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    In this live stream, we are breaking down severe weather in the United States. This severe weather event could bring significant damaging winds, large hail, and tornadoes. This is a live weather channel.


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    *This live stream may contain footage from the following storm chasers:
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    StormRunner Media –
    The Storm Chasing Guy –
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    alrighty welcome back everybody to our latest severe weather coverage I hope everybody’s having a good afternoon so far uh we are starting off pretty quickly here with a tornado warning right off the bat that’s going to be back up in Northwestern Vermont uh this is really one of the first of many storms today that will have rotation and this one’s just been bubbling up over the last really hour or so and it’s really started to organize um over the last several minutes back over north of Bristol uh you’ll actually notice we are starting to see some curvature on the Storm and this is a storm in particular that is in a very favorable environment we have very strong lowl Shear we have really curved photographs today across Vermont parts of Massachusetts New Hampshire so storms like this are going to be the ones that are capable of the potential for tornadoes and we already have a storm here that is already rotating and I have a chaser that is not currently live but they have been saying that this storm has been rapidly organizing so if you are near starksboro or Jonesboro or Jonesville sorry or just south of the Hinesburg area here in Vermont you’re going to have to seek shelter immediately get away from Windows get on the lowest floor possible and get into an interior room of your home or building as this storm could produce a tornado at any time as it does continue to move to the east Northeast you’ll see here on the base velocities a little bit off the ground the rotation was actually pretty strong just to the west of Highway 116 about a moment ago bit broader on the latest scan but I think right now it’s trying to organize I think it might just be kind of in a a cycling stage right now I think it’s going to start to organize more as it continues to move to the east Northeast over the next several minutes so um once again if you’re in the pink polygon get to your safe place away from Windows and lowest floor possible this will eventually make an approach towards Interstate 89 Stow or Stow Hardwick lynon and St John’s Berry in Vermont will also be in the track of this down the road uh in addition to that Mont pelier is also kind of in the track of this you’re not really too far away from where this storm is at so make sure that you’re staying weather aware there now obviously this is going to be one of our main focuses over the next several minutes but we have a lot of other storms that are firing off now uh plent plenty of storms are firing off across Eastern New York and as these continue to move East and Northeast they are going to begin to pose more of a risk for tornadoes over the next couple of hours I really think that the peak of the tornado threat will be around 4 to 6 o’ today so we are going to see these storms really ramp up here over the short term and we’ll probably eventually start to see some tornado warnings getting issued on some of these storms as they continue to move towards areas like Albany Clifton Park Manchester Center North Adams and Pittsfield back over in Massachusetts so these storms are also going to be something that have to watch for very closely over the next uh few hours as they do continue to to evolve there are also some storms back over in parts of Central and Western New York none of these really are concern right now for a tornado risk but we are going to be watching for some isolated severe weather out of that activity so something to watch for here over the next little while I mentioned this in today’s forecast but today’s risk is rare we are dealing with a really rare instance here in um New England where we have a 10% tornado risk which is in place across New Hampshire Vermont massachus extreme Eastern parts of New York and as well as back into Western Maine where the potential for tornadoes will exist today we are expecting at least a few tornadoes and we could even see a smallscale tornado outbreak today so that’s going to be something that we’re going have to watch for very closely as we go throughout the afternoon hours as we are dealing with an area that is not really you know prone to tornadoes we don’t see tornadoes in the Northeast very often when we do see them they’re usually during this time of the year but this is an environment that is really untapped a lot of the time when it does come to tornadoes and this is just giving you an idea this is from yesterday but this is the SPC Day 2 convective outlook for 10% tornado risks and for the first time in history we had a 10% tornado risk issued for the Northeast including New England so that’s something that doesn’t happen very often that usually happens in like the Dixie Alley or the Great Plains or the Midwest or even the Ohio Valley but the Northeast never sees 10% tornado risks so again this a quite a rare event today that we’re going to be dealing with in um New England in particular so definitely going to be something to watch for now granted that data only goes back to 2020 because um individualized Day 2 outlooks did not become a thing until uh 2020 so just keep that in mind but aside from that it’s still pretty rare obviously uh you can at least call it a once in a fiveyear type event here that we’re probably going to be seeing in New England today now I did mention that we are probably at least going to have one or two stormchasers I don’t know if we’ll have any live coverage from them but I think we might actually have a live stream from one of the stormchasers later today so that’ll be um something to kind of keep in mind we should have some live coverage from that person in a little bit but I’m not sure when again we are not going to have Conor crof we won have stormrunner media they are off for today they are way too far away from this event the topography across New Hampshire Vermont and Massachusetts is horrendous for storm chasing so I do not blame anybody for not chasing in this environment today it is quite a dangerous area especially with how many trees are around that’s another thing to keep in mind there are trees legitimately everywhere you got mountains you got Hills you you got the whole shebang basically when it comes to you know horrendous storm chasing environment so uh none of them are currently out there but again do not blame them whatsoever uh but we should at least have one live coverage feed at some point during the day today I know we have one person on this storm I believe near starksboro that did say again this storm is rapidly organizing um near starksboro going towards the weight field area so something to keep in mind here is that this could definitely produce a tornado within the short term the base velocities are still showing that Rotation by the way so near starksboro still got some broad circulation on this storm if we go a little bit higher up into the atmosphere it is a bit more organized as we go a little bit higher up so there is definitely some rotation here over starksboro it is going to make a be line towards middle sex and as well as mown and Bolton in Vermont so again if you’re in those areas get ready you might be under a tornado warning here relatively soon this uh particular tornado warning does go for another 15 minutes so it’ll go until 2:30 mon pelier will also be in the track of this eventually so if you’re in Mount peler definitely make sure that you are staying weather aware I do still think the storm is trying to organize though it is obviously rotating but I do think it’s still trying to organize it may take a few minutes for this thing to really get going but in this environment as long as it can just stay discreet like it is now I do think it’s going to have a pretty solid chance of producing a tornado within the next you know 30 minutes or so as it moves to the East and East Northeast so get ready if you’re in Mount piger um as this storm is quickly moving to the East and right now the speed on this is 30 to 35 mph so let’s go and track this out with the radar Omega tracking tool we’ll go and put a little track on this thing and give you an ETA on where this will be impacting um so starksboro basically getting hit right now we eventually see the storm near duckberry in about 20 minutes so that’s about 235 uh mown in about 30 minutes so just about a half an hour about 245 or so middle sex in about 40 minutes eventually Mont pelier um in about 40 minutes as well so you’re probably going to see this storm right around 255 it could still be Tor adic by the time it gets to you putnamville right in about 45 minutes as well so at the top of the hour at 3:00 and then uh Worcester also going to be impacted by this in about 45 minutes and long term this will be going towards Danville in about a little over an hour and 20 minutes so that’s the current timing again on this particular tornadic uh supercell here in Vermont and as of right now we’re starting to see this storm moving to the east let’s go up another tilt here uh let’s go back to reflectivity let’s go up a couple tilts here we are in a pretty mountainous region so uh radar tilts are going to be pretty critical for today because we’re going to have to look a bit higher up into the elevation looking at the surface is going to be a bit um you know it’s just not very favorable to look at the surface if you look at the surface right radar on tilt one you’re probably going to see some like weak– looking showers if you go to tilt 2 it looks a bit higher up into the atmosphere we can fully see the storm War when we look at tilt two through four which again the radar beam is basically looking higher up into the atmosphere looking at these storms and so that’s what we’re looking at now is on tilt two we’re trying to look and see what the storm looks like uh it should update in a second which it just did so again this is your area of rotation that we’re looking at right over the southeast side of starksboro velocity still not super strong but it definitely has rotation let’s go back to base velocities again as well I think this should update in a moment just got to wait for the base velocities to update but yeah you can still see there’s rotation there not super strong but there is definitely rotation there moving East Northeast again if you are in mortown or midle sex or the M pelar area of Vermont just make sure that you’re prepared as the storm moves East Northeast it does have the capability of producing a tornado so continue to stay weather aware if you are in those areas thank you Kyle for the 499 how’s the for Manchester New Hampshire look like I think most of New Hampshire will mostly be a win threat but you know Western New Hampshire in particular I think we could get a at least a couple of tornadoes I think as these storms move into this environment in particular kind of like this area here any storms that are anywhere from Rutland back towards Franklin I think have a pretty solid chance at producing a tornado um so I think it’s a more elevated tornado risk especially in this Corridor but even back over near Manchester we could still see an isolated tornado I think as the storms though get closer to the coast they’re going to become more cluster Ed Boeing segments in linear meaning that the threat for tornadoes will be a bit lower and it’s going to be more of a wind driven risk as they move closer to the coast so that’s what I’m thinking over that direction but you could still see an isolated tornado and it looks like we are beginning to get some rotation as well near Interstate 87 so a bit more rotation developing there as well so once again we are starting to see some storms organized here across this area uh we also have a couple of live cameras by the looks of it let me see if we have anything on that Northern Storm and also this one over here look at this one just west of Malta in New York this one’s also starting to come together a little bit it’s trying to organize it’s going to be going towards ballon spa and Milton in Saratoga Springs that one’s starting to organize as well further south it’s mostly just clustered storms right now but anything that can stay discreet could produce a tornado let’s go back to base velocities real quick yeah or storm relative velocities again there’s not a whole lot of rotation on those yet but there is definitely some organizing structures here in Eastern New York as well well let’s go back to main again let’s go to velocities uh again this rotation is definitely strengthening let’s go back to and yeah I keep going up tilts here let’s go to base velocities this is as of four minutes ago that should update in a second let’s go to tilt two so again we’re looking for a tornado right here to the southeast of saroro Vermont that’s where where that’s where we would be looking for the potential for a tornado it’s actually a uh a shot here it’s looking at the road but this actually back over where this tornado warning is so you actually can just see the it’s it’s you can’t really see anything here but just a live shot there in the middle of this particular tornado warning near starksboro that’s near Bulls Gore I think that’s how you say that name do have a few live cams here in Vermont I’m just try to see if we have anything on that that’s just east of starksboro so it’s actually pretty much within range right now of this particular uh storm it’s actually been pretty foggy too over here in Vermont today it’s been very foggy uh this morning dupoint temperature very close together have had some Cloud clearing this afternoon so that’s going to allow for more instability uh today’s environment again really strong lowlevel Shear we also have a pretty favorable environment when it comes to instability so there’s a lot of it’s a very unstable atmosphere that we’re dealing with today across New England so the potential again for tornadoes is definitely going to be more elevated today um in New England it’s not something that you see that often but in today’s environment it is going to be something to really uh you know have your eyes glued to today is that tornado risk it’s not something again that we see very often in New England not saying this is going to be a full-blown tornado outbreak but we are probably at least going to have a few tornadoes here uh and you know in this environment here in Vermont New Hampshire Massachusetts you know it’s not a very great environment when it comes to tornadoes because when tornadoes happen they’re going to knock down tons of trees they can knock down power lines there’s a lot of things that could happen and so it’s just not a really great place to be when it comes to tornadoes now again tornadoes are not that you know frequent here but when they do happen they can definit be damaging if you remember back you know earlier in the 2010s I think it was 2011 we had that tornado in Springfield Massachusetts not saying we’re going to see something like that today but you know today’s environment is not too far different from what we saw in 2011 or what whatever year that was when we had the Springfield tornado which was absolutely crazy I was watching that live on TV I used to live in New England so that was pretty crazy by the way we will have multiple live cams today we got a whole deck of live cams on Virtual rail fan across the entire Eastern Seaboard even in Kentucky uh right side of your screen will be the two featured ones for now we got one in Springfield Massachusetts and Covington Kentucky already got a little storm it looks like just off in the distance in Covington Kentucky uh we also got some in Maryland we got some in uh Pennsylvania and so we have plenty of live cams today we’ll be able to bring you some more of the action wherever it might be happening uh with that said again we don’t really have any Storm Chasers today we might have one or two uh most of it will just be live updates so uh just letting you know ahead of time we might not have a whole lot of live feeds from people but I think we’ll at least have one so just stay tuned for that also the Storm Prediction Center did mention that a new severe thunderstorm watch is likely uh from Southwestern New York back into Kentucky near Lexington and Huntington Kentucky all the way back through parts of Ohio West Virginia and Pennsylvania the main concern here will be damaging winds and hail there will be a chance for a couple of tornadoes as well in this area so don’t rule out an isolated tornado if you’re back over in the Ohio Valley today primarily though for Southern and Eastern Ohio where there will be a potential for a couple of tornadoes so that’ll be one area to watch for let’s go back over to um let’s go back to base velocities here let’s see what the storm’s looking like doesn’t look as organized as a few scans ago we’re going to have to look at the slightly higher up tilts here on radar to give us a better idea this is the it’s still pretty organized that’s the rotation right there just to the west of Weights field so definitely still enough rotation at least a little bit off the ground for this thing to produce a tornado and again in today’s environment here’s the latest scan a little bit broader in the latest scan but in today’s environment uh again we have a very weird topography we usually deal with just flat lands when we’re talking about like the Great Plains today we’re dealing with lots of mountains so um in this sort of instance we could literally see a tornado go up a valley or go up a mountain and then go down a valley uh we’re near Stark mountain right now and near Mount Ellen for reference so there’s definitely some mountains obviously in this area and so it’s a it’s a bit of an interesting environment here’s the latest snapshot here from um just east of Starkville which is where this tornado Waring is yeah we’re not seeing anything quite yet we’ll see if we see anything we’re just looking at a roadway but if we do see anything I will definitely let you know it’s obviously not a very favorable camera because it’s not looking into the sky but just giving you a little idea there that’s near faon where the storm is not far from actually I think that’s right where the rotation is is actually that live that camera that we just were looking at that’s the rotation right there and moving East it’s going to be approaching dowsville and South duckberry here shortly we’ll see if they issue a new tornado a warning this one does expire in 6 minutes if they do issue a new one it’s going to be issued more than likely for Mount pelier Worcester uh middlex uh mown Hardwick Danville might be included down the road but you’re still a little ways out but monell is really the the main location that would be impacted by a new tornado warning if they do issue one uh so again this one does expire in 5 minutes we’ll see if they do issue a new one my guess is that they probably will as long as this rotation looks as strong it is as it is right now just to the northwest of wesfield Vermont I feel by the way for any stormchasers that are out there today today is not the day to be storm chasing if you’re new by the way I would not recommend it it is a extremely dangerous environment in New England there’s there’s so many trees there’s lots of hills and mountains it’s a very tough chasing environment obviously I am not a stormchaser but I’m just telling you straight out here that it is not a very safe place to be chasing today um again Northeast New England in particular there’s just so many trees you’re you’re not going to be able to see much unless there’s some Open Fields maybe somewhere but I mean I lived in New England for you know a long time and I I remember very clearly that there is very minimal open areas I mean you’d have to go to like literally a beach to be able to see something that’s open all right we’re going to go back to tilt 2 on the radar this is what the supercell looks like by the way as a reminder uh for those that might be watching on radar Omega or watching on like some different weather app and just kind of looking at the radar for yourself and you’re looking at the Burlington Radar Site I don’t recommend you looking at tilt one on the reflectivity I recommend you going to tilt 2 it’ll show you the supercell more clearly just kind of letting you know because we’re in a bit of a more hilly environment so these storms do not look as clear on the Tilt one compared to tilt 2 and sometimes even tilt three is not a bad option too so there’s multiple different ways that you can look at these storms this is this is actually a much more organized structure when you at tilt 3 uh which again when we’re looking at different tilts tilt one is looking closer to the surface tilt 2 and tilt three are a bit more looking kind of higher up into the clouds so we have more of a radar beam that’s going to be looking more into the storm core and then like tilt 4 is looking well up into the clouds so you know you got tilt one this will be tilt one this is like tilt two for radar beam tilt three tilt four and this goes for any radar by the way so just letting you know here’s the latest radar scan on this so again pretty pretty still pretty defined supercell structure here we have a lot of rotation right now in the mid at least the mid to low levels right now on this storm from what we’re seeing on radar we’ll see what the velocities indicate here in a second but this uh particular warning does expire in about three and a half minutes so we’ll have to wait and see if they do issue a new warning they have issued a new severe thunderstorm warning uh for parts of Vermont in New York it’s Franklin in Grand Island County Vermont in Clinton County New York that’s for damaging winds up to 60 all right here’s the latest radar scan it should be coming in here in a second on the velocities this is the one from about 7 minutes ago so again the rotation definitely still there it’s just a little bit broader on that last scan waiting for a new radar scan to come through here on the base velocities while we wait for that this is the new severe thunderstorm War West to Burlington this is going to be for damaging winds up to 60 uh notice this is more of just kind of a b it’s it’s just kind of like a little super it’s just a little storm it’s not really anything too crazy not really discreet I think this will be more of a wind threat as it moves to the east Northeast I don’t really expect this to be much of a tornado risk but just continue to stay weather where if you’re near platsburg uh back over here in parts of Northeastern New York back over in Upstate New York further down to the South we are still watching for development down here for the potential for a tornado risk so far nothing imminent but we are going to be watching this area very closely for new development as these storms get going across Eastern New York so again near Albany Troy corneth Glenn fall Falls Saratoga Springs uh West Glenville all these areas basically here in Eastern New York are starting to get some thunderstorms any of these that become to screet as they move into Vermont Massachusetts New Hampshire will have the potential for a tornado so we’re going to be watching that very closely all right the radar should have updated by now let’s check this out again this is the latest radar scan I’m not seeing nearly as much rotation but we definitely at least still have some broad circulation in the mid to low levels so I wouldn’t be surprised with a new tornado warning this is tilt 3 which again we’re looking a bit higher up into the atmosphere it’s definitely still a pretty good core of rotation right now going towards more the mortown area and middle sex and mount pelier so I would be prepared if you’re in Mount pelier for the potential here for a uh you know maybe a tornado or at least damaging winds at the bare minimum have a pretty strong RFD surge too higher elevations will probably get hit the worst by this particular STM so again if you are in Mount pellier mown be ready for this might get a new tornado warning in a moment it does expire in one minute so we’ll see let’s go back to tilt three on reflectivity there you go a new tornado warning has been issued all right new tornado warning that’s going to be for mortown Mount peler in Middle sex this is again for lle County um Washington County Addison County Vermont if you are in this warning seek shelter immediately away from Windows lowest floor possible interior room of your Homer building as this moves to the east so will’ll also be going towards Worcester eventually um Mount peeler is it Mount peeler Mount peer is currently in the track of this as this moves to the east Northeast very populated area here in Vermont um so again if you’re in this warning get to your safe place away from Windows lowest floor possible and in an interior room of your home building as this storm has the capability of producing a tornado we’ve had quite strong rotation on this at least elevated so near the surface there’s a possibility that we do get a tornado here at some point this is what the rotation looks like as of right now a little bit off the ground so again pretty strong circulation going towards and away from the radar that’ll be moving into mortown and eventually going towards Mount peeler over the next several minutes so again if you are in this warning get underground if you can some of you might have basements if you have a basement get get to your basement uh get away from Windows and get on the lowest floor possible and in an interior room of your home or building as the storm will continue to pose a threat for a tornado as it moves to the East and East Northeast this is a uh another picturesque view here back over where this tornado warning just was back over in the bues gore area on Route 17 obviously very wet roadways now don’t really see any damage here but the rotation itself went right over this area so just letting you know that’s back over there in um near starksboro in particular so back out to the West we have a few more live cams coming up going towards the mount peeler area so we’ll keep a close eye on those as they move to the east Northeast again that right there is your rotation it is pretty strong right now at least a little bit off the ground does have the potential to produce a tornado so if you’re in the pink polygon again make sure that you’re getting to your safe place away from Windows lowest floor possible as this moves to the East here in Vermont population in this warning is 30,000 by the way so it is quite the populated area in Vermont this is one of the more populated areas in Vermont that you can actually go to pretty sure there’s some skiing mountains around here as well going to be using a lot of tilt today yeah we’re going to be tilting a lot today it’s an interesting term no but we’re legitimately going to have to use a tilt radar like on everything today cuz at least in this part of at least in Vermont we’re going to have to use the tilt a lot because you know tilt one is just looking right into the mountains and hills and it’s not going to give us really that great of an idea of what we’re looking at on radar so these these higher tilts will give us more of an idea like this is what it looks like right now like look at this you you would think if you’re looking at tilt one this looks like an ordinary shower how is this tornado warned well go up to tilt three that’s what the storm actually looks like it looks more organized on that even going to tilt 4 you can see what the storm actually looks like it’s actually a pretty impressive Supercell but again when we’re looking at tilt one which is looking near the ground you’re not really going to be able to see much so again if you’re using radar Omega today if you’re using any radar apps just make sure that you’re looking at you know one of the higher tilts because otherwise you’re not going to be able to see what’s actually happening with the Storm at least in this part of Vermont when we’re looking at this particular Radar Site the ones in Massachusetts the ones in New York you don’t really have to use that but this one up here in Vermont you do all right let’s go to we’re we’re going to go back to the storm in a second we are starting to get some more warnings back over in uh Pennsylvania we actually have a tornado possible label on this storm near gallinger um this one has some rotation let’s go ahead and check out the velocities here this one actually could get tornado warned we have some rotation near Glenn Union Fernie and the wheat him area I’ll be on track for Jersey Mills and Waterville so if you’re in this area I would seek shelter there is rotation this could get tornado warrant here soon uh as it continues to move East Northeast over the next several minutes we have another tornado possible label as well back over near Linley Canton lenville or lawrenville um Elmira and Southport also going to be on the track of this let’s go to velocities let’s see what this rotation looks like we had a little bit more rotation a moment ago bit broader on the last few scans but I would just continue to at least stay away from Windows if you’re in ridgeberry Wellsburg Southport Almira or horse or Big Flats or Aaron that is in Southern New York in ridgeberry is in Northern Pennsylvania we do have at least some broad circulation there but honestly this storm here that’s going towards Glen Union I wouldn’t be surprised if we did get a tornado warning there is definitely a a pretty decent amount of rotation right now moving to the east Northeast it’s at least some broad to you know slightly more moderate rotation that’s moving in that direction right now so that right there that Circle there that is your rotation let moving East Northeast storm that’s tornado warned has been or sorry