
    This video is intended to guide and support students who are learning to drive with a driving instructor in the UK and is NOT an alternative to professional driving lessons. The makers of this video are not liable for any person failing a driving test as a result of the information provided in this video.

    While Simon Brown Driving aims to provide accurate information, we cannot guarantee at any time the information is up to date and/or complete. The makers of this video cannot be held liable for any consequence caused by any information that is in any way inaccurate, misleading or incomplete.

    Laws and rules in your country may vary. You are responsible for driving safely and legally.

    hi guys how you doing Simon Brown driving sh here and another test route video coming up for you so a couple of roots have changed recently I’m in the process of re-recording a few of them for my satav and I figured I’d record them and do a commentary track at the same time so get ready for this one hope it helps any questions please let me know let’s go for it guys so this last route we did on YouTube featured a lot of Wellington and a lot of kind of that side of tford this route we’re going to look at we’re going to head over towards the other side of tford so over towards St George’s mton area look at some bits over there so we’re going to move off from outside the test center it’s just starting to rain some of wipers are on so excuse me if there’s wipers happening on your screen going left at the end of the road this time hoping to avoided the rain but looks like we’ve got a bit of rain yeah good view so I’m moving off to the left there getting as fast left as I can there to make my view better 40 speed limit so i’ got plenty of time to get up to speed on this road not many vehicles usually pared on this Ro there are some bus stops here now so buses might stop and collect people at work in h mod every now and again so just Factor to that into your ability to make progress during the week it’s quite a recent thing as you can see because of bus stops are which is temporary signs not permanent signs we’re turning right at the round about third exit to leave Horton wood a mirrors the signal slowing down nice and early not a massive roundabout on a bit of extra time and a bit of extra view so I’m going to use gear two before I commit there looking okay still usually quite busy around here on Sunday because of the recycling but it doesn’t seem too bad a little queue in the distance behind me but not affecting the roundabout shortest rain storm ever so take the wipers off for now we them again shortly just manage those if you’re on your test as well because if it starts raining please use your wipers if it stops raining please turn your wipers off save your instructor’s wiper blades so we’ll thank you for it later going left on the roundabout first exit good view so far looking pretty clear as well so third gear is going to work for me there I’m just put my gas back on just increasing it the signs to say this is now a 50 Road are pretty poor actually but it is a 50s speed limit we got a solid line on the left telling you no stopping no parking so it’s at least a 40 Road in that respect it’s going be a quicker Road and uh wait until you see a marking in front of you there you go 50 remember the saav does actually show you the speed limit it’s not always correct but um occasionally you get the speed limit on the satav which you can follow but please use your own intuition and think about outside rather than just relying on that for the whole test okay I have two roundabouts together okay I’m going to turn right on the first one I’m going ahead on the second one so I’m going right on this one so I’m indicating nice and after some mirror checks off to a trench and Don there’s only two exits so there’s aead and right so I need to use the right lane to go right gear three on this one looks pretty clear good view nice open view second exit but I’m going ahead on the next one so need to know what Lane I’m coming off in miror on the left signal and them coming across and I’m going to use the left lane that I’m going ahead looking ahead at this point my exit is bang on ahead but as you get closer to the roundabout it looks like it’s taking you away from that option but you can still use the left lane to take it so exit one is here for the mod exit two is for Wellington roading into dington exit three of the parade coming off here cyclist is already gone so I’m all good to move off there still in gear two nice and slow back into gear three now 30sp speed limit around Donnington even if you’re not seeing signs very often or you’re not taking in signs because other things to think about try and think about the kind of area that you are in it won’t always be a hard fast rule but if you’re in a residential area like this is a High Street a little residentially villagey sort of Center there crossings that kind of thing the central hatchings in the middle the islands pedestrians in the middle as well we can safely potentially assume is a 30 speed limit Round Here speed camera sign potentially say 30 as well so it looks fairly built up doesn’t it I’m