Day in the life of a plumber
    In todays video I swap out an old oil boiler for a new Worcester unit. I show you the draining down of the heating system, removing the old boiler, piping the plumbing and flue connections and commissioning the new boiler

    As always, thanks so much for watching, all the support is greatly appreciated

    #apprentice #plumbing #plumber #oil #boiler

    this morning’s job we’re dragging out this old oil boiler and we’re putting a new 2532 wer in um it’s already fully pumped so we’ve got Zone vales heating hot water there’s trvs and everything so we’ll put a filter on it we’ll make sure everything’s nice and flushed we’ll put a new fire valve new filter on the oil this condense we’re going to upgrade I might be able to sneak it into that sink waste over there if not it goes into a bully on the outside so we’ll call through um pretty much it really this ball is in a bit of a a mess it’s it’s leaking it’s losing pressure oh yeah she’s she’s full for a she see where she’s been leaking might have to get the work back in Jacob there’s a drain off on these at the bottom there isn’t is there they’ve plugged it um we can certainly knock the pressure off like you say through that fi Loop ja cuz somebody’s put it on the right side for so we’ll get hose on that and then unfortunately it won’t drain the bottom of the boilet unless they put a drain off tap oh there is one on the bottom left down there so we’ll get a hose on that Jacob let it drain but that has been set in water for a while that is the sound of success and drain off top of that actually works this ball has been swimming a while the main heat X is split it system’s been constantly losing pressure but yeah that one is well and truly add it we’ll get the electrics disconnected they’ve already been isolated um and yeah it should be fairly straightforward new pip work will come off this side snap the photo cell off as well I’m surprised that that was even run it well it probably won that’s bad that bur swimming I’m going to get the wet back in get this all hoovered out and dropped the pressure um Rusty in here um I just disconnect this oil we got the oil isolated on the tank and then we can get this old boiler dragged out made it draw any a bit on it back just disconnect on there stopping a second I would thought it looks fairly clean but we still going to flush it out I the flu will be sealed no makes our life easy to get out though they attempted In fairness but it’s yeah it’s pretty loose [Music] [Applause] I’ve labeled this up so that’s our flow going through our pump that one goes to the hot water cylinder it’s got another valve on heating upstairs heating downstairs and this is our return that’s hot water return coming back through last one back into the boiler upstairs radiator return downstairs radiator return so we need to get a filter on that return pipe work which is separated from the expansion because the expansion comes on the flow so we’ve got no valve between the expansion and the boiler um so yeah it should be fairly straightforward this one pull the five Val out of it we’re going to put a new five Val in that have a drop of diesel in that minute all the fir valve does is shut the oil off the oil feed off if that probe gets too hot so that should have sat really above the burner somewhere um so if the boiler caught fire automatically cuts the supply fuel off I think it’s been leaking that long it’s gone moldy down there there’s like mushroom starting to grow probably not the best luckily it’s not actually in the house but yeah um B is ready to come out just got to try and I don’t know we’ll have to cut that there Jacob I think and then rejig these returns back in somehow unless we cut the case what you reckon rejig rejig he’s gone for the rejig I want it we just have to stick that one back down we LST it well if we we have there’s not a lot we can do about it I don’t think it’s probably CAU at the angle anyway was it Patrick around the stone anyway can’t we we got L yeah be right um yeah this charge drag forward need two an we don’t want no Mickey Mouse jobs on this firm look at that he’s gone oh he has lovely we’re going to get all this old [Music] area so Jacob’s going to start jigging this pip work back in we haven’t actually got the boiler on site yet it’s supposed to be here at 8:00 um but it should be here in a few minutes we’re going to unsweet that from there we’re going to point that te up and we’re going to have the filter mounted this way cuz on the wor they sort of come over the top and down um so unsweat that 28 20 at there in effect with an elbow like that cuz the edge of the boiler will be pretty close to there the flow will probably have to swing in front across and then down I’m going to go outside and start getting the fire valve and stuff sorted on the oil line and hopefully the boiler will be here then the fire valve they’ve drilled a inch and a quarter hole so you can actually get the five valve out without removing the oil line which is good uh makes our life easier cuz otherwise you end up pulling the oil line out to get the 5H hour Pro back through I think we can just squeeze it in there um and then we’ll have a look at the condense if it’s high enough we’re going to try and EMB boss it into that sink waste inside the condex comes out on the right side of the W so we have to go behind we can lag it in here anyway so I just tell you this story I was watching Jones the gas on Tik Tok and he he fits a lot of gloworms and Valiant and he he said to him can you make the Tails longer so they can get a pressfit elbow on and they said you can’t use pressfit within the meter of the boiler unless the manufacturer the Press fit fitting States otherwise so I didn’t actually know that so you do learn a lot of stuff I haven’t done any boilers in pressfit we’re going to Sol this one anyway but yeah it just goes show you need to check your manufacturers instructions um to me it doesn’t make a lot of sense because if you imagine there’s O-rings inside the boiler anyway I know you can’t use plastic within a meter of the boiler but there’s O-rings inside the boiler your filters of plast well some filters of brass aren’t they but a lot of filters of plastic anyway so if if the boil is getting that hot where it’s melting an O-ring you know you’re in a bit of bother anyway but yeah always check my manufactur instructions whether you can use pressfit within one meter of the boiler we know glow War vant say it’s okay as long as the pressfit manufacturer says it’s okay which is a bit bit of a gray area that really um so I just watched Jacob try and sweat