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    because when you know better you invest better join us and experience the difference today tfnn educating investors the following is a presentation of [Music] tfnn trade what you see with Larry Pento [Music] call now tollfree at 1877 927 6648 or internationally at 727 873 7618 now Larry Pento okay Looking Good Billy Ray feeling good leis we’re going to take a look at the Russell this is the June contract I’m still using that because it’s got another couple of days but I’ll switch over to September you can see we made a 382 retracement we took out the high Friday and you can see here now we’re starting to back off a little bit but the one that’s most interesting folks is we did get a sell signal for the first time since Hector was a pup and that dog is let me tell you anyway here is the high last night in the S&P we’ll just come over here so we can see it together I happened to be looking at this at the time and there’s the there was the high right here what we want to wait for is the first 382 ABCD and there it is right there it took about one solid hour to do it but it went exactly to the 382 you’ll see there’s your ab equals CD right there and that measured to it and that tells us that the profit oopsie Daisy that didn’t work out the way I wanted it to I wanted to do something else let me get up here with the U 8 minutes so we can see what the profit would have been on that there was the spot there was your 382 so there’s your ab CD leg here you see we went down quite a bit lower now we’ve come down even lower let’s just double check to see if this one happened to be another 382 off of that high I doubt it but we’ll double check it no it didn’t quite didn’t quite do that now the one that has been the most interesting was the NASDAQ and this is why I was watching it because I had some time uh time on my hands but this was the NASDAQ last night we got up to 20,100 way above the old highs back here just shattered all the records and this was a little tiny 382 right here I didn’t count that because it was too small but look at this big one that we had right there the market came down exactly to it dropped 200 points and it’s still dropping this is tells us we’re going to get down to this level here we’re almost there right now this is where it’s got to hold if it doesn’t hold this then uh you know it could Pro probably go down a great deal more so th those are this is short term folks I’m telling you I this is what I do sometimes they work sometimes they don’t that that’s the bottom line but you know this is the first time in a long time that we’ve actually had one of these that actually worked I mean they work but sometimes you know when you’re in a strong Trend they don’t work so this was one that did absolutely what you wanted to do and had everything necessary and the risk was small so we’re going to find out if that’s going to mean too much or not but we’ll do one thing at a time okay now let’s take a look over here at the gold market gold market had a big run today I want you to see here because you see this level right here that was the 78% level folks of the move way back here and all we’ve done now is we’ve come back and look where we came to from your low up to your high came right to the 382 retracement stopped dead in its tracks right there this means that we’re probably getting ready to go higher we got three little Bottoms in here and the Market’s down $21 there’s nothing bearish about it all and that’s where it’s sitting here right now looking like it’s ready to getting move to the upside that’s what it appears to there’s the 382 of this move we’ve hit it one two three times and the third time will be a charm it’ll be popping through here probably any moment and then we’ll see if it doesn’t of course then we’ll be looking at something a little bit farther deep uh in the correction but that’s where we’ve stopped so far it’s that really strong support in here so that’s what we’re watching here now I’m going to have to move over to Corn because we’ve got Stan Harley coming in here and we’ve had some really really nasty things happening here if you’re on the bullish side and we’re not we’re not involved we we were waiting we got to get this Solstice see we’re making a new new almost making a let’s see going back to the old lows back here this is exactly what you want to see happening folks we’re right at the beginning of the well it’s in the middle of the growing season the first day of summer and this is the solstice this is a really really important one and we’re in this three-day window right here we’ve taken out all of these lows and we’re going to see uh from the high that we made on the 26 was a low we came up and we’re setting almost exactly here at uh within one two pennies now uh one penny of the exact 786 that’s taking out these lows and we’re going to get there now you notice it’s still trading at 74 this is a huge Market folks it trades a lot so if it fails here we’re probably going to go down and look at some more to the downside we’ve already done that uh in the soybeans let’s just take a look not the soybean oil soybean oil is still looking pretty good but the umu this is the uh this