Jacob Rees-Mogg calls for the ‘Tory family’ to unite, saying the competition between the Conservatives and Reform in the polls shows the ‘danger’ of splitting the right wing vote.

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    let’s get the view from the conservative backbenches former cabinet minister sir Jacob ree MOG joins me now um sir Jacob what did you make of what happened today you’ve been critical to some extent of the direction of travel of the government over the last two years what did this Manifesto say to you it’s not the time to be critical I am a Conservative candidate in a general election I am supporting what the conservative party is setting out and what Richie sunak is setting out and what he’s set out is very clear uh it is a policy of ensuring that taxes do begin to come down after a period of consolidation that migration is reduced both legal and illegal and that policies are implemented that will help people set up businesses will reduce uh the National Insurance on the self-employed uh will encourage Enterprise this is I think really important I want you to have a listen listen to what the shadow chance Rachel Reeves uh described this uh Manifesto launch as said he was the antidote to Liz TR instead he’s cosplaying Liz truss by again doing what the conservatives did in that mini budget with in this case 71 billion pounds of unfunded commitments so they’re not going to cut National Insurance or if they do all it’s going to mean is 4,800 lounds more on your mortgage now sir Jacob you served in the cabinet of Liz trust you you Liz truss as prime minister is this a trustan Manifesto I think that comment from the shadow Chancellor is the sort of thing that gives politics a bad name that it is so ridiculously overstated and rather than coming up with a calm and rational discussion about what the Prime Minister has proposed she goes for some sort of headline on absurd figures and um overblown language I think politics needs a calmer tone of debate that the proposals are fully costed I happen to think the savings from reducing the size of civil service could be considerably bigger than the manifesto is suggesting I think those have been stated extremely conservatively and that I just don’t think it’s wise of people who hope to serve in high office to use this um rather High futin language and yet she also used a figure 45,000 worse off for families the labor party saying you will cost them for ,000 you’re saying they’ll cost families £2,000 you’re both as bad as each other no I don’t think that’s true I think if you look at the costing that the conservative party has done it has taken promises made by Shadow ministers and has then got independent bodies mainly the Civil Service to cost them and that has come up with a total figure that is perfectly reasonable thing to do the conservatives have produced a document I’ve actually got it uh here I I printed it off in case we might discuss it that sets out Point by Point how much things will cost and where the money will come from to pay for it now the Socialists haven’t done that because as always the Socialists forget that you eventually run out of other people’s money and yet this document relies uh in large part on the hope of efficiency savings on the hope that fewer people will be claiming benefits on the hope that there will be Crackdown on t avoidance and evasion that’s just a wish and a prayer is it not well it’s clearly not because actually the figure for reduction in non-payment of tax is lower than the government has achieved and ministers have been pointing this out in interviews in terms of cost savings within the Civil Service when Boris Johnson was prime minister there was a clear plan to reduce the civil service by 90,000 which would have saved billions of pounds a year that plan was ready to go and and it’s pity it hasn’t happened and we took on far too many civil servants as a result of covid but that excess that fat in the system is there for removing but of course the Socialists won’t do it because they love having a big Sate they like employing civil servants who belong to the trade unions that support them well the evidence might suggest that the current conservative government quite likes a big state but I do want to reference a new poll that has come out today showing just one percentage point between Nigel farage’s Reform Party uh and your conservative party you’re of course down in Somerset campaigning what the polls like this say to you well I looked up because I thought you might ask me about this the opinion polls in March April and the very beginning of May 1997 to see if we could learn anything from that and it’s very interesting they consistently overstated the labor lead the labor lead ended up being 133% 1 3% and so many of the polls had it at well over 20% so I wouldn’t entirely rely on polls but equally I wouldn’t dismiss them that’s true s Jacob although it did begin to narrow so uh you’re completely correct at this point in the Electoral cycle it didn’t look I’ve got the figures here actually they did begin to narrow narrow on the 29th of um April the NOP Reit poll had a 22% labor lead so no they didn’t really narrow very much there was a little bit what they what they said A week before the election as opposed to a month before the election that’s what I was doing I gave you just I gave you just a few days before the election actually so I’ve been looking at the averages of these polls there has been a slight tightening in 1997 that we’re not yet seeing uh in in 2024 they right to the end they were well ahead even on the day itself they were indicating uh an 18% lead 17 18% lead rather than the 13% lead so um there is something about polling but there is a key point to make and that is that if the conservatives and reform are very close what does that tell you about dividing the Tory family if you divide the Tory family you make it worse for both parts the in-laws and the Outlaws so to speak and that what we need is a coalition a coalesence uh of the various parts of the Tory party family


