Welcome to Sarajevo, the vibrant capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina! πŸ‡§πŸ‡¦ This city is a true melting pot where East meets West, blending a rich tapestry of cultures, traditions, and histories. Join us on an unforgettable journey through Sarajevo’s bustling streets, historic landmarks, and hidden gems! πŸ•ŒπŸ°

    In this video, you’ll discover:

    The enchanting Old Town (BaőčarΕ‘ija) πŸ™οΈ
    The stunning Gazi Husrev-beg Mosque and Cathedral of the Sacred Heart πŸ•Œβ›ͺ
    The captivating Latin Bridge and its historical significance πŸŒ‰
    The City Hall πŸŒ‰
    Sarajevo Cable Car ❀️
    Mouth-watering Bosnian cuisine, including Δ‡evapi and burek 🍽️
    The heartwarming stories of Sarajevo’s diverse communities πŸ€—
    Whether you’re a history buff, a culture enthusiast, or a travel lover, Sarajevo offers something for everyone. Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more travel adventures! ✈️❀️

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    #Sarajevo #BosniaAndHerzegovina #CulturalCrossroads #TravelVlog #ExploreEurope #EastMeetsWest #HistoricSarajevo #TravelTips #HiddenGems #FoodieTravel

    welcome to Bosnia a land where East Meets West where history and culture blam seamlessly from the Charming streets of Saro to the iconic Starry m in moner Bosnia is a treasure Trove of stunning Landscapes and Rich Traditions join us as we explore the heart of Vulcans discovering the warm Hospitality delicious Cuisine and fascinating landscapes so guys we’re in front of this Central Square over here the Middle East has met Europe over here it’s so beautiful this is a traditional copper Smith store a big bar copper cut smaller bar before work will be like that the shop is just amazing there you go there’s a traditional Bosnian coffee oh look how thick that is my God this is the place to discover [Music] wow look at the view guys they lost their kids in this war they could not even give them sorry being everything is hand [Music] [Applause] [Music] so guys we’re in front of this Central Square over here it’s also called The Pigeon Square because there’s a lot of pigeons over here this is basically the main old part of the city and look at the look at how beautiful everything is over there the Islamic architecture with the hills the Rolling Hills at the back oh my God this is just gorgeous this place feels like the East has met the West like the architecture the place everything like the ambience the whole you know the crowd everything looks very European but then you see all these beautiful minites and mosques everywhere and you see people you know there’s a lot of kind of that Middle Eastern feeli to it because there’s a lot of you know conservatively dressed women and all that you can see culturally there’s of course you know Islam is the main religion of Bosnia so you can you can absolutely absolutely kind of see that and so that’s why I feel like the Middle East has met Europe over here it’s so beautiful and of course the whole history of the Ottomans conquering this area and all that is just so beautiful to like read and listen to so I’m going to be taking this walking tour I’m going to talking you know talk about this more so definitely uh keep on watching more to come [Music] this is a traditional copper Smith store but the either build some of these coffees pops by hand or some of it is mass produced too but look at this how beautiful this place is free style and material which I use it is copper I will take some big part copper cut in smaller part before work will be like that and I will cut that and will be in this shape uh that here this is my tools for work mostly shape tools which I use when I do that it is like half ccle bigger one smaller one small one flat one and I will do combination tools and make different design I will started with how Circle bigger one that’s my start with two simple lines if I continue with smaller one if I connect this line with 10 flat I will easy hit easy move and that will be like one big you see that’s my star and also you see on final product around design you have lot of small dots that dots is very important that dots will make contrast and design will be more visible with this dots I will use that kind tools and I go one dot one key dot dot dot dot dot dot dot easy hit easy move and you see we this got this more visible and final when it’s finished when design is over I will use rubber Hammer I do make flat make small hole out pastle and final product will be bookmark uh if you don’t like my bookmark I will use that you like we love it we love it now perect best ever best ever your favorite thank you but if you don’t like I will really use that this is my tool and look now do you know what will be now braet yes if you don’t like my bookmark I will make bracet and that’s the same way work but to totally different products this or this for me for my business for sale this is more better that’s mostly for Lady this is for lady for men for old for young everybody also in Christmas period a lot of people use that like ornament Christmas tree decoration this is one way for make three different way for sell that three in one copper is soft copper is flexible I can back in flat and continue make design and uh also one more interesting so many I don’t know if told you something about that stuff on top yeah showcase it is left over from war and after all people is collected that stuff on hills around town leftover showcas is about half Millions bigger one smaller one uh materal is brass people is collected that and sells like brass take money for mat selling factory factory buy that melt that make something like handle for door candle anything of we are take that make design when I do that I will use same tools but before work I will inside f with L this white inside it is lead oh I need lead because if I don’t have lead if I hit without lead I do bending when I have lead inside I can heat I can make design without losing form finally when it finish I will melt the BL out I will cleaining polish and final product will be that and this now we use like flowers base