the storm that’s been tornado warn has been severe for the last hour yeah that one that one’s been going for a while I’ve been watching this ever since even before he went live and um didn’t look really concerning up until about 10 minutes before that first tornado warning got issued so we were ready to go live for it just going wait on this next radar scan then we’ll go back up to Vermont don’t have a basement here I hope it doesn’t get here if you don’t have a basement just make sure you know what your interior room of your home or building is make sure that you know where that place is whether that’s a bathroom closet storm shelter whatever it might be here’s the latest scan still is it hasn’t really it hasn’t increased in terms of rotation scan by scan here but there is still broad circulation near Highway 120 in Pennsylvania moving towards the gall area in Jersey Mills uh salad salad usbg and Williamsport will be long-term tracks of that so as that moves East Northeast again we do have a potential for an isolated tornado or two even in New York Pennsylvania Ohio and West Virginia so continue to stay vigilant if you’re in those areas it’s not an imminent threat but it will be something that is probably going to develop here over the next couple of hours as storms really start to get going so just be ready for an increasing potential for um damaging winds large to very large hail is really not a threat it’s more a large hail and then also the potential for a uh tornado or two will be possible in those areas should have a new radar scan in just a second so we’ll see what the velocities look like this is as of about 6 minutes ago so again there’s still some rotation just around mown but we should have another radar scan in just a moment going towards mount pelier in Vermont by thank you Richard for the $10 venmo appreciate that hardest working weather guy on YouTube appreciate that thank you I’m going to see I do have a stormchaser in the air I’m going to see if he has any other reports just give me one second we do have one Storm Chaser out here I’m I’m not sure what storm he’s on right now I’m pretty sure he was on this one in Vermont but try to see if we have any other updates from him rotation looks a bit broader on the LA the latest scan here on the base velocities let’s go back up another tilt there’s still some circulation it’s going to be right over mown not as strong as a couple scans ago but there’s definitely still at least some rotation right now moving to the east it’s going to be approaching Interstate 89 over the next few minutes and it will be making its approach to Mount pelier Vermont so again if you’re in Mount peler make sure that you are in your safe place as again you are under a tornado warning as as of right now all right let me see all right so right now he is back over just to the east of Mount peler said he said he’s in position about to push West on this storm so we should have some updates from him soon he might be going live so he might actually have some live coverage from them as I mentioned before there’s barely any stormchasers in New England today um the only ones that are probably out there the majority of them are not live on YouTube U some of them are just doing photos and stuff I think I I have a friend in New England believe it or not today that’s actually storm chasing this and he might be going live to give us some footage so we’ll see he’s just east of this storm I’m just letting you know cuz again this is not this is this topography and you know again New England it’s not favorable for chasing whatsoever there’s trees everywhere there are power lines everywhere it’s not a you know not a safe environment but I just know somebody that happened to be in New England today that’s storm chasing so I can be a stormchaser man I I don’t know why anybody would chase today in New England unless you are an actual trained if you’re like a professional it’s different but if you’re just like a a newbie for your first time trying to go storm chasing today it is not the environment to be in this is just such a horrendous topography I mean there’s there’s hills and mountains everywhere there’s trees everywhere it’s not a good place to be having flashbacks to history class honestly like if you if you you know if you went to US history or whatever you probably learned they had the battles back in the 1700s or whatever in the these horrendous terrain areas where there’s just trees and mountains everywhere you know it’s kind of I mean you can relate that to chasing I guess in a way where it’s just a really you know it’s a really just not a favorable environment for chasing all right Conor would nail it yeah Connor would but it’s that was a long drive too for him this is not like a short distance to get up to either but he said he will go live as soon as he pushes West so just letting you guys know we should have some live coverage here shortly from him so we should have a live stormchaser here pretty soon crazy stuff the first time ever that we’re going to have somebody other than Connor or um storm or media I think or we did have Vince too at one point we had a few people all right here’s the latest SBC Outlook this is the latest mesoscale discussion from Vermont New Hampshire Massachusetts and New York greatest severe weather potential for the next couple of hours will be in this Corridor um even further down to the Southwest in like Pennsylvania and West Virginia there will be severe weather there as well so don’t rule that out as well but like in the tornado watch in particular this is where the greatest threat will be so make sure that you’re staying very Vigilant if you’re in this area continue to start to at least be ready if you’re out here back over like Eastern and central New Hampshire back into parts of Massachusetts though the severe weather risk is not really that high right now cuz the storms are nowhere near you I would be ready cuz the storms will be there within the next you know two to three hours maybe even a bit sooner as we clo as we push closer uh to the rush hour commute right around 5:00 all right even though today is not a weekday it’s you know still there might be Rush Hour who knows all right let’s go here and let me put that back up here let’s go back to base velocities again let’s check out this rotation rotation on the last couple of scans did not look as impressive but we should have a new radar scan in a second that’s the circulation it is approaching Mount peler Vermont as I mentioned before we’ll also go back to the Pennsylvania storms that are rotating in a moment so we’ll go to those in just a second after we’re done with this one on the next scan we’ll come back to this but I do want to check out the other storms that rotation we turn we do have six severe thunderstorm warnings and one tornado warning as of right now tornado dropped in Connecticut yesterday oh did it really are you talking about are we talking about yesterday or like the other day CU I don’t know if one actually happened yesterday but if it did it would have been just south of uh just south the Hartford we never had anything officially confirmed on that one Mount peer gotcha I think that’s the pronunciation here’s the latest scan rotation does not look as strong there is still some broad circulation but it’s not as organized as before let’s go back to reflectivity here it’s on the northwest side of Mount heler I mean this would be where we’re looking for the potential 4 a tornado would be back over here south of middle sex let’s go back to base velocities and to me this looks like more of a wind thread it has the storm structure though for there to be a tornado it’s just not really rotating where you would expect that rotation to be a little bit off balance right now with that rotation sorry give me one second all right uh we do have storms firing up near Albany in New York and none of these rotating quite yet but this is a storm to watch for the most intense storm that we have right now is near Albany in terms of Eastern New York not severe it’s just a strong storm Gusty winds small hail are going to be the main concerns here as this does continue to track to the east we also got some storms just south of Glenn Falls which are also going to be producing the potential uh for an isolated severe weather threat the main concern again will be the threat here for uh damaging winds and as well as the potential for a few tornadoes let’s go back down to Pennsylvania again the severe thunderstorm warning that was on the storm near the gallinger area it did have rotation it still does have some very weak rotation or at least weak circulation here um but this warning has actually been canceled by the National Weather Service so that one in terms of the structure has kind of fizzled but there is at least still some broad circulation over gallinger we not R out a brief tornado with this but it probably wouldn’t be anything that crazy it would probably just be like a weak tornado one to happened there then back over near Elmira in uh southern New York this storm in particular did have some rotation that is broadened out over the last few scans so that one’s looking more like a wind threat going towards Southport Wellsburg and as well as the ridgeberry area so those areas will be in the track of it over the next several minutes all right let’s go back to the tornado warning for the time being as we do await some more storm development and storm organization and I do think today’s Peak for tornadoes will be between 4: and 6 that’s the time frame that I think the best chance will be today for uh toric activity okay we do have our stormchaser out there he has really terrible cell service out there too that’s the other thing today there’s not really good cell service uh but we do do have a stormchaser out there if he has pretty good connection at some point we’ll go to him it’s the Vermont state capital you know it’s kind of crazy this Capital has a population I don’t know how much the population is just in Mount um peer but it’s about 26,000 in the entire warning Vermont in particular there’s a lot of mountains it’s a pretty you know rural rural area nature you know I I’ve personally barely ever been to Vermont I don’t know if I’ve actually been to Vermont despite living in New England you know for a long time so I don’t know but there is a lot of a lot of ski resorts up here that’s for sure about 14k that’s about it thought was a bit higher than that let’s go back to tilt three we’ll go to tilt four here that’s what the storm looks like on tilt 4 still got a hook shape to it as of 239 should have another radar scan in a moment this is this this would be where we’re looking at for some rotation right now near Worcester and pretty scarce radar coverage but those are the two areas in particular if we do have a hook matching up with them uh those will be the two areas to watch for for a tornado risk right now would be just to the north of Mount peer moving towards Worcester Woodberry Marshfield eventually Walden Hardwick and Danville be in the track of this thought it said multiplier for a minute nope not multiplier it’s definitely not multiplier Max and Nails Worcester well I used to live in New England so at least I know that pronunciation none of these weather live streams can pronounce Mount pelier I’ve watched three today I don’t know what to tell you I mean I used to live in New England I can’t pronounce this one but I can pronounce most of the other ones so wer got w y Boston Lam Chow should have another radar scan in just a second on the storm I used to live in New Hampshire I did not live in Massachusetts now pelar pelar let’s go with Bolivar but pelar it’s fine we’re not going to worry about pronunciations pronunciations are actually pretty difficult in New England but since I live there for a long time I do know a lot of them this is one I don’t but it’s fine it’s not a big deal the rotation anyways is off to the north right now um of Mount pelar uh moving towards wster Marshfield and Woodberry next are is that really in the track of this will be back up here in uh Marshfield and Woodberry Vermont and Worcester uh Mount pallars continue to stay in your safe place but the rotation at least on the the scan from you know six minutes ago was off to your North we’re just waiting for a new radar scan here our storm one of our stormchasers that we have in Vermont today he’s been live for four minutes absolutely nothing loading nothing loading whatsoever the uh the cell service out here Vermont is definitely not great oh he’s back oh nope never mind he is approaching this storm which is why I’m mentioning it he he’s in this area so actually got a view of this storm right now this is near Mount pelier this is the storm that we’re looking at actually looks like we have a lowering right here this is the a shot here from just a second ago there’s at least it looks like some sort of lowering on this particular storm which again what we’ve been looking at on actual radar here is that there has been at least some level of stronger rotation with this Mount pelar as of a moment ago just waiting for the radar update but the rotation on radar has been a bit stronger on the North side there um of Mount pelar going towards Worcester and Marshfield now we probably will end up getting a new warning on this for Marshfield so if you’re in Marshfield definitely be ready for that again the rotation on this has been a little bit on the stronger side of things over the last few minutes they have updated the tornado warning so it’s pretty condensed now mtown middle sex and mount Pell are the main locations in this we’ll be going towards Western Marshfield over the next several minutes so again if you are in this warning continue to stay in your safe place away from Windows lowest floor possible and in an interior room of your home or building well we’ve at least had a lowering on the Storm as this does continue to move to the east Northeast try to see if we have any other live shots of this it is still radar indicated Rotation by the way so nothing confirmed on this we’ve at least had some rotation on the north side of Mount pelar going towards Ward Marshfield this warning does expire in 9 minutes I I feel like they’ll probably issue a new warning for like Marshfield and and Woodberry Vermont if you’re in those areas just be ready because there could be a warning issue there in a moment all right let me see if there’s any other live cams here that we have that that was at least a picture that looks like of a lowering this is the latest shot so that that lowering that we were just looking at is going to be above the screen now nothing looks imminent from what we’re seeing on this particular live shot um obviously very hazy very foggy there’s it’s very humid out here in Vermont so there’s going to be a lot of you know very low visibility at the bare minimum but we did have a lowering there a moment ago we’ll see if we see anything again this is the area of circulation that we’re looking at though it’s near Highway 12 it’s going to be moving towards Marshfield um eventually going in the direction of Woodberry Walden and Danville over the next several minutes so again if you are in this warning continue to stay in your safe place away from Windows lowest floor possible and in an interior room of your home or building uh if you’re in Marshfield out at least get ready to go to your safe place as there is at least some rotation still on the Storm it looks like that rotation in particular is beginning to get a little bit more rain wrapped here as it moves to the east Northeast there’s a report of tornado touchdown from channel 22 I haven’t seen anything yet let me look I mean I wouldn’t be shocked we did have a lowering there so there might be a tornado on the ground but we’ll see not seeing anything reported as of right now Ian with what what the rotation looks like on radar I mean I wouldn’t be surprised if we at least have a lowering or maybe some sort of brief tornado that touchdown uh we’ve had this rotation strong at times for the last you know 30 minutes maybe even 45 minutes I mean it’s been rotating for a long time but really over the last 30 minutes it’s I would say the been the strongest it’s a little bit weaker now but would not Shock me check the correlation coefficients I don’t know if we’re really going to see anything on the CC we have to go all the way up to tilt 4 just like we’re looking at the velocities and I’m not seeing anything the CC raadar is not going to be overly helpful in this environment either I mean if there’s a tornado it probably pretty clear on the correlation coefficient but and there’s just so many mountains here you have to look at one of the higher tilts this is a um a shot here out of middle sex on I90 or8 sorry I 89 and this is as of a moment ago when the storm just passed through again very you know very low visibility again it’s very humid out there there’s going to be very low hanging clouds here across Vermont not really much we can see here other than just ominous Skies here in the background very wet on the roadways obviously so that’s the latest there at least out of that particular area um but the latest Ro the latest scan is showing the rotation now southeast of Worcester which would be outside of this tornado warning so this tornado warning may not be issued again at this rate CU they have not issued one yet till three is also showing broader circulation uh let’s go to tilt two tilt 2 still has some rotation every Radar Site that we’re looking at still has rotation it’s just it’s not as strong as what we once had at least south of Worcester but as of right now no tornado warning for Marshfield and Woodberry and rotation outside of the tornado warning this tornado warning does expire in four minutes so there’s a possibility that we don’t get a new one on this than you Amber for the five gifted members I appreciate that if you got a gifted member make sure to thank Amber thank you fly for the 149 thank you Jane for the 199 I mean I’m not giving estimates on tornado ratings today I mean most tornadoes today will not be strong but we could still see a strong tornado in this environment it would have to be a discreet storm though more than anything thank you hawk for the 199 thank you cyclonic for the $2 Super Chat did look at that thank you thank you heather for 199 thank you scooter and gummy for both becoming members thank you Ethan for the 499 I think the main concern over in Connecticut will be damaging wins today but maybe an isolated tornado than you sugar for the $2 Super Chat thank you sweet and Darlene for becoming members and thank you Kyle for the $499 got to that one earlier all right caught up on notifications how’s it look for Ohio today Ohio will be mostly a damaging wind threat along with maybe an isolated tornado all right let’s go down to some other storms cuz that one it looks like will probably not be issued under a new warning uh let’s go back to the velocities on this Western storm do have a storm moving into areas in upstate New York right now this is west of Burlington let’s go to the velocities let’s go to tilt 2 here that tornado warning by the way has fully been canceled so we no longer have a tornado warning in Vermont um that is now officially canceled for the time being even though there is still some I think broad circulation Northeast of Mount peer I I I just don’t see it at least for right now being warned again unless something really starts to tighten up here on radar so for the time being this warning has been canceled uh the storm back over here west of Burlington right now mostly a wind concern for those near platsburg Schuler Falls and Peru we’ll have the potential for a uh tornado primarily down to the South but this storm in particular should be mostly a wind concern as it moves to the East have storms really starting to get going now near Albany and near the East Green Bush area this storm in particular actually looks like it’s trying to organize right now got a little bit of a hook but no you know rotation really on this as of now moving to the east so going to be a storm to watch for for sure I’m going to see if we have any sort of live shots there out of New York than you bullon forom a member and welcome to the velocities how many members do we need for a gritty um Go with 25 today thank you Bonnie for the $2 Super Chat I’m driving in Albany right now torrential rain yeah it’s this rain is going to be pretty heavy I mean these are some you know pretty big storms if you go to the echo Toops they’re not really tall thunderstorms they are mostly just low top Super cells right now but they are going to be dumping plenty of rain cloud tops upwards of 40,000 ft so these are again for for what it’s worth yesterday’s storms they peaked at around 50 to 55,000 ft in southern Wisconsin with the strong tornadoes um today’s storms as of right now are mostly around 40,000 ft one up here to the north actually is a bit larger near 50,000 so this storm starting to blow up more I think really what we’ll have to watch for for the most imminent tornado threat will probably be this right here if it organ es back over right along the New York and Vermont border that is where I think the greatest potential will be here over the next little while back over in New York I think if this video loads they’ll show you bable if it’ll load actually looks like kind of like a little hanging Cloud on the Storm back over near Albany but I’m trying to see if the video loads here here’s the video top right of your screen it’s already kind of out of view there was like a little lowering back up here like it a little hang Cloud it wasn’t like a wall cloud but there a little bit of scutty clouds hanging out over there it’s moving over this direction so it won’t come into view anymore but there was something up there top right let’s go back over to we had a few it’s another one it’s another one on the Albany storm or Albany look at that that’s your storm right there on the left it’s going to be a bit of a blurry camera just for reference that’s not your that’s not my stream quality that is just the camera it’s very blurry so green we are in New England it is very [Music] blurry let’s go back out let me see if we can find any other cameras that’s a pretty good view though right there of that of this storm right now that’s ramping up near Albany and again I don’t think this like an imminent threat for a tornado or anything like that but it’s definitely a storm to watch for down the road here’s another view right here top left of your screen that’s the storm right there Thank you Lisa for the one gifted member appreciate that opinions on Wy sauce I how you say that I have never tried it but I I I don’t know I don’t have an opinion because I’ve never tried it top left of your screen right now look at this and this Stone doesn’t have any rotation on radar just a little little small lowering here something up there don’t really see it spinning might just be the it might just be the storm base honestly might be what that is cuz I don’t really see it spinning much and this is the storm near Albany New York I think it’s just the storm base it looked a bit more ominous because it was behind the trees this right here is what we’re looking at let’s go back to try to find a different one here not a bad view of that storm though and we’re looking at the one near Albany New York right now that’s where we’re at this is another view this is a bit this a bit better of a view just kind of you can kind of see it from more distant more distant perspective that’s your storm base once again right down here at the bottom I again I don’t see any lowering on this I don’t think it’s like an imminent tornado threat but it’s definitely something to watch for as it moves East our only storm with a quote unquote tornado possible label right now is going to be the one back over in Franklin County Vermont Clinton County New York and Grand Isle County Vermont that’s the one in Southern New York definitely going to be a storm to watch for though there’s no doubt about that we’re going to continue to watch that very closely by the way today’s live stream is brought to you by radar Omega if you need a weather app to stay ahead of the storms today you can download radar Omega with the top Link in the description below on IOS and Android that is the weather app that we’re currently using it’s fantastic has lots of features including the live radar feed satellite imagery for uh people that subscribe on the app you can also get computer model data with subscriptions things that come with the base app though do include things like the live radar feed this very cool storm tracking tool that you can track out storms if they’re going to be arriving your location you can get an ETA um in addition to that it also has tons of customizability really the best radar app on the market with live cameras also in the app and stormchasers that you can watch in real time you can download it on IOS and Android with the top Link in the description below and I do appreciate Rider Omega for sponsoring today’s live stream all right let’s go to this live camera again here near Albany or Albany Albany Albany same thing hey you weather dog for the $5 Super Chat saw my first tornado yesterday without your stream I wouldn’t been able to witness it well I’m glad I could get something checked off your bucket list hopefully you stayed safe that’s pretty crazy what my code uh there’s no code just click the top Link in the description if for some reason I do lose power by the way just let I’m just letting you know there is a storm in my area so it is possible I’m not saying it’s going to happen but I’ve hear not I’ve been hearing non-stop thunder and lightning for like over an hour now we’ve been good so far but just let you know this is from um I don’t know where this would what how there never mind never mind never mind scut alert yeah we got some scud oops some scutty action here near Albany let’s write it out good good old scutty action thank you Justin for the uh becoming a minimum minimum velocity member appreciate it does Max have T-shirts with flying trampolines on it we used to uh we are currently making a new design for it so there will be there will be a new release of flying trampoline merch at some point in the future the only collections that we have right now are drunk NATO uh Max hydration and then just normal Max velocity stuff on shop Max Sharpies on the screen this storm’s definitely trying to organize I it’s it’s trying there’s there’s I mean there’s scud activity usually when we start to see scud it’s trying to organize on radar it looked like it was trying to organized too it’s not even a severe storm right now um we don’t really have a whole lot of rotation near the low levels but we do have some at least wind which is what you’re seeing with the tree swaying on the right side of your screen the storm back up near green witch um New York and near Salem that one might get tornado warned here soon so I’m going to go back to that in a second how do you pronounce scud um scud all right we’ll go back we’ll stay here for a second I want to show you guys the green witch storm in a second though Hey Stephen for upgrading to becoming a moderate velocity member all right we’ll go back that in a second uh I do want to bring up the storm near Salem right now there is a hook on this storm developing near Salem West of sandgate Vermont uh this near Salem in um New York we’ve had at least some broad circulation on this trying to develop on the South Side like the hook on the south side of the storm just north of green witch so we’ll be watching this closely as it moves to the Northeast main concern right now across the state of Vermont is right now wind but any storms that can organize like this one that’s trying to organize could produce the potential for a tornado so that’s the main concern there uh let me go back [Music] to Northern Vermont here real quick we’ll just check out this rotation and see if there’s anything left of it and looks like this storm up here is kind of lost its grip so this one looks pretty much done for at least now until it moves to New Hampshire it it looks like it’s not much of a tornado threat in the short term all right this storm is starting to organize by the way the one east of Albany um that’s the live cam that we’re just looking at at that’s not again this storm’s still not severe warned but we have at least been seeing some organization on that live camera so I I do think this is going to be a storm to watch for here down the road as it does continue to move uh East it’ll be eventually going towards Berlin San Lake and eventually into Northwestern Massachusetts but uh this storm in particular does look like something that could be a bit more of a concern down the road here’s the latest scan definitely has a little dangly hook on radar so it might be something to watch for here this is the live shot kind of looks like we almost have like a little bit of spin right there whatever that is right there looks like it’s spinning a little bit R ragy somebody say Bry hey you uh Michaela for becoming a moderate velocity member welcome to the velocities no one’s chasing in the Northeast why would you want to chase in the Northeast that’s that’s really the real question the terrain again is really not favorable for storm chasing up here it’s it’s basically like chasing in Louisiana or in Mississippi or even Alabama like stormchasers do chase down there sometimes but like chasing up here is just it’s so difficult I bet there would be stormchasers if it wasn’t for that severe weather event yesterday but it’s just you know it’s a tough environment it really is topography is just not in your favor up here again we do have one Chaser at least that’ll be live with us if his live stream ever does connect he has really bad cell service so if it comes in we’ll let you know again I have it on my other monitor it’s it’s been loading for the last 25 minutes I mean it’s basically Dixie Alley in the Northeast just add mountains so all you got to do is just