taking the Third Road on the left which what the S will tell me the first one is the ambulance station the second one where this pedestrian’s walking to is the doctor’s surgery the third one is the traffic lights so I don’t want to indicate until I pass this second one I can signal now lights on green are they going to stay green we’re going to assume they’re going to change but looks like they are going to stay on green so I can carry on there but I reduce my speed early just in case into Donnington okay so looking ahead okay for time being but quite a lot of Park cars on the left shortly afterwards pedestrians just go on the pavement on the right so I’m happy with them now two pedestrians on the right a bit further on to be aware of and to keep my eye on anything coming no mirrors in movement nice and early no signal needed because no one’s behind me also no one’s going to benefit from it come back in a little bit before I go around this guy with the van just to make sure it’s okay over the BR of the Hill still looks all right yeah all good don’t just go plowing through that making sure you just reassess any chance you get going again around this next car with P plates on congratulations if that’s you recently passed your driving test B looks of things Road follows around to the left they got no view around that bend at all I can’t tell you what’s around that corner could be anything par cars pedestrians anything so I’m just reducing my speed oh looks park car oh two Park cars right on the bend Asar edging around slowly third part car as well and a van tremendous am I okay yeah I’m good so a reduc speed down to 15 mil hour there just to deal with all of that don’t go plowing into something if you don’t know what’s around the bend yeah you you wouldn’t you wouldn’t walk across the road if you didn’t know if it was safe or not would you so don’t go into a corner like that if you don’t know if it’s safe all right especially at the speed that you might be at as well little navigating through some of these par carar got a car coming towards me they’re back on their side of the road so no issue with space no conflict at all so at all clear carrying on ahead looking pretty clear for the time being just keeping watching these little side RADS making sure I was pulling out and was walking out from them looks pretty good rain’s doing a bit of a funny thing isn’t it so I’m going left at the very end of the road I can’t indicate too early because there is a left in before the end of the road got delay slightly I can start breaking though mirror is on the left signaling about now not a great view on the right so we prepared to stop keep trying to keep crawling in gear one as possible oh have a little look oh I can go there there we go gear one early paid off there no one at the lights so crossing looks clear out towards mxon now guys okay so doing some gear planning there that benefited me worked in my favor because it meant I was already back in gear one ready for that Gap I’m not stopping then gear one and then move in that’s going to just delay me I can get into gear one early if I can decide it’s not going to be clear then I can potentially do gaps like that and I’m going to stop here a second I don’t want to block this Junction at all I’m also going to be nice and let this Fiat move out from there oh they’ve already done it that’s okay good samarathon all around her Crossing has just gone back to green it was flashing Amor for a pelican Crossing I’m going ahead at the mini roundabout and I’m turning left at the clock tower round about so the bigger one so I’m going to keep it slow on both Crossing is okay vehicle ahead of me is turning into the service station Red car is going ahead car on the left is waiting so going ahead left down Lan for the left turn on this next one signal going to run out of voice at this right left on round about keeping it slow on the corner crossing looks clear again and remember guys it’s still a 30-speed limit there’s no change there’s a change further on but it’s not a change yet so keeping your eye on your right hand side no one’s merging no one’s overtaking so we’re all clear with them still a 30 still a 30 still a 30 check the center mirror now it’s 50 someone’s running towards me on the road make sure I’m keeping them nice and safe go nice and wide for them up at the gear five seen that guy a few times actually putting a shift in there are he I wouldn’t have got that far i’ have been on the floor by now going ahead second exit on the roundabout up towards the Town Center so you’re still using the left hand lane you will see some vehicles that use the right hand lane to do this that was a previous sign that suggested to use the right hand lane but they’ve since changed the sign to make it straighter so 12:00 it is so stay in the left L if possible I would check your right side of your exit though just to be sure yeah we’re okay so oh sorry back to 50 up in the gear five again it’s pretty clear the extra space between me and the lane coming the other way with the center area solid white line again no stopping no parking so I know where I stand I know what’s happening on this road I can mitigate any sort