is the soybeans here we are in November beans we had a little bit of a rally in here off of this it’s just been straight down looking at this on the long-term daily we’re also going to be looking at some taking out the lows of February folks this is this is actually what you want to have happening at this particular time now we might get all the way down to here there’s a that’s POS that’s only another 20 cents we could possibly do that but folks I have never been in a year in my 62 years of trading where we don’t get at least one or two major crop scares in corn and beans every single year I mean and with you know the way things are in the news these days with the tornadoes and all the other stuff we’re bound to see something it’s interesting but there was a three Drive pattern here and we tried the wheat wheat was the last one that we tried let let’s do the December wheat we have to show the winners and the losers let’s get this daily up here I still think it’s on the program here yep there it is right here and oh shut the front door and raise the rent here it is right here so we can see it together there’s where our bu was this boy that how about failing should have revers and failed to the look there was the buy right here we lost to 10 cents on that bought it here at 41 we stopped out right there and so that’s that was a it was a losing trade everything was perfect and we blow it up you could see it really nicely there was your expansion numbers stayed right here for about a day and then down she came and it’s going down now we’re we’re down at the 78% level of the whole move let’s just go to the Daily and you’ll be able to see it and here we are on the daily coming in all right and where are we we’re setting right over the solstice now folks the solstice is so important Andrew low who runs the applied engineering Financial engineering for MIT when he wrote his book non-random walk down Wall Street he included the whole actually it was the secondary book on the technical analysis of the markets that the samarians and Babylonians were the first astrologers and they use it for wheat and corn and this is where we are we’re over a solstice right now very very important so let’s just go back and see what happened I haven’t done this yet so let’s go back and see where we were on the last Solstice okay there was making a hide you see it right there on the solstice right there it happened to be a double high but there was the high right there on on that day and here we are coming in to another Solstice right now and boy this is where you want to be watching it in my opinion now we’ve come down a150 a bushel and we had you know this beautiful this is a three Drive pattern of course that we looked at so you got to be watching him right in here and that’s why I’m watching them I said uh we have to do some work on them we probably this is Thursday we got the Friday weekend so come Monday if they’re not lower I’m going to be probably buying the beans wheat corn meal anything that lasts let’s take a look here at the soybean meal since we’re talking about the soybean meal cuz that’s also had a pretty good whacking to the downside as you can see we’ll be right back we didn’t hold this 618 and that means we’ve headed lower we’re below the 786 now meal’s not looking good either folks so let’s be careful hold on we’ll be right back Steve RH started his trading career career as a student almost 20 years ago and the student has now become the master Steve won the prestigious timer of the Year award in 2018 and barely missed that Mark again in 2019 finishing at number two for the year an amazing accomplishment Steve rhods is committed to sharing his techniques and knowledge with anyone who wants to learn and he shares his vast amount of trading knowledge every day in his mastering probability newsletter Steve’s award-winning newsletter mastering probability is delivered every trading day with updates throughout the afternoon sign up for Steve’s Market newsletter mastering probability and you’ll receive access to seven of Steve’s educational webinars absolutely free at tfnn all our newsletters come with a 30-day moneyb guarantee so you have absolutely nothing to worry about visit tfnn.com and try mastering probability 30 days risk-free today tfnn educating investors the stock market is a delicate interconnect web of Commodities equities and Trader psychology when one string of the web is pulled it has a ripple effect across the broader Market this is where opportunity lies but how are you to gather all of this information into one cohesive model when you’re already spending your energy looking for any possible trade opportunities luckily you don’t have to worry about that as Tom O’Brien has brought all important market news to you in one single newsletter Market insights Market insights provides a daily overview of what’s happening in the indexes bonds gold and more follow along with Tom Dy as he analyzes the components that affect the overall movement of the stock market giving insight into how each one plays either a bullish or bearish role Tom also analyzes specific equities that he believes has the potential to make huge returns and his track record proves his analysis right