More drama at the boot sale for me filming for youtube.

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    Hi, im Jon, i am a UK reseller who buys cheap to resell for more on eBay and vinted.
    Follow me on my journey’s thrifting around car boots in the UK and Charity Shops, picking up bargains and selling them on for huge profits.

    #carboot #reseller #ukebayreseller

    Drama At The Car Boot AGAIN!! UK Ebay Reseller

    good morning guys it’s Thursday and I’ve just dropped my sun off I’m now going to a car boot it’s about a 20 25 minute drive and as you can see it’s quite late for a car boot reason being on going I thought I’d do a video to see if you can actually pick up stuff going to a car boot late hope you enjoy this video let’s get to that field and see what we can find [Music] how your books bab which ones B how much are these seven seven worth it I don’t know if the real see the SLO knacked why it’s cut people here and they sell it on eBay like most people and I make money out this this as well I’ve been doing it for ages people people come here people come here because of my channel I know but people some people don’t want you recording them I’m not record I don’t record them it’s pain like this down faces don’t record faces I only pick up while you know so if I see this I go how much and I go blah blah blah all right all right then and then that’s it okay yeah don’t do anything wrong yeah it’s all right I me I mean there’s plenty of people on here who do cameras and all that yeah but yeah it’s all right someone mentioned it to me yeah know there’s a woman up there she said oh can not film me I said don’t film me anyway yeah yeah only went it’s something good and if somebody didn’t want film then I’ll just say I’ll go then okay cuz I I come here every week obviously if people ask me I have you know just follow it up and so I’d ask it and just make sure that yeah everything’s all right I saying I’ve been doing it for ages around here all right then I won’t get you on film then it make a good that make a good one I got nothing to it doesn’t bother me I don’t mind know somebody everything I do is is proper I’ve done it for I’ve been doing it since 1988 know so yeah some of the people on here who actually like she comes here regular and she knows that girl there she comes yeah she comes regular and she knows and she she’s B on on it and you know and some people want to go oh you on YouTube can I put me on no one get no views just say it’s a good it’s a good advert for me yeah that’s is it yours is it oh yeah cuz you do the Stafford one as well yeah so I go to the Stafford one as [Music] well old Tonka how much is this pound yeah I’ll have it for a pound have you got the games or they’ve been nicked they’ just been nicked have they I got a B Du I’ll okay lovely I didn’t bring any bags today I normally have loads but there’s none in the car thank you that’s Ace that’s you don’t see any of them do you 15 that’s a bit much 2014 they are way out of date ah I know I know there’s ink but there that’s just that’s just way out of date for me yeah so Point proven that coming to a car boot late is definitely not worth it picked up one thing I think I might have to go to canuk around the charity shops it’s that bad I need to make some money because obviously travel expenses cuz that wallet and GIC album is not going to really make up the money so I’m going to have a look see if there’s any other charity shops not in canic so I can go there but yeah I definitely need to go and find somewhere so that car boot was pretty poor lots of people there but nothing at all so going to a car boot late is not worth it but decided to come down the road 20 mil to Lichfield never been here see what the charity shops are like I think they’re going to be expensive because it looks so Posh 5 quid for parking I’m in the Main Street and look at all the charity shops there’s like Oxfam there’s like Oxfam Salvation Army J’s hospice a AC corn there’s another oxam Blue Cross there and a cancer research be all expensive but at least don’t have to walk for’s see what the prices are in this shop £6 pretty much normal prices don’t know where I’m looking at [Music] clothes £10 I’ve never seen a charity Shop sell bikes very expensive pretty box Ed ni Dickies they clear it that’s not too bad look at all these jelly cats look at them all absolutely load of them unfortunately this is not a try shop do down onto the next one pers that was a great game that was R into salvation me now this looks expensive old board game there don’t panic £6 sells for that on eBay quality of the stuff is really poor hopefully this one be bit be but to me it looks like a book shop now oh they’re not old ones two quid each there’s the old ones I’ll be picking them up those I need them acorns anything out here just wish look at that Ed a bag Ed a bag here they want 45 quid and it’s fake No Labels or nothing in it 20 qu brand new notes all off for that jeans plain white tea fos tax six quid that’s quite nice Al Wonderland 15 quid and there’s no markers make on it at all you’re having a laugh Just A reproduction probably something from like B&M running shoes them ones to use they’re nice though they are nice UFC top oh my God what a load of rubbish on to cancer research anything in the window oh some Lego £18 goes for about 25 quid £450 for some kids add us I can go to the ad kind can get them for cheaper super dry yeah cuz everybody wants super dry don’t they not complete and still want six quid for it it’s only worth about 8 quid I new I think I’d be on a doll if I would lived here I finally bought something Bo it’s one B need a new line 15 quid if I was in a Char shop it’ be probably about 450 quid I see selling Dan here so I’m heading back to the car absolutely waste of time today car boot rubbish Lichfield rubbish I’m actually down in money today and that’s the first time I’ve done that in a long time but this is what reselling is like it’s not all about picking up loads of stuff and I’m showing you the real side of reselling not just all the highlights anyway bit of a different video hope you enjoyed it I’ll see you tomorrow where I’m actually going to tell you how much I actually make on YouTube oh I bet you thought that was the end of the video well it actually was and because it was so bad at that car Boot and obviously that charity shop area in Lichfield was so poor never go there um after the editing it came to about 9 minutes that’s how bad it was the car boot it’s okay you know it’s a good car boot but like I said I wanted to see if you can actually pick up anything when you go late to a car Boot and you can’t it is virtually impossible fair play to the car boot owner he did understand you know some people don’t like being put on videos but like I said most of them don’t care and if you don’t like being put on film usually it’s because you just don’t want to be on film or it’s usually because you’re hiding something anyway I did go to some charity shops when I was going to pick my up just before and guess what I actually picked up some stuff so I sort of wasted the whole day going around somewhere else when I could also gone around my local charity shops and pick up some stuff picked up some of these reisha motorcycle boots um they’re pretty good ones actually don’t say it guy I don’t know forgot your name mate but he’s a motorbike Enthusiast and he says you need to pick up some glues and stuff uh um well you get what you can um and I obviously didn’t pick up anything today these are actually quite good ones somebody has sold these ones with a pair of biking gloves for 855 quid so there’s no reason I can’t get 50 to 60 quid for them paid a 10 for them I also picked up this tiger mug not going to get much for it probably a 10er maybe 12 quid that is the Wallace and garet book is really nice is a vintage one um from 1989 you probably looking at about 12 quid but is immate I might be able to stretch the 15 but yeah 12 quid all day long all resellers love to pick up one of these unfortunately the price in these have gone down loads when deal and O deal came back on they were selling for about 40 to 50 Quid now it’s not on TV the price has gone down you’re looking about 20 to 25 so yeah paid 4 quid so I’m not moaning about that but what happened next was quite surprising I picked up these after and I went oh can I pay for these as well and he goes oh I’ve done the transaction now and I went oh okay then and then goes blah blah blah £650 and I went okay here you go and then I went well you don’t don’t you want some money for these and he goes Noah it’s all right so I got these for absolutely free if these were brand new you’re looking about 30 to 40 quid but I think they have been used yeah I think they have been used so you’re going to be looking around about 12 to 15 quid if you are thinking about going to car boots go when they open up first hour probably the best if you’re going after 9:00 um yeah don’t bother because they’ve been open for about 3 to four hours but yeah like I said at the end of the video before this bit came on I am going to be telling you how much I have made on YouTube so far in the last 6 months I wanted to get it to six month because it’s a nice round even number so I’m going to tell you how much I’ve made in the six months what I usually get on a video what you have to do um and so on so on anyway tomorrow you will see that video so again I hope you enjoyed this video if you did like it subscribe if you’re new and I will see you tomorrow


