Sadiq Khan has pledged to hit London drivers with a staggering one million speeding fines by year’s end.

    The Mayor of London announced a tough new crackdown on speeding, setting strict targets for the Metropolitan Police to ramp up enforcement.

    With the rollout of new cameras across the city, more drivers will be nabbed and fined.

    Recent data revealed that nearly one in every four cars in the capital has received a speeding fine in the past six years.

    Jeremy Kyle speaks with the chair of the Alliance of British Drivers, Bob Bull.

    #news #politics #london #uk #cars #sadiqkhan #talkradio

    um how do I how do I explain this um sadik Khan has made a vow the newly reelected uh mayor of London only a million of you voted for you where were the other 11 million he says I’m going to issue a million speeding fines to London drivers before the end of the year as many people feel cab drivers that I see every day a man who is determined to wage war on anybody in London with a car Bob Bull Association of British drivers welcome to talk dve my friend how are you hi fine what an odious man sadique KH is well the thing that blew me away was that there were enough people to reelect him but you know that’s another thing I mean it’s it’s just bizarre that someone can say up front that he knows a million people are going to be caught for speeding before the end of the year I mean it’s just a tax having no effect on the speed of cars otherwise you wouldn’t be able to do it I I spend a of time grabbing back black cabs from from tube stations late at night early in the morning whatever and and I have a genuine sympathy I know this this sh station and and this show goes across the whole of the UK but I have a massive sympathy yes for drivers in London but specifically for black cabage they were telling me that almost 40% of their city is now unattainable this is to me sadique carned is worst a man who sets it out as you said I’m going to I’m going to issue a million speeding fins can only be seen Bobble as being anti motorists right well of course yeah and and of course that’s that’s seems to be one of the things that’s going very quiet I noticed in this election I mean nobody seems to be talking about it but the thing that actually affects the majority of people in the country because the majority of the people in the country are motorists is 17 million yeah the continual sort of pressure to get out of the car and travel on their public transport and the whole thing’s just got beyond the joke I mean we’re we’re there’s massive subsidy on the railways and now they want even more to make them cheaper so that people actually go on the trains why do you think he is why why do you because I you’re you’re an expert you’re the association of British drivers I could never understand this tax that he levied this ules tax so this was about bringing dirty old diesel cars into London and essentially killing us all if we do that but what I didn’t understand Bobble and you must explain it to me how much is You Les uh I don’t know because I don’t drive in but it’s 12 pound is it or something like that so you’re not allowed to bring your diesel car into London because it will create pollution and kill people but if you this is basically what he was saying if you give me 12 quid I don’t care you can kill as many so it is just a bleeding tax it’s not morality at all no of course it is and it’s the same with a lot of the speeding you know the all over whales they s it all down to 20 precisely why nothing changed you know people were ignoring it now they’re going to have to take some out they spent interesting dford in Wales would be a good reason for people to look at if they want to understand what a labor government will be Drakeford had 20 M hour across the whole of Wales it was absolutely hated I understand outside schools I understand that 4:00 the other morning coming to do breakfast this is no word of a lie in the car doing 19 mil an hour honestly I could have I could have gone to corn quicker I don’t understand I’m all for safety but it seems to me that he is attacking londoners and their rights to drive whereas he sticks up for as you said train goers and the people who shave their legs and ride bikes and all that rubbish but and the other thing he’s got one of the worst crime records in the whole country why don’t they spend some money on that well you know what’s really interesting is I saw I saw an article Bob I saw an article after the election I don’t know the specifics I’m sure Ryan will just tell me because he just told me that ules is1 50 I I read that only over about a million people voted for sadik Khan out of 789 whatever that figure is so there was an apathy and people didn’t go out let’s not forget whilst he’s talking about speeding fines and he’s talking about bicycle lanes and he’s talking about speed cameras and everything like that you’re absolutely right not only is knife crime more prevalent in London than any other major city I should think in the world the fear of crime amongst London residents is off the bleeding scale Bob yeah well that’s why they want to drive around in their cars and not subject themselves to public the 20 mph one that I think is best of all and it’s a nice quain tank called bath um they put in 20 M hour everybody checked it and they checked it and they checked it and alello and behold it was worse the the pollution actually went up and nothing got any better and then they said ah but we put it in now it’s too dear to take it out and he’s just been reelected sadik Khan yeah that amazed me I’m with you anyway listen Bob bull you keep fighting for the drivers I don’t like cyclists they shave their legs I’m all for the motorist my friend thank you very much Steve for joining us


    1. The whole world knows this Sad iq man who wants to bring money into for him to waste personally eg getting an effigy of trump and flying it in the park plus other things. God will judge him when his time comes. He cannot escape.



    4. Do you know that Muslims that have a prayer mat in there homes do not have to pay council tax. But other religions do. Work that one out. We have been invaded without a single shot being fired.

    5. Had a weekend in london last year, took a black cab, they hate him with a passion, because he hates all drivers , I have to pay ulex for a diesel car that does 57 mpg on a run mid forties around town and yet a 500+bhp lambo (10mpg) is exempt wtf !!! Khan your killing london, look across the pond, Chicago and other leftie cities, all major stores pulling out because you can't get arrested if you steal $900 a day from 1 STORE, but are free to steal from other stores to that amount , we are heading that way, im an atheist,,but ill take any god that can change this madness 😉

    6. He can't issue speeding fines only the Police & courts can do it which Khan has no jurisdiction to control as he does not legislate traffic laws in Britain this story is another example of the Tory right wing media spouting absolute rubbish when they know their about to be smashed at the poling booths

    7. In the last year the only time I have seen police out on foot in my area, is either AFTER someone has been stabbed, or standing at the side of the road holding a speed gun

    8. Everything Khan does in London is purely to raise funds for his far left policies And nothing to do With making London a better place for the people that live in and around the city !!!

    9. Speeding drivers kill our children why are drivers so selfish that they think that they can break the law without penalty
      If drivers do not drive over the speed limit they won't be fined

    10. I find it such a strange thing that a so called Lord Major of London needs to drive around in a bullet proof car and have security. He is supposed to be for the people and work for the people and be one of us. Seems like he is scared of the people he is representing. Further i dont understand why Our monarchy and Goverment allow him to do what he wants.

    11. London is now a no go area for anyone outside London. My days of visiting London are over for sure. It's turned into a toxic city that will decline further and no british citizen will want to visit. Londoners had the chance to get him out and they didn't ??

    12. He is using the driver's to make money. He is the biggest con artist ever. He us making our great City of London into a no go area. 😡😡😡😡😡

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