For a sporting event, it is not uncommon for an athlete to take 300 to 500 mg of caffeine.
    Obviously athletes do not perform every day, the majority of their time is practice.
    Is it healthy for these athletes to take 500 mg of caffeine?
     This gets into the debate between sport performance and longevity/actual health.
    Yes, people who engage in sport are typically healthier, and one or two copies a day is recommended by your cardiologist. What would the cardiologist say about 600 mg of caffeine before a bit? If you are a doctor then please comment. #fit #workout #health #bodybuilding #fitness #fatloss #weightloss #healthcare #lift 

    another thing about bikes or in America we see this as kind of a wussy thing think about an American postapocalyptic movies always the people are like walking down the highway or something like that when their car stops they just stop walking why wouldn’t they just use a bicycle because the main character would look silly on a bicycle but I think we need to drop that Trope in the US and get people taking bikes everywhere you see these bike Lanes these bike lanes are incredible through this city it is unbelievable

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