all first-time subscribers receive a 30-day money back guarantee so what are you waiting for don’t let the market leave you in the dust sharpening your skills as an investor is like getting better at playing a musical instrument you have to practice sure but you also need excellent instruction from experts at tfnn you’ll get advice and guidance from The Authority in technical market analysis and it’s not just dry tedious text either tfnn airs live Financial content streamed live on tfnn.com and tnn’s YouTube channel with tiger TV live every Market Day from 8:30 a.m. to 400 p.m. Eastern for free each host is an experienced Trader and gives their take on the market while taking calls and questions live from around the world from the moment the Market opens until the closing bell sounds tiger TV has eight different shows with expert hosts to help you make the Right Moves with your money watch online at tfnn.com or on tnn’s YouTube channel and become the investor you were born to be tfnn educating investors call now tollfree at 1877 927 6648 internationally at 727 873 [Music] 7618 okay folks I’ve had a couple of requests for charts I not do too much with these stocks but you can see apple we came within a half a dollar of the exact 1.618 expansion up here and we backed off a little bit so the first thing be watching is to watch for a 382 retracement on this for a potential really strong buy that’s where the old high is right here $200 that’s got to be a really good spot to take a look at the long side of apple right there there’s your 382 retracement right here there’s your old High boy that’s that’s a beauty you certainly like that you got these smaller ones in here but this is the one that really counts so it’s only $9 away so we could uh see that relatively easily now also we need to check on Tesla and then all well we’ll do Tesla and then we’ll do uh Nvidia and I don’t know if I’ve got Nvidia I know I have Nvidia but I don’t know if I have it without the split that’s the problem I gotta talk to uh T um Inon to show how to do I know they get that here’s Tesla I still think we’re heading down here to this level in Tesla which is 160 it’s 181 right now it’s really done not done very much here the last 5 days it’s been a more of less High level consolidation a little bit lower highs in here not too much but we’ll take a look now at Nvidia and uh well since we’re doing that they’ve asked me to look at the the the semiconductor Teslas right here okay we’ll get it that’s that’s taken care of now let’s go to Nvidia which starts with an N right there you go should be able to do it there it is right here and let’s see if we’ve got the split in split’s not here they’ve tried to help me do this but let me what I’ll do is let me go to the 4 Hour that’ll give you a rough idea where it is it’s said well that’s not going to help sorry folks I just you know I’m not prepared to do this stuff with the splits because I don’t do any stocks at all that’s a little bit uh little bit troubling for me okay we’ll get rid of that we’ll get rid of that and then we want to get over and I want to talk just a tiny bit here about the um uh live Hawks let’s get over here one second here someone asked a question about it so I’m going to try to answer it the best I can we’ve had a pretty good bottom in August Hogs form as you can see we uh we came down to this level right here we look at this on the smaller time frame I believe it was this one hopefully it was let’s just get it up here nope it must have been the hourly I always watch the hourly yeah this was the ABCD to the downside right in here we had the rally up and the rally that we rallied from the last High down to the low where did it stop Friday Thursday Friday stopped exactly at the 382 now it’s making a pull back in here with a little gap down so kind of watch this because as you this could be the major bottom there was the ABCD to the downside right here in the Hogs this was the Friday when we were doing the trading show and I had this is my number one thing and I missed it because I was doing so many other things the four losses that we took that day folks were all 38 tws the failed I didn’t do one ABCD trade I tried I got three great trades but they missed it by a buck or a buck and a half Ro oil and uh I forget what the other one was but they just missed and I all all my losses were related to the 382 which is that happens anyway watch this this is very important in hogs for my opinion because you got a four-day rally here boom bang boom and now you’re pulling back and we you setting real close to this so watch this um it’s little late in the day to be doing this only got an hour to go so watch this tomorrow in in the Hawks they could they could uh possibly have some good support in here so pay pay close attention to that if you’re interested in the live Hogs which I happen to be okay all right we had one other well I never had a no one’s asked me about Coco since Hector was a pup but I’m going to try to answer it right now okay this was Coco when we got up to 100,000 11 $118,000 folks $111,000 on Coco look at that three Drive P let’s just get it here so we can see it real clearly okay just take this out and you’ll be able to see