    1. All cameras should be banned from boot sales. They’re mostly all on private land, therefore the owners should be saying no cameras allowed and protect the sellers.
      One day I’d like to sell at a boot sale but numpties who go around filming put me right off, I just don’t want to be on YouTube being filmed selling my personal goods I want rid of.


    2. Them 3D glasses are the ones for my TV, I bought extra pairs and my new sealed ones I have no need for have been listed for ages, they don't sell as that series TV are becoming rare as people tip them when they go faulty, I suppose when they are free though it doesn't matter if they sit around a while.

    3. I have had this happen to me before, I dont have a gopro so for my channel i use a smartphone.

      My tactic is to just record the table and ask the person permission before, i think there are tax dodgers out there who dont want to be caught on camera.

    4. Your not going to find much to resell getting to a bootsale late or looking in charity shops in town centres mate your wasting your time. You have been doing this long enough to know this.

    5. I saw how Jon had picked up some printer ink cartridges (HP was the brand or at least some of them), and I wished to offer some advice for anyone reading this. I no longer have an HP printer (currently on my 3rd Brother) but I did for several years. I found that new recycled cartridges were hit and miss, maybe a 50/50 success. But and this is my point, I always found with OEM (originals) from HP that even if the date was expired and the cartridge was sealed in its original bag then the success rate was 100/100. So, although the cartridge spoken of was 2014 as long as it was cheap, say £1 or £2, then I personally would pick it up with confidence it would work in the printer. I know those dates are stamped 'expiry' but I would imagine that they are more to cover the manufacturer (I'd love to know others thoughts and experiences). I recently sold an old sealed Epson cartridge of expiry 2012 and even after it was delivered I asked the buyer to be assured that if it did not work I would fully refund him. He replied saying how the cartridge worked perfectly in his old printer. Of course if the car boot seller was asking say £5 plus then thats more of a gamble (unless you are desperate to find that long OOP cartridge) but I repeat I've had 100/100 percent success rate with old HP types.

    6. Car boot sales you have to have your mind set there is a lot of illegal things on there which obviously idiots are trying to sell there's too much of this going on in this world that is why I do not attend them anymore

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