add some mountains and then you got it and this storm right here East Albany I I think this could do something here soon it it’s starting to organize more might produce a tornado threat as it moves East there isn’t a whole lot of rotation on this yet but we we were seeing a little dangly scut on this thing before so we might get something as this moves more to the east in New York just going to go back to this live shot until we get another radar scan this is looking at the storm it’s going to be back in here rain shaft behind it I told Circle about your channel that’s fantastic I I am losing Hope on getting any sponsorship from any of these people Culver’s Circle none of them none of them seem interested I haven’t really contacted Culver though Culver is kind of one of those ones that I don’t know how you contact them I’m going to start chasing snow storms that’s pretty dangerous too it is also pretty dangerous I think um the storm chaser that we have in Northern Vermont is going to send me a video and try to email that to me so I’ll I’ll try to at least give you some sort of update back over there in Northern Vermont cuz we have somebody up there that’s chasing there oh thank you Indie for the $2 Super Chat sorry I missed that Southeastern Pennsylvania no Culver please I have not had Culver in the last 24 hours don’t worry um Southeastern Pennsylvania the main concern will just be damaging WIS I don’t expect much of a tornado risk down there we do have a couple of live cameras actually out of that area too as I mentioned before we have an entire um you know catalog here of live cameras and these are all across the Northeast Let me refresh them and give you a more live update of all so we got we got live cam Galore here uh we got one out of we got one in Maryland up here got the one over here in we got two in Connecticut got one over in Covington Kentucky lrange Kentucky uh both of these by the way we got the the Covington one back over on the right side of your screen uh there are going to be some storms in that area probably later today Fairport New York really windy you can’t see that but trees are swaying like crazy there behind all the other storms that moved through we got Paradise we got and that’s in Pennsylvania we got uh Danville Rhode Island and we also got Green Castle Pennsylvania so a lot of places with live cameras today so uh those are all in Virtual rail fin we’ll be using them throughout the stream today if anything does pop up in those areas thank you DC for becoming a maximum velocity member and welcome to the velocities best pizza place Blaze Pizza I don’t know if you guys have been able to hear any of the lightning in the background but we just had a massive like lightning strike just struck like right next to me I swear and I don’t know if you guys can hear it through the mic but it’s been it’s been pretty gnarly it has been pretty gnarly oh yeah Riverview in Massachusetts is also a Big W BL Pizza sucks excuse me we can sure you can hear it oh can you actually hear it it’s funny it’s it’s literally non-stop it’s pretty crazy I mean one of them just rumbled my entire like room here so it’s gnarly over here all right as of right now not seeing a whole lot of rotation in other parts of New York or even in Pennsylvania right now and right now the main concern across the board is damaging winds we are waiting for more storm development have a couple of live radar Omega Cyclone ports back over in um in Ohio and actually look at this one pretty ominous Skies here back over near Dayton Ohio you can watch these in the lot in the app with the top Link in the description below on IOS and Android yeah pretty ominous Skies there near Middletown we also have one over here most of the storm should stay south of those areas but we do have a few live cams we got a few over in Tennessee too so if anything does pop up Tennessee has literally live cams everywhere on radar Omega so if you you want some live cameras you got a whole dictionary of them back over here in Tennessee a little little shower over here to the right right there a little shower nothing too crazy in Tennessee yet but there will be some storm development in Tennessee later today there is a lated marginal threat which what that’s why today’s thumbnail is pretty large actually we got a large marginal and slight that go all the way back into Arkansas and even parts of Kentucky West Virginia Ohio Pennsylvania almost the entire state is under a slight risk New Jersey basically the entire state is also under a slight risk so yeah I thought my power just went out for a second I was like it could still but my laptop just turned off and gave me a jump scare I don’t know why we’re having a thunderstorm right now it’s just not necessary my heart was racing for a second than you Warren for the $5 Super Chat storm if you have storms where you live you have two options storm Chase in your neighborhood or gritty around the block might have to do one of the two if we lose power I mean I don’t know what to tell you a generator I mean it’s not even about that like if I lose power internet’s going to go out and that’s like the biggest thing like you don’t you can’t really have a generator for internet I mean right now there’s nothing like super imminent in terms of a tornado threat we’re just kind of waiting to see if these storms can get going here now with that said we could still see a tornado at some point here soon the one storm I was looking at the most was the one near Salem going now into Vermont I that one looks the most imminent to me the other ones just kind of look I don’t know they don’t look very organized right now it’s like a I can’t you guys can all hear it right you can all hear the thunder in the background I it it’s a lot I mean there’s another big one I mean it’s it’s literally nonstop it’s unbelievable lowkey unbelievable it is nonstop literally we we we have barely ever been live when there’s an actual thunderstorm like where I am shocking like th this one is is booming absolutely booming right now has no chill is it a dero day no this is not a dero Day by any means oh today today is more of just it’s mostly going to be scattered to numerous damaging wins and a few tornadoes are expected um so that’s the main concern again I don’t think we’re going to have a fullblown tornado outbreak today again the peak of tornadoes will probably be between 4 and 6 right now it’s 3:20 so we’re still I think a little ways from that Peak but you know anything that can St to scre will have a potential at producing a tornado I I just don’t think today’s environment I like two days ago today’s environment looked like this could be a tornado outbreak um now it really just looks like maybe a few a couple or a few tornadoes here across New England it doesn’t look as bad in my opinion as it did a couple days ago it looked way worse yesterday like morning was yesterday a tornado outbreak I mean a tornado outbreak is classified at least six tornadoes in a 12-h hour period we at least had six tornadoes yesterday so it was at least a small scale tornado outbreak is this live no this is all pre-recorded absolutely YouTube by the way does say if it’s live like before you click on it it should say live yeah there’s like a l it should also it like literally have a live button beforehand it’s all pre-recorded the time is pre-recorded the cameras are all in the future apparently but they’re pre-recorded too it’s AI Loki yes I have seen the Greenfield tornado wins I have seen them yes I’ll be honest with you guys I get it it was probably one of the top three you know fastest win tornadoes of all time one of the strongest of all time but honestly we Pro our strongest tornado of all time probably happened back in like 722 BC over in a village in like Europe or something like you know you know like just being real here thank you Eric for the $5 Super Chat watching from Franklin Massachusetts shout out to my son Jackson he’s watching you shout out to Jackson appreciate you tuning in stay safe over there in Franklin do I have an NOAA Weather Radio I actually have not one two weather radios and you can pick up a Midland weather radio by the way with the link in the description and get 10% off what crazy timing yeah I literally have two we got the Midland WR 120b which is honestly probably the best one that you can get best paying for your buck also got the crank radio if you want to pick one up the link will be in the chat it’s also in the description I actually had three but I gave one to somebody so we’re down to two we did have three three weather radios at one point uh radar I would recommend the wr120b and you can also get 10% off by using the link in the chat and also the code but it’s one of the best ways to get alerts especially at during the night when you might be sleeping and your phone might not be working for some weird reason whenever I saying multiple ways to receive alerts one of those is weather radios definitely recommend you picking up a weather radio the wr120 is sold out is it really that’d be really sad if it was sold out it is sold out h H well I guess it’s sold out I don’t know when they sold out that’s actually kind of crazy well the crank Radio 2 the ones that are on the go-to are not a bad option either I’m surprised I I didn’t realize they were sold out they must have just sold out because I’m pretty sure they were available yesterday what should I do if I’m in North Central Mass just stay weather aware I mean you’re not going to see any storms probably for at least another hour or two and for the what it’s worth this tornado watch does go all the way until 8:00 tonight eastern time it’s currently 3:30 so we’re we’re still a little ways from the peak of this threat I’m literally the most Sigma weather guy ever what does that even mean Connor said it yesterday that my stream was Sigma I don’t know what that means this storm by the way over near St John Johnsbury this one was tornado warned earlier um there’s still a little bit broad circulation right now near Lyndon in St John’s bery so again something to watch for as that moves into New Hampshire it’s on track for areas near dummer and Stark and Lancaster nothing imminent but just something to watch for this thunder is insane I should is gracious the amount of lightning strikes that have been happening over the last hour is just so absurd uh new s SPC outlook for those in Southeastern New York eastern Pennsylvania Northern New Jersey Connecticut Rhode Island Southern Massachusetts monitoring the area for a few strong to severe storms this afternoon a watch is possible for parts of the area if you guys here by the way can somebody send me a clip of of that one that just happened just like clip the live stream and send it to me I want I want to hear how loud it is on there on on the actual stream I’m I’m actually curious I’m just wondering out of pure curiosity here how loud it actually is because I mean it’s it’s literally nonstop there’s another one my entire room is shaking that that’s how bad it is right now you thank you s for the 499 oh did I miss your Super Chat how far up was it oh I appreciate that thank you for the 199 thank you I think that was the other one appreciate that Vincent for the 499 I didn’t think I was going to go live I mean today I was expecting to go live yesterday and today I was expecting to go live and tomorrow we might be live too obviously we’re mostly going to be talking about today but tomorrow’s risk could be interesting it’s conditional but tomorrow we’re going right back to the Midwest where there’s a massive Mar marginal and slight risk across the Midwest and Northern and Central Plains main concern will be damaging winds large to very large hail there is going to be a potential for tornadoes it is still very uncertain though what that risk will actually be it’s currently a 2% tornado risk it could be upgraded quite a bit depending on how things go I I just I don’t know yet it’s it’s one of those environments that it’s just such a conditional risk also new severe thunderstorm warning near the patani area near Winslow Pennsylvania for 60 m per hour damaging winds here’s a radar Omega cycl port in near the Dayton Ohio area ominous SK right now than you Wesley for the $10 Super Chat just got some of your stickers and put that Max hydration one on my cup the rest went on the back of my laptop that’s awesome I appreciate you supporting the shot Max velocity store the stickers are actually a good idea if you don’t want to buy a full-blown water tumbler that says Max hydration you can just buy the sticker and it’s cheaper and also the shipping is ridiculous on those things if we were doing it inous it’d be way cheaper but unfortunately the shipping on some of that stuff is absurd like the t-shirts is like under $ five which is fine but like even the stickers are like $4 but like if you get like a full-blown like mug or something like that it’s like almost $10 to ship it it’s just so expensive thank you Ethan for the 1999 Super Chat appreciate the generosity outlook on Long Island today and tonight power outage threat uh main concerns going to be damaging wins I don’t really expect much of a tornado threat there could be some power rages but you know it’s going to depend on the severity of the storms nearby let’s go to the future radar here for the next few hours so this is the future radar for today this is 4 to 5 o’clock storms are organizing as they go into New Hampshire around 5 we’ll still have some storms back down here in Connecticut uh Massachusetts and Southeast New York where the potential for damaging winds hail and then also a potential for an isolated tornado or two will Exist by 6:00 to 7:00 those storms are moving across Massachusetts in a more of a Boeing segment those will be mostly a wind threat same thing over here in parts of Southern Maine and Southeastern New Hampshire and eventually as we get closer to 8 to 9:00 those storms are done main concern for storms in Long Island might not come until after Sunset like closer to like 10 or 11 tonight the main concern again will be wind I don’t anticipate much of a tornado risk on Long Island so I’d be more concerned really just about a wind so flying trampolines are a possibility for today oh you can actually hear it really clearly on the microphone that’s crazy you guys can hear the thunder actually like definitively I I didn’t realize how clear it was on the microphone it’s like a big Rumble that’s crazy uh by the way there are reports coming out of monton um in Vermont multiple trees and wires down where radar detected strong rotation earlier there may have been a brief tornado touchdown but it’s not entirely sure there’ll probably be a survey on that try sheets appetizers I’ve actually never been to Sheets believe it or not let’s see if we have any other live cameras of this storm to see if we can see anything this is really the one that I’ve been most interested in recently it’s really the one that seems to be most organized which is about to be Crossing into Vermont and very far Northwestern Massachusetts you know Raising Canes is really good but Walmart just came out with a chick finger sauce recently which tastes exactly like raisin cane sauce so my opinion is that you know if you want to save money just get the sauce don’t have to actually go to Canes to get it anymore that Secrets getting out there sure slowly but surely I I just got it like a month ago it tastes exactly like it they stole it h basically a new tornado warning has been issued all right we do have a new tornado warning that has been issued back over in wow that’s that’s for West Virginia uh West Virginia and Ohio under a tornado warning that’s actually pretty strong rotation out of all places if you are in this warning seek shelter immediately away from Windows lowest floor possible and in an interior room of your home or building that is belir south side of Wheeling Tri Delphia and Limestone and that is actually really tight rotation right now this could drop a tornado at any time as it moves East it’s going be going right into West Virginia so again seek shelter immediately away from Windows lowest floor possible this is Belair Shady Side count or Shady Side and belir in Ohio and then Bethlehem in West Virginia just south of Wheeling we have had this tornado warning before yeah we we have actually covered this area a couple times already this year and it’s been basically the same exact tornado warning which is actually crazy but again get to your safe place here in the warning get away from Windows lowest floor possible interior room of your homewor building do have a couple live cams going into West Virginia so we will keep a close eye on them and see if we can see anything as this moves into that area um might be hard to come by but this is really again the main rotation it’s actually pretty strong got a pretty clean hook echo on radar too it’s actually a an impressive supercell for what it is right now just south of Wheeling it’s the latest scan still got a hook it’s a low top supercell but this storm definitely could produce a tornado no debris signature but I mean honestly this may have already produced a tornado or it could in the next couple minutes as it crosses over the Ohio and West Virginia border uh by the way this is G this is there’s a lot of counties in this warning all right it includes Green County Pennsylvania Marshall County West Virginia Belmont Ohio Belmont County Ohio Washington County Pennsylvania and Ohio County West Virginia three states are under the justce one tornado warning that on its own guard is pretty crazy and this storm has a hook it still has a pretty strong rotation right now just Southwest of Bel Air it is moving currently to the East and if you are in this warning get to your safe place away from Windows lowest floor possible interior room of your home or building it is going to continue to move East over the next several minutes into West Virginia it goes in just a moment I mean if we do get a tornado like lowkey it could go across three states it’s a very small crossing point I mean it’s only when you think about it it’s about 10 miles or 11 miles I don’t think we’re going to get a long track tornado out of this but you know it’s only 11 miles between West Virginia and Ohio border to the Pennsylvania and West Virginia border it’s actually kind of crazy think about if you’re just tuning in this is a tornado warning just south of Wheeling uh West Virginia going to be near belir it’s going to be Crossing into West Virginia in a moment going towards the tri Delphia area and limestone near Route 250 so again if you are in the pink polygon get to your safe place get away from Windows get on the lowest floor possible and get into an interior room of your Homer building it will eventually go towards West Finley and East Finley in uh p here’s the latest radar scan here so again if there’s a tornado it’s going to be right there south of Interstate 470 pretty strong rotation still and it will make an approach eventually to belir here’s the latest velocity scan right now it is crossing over Highway 7 it’s going to be crossing over route 250 as well in just a moment here is a actual live shot here just a moment ago out of Bair so we got in very ominous Skies right now near I 470 this is updating every few seconds you can see it’s very ominous very dark skies really can’t see much back in there again we’re kind of a little bit north of this storm so this is looking into it just a you know obviously a big storm here the camera is actually moving to see if we can see anything zoom in on this at least there are not many there’s not many people on the roadways on um I 470 by the looks of it let’s go back to that camera actually let’s go see if there’s one in West Virginia here there are a couple in West Virginia too so we’ll try to see if we can see anything and this right here is your storm that has a hook echo on it it is a pretty organized supercell near belir it’s Crossing into West Virginia as we speak and if you are in the tornado warning get to your safe place away from Windows and on the lowest floor possible and in an interior room of your home or building and this storm does have the capability of producing a tornado over the next several minutes it is discreet It is Well organized and the velocities have actually been a bit stronger than you know I don’t know they’ve just been pretty strong over the last few minutes it’s a little bit broader on the latest scan but definitely still enough rotation for that be a tornado going towards Shard uh golden Dallas tridelphia just out the Wheeling diagram looks like a coffin I was actually going to say that oh this is back over near Wheeling right now the camera is beginning to shake here it’s looking at the ground so we can’t really see what’s happening I’m just giving you an idea that it is obviously a bit windy here so we got some wind within the storm go figure it’s a it’s a you know it’s a severe storm it’s going to be producing damaging winds uh to some extent let’s back over there near Wheeling have another radar scan in a moment here’s the latest scan if we have a tornado it’s going to be near 250 moving eastbound going towards the south side of tridelphia look if you’re in the warning seek shelter away from Windows lowest floor possible interior room of your Homer building guys I’m like 99.9% sure that Culver’s account that you guys are looking at in chat that is not real just letting you know that is somebody made that account and decide to come in here oh my goodness so funny though just tagged you they had a lowering on the Storm let me see oh yeah there’s actually a pretty uh defined lowering on this storm right now so there is a lowering I’m retweeting the photo on Twitter at Max velocity WX definitely had a lowering on this storm though there could still be one for the record it’s definitely still enough rotation for there to be a potential for a tornado here it’s moving right now into West Virginia and it’s eventually going to be going towards Pennsylvania that rotation again just south of Bair just south of Wheeling right along Route 250 and seek shelter if you’re in the warning away from from Windows lowest floor possible and interior room of your home or building all right we’ll have another radar scan in a second still trying to see if we have any Vantage points of this being able to see it live I don’t think we do but I’m going to check nothing there let’s see here’s the latest radar scan as it comes in so if there’s still any sort of tornado risk it’s going to be over near sherard West Virginia just south of Bethlehem let’s go back to velocities here Velo will update in a second this is wheeling’s third tornado warning of the year we’ve covered Wheeling I feel like three times so that makes sense I I feel like we’ve at least covered this twice now this will be the third time we we’ve covered this area quite a bit believe it or not just waiting for the velocities to update if there is still a tornado it’s going to be located again near Shard and West Virginia we also have a severe thunderstorm warning back up here east of Cleveland and even here there looks like there’s a little bit of rotation look this right here just sou of Bane bridge too we also have a little bit of rotation there near Aurora now it’s not really strong but there’s rotation there it’s kind of crazy I mean this could get tornado warned just south of Banbridge it’s a little bit of weak but you know there’s rotation there uh going to be heading towards har or Haram and um going to be going to towards Middlefield as well so this could also get tornado warned for what it’s worth that rotation coming together I mean I out of all states right now we’re looking at Ohio for potentially another tornado warning that could get tornado warn that’s that’s something this storm is all wind right now near Clearfield Pennsylvania uh back into New York not really seeing much yeah most of these storms just wind right now so far it hasn’t look too shabby in New England we still got four hours left of that threat so we’re going to keep a close eye on it but yeah this storm up here probably about to get a tornado warning east of Cleveland if that rotation picks up again on the next scan I would expect one just south of Banbridge all right there here taborville going towards Troy Township and Parkman we could have more tornado warnings in Ohio than we have had in uh in New England today we had two so we could tie that number at least so far by the way tornado warning was condensed back over here um on the southern tornado warning Belair still included or B is no longer included but chardes uh golden and Dallas tridelphia Bethlehem in West Virginia so if you are in this warning continue to stay in your safe place away from Windows lowest floor possible and in an interior room of your home building until this warning is officially over rotation on the last scan does look a bit stronger again so we still have rotation now the most recent scan is actually weaker so the last the scan before that looked a bit stronger it’s weakening scan by scan this is a live shot back over here in West Virginia so again just pretty rainy right now at least on this live camera it’s just north of this rotation not seeing any quite yet there’s a lot of trees here obviously so if we do get a tornado there’s going to be you know probably at least some level of a debris signature which we’ve yet to have but there has been a lowering on this storm we have had at least some sort of wall cloud just to the south of tridelphia down the road it’ll Mo move towards East Finley and West Finley Pennsylvania all right let’s go back to the storm that might get tornado warned we’ll see still some rotation there it’s it’s weak but there rotation near taberville Ohio just southeast of Banbridge going towards Parkman Nelson Garrettsville Middlefield be on the track of this this rotation is not tornado warned but there’s definitely rotation we have a new severe thunderstorm warning back over in Sullivan County New Hampshire by the way for 60 m per hour damaging wins Radar Site show anything I actually have a terminal Radar Site here that shows the rotation too on this tornado warning looks a bit broad on that one and that right there Northeast Aurora Ohio we’re still watching because it could get tornado warned if the rotation increases on the next scan I think it will if it decreases more I don’t think it will scan by scan over the LA last two scans if you compare them they they’re pretty similar so no major increase we should start to see an increasing tornado Threat by the way in Western New Hampshire and Eastern Vermont if any discrete super cells reach that environment as there is a warm front um let me draw this on the map here you can put on the radar Omega surface analys analysis which will also give you an idea of what’s um what it’s looking like here across New England this is the warm frontal boundary as of a couple hours ago this warm front is actually going to be more up in here now so this is where the warm front is let me draw a red line so in this particular environment in New England in this tornado watch that we’re talking about um this is where the warm front is located and it’s pushing more here to the north and Northeast in this particular environment the greatest potential for tornadoes will exist right within proximity of this warm front where there’s a lot more Shear a lot more twerk and a lot more spin so this is the area if any discreet supercells go into this region here at least in the next hour there will be a better shot of a tornado um which once again it’s uncertain because right now so far the storms have behaved themselves they’ve only been mostly wind producers but anything that can stay discreet or become discreet we’ll have a more elevated chance at producing a tornado uh really the two storms that are in contention for that I would say are is going to be the one near CLA Mount and going into New Hampshire and then this one right here that just got warned back over near the Brattleboro area so those are the two storms in particular that I think long-term have the best chance of actually producing a tornado but this warm frontal boundary is pretty important for today any storms that are near the warm front will have a better shot at producing a tornado but it’s going to have to be on this side of the warm front any storms that go past it they’re going to be not really as organized it’ll just be mostly wind so yeah all right we did have a little strengthening of rotation here a moment ago in Northeast Ohio but looks like that rotation has kind of stayed at the same level over the last few minutes it’s it’s not really weakening it’s not really strengthening it’s just kind of Meandering if you will going towards Garrettsville and Middlefield there’s still at least some broad circulation there on that non tornado War cell and again I don’t think it really needs a warning yet but it is something to watch for the tornado warning that we currently have is still ongoing back over near tridelphia West Virginia for 11 more minutes um rotation really broadened over the last few minutes so maybe just enough to keep this warning going for a few more minutes but if it keeps weakening I don’t think it’s going to be as much of a concern there was a lowering on this storm so you know there has been you know at least something to it at this point there’s at least been something confirmed here where there is at least some rotation as it continues to move East it’ll go into West Finley and East Finley Pennsylvania mostly going to be a win threat but we could still get an isolated tornado the dup point right now is 80 degrees in nashille New Hampshire wow that is absurd wait let me put on the dupoint map that’s actually crazy let’s go to mear data like Houston Texas is usually the place that has due points that high look at this that is insane a dupoint that high is insane I mean even like in New England a new tornado warning has two point of 80 in nsha that is impressive uh we have a new tornado warning now in New York as well near Lebanon