it without too much trouble there’s drive one there’s drive two there’s drive three drive one drive two drive three look at the look at the top 11,681 the high was 11,782 I mean it was uh within 30 points of that and it breaks all the way down and now what we’re going to be looking at is taking this right over here and we’re doing it looks like we’re heading down uh in that move right here that’s what we’re watching here as we take a quick look at that okay I think that’s what we’re paying attention to right now and that will take care of that alrighty okay all right move on here to the next one here that we’re watching we’ve got an eye on um well we’re done with the Russell uh but done with the bean oil uh let’s take a look at the S&P what it’s doing here from the sh term time frame and where are you S&P here it is right here okay so we’ve come down here and we’ve made another new low and then we had a little bit of a rally so it’s still still moving down we’ve got a little bit lower to go and we’re not too far away from the move here in the um NASDAQ that would give us the uh this would be really important folks from a from a technical perspective is I mean this is the first major correction we’ve had in a long time folks we’re talking 400 points that’s a huge correct there’s your there’s your 1.618 number now what we need to do is let’s just take this on an hourly and see what the next big 382 is okay here’s here’s what we want to do there’s there’s your low right in here see this nice low that we had in here so that’s the one you want to be watching let’s get it rid of it and we’ll come over here and we’re going to see what that 382 because that’s going to be the big daddy rabbit in my opinion and we are going to be looking at that at look at that folks how it comes in there’s your ABCD there’s your big daddy rabbit wearing the hat right here at 1 19653 that’s down another 100 points from where we are right now so watch that we start getting below here it’s going to be the first time it’s broken a major 382 even this one right here was a 382 we we talked about this I remember several times because we were you know during those days of last week from your low up to your high there it was exactly 382 where was this one exactly 382 and it hit it twice so that’s telling you where the trend is so this is going to be it right here at uh well let’s let’s let’s make it at the actual price of uh 196 n uh 1 196 19,600 that’s 150 points from where we are right now keep an eye on that one for uh educational purposes we’ve got Stan Harley coming up tomorrow is Norm winsky and he’s a real special tomorrow tomorrow because of the sus folks we I got a couple questions ask him about it I’m going to review the book by Andrew low about the samarians and Babylonians and how they wrote about the corn and the wheat and the solstices and stuff and you know we’re down here in New Low’s and believe me folks I’ve been in this business 62 years I’ve never had a year where we don’t have at least one or two scares I mean major crop scares in corn and beans and boy or and we to so we’ve got good opportunities coming in here we had some nice moves earlier uh we’ve been standing aside for a while everything’s coming together so we’ll be looking to be a buyer most probably either tomorrow or Monday I’m going to be doing the videos on it later today and getting those out to everybody so we can take a look at it see what our risk is going to be at that point but we just need a slightest bit of support coming in and that’ll be enough for me now if it snaps back above these lows really quickly that’s going to be the first time like if corn snaps back above uh 466 where 457 right now in the corn at least I checked it the last time let’s get it over here yeah we’re exactly at 457 we’ve taken out the lows of April the contract lows are way down here at 446 and we could easily get to there I mean if that you know maybe this is a giant ABCD this is the one this was the that day on Friday the trading day I missed this perfect ABCD cuz I was busy doing other things and we didn’t get filled anyway let’s take a break here and we got the gold report as a precious metal gold is still King it continues to hold the most effective Safe Haven and hedging properties across the global major trading hubs of the London OTC market the US futures market and the Shanghai gold exchange the gold report Tom O’Brien publishes his weekly gold report every Monday morning for subscribers consisting of coverage of the xau Hui GDX the dollar bonds the South African Rand as well as 25 different mining equities with specific Buy sell recommendations the gold report new subscribers get a 30-day money back guarantee so you have nothing to risk subscribe to Tom O’Brien’s gold report newsletter now at tfnn.com [Music] if you spend any time online researching trading techniques on how to begin your trading Journey you’ve no doubt come across many folks who push Forex Trading as a way to make big money quickly unfortunately there are equally as many stories of these so-called Forex professionals just looking to make a quick Buck off aspiring Traders without actually teaching the ins and outs of the Forex Market this is what sets