before it was killing now this base for f something nice is make of something bad something like before taking life now we put water put flour and now get new life and I really like how show people that transformation negative and positive also something like that you can to see anywhere this is part our history and so many which is really authentical for us and are you first time here you like you like is thank you it is every year better and every year come more people people come first time people is still little Happ can people still connect with BOS with after 30 years for us is very important when you come when you see you will back home tell friends tell family maybe next year come friend family you again every year better better better go only but go and this is also very nice for visit us not too many people not to call not to you will definitely enjoy I promise thank you thank you thank you the shop is just amazing look at this beautiful beautiful coffee pots these are all handmade mostly actually these are all handmade and those are vases actually made from the cannon shells that was left over from the war and there was probably millions of them in the city and this is how they actually turn a death making machine into something lovely that you can put flowers and makes Humanity [Music] move so guys this is the famous Latin Bridge it’s not on this bridge that the AR Duke ferdinant got killed of Austria he was killed right over there we’re going to be going and this is what triggered the first world war so we are now crossing the ladin bridge and going to the spot where he was actually shot so there’s a little bit of a misnomer and not real fact in history or what you what we see a lot in the on YouTube and everywhere that he was killed on this bridge he wasn’t we’ll be going to the spot where he was actually shot dead and that sparked and that started the first world war this is so historical over being over here that I’m on this bridge and I’m next to the place which triggered the first world war and I’m so glad I’m be able to share this with you it is there’s a reason for that and this is not original text so guys this is where the Assassin stood and shot Ferdinand this is so historic this triggered the first world war this is exactly where it stood and this is next to it it basically says from this place on 28th June 1914 gabo Prince of assassinated the air to the austr Hungarian Throne France per ferdinant and his wife Sophia look at this so guys uh I’m going to take you to a traditional coffee place over here in a Bosnian coffee it’s very famous and let’s try it out let’s see how it is and this is the copper Smith Street we are entering so this is how it used to be over here in the olden days that each Street basically had Merchants there used to be a locksmith Street there used to be other kinds of merchants that did all the you know sold to the otoman otoman Army but this is the one last remaining Street which is still has a tradition so this is the copper Smith Street how beautiful it is look at the stuff the curios but coffee is the thing that I’m looking for and I’m going to take you and show you exactly what I’m drinking so going to this place called House of sevdaha for some traditional Bosnian coffee how cute is this place nice was a very traditional Bosnian coffee place so ordered a baklava and some traditional Bosnian coffee I’m just loving Saro so much history so much culture is the East Meat West is the Catholic the Jews the Muslims the Christians well Catholics are Christians what I meant is the Orthodox Christians they every every ethnic Community is over here and they are living in harmony all the past is over they’re all living in Harmony and it’s so beautiful and it’s also called the Jerusalem of the West that’s very interesting but of course the majority culture is Muslims over here 70% of the population is Muslims but there’s one part of the town which I’m going to show you is where exactly the demarcation line where one side is that the ottoman architecture that’s where Ottomans come came and and stopped and then it comes the Austrian architecture on the other side and it’s so beautiful I’m going to show you all of that stuff stick around more to come but for now it’s coffee there you go that’s the traditional Bosnian coffee oh look how thick that is you drink is take a piece of sugar and kind of put it in your mouth and drink that coffee he you guys M the bitterness of the coffee with the little sugar cube it’s very yummy although I don’t like drinking too much of sweet in my coffee I don’t ever take sugar in my coffee but in Bosnia that’s how it’s done so you got to try it out but now let me taste now that the sugar is all gone I’m going to just have the coffee without the sugar and let’s see how it tastes although I’ve got the sweetness in my mouth right now M love this coffee it’s it’s not that thick but it has got that Aroma that strength that flavor all of that stuff so and I hear that this country drinks a ton of coffee I was given that figure which I forgot in the morning when I was doing the walking tour that how much coffee this country consumes but I’m going to pour some more that buaka looks really good too moment of truth let’s try out the buaka M it’s like sugary and syrupy I can see but buckas are buckas wow that’s really yummy it has got a little bit of more syrupy taste to it because it has some of that syrup but it’s not that sweet and then if you have this with that coffee that sweetness kind of balances out the coffee’s bitterness wow excellent combination guys definitely recommend it guys check this out this is on the street it’s called sovo meeting of cultures so if you look on this side which is very much of an ottoman architecture and then voila look at this now you look at this side very European Austrian architecture so that’s what the uniqueness about the city is where here is the West is meeting the East how distinct it is also in front of us is the synagogue so the the history I mean there’s about thousand Jews are still in here but most of them unfortunately perished during the Nazi