and Hamilton let me take off the mear data so if you’re in this pink polygon for Madison and onita County New York you need to seek shelter get away from Windows get on the lowest floor possible get into an interior room of your Homer building this is the pocket rotation that we’re talking about it’s just off to the west southwest of Hamilton it’s moving East Northeast it’s going to be going towards sangerfield and Brookfield long-term Windfield New York will be in the track of this so we have some developing rotation now near Lebanon uh we even have a little bit of rotation back over here on a kind of disorganized storm that’s going towards Morrisville so if you are in this tornado warning again get to your safe place away from Windows lowest floor possible interior room of your home or building that rotation on the storm near Garrettsville Ohio that thing’s weakening now it looks like and this one it’s still there we still got rotation in West Virginia we got a couple of different storms that are rotating right now still some rotation on this storm another photo on our Twitter page at Max velocity w of that lowering on this storm near Wheeling West Virginia um as it crossed over the Ohio River it’s actually pretty impressive there actually has been a pretty impressive lowering on this particular storm also the Storm Prediction Center has made a pretty big update to the today’s forecast um it’s a notable one for today’s particular forecast let me pull it up here let’s go back to New York first and then I’ll show you guys and that right there is the area of rotation that we’re watching for on this tornado warning it is going in the direction of Hamilton hobin Corners Stockwell and just south of Waterville uh here is the outlook for today it’s a pretty big update let’s do that so here’s what the Outlook is right now so we still have that enhanced risk for severe weather nothing’s changed really there it’s still across the same area um for those in New Hampshire Vermont Mass Massachusetts and New York now this enhanced risk is now driven predominantly by wind the only area that is not driven purely by wind now is going to be back over in Southern New Hampshire Southern Vermont and Northern Massachusetts where there is a 10% tornado risk still in place but this area in particular is mainly going to be the area that we’re watching for for tornadoes now as I mentioned a few minutes ago we have our warm frontal boundary that is sitting right back over here any storms that kind of you know interact in this environment will have a better shot at produc tornadoes um and if they’re discreet those are the ones that we’re watching for the closest for that tornado risk so that area in particular is where the greatest concern right now is for that threat uh but the 10% tornado risk is mainly for New Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts and New York it has shifted further south if you remember in the last Outlook this included areas all the way back up into parts of like Northern Vermont and Northern New Hampshire that has dropped all the way down now to conquered uh back into Southern Vermont and parts of The Hil country there of Western Massachusetts so that’s really the big update for today and it’s actually quite a notable one cuz the northern mode of storms has not really grown into anything it’s it’s been really just minimal activity overall so it’s been very minimal had that initial tornado warning or two back over there and then it just kind of you know fizzled into nothing uh mostly just wind up there now so that’s what’s happened back over that direction that Rotation by the way on the last couple scans not looking as concerning in New York we’re going to continue to watch it though let’s go back to West Virginia again and Ohio this was originally in Ohio it’s now in West Virginia about to move into Pennsylvania with a weak area of circulation there has been a lowering on this at times we have had one as as recently as 10 minutes ago there might still be one so if you’re in this warning continue to stay in your safe place as it goes towards West Finley Pennsylvania that storm in southern uh Vermont by the way I do think has the most a environment for a tornado so if you are back over in southern Vermont you’re keing New Hampshire just be ready that one supercell that’s at the very bottom of this that entire like broken cluster of storms I think we’ll have the best chance of producing a tornado in New England at least from what we can see on radar right now that looks like the most concerning storm all right we’ll stay on the storm in New York for just a few moments thany you Marissa for becoming a one month member appreciate that will I be live Tuesday I’ll probably be live again tomorrow and Tuesday as long as tomorrow actually happens if nothing happens tomorrow we’re not going live but think we at least be live though I think Tuesday at least will be live on so Tuesday I would expect a live stream tomorrow is 5050 yes there’s also rotation here morille there’s a couple of pockets of rotation the one near morisville in my opinion is is less concerning it’s not really associated with a an actual storm here could even get a land spout with that but here’s the latest scan in Hamilton still some broad circulation it’s not super strong but still rotating as that moves to the east Northeast there’s apparently a tornado watch in Canada where is it is it up here they have a potenti I don’t think this is PDS I don’t do they even issue PDS tornado watches in Canada I really don’t know much about Canada weather I’m just going to be honest with the I I don’t know about their their National I don’t know what their service even is but like I don’t know if they have any sort of like actual terminology like that in Canada potentially dangerous situation I don’t think is the same thing as PDS up there but I could be wrong Canada’s weird I don’t know I’m I’m not really familiar with doing Canada weather I don’t really ever cover it unless there’s something significant happening I don’t know much about Canada period I’ve never been to Canada in my life somebody kept adding me about there being a PDS watch in Canada but I don’t know if that’s actually PDS no PDS here okay just want to make sure I I I want to make sure I wasn’t you know missing out on terminology back over there in Canada where is surface analysis I just had it on here there it is um okay well as we were just talking about this area not really rotating or at least the Toro threat was going down up here in Vermont we actually have this cluster of storms just south of Burlington where there’s actually rotation south of Essex and Charlotte the same area that we may have just had a tornado in earlier let’s go to base velocities and let’s go up a little bit see if we can actually verify that rotation and looks like there is some rotation here do have a hook on it too this is near Charlotte it’s crossing over the New York and Vermont border right now so this storm’s ramping up just a little bit also the tornado warning back over in West Virginia has now been uh cancelled so the only one that we have right now is the one in New York and that is currently for Madison and onita counties in New York um and that’s moving East Northeast at 40 miles per hour wouldn’t be surprised if we got a warning on this storm within the next like 60 seconds if that rotation intensifies as again going to be approaching Charlotte ferrisburg over the next few minutes so still a possibility that this could go torna just south of Burlington again this a very similar area that literally just had a tornado like two hours ago two and a or about just a little under two hours ago the uh initial tornado that we think happened was right about here near starksboro so this is a new storm that’s developed and it’s back off obviously to the West this one could go toric too is it not just Charlotte I I don’t need all these pronunciations I I it’s okay we’re going to get through today without pronunciation correction it is a okay um we may have a tornado on maybe not never mind sorry never mind I was about to say the CC didn’t update I was about to say there was like a little blue over the river here but that’s not a tornado never mind that’s just clear air false alarm I’m so used to seeing all the tornadoes yesterday it’s like ingrained in my head whenever you see a dark blue it’s all sudden a tornado yesterday was just unbelievable today’s not going to be the same as yesterday but let’s go back to base velocities I want to see what the the rotation is a little bit off the ground this is more important when we look a little bit higher up into the atmosphere with rotation at least in this part of Vermont with this Radar Site we still have a pretty good view here of that rotation a little bit of loft there is at least some circulation there is Broad rotation on this moving just toward the south side of Charlotte going to be going towards Hinesburg and starksboro in uh Vermont so if you’re in these areas just be ready for the storm it is rotating it’s probably not imminent imminent but it might get awarding at some point here soon if that rotation starts to crank up a bit more further off to the North near Burlington predominantly a win threat up here wouldn’t be surprised if we got an isolated tornado in that activity too back over south of Willison but I think the main concern would be on the southern side of that activity that we were just looking at and I was mentioning this before but I think long term this storm here has the best shot at producing a tornado risk as this moves to the east Northeast going towards Hillsboro Keane and eventually going into like southwestern New Hampshire so mods want a t-shirt if you want a t-shirt just let me just message me if you want a t-shirt again this your torado warning near Hamilton back over in New York going towards sangerfield in Brookfield mods t-shirts oh you want a t-shirt for being a like a like a mod t-shirt I don’t know we don’t I don’t even know how we do that I guess we could probably whip something together I was going to send Connor a t-shirt but not like anything special just one of our normal T-shirts they shrink the 10% tornado risk they sure did yeah we talked about that a few minutes ago if you’re just tuning in the uh tornado risk has shrunk a bit it’s the same area they just basically lowered the confidence of tornadoes across far Northern parts of um like New England it’s like Northern Vermont and Northern New Hampshire it was a 10% now it’s a 5% it’s not much of a downgrade but it’s it’s a small downgrade have another radar scan on this storm in a second as further reminder if you’re new to the channel make sure to subscribe down below we do severe weather coverage all the time like the stream it does help get this out to more people I think a new tornado warning has been issued I have issued a new tornado warning in New York that is back over near uh Johnson City near Endicott if you’re in this warning seek shelter away from Windows lowest floor possible and in an interior room of your Homer building that is again your Johnson City near Bingham or bingamon we actually have cameras in this area so we’ll see if we can see anything but again if you are in this warning you got to seek shelter get Underground you can get away from Windows and get on the lowest floor possible into an interior room of your h building as this storm does have the capability of producing a tornado we do have a new radar scan coming in so we’re going to wait for that we have a live cam I’m going to go to that also in a second because it’s actually looking right into the storm here’s the latest scan if we have a tornado it’s going to be right along Highway 17 right now uh near Endicott mov towards Johnson City velocities are going to update here in a second while we wait for that to update this is what it looks like right now out there I just lost the live camera give me a second waiting for the velocities to update on here though doesn’t appear super strong where the hook is but still could get a tornado with this it’s quite organized this is what we’re looking at right now out there this is live large rain shaft right here in the middle of your screen it’s now Frozen see if it loads up very far top left of your screen you can’t see it yet but I think that’s where the storm is so we’re going to see that hopefully in a second after this camera comes back unless it doesn’t come back maybe power one out I don’t know but again Johnson City Bingington Port Dickinson Port crane Pleasant Hill Beldon West kville and New York you got to get to your safe place get away from Windows and get on the lowest floor possible this a live view of that storm again very top left of your screen I believe is the actual storm itself but the camera just keeps freezing there see if I can find another one there trying to see if we have any visual of this storm because this storm very well could produce a tornado it has a very defined hook on radar it’s right next to the Radar Site too so we have very close visual to it as well overall this a pretty impressive Super Cell here on radar yeah this is a very popular ated area of New York we have 150,000 people in this tornado warning if you know any friends or family in this area make sure give a call or text and make sure that they are in their safe place away from Windows and on the lowest floor possible because this storm very well could produce a tornado as it moves to the east no debris signature quite yet but it is definitely organizing waiting for the velocities to update here that hook is looking more and more impressive scan by scan though it’s it’s definitely organizing see if the velocities match up with that velocities aren’t really matching up with that but that’s where we would be watching for a tornado would be right in that hook there it’s going to be rolling right into Johnson City here in a moment I’m still looking at cameras to see if we have any view of this we have like multiple cameras here but nothing’s looking at it I don’t think oh actually wait we might this a view of this storm we have a few views but this is another one very top right of your screen that’s the storm uh we can’t see the lowering or anything like that from this Vantage Point yet but this will be the area to watch for in John John Johnson City I do think a tornado could drop here at any time so if you’re in this morning definitely make sure that you’re in your safe place it is a very organized storm right now another radar scan in a second and if we have a tornado it’s going to be in this hook right here going right into Johnson City nothing confirmed as of yet but it is a storm that is favorable to produce a tornado with its current look on radar this is the latest scan see what the velocity show no debris signature as of right now so we don’t have anything officially confirmed on this but with the how populated this area is you should be in your safe place this is definitely a dangerous storm if it does drop a tornado as there’s over 100,000 people just in this warning Alone um again the road this will be going towards Port Dickinson in the next few minutes Port crane West kville Brookvale in New York any of those areas you got to get to your safe place rotation on radar again is still on the broader side of things it’s not really tight yet but it could tighten at any time so make sure that you’re in your safe place away from Windows and on the lowest floor possible quick update on the one near Brookfield New York that rotation has been like the same the entire time just a weak area of circulation but it has been a bit on more moderate side of things this could still drop a tornado as it moves towards Route 20 um if that rotation stays at the same level it’s at I mean it it might get a new warning for like Windfield New York so just be ready if you’re in Windfield New York relatively low top supercell back over in that area and then nothing really right now in for Mont yet we have the storm south of Burlington that we were talking about as well that is a hook uh this one again could get tornado warned as well back over near Charlotte we do have a hook on this storm very possible that this one produces a tornado as well as it continues to move eastbound not imminent but it’s going to be something to watch for let’s go back to Johnson City again we’ll have another radar scan in a moment again we could have a tornado drop at any time near Johnson City right next to the radar site so we have Prime viewing just based off the radar alone on this particular storm I believe that lowering is starting to come in a photo now on the live camera I’ll pull it up one it once once it loads we have a tornado it’s going to be on the Southeast side of Johnson City approaching FS Ward Mount Prospect and Fort Dickinson would be next in track for it again nothing officially confirmed quite yet but rotation has actually come together a bit more on the latest scan it’s a bit stronger so it is possible that we do get a tornado at anytime this is a live shot here in Johnson City and we’re really looking at up in here for any sort of or any sort of view of this storm so top right of your screen would be where we’re looking not seeing anything quite yet the sun ny17 right before exit 181 you guys do see any photos or videos make sure to add me on Twitter at Max velocity WX by the way parts of Connecticut were just extended into the tornado watch until 8:00 p.m. that’s in in New England right now if you’re guys tuning in Johnson City Binghamton all included in this tornado warning it’s over a population of 100,000 people so if you know any friends or family here make sure to let them know give them a call or text there’s a tornado warning here and this could drop a tornado at any time as it moves East Northeast is a relatively dangerous storm if it does drop again it’s a very densely populated area here in New York got new radar scan coming in right now so we’ll see what this looks like in a second we have a tornado it’s going to be approaching Fort Dickinson it’s going be right in that black circle if we have one a new tornado warning has been issued we have a uh new tornado warning going to be back over in Green County and Washington County Pennsylvania we’ll hop over to that in a second unless this drops then we’ll wait rotation is going to be right over on the east side of Johnson City on Highway 17 we still don’t have a clear debris signature but there is still some rotation there that’s moving East Northeast wow a new tornado warning has been issued all right so we have a new tornado warning for Green County Pennsylvania and Washington Count Pennsylvania we have another one for o oo County Madison County and onita County New York that’s the northern tornado warning so if you’re neither of those two warnings get to your safe place away from Windows lowest floor possible and interior room of your Homer building um again this storm really is really one of the greatest concerns right now but we are going to go ahead and hop to the Pennsylvania tornado warning real quick that is back over south of Pittsburgh uh this storm has been rotating for quite some time now uh near East Finley going towards amenity a midi I don’t know s Sycamore and as well as Waynesburg and again that rotation has been quite broad for a while had a little bit of strengthening just Southeast Finley could still produce a tornado as it approaches Interstate 79 so if you’re in this area make sure that you’re seeking shelter away from Windows and on the lowest floor possible uh the new one also is going to back up here south of UA the initial tornado warning is expiring in 2 minutes so they’re issuing a new one to be able to cover this new area just to the west of wind field this goes for about 17 minutes they may issue a new one for Cedar Lake and W Winfield as well that is the area of circulation just south of hobin Corners so that rotation has still been relatively broad but at the latest scan actually showing a bit stronger now uh going towards Bridgewater no CC drop but the rotation is definitely strengthening on the latest scan going towards Bridgewater New York eventually on track for Winfield let’s go back to Johnson City again which this rotation again I we still got a hook on this storm it is still obviously a supercell here this is where if there is a tornado it would be located not seeing anything clear right now on this particular supercell but it’s a very populated area which is why this is a bit more concerning and this is near Port Dickinson now north side of Bingington in New York moving towards Port crane West kville beldin will also be in the track of this over the next several minutes so again seek shelter if you’re in this warning if you’re just tuning in this tornado warning has been condensed it no longer includes Johnson City but Port Dickinson North side of Bingington West kville Brookvale all on the track of this it’s also going in the direction of Beldon and Dunbar New York have another radar scan on this one in a second velocity is both Radars are going to update here in a second so one second for that all right here’s the latest scan if we have a tornado it’s going to be on the east side of for of Port Dickinson so if there’s a tornado on the ground that’s where it’s going to be located nothing confirmed as I mentioned but if there is one that’s where it would be right now be eventually approaching Port Crane and West Coleman this is the latest scan I’m not seeing a whole lot on this latest scan let’s go to base velocities let’s go a bit higher up actually see if we go a bit higher up in the atmosphere on the base velocities like this is a few moments to go back over Southwest of for Port Dickinson uh you can actually see how strong the rotation is even in the lower in the low levels but a little bit further off the ground so there’s that probably at least some sort of lowering here near Johnson City that we’ve had um and they’re very possibly could still be a lowering uh with this storm so there’s a couple of things to keep in mind here that there’s very strong possibility that we at least have some sort of lowering uh with this which means that we could end up seeing a tornado let’s go to base velocity is one this one doesn’t show it but it would be on the Southeast side of Port Dickinson let’s go back to here not seeing as much rotation near the surface on the most recent scan but if there is a tornado it’s going to be located back down in the hook down here near the port Dickinson area we have another radar scan coming in so we’ll check that out and then we’ll go back to the other warnings give you an update on those it’s the latest scan still not really a whole lot here on the hook we don’t see any like again nothing really confirmed on this as of right now let’s go back to CC no debris signature as I mentioned before see what the velocity show not seeing any rotation really near the surface anymore there was a bit more at the beginning of this storm not seeing as much on the last few scans here continue to watch it closely as moves East it is discreet so it does have a definitely a better shot at producing a tornado here’s the tornado watch extension by the way it does include parts of Connecticut now until 8:00 do have a storm firing up near Hyde Park which is actually already starting to rotate um that is moving towards beakman Sharon and IA so we could end up seeing a tornado out of that but it’s a relatively low risk for the time being mostly a hail and wind risk got some storms ongoing in both Vermont and New Hampshire these are predominantly going to be wind concerns we could still see an isolated tornado out of that activity as it does approach the warm frontal boundary which as it gets closer to the warm front as I mentioned before there’s more spin in the atmosphere so areas back over here have to be prepared for the potential for an isolated tornado and damaging winds across parts of Central and Southern New Hampshire back over in Northwestern Vermont south of Burlington we’ve been talking about this storm quite a bit because there has been rotation um and there still is there is still rotation with this storm uh this is the area of rotation that we’ be looking at just to the south of the Hinesburg area there is a tornado possible label on this storm you can actually see the rotation pretty clearly there just southeast of Charlotte where there is at least some uh rotation on this higher levels once we go higher up into the atmosphere are showing a strong little couplet of rotation there is a possibility that they do issue a tornado warning on this if that rotation does continue to intensify it will be on track again for Mont peer and that’s an area that we just talked about not too long ago they had a tornado west of them more than likely just to the south of Hinesburg with the first tornado warning that we had of the day and it’s possible that this one could do something like that too so definitely be prepared for that tornado warning still ongoing south of uica this one’s about to cross into Windfield New York uh we will probably get a new tornado warning on this as the rotation has been at least for now tight it’s hasn’t really weakened a whole lot so if you are near Windfield just west of the Richfield area make sure that you are staying very Vigilant as there will probably be a new warning on that little uh storm that little baby storm right there and then back over into Pennsylvania and Ohio we have a damaging wind risk right now going across Ohio there was some rotation on that cluster earlier that is fizzled pretty much done at least for now with that potential tornado risk and then back over here in Pennsylvania Northwest of Waynesburg we’ve had r on this storm for quite a while now it is Broad at this time but it could reintensification [Music] this is the velocity’s radar a bit further off the ground so if there’s a tornado it’s going to be right in that black circle there’s a bit more rotation the higher up you go in the atmosphere so I still think there’s some level of a lowering here maybe a wall cloud maybe even a funnel cloud could be a tornado at any time still um I had somebody mentioned that there was a the tornado in Johnson City was on the southwest side of the rain shaft had minimal spin but a slight lowering passed into Bingham New York that’s a report from somebody that lives in the area or Poss storm chasing uh on Twitter and they have canceled the tornado warning here even though there is at least some rotation in the low levels it’s not enough I don’t think for a tornado warning and as a reminder we’re looking at tilt three on the Radar Site what that means is that we are looking much further up into the atmosphere and so this rotation that we’re looking at is probably embedded in the clouds or it’s actually a bit higher up than that so um just keep that in mind they have updated the other two tornado warnings so this tornado warning still ongoing back over near Winfield let’s back to the uh velocities here so they have updated it they might issue a tornado warning for Winfield we’ll see it still includes a the AO County and Anita counties in New York and then the other tornado that we have currently or the other tornado warning I mean is in Green County and Washington County Pennsylvania by way thank you Ellie and Michael for both becoming maximum velocity members welcome to the velocities here’s the latest scan that rotation is now outside of this pink polygon um that’s the tornado warning here in New York that rotation now moving into Windfield so as of now this do not look like we’re going to get a new warning on this but we’ll see just a broad weak area of circulation still a new radar scan coming in right now I haven’t issued a tornado warning on this yet for Winfield I believe it’s a different CWA region right here so that be why this is not a more elongated warning to be eventually going towards German Flats there is some rotation back over near the poy area in southeast New York so something to watch for there uh we do have a severe thunderstorm warning for King New Hampshire that’s for damaging winds up to 60 not really seeing any rotation right now in New Hampshire which is good news so far still have some rotation back over here in Vermont this right here again we could have a tornado dropping Northwest of Rockville and Northwest of starksboro there is rotation there I me look at that that rotation is pretty strong it’s not warned pretty strong rotation right now just to the northwest of starksboro Vermont we lowkey could have a tornado dropping here so if you’re in this warning I I would just you know stay away from Windows at the bare minimum there’s a lot of trees obviously so we have a new camera uh Green Castle Pennsylvania will be replaced by cumington um Kentucky for the time being both of which are in the risk for severe weather today I’ve been to starksboro well there’s a possible tornado there earlier on the west side of town I mean this right here again it it I feel like it’s strong enough for there being there should be a warning on this is pretty strong it’s just south of Hinesburg you know any friends or family in this area at least let them know at least at least alert them make sure that they’re aware of this Potential Threat looks like if we did have a tornado it probably just uded because velocity is just weakened we may have had a brief tornado though just north of the one that we may have just had earlier too which that one was never confirmed but that there may have just been a brief tornado right there it’s pretty pretty crazy they have just had another one near South Hinesburg in Vermont not confirmed as I mentioned before but may have just had one still have rotation south of a mighty in Pennsylvania still some rotation there moving East going towards Ruff Creek liping cot just north of wburg again continue to stay in your safe place if you’re in this pink polygon still got the tornado warning in New York that rotation as I mentioned before has not been I mean it’s it’s kind of been the same way for the last like 30 