Teddy kek stack the tiger Forex report off the Riff Raff every Monday former Chicago mertile Exchange member and author Teddy tead releases his tiger Forex report newsletter where he dives into the complex world of Forex and takes time to actually teach you his methods that have made him so successful in the fast-paced and rewarding world of Forex Trading furthermore all subscribers receive access to Archive live streams of Teddy’s where he provides University level education to help you in Forex Trading all firsttime subscribers receive a 30-day money back guarantee so what are you waiting for Forex [Music] awaits in the world of trading only a few names stand out like Larry Pento a Pros Pro with over 50 years of experience Larry has seen it all a former Chicago mertile Exchange member Larry has authored 10 books and trained over 1,000 Traders with his unmatched expertise introducing Fibonacci 247 Larry Pino’s daily trading service that turns the complexity of markets into opportunities published every Sunday receive a comprehensive report packed with detailed commentary charts and videos that illuminate the patterns shaping the markets with updates throughout the week exclusively for subscribers whether through charts or videos Larry’s analysis is your road map to navigating the markets you can sign up now at tfnn.com for just $97 and with all tfnn newsletters backed by a 30-day money back guarantee you have nothing to risk for all the details visit tfnn.com you’ll find Fibonacci 24/7 right under the newsletters tab this pors of trade what you see is brought to you by directions daily leveraged and inverse ETFs whether you’re a bull or a bear you choose the direction visit direction.com investing in the funds involves significant risk and should only be utilized by investors who understand the impact of Leverage and actively monitor their portfolio they are not designed to track the underlying index or security for more than a day before investing carefully consider a fund’s investment objective risk charges and expenses contained in the perspective prce available at direction.com read carefully distributor forside fund Services [Music] LLC we’re back folks with Stan Harley the Harley stock market letter my friend please continue what you started last week because it’s still going up made new highs today well hello Larry uh well we made new highs today but uh we might have hit a we might hit a glass ceiling today we might just very possibly have made a summer solstice High let’s let’s take a look at a few things shall we you love to we’re gonna start out by uh just kind of reviewing my philosophy of of of the markets uh I’m a aerospace engineer by Education and Training and uh I think like an engineer I model the markets like an engineer um early on in my engineering career all engineered do we study what’s called uh kinematics and that is we we study the motion of objects through time and space irrespective of the forces behind that motion and uh and I use exactly the same concept with the markets I call this this science of of technical analysis and and and chart study Market kinematics and so I’m interested in the movement of price on a graph irrespective of the forces that might be behind that movement I don’t care what the forces are whether it’s the fed or the president or the Supreme Court Justice or a terrorist event or whatever good or bad I just want to look at the chart I want to study the past history if I can model it mathematically then perhaps I’m on to something and then I want to use that model to perhaps projected in the future and that’s that’s what I do okay uh I’m a a big fan of numbers um and uh this is a a quote from a a French mathematician he said behind the wall the gods play they play with numbers of which the new universe is made up and on the air with you uh I stress these common numerology Concepts that are just the core of my study um I look at Fibonacci ratios I look at Fibonacci numbers and I look at Lucas numbers and as a I look at Market Cycles but just from a numerology perspective I focus on these three things I have a question yes sir do you use you got the Luca series do you use the raos within the series to see if that has any replication because I’m looking at two the ratios 76 and 123 that’s almost exactly 618 it well it it is the Lucas numbers and the Fibonacci numbers if you divide each successive term by the other you get 618 or 1.618 depending on what you put in the numerator and the denominator by very by their definition they are related to that ratio yes yes when you do it with the ratios of Fibonacci Sequence when you get to the eighth interation in other words 135 813 out to 21 3455 when you get to that it either goes up or down it never it never changes it goes up one tick on the next iteration and down one tick and the next it stays at 618 forever does the Lucas series do something like that do you know exactly the same Larry no different really wow no different at all have to take a look at it okay I how did he come up with the Lucas numbers where did do you know the derivation of it well a French mathematician named Eduardo Lucas came up with these numbers and what initially uh pushed him in that direction