The Ultimate Challenge! We try and ride our big ass mountain bikes up Seymour and Cypress in a day!

    Want to see us bike to the top of Grouse? click the link to watch!


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    We’re Liz and Leeann and we’re all about exploring the great outdoors. We’ve been on countless adventures together since we first met in 2004, and let us tell you, it’s been an incredible journey! When it comes to our favourite outdoor activities, we can’t get enough of mountain biking, hiking, boondocking, and embarking on epic adventures. Whether we’re hitting the trails on our bikes or conquering new peaks on foot, there’s just something exhilarating about pushing ourselves to new limits and immersing ourselves in nature. We want to inspire others to live an adventurous life no matter what your age!

    hi it’s lizen lean from the old lady wives YouTube channel and today we’ll be doing the ultimate Challenge we’ll be biking up two mountains Seymour Cyprus 26 km of up, 1600 M of elevation and we’ll be doing it on our Tru Rosco mountain bikes with 2.8 tires [Music] a [Music] we’re off like a tur of hurdles here we go our first Mountain 12 km of up on great big fat tire mountain bikes up this mountain on road your question might be why am I riding up a mountain on a road on a fat tire mountain bike 2.8 slower and harder but I’ll tell you why cuz that’s the only bike I have so today I am riding Ethel she’s my big girl mountain bike a TR Rosco 2.8 tires and for some reason athel prefers to be ridden on the road and I’ve told her time time again that a road bike is preferable to ride on the road not a great big mountain bike but she feels like she is a road bike so I have to honor her wishes so I ride her on the road all the time we are going to be getting gravel bikes but not yet got to save for such things okay we are coming up on the one kilometer Mark and I’m coming up on the kilometer sign 1 km only 11 more to go there goes Leanne byebye of course the guy in the road bike went by me had lightning [Music] speed after two weeks of rain we finally have some real Sunshine everything is so lash so green it’s been a few years since we’ve seen it this green it’s amazing well I’m 58 years old and I retired at 57 that would have been December 15th 2023 and I turned 58 in March so our whole lives we were trying to go early so that you can really live the life you want to live when you’re retired which for us is Outdoor Adventure so back in March early March uh they found a lump in my thyroid and I had to get an ultrasound done and the results came back suspicious and we never want to stop because once you get past a certain age and you stop it’s really hard to get going again and this head long Co for 14 months and basically our Outdoor Adventures stopped and so so I was scheduled for a biopsy of my thyroid and I had that done on May the 23rd about 2 weeks ago and now we’ve been spending since you felt B better so that’s since March trying to get back into shape that we were before long Co showed up and so we’re really really doing crazy things a lot of up stuff a lot of bang for your buck stuff and thankfully it came back benign but wow it was so stressful but I had made a decision back in March that I was not going to spend the next two three months panicked about it I was just going to go out and live my life to the fullest so we can get in really good shape so that we can when we’re ready can take off and do a bike packing trip we love bike packing and uh we want to be a little to high at least ride 100 km a day so that’s what we are training for it was really hard especially after suffering with covid for 14 months three kilometers but on top of that I was a letter carrier at Canada Post for 24 years and that repetitive walking and carrying the Satchel getting in out of the truck sorting mail have I done a lot of damage to my body I was came out with uh lower back problems planter fasciitis two tighter shoulders so almost I couldn’t believe it it’s like something else oh my goodness I’m just so grateful for my health I’ll never take my health for granted again I’ll never take my body for granted again we only have this one life and you have to do what you want and live it to the fullest so we’ve been going to yoga at least three to four times a week and it’s the most Improvement I have ever seen mind you we’re not competing against work at the same time so when I go get something fixed it kind of stays in that position which it never did when I was delivering mail I tell you riding e up a Mountain Road is hard work I hope you appreciate this Ethel me taking you out on the road my feet like to fall asleep when I’m riding does anyone else have that problem make a comment below okay here come some idiots on motorcycles I have a pet peeve motorcycles are always bitching about how cars don’t see them yet they drive up the shoulders and they cut in and out of cars and they go high high speeds on curvy roads and then they blame the cars so I’m pretty sure Ethel the bike has an ulterior motive I think she’s trying to um whip me back into shape after being uh sick with covid for 14 months 4 km 442 