On this episode you will be introduced to a new wine and watch the movie trailer with me following my 2 cents about this movie.

    The Wine of the Day: Chateau Labarrade Cahors Malbec vintage of 2020.

    Credits to:
    Rotten Tomatoes
    Focus Features

    [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and good morning good afternoon good evening ladies and gents this your boy kand over for orando Florida on this awesome International podcast good wine and left welcome to Kasa kasan NOA and welcome to another 2024 CMA movie reviews ladies and G and today Saturday June the 22nd 2024 and the weather here in Orland it’s going to be partly cloudy in the morning following by developing thunder storms in the afternoon highs of 90° ladies and gents and lows of 76° so yesterday I went to the move ladies and before I start talk about my review and startop playing this trailer and talk about my review about the movie of the day I got to talk about the wine of the day here at C Casanova today I have another wine from France this is a m bag it’s called the sh laad is a vintage of 202 ladies and here the bottom for you right here la chatau lava hard C right here I never had anyone from this brand right here so let me see what’s the back label States it say right here that the chat laot c mbag is a red wine the pr is very small say the black cherry color with deep violet Reflections on the nose you will find concentrate notes of fruits black currant red currant and I believe it’s mberry the wooden notes blend scly scam Lesly with the fruit Aromas this small bag also has pepper and licorice notes on the palet it is bold and Balan and the metho Finish brings a touch of freshness ideal to enjoy with barbecue or exotic dishes as well as strong teases the print they have the blor that’s kind of brown and the ladders are also kind of brow so very small prints to hard to read ladies and gent so it say here alcohol percent of this one is 13.5 so I like Ms but like I said before different regions different altitude now make the taste of mck different from one brand to another so let’s see what’s this m bag from chatau laa HS laa is all about glue some barbecue okay I me GRE some steak later today so I can finish this one okay these are very very strong wine ladies and gents this ones excuse me well per personally I’ll give a seven for this R right here the laa H sh laot mouth bag to me did not blow some bells on my palette is not one why to say oh my God you know what I mean just like T that’s no fireworks let me say this one in my personal opinion there’s no fireworks I’ll give a having is a drinkable wine if you do not like full body wine if you that the the sweet red wine life you not about this life right here so stay away from the LA heart for but those that like you know full body wine you may like it I would say probably you may think the same way I’m thinking so I’m drink one for a long long long time 20 plus years and the laad is okay wine you know I me this like do I keep this you know what I will try this wine later with some grill steak that I’m going to cook so and let me see the combination of the grilled meat and the wine maybe bring now after e them steak and maybe it brings out more of this wine but so far I was eating some cherries before my St they podcast and also that have a little bit effect my P but so far I will give you a seven for this wine right so let me pour more of this wine and let’s jump on this trailer and as you saw on the thumbnail I went to the movie theater yesterday to see the new bike riders movie and after the trailer I’ll give you my two cents after reviewing what the Rotten Tomatoes critics professional critics and so also the amateur critics like myself are talking about this movie so let’s go [Applause] [Music] 3 2 one than I’m thinking it’s starting a writing Club here we go why all those clubs do is sit around talking about motorcycles that’s what we do you don’t belong nowhere else so they belong together you’re the man in charge I’m John where the home I’m Ben going home I like you guys I’m going home oh your boyfriends are getting into trouble [ __ ] what the hell were you thinking back there no said I saw you scoring off of them guys what I need to think for hey you and me [Music] kid Johnny always love Benny this is our family forever hey told you to take that jacket off you’d have to kill me to get this jacket [Music] off I don’t want any trouble here then I’ll let you leave what about the bar find it down we got to go n we don’t they’re scared of us these young guys they ain’t going to follow nobody except somebody going to hold their own you the club is changing running drugs gambling is that who we are now you can’t have him me m if he keeps rid him he’s going to die one way or another oh yeah oh yeah I need you [Music] a oh yeah some people would rather crash then slow down [Music] all right right ladies and gents let’s just check one thing real quick over here there you go all right let’s see what’s bikers from now the what the report from the routing tomate stock about this movie right here so you can see right here is a two hour 1 hour 56 minutes for a movie time let’s go right here so according to the Tomato