    1. The Torries, even if they were reduced to 1 MP, still wouldn't understand how they betrayed the people. It's astonishing Jacob you can defend 14 years' worth of very little accomplishments.

    2. The interviewer's hectoring, sneering tone is just unacceptable. By all means become more aggressive if the politician is dodging the question, but ask a civil question to start with and drop the posturing superior attitude. Particularly when Moggy has given reasonable and civilised responses. I don't agree with Moggy on maintaining the 'Tory family' but there's nothing wrong with making that argument. I think the Tories as a whole have vacillated on just about every conservative principle there is and haven't even demonstrated their traditional managerial competence. They are virtually unrecognisable as conservatives at this stage. The police are arresting people for silently praying and a bloke in London was threatened with arrest for being "openly Jewish" and thereby causing a breach of the peace because a pro-Hamas crowd was marching and shouting angrily on the street. MP Sir David Amess was stabbed to death in 2021 in a constituency meeting by an Islamist who admitted his motivation was "religious". But the cause of the murder remained a mystery to Britain's MPs – they had no idea why it happened. Only one MP summoned up the courage to say it was a "senseless attack on democracy itself".

    3. I like jrm but he was not the leader of the tory party and therfore could not get his ideas into practice .
      i wont vote for tories, and Labour will be worse.
      So there is just Reform and thats it for me . Yes they might not get many seats but im not voting for 2 crap parties ill vote reform so at least i can live with myself knowing i tried evn though is seems labour will get in .
      The first Labour will do is lower the voting age to 16 as they think most will vote for them ,and let even more immigrants in because they want more votes .
      Blair and his cronies will be pulling strings form behind ,
      and the unions after a peacefull start will be at logger heads with them within 2 years and Labour will be a disaster but thats what is going to happen come what may .

    4. F TORIES ! THEY ARE the same as labour! If the tories wanted changed they had 14 years with a massive majority to do it and they could have stopped the boats and send back these criminals yet they choose not too

    5. NO TAXATION WITH OUT REPRESENT. So the TORYS want a puppet party to replace the conservative party due to there absence of charisma, presence, and ethical standing. Look like some one forgot to see the world from an actual map!! Homophobic, racist party leads the way for a homophobic racist and disabled child killing party. What a shower of ka ka. The UK has become. What's next Chinese style censorship? Forced sterling of people that aren't landed gentry…. Nope just a remake of the third reich

    6. Yes, Jacob, but he's lied continually to get support and he's still lying. All the things he says he wants to do he could have done with his 80-seat majority. We will not join with the Tory family. this is a desperate attempt to salvage your dead organisation. We fell for this con trick last time and you betrayed us as soon as you got the majority you wanted. JOIN REFORM, JACOB!

    7. Can't bear to watch it but I guarantee we've heard it all before. How wonderful the tories are, Tax waffle, Business waffle, Immigration promises that are never upheld. Bye Bye torie toffs.

    8. Tories or Labour, same neo-Marxists. Absolutely not. My only voting option is Reform. If Reform unite with the woke Tories i WILL NOT GO TO VOTE.

    9. You are not a Conservative. You are an extreme right wing individual whose contribution to this country has been completely destructive….

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