elevation and we were at 390 she just wants me to get get back to where I was but I’ve had to tell Ethel that it’s going to take time that you can’t have unrealistic expectations so it looks like we’re gaining about 50 m every kilometer your Fitness is going to come back see if I still got that same pace and it takes time Ethel of 13 minutes a kilometer so I’ve told Ethel I’m being compassionate with myself I’m not going to put these unrealistic expectations on myself time now is 11:20 7 minutes that time huh I am exactly where I’m supposed to be at all so there’s no need for pressure coming up on 5 km and I’m ready to quit not even halfway there and I’m absolutely dying 520 M of elevation I don’t know if you guys can hear it or not but I can hear a gross [Applause] 6 km halfway there Hallelujah [Applause] steep coming up on 7 km 5 km to go 3 miles 7 km this is hard made it to 8 km four to go this is hard looks like it’s uh flattening out here a little bit got a bit of a break from the up that was disgusting we’re at 9 km 800 M of [Music] elevation 3 km to go made it to uh 10 km and we are at 864 M of elevation 2 km to go am I ever suffering steep this has been a tough climb up the mountain on our bikes I want to get off and walk but I think I can do faster if I stay on my bike one thing I know is that the bike is extremely happy right now I’m walking I got nothing left coming up on 11 km 11 km 1 km to go I don’t know if I’m going to be able to do Cypress I can hardly do this I was told the steepest part was the last kilometer and um yeah it looks like it’s true straight the hell up 12 1/ 12 km and 1,40 M of elevation so it took me 2 hours and 27 minutes I burned 704 calories and climbed 880 M and I’m just waiting for Leanne here she comes woo made it up the first Mountain I don’t know about the second riding down is going to be so much fun and it’s probably going to take about 20 minutes tell me how you’re feeling not very good it was really hard and I get to the top and bugs I just want to go down that’s it let’s get it done bye there goes Leanne she’s heading down I’ll see you at the car bye [Music] made it back down to the car it took us uh less than 20 minutes to get down here so we’re going to load up get some food and do it all again head over to Cypress for 14 more kilometers of up we’ll see you at Cypress bye we are now at Cypress Mountain we’re going to do another ride up a mountain this one is how many km 14 km and elevation gain about 700 M of elevation gain all right we’ll see you at the top yeah it’s going to be hard and it’s hot out now bye bye here we go ride number two r on little bit more traffic here my legs are a little fatigued slow and steady I don’t know if I’m going to do this this is hard I’m suffering pretty bad I think it’s harder than seamour I’m not really liking it I don’t know it could be because I’m tired it’s not fun and it’s hot out I think I’m going to quit this is a challenge I can’t see Leanne I’m heading back down this is too much for me I don’t know if she’s turned around or not Liz can go to the top I no I can’t do it I’m going to keep on going here comes the quitter she’s going back down too [Applause] much this is so hard I don’t see any reason for it I hate suffering and Liz loves suffering one Mountain’s enough for this lady it’s all I can see was one mountain is enough I’ll go get the vehicle and I’m driving up Leanne did turn around she just drove past me a couple minutes ago she’s going to meet me up at the top I don’t know if I’m going to make it to the [Applause] top I’m going to go another kilometer see how I feel bye just saw lean had a bit of a couple minute break guzzled down some uh scratch energy drink my electrolyte drink ate a spring energy gel here I go up up up hard oh my goodness [Applause] I have about a kilometer to a parking lot that Leanne is at I’m going to go there probably going to stop this is brutal all right so I stopped I got about 7 km up the mountain I got 2 km up the mountain it was so hard it’s really a it was a lot of fun yeah except for the last 7 seven kilomet maybe we’ll try it again later on in the year with gravel bikes yeah gravel bikes so anyways Ethel the bike I hope you’re happy you know you got a mountain and a half in of riding I am exhausted me too yeah there’s a lot of mosquitoes here how did you like the ride well I like doing seam morees you know what I think this was steeper and then the last like I think 4 km are probably FL it’s flat but it is so so hard coming up here and also the traffic is insane yeah people live up here now I thought it was a Provincial Park it was just crazy I just I’ve never seen so much traffic up here just just insane so it definitely it was not as pleasant riding up just because of the traffic if we can get gravel bikes it’ll be a lot better I think we’re going to have to get gravel bikes I think so on our way home yeah we’re stopping to get gravel bikes yeah anyways if you want to see more videos like this please like And subscribe and remember keep on adventuring adventuring adventuring see you in the next video bye guys bye thanks for watching bye


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