of risk pretty low as it at the minute because no one can park on it nothing else to really deal with so I’m okay to get some that speed a bit and make that progress next round about I’m going ahead second exit down towards our favorite trench lock on the left looking okay slowing down nice and early second exit right side looks pretty clear this is exit one please count it as an exit this is exit 2 some people miss that for some reason I don’t think it’s an exit but if you could drive down there count it all right it’s an exit Okay uh back in gear four no speed change we’re still assuming 50 which is correct I get repeater on the right I get a road marking that’s covered up on my side but I can see on the other side heading down towards trench lock now at trench lock bit of explanation for this one we’re taking the second exit up onto the draw carriageway so the a442 South the Eastern primary the EP Queensway whatever you want to call it any signs that you’ll see for the Dual Carriage will be for a442 depending on which way you’re direct headed it’s either south or north we’re going to the a442 South which is second exit so I need to use the left lane as I approach as I go through the traffic lights I get three lanes rather than two and if I stay in the left lane I end up going off to trench just a lane just for trench I want to be in the Middle Lane as I go through the lights so left is over approach a442 South on my sign on my markings behind the guy with the roof bars on look at that green sign ahead trenches left go to the middle he’s in the C I’m just going to hang back a and see what he’s doing a sec before I do anything there I think he’s doing it correctly still but the lane does actually take you there so you don’t actually need to signal but as you saw there there was the red car that was ahead of me now was actually in the right hand lane and came around me so I’d be really watching that right lane to make sure they don’t do that the vehicles in the right lane should what is he doing whoa okay very interesting how not to do trench lock straight in front of us there red car didn’t do very well at all was pushing for space putting pressure on the car and the guy with the roof bars was in the wrong lane completely so that could have been a bit of a disaster there thankfully the red car didn’t push past him he was okay um if you’re in the middle Lane of trench lock do not go right towards KFC that is not safe because cars in the right hand L and can go on the Dual carriageway too so please do not cut across cars I have seen a crash happen there once before it was not nice involved the Lorry not a thir experience to be a part of that and see that happen um so please don’t do what you’re seen in front of you stay in your lane and follow it okay interesting on the Dr Carriage up to 60 making sure this slip road is nice and clear on the left I got to accommodate anybody just checking I’m even going to use my blind spot make sure I’m okay follow all the way down looking pretty good yeah looking ahead I’m happy with that I’m leaving on the next exit Okay so no need to move Lane this side is going to tell me what Lane to use I’m taking the exit for prisley and St George’s I could see the left lane says prizy and St George’s so I’m all good to stay here notice how the markings in the middle change as you go past that green sign they go from a um a short line long Gap to a long line short Gap this new set of markings you have now in between our lanes tell us is a hazard approaching the hazard approaching is the lanes are splitting into two different roads so please start deciding what Lane you going to use nice and early basically okay I’m staying here because I’m leaving another sign is going to remind you it’s going to say getting Lane as well so if you haven’t already decided by now markings have changed again to short Stumpy lines now telling you these two different roads now so sort yourself if you haven’t really moved decide you’re running out of Road okay still 60 now I’m coming to a couple of a speed sign we got a 60 I’ve got I’ve got a green sign confirming where I’m going I’ve also got a max speed 30 with the arrow for the corner I don’t want to be at 30 now be a 30 for the time I get to the bend 30 now is too abrupt 30 for the corner is nice and gradual slowing down by the time I get to those black and white arrows tell me it’s a sharp Bend I want to be at 30 at least in third gear pedestrians Crossing I’ve never seen a pedestrian Crossing in my life but I guess it could happen back in third back on my gas around the quarter nice and steady it’s only recommended speed limmit of 30 but please don’t do anything quicker cuz you will lose control and you might fail your driving test for doing it quicker than you you need to could only go left at the end so I’m still going to Signal get too early got plenty of signs telling me that looking to the right can I go no I can’t there traffic coming on the right of me so I’m just going to stay there a sec that car is now turning so now I can go and I’m going all the way around this roundabout because I want to go that way so I’m going to go round fifth exit so I’m going right fifth