I do not know he published his work and uh within that published works and the Name Escapes me for the moment here um but he introduced this series and he made the conjunction between the euklid ratios of 618 and 1.618 and Leonardo of pieces numerical accounts and Link them together and said hey they’re one and the same and they’re all related and he conferred the name Fibonacci on uh on Leonardo a Pisa okay but uh yeah Leonardo’s name was not Fibonacci his name was Leonardo of of P Italy but Mr Lucas brought us a great gift uh and I find these numbers you see on the screen uh to be very very powerful and Def finding Market Moves In fact I find them to be far more important than Fibonacci um what I’ve done here is I constructed a table and on the left far left column here are the Lucas numb 7 through 843 and then I have also found that if I double these numbers I get the second column or I divide them by two I get this column and uh those numbers right there those first three columns show up time and time and time again in the markets all markets all time frames and then I have a fourth column over here in which I multiply the Luca series by four those show up as well they are of lesser importance but they do show up so I’m showing all four columns all right let’s look at uh let’s look at the market here and see if we see these numbers popping up starting with the stock market uh it’s my theme Larry that we are Marching uh very rapidly towards a major Market Peak a secular Market Peak that could stand for many years if not decades uh we’re not there yet I think it’s coming at the end of the year but uh let me just show you uh what I have under the microscope and this is a repeat of some of the chart that we’ve shown in the past but uh good old Mr Lucas uh and his uh his double counts show up time and time again this is a weekly chart going back about 40 years and if we just start here with the high in March of 2000 and go either left or right you can see the double Lucas numbers Define the weekly counts of the major highs uh going to the right in time and then going to the left we have the crash low of 87 so for example within four weeks of being exactly Lucas 322 * 2 644 that defined the crash low in 87 all right let’s go to the right in time if we take the Lucas number 199 double it we get 398 and as you can see within four weeks that to find the high in October of 07 it this has nothing to do with the housing or the great financial bubble or whatever you want to call it it’s just numbers all right let’s go forward and time another 199 * 2 and we get the May 2015 high within one week let’s go forward again another doubling of the Lucas count in this case I’ve taken the lucus number 123 double it 246 and it lines up pristinely with the so-called Co top again this had nothing to do with Co it’s just numbers all right let’s take the number Lucas number 47 double it you get 94 and you get the Jan 2022 high within four weeks very interesting okay that worked in the past what about the future well uh the next clustering I get is the Lucas number 76 time 2 which is 152 let’s add 152 weeks to January uh 4 2022 and we get this week in November November 5th to the 12th right in there anything going on then that you might be aware of uh no I don’t think to Mak people they’re they’re over in Polish they’re doing something with polls aren’t they hey Stan will you come back with another segment please absolutely we’ll be right back Stan thank you very much my friend love [Music] many trading newsletters attempt to focus on a narrow set of equities or Commodities while this works for some it often times misses many opportunities that possess huge gain potential but how is an independent Trader supposed to scan the entire Market looking for these hidden opportunities one simple answer the opening call newsletter basil Chapman developer of the Chapman wave trading methodology has been trading the markets for longer than most Trading influencers have been alive and over that time he has honed his methodology in order to accurately call movements in a wide range of equities from semiconductors to uranium to key indices and so much more basil is old school taking the time to educate the trader while also giving his insights into key indices selective stocks and more opening call subscribers also receive access to dozens of educational live streams that can be accessed at any time for your edification all firsttime subscribers receive a 30-day money back guarantee so ignore the pop trading influencers and start learning – tested technical analysis the stock market is a delicate interconnecting web of Commodities equities and Trader psychology when one string of the web is pulled it has a ripple effect across the broader Market this is where opportunity lies but how are you to gather all of this information into one cohesive model when you’re already spending your energy looking for any possible trade opportunities luckily you don’t have to worry about that as Tom O’Brien has brought all important market news to you in one single newsletter Market insights Market insights provides a daily overview of what’s happening in the indexes bonds gold and more follow along with Tom Dy as he