Germany during the Holocaust not many Jews are left but this is a synagogue and this also shows how this city is very multiethnic and that’s why it’s also called the Jerusalem of the west or Jerusalem of balkon here’s another sh of the synagogue look at this unique structure over here a lot of is destroyed actually this is a Sarai this is where Traders during the otoman times used to travel through Saro and could stay here for three nights without paying any taxes or paying for any lodging or anything like that I guess this is the hostel of the olden days this such a ottoman Turkish kind of structure over there you can totally see with the Minar of the mask at the back such a beautiful place so this is inside that next to the Sarai so this is the market from the otoman times and now it kind of as you can see looks like some of the bazaars in Turkey same kind of of look same kind of feel it’s very Middle Eastern very very Automan wow this is so unique where suddenly you see all the European architecture and then just mixed with and then one one side of the city it’s very aanish Middle Eastern architecture so this was the West the as West as far west as the Ottoman Empire stretch to I’m so glad I came over here I always wanted to come to to Bosnia and a lot of people told me ah was there to see my God this is a place to discover I’m telling you if you’re in Europe definitely take a trip to Saro you won’t be disappointed at all you absolutely won’t be disappointed he loving [Music] wow look at the view guys over there and we just going up to the top of the [Music] mountains so the cost of going up is 30 marks which is about €1 15 but it’s totally worth it so guys this was the site of the 1984 Winter Olympics game so that’s how why you see this Olympics signs over here let’s go around let’s check this place out so there are lots of these Trails over here that you can take absolutely enjoy this breathtaking view of these mountains everywhere wow look at this how beautiful it is and actually I slapped on the wide angle lens on this camera I don’t think it makes much of a difference but I thought let me try this out let me know in the comments below if you see any difference between the non nonwhite angle versus the wide angle so this is the wide angle shots I don’t see much of a difference so here’s the trail I’m going to go for a little while and check it out guys I’m not a very much of a hiking person so I don’t think I’ll go that far I’m going to go and find a good place to sit and enjoy the views instead of hiking first of all I I don’t have the right shoes don’t want to get fall don’t want to fall over here and break my knee or legs or bones so I’m going to try to find a nice Watering Hole somewhere and enjoy the view and show The View with you guys as you can see I’m a very very City person not a very hiking kind of person watering holes good restaurants and nice sites and nice experiences is what I enjoy not hiking in this Rocky terrain and getting hurt I know somebody some people will be like are you crazy this is what we live for you’re missing out things I know I’m missing out but it’s okay that’s absolutely okay I guess somebody some of you will agree with me either you’re Outdoors hiking person you’re or you’re not it’s pretty much very binary there are all kinds of trails actually where you can bike that’s one thing is very nice over here so if you are into biking and if you can I’m not sure whether you can rent a bike but you can bring the bike in the ropeways and just bike over here there are like biking trails all over here so came to this Cafe on the top of the mountain mountains so got an Americano this is my scene absolutely chill out have an Americano and watch the views from here hiking is not my cup of tea or my cup of American americano coffee ah it’s nice nice nice coffee strong and beautiful it’s kind of a little chilly over here but the sun is beating down so you don’t feel it you feel kind of warm actually but with the Cool Breeze Brewing it’s fantastic I’ll show you the views from here it’s absolutely gorgeous so sticker on more to come guys look at the view from here is gorgeous absolutely gorgeous and that’s the ropeway over there and look at the view from this side just fabulous again people don’t know too much about Basia people don’t no this is such a gorgeous place I hope things change I already see there’s a lot of Tourism and I hope hope there’s more tourism over here because this place is just gorgeous absolutely loving it there’s no question about this really nice cafe this is where I got the coffee from starting to come down now we were stuck over here for close to half an hour because of the high winds so they totally stopped the cable car service but now we are all good to go and wow look at the views now from the top going down that’s just beautiful beautiful views all across you can see the city hall from here that’s where we’re going to go next and check it out because I believe the architecture is just beautiful the city hall was totally destroyed during the war and it used to be a library at that time and uh 70% of the books were all burned down which is a shame this is what human beings do to each other they kill they plung plunder they destroy history and still we haven’t learned anything from all these past experiences we keep on doing it that’s the beautiful city hall in front of us I showed you from the cable car I’m not sure how much you could see that but look at this gorgeous structure this was built by the austrians so it has got kind of that European look to it too so let’s go inside and let’s check it out I hear that architecture inside is just amazing so let’s go inside guys wow this is so poignant just outside the city hall it says on this place Serbian criminals in the night of the 25th and 26th August 1992 set on fire National and universities library of BOS over 2 million of books periodical and documents vanished in the flame do not forget remember and warn it is atrocious it’s crazy but as humans we have never learned a lesson we still doing it this is 1992 and this is 2024 still happening still