this off there’s probably a drop of water in pipe as soon as it starts Jacob knows but soon I just tell you guys as soon as it starts to like spit we sold there when it’s when it’s when it should start to should start to release itself itself got no teeth left got no teeth left on me grips had the on years now so what we’ve got here I’m going to come in we’re going to put an isolation Point going to put the filter then we’re going to put the fire valve that is blow off from the from the heating system look a little bit wet change that it’s been running a it we check that we need to check that expansion vessel anyway but that blowoff has been running um that’s probably another cause of the pressure drop that’s current condens which we probably we’re either going to upgrade that or we’re going to boss into the sink waste so I’ll get this disconnected insert on the oil line I don’t know if that will fit that I see if I’ve got a different elbow in the van this is the only thing with Annoying Thing with oil lines you get like the small nuts and the big nuts on the 10 mil I see if I’ve got a big one cuz then I can just keep that not an olive and change the elbow it’s either that no I will I see if I’ve got one reason we’re using insert is just to stop the pipe crushing when you tighten the nut on I live up 10 m is only soft you just nip just nip them up you don’t go mentally tight probably a little span would be better but and then straight into a shut off valve I might need to shorten it back a touch cuz I’m going to run out of space cuz I’ve got to try and get a filter and the fire valve in there yet this is a fire valve all this does is shut the oil off if that probe gets hot this is a 2 m 95° one I did ask for a 3 m um but probably didn’t have any two M should reach through the wall anyway so just probe that off like that that probe through there like that probably sticking my my mate on the leg did that get you Jacob that’s all right mate I thought it’ get you there’s an aror on these as well so it wants to go like that and then all that pin does is pop out if it ever Heats so next thing we’ve got is an oil filter secondary one there’s already one on the tank but this just helps protect protect the boiler we will we will check the one on the tank to make sure it is clean but I think if you read the instructions it will say you need a secondary filter on the install and then hopefully we can get the valve it’s going to be a bit tight that’ll maybe move across a bit for us so on these boilers you can use either one of them as you flow they do send you a blank that’s our return connection so we’ll probably bring them both out this side above the top of the boiler and then in that’s going to be the easiest condens is there on this one um so we’ll have to set that behind the boiler we’ll probably jig that up first so we just La the boiler in position that’s our return connection it’s going to swing straight across any air will bleed out the top of the filter anyway the flow we might just need to put an air tap on cuz it’s creating another High Point there’s bleed points here on the boiler for the heat exchanger flu is going to go straight out the back we’ll patch that all up S cement and yeah that’s pretty much it’s sat back in okay there’s a little gap down this side but we haven’t quite met the tiles we get the pump on that Jacob make sure that’s okay we might change that prv said that expansion vessel wasn’t very old I was going to allow for one on my price but I didn’t want it change in so she can only price what they ask for I’m hoping we don’t need the extending flu I think we should be okay is that can you just hold that tape where it goes into the thing Jacob about 750 we need to be yeah it’s a I’ll get that sorted mate the one thing I like about these flu as well the telescopic and the Cent drill bit the drill in your pop not pop R your sell tap is in so I’ve just measured through the wall into where it sits it’s it’s actually really on the limit of where it needs to be but I think we’re just going to be okay we can’t go much more than that cuz we’re going to be past the point and but as long as it’s fine it’s okay certainly not going to have any white showing on this one I can tell you it’s on the limit but yeah good flu telescopic nice and quick to install on there look it’s beautiful taught him everything he knows look I can’t teach that that’s just pure talent that is Jacob like that Corona plumber have you seen him he’s amazing he is beer all the virus I don’t know I think it’s some like I don’t really watch a lot Tik Tok but some some of the stuff he does is unbelievable im a lot of good plumbers out there so I’ve made a mistake when I’ve priced this job because I’m not allowed for an extension flu is on the limit I can’t go anymore and we’re about 6 in short I could pull it back through a little bit but it’s it’s not right so what I’m going to do is go get an extension we just have to put a short piece in there we can’t have a flu joint in the wall but the flu joint will be here and I just shorten that telescopic one back um there it needs to be about there but then it’s just it’s just too short and I’m not leaving it so I’ll go get an extension Jacob’s happy piping this up anyway um Jack and I’m going to pick some lagging up should have a new prv I might bring a new prv back with me as well if that’s been run in um so yeah it was going okay until that point but there’s always something in there that wall is thicker than I thought when I looked at it right I’ve been infection the extension piece uh what I’m going to do is cut this I know 6 in and then that piece will go into the boiler and then the flu will go into there and then we’ll just screw that through it’s perfectly acceptable to do it that way we just got a little bit unlucky on this one as I say cuz we were literally that much short we might just have to shorten the telescopic one down a little bit now um but yeah at least that’ll be right and fully inserted and everything we Pock that clamp goes on there first we need to tighten that or yet and normally the telescop it would go straight in there but not on our case cuz we just that a little bit short um and then we’ll fix that through onto the telescopic and that’s got over that problem beautiful that’s the first piece set up so where we want to be into about there somewhere I can’t do it one handed but that will go right so that Fu’s in now the correct distance as well not in the wall um so I just need to patch up around here we have got terminal guard going on there as well and that’s Happy Days I’m just going to use sand and