analyzes the components that affect the overall movement of the stock market giving insight into how each one plays either a bullish or bearish role Tom also analyzes specific equities that he believes has the potential to make huge returns and his track record proves his analysis right all firsttime subscribers receive a 30-day money back guarantee so what are you waiting for don’t let the market leave you in the dust for Traders who crave risk 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the symbol [Music] vgz we’re back folks with Stan Harley the Harley stock market letter please continue my friend absolutely Larry um I think uh there’s a good chance we may have uh made a made a high today um and I’m going to show you why with some of the numbers we’ve just been talking about uh just as a backdrop soles and equinoxes always uh I always pay attention to those the markets don’t reverse at every single Solus in Equinox but uh they often do uh today happens to be the Solstice incidentally um here is a chart of the NASDAQ NASDAQ going back to uh a little over a year and uh what I’ve noticed is uh my good old friend Lucas number 29 and it’s double which is 58 has defined every single high in the NASDAQ every single one uh going back to uh July 19th of 2023 and you can see I marked with blue vertical lines uh and shown the trading the U the count in trading days and the cycle expands and contracts a little bit um but uh uh every 29 or its double component 58 trading days has coincided with a significant high in the NASDAQ uh and uh by the way if you take the the high where this cycle began which was on July 19th of last year and you had eight iterations of this 29 day cycle uh 29 * 8 = 232 if you add 232 trading days to July 19th that equals June 20th 2024 today wow today today that’s uh today’s the day well it’s a Solus day that’s for sure yeah uh so far uh the market is measured by the S&P and the Nas is reflect of weakness not so by the Dow um but we’ve kind of had a we have what I call a bifurcated Market over the last several weeks that is the Nas and the which has been gravity defying has pulled up the S&P those two have been uh punching the new high button on almost a daily basis uh but the dun Industrials no the broadly based New York composite no the Dow transports no the Russell 2000 no so while the Nas and the S&P have been punching new High Ground of late the rest of the market has not so I think we’ve got a little catch up to do um I think we’re in store for a short but sharp whacka mall over the next several days um and then uh then the pattern will be reset and we’ll be ready to take off on the upside once again well let’s let’s talk a little bit further about this uh the high that I think is being made as we speak uh here’s my table again just to refresh folks memory uh the left hand column is Luca series the secondary column is the times 2 count the next column is the divided by two and the last column is uh times four we’re just going to focus on the first three columns right here for for today okay um here is a chart that I printed off here just a few minutes ago um this is a chart of the S&P going back a couple of years and what I’ve done is I’ve marked all of the major highs and lows and uh what I’ve noted is the actual trading Day Count uh between these pivot Points the highs I have a blue blue vertical line the lows I have a red vertical line and the trading counts across the top uh for example between the uh March 16th low of 2023 and the October low uh October 27th low of that year it was 159 trading days and parenthesis I’ve got one 61 where did 161 come from uh 161 happens to be 322 / 2 Lucas number okay so in every case Larry every case 100% of the time the major pivot Points in the market have been defined by the Lucas numbers or their uh 1 half count um if you take this low that occurred on January the 27th 2023 that major wash out low we had and you add 161 trading days just like we did here if you add 161 days to that date it lands on June 20th 2024 today wow today happens to be 18 Lucas days from this high that occurred on um May 23rd and we happen to be ENT 58 trading days from the high that occurred back here in March 28 so we’ve got a nice little clustering of Lucas numbers lining up with today so the NASDAQ is making a 29-day cycle high and on the S&P chart we have just a marvelous Lucas clustering right here so I think we’re going to see a short wacka all into next week kind of reset uh and let folks know the markets don’t only go up U but uh incidentally if you take today’s high and you add the number 94 which is Lucas 47 * 2 there’s 94 you add that to today uh it takes you to that first week of November which is when I think uh we could see a significant Market high so if making the last time we had a down day was the day after Easter wasn’t that Monday after Easter back in April was the last time we had a down day in the S&P well we had an we had an important low on April the 19th yeah is that that is that what you’re referring to I was being factious but yes okay well um wow I got it let me put on my cheap suit um okay if Stan thinks there’s a high being formed right here well where’s the next logical place to look