minutes it’s been basically the same intensity they have canceled that tornado warning for the time being the uh German Flats area just stay vigilant there is at least still some broad circulation on this storm but it’s not enough to continue a tornado warning so at this point not enough to continue a tornado warning for that uh storm there in Pennsylvan or in um New York I’m typing in Pennsylvania it’s my browser so that’s why um said Pennsylvania try to look and see if we have any Pennsylvania cameras on this on I9 or i79 is still radar indicated as of right now while we wait for another radar scan if you are new to the channel again make sure to subscribe down below we’ll keep you posted with the latest with severe weather coverage and we are currently dealing with the potential for a few tornadoes today across both uh the really all the Northeast has that potential but primarily in New England or we’re still waiting to see if that tornado threat really gets to its maximum potential or it kind of doesn’t really happen at all we’re also waiting to see oh okay whoa look at this okay I was about to keep talking but look at this top of your screen we have a lowering why is this tornado thing have to block everything there is a lowering on this how in the world do I show this just going to try to zoom into this nope can’t do that all right wait let me let me try to zoom into this we do have a lowering on this it’s actually really clear as day fortunately I can’t make this like full screen full screen very top of your screen there’s a lowering let me go here maybe yeah this is actually full screen it’s going to have everything off of it but at least can show you the lowering very top of your screen right there that that’s it right there robust setup it’s just my face cam in this but this is the storm in in um Pennsylvania right now this is the one that’s tornado warn large lowering large wall clad here we really need to have a actual full screen thing cuz this is not this is just a robust setup here but that that’s the lowering up there very top of your screen in Pennsylvania it’s a lot of scut I don’t really see it rotating but it it’s definitely the lowering that would be you know what what’s warned for here it’s the tornado warning in Pennsylvania as I mentioned before it’s near a mighty Pennsylvania very far southwestern Pennsylvania here we can go back to this now so again very top of your screen that’s that’s the the wall cloud lowering that we have right now you’re a mighty Pennsylvania and if you’re in the pink polygon continue to stay in your safe place or red whatever you want to call basically the tornado warning make sure you’re staying in your safe place there’s definitely a lowering there look at all those cars driving towards that too it’s crazy actually I could just do this right there so that’s the lowering right there this could be a tornado soon it’s possible this this had a lowering before too and we we’re losing visual of this low like we have a visual of the lowering we don’t have any visual though beond those trees there could legitimately be a tornado dropping right now we just can’t tell looks looks like it’s condensing though over that little Hill so we could have a tornado dropping right now it’s very very possible that this is on the ground did not look like it several minutes ago but it it looks like that could be on the ground now just cannot confirm that because it’s just me see if there’s another camera here we got this one up here too what’s that one showing anything that one’s not showing anything it’s this one looking at that one’s not looking at anything either this camera right in Waynesburg Pennsylvania which again Southwest Pennsylvania is where we’re at this is the lowering there could be a tornado over that that little Hill there we just can’t tell on I’m looking at radar right now north of morisville for reference going towards Mariana um in Pennsylvania the rotation here is it still looks broad on radar it doesn’t look like it’s on the ground but you really can’t tell just by looking at this I I mean it could be but and I’m looking at the debris signature there’s like a small little C C drop but it’s not enough to confirm it we’ll go to radar in a second I’m going to give it a second here we’re going to have a little opening coming up here too so we’re going to stay on this after I look at radar it’s it’s either a tornado just a large lowering or it’s just scary looking clouds it’s it’s just you can’t really verify over that Hill this is the storm that we’re talking about Seth of a mighty this is the velocities and then again this would be the CC radar which again I’m not seeing a debris signature by any means maybe a small one but the velocities are just so unmatched here I mean the velocities are in the inflow it’s just not it doesn’t look like this is a by looking at just radar this does not look like a tornado looking at this it it’s more debatable because you really can’t see what’s over that Hill look at that right there there if this is on the ground that’s a big tornado it is still radar indicated by the way so nothing’s officially been confirmed just letting you guys know it is still radar indicated there is a CC drop that if you look in the clear air there is a CC drop but that’s not the tornado it it does look so we’re starting to see it come over the horizon a little bit now over this tree line it still appears as if this is just a lowering I’m not seeing it going any further down beyond that tree line you can barely see it but it doesn’t look like that it’s going further beyond that yeah in situations like this it is extremely hard to tell because there’s obviously a big hill but to me it looks like a lowering from what we’re looking at here near Mason toown and Waynesburg in Pennsylvania again this is in Green County and Washington County Pennsylvania if you’re in those areas and in the actual uh tornado warning get to your safe place you can see it clear though that that I think this entire time it’s just a lowering I have not seen it actually drop to the ground obviously scary looking there’s no doubt about that it’s going to be out of our shot here soon on the pen dots camera Nascar has officially been put under a yellow flag for rain yeah I don’t think that that event’s going to have some trouble all the rain that we’re going to see just a large scutty lowering it’s been like this for a while too they have issued a severe thunderstorm watch for New York almost all of Pennsylvania and a small sliver of Ohio so that’s the new watch again includes New York New Jersey small sver of Connecticut most of Pennsylvania and Eastern Ohio that goes all the way until 10 o’clock tonight still got a lowering on this tornado warning in Southwest Pennsylvania there is rotation on that storm near the Hudson River back over in southeast New York eventually going into Pennsylvania or into Connecticut sorry so we’re going to be watching that storm closely as well we’re going to stay here for about another minute or two until this thing’s out of sh shot and then we’ll go back to radar while that happens I’m going to take a quick 60c break I’ll be back e all right row is AFK um yeah I have to take breaks once in a while my legs need to move whoa look at that that that looks like a bll lowering right there I I I was looking at the velocities on my phone a second ago it it looks like it’s trying to strengthen again it looks like a bll lowering like that actually looks more organized than before that right there I kind of I I kind of wish somebody controlled this camera so we can actually have this move around because I mean in about two minutes we’re not going to be able to see anything this thing is it looks pretty organized it did not look organized for a while just kind of looks scutty still kind of looks scutty but it’s a pretty large bull lowering there rotation on radar is still not tight and confined by any means it’s still broad but it did strengthen a little bit scan over scan again I do not think this is on the ground right now but it could be at some point in the next few minutes it’s kind of going back to that wall shape again it’s it just it looked like a bll there for a second all right we’re about to lose a shot of this but that still looks like a pretty large lowering on this tornado warning let me go to radar in a second it’s the last we’ll see of it just a lowering I’m not seeing anything touching down have one more sliver up Behind These Beyond these Tre trees right here so we’ll see if we can actually see anything down but I think it’s just a lowering still that that might be something it’s just too hard to tell no it’s just it’s still the lowering it’s not a tornado still it’s still lowering just a large lowering on this this is what it looks like on radar for reference I mean it has a nice little hook to it um as mentioned before velocities radar does not really indicate anything that crazy though I mean again the rotation that we’re looking at it’s really just the inflow so there isn’t really anything there that looks like it’s imminent to drop even though it looks obviously very scary um you know in person a new tornado warning has been issued with that with that said they have issued a new tornado warning on this storm for those in California uh Brownsville deemston and larine here in Pennsylvania so if you’re in this warning seek shelter away from Windows lowest floor possible interior room of your home or building all right I do want to go back to Connecticut and as well as back over here into New York this storm could get tornado warned very quickly and this one could produce a significant tornado threat if it develops um this thing is awfully discreet uh if you’re in Sharon or Amenia or torington get those tornado action plans ready because this storm is very discreet and the rotation has been picking up quite a bit over the last several minutes it is a very discreet supercell right now pretty defined hail core pingpong ball siiz tail being the main concern right now but it could go torn attic as it moves to the east Northeast uh eventually going towards torington this is really the most organized supercell that we’ve seen of the day here um anywhere across New England rotation on radar does not look crazy yet but this is something with the environment that we’re in could go Tor attic pretty quickly so be ready if you’re in torington I’m not saying it’s imminent and it’s going to produce something large but it could it’s very possible that we do get a tornado with this as moves East Northeast is as it is again discreet any discreet cells today will have that chance for producing a tornado they have added a tornado possible label to the storm that’s near Chesterfield Swansea Malboro and um Keane so Southwestern New Hampshire we do have a tornado possible label on this storm now uh back over near Kean still have a tornado possible label up in Vermont but I think this storm’s been losing its grip on rotation let’s just double check that real quick maybe not never mind rotation is actually still pretty strong right now Southwest of Bolton so this storm is still rotating and it’s still going and I think the peak of the tornado threat today will be from about now until about 6:30 I mentioned it earlier 4 to 6 I think it’s probably going to be from now until 6:30 for the peak of this tornado risk it’s really starting to ramp up now so This Tornado threat is going to really start to get going here over the next little while let’s go back to Pennsylvania again Ohio is all wind back to the Pennsylvania tornado warning still have some broad circulation just to the south of morenia this again going to be approaching Brownsville over the next several minutes we had a live cam for a long time looking at this storm and it looked like it might produce something and it still has a large lowering so if you’re in this area be prepared to go to your safe place and get there now if you’re in the pink polygon even outside of it just be prepared to get there as this storm could produce a tornado as it does continue to move to the east it’s going to be going towards Brownsville Pennsylvania that’s the main location in the warning uh connelsville will be the next in track for this down the road no debris signature on this by the way there you go a new tornado warning has been issued this should not Shock anybody but they have issued a new tornado warning on the Storm now in Connecticut and New York this one looks really concerning from just a bird’s eye view of what the shape is on radar it has a hook Echo has a pretty nasty hail core for at least the Northeast uh this is going to include areas like Duchess County New York and then Connecticut I don’t know if this is actually yeah this is the War I don’t know what county in Connecticut this is but it’s going towards Kent Warren and Cornwall here in Connecticut so if you’re in this pink polygon you got to get to your safe place get away from Windows get on the lowest floor possible and get into an interior room of your Homer building as this storm in particular has a pretty solid chance at producing something as it moves to the east Northeast it is a a very discreet supercell rotation on radar is pretty strong it very well could produce a tornado as it moves East Northeast probably the most concerning storm that we’ve seen on radar so far today so just not trying to say that to scare you but this is definitely one of the more organized storms that we’ve seen today here on radar no doubt about that I’m trying to see if we have any live shots of this where is this right now this is northeast of new burrow nothing here right now here’s the rotation by the way so again rotation does appear a bit stronger it’s a discret cell so you know this storm is definitely more in the position to produce a tornado threat do have a little bit of convection out in front of the hook here that just developed on the latest scan that could weaken This Tornado threat but it’s definitely not a guarantee there’s a cam and Kent where where where’s the camera at what you know what website try to see if we can see anything look there’s a couple of live cams not seeing anything yet in Kent there’s only one actually rotation is actually increasing on the storm near Keen right now that’s not what you want to see near Kean New Hampshire again we’re near the warm frontal boundary so storms in this environment here are going to have a more um favorable chance of producing a tornado and that rotation actually intensified quite a bit over the last couple of scans this is near Kean New Hampshire I’ve been to Keane before by the way I actually played a lacrosse game in Keane there’s a lot of hills around here I know that but this could get tornado warned it’s hard because it’s a bit of a radar hole we’re not like in a this is not like close to the radar site so it’s visual Wise It’s hard to tell but I mean in my opinion that looks let’s try to verify with the other Radar Site here H it’s hard to tell let’s go back to base velocity let’s go higher up I don’t think that’s going to do anything yeah it’s difficult cuz it’s a radar hole but again if you’re in Keen i’ would be in your safe place just in case Keen New Hampshire do have a CC drop but that’s the hail Northwest of Kent uh Connecticut so that right there what we’re looking at there that’s just hail so don’t don’t be false alarmed by looking at the CC radar here that is simply hail let’s go back to that let’s go to here yeah again no debris signature on this it is an organized supercell though there is a chance that it does try to produce a as it does go into Kent Connecticut Cornwall and War are all in the track of this and if you’re in the pink polygon get to your safe place away from Windows lowest floor possible and in an interior room of your home or building I just lost power in Plano because of the hot weather really in Texas that’s not good that rotation is crossing right into Connecticut right now so if you are in Kent you need to get to your safe place now don’t wait get away from Windows get on the lowest floor possible and this storm has the capability of producing a tornado rotation going right into the town of Kent Connecticut right now Texas power grid is on Ice sure is usually is still got broad rotation in South Western Pennsylvania Southwest of Brownsville so just a little heads up there that storm is still rotating it is tornado warned we’re not really going to be too concerned about the storm right now because the rotation just been so broad there has been a large lowering on this but again just nothing really that organized at this point again that’s moving East going to be going towards Brownsville they did put a tornado possible label on the storms here in New York not really seeing any rotation but they have at least put out a TP on that back over in Southern New York let’s go back to Keen first I mean again this is hard to tell right we we have rotation at least appearing on radar in keing New Hampshire it’s a it’s a hard little thing to tell though because of the radar hole that we’re in I I’m leaning towards this just being more of a wind and hail threat I I don’t feel like it’s an imminent tornado but I would at least stay in your safe place just in case if you are currently near King New Hampshire that that looks if there if this is actual rotation it’s actually not that you know weak it’s definitely on the stronger side of things but some to watch for it’s a very favorable environment for rotating supercells in New Hampshire right now and even down here in Connecticut we have a couple areas where the greatest chance for tornadoes will be over the next couple hours this storm in particular very favorable environment where there is more rotation and a lot more of just an environment where rotating supercells can thrive in Connecticut and Southern Massachusetts and also the same thing goes up here in New Hampshire right near that warm frontal boundary more spin is available up there so those storms will also have a chance to produce the threat for tornadoes thank you Lauren for the $5 Super Chat would love to get your opinion on the Storm Southwest of German Flats New York it’s looking sus uh there’s nothing Southwest of you but southeast of German Flats there is a little bit of rotation there that that Storm’s been rotating for quite a while now I wouldn’t be surprised if we got a torado warning on this but it’s just weak rotation right now I actually have a storm down here in Southeastern Pennsylvania that’s also producing some hail and wind if you’re in this warning to stay away from Windows wait yeah this warning just got updated in Pennsylvania south of Pittsburgh condensed for Brownsville and lazarine in California and southwestern Pennsylvania still have some broad circulation approaching Highway 8 8 it’s moving East right now and there’s your tornado warning for New Hampshire a new tornado warning has been issued all right tornado warning now for Keen this is kind of expected but we have a new tornado warning now for Kean New Hampshire Swansea Malboro Harrisville and Southwestern New Hampshire if you are in the pink polygon you got get to your safe place get away from Windows and get on the lowest floor possible uh this storm has been rotating for what we know for a while and unfortunately this is an environment where it’s much more favorable for tornadoes there’s another one a new tornado warning has been issued we have a new one now north of montellier this is an area that we’ve had multiple tornado warnings in already today uh this is going to be back up near Bolton wer north of middle sex just north of where we had the tornado warning earlier um if you are in this warning you also got to get to your safe place get away from Windows get on the lowest floor possible and get into an interior room of your home or building this rotation is actually pretty strong in the mid levels so we have stronger rotation just south of Bolton it’s moving East Northeast it’s on track for Worcester where we could get another tornado with this particular storm so again get into your safe place get away from Windows get a get on the lowest floor possible get into an interior room of your home or building as this storm moves East Northeast that’s a basement storm shelter closet or bathroom uh for both Keen New Hampshire and as well as this warning for Waterberry Bolton and um Worcester in Vermont this one is honestly a bit on the stronger side of things too we have a couple of these that are rotating quite a bit back to Keen New Hampshire again all these tornado warnings right now are radar indicated the one in Keen New Hampshire the strongest rotation is on the south side of Kean we’re probably not going to get a debris signature unless this is a really strong tornado cuz we’re just so far away from the radar site so it’s going to be hard to confirm this in real time but this is where our strongest C is right now on the south side of Kean New Hampshire so again you got to get to your safe place if you’re in Keen right now there is a potential for a tornado moving towards Malboro and Harrisville this a very favorable environment as I mentioned before here in New Hampshire where any storms that are discreet could produce a tornado with the warm frontal boundary just back off to the Northeast we could very easily get something like that that’s torn addic um let’s go back to Connecticut again right now this Connecticut storm the hook Echo is right here over Kent usually when we get a tornado it likes to sit right about where the x mark is rotation is really far off from that or at least the where the velocities come together it’s very far off from that so this might be more of just a win threat right now but I would at least stay in your safe place just in case it has a very impressive hook Echo apparently there might be a tornado on the ground near Interstate 89 from what I’m hearing so there might be a tornado on the ground with the storm or there may have already been one rotation is really strong right near Interstate 89 just east of Bolton if you’re in this warning again make sure that you are getting into your safe place now is there could be a tornado on the ground with this near Bolton nothing officially confirmed but I’m going to see if we can find any confirmation on any of this not seeing anything officially confirmed yet but there may be a to on the ground with this the rotation is really really strong so I would not be surprised if there was one let’s go back to Connecticut again this tornado warning by the way has been updated it’s no longer in New York it’s only for Connecticut um so again that’s near Warren let’s go back to base velocities let’s go to tilt two tilt three what’s the other Radar Site here I’m trying I’m trying to look at higher elevation velocity scans to see if we can see anything and this is what it looks like a little bit higher up off the ground it’s still relatively strong rotation your Kent Connecticut a little bit higher up can’t really see much but just a little bit off the ground that rotation is still at least a little bit stronger near where that hook is still a pretty clear hook Echo here and this for Cornwall Kent and Warren in Connecticut get to your safe place again if you’re in the pink polygon rotation still going on the storm in Pennsylvania this has had a large lowering for a long time not sure if it still does but as it moves to the east towards Brownsville it could still produce a brief tornado so continue to stay in your safe place if you are in the pink polygon as it could still produce a tornado let’s go back to Keen New Hampshire we’re kind of jumping all over the place we got three different or four different tornado warnings all in different areas this one again south of keen still looks pretty concerning near Malboro the rotation been strong on this for a while so again if you’re in Malboro Harrisville or Keen you got to get to your safe place this storm has been rotating quite a bit here over the last several minutes uh this is from Ethan Morty on Twitter of the tornado War cell back over in Winchester New Hampshire he’s using a drone he can’t confirm or deny anything on this storm basically is what he’s saying that’s his view right now of that’s this is the one in Keen again it’s just there’s there’s so many Tres there’s so many trees excuse me um it’s it’s just so hard to tell and his YouTube channel by the way is going to be in the chat from June 1st this is another this is another shot this is another drone shot in the same spot again it’s just so hard to tell I mean it could be a This Tornado might be rain wrap for all we know if there’s one on the groud and Keane that’s from again June 1st on YouTube this is also from the same exact storm this is back over in Chesterfield New Hampshire so again that’s a view from it a little while back kind of has a little bit of a twirl there that’s as of 18 minutes ago so this is another just shot of this particular storm obviously very ominous pretty organized looking Super Cell just from the looks of it and that rotation heavily rain wrapped right now right in Malboro now the latest velocity scan is showing that rotation on the south side of Malboro near 4 Brush Hill or for Bush Hill Hill near Page Hill approaching Highway 124 and Highway 101 that’s where that rotation is currently located there’s also a tornado possible label on this new warning near marac and bellnap or belnap counties in um New Hampshire this is going to be going towards Franklin do have rotation back here near Sutton so there’s another chance for a tornado as that moves East as I mentioned before the warm front is in this area there’s a lot more a lot more spin this type of storm could produce a tornado as it moves East all right so that storm is going to be one to watch for too back to the tornado warning in Vermont this is the rotation doesn’t look as tight as before but there’s definitely enough rotation where we could still get a tornado as this does continue to move to the east Worster Vermont is in track of this and it will eventually go in the direction of Woodburry and Marshfield so be ready in those areas for the storm in case it does try to produce a tornado back over to Connecticut we still got rotation north of New Milford west of Hartford the southern Radar Site really just shows this as a wind threat right now the northern Radar Site shows a bit more rotation let’s go to base velocities yeah base velocities still show pretty strong rotation if we just use that so it does still look like this has a chance to produce a tornado it’s going to be on track for torington here soon so if you’re in torington Connecticut have that tornado action plan ready to go as we could get a tornado warning there soon as this continues to track to the east we’ve had nothing officially confirmed on this storm yet in terms of a tornado or any of the other ones but this one does have really a pretty solid look to it on radar still has a hook Echo still looks very organized from what we’re seeing also got some storm splits happening back over near great barington just going to let you know this type of storm here probably is not going to produce a tornado it’d be more of a wind threat so just letting you know that type of storm not really looking like a tornado risk anything that’s right moving like this storm here or this one are going to be the ones that produce a better shot for a tornado something like this that’s going more that direction it’s just not looking concerning at least for now oh uh we got rotation developing over Interstate 90 right now near Fort Plain we got a couple spots here in New York south of oppenheim that is actually pretty strong for not having warning on that’s near Fort Plain and right along Interstate 90 right now where is this is this north of alany it’s Northwest of Albany trying to see if we have any live shot of it which we have one but it’s not looking at the storm just trying to see if we have any lowering or anything this storm in particular I would be very mindful of it if you’re near Fort plane so at least some spin on it I I don’t think it’s imminent but I do think there’s at least enough rotation there where if it does get a little organized um it could produce an isolated tornado I mean this is the rotation compared to the hook it’s right where it need to be and that’s going to be going towards Fonda Glenn and Charleston and New York so we could end up getting a tornado warning on that um this rotation is weaker and probably not as concerning as this one so there’s a little bit back over near Highway 80 there west of Kenna horari I don’t know maybe that’s pronunciation but yeah this could this I I would not be surprised though if we get a tornado warning for Fort PL or Fonda or just Southwest of Johnstown we’ll keep a close eye on that back to Pennsylvania we still have the tornado warning back over here in the Brownsville area rotation is broadening a lot now so I don’t know if we’ll have another warning on this has had a large lowering for a while but just does not look super duper concerning so moving eastbound it’s going to be eventually going towards the connelsville area back to New Hampshire until we have a another update on the other storms still no debr signature on this we still have rotation right now over the southeast side of Malboro New Hampshire East a keen going towards Peterboro if you’re in Peterboro or Hancock or Greenfield just be ready there might be a tornado warning on this down the road uh at the bare minimum be prepared for damaging winds that is at least a threat with this storm even if it does not produce a tornado so that’s moving East velocities are a little bit contaminated on this latest scan but should show better in the next scan the Yellow Box means severe thunderstorm warning that’s what that means by the way this is in Chesire County New Hampshire that tornado warning latest scan still showing some rotation Northeast of the Fort Plain area doesn’t look as strong as before but there there’s at least still some rotation there north of Fort plane unwarned but something to watch for let’s