Meter 82% % now i s the rate in 77% of the audio audience score right here so stay right here that the bikers captures a religious time in America when the culture and the people were changing after change a chance of encounter at a local bar strong wi G play by jod comr is inac drawn by bany played by Austin Butler the newest member of the Midwest Motorcycle Club the vendors led by the enigmatic Johnny played by Tom Hardy much like the country around the club begins to evolve transforming from gathering places for local Outsiders into a dangerous underworld of violence forcing Ben to choose between C and his loyalty to the club H la so let’s go down right here while you can watch you can go to the mood theaters or go to fangle at home right there and what to know it say here the critic critics consensus filled by charismatic cast Integrity authenticity of the rider director Jeff Nichol approach the bike riders offer a conventional yet impactful look of motorcycle culture well well well so let’s see here some critics reveal you can see Cassy right here give her two cents and also Clarice from UK give her two cents about that and also the audience critics right here and I agree with Le right here look at it as well mamati you know so let’s see here once again let’s go to the cast you know you’re going to see here bruy that’s D to death nich d k Cassie Benny by Austin Butler John Hardley Johnny Mike fist play Danny and basically this moov is based on the true story of the photographer played by Mike FY here play Danny that was following G get together from 1965 I believe to 1973 so he was meeting you going to see in the movie that he’s foll follows the vendors everywhere they go basically and the the the mostar him star with him interview Cassy G the account about the story and then Bruce you right here by D so ladies and gents after that like I said that’s why I say I agree with the lease right here not all of what I thought so I understand as far the period is concerned 19765 1973 you know it’s a different period of time I was thinking about when it comes to the movie for motorcycle movie kind of motorcycle club I was making a little comparison with the Biker Boys you know in the early 2000s and this movie right here I was completely bored I know you can see the the video the I the movie for the best trailers that possible but I was expecting more drama more action the entire movie everybody in the movie theater everybody was quiet I didn’t hear no reaction even myself there there few things that H very very few things that I react as for the movie is concerned but I was completely like that’s me for almost 2 hours I say 1 hour in 53 minutes of the movie so I give you 3 minutes of reaction and for 1 hour and 53 minut I see might you might see like this like this boring you know this move I’m sorry if you want to wait for I mean I’m a huge fam of Tom harded I like his movies though a lot of mov that he plays I like a lot but this particular one my advice to you ladies and gents stay wait stay in the house and wait until this movie come to any of your platform they already have such as Netflix Amazon Prime or whatever because you already pay for your subscription you know so might as well wait for for this move to get there so you don’t have to spend your money because no it’s expensive to so normally I eat at home get some to eat and go to the so I do not spend any mov for popcorn because you can end up being by myself you can end up being most about $70 if you spend drinks popcorns and some to decide popcorn a single date is going to cost you more than $50 so I bought my ticket I got my snacks and whatever I want to eat in the house get know glass of wi before I go and that’s about it but that’s my two sense about this movie ladies and gents I advise you to stay stay home and wait because this movie is not that great I give you as far as stars concerned with this movie I give it two stars that’s it two stars on this movie so ladies and so once again this is your boy C NOA Ladi so be safe be kind and be blessed and do the best what you can do what you got salute and I see you next Saturday with another movie The Quiet Place with Lupita is coming up next Friday so wait until next Saturday for you to hear my two cents in my review about this movie I hope it’s going to be a good one because I love Lupita and I have a huge expectations for this movie so if you like what I do ladies and I appreciate if you licking the like button and click on the Subscribe button help me to increase the number of subscriber for this YouTube channel so once again this is your boy C NOA please be safe be kind and be blessed enjoy your weekend and I see you next [Laughter] Saturday coming with the p for the number one spot pushing my like The Pusher on the Block holding my G Sockers get lost coming from the bottom Moving Straight To The Top coming with the pull for the number one spot pushing my like The Pusher on the Block holding my down Sockers get lost coming from the bottom Moving Straight To The Top coming with the p for the number one spot pushing myap like The Pusher on the Block holding my down sucker rappers get loose coming

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