Andrea Piccolo has just been fired by his team, EF, after he was stopped by Italian law enforcement on suspicion of transporting human growth hormone. Here’s a quick overview of what we know so far. Do you think his career is over for good?

    A little about myself:

    New to my channel? I’m an average recreational cyclist that recently moved from America to Girona, Catalunya, Spain. The Vuelta España and The Tour of Catalunya will all be held here in Spain!

    Sometimes I race and when I do, I share my training with you along the way. So far, I’ve done crit racing, road racing and gravel racing. I haven’t done a duathlon or a triathlon yet, but it is something I am thinking about!

    So far in Spain, I’ve seen DSM cycling, SD Worx, Team Jayco Alula, Ineos, Arkea cycling, UAE team emirates and more all training here. Did you know there’s also a GCN studio here?

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    🙏🏾 That was a lot to type!! If you’ve read this far, thank you for taking the time to watch!

    if you haven’t heard by now on June 21st pro cyclist Andrea Piccolo was stopped by Italian law enforcement authorities on suspension of transporting human growth hormone Piccolo was stopped at an Italian airport and he was recently training in Colombia and he was due to riding the Italian championships this Sunday the UCI said that Piccolo had been under investigation by the ITA who had been collaborating on the case with Italian anti-doping agency and the Italian police here’s where things are kind of weird though because Piccolo’s team te EF said that they had suspended Piccolo without pay in March after he had used a sleeping aid that was not approved by the team but it was legal at the time EF reported that usage to the UCI and they also claimed that they had attempted to dismiss Piccolo at that point but due to legal reasons surrounding the UCI standard rer contract they were unable to terminate his contract but despite the fact that they tried to fire him in March they still went on to select him for the jural de itala in May which means theoretically Piccolo was riding the jural while he’s unpaid anyway Piccolo told the EF manager Jonathan Walters of this incident via text message writing quote Jonathan I speak to you sincerely because I have already lost everything and I’m aware of this I have taken four medications from Colombia that I do not want to name I want to take my responsibility for this they found them and confiscated them at the airport end quote now under water code the trafficking or attempted trafficking of any prohibited substance or prohibited me method carries a minimum suspension of 4 years and he might be also facing criminal charges what’s not clear though is what his motivations were with these drugs taking Piccolo’s words at face value it appears that he consciously took these drugs from one country to another which makes me wonder if he was planning to take these drugs himself or sell them to another Rider I’m also curious of whether or not he is the only Pro Rider doing this and whether or not he’s a part of a larger operation ring either way this is an unfortunate situation because the kid is only 23 years old and if he does set the 4-year band he will only be 27 years old so do you think he will ever race in the professional pelaton again let me know what you think in the comment section and I’ll see you in the next video


    1. He's done. EF and Jonny Vaughters built their reputations on being squeeky clean. If he comes back at 26, the peloton will have passed him by. Apart from a few shady pro continental teams, no one will want to touch him, because he doesn't have any UCI points. It's too risky.

    2. What a shame. He had been looking good but was that an “enhanced” set of performances? Staying at the top of cycling is a cutthroat business and I guess, some riders feel they need to take these risks to remain there. It’s hard not to sympathise and at the same time, be mightily disappointed 🙁

    3. That’s pretty bad (four year suspension)… part of me thinks EF was looking to “drop” him anyway when they suspended him w/o pay for taking a (legal) sleeping aid… sounds like there’s more going on in the back office than the front office is admitting… pro cycling doesn’t need anymore drug issues… 🙌🏽

    4. There is corruption on all
      Levels. A lot of the pro teams train in Spain. The Spanish Government doesn’t allow wada or any anti doping agencies to conduct testing at odd hours, on the weekends and only certain hours of the day.

    5. This is sad, wasn’t EF built as an aggressively antidoping team. It’s sketchy that they would allow him to race when they are suspicious of him. EF is my favorite team mainly because they are an American team 🇺🇸, I like their kits and their bikes, they make excellent content, and they participate in a wide range of the sport. It is sad to see but would anyone really be surprised if we found out the entire modern peloton is doped up? 🤷🏽‍♂️

    6. The real criminal here is Johnathan Daughters. That thief is quick to takeaway his riders pay and contract. EF is the worst team in the peloton. Goodluck Carapaz trying to accomplish anything with those bums.

    7. Cornish cyclist caught with illegal pasties for hill climbing enhancement! Not that you would ever get up a hill with one of Philp's in your pocket – far too heavy!

    8. i think there are new drugs avail that work better than all the ones that are listed on the banned substance list… because theres no way athletes can be going faster now than they were during the heydays of EPO while riding clean , but they are according to the current results in the last few seasons and the Giro this yr was the fastest ever in its history.

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