cement to pack you up so while I’ve been messing around with the fluid Jacobs just got the pipe work done to the boiler just bought with the Magnum cleanser on you check the expansion vessel he pump that back up to one bar so we just got the oil line to tie in and the electrics and then we can start to get well start to get crushed out then so on these wers there’s a little clip right there for you five out to sit in so that’s as it should be to manufacturer’s instructions it can sit above the burner but because they give you a it’s better to go on the clip I’m just in a trip on this bik work it’s maybe just on the magnet cleanse yeah it be right just work this burner out just get out the way a minute that’s what your burn it looks like your nozzle your electrod blast tube tells your on settings will be 28.5 KW U so pump pressure wants to be 10.3 by 150 psi uh cut yourself there look ow I didn’t even know I’ve done it um condens trap uh your baffles are inside there which we need to check to make sure they haven’t been dis loed these are like a one piece baffle on these anyway secondary e exchanger uh that the cover just comes off that you can clean that out when you’re servicing it not much else ready to say on these um that’s obviously where the burner bolts in blast tube firing through there’s waterways on each side on these and then the baffles just to deflect the heat um what else have we got I can show you that’s pretty much it these are pretty standard obviously you can get the like systems ones with the pump and the expansion V and the pr pressure relief valve and but this is just a standard regular heat I’m just using this Mor mix to patch up around the flu inside and out just it’s just this stuff you add water to it makes my life a bit easier get some water in there we get this made good that’s got the outside all sealed we’ve still got the collar to go on there so you won’t see any of that anyway and the terminal guard but it’s just if the the black collar that piece would to ever degrade it’s still sealed so no flu can no fumes can go back into the building why there’s four F should be a 5 amp really for an oil ball we’ll put that five amp in let put it works anyway War drop got some 3 amps some 5 Amps do o need bleeding mate yeah I turn the magnet clean off mate so you’ll have to turn that back on where’s that uh green to that’ll go for lock out minutes this time it’ll go I can show you that’s to Blue you probably know yeah I just don’t have any in the so Jacob’s going to bleed this through but he’s going to put some gloves on before touching any oil as you should do so taking the two screws out the burner box it’s the same Allen key that fits the bleed Point anyway on them I do have a proper wer somewhere but x three off M and then you bleed point is I can get my pump pressure gauge out if you want put that on it makes it easier to bleed to you just give it a little crack you see all them bubbles you can see that get a bit closer there shouldn’t be a lot in it mate to be honest with you there only all of the line from out there be really careful if you press the reset because you’ve got like 10 and a half bar pressure coming at you at the minute that’s just on gravity flow of oil through the bleed point now just on gravity um so that should you should hear it click in a second any second how he says there you go click and it’s lit I’ve had to change the pump on this system as well um I think what half the trouble is we’ve got a big air lock on the primaries that’s the primary flow that’s the primary return there is a bypass on on the other end as well um but we just air locked all the way across and it just W shifting it so the boil just kept going to overheat but we’re getting a nice temperature now we just got the upstairs on um so Jacob’s just going around checking the RADS but the ball is pouring away nicely again so I’m just going to get the analyzer in it so our CO2 is need to be 12 um 12.0 on this we know the pump pressure set if anything we just need to give it a little tweak of air and to do that it’s just down here so a little turn and that’ll just bring our co2’s up a little bit so air will go a air will increase and CO2 should come down see you see as the air is going up and co2’s is just coming down a touch which is what we want we need them on 12 another little tweak first thing you always do is get your pump pressure right there cuz if that’s wrong everything else is going to be out out I’ll just let that come down a second so we’re not going to be bad at that that reading’s been stable for a couple of minutes now so I’m fairly happy so we can get that printed off and we can get the Benchmark and everything filled out still got flu to make go flu hole to make good inside all the pipes to lag and finish flushing the system they took the magnet cleans off cuz we was just struggling with air a little bit but we are going to get that bolted back on now I have to change this pump now this pump stuck on this mode here that that’s that’s that’s Purge mode but then you should be able to cycle [Music] through that it just keeps jumping back that’s air pit and then it don’t go across onto the others so you should be a to cycle between the fix speeds and modulating but it don’t I might change that he junk he junk he junk not leaving that in there it’s just going to come back and caus me a call back so I’m just I think I’ve got a student Turnal one in the van as well so I put one of them I mean I don’t know why I F that I’ve had trouble with them before but I should have just put a St and Turner on these are my probably my Preferred Pumps now um them dab ones are the cheaper ones they’re about I don’t know 49 quid but you get what you pay for don’t you so these are I don’t know these are probably getting on for 100 quid but yeah at the end of the day if you’re just going to keep getting callbacks and stuff like that what’s the point of fit and stuff right so that’s got this job all complete we put a shooting turn of pump in there we the magnet cleans on for about 3 hours uh We’ve lagged all the pipes patched up the flu everything’s getting nice and hot everything’s balanced so yeah that’s another one done um this job’s it’s gone okay it’s just a couple of little things that always go wrong U that pump was annoying but is what it is at the end of the day a it but yeah customer happy so yeah we’ll get out of here and before anybody says it yes we have put a terminal guard on any flu below 2 m whether it’s gas or oil needs to terminal guard stops anything being put up against it um I know it’s it’s fairly obvious but yeah it is a regular a