exit set up has a meltdown on this round what I’m telling you to go left fif exit which is completely unsafe but the examiner will or should redirect you on that one because left fifth exit is just going to end in disaster right lane fifth exit is much safer that’s exit three exit four for wi Church don’t get lost count your exits on this one remember the first one’s no entry as well that’s for vehicles leaving the Dual carriageway so don’t count that one as an exit okay now the last speed sign I saw was a 30 I saw the recommended one but as I came to the top where it says left turn on that’s all the mandatory 30s as well so this is a 30s speed limit it’s quite an empty road so you’d be forgiven to think this was faster than 30 but please exercise caution there aren’t any repeat signs there’s only Street lighting I’m turning left at the traffic lights this is a new set lights this is one of the first sets of Lights in tford where to trigger The Crossing rather than pushing the button you can actually wave your hand under the sensor and it will trigger the light as well which is quite interesting um making it very accessible TR of disabilities so need more of those I think in tford it’s also a t Crossing because there cycling cycling uh marks on it as well so there bike marks on it so telling you the two can cross pedestrians and cyclists we treat it the same as a Crossing as a as a road user though obviously red light means stop and the light means get ready green light means go if it’s safe uh zebra Crossing ahead of me so I’m just keeping in gear two for the road HP but I’ve got the Z Crossing to do them as well and I’m also taking the next left I’ve got a sign tell me as a Crossroads approaching that’s where my left turn is where that pestan just walking their dog excuse me next r on the left so mirror is early staying gear two quite a tight turn a bit of speed down tucking a bit to the right if I can big sharp turning to the tight Road straighten back up nice and fast not don’t give any more gas until you straightened up looking ahead no speed change still 30 back in the gear three carrying on looks like I’m driving into the abyss now doesn’t it going down this quite Steep Hill it’s called Cannon gate please get the speed under control on this road then let the speed fire away make sure your clutch is up as well do not have your clutch down here you will lose control very easily no gas at all just Stony break 26 27 is pretty good down here I’m doing 28 at the minute I’m quite happy with that feel like I’ve got control does get a bit steeper to get further down as well and you are going to to a t Junction at the end as well so uh make sure you’re ready for that end of the road I’m turning right weing signal in early you see the marking quite poor visibility on the left so I’m definitely going to stop into gear one nice and early stop in the line put my signal back on again because m is turned off keep an eye on the left on the right two cars on the left two cars on the right both clearing now after the blue car should be okay moving off there and going ahead on the roundabout this is a really crucial bit here okay there’s no signs that there’s a marking in front of you saying 20 please make sure you see that because that’s the only opportunity you’re going to have to know this bit of O Gates is a 20 speed limit you’re by the High Street okay if you’re around a High Street quite a lot of pedestrianized areas so Crossings and zebra Crossings and you’re near to a High Street area it’s more than like you’re going to be a 20 speed limit all right but that marking on the floor is the only opportunity you get to know this is a 20 until you leave if you’re doing 30 down here you’re going to fail your driving test Please be aware of that I have spoken to the council numerous times about adding 20 signs my requests have been ignored so if you want to make it a bit easier for you please ask the council goes back to 30 there it’s only a short stretch but crucial to passing your driving test first time and safely okay Ze Crossing is okay I’m taking the next road on the right into Hadley Road eventually going to become sommerfeld road which is the road has caused a lot of issues with speed over the years seems to have sorted itself out now so 30 speed limit can build up speed a little bit more not as wide as I’d like it to be so I might not go flat out 30 I’m just going to just keep a little bit steady around the bend so remember Oak Gates High Street all around it there’s like a perimeter that runs around it a square of road all of 20 and the High Street are 20 as well obviously so we end up driving in the High Street itself 20 speed limit as well lots of Park space lots of parallel park opportunities down there so 20 20 20 please do not be doing anything more than 20 coming the other directions it is a bit better to see you do get signs but coming from that way down that Hill you only get the road marking okay so what can I see ahead I can see Road widening slightly and I can also see 40 speed changing now these didn’t always used to be here this was always a 30 all the way and it caused a bit of confusion but now 40 from here the road on