go back to Vermont still got rotation going towards wer it’s a little bit more elevated rotation this is closer to the surface not as strong but we still have rotation west of Worcester so if you’re in Worcester Vermont continue to stay in your safe place that rotation still on the stronger side of things just waiting for a train to go by on the Green Castle camera I mean you can they’re there they’re really there for the weather but there are trains too all right this tornado warning in Connecticut does go for 10 more minutes um the rotation itself is let’s check it out on the base velocities it’s going to be right in here on the Southeast side of the warning near Warren it’s going to be approaching torington so we’ll see if they issue a new warning on it rotation doesn’t look as strong as before on this but I’ll would be ready in torington in case they do issue a new uh tornado warning for torington and Lichfield uh Eagle I use radar Omega top Link in the description below for radar Omega that’s the weather app I’m using here’s the latest scan that rotation would be approaching Lichfield Connecticut I I don’t see a whole lot on radar right now but yeah we’re a little bit of a radar hole there’s a little bit of circulation it’s just not as strong as before I am not in Rhode Island no I used to live in New England so I’m pretty familiar with this area but that is besides the point okay not seeing anything right now on the latest scan still some rotation in there I think uh east of Keane again we’re kind of seeing some contamination here on radar but that rotation is going to be on the east side of Malboro now approaching Harrisville uh Hancock Greenfield Peterboro and New Hampshire just be ready they may issue a tornado warning in those areas um if that rotation does continue to appear concerning back over to the west of Franklin New Hampshire we also have a pocket of rotation which could also end up getting tornado warn if that becomes concerning it does have a tornado possible label so there is a chance that we get a warning down the road but uh right now the latest scan showing slightly broader rotation than the previous scan so something to watch for I don’t think it’s imminent but it’s something to watch for as that goes towards Franklin New Hampshire um let’s go back to here have another velocity scan in a second on this storm we have a potential for a tornado here still I think we’re going to look at the velocities and try to match that up guys do not add me the tornado that happened two days ago in Connecticut it’s not the same one there was a tornado in Connecticut two days ago but it’s not the same thing that we’re looking at right now if you do see any photos or videos that are relevant to now or reports you can add me on Twitter at Max velocity WX but don’t add me in stuff that’s like days ago I have somebody that’s storm chasing I don’t know if we’re going to get live coverage from them I thought we were going to we don’t there’s like legitimately no stormchasers that are like out there out there right now um that I know of I know of a couple we have we’re getting some like occasional updates via Twitter from a couple um Ethan Mor is one of them from June 1st on YouTube we’re getting some updates from him as well uh he was chasing the keing tornado warning now he’s going to drop back into Connecticut it sounds like for this storm which as of now does not look like it’s going to get a new tornado warning uh um but we were supposed to have at least one person but the celles service in Vermont did not want to cooperate with that but with that said I mean there’s like from from what I know I don’t think there’s any notable stormchasers that are out there today it’s just one of those days where like it’s just not a good chasing environment again the topography around here is just a lot of mountains got a lot of Hills got you know trees everywhere it’s just it’s not favorable but if we do get any live coverage from them I’ll let you know but so far it’s been a struggle got to get a star link to keep the cell service in play cell service is something else here in the New England area at least in Vermont there’s a lot of Hills it’s tough there’s still Rotation by the way Southwest of torington they might issue a new warning there’s a little bit more just North the Morris I don’t know if it’s enough yet but if it does intensify a little bit more we might get a new warning near torington Connecticut tagged you on the big wall cloud in New Hampshire oh yeah that’s a pretty big wall cloud I am retweeting the photo on Twitter at Max velocity WX there is a pretty sizable wall cloud there so again that’s the area of rotation that we’re looking at right now on the west side of Dublin rotation is definitely still strong enough here to produce the potential for a tornado have a couple V we have a couple photos of different wall clads I’m me see if I can show you guys any of them just give me a second that rotation is still on the stronger side of things near Dublin again there has been a report of a wall cloud on this storm and also the one back up in Northern Vermont which the one in Northern Vermont um near Mount pelia right now let’s check the velocities again on that which they just cancel the warning um we’ll see what the Tilt 2 velocity show and yeah that rotation became a lot broader that’s the rotation there’s a lot of grave space in between so that’s a notable warning that has been canceled at least for now by the National Weather Service they’ve also canceled the one in Connecticut so we’re back down to they canceled the one in Pennsylvania we’re back down to one wow look at that three of them just got canceled like all at the same time they didn’t even expire they just all got cancelled so this is the main one that’s still ongoing which this one still actually has really strong rotation right now on the Southeast side of of Harrisville again this one could definitely you know produce something uh this is the wall cloud back over in Vermont this is in Brattleboro large lowering little wall cloud as well uh this is back over in brow bur Vermont from cabia on Twitter that is quite the lowering there it’s actually pretty impressive looks like they’re on a mountain that was back over in Vermont they have issued a new severe thunderstorm warning with a tornado possible label this is going to be for those back over here in Manchester marac where and Peterboro in New Hampshire if you are in any of these areas just make sure that you’re staying away from Windows it appears as if the rotation still pretty strong on the Southeast side of Harrisville um it could be contamination for what it’s worth because we are in a very you know we’re just in a radar hole all right that’s the simplest way to put it there’s a big radar hole here so there’s a there’s definitely a possibility that there’s some level of contamination here that might not be complete rotation but we’re going to treat it as if it’s rotation just in case there is something that’s trying to brew here we have had a wall cloud on this so it’s entirely possible that there is something trying to drop here it’s not really in a place where Tornado does usually drop but just to the south of Hancock right now there’s at least some broad circulation still on this there also a wall cloud back over in near the Maryland border near Wilmington it’s in southeast Pennsylvania there’s a report of a wall cloud on this storm too near Newark so this one’s not tornado warned just wind and hail but there is a wall cloud on that again not all wall clouds are rotating like you know that dramatically so it might not produce anything but it’s just something to watch for before it moves offshore um let’s see looks like New York is all wind right now and then let’s check out the storm up here this one over here looks mostly like wind as well near Johnstown in New York Northwest of Albany that one had some rotation but it’s become mostly just a wind threat they have added a new severe thunderstorm warning for those in Hartford New Britain um Simsbury and Manchester and Connecticut that is for damaging winds up to 60 quarter siiz tail and there is a tornado possible label on this does not mean there will be one but there is at least some rotation all right this tornado warning will expire in the next 30 seconds or so I don’t know if they’re going to issue a new one I don’t think it’s enough but we’ll see all right this torado warning has now also been let to expire we’ll see if they issue any new ones but for the time being it’s back down to just normal tornado possible labels which this one right now going towards marac and Manchester still has my attention the one near Franklin too in New Hampshire this one’s been rotating the one near Hillsboro looks like it might try to do something we might still be I mean we could end up getting a couple tornado warnings with these storms that are developing here cuz we got one we got two we got three we got four we got we we got a ton of discret sales have been firing up here in New Hampshire look at this we got one two three four five we got five storms right now in New Hampshire that are all relatively discreet in nature and any of these could end up producing tornadoes definitely going be something to watch for friendly reminder if you are new to the channel make sure to subscribe down below you we’ll keep posted with the latest with severe weather coverage also today’s live stream is brought to you by radar Omega if you need a weather app to stay ahead of the storms you can download radar Omega with the top Link in the description below on IOS and Android has tons of features including the live radar feed has satellite imagery computer models if you get a subscription on their app it also has live cameras live stormchasers embedded in the app and you can also track out storms with this handy dandy tracking tool you can download it on IOS and Android for only $8.99 with the top Link in the description below their subscriptions also really affordable and those can give you a lot of other features as well including satellite imagery and computer models so again top Link in the description below on IOS and Android it’s also the pinned Link in the chat still watching for rotation here Northwest of Petersburg or petersboro sorry in New Hampshire there was a fuddle actually about an hour ago back over in the monton town offices quickly became rain wrap there may have been a tornado back up in monton Vermont again we were talking about that earlier it was an unworn rotation area and it was really tight there may have been a tornado with that storm to unknown but I kind of feel like there might have been one there if you guys do see any photos or videos on Twitter you can add me at Max velocity WX try to show some of them to you guys as well here’s the latest scan still got strong rotation right now to the southwest of Greenfield it’s not warned for what it’s worth it’s not warned but there is rotation there moving East Northeast going to be going towards New Boston over the next several minutes I see if we have any other live cams here one moment still got strong rotation here again we’re trying to find a live cam to see if we can actually see anything like this particular area that we’re looking at is just it’s just in an area where we you know have really poor radar coverage just trying to see if we can see anything right I got I got a view let’s go to this this is this is what we’re looking at here this is back over in this is from the this is a webcam from Yankee publishing giving an idea that there is at least something here in the background we got like some sort of scutty lowering back here it’s all behind the building though touch down for a second a knocked out powder in pburg did a touchdown I haven’t heard any anything officially touched down here but it’s very ominous back there back left where we may have possibly had a tornado yeah this rotation has been very strong for several minutes I would not be surprised if we had a tornado near Petersburg in New Hampshire it’s hard to tell we don’t really see anything in the background there I this storm’s now moving out of the area um go back and see anything kind of see it spinning there you actually oh look at that right there that was some a little while ago this is still rotating I mean this was three minutes ago or so this is still rotating look at that thing spin so this is still rotating it doesn’t have a tornado warning it’s still spinning near petersboro petersboro New Hampshire that thing is spinning like crazy it’s not like on the ground but it’s there’s a lot of spin there in the cloud layer there it’s very possible that we a tornado on the ground or one dropping and this is the storm that we’ve been looking at I this I’m surprised it’s actually not warned with what we just saw there going towards New Boston New Hampshire next thing was spinning like crazy there I the storm out is officially fully moved out of that spot but yeah that right there was definitely some stronger rotation yeah I I there’s nothing confirmed on this I’m not sure why somebody’s thumbnail on YouTube says there’s a 20 on the ground I mean I don’t see anything confirmed on this I might have missed something but nothing confirmed but there is definely a lowering there on radar or on that live cam back the velocities yeah near Greenfield New Hampshire I’d be in your safe place if you’re in Greenfield or francistown or New Boston or lindenboro there is still a possibility that we do have a tornado that is trying to drop so at least some rotation there in New Hampshire like I understand why there wouldn’t be a tornado warning but because we’re in like a radar hole but from what I just saw I mean there’s at least rotation on this storm at the bare minimum we had some Cloud rotation there which makes me feel like there’s at least something happening here there’s at least some sort of you know possible tornado that’s trying to drop here I I do not that that video that we’re just looking at there’s no way to confirm that was on the ground I was looking at it there’s no way to confirm it was on the ground there was a funnel there was a lowering spinning funnel all that sort of stuff but nothing confirmed officially on that storm a new tornado warning there’s a new tornado warning back over in New York this is a storm that we were talking about a while ago uh wow look at that that rotation is coming together so strong rotation right now just to the east of Fort Plain you’re in this warning got to get to your safe place away from Windows lowest floor possible and into an interior room of your home or building as this could definitely produce a tornado at any time as it moves eastbound all right so this is a new tornado warning in New York strong rotation right now coming together east of Fort Plain going towards Fonda and the the um Amsterdam area eventually near Fonville right now with this particular area of rotation trying to see if we have any live shots of this so brand new tour warning New York it’s going to be east of Fort Plain strong rotation moving eastbound right along Interstate 90 Amsterdam will be in the track of it the winds are definitely picking up in Amsterdam this is a live shot here from the uh fonvil area near the tornado warning actually see the grass you know mooving this direction uh we’re looking towards where this tornado would be so we’ll see if we see anything here but strong rotation on that storm right now as I’m going to be honest to you I’ve seen nothing confirmed on this storm I’m I’m not sure why people are saying there’s a confirmed Toyo New Hampshire unless I’ve missed something all right I looked at that live camera there was some spin in the clouds but it just looked like you know a lowering with that was spinning that could produce a tornado but there was nothing that was on the ground from what I saw well I I will say though I’m surprised there’s no tornado warning that rotation still really strong over Green Field if you are in this warning I’ll get to your safe place cuz we could see a tornado with this there’s nothing that’s been officially confirmed though on this and even with that live Cam that we looked at it did not look like it was on the ground just spinning I’ll look and see if we have any other maybe photos on Twitter and this rotation just keeps getting stronger though near Greenfield let me see if I can find anything on Twitter here still not seeing anything official on this I mean again if you’re if you’re in this warning near Greenfield or New Boston New Hampshire I would to get to your safe place just in case we saw video but we saw live footage of this moving in you know west to east here near petersboro there was spin in the clouds and it could definitely produce a tornado they finally now issued a tornado warning on this a new tornado warning so there’s new tornado warning for Hillsboro New Hampshire that’s going to be going towards Manchester again nothing confirmed on this but there is rotation and it’s actually pretty strong right now on radar if you are west of Manchester New Hampshire you got to get to your safe place get away from Windows and get on the lowest floor possible get into an interior room of your Homer building Northwest of marac and eventually going towards Manchester brand new tornado warning will be going right towards Manchester New Hampshire Manchester is not included in this but this is just west of Manchester uh there is a video on Twitter of this of there being a tornado now it was let me see yeah so somebody did spot a tornado near Dublin New Hampshire that was back here so that was a while ago there was a tornado that was before went to petersboro but there was a tornado prior to this now being tornado wared that’s back over in double in New Hampshire it wasn’t really long lived but there was a tornado rotation is really strong and we could get another tornado with this as it goes towards Manchester New Hampshire um Manchester New Hampshire is very populated there is the Manch Manchester International airort there so that’s also something to keep in mind they’ll probably have a ground stop or something along those lines as well that rotation is very strong nothing confirmed as of right now but very strong rotation moving eastbound we haven’t seen this in marac New Hampshire well you’re not really in the warning you’re on the northwest side of this warning so you’re not in it in it I’m trying to see if we have any other live shots in this area now right there near Green Field in France toown or Francis town is a strong couplet right now moving towards Mountain Base New Hampshire it’s your safe place here in that warning let’s go back to New York again uh rotation on this storm doesn’t appear super strong but that rotation is right over Fonda so if you’re again in this warning just continue to stay in your safe place it could be a tornado at any time writing right along Interstate 90 going towards Amsterdam this is a live camera right in this warning so we’re not this is like right where the rotation is I’m not seeing anything quite yet we’ll give it a few seconds and see if we can see anything here nothing’s picking up here absolutely nothing picking up here right now on this tornado warning on this one over in New York nothing’s really picking up give it a few more seconds not seeing anything that’s that was right in the tornado warning like that’s right over Fonda where that rotation is in Fonville wind’s picking up a little bit in downtown Fonville but nothing really looks imminent on that storm let’s go back to New Hampshire the rotation on the latest scan broader just a little bit broader still enough for there to be a tornado going towards New Boston we are currently looking at a radar view that’s about 7,000 ft up into the atmosphere so just keep that in mind um it is going to be a very tough view whoa whoa whoa whoa all right let’s go back to New York this is a live cam in New York right now what this is in motion it’s actually the wind’s picking up a lot now look there actually might be a tornado on the ground here in New York it’s freezing but the wind just picked up a ton you can see it going off the water too at the bottom back over in the the Fonda area of New York Fonville camera keeps freezing but you can really see that wind picking up here there this is right around where that tornado torn area of rotation is fortunately this camera keeps freezing but you can just see how strong the wind is right now there there’s a very strong possibility that there’s a tornado near Fonda or just very high damaging winds see if I can pause this and play it camera just keeps freezing it could just be the RFD sege two just for the record it could be the rear full length down draft that wind picked up really fast there that’s on this tornado warning South at Johnstown for reference I I I’m pretty sure that was probably just RFD searge this is where the live cam was this is probably all RFD surge because there’s not really a whole lot of rotation here so it’s probably just an RFD surge that we just saw there in Fonda could definitely cause some power rages with how high those winds were let’s go back to Manchester just west of Manchester New Hampshire rotation still back to being very strong west of New Boston so again if you are in this tornado warning get to your safe place away from Windows lowest floor possible an interior room of your Homer building and there’s a possibility that a tornado could drop on this as it moves East all right back to Connecticut real quick okay that’s not good we have strong rotation near Burlington Connecticut starting to ramp up again so we got more rotation just west of Farmington West of Newington that is also strong circulation that is going right to Hartford and that rotation is starting to come together more if you are in this warning in this severe thunderstorm warning you got to be ready the storm could produce a tornado as it does move to the east definitely not what you want to see here’s a look at the New York tornado or the yeah the New York tornado warning this is a large lowering by the looks of it right here in the middle that’s the one in New York near Amsterdam this is near Amsterdam New York got a large lowering right there it’s hard to tell if anything’s actually on the ground I mean velocities didn’t look like there was anything but like right in here that’s where we’d be looking looks rain wrapped so again this is an Amsterdam New York where we’re looking right now if you’re in Manchester New Hampshire by the way you got to be ready to go to your safe place we got very strong rotation there going towards Manchester New Hampshire very strong rotation this is again the one in New York right now with a very large ominous look we I’m thinking that’s the lowering back there that’s what we’re thinking right now so also trying to see if we have anything in Connecticut right now if you’re just tuning in this is the tornado War cell in New York near Amsterdam very impressive storm by looks it this could be a rain shaft but it might be a lowering too it’s very hard to tell back in that area let’s go back to radar again as I mentioned before rotation is trying to pick up a bit West of Hartford in Connecticut this storm is definitely starting to rotate a bit more so just be ready might get a tornado warning on this storm soon as it does continue to move to the east over the next several minutes let’s go back to Manchester New Hampshire where that rotation has been strong this entire time uh yeah we could have a tornado on the ground near New Boston going towards Manchester you are in this warning continue to stay in your safe place there’s not been anything officially confirmed in the last like 15 to 20 minutes um so again nothing official but it very well could produce a tornado with how strong the rotation is already on radar as it does continue to move to the east towards Manchester again Manchester not in the warning right now but you will be in the track of this very very very soon has produced at least one brief tornado back near Dublin New Hampshire has at least done that it could produce another one though as it moves East I mean I don’t know it’s hard to tell it’s very tight rotation personally I do think this might be on the ground right now we just don’t really know CU there’s nothing that we can really confirm with right now that this is on the ground trying to see if we have any other live shots in this area to maybe see anything but this rotation not looking good if you’re in Manchester and if you’re Manchester be ready you don’t have to go to your safe place now just be ready you ready to go to your safe place because we very well could get a tornado on the ground with this at any time it’s definitely the strongest rotation that we’ve seen on radar all day no doubt about that back over to the New York tornado warning top right of your screen looks like some scutty action in here I I believe I believe any lowering that we have right now is going to be this right here which does not look organized cuz the rotation on radar did not look that strong a little bit of broad spin just it’s not much it’s kind of going both directions and again this is not the tornado warning in New Hampshire I think it’s I don’t know if the New York one got canceled it might have but this would be the one back over anster damn New York a little bit of scutty action up there tangly bits that’s basically what it is yeah Tor warning in New York was cancelled but that that’s the view of it it’s just basically just scud right now looks like more of a wind threat again back to Harford Connecticut again we still have strong rotation right now north of Bristol Connecticut heading towards Hartford this could get tornado warned with how things have been trending on this storm I wouldn’t be surprised if we did get a tornado warning well I might take that back because the latest skin doesn’t show as much rotation let’s check the base velocities let’s go a bit higher up here yeah base velocities don’t show too much off the ground it’s much stronger near the surface so we still have strong rot I think we still have at least some level of rotation west of Harford Connecticut um a little bit broader on the most recent scan but definitely still something to watch for as this does continue to move East over the next several minutes all right let’s go back to New Boston New Hampshire where there is still a possibility that we have a tornado on the ground or one at some point here in the next few minutes and very strong rotation right now on track for Manchester New Hampshire you need to be in your safe place if you are in the pink polygon as I’ve mentioned several times nothing has been officially confirmed over the last few minutes but if something does get confirmed we will obviously let you know actually zooming in on that scut over here in Amsterdam look at that thing spinning on the right side of your screen right up here at the top right this is the one in amster damn New York little spin right there you can kind of see it so this was just tornado warned not really much just a little scutty action and right the other side of your screen here it looks like there’s something here as well can’t really tell nothing’s really spinning there right now maybe a little bit of spin right there near Amsterdam New York e yeah I can’t really tell I mean look it’s kind of spinning just nothing really too imminent there I don’t think let’s go back to that New York storm just really quickly this near Amsterdam yeah I I think this is really more of a wind threat right now I’m not seeing a whole lot of rotation on that storm activity anymore so it doesn’t look as concerning uh back to Manchester again we still have very strong rotation right now and you’re New Boston New Hampshire it’s gonna be heading in the direction of Manchester so again if you are in Manchester New Hampshire be prepared to get to your safe place as we could end up getting a um tornado warning there relatively soon as long as this rotation stays as strong as it is we’ll have another radar scan in a moment so we’ll see how strong the rotation looks like then we’ve yet to have anything confirmed over the last few minutes but as I mentioned before there is a very strong possibility that we could get a tornado with this as it moves East this is the scan as of 541 this is the most recent scan still got really strong rotation right now south of gwn is still very strong rotation right now there’s no debris signature on this we’re seven we’re looking 7,000 ft up into the atmosphere so the only way there’s a possibility that we could actually see a debris signature on radar would be if this tornado is legitimately like huge and strong that’s like the only way that we’d have any sort of legitimate view of this on radar velocities are just so strong here I mean again I would not be surprised if we have a tornado on the ground right now as I’ve mentioned several times there’s nothing officially confirmed on this but it’s very possible that there’s something on the ground that that rotation is very strong it’s going to be approaching Brown’s Corner over the next few minutes as right now it is still radar indicated rotation now the other problem with this right now is that it’s a fully rain wrapped tornado if it is on the ground which makes it that much worse and it makes it much harder to see for those that might be chasing this which for you know looking at looking at the road map here these are all roads like the road networks here are not very good for storm chasing so that makes it even harder so again it’s just very hard to verify this in real time I would say that the bare minimum obviously if you’re in Manchester uh Raymond or Auburn New Hampshire just be ready and there’s nothing you can really verify right now on this aside from if there’s like a live cam or something in the area we don’t have any in this particular area up until we get to Manchester so we’ll see if there’s anything once this gets closer to Manchester it’s just again very difficult to see as of right now I live in gwn make sure