    1. ground control to major Tom, the boilers flooded the heatings gone…..check ignition and may gas safes love be with you…… 🙏

    2. Thats a warmflow, i can guarantee you now, thats not a leaking heat exchanger, its the way the condense runs, it backs up super easy on the secondary hex. Ive done hundreds of them like that. It usually leaks on bottom right hand corner on the outside of the boiler house

    3. We never stop learning Tom .those press fit may not like been to close to the boiler ..but what do the manafactorur say .

      A very nice bit of work you both carried out there 👍👍👍
      Can't account for everything in your quote. And then there is the extras that crop up .😯

    4. I’m a licensed plumber in America (Indiana) I started watching and subbed a few weeks ago. I came to see the differences or similarities between the UK and America but have been surprised about the fact we have way more similarities in the way we do things than not. Same tools and all lol. You’re definitely a professional and glad that I came across your channel. 👍

    5. Hi Tom, a nice job there as always, yep there are always a few problems that present them selves on most jobs.
      Another nice installation Tom well done to Jacob and yourself, hope the customer was happy because their original boiler was clearly knackered.
      Have a great weekend and as always take care mate. 👍👍👍

    6. Love the oil work tom, ive just sorted a horrible job rain water into tank lid had been off tank cleaned out and lid put back but people have been trying to run the boiler with dirt and sludge in the line. Had to replace the nozzle, and oil pump was killed by the dirt.

    7. Hi Tom nice job as said by others, Jacob doing well leaning, one day he will be as good as you😁 nice to see you back on your feet you can tell with your voice and actions that your better😅

    8. Nice work lad’s got too watch does sharp edges on the cabinets or wear some gloves ?
      👍👍👍👍👍👍🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿👌🍺have a lovely weekend 👍

    9. Seems surprising to replace a knackered oil boiler with a new one – would’ve been ideal moment to install a heat pump – a bit more expensive to be sure, but lower running cost plus saving the planet!

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