Second day of BRM1000. Late start from Verdun cause of waiting shops to open, to buy so needed 10 size wrench for my broken seatpost clamp. Mostly lonely riding during this really hot day. Trying pizza from kiosk. Met few randonneurs along the road. Struggle of the day – lack of water, even had to share it with other rider. Late evening entering Germany. Took fast food dinner in Saarbrücken before entering a night. Unfortunatly, had a flat in the middle of the night while descending on cycling path. Long day ended in Wadril town.

    1 Comment

    1. Thanks for the great video, can’t wait for part 3! I rode Rondom Luxemburg this year. I think it was easier because we had an evening start. Many riders rode through to Saarbrücken, where we were able to spend a night at a hotel. Have a great day and “bonne route” for PBP!

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