that you’re underground or in your safe place wherever that is this a very dangerous storm um yeah we’re in a very populated area of New Hampshire Manchester is not a small town so it’s very populated and if we do end up getting a tornado it could be strong with how strong the velocities are and granted again we’re looking a little bit off the ground this is not like right at the surface but um winds off the ground are typically stronger than the ones at the surface almost in all cases so it’s very possible that this could still be a strong tornado either way so you want to take this seriously if you’re in this warning just in case we do get something it’s going to be making its approach to Manchester in the next 10 to 15 minutes let’s use the radar Omega tracking tool we’ll time this out for Manchester real quick not going to go super far on this but let’s go 40 miles per hour towards Manchester so if there is a tornado it will arrive to Manchester in the next about 15 minutes that’s basically in the next 15 minutes this area of rotation would be in Manchester uh Pinardville in about 7 minutes you got Martin New Hampshire in 14 minutes south hookit in 15 minutes servants is currently about 20 minutes out from this um Alburn in 20 minutes and you got Candia and northchester in about 25 minutes again these are all etas but in the short term that’s where this area of rotation is heading there’s a good Brewery in Manchester okay thank you yeah this is the biggest city of New Hampshire somebody just mentioned that in chat I’m actually pretty sure it is it’s definitely a populated area no doubt about that you know any friends or family in Manchester just give them a call or text and make sure that they are aware of this as again we could get a tornado on the ground with this at any time it’s currently right on track for Manchester New Hampshire the strongest area of rotation will be going towards Manchester New Hampshire okay that’s it’s beining it right now towards that that particular location I’m still trying to see if we have any live cams that’s why I’m looking up by the way I’m just trying to see if we have any sort of visual that we can get on this I don’t know if we’re going to get one I’m just trying to you would think for Manchester being such a big town that there would be a lot of live cams I haven’t seen any yet but I’m still trying to look the Harford rotation is still there it’s just not super strong there’s still some rotation I found a bird camera in Manchester I I I don’t know what that’s going to do for us there is a there is a bird camera there there is still broad rotation west of of Hartford Connecticut it’s right over Highway 10 right now okay a new tornado warning has been issued we have two new tornado warnings we got one for New Hampshire and one now for Connecticut a new tornado warning has been issued all right so we got a new tornado warning for Hartford Connecticut if you’re in this area we covered it yesterday uh seek shelter immediately get away from Windows get on the lowest floor possible and get into an interior room of your Homer building if you are currently in Hartford Connecticut again this is a brand new tornado warning uh we have a lowering whoa that is a lowering all right we have a lowering and see it right there in the middle of your screen this is a shot from a second ago in Hartford there is a lowering on this storm so this storm could produce a tornado at any time if you’re in Hartford got to get to your safe place definitely have at least a lowering on this storm right now jeez so that is a lowering right now near Hartford that would be why we have a tornado warning more than likely it’s definitely very ominous again if you’re in Harford you got to get to your safe place there is a lowering on the storm and it very well might drop a tornado as this continues to move towards Harford Connecticut not a storm that you want to be messing with this thing’s been rotating for a while it’s been warned also several times this is the latest shot of that lowering um again we we only got photos of this but this is the latest shot uh it’s updating every few seconds but that that right there is what we think is the lowering right here on this particular tra waren cell near Harford Connecticut it’s only photo snapshot but it’ll update every few seconds the hook on radar is also not looking too pretty it’s it’s organizing quite a bit there’s the latest shot and this is updating every few seconds back to us in a second let’s go back to Hartford we got a pretty organized hook there this is your new tornado warning for Manchester New Hampshire so if you’re in Manchester you got to get to your safe place uh CA Candia west of Raymond near Deerfield we could get a tornado on the ground with this at any time as it moves East and East Northeast it’s going to be approaching Interstate 293 so if you’re in those areas get to your safe place all right so Manchester New Hampshire again we still have rotation on that storm doesn’t look as organized as before but it is definitely still rotating we could still get a tornado with that as it moves East let’s go back to Hartford this is again that live shot I’m going to kind of go reference this again because again we got that lowering right here in the middle of your screen there’s a lowering on this right now in Hartford it’s hard to tell if it’s rotating because again this is just a camera it’s taking photos every few seconds from what I’m seeing picture by picture basically we’re picturing this together right now um this essentially you know looks like it’s spinning at least on this camera so it does look like this is currently spinning and rotating and it does look like this could be dropping a um or trying to at least drop a tornado by way if you guys do see any live cams that I’m not aware of you can message me on Twitter that might be in Manchester or Hartford yeah we are currently looking at this one that is in Hartford Connecticut or near Hartford just Southwest of Harford back here now kind of getting wrapped in rain that’s the lowering that is currently in question got another view of this as well I’m going to go to that in a second just going to get one more Refresh on this my Twitter account is Max velocity WX there’s a link in the description going to give it one more refresh then we’ll go back to radar it looks like there’s something in here I mean again I it’s hard to tell it’s we’re still pretty far away from it I mean we’re still a good few miles from that cam but there’s at least a lowering on this near Hartford and if there is a tornado it would be up here north of Farmington going right into Hartford nothing’s confirmed as I mentioned before but that’s that that’s the direction it’s currently heading so if you are in the tornado warning again get to your safe place away from Windows lowest floor possible and in an interior room of your home or building still trying to see I think we had another shot of this I’m just trying to find it this the latest scan let’s go back to velocities no debris signature again no tornado confirmed as of right now but it is definitely rotating I think if we had cameras in every state like in almost every town it would help dramatically with weather coverage to um all right let’s go to this this is another live shot of this uh presumable lowering right now in Connecticut that right there so we think that’s the lowering and it looks like that that looks like it’s spinning again we’re just looking at photos we don’t have video of it it looks like it is spinning it’s quite a bit of ways off the ground right now there’s another refresh still looks like this could drop into something and refresh it again yeah it looks like we have a wall cloud right now that’s again at least what we’re thinking right now near Hartford on the west side nothing looks like it’s on the ground right now but there’s a lowering there’s a wall cloud heading towards Manchester okay so we have a wall cloud going towards Manchester right now let’s go back or actually I’m going to do it one more refresh and then yeah again so this is your lower ring right now moving into Hartford Connecticut still got a lowering could produce a tornado so continue to stay in your safe place for that if you’re in this warning uh back to Manchester real quick and we still have a tornado warning for Manchester uh rotation was much stronger actually it’s strengthening again it looks like over the last few scans back near Pinardville is very tight it’s still really strong on the the West side of of Manchester so west and southwest side of Manchester still really strong rotation and we could still see a tornado drop here in Manchester so if you are currently in Manchester and make sure that you are getting to your safe place uh man again we’re talking about Manchester New Hampshire where there is a potential for a tornado right now going right into Manchester there is a wall cloud moving right into Hartford as well I’m just trying to see if we can find a different camera here in Hartford as well see if there’s anything better of a view for that see anything there let’s go back to this that’s Manchester this is back over in Connecticut so again that’s your lowering right there it’s not super low to the ground but that’s the lowering that is capable of producing a tornado I’m just west of Harford is quite a down here well this storm is going to be moving into downtown Hartford in just a moment we’re about to lose visual of that lowering on that camera see if we can find a different one and by the way if there’s a tornado on the ground in Manchester it’s probably going to be right on Interstate 293 so that’s the area that we’d be looking at for that potential tornado would be right there in Manchester none of the cameras in Manchester from what I’m seeing are showing much other than just ominous guys this is one view in Manchester very top of your screen top left just ominous I mean you can’t really see anything but that’s right there in Manchester and we’re just trying to look at you know photos and videos cuz we don’t have any view on really of a lot of this we got we got the rotation it’s on the south and Southwest side of of Manchester we haven’t had any debris signature but again it’s not like the same as yesterday yesterday we were in an environment where you could see stuff on radar in Wisconsin today is different today we’re looking at cameras that are you know or at least radar sites that are just so far away from the actual storm itself I mean even tilt two tilt 2 is still showing pretty strong rotation too me go back to Heartford again yeah still strong rotation over Harford 2 and again we’ve had a a wall cloud on this for several minutes so it is possible that this does drop into tornado as it moves East the storm just got upgraded to half dollar size tail this is from frankman in in Hartford right now on Twitter that right there is the storm that’s currently trying to produce a tornado pretty impressive Leading Edge I don’t see any sort of know definitive lowering here that is right there in Connecticut in Hartford yeah this storm is rolling right in Harford right now so if there is a tornado which we don’t think there is right now but if there is one it’s going to be right over downtown Harford as of 25 minutes ago um New Boston New Hampshire there was a person in the area of New Boston uh there was a pretty definitive wall cloud but just a couple brief funnels but nothing officially touched down there so that’s as of 25 minutes ago not really relevant to now but just an update at least from earlier from what we saw this is in Manchester New Hampshire this is from Jeff Collins so this is another view again we’re just trying to piece things together here right um possibly some sort of scutty lowering there just nothing definitive maybe something there as well this is the Leading Edge though the the supercell thunderstorm that’s moving into Manchester right now velocity’s radar let’s go back to tilt 2 as an updated there yet let’s go back to Manchester again and the strongest area of rotation in Manchester is now on the east side of town in Manchester New Hampshire if you’re in this warning continue to stay in your safe place away from Windows and on the lowest floor possible we still have strong rotation right now moving East again this right now is in mansion Chester New Hampshire if you know any friends or family by the way in this area make sure to let them know give a call or text there is definitely a possibility here that we do have a tornado or at least a funnel cloud or a wall cloud U from the reports that we’ve been getting so far in the photos it’s been mostly just a large lowering and if you do have any photos or videos you can at me on Twitter at Max velocity WX you can at me you can message me if you have photos of your own here’s the latest scan still got strong rotation over the east side of Manchester New Hampshire clity should update in a second yeah that rotation still strong I mean it’s it’s been like this literally the entire time the entire time it’s been like this we’ve had nothing confirmed aside from the Dublin brief Tornado soide from that still got rotation over East arford I mean all these both these storms are rotating there’s no doubt just we have not been able to confirm anything we also haven’t really had much of a visual on it you know again radar only does so much with a radar hole like that in New Hampshire we also have a storm in Maine right now that has rotation um that’s back over near Brownfield so that’s something else to watch for that has a little dangly hook on it too moving East Northeast all right let’s go back to we just go back to Manchester for now and that rotation is approaching Auburn northchester uh Raymond and eping New Hampshire will be next on the track of this as well if you’re an eping be ready I would almost guarantee you if this rotation continues we’re probably going to have a tornado warning over an eping wow got some crazy photos in um in Hartford let’s see if I can show you guys them in a second it’s very eerie in Manchester it’s a view from Chris on Twitter look at that very eerie it’s like looking in the backyard and you got this large another little lowering there in the background do you not want to see that sort of stuff in in your backyard with this sort of storm especially the Manchester storm right now wow look at look at this rotation I mean it’s it’s still very strong and I mean again we more than likely at least have some sort of wall cloud or funnel cloud with how strong this rotation is I mean this is legitimately just scan over scan it just continues to stay very strong uh this is from Chris Lemo on Twitter this is from the Hartford tornado warn cell a few moments ago look at this thing that’s the wall cloud you got you know a pretty circular you know storm base as well you can kind of see how it circles around here back over in Hartford another really impressive view here it’s unbelievable these shots on these storms and for for Connecticut this is crazy this is your storm right here your Cloud base you got your wall cloud there in the middle raggedy wall cloud jeez just crazy as I mentioned before this one in Manchester it could be on the ground I mean we just have not had anything officially confirmed the one in Harford does not look as organized over the last few scans I would still stay in your safe place though if you’re in this warning they did update this tornado warning it is still radar indicated uh with the very strong rotation 7,000 ft off the ground near Alburn probably at least have rotation you know in the the low levels as I mentioned before just east of Manchester but the tornado warning no longer really includes uh Manchester Manchester is not really included in this anymore this is from Danielle Daniela or Daniel Lima out of Manchester and another similar view pretty much I mean both storms kind of look similar this one has exploding cumulus here in the middle too which is ominous but and just raggedy kind of bottom of the storm here lots of rotation in the the low toid levels just nothing really hitting the ground right now in Manchester and again with how strong this rotation is I mean it’s shocking but nothing’s been officially confirmed on this I have another velocity scan in a second you’re just tuning in again there is a tornado warning in Hartford Connecticut we got one just east of Manchester New Hampshire uh both of which have been rotating for quite some time now nothing officially confirmed had some kind of interesting videos and you know bolt storms and whatnot it’s nothing officially confirmed the only tornado that we’ve had officially confirmed out of this particular storm is back over near Dublin New Hampshire um and that was again well over an hour ago we’ve had a lot of wall clouds ever since apparently Dallas Fort Worth H 100 degrees today by the way first time ever this year you have any photos or videos again you can add me on Twitter Max velocity WX you’ve taken any photos or videos as well send those into me bu messages and right now this particular Tor cell is going to be on track to go towards the Raymond area eping Nottingham New Market and stratom New Hampshire so those areas just be ready for this storm the hope is that once this storm gets closer to the coast it weakens because one thing to keep in mind is that the water is much colder so we should have a mixing kind of effect there near the water where storms do usually stabilize a bit more near the water you kind of see that too in you know real time over here even along the coast of near Portland just some elevated showers they just don’t look impressive so those sorts of storms are not going to be nearly um as concerning that get like right along the coast the storm year near Manchester and near Hartford still has rotation but does not look as strong as before it is currently going to be going towards Vernon Connecticut and it’ll eventually go towards tand the one in Manchester New Hampshire does Remain the most concerning by far this is still an area of rotation that we’re watching the last scan does not look as strong but it is definitely still rotating moving towards Raymond and in if you are in this warning continue to stay in your safe place as this could still produce a tornado if you’re an eping New Hampshire just get ready because this storm will be right on track for you here in just a few minutes all right we’re real quickly going to go back down Southwest too just going to checking on these other storms as well real quick have issued a new severe thunderstorm warning with a tornado possible label my thinking is that they probably won’t issue a new tornado warning unless that rotation has an uptick here pretty soon do have severe storms rolling through New Jersey right now and also back into parts of northern Delaware mostly just a wind threat I’m not seeing anything aside from that other than wind um let’s see we also have rotation in central Pennsylvania this is a tornado possible label near Philipsburg that’s on track for the north side of State College in Unionville so that’s also something to watch for over the next few minutes all right yeah if you know any friends or family back over in Connecticut just make sure they’re aware of that storm um again if you know any friends or family in any of these warnings out in front of them just give a call or text and make sure that they are weather aware and ready for this threat uh again the main concern right now for this storm is going to be the potential for a tornado again it’s moving towards Raymond and eping New Hampshire still some relatively strong rotation with this moving eastbound so just continue to stay in your safe place if you are in this warning as it could drop a tornado as it moves East the Philadelphia storm was mostly wind I I didn’t see anything rotating there uh actually just got upgraded it is upgraded to a threat for damaging winds up to 70 mil hour for that onee Philadelphia so that threat has been upgraded a little bit man this strong this rotation has been strong this entire time I don’t know what else to tell you I it’s been strong the entire time we’ve only had one confirmed tornado thus far again it could produce another one at any time it’s going to be going towards Raymond and eping but but this thing has been unbelievable it’s been going for over an hour and a half now I mean this is the storm that we mentioned literally 2 hours back that it would produce it it’s really the most favorable for producing a tornado long term and it has it’s been rotating this entire time it’s been crazy very strong rotation continues East to Manchester very strong rotation let’s go back to Hartford real quick this tornado warning in Hartford Connecticut expires in a minute so this one will probably be that’s going to be L to expire uh they have issued a new severe thunderstorm warning for Interstate 84 from Willington back through um Coventry and Mansfield and Bolton that is mainly going to be for the threat of damaging winds but there is a tornado possible label on this storm um in case it does try to go Tor attic again but at this time that warning has been fully canceled so our only tornado warning right now is this one right now here in New Hampshire for the time being this might be allowed to expire but we’ll see I I have a feeling they going to issue a new one they they just issued a new severe thunderstorm warning rotation itself is near Raymond doesn’t appear as strong as it has been in the past we’ve had some brief spin-ups and stuff with this we had a brief tornado a while back but they might not issue a new warning on this but it just it just expired right now so we’ll see if they issue a new one or not for the time being we’re back to a tornado possible label on this storm but with that said if if there is a tornado it’s going to be relatively clear I you would probably be able to see it because it looks like the area of where the rotation is is not rain wrapped at all anymore it was more rain wrapped before it looks less rain WRA now you’re Raymond thank you Daniel for the five gifted members I appreciate that and also thank you Justin for the 10 gifted members if you got a gifted membership make sure to thank both of them in the chat appreciate the generosity hey you physical for the 499 all right well we have no toy warnings for the time being so let me quickly get through a few notifications here uh thank you Anthony for the 199 I think I got them but I might not I don’t know thank you tragic for the $20 Super Chat thanks foring Ohio and the Nascar race New Hampshire today yeah the Nascar race probably probably not going to be able to get going again after this next storm comes through it looks like we’re going to have more storms over here pretty soon the C currently tracking Eastbound and then back over to the West I mean we just got a lot of convection back here but a lot of this will probably not be toric I think a lot of the activity that’s back here to the West will be mostly just some showers and storms maybe an isolated tornado in there lower risk overall though these discret cells that we’ve been talking about have the uh better shot of producing a tornado at this point so this rotation still still strong over near Raymond going towards eping and New Market New Hampshire still relatively strong here thank you potato Tim and Tom for all becoming members thank you Jack for the 499 thank you lovely for the $5 Super Chat thank you Nana for becoming a member thank you to anybody else that super chated or became a member appreciate it the race is in Franklin New Hampshire or no loud in New Hampshire I think it is it’s allowed in New Hampshire so it’s not in this particular area I don’t think at least with that said we still have strong rotation over eing there’s no tornado warning on this right now again it could produce a tornado as it moves to the east at any time now again the good news right now for if you want some good news here’s the good news again it’s getting closer to the coast all right so as it gets closer to the ocean water here right along the New Hampshire and you know border of the Atlantic Ocean overall this storm is going to be moving into this environment where there’s more stable air kind of mixing in here we have colder water offshore the temperatures are in like the 50s in the water or something like that so this storm once it gets right along the immediate Coastline near like Portsmith it should weaken more it’s not a full guarantee but it should most of the time they do especially in the Great Lakes so this storm in nature should weaken once it gets closer there for the time being it is still strong rotation and I think it will at least produce a risk for a tornado over the next 20 to 25 minutes so it’s still a threat in the short term the long term it’s going into the water and then the fish will have to warn the fish after that sun is coming out of the beach well it’s not going to be there for long unless you’re further down to the South let’s go back back to the Harford storm again real quick and I’m going to go to tilt one tilt two that’s I’m still not seeing a whole lot of rotation on the storm near Vernon still got a hook though so this could still produce something as it moves towards Woodstock Thompson and Ashford and putam in Connecticut just nothing looks super imminent on that one have a storm near New Haven 2o it is a bit outflow driven but it could still produce an isolated tornado as it moves through across Southern Connecticut so that’ll also be something to watch for yeah this this storm’s been long lived and again we kind of expected this right we mentioned this like over an hour ago we kind of thought you know this could be the one that drops the tornado and it did at least briefly touchdown I mean it wasn’t a long touchdown but there was a brief tornado back in Dublin um but aside from that this has not produced anything from what we know while we’re over here I’m going to see if we have any live cams out in front of this see if we can see anything friendly reminder if you are new to the channel make sure to subscribe down below also today’s live stream is brought to you by radar Omega if you need a weather app to stay ahead of the storms you can download radar Omega on IOS and Android with the top Link in the description below it is the weather app we’ve been using this entire live stream so I highly recommend you check it out and top Link in the description below back to storm relative velocities here it’s been long live lived strong rotation 7,000 ft off the ground in New Hampshire still trying to they have not issued a new tornado warning on this um again from what we’ve seen visually like with photos and stuff it doesn’t look like it was like imminent to drop there was just a lot of um you know lowering just a lot of like brief wall clouds there it’s like a brief funnel at one point but for how strong this rotation has been on this Radar Site for this long there’s just been nothing that’s officially confirmed anything this is the Radar Site from Maine which still shows that circulation which doesn’t look super strong in here it looks a little bit broader but that’s right now going right along Highway 101 it’s going to be approaching eping stratum New Market and eventually ports Smith New Hampshire so if you are in those areas just continue to stay vigilant I would say at least away from Windows of the bare minimum in case this does at least produce damaging winds which it probably will to some extent and maybe produce that ice ated tornado threat as well which is still a possibility and there’s lest scan still strong rotation near Raymond New Hampshire all right safe to say there won’t be bats on radar well bats don’t happen for like another three hours that’s not even close to happening what are the chances storms are currently passing through western Pennsylvania developing the more serious storms uh I would say really the overall risk over there is quite low I’m I’m not expecting much back over there in Western Pennsylvania like all the storms that are over here they’re mostly just going to be wind there’s a chance that we get like a brief downburst damaging wind event or like a brief tornado with that activity but it’s nothing that’s concerning in my opinion I’d say really at this point for Pennsylvania the most concerning storm activity would be out of this activity near like Philipsburg for example maybe back near Philadelphia those are mostly just going to be win threats and this is actually the wind threat right now in um New Jersey that’s upwards of 70 M hour damaging winds so this is currently tracking East going towards the Manchester Township pretty significant damaging winds east of Phil Philadelphia that’ll be moving eventually towards Tom’s River Berkeley Township and Brick Township but predominantly a wind concern right now moving East yeah this is the storm that’s been rotating for quite a while we’re going to stay on this storm here for just a moment when I thinking for Tuesday’s event well Monday and Tuesday are both going to be interesting um again we’ll probably be live again tomorrow let me uh show you guys real quick as we see how look for today and tomorrow so tomorrow’s risk for severe weather goes right back to the Midwest uh that’s going to be for those in the Midwest and the Northern Plains where huge hail as possible damaging winds and tornadoes everything is very uncertain with this though it is a conditional severe weather risk if something happens we will be live if nothing happens we’re not going live um once we go into Tuesday which is tossing trampolines on tacos Tuesday we have a large marginal and slight risk across the Midwest this is another day where I expect damaging winds to the predominant concern pretty similar to today where the main concern was damaging winds going to today uh tornado still a possibility it should stay a low risk but it might increase we’ll see as we get closer and then hail risk will also exist so it looks like we’ll be live on Tuesday Monday is uncertain but Tuesday looks likely thank you Justin for