviously the most expensive Riders are the ones who are expected to score you the most points obviously each Rider isn’t suited towards every stage for example having a really fast Sprinter in here like yasper philipsson or mass pedison for example won’t be very good on a Mountaintop finish or maybe even in stage one for example because they’re just not going to be able to make it over the climbs so to begin with you can see all of the stage profiles over here as you can see the first two days are quite lumpy and are therefore likely to be for some of the GC contenders so my thinking is that I’m not going to have any Sprinter in at the start but probably when I get to stage three where it’s a little bit flatter I will probably put one Sprinter in at that point and then after stage four which is hilly again I will then add another Sprinter in at that point because the sprinters will be able to quite easily get some points especially if you set them as a captain for that day what you want to be doing to start with is probably not picking any sprinters for the first two days cuz you’re going to be wasting Stars even though in the long run you might it might seem like a good strategy to have a sprinter in the whole time I think you should hold off until stage three and then you could keep a sprinter in throughout the whole race I think there are only really two Riders which I would consider keeping in my team for the whole time and that would probably be patcha and you know maybe somebody like Pitcock or a cheaper Rider like van Hills who is going to get in the breakaways and I would probably keep philipsson or another high-profile Sprinter in my team from stage three onwards because that’s going to mean that they sit in your team the whole time and you don’t need to worry about transferring them out you get to Stage 19 and it’s a really hilly stage in 19 it’s a really hilly stage in stage 20 and it’s a TT in stage 21 you want to be taking the sprinters out of your team completely at that point because there’s no point in having a sprinter in your team wasting credits uh wasting your ability to get points throughout those final three days and also keep those riders in your team isn’t particularly advantageous because all of these daily points that I was mentioning earlier for the classifications at the end of each day only get multiplied by three as like a little bonus at the end of the tour so say the person who’s winning the race at the end will only gain you another 150 so it’s not a massive bonus that you get at the end if you were to have the winner of raceing your team so you may as well really kind of leave it all out on the road ideally the best teams will manage to swap in Riders who go into the breakaways on a lot of those stages which are designated as Breakaway days those ones are really stages eight stage 9 stage 11 possibly stage 12 uh you might get either one of stage 14 or Stage 15 will be a breakaway day stage 17 will definitely be a breakaway day stage 18 looks like it’ll be a breakaway day and then either one of stage 19 or 20 will be a breakaway day as as well so it’s those sorts of days where if you manage to get that Rider who’s in the Breakaway who gets you that one point per kilometer and then they do really well and you set them as a captain you’re you’re just you’re absolutely laughing by the way to set your captain you see this button down here you click on the plus sign and you click on whichever Rider you want to be your captain for the first dat I’d probably say that tal Pacha is a safe one to be going with taking a look at the rider prices obviously there’s so many to be going out the rules dictate that when it comes to the rider selection you can only have five all-rounders fre climbers free sprinters and free leaders in your squad at any one time so obviously at the moment I’m not maximizing all that and honestly it’s not too hard to keep within the limits of that some of the big favorites who are going to be scoring a lot of points are obviously Pacha philipsson Jonas vingard possibly but he is coming back from injury so I’d probably wait at least a week before really going in on yonas as a person who’s going to be scoring lots of points aol’s a really good one for the time trials to put on set as a captain because he’s probably going to win all those W vard is quite a good one for all the breakaways pedon is another fantastic Sprinter in terms of the white jersey competition you’re really looking at y Mato Jorgenson Carlos Rodriguez rco AOL and maybe like Santiago Bago of baring Victorious those are the ones who I’m really looking at towards for the white jersey and then in terms of riders who are perhaps you know ons to really go for a breakaway Chone is a really good one Derek G is again in fantastic form at the moment lazano Steven Williams basically a lot of the all-rounders seem a very good option for for breakaways but in terms of riders who are good value for money pcks and I’d consider that to be anybody who’s 12 credits and under Oscar Onley Uh Kevin voola Theo Chris Harper for getting him breakaways are good options van Hills is one of my favorite ones I think he’s really good value for money to Marin Vandenberg is probably the best cheap Sprinter to be going with a lot of the other ones below him are mainly just lead out men who are designated as sprinters Roman greguar doron gon Bruno amarai Valen is quite is a sprinter but he’s not designated as one so you could get uh a cheeky one kind of out of position there bety is a really good one to be picking as well as a cheap option Fred Wright WPS Paula is the new French Champion so he’s obviously ly very keen French champion on French soil is of course going to pretty much always do well on some stages Tom skins usually gets in breakaways on medium Mountain terrain and generally as you get further and further down the list you’re looking towards Riders who are just going to be getting into the breakway maybe not necessarily as somebody who’s going to be doing really well in a stage like standing like trying to win the stage but mainly just getting into the Breakaway so guys from a lot of the pro Continental teams like uh total energies or Israel Premier Tech or Alps inter keric and also actually DSM even though they’re not a a proc Continental team they usually get in the Breakaway quite a lot as well so that’s generally my advice is to try and get all of those Breakaway stages that I talked about earlier try and get some riders in there who are going to be winning from the Breakaway and that will largely be the key to success as well as alternating this stage bonus winner for each day make sure you log in every day and you’re checking on your team and you’re making sure that it’s up to date and you don’t slack because the person who is the most Vigilant and makes the best decisions is going to be the one who is going to win that TSO watch at the end of it so let me know any queries any questions that you have and also if all of this just sounds too much and you’d really just like a simple fire and forget you know cycling Fantasy game where you could just pick a team of riders and Veo and score points and you don’t to worry about making any transfers but I would strongly recommend that you come over to V games they have a v game 2024 competition and this allows you to select Riders of you know your Pates roog glitches and all the other guys apart from you just pick a team of nine Riders and you forget about it if a rider dnfs then they just dnf they can’t get you any more points but I realized that some people prefer the kind of set your team and just forget about it and maybe look at it sporadically so if that’s more your style come and check out games but best of luck to everyone I hope that you all do really well in this competition and maybe one of us can win that TSA watch but at the end of the day thank you very much for watching and I will see you in my next video Sal


    1. Im not liking these extra credits for recommending friends and a quiz (which i missed) limits the enthusiasm for us late arrivals….. although chances of me getting more than one extra substitution would have been unlikely however early i started playing

      But the game will revolve around how lucky you can get nailing and captaining your breakaway riders this year for sure, much more of a lottery. Only a couple I would have added to your breakaway suspects, Ben Healy & Magnus Cort, but fall just outside you criteria of 12. But some we will have to wait and see if they are there for stage wins as opposed to low level GC ambitions. like Powless, Onley, Ciccone and Bardet for example? But a couple of those are perhaps a bit pricey unless you could see they were definitely going for KOM points too.

      Thought DV Poppel was worth a look at having in as the only sprinter for Bora and only 11. I may have to have someone like that in from the start to save a transfer or VD Berg who is also a good option.

      You said you saw stages 8 and 9 as break days. How do you see them panning out? One is set up for a classic riders battle… and the gravel could be a reduced bunch sprint stage? but either could be used to attack in the GC battle? I like the look of both of them stages.

      Good Luck, you should do well if you have extra subs…. it was a good team.

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