for a low well here’s a we’ve looked at the nas we’ve looked at the S&P now let’s look at the Dow um the Dow well the broad Market overall but I’m using the Dow chart here for illustrative purposes has had a tendency to make cycle lows every 53 trading days plus or minus this has been a very very reliable cycle it has expanded a little bit couple of times over here but then it reset right back to 53 plus or minus and that cycle is due uh next week uh cycle lows by the way or even cycle Highs but cycle lows uh do not necessarily coin inide with the price low of a move what they do do is they coincide with the point of which price velocity balloons in the opposite direction uh in this case to the upside so I think what is likely to occur is we’re going to get a short but sharp whacka mall over the next week uh and then sometime between Wednesday Thursday is plus or minus and that and and all the indices may not bought them on the same day but by the end of the week I think we will accomplish the next 53-day cycle low and then the following week um all the the water will be rung out of the sponge so to speak and we will be ready to power higher and I think the next couple of months of the summer are going to be just just boom boom boom on the upside by the way just just since the April 19th low uh which is just a little more than two months ago the S&P has gone up over 10% that’s a whopping move in just two months time yeah but Nvidia is going up more than 10% I think I mean those are those are those are like uh numbers that we had on those yes heyy listen thanks for joining do you have some more because we got two more minutes if you’d like to use it we we could come back on and take questions absolutely okay we do have a question so I’ll bring it up it’s it’s about the St okay if you’re looking for potential trading setups in the stock market then rocket equities and options report is a newsletter you should try Tommy O’Brien delivers options and Equity trades when the markets present them using a combination of fundamentals and technicals sign up for Rocket equities and options report today with a 30-day money back guarantee so you have nothing to risk for all the details and to start your subscription 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waiting for don’t let the market leave you in the dust tfnn has launched the tiger Z hosted at Discord tfnn has been educating Traders for more than 20 years with live programming hosted by a variety of professional Traders during Market hours the tiger day available to all tigers and tigresses for just $1 for the year there’s no catch or added costs when you join our community of Traders sign up today and become a part of this educational community of Traders just visit the front page of tfnn.com [Music] don’t forget you can listen to tfnn Live on your mobile device 24 hours per day go to tfnn.com then hit watch tiger TV that’s tfnn.com then hit watch tiger [Music] TV okay we’re back folks talking with Stan Harley the question that we have Stan I think I know the answer but I’ll let you answer it a question ask about the when you Solstice that has to be related to astrology and the answer to that is any day on any of the calendars is all related to astrology because they’re all days now you don’t use astrology but ass Solstice is another way of looking at astrology so is that the way to answer it I mean it’s just a day it’s like no other except it happens to be the start of a season yes uh well this is this is your your field so um well you know it vastly more than I do uh I’m an amateur astronom amateur ason Omer but I I’m not a professed astrologer with respect to the markets but I do I do know from having looked at this for many many decades that uh solstices and equinoxes frequently coincide within about two to four trading days with uh important pivot Points in the market sometimes more significant than others okay wow all right well anything else you’d like to share with us I think that pretty well summarizes things Larry okay okay why don’t you tell the folks how they could reach you get a sample of the letter and we’ll have you on again in a few weeks if you don’t mind we love having you on well thank you my my pleasure um here’s my contact info and if folks want to get a hold of me um there there it is okay thank you so much for being with us Dan and we’ll have you on in a few weeks okay okay I look forward to it okay okay folks uh we got the Doge up Dow Jones up almost 300 with the S&P and the NASDAQ down boy you don’t see that very often and Russell is still down but uh the Market’s going with the Dow Jones today the 30 big stocks and in fact they’re moving quite a bit they’re up almost 300 points boy you don’t see that very often as basil would say it’s a bifurcated market so it’s going to be interesting what happens with the next few days for sure so live every day in an attitude of gratitude and may God bless and we’ll see you on the flip side tomorrow and our guest will be Norm wisky of Astro Trends out of Naples Florida so stay with us till tomorrow and we’ll see you all then thank you for joining us today and we’ll be back tomorrow [Music]

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