happening all over the world guys this is the entrance of the city hall look at this architecture Just Amazing Just breath taking is the word just wow going up the stairs wow this is kind of built this architecture with this patterns that you see over here at the walls it’s kind of the moish style look at that beautiful glass so a couple of facts after they burned down the city hall it took them I think from if I’m not mistaken from 1995 to 2014 it took them to rebuild everything and was done exactly like the original one everything is hand painted over here from artists from all over Bosnia and ugia probably this is the best trip I’ve ever taken after a long time if you guys know more about the city hall please definitely put the comments below and tell us more about the history I’m just saying what I heard and what I kind of read but of course if you guys have got more facts definitely share with with us wow look at this gorgeous gorgeous Courtyard over here a lot of the architecture over here has been influenced by North Africa as I said you know from all the way from Cairo to Morocco up the way to alhamra in Spain because that’s the Mish culture design and what’s more fascinating is the Zeal with which they reconstructed everything [Music] this is the city hall this is where the politicians sit and hold their sessions guys just came out of the city hall and there was a museum in there that showed pictures of all the atrocities and also there were like shells you know they collected the shells empty shells and kept it and they were like comments from people from from mothers that lost their kids in this war they could not even give them [Music] bar sorry being emotional but very very disheartening guys and we we don’t seem to learn it keeps on happening I can’t fathom how much amount of hate that a human being can have TOS another fellow human being to do this kind of atrocities is very very disturbing this world is a beautiful place guys enjoy this this is the moment instead we fight with each other we kill each other we create genocides and after that there’s tribunals there and then again repeat Nothing Stops sorry for my rank but it was very very disturbing to see that and what’s more disturbing is we don’t learn our lessons never guys after the heaviness of seeing all the atrocities that happened in the museum inside the city hall I needed to get some food to get everything out of my mind food always cheers me up because what I saw was just so disturbing that I can’t I can’t even you know describe this in my own words because unfortunately we don’t learn lessons and we keep on doing this to each other but again that’s the sad part of things so always as I said that food unites us all so I came to have some good basian food some traditional basian food at this place which is right in the old town and it’s called called hodik and what I’m going to have is a very famous dish over here it’s a it’s a sausage dish and it’s called sad zuka so I’m going to show you exactly what I’m having should be good food in this part of the world is never bad so food unites us all ultimately so make szuka not war I’m going to do another cap like that so I’ve done the make Biryani not war I’m going to do a make szuka not war very soon just after I finish this trip and it’s going to be available on the in the store so and again the all the proceeds for all my Caps or all my gear that I do it some of it goes to the Charities of the world to support various kind of Charities whether it’s for CH children or whether it’s for for you know any other kind of good work that people do so food connects us all that’s that’s my philosophy guys this is all the traditional dishes the ve liver steak shish kebabs sweet bread T-bone steak of course they have got the side dish of salad yogurt all of that but the food is amazing what I hear so let’s see and it’s it’s not that expensive it’s anywhere between 15 which is basically make it half so it’s 7750 so not too expensive and of course it’s a mixed plate that is most expensive one which is 28 marks which is basically about 15 20 20 28.5 So it’s about1 15 so everything is reasonable and cheap so let’s see how the food is and I’ll tell you guys so don’t go away more to come this is the famous sausage it looks yummy and then we got this bread as well and what comes with it all right moment of truth I’m going to try out the sausage and let’s see how it tastes wow wow wow wow amazing I’m going to try out the bread as well oh my God so soft so nice so moist out of this planet guys I’m going to put a link below if you’re in sio definitely try out this place it’s an old town it’s very authentic very nice it has an outside also but it’s super busy today just couldn’t get a place so came inside and sat definitely recommended 100% my recommendation guys the food was just fantastic and uh it didn’t cost that much I had the sausage which came with the bread you saw the pet of bread so basically I rolled it and ate it with that and dipping it in mustard and then I also got a yogurt drink so everything together was about 1680 Mark so that’s about €9 less than that it’s about 8 and2 so very economical and it’s it was so filling so it can so definitely I’m going to put a link below and if you guys have come to this place have eaten any of the Bosnian food let us know what you like but definitely I’m going to put a link below and definitely come and visit this place because I totally recommend it it’s just excellent again make food not war so guys make szuka which is the Bosnian sausage and not war so I’m definitely thinking of coming up with a cap with that theme let me know what you guys think and I’ll make it available on the store you know maybe in a couple of months at the most maybe in in a couple of weeks too not sure but once it’s there I will let you guys know in my in my next couple of videos when when it’s going to be available but definitely put a comment below and tell us what you think about this whole concept make food not war make sauka not war make Biryani not war thank you guys


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