the left is closed currently because of buildings for houses so the road ahead close line isn’t for us it’s for vehicles on the left um they’re building lots of houses down there so that road’s closed for quite a long time with the looks of it repeater signs are pretty poor down here too considering they going just change the speed Li com in the other direction you do get a couple coming from this way I don’t think you get any actually next to none don’t get any at all so make sure you’re really on to those 40 signs at the start otherwise you’re going to miss it and then it’s going back into a 30 just eating off a little bit I’m not very happy with how close the black car is to the white car so I’m just taking a bit more Pace off just to get myself more bre space I want to get involved with those to um see the black car having to break on and off regularly to accommodate them just takes some speed off mate you haven’t got to worry about braking so much now i he still braking [Music] now not very defensive way to drive especially if you’re following a vehicle that’s not going quite at the speed of your liking just just back off take take the edge off don’t get don’t get pressuring people all right okay they’re breaking again I’m not really sure what they’re breaking for though are they turning a bit confused here no signal going on I’m assuming they’re turning right yeah there’s a signal very late but we’ve done it so just got to be on to things out that expect the unexpected reactor not just indicated but brake lights as well because they weren’t signaling until very late there going right on the roundabout that taxi is going ahead I can go after the taxi all clear BMW sto for me now as you around the corner there’s zebra Crossing straight away so don’t indicate left just watch the zebra both sides yeah we’re clear have to hi girl using the left hand lane a trench lock taking the third exit Okay sustain the left hand lane that’s exactly how an examiner will tell you as well so please believe them please trust what they say um the S level have finished by this point so you can take the third exit back to uh Horton wood but the sign will actually be off towards wit Church okay don’t go into Horton wood from this way because this is the it’s the next exit it’s not this exit that we’re going to take so yeah a lot going on there lot to think about can get quite hectic in places but just keep it step by step keep that structure keep that safe decision making just keep yourself out of trouble yeah like we that black car and that white car that were really close to each other don’t get in the mix if you’re not happy with a situation what don’t put yourself in that scenario too it’s just going to make everyone’s life harder to put more pressure on you especially if it’s your driving test day it’s just not a very good way to drive here it’s not a very sensible way to drive the attitude isn’t great either so just just drop back a little bit and and let them carry on with their business and then you can just keep a safe distance and work out what’s happening all right it’s very important that you stay at 30 here guys I talk about it on every single video if you don’t stay at 30 after all these videos uh I can’t help you um up to 50 GE five happy getting the 50 on this road it’s quite long straight going right to the roundabout fourth exit up into water mood almost H dry guys let’s go gear threee and see what we can get away with not going to work with the blue car coming around can I use gear two yes I can put a bit of gas on a little bit slow for two but some gas so sort me out there quite nicely back into gear three round the round about if I can exit one exit two exit three big mirrors big signal exit four I’m away take a breath run out of voice going ahead second exit the next roundabout back into hortonwood towards the test center nearly home and dry guys don’t get complacent though still got to perform in the next couple of Junctions don’t mess it up now it’s going okay black Van’s going ahead I’m going ahead head signaling some coming off still a 40 think must be AIT more into gear four taking the second road on the left first one’s here back down to the test center my next one two for it coming through nice and steady quite wide but don’t come into it too fast cuz you will get Learners parking around here um if you can avoid parking directly opposite the test center entrance like this black car has as well please do so um because that’s really awkward if I’m tring to do my driving test I’ve Got to Now go around you swing back across to the left to make my turn it’s just really awkward for me so just keep away from the test center entrance if you can here not as bad as it has been I’ve seen some people do it really really directly opposite the test center entrance but that’s still not great and there you go few issues on that one so interesting scenarios to discuss on that one go back and rewatch those if you can and uh hope it helps if you like what you’ve seen hit that subscribe button give me a thumbs up give me a like and uh thanks for the support catch you soon guys take care

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