the $50 Super Chat you are crazy I appreciate your generosity Justin has gifted I think 130 members in the last 24 hours I I you’re just crazy I appreciate the generosity what’s Mars in the chat for Justin all right we got a fish warning we got our fish warning for those off the coast of York you know any fish offshore make sure to uh let them know give him a call or text water spout is g to be a possibility along with the potential for wind gust they’re 34 knots or greater I didn’t even know I used to live in New Hampshire and I I didn’t even know this island existed over near gosport I don’t know I don’t know what this is smudy nose island appledore island these are interesting names duck Island never heard of any of those well the latest scan showing pretty tight rotation again near Raymond we again we could get another tornado on this as it goes in to the east towards Portsmith just in case it does I’m going to take a quick 60-second break I’ll be right back e all right we’re back I was just off the the islands off the coast of New Hampshire last weekend beautiful I didn’t even know they existed I literally I’ve been I’ve been to Portsmouth before too had no clue maybe I was just too young or something who knows gritty Island imagine imagine there was a gritty Island that’d be insane let’s go back over to uh we’ll go back over to main first this okay that’s interesting a new tornado warning has been issued I don’t know what’s going on my my entire thing just glitched out all right we got a new tornado warning in West Virginia that’s near Morgantown so if you’re in this warning seek shelter away from Windows and on the lowest floor possible uh brand new tornado warning again over near Route 250 that’s it right there that rotation going right towards fair viiew in West Virginia so again seek shelter away from Windows lowest floor possible for Fairview Grant toown Mannington Georgetown and Edna as we yet again another T warning here in West Virginia let see if we have any live shots out of this area not really but again this is currently a tornado warning in West Virginia not anywhere that we’ve been talking about for the last like two hours so just an FYI this is pretty far down to the South but area of rotation pretty rain wrapped right now it’s actually an organizing storm the rotation has intensified just a little bit over the last couple of scans it is rain wrapped so don’t try to look for this just get to your safe place away from Windows lowest floor possible this is that area of circulation right now that we’re looking at right there near Mets it’s moving eastbound it’s going to be going towards Fair viiew Grant toown and Georgetown over the next several minutes if you’re in any of those locations again make sure that you’re getting to your safe place away from Windows and on the lowest floor possible all right we’re going to keep a close eye on that it’s still broad let me go back to uh New Hampshire real quick is this rotation intensified on the previous scan we still have a pretty strong pocket rotation near eping New Hampshire it’s going to be going towards New Market and new Fields so if you’re in any of those areas I would make sure that you’re at least staying Vigilant and weather aware we could still get a tornado with that as it moves East going to be just to the north of exitor eventually moving towards Portsmith and Greenland you Anthony for the 9999 anything for Western Connecticut tonight uh most main concern at this point will be wind the tornado risk should be pretty close to zero at this point for that part of Connecticut we have a little bit of weak rotation near Middletown but it’s it’s not much I really think the main concern will be a threat for um just damaging WIS all right going back to morgant town here and we have a tornado warning right now back over in Morgantown in West Virginia and just west of Morgantown if you’re in this warning again seek shelter rotation is trying to intensify right now near Mets mov towards Fairview and Grant toown just Northwest of the r the Rives Ville area West Virginia also the Storm Prediction Center just issued a new mesoscale outlook for New England so Southeast New Hampshire Eastern Massachusetts Northeastern Connecticut Northern Rhode Island area of greatest tornado threat uh will be in this area it’ll be pretty uh spatial it be basically a very lowrisk overall but that’s the area where we’ll be looking at for the tornado threat um so basically the storm that we’re looking at right now near Portsmouth all the way back towards the one near Hartford is where our best chance for a tornado or maybe another but maybe one or two tornadoes will exist over the next couple hours so that’ll exist here for the next couple of hours until sunset happens and then daylight heating will kind of kill off that threat overall you bless for the Super Chat here’s the latest radar scan a little bit more rotation on this now near mets has intensified just a little bit on this latest scan and this is currently tracking to the east it’s moving towards Georgetown in West Virginia the amount of people get mad about their being a tornado warning and it cuts off their programming for watching baseball or whatever it is is kind of crazy I people that complain about that is just crazy to me because baseball is apparently more important than somebody somebody’s life that that’s in the track of a a torn adct supercell apparently that’s where we’re at I mean goodness gracious I see it all over Twitter I’ve been seeing it all over Twitter for the last like two hours I don’t know what baseball events even happening today like are the Red Sox playing are they are they playing to lose I mean they they’re not even good this year who cares like the World Series is happening unless we’re talking about the I don’t know if the College World Series is still happening but goodness gracious this is why we have YouTube though I don’t nobody’s complaining you can you can go to watch baseball if you want I mean no complaints here sucks game is over apparently they won today yippe who who really cares there’s 100 180 games in the season anyways losing one barely means anything here’s the latest radar scan here yeah rotation coming together a little bit more a little bit more you’re Mets in Fair viiew still got rotation moving East all right we’re going to go ahead [Music] and let’s go back over to New Hampshire here we actually have a new tornado possible label in New Hampshire that’s going be near the gorm area in Berlin New Hampshire actually a little tightening there for a moment near Jefferson so we got a little bit of rotation here near Jefferson moving East in New Hampshire still something that could produce a tornado as it moves eastbound so again if you’re in that yellow polygon just continue to stay in your safe place back near Portsmith this storm’s been rotating for a dog’s age at this point and right now the rotation is broadening a little bit I would expect this to continue to broaden as it goes towards Portsmith still stay weather aware just in case but it looks like that rotation right now is beginning to broaden quite a bit uh they do have a new severe thunderstorm warning west of Danbury in Connecticut that is going to be for Monroe in peaksville or Peaks kill or Peak Skill in southeast New York main concern here is going to be damaging winds up to 60 along with the threat for quarter siiz tail the storm that is west of Providence Rhode Island that one’s weakening pretty quickly as well um again I would really expect most of these storms that are trying to fire in here they’re all I think just going to weaken I mean this is just one here uh that’s still going but I think it’ll weaken more as a mov East I think this shower activity is going to stabilize the environment across most of Massachusetts uh this storm in southern Connecticut could do something funky maybe bring an isolated tornado or just damaging winds back over New Jersey mostly a wind concern right now this is all outflow driven storm activity so I’m not expecting really any imminent tornado threat here but at least expect the potential for damaging winds upwards of 60 to even at times 65 to 70 mph State College just north of State College also under a severe thunderstorm warning they do have a tornado possible label on this storm let’s check this out and we do have a little bit rotation just west of Unionville so right there there’s a little bit of rotation right now just west of Unionville it’s north of State College so if you’re in this warning it’s very rain wrapped rotation if you’re in this warning continue to stay in your safe place going towards bellafont Center Hall milheim and Mingo Pennsylvania let’s go back into Northern West Virginia uh that rotation still going so we could get a tornado with this as it moves towards Morgantown it’s been organizing quite a bit over the last several minutes no problem kid appreciate the 199 also thank you Willie for the 199 appreciate it by the way this tornado warning that we have right now it is currently located in um Wetzel M Mongolia and Marion counties in West Virginia no we don’t we don’t have any CC drop on this there’s nothing confirmed but the rotation has been kicking up just a little bit over the last few minutes it’s it is organizing so we might get something as this goes towards Morgantown and Morgantown is is really the main location in the track of this um which again we do have live cams there but nothing yet to see we’re going to keep a close eye on it though because we do see anything morgant town is a much more populated area of West Virginia which is a bit more concerning but again it’s still a little ways away this is a live shot here out of Morgantown area very top right of your screen maybe a that might be the storm up there can’t really tell there is a surprising amount of traffic here in West Virginia in Morgantown I don’t know if I’ve ever I don’t know if I’ve ever actually been to West Virginia but there a lot of people there give another radar scan here you know honestly going into today I really didn’t like I I kind of mentioned this earlier like I feel like there would only be like I don’t I didn’t really expect a tornado outbreak today even with the 10% tornado risk but I did kind of think I said it last night too I thought the 10% tornado risk was a little bit high for today’s environment the environment looked way worse two days ago like when we when I looked at it two days ago we kind of talked about it in our video too uh legitimately the you know the threat looked way worse it looked like we would have multiple tornadoes that would be strong potentially but once we got closer just you know the environment didn’t look as favorable for it so I’m not entirely sure I don’t know I I I didn’t think the 10% really was needed this morning but that was just my opinion again that’s just my opinion that’s I’m not the National Weather Service they do a fantastic job by the way but I just kind of thought today’s 10% was a little bit high for what it was now the capability if there were more discret sales I do think we would have had more tornadoes but it just kind of became clustered pretty quickly in some areas with that said we still did have at least I think at least two tornadoes we had one in Northern Vermont had one in Dublin New Hampshire we may have had a few others that have not been confirmed yet a lot of storms were rotating too we had a lot of rotating storms not all of them produced tornadoes but there were plenty of rotating storms thank you Kaden for becoming a member and welcome to the velocities thank you Dan for the $10 Super Chat appreciate the generosity still got rotation right now in near Fair View um Rockingham County in New Hampshire just got a big upgrade on the severe thunderstorm warning go into that real quick Pittsburgh by the way now under a severe thunderstorm warning for damaging winds up to 60 or the Northwest side of it you have now a golf ball siiz tail threat on the storm in New Hampshire and wow that rotation Has Come Together Again west of Portsmouth I’m surprised there’s no to warning on this that rotation is pretty strong again this this thing’s been going forever I mean it’s not really where let let me look at the Southern Radar Site here the southern Radar Site doesn’t show it as much but that is still relatively strong rotation near Portsmith this thing’s been rotating for literally ever right over Highway 108 right now and there’s a there’s a live cam in Portsmith I’m looking at not seeing anything yet this is what it looks like alive in Portsmith It’s relatively ominous just again not really anything we’re going to see yet but this this storm in particular right now I mean there’s just a continuation of strong rotation at least off the ground I mean again we’re looking 7,000 ft up into the atmosphere like this thing’s been rotating this entire time been pretty unbelievable how long this has been rotating but if you are in this area just you know again continue to stay in your safe place at the bare minimum even though there’s no tornado warning but at least just stay in your safe place just in case this does something uh but by the way I was mentioning but the golf ball sized hail threat that’s what got upgraded on this so it is a considerable threat right now for large hail uh after this the fish will be impacted in the Atlantic Ocean so if you know any fish over there let them know let’s go back to the Morgantown tornado warning or just west of Morgantown still got rotation near Fair viiew West Virginia again it’s not really that crazy right now but that’s still the area that we’re looking at for the potential for a tornado so if you are in this warning continue to stay in your safe place in case it does try to drop a tornado as it moves to the east uh Morgantown again is going to be something to watch for so we’ll be watching that area closely by the way U I do want to throw this out there I I’m looking at a live cam I I don’t think I can show this one but I’m looking at a live cam back over here near Portsmouth it does look like there is some sort of funnel cloud on this but I’m not able to show it but there there is a funnel cloud that was on this storm near stratum so or at least some sort of dangly bit it might might have been scud but like it looks more like a funnel to me I mean again I would stay in your safe place fing this morning there very well could be a tornado on the ground we don’t really 100% know but I have a feeling that there is something happening here still thank you by the way just Joan for the $20 Super Chat no problem at all appreciate you tuning in and thank you for the generosity I don’t know this just is it’s unfortunate that we don’t have a Radar Site kind of in here in the middle somewhere if we had like a radar site like near Keane that would solve so many problems or even you’re like conquered we need to ban radar holes that’s what we need to do the radar holes in the Northeast really kill me still have Rotation by the way near Unionville near going towards bellafont in Pennsylvania so continue to stay at your safe place if you’re in that warning even though it’s not a tornado warning still could produce a tornado or at least damaging winds tornado warning does continue near fair viiew with some broad circulation approaching Grant toown Georgetown in near the rivesville or rivesville area west of Morgantown this again could still produce a tornado as it moves to the east so continue to stay in your safe place just in case it does anything here normally not a problem you have to worry about there are some places I mean there’s a radar hole in New England the one I kind of pointed out um there’s also a radar hole in between Iowa and Missouri right along the border that one’s horrendous that that one’s the worst one in my opinion like we get so many tornado warnings in like Central and Northern Illinois or Central and Northern Missouri that you know a lot of them don’t actually produce anything I’m retweeting another video on our Twitter page at Max velocity WX of a tornado that did happen earlier in Dublin New Hampshire there was a brief tornado on the ground that was really the only tornado that we’ve officially had confirmed today this what I’m talking about by the way there’s there’s a radar here there’s a radar here there’s a radar here there’s nothing here at all it impacts a lot of areas too like the other problem is like there’s hail storms right and hail storms make like can contaminate the radar as well and when that happens like in Iowa for example that central Iowa radar site it’ll look South but if we have storms that are like rotating like this it’s going to catch the hail core and that’s going to be all contamination for the most part so it’s it’s kind of a rough situation I mean all around it’s it’s it’s just tough It’s radar holes are horrendous I they’re really not helpful for anybody now we could also be like Canada where they have like almost no radar sites so there’s that that’s my Spiel on radar sites while we wait to see if the storm tries to intensify there’s no tornado confirmed on the ground at all right now they have updated the warning it now includes Fairview Grant toown Georgetown and just west of Edna in West Virginia just to the west of morgant town there is still a lowering on this storm believe it or not there is still a lowering on the one over in in Portsmouth this thing has had a lowering literally the entire time it’s unbelievable it’s still going it still has one near Portsmouth now at this point we got about 10 minutes until this thing’s offshore like there’s 10 minutes until we have no view of this it’s going to be in the water impacting fish but this thing has literally had a I mean it’s had a lowering the entire time I just saw a video of it and it still has it it’s quite literally unbelievable just trying to see if we have any other live shots of it in the area might be a fish NATO it might be we might get a fish NATO here we’ll see so again in Rockingham County New Hampshire near Portsmith could get a shark NATO very possible let me see if I can show you guys that photo of the lowering in a second here’s the latest scan and honestly like looking at velocities on radar it doesn’t look like it’s about to produce it looks broader it’s still I mean it still has a dangly lowering we’ve had it literally the entire time but like the biggest thing with this right now is that it it’s going to be going into the water in like 10 minutes so the hope is it just goes offshore and you know doesn’t impact anyone on land which I don’t think it will I think it’s going to stay broad but yeah it’s just crazy like this supercell we we could go back in time like forever and I mean this storm has been rotating literally for the longest time this began let’s go back 100 frames here like this this began this storm it began all the way back over near albony and it has tracked this entire time with rotation it really started rotating here right and near keing New Hampshire I mean it just kept going just kept on plowing along here that’s what a lot of instability does in this environment we have a ton of instability lots of moisture just kind of everything that you need for that storm to live it just kept going really impressive to see that in full motion yeah any rotation that we have right now would be on the south side of Portsmith and it’s about to be in the ocean and I think there’s a funnel cloud there is a funnel cloud on the storm so it’s still rotating and this storm’s not been worn at all this entire time trying to get the uh video up give me one second this is what just happened a second ago here in Portsmith this right here top left of your screen moment ago in Portsmith and it’s about to go offshore but again there’s a funnel cloud I’d be in your safe place here in Portsmouth I’m surprised how many people are out about walking right now out here you’ll see it more clearly in a second you see it right there at the end look at that right there that’s like the little spinny Vortex that we have on this very top left of your screen you can barely see it but it’s right there yeah I’m just surprised that this storm does not have a tornado warning with how much rotation we’ve had this entire time I don’t think anything’s actually dropped but rotation been there the entire time that’ll be offshore here in a second but it’s right just along and south of Portsmouth so just stay in your safe place if you’re in Portsmouth for a few more minutes if you’re there in New Hampshire still have the tornado warning West Virginia um let’s go back to that real quick actually never mind we don’t that has been canceled just kidding so no tornado warning there for the time being to 10 severe thunderstorm warnings kind of sporadic everywhere right now we mostly have a wind threat with most of these storms could still see an isolated tornado we actually have a little bit rotation your Woodberry um New York that’s been developing don’t think it’s really imminent but it’s something to watch for still a little bit of rotation as well near we Sox in Pennsylvania so we got a little bit of circulation right there moving to the East and East Northeast going to be going towards Lee Rayville and Montrose in the forest Lake Area all right let’s go back to Portsmouth for the time being this is that Rotation by the way that we’re just looking at right there right over Portsmith and KY so that little dangly funnel that we just saw that that’s moving offshore here in a second but that’s where it’s at it’s on the south side of Ky and now on the east side of Portsmith it’s about to move offshore entirely well fish NATO it’s about to be a fish NATO over over the water just sou of York after that I think we’re done with this story yeah no tornado warnings at this point which again we could get another one but none right now by way I got a photo earlier I forgot to show you guys this this was from earlier this is back over in Jamesville from yesterday somebody sent this into me this is the Jamesville damage that we saw from yesterday from the Wisconsin tornado obviously we were live that entire time um um just giveing an idea of the damage again we had some pretty significantly damaged buildings there in the Jamesville area and so again I don’t think we have any official EF rating on any of that stuff yet I could be wrong but they are doing storm surveys and they have probably been doing that all day today so yeah it’s at least EF zero damage wow would have never guessed but yeah unfortunately the weather there was not very good yesterday I had a bad feeling about yesterday and I actually had a better feeling about today I honestly didn’t think today would be that bad and it hasn’t really today has not been too shabby it’s been mostly wind we’ve had obviously a couple of tornadoes but nothing too substantial and today again there was no really hatched risk I didn’t really expect much of a strong tornado threat other than when that supercell in Southern New Hampshire like this one here was going for a while like I kind of thought we might get something like a strong to out of this if it did really get going never really did we only had brief touchdowns but yeah all right that rotation about to move offshore we’ll be done with this one we do have a new tornado or new severe thunderstorm warning for kabach uh Maine that’s going to be for 60 m per hour winds and quarter siiz tail it does look like the threat right now for severe weather is going to be going more driven towards damaging winds and also isolated um tornadoes at this point that’s where we’re going right now and even the tornado risk it should still stay pretty low tornado watch is currently still going by the way for another hour here across New England so Maine New Hampshire Vermont New York and parts of Rhode Island and Connecticut still included in this watch uh for the most part Upstate New York is done most of New York in general is done with tornadoes um the only risk really would be in this little quadrant down here that we still have some storm activity in and then back over in parts of New Hampshire and then Vermont we still have a couple of storms out there that are trying to do stuff but really the only storm that I have any concern about is this one that’s going to be just south of Manchester center it’s going into an environment that’s already been used up quite a bit with that other supercell that’s been ongoing for a while they’re basically taking the same track so this particular storm will probably continue to produce at least a potential for damaging winds and maybe a brief tornado threat but the the the threat there should stay low and then the storm over here just to the northeast of brettonwoods near Berlin and gorm that one particular is still mostly going to be a threat for damaging winds there is a tornado possible label on that but I’m not super concerned right now about a tornado risk on that um we also have the storm near Lichfield here in Maine which is going towards Augusta this should be predominantly a wind threat as well but maybe an isolated tornado and then back over here on the Portsmith storm warn the fish if you’re anywhere south of York there’s still the potential for a water spout there all the storms though in Massachusetts and uh even Rhode Island and even into Connecticut they’re all kind of fizzling out here so the only storm that I have any concern about right now for Connecticut would be this storm back over in southeast New York where there is still some broad circulation east of Interstate 87 that’ll eventually move into Connecticut here soon mainly on track for Danberry that storm definitely has potential for maybe an isolated tornado as that moves East by way if you are new to the channel make sure to subscribe down below we’re currently about 160 subscribers from 292,000 make sure to subscribe down below we’ll keep it posted with the latest like the stream also if you found this stream informative thus far we’ll be live here for a little longer we’ll see if anything does happen um but again I think after now I think the threat is going to start to go more just driven towards wind but we’ll give it some more time and see if anything gets going in terms of a tornado risk thank you for tuning in Wendy the Jamesville tornado was given a preliminary ef2 what National Weather Service office is that can you give me a reminder I was going to look at their Twitter oh yeah the uh yeah so it is a preliminary ef2 for uh J the Jamesville tornado hey Robert you too any concern for South Jersey main concern would just be wind at this point there’s not really going to be any tornado risk with these storms these are all outflow driven in New Jersey so mainly just a wind threat as these move offshore yeah we also got another fish warning out here just off New Jersey we could see some some flying fish potentially some flying fish fish by time says 6:01 well we are in Eastern Time Zone which I actually remember to change before we went live today I usually don’t remember to change that stuff usually we’re on the other time zone but good thing we changed it I’ll have to change it back if we go live tomorrow for the Midwest to central time because we’re going to go right back to central time we got a threat of severe weather in the midwest tomorrow and then we also have a threat for severe weather on Tuesday in the midwest so we probably will go live on Tuesday Monday is uncertain at this point so obviously just make sure you subscribe to the channel also we’re currently five members away from having a gritty today so if you want to become a member we we’re only five members away from a gritty end the stream yipp join buttons down below if you want to become a member and also today’s live stream has been brought to you by radar Omega if you want to download radar Omega it is the top Link in the description below on IOS and Android um again it’s only $8.99 for the base version got a lot of features including live radar feed and as well as lots of customizability you got the radar um you can I just had a brain fart the the tracking tool sorry the tracking tool that you need to see on radar Omega you can track out storms and when they’ll actually arrive to your location probably one of the coolest features you can also watch live cameras and also in addition to that you can see um stormchasers that are live inside the app so again you can download this on IOS and Android with the top Link in the description below on IOS and Android you also if you subscribe on the app if you had a subscription there’s also options to upgrade and you can get uh different sorts of things like the satellite imagery and as well as the computer models which like the HR model for example you can get on the app that is an impressive view here in Tennessee right now of the uh storm this is on one of the radar Omega Cyclone ports pretty Skies there there a few live cams in Tennessee we’re just going to kind of dabble around here and see if we see anything real quick just out of curiosity it’s really probably one of the cooler ones unfortunately there’s some rain droplets on it that’s a pretty one got the sun beaming right now through the thick layer of clouds in Tennessee thank you do Katie for the one gifted member thank you Brennan for becoming a member thank you Laura Lola sorry for becoming a moderate velocity member and thank you Daniel for the five gifted members if you got a gifted member make sure to thank Daniel in the chat looks like there will be a gritty today yippe see if there’s H anything else over here you know these radar Omega cyclum ports are actually extreme useful like there there’s a ton of them and really one of the best parts about them is that we were able to spot a tornado a little bit before it officially got confirmed back near Chapel Hill you guys may remember that from our live stream but um yeah I mean it’s it’s actually extraordinarily useful we had a large that that ended up being that that storm was a tornado emergency um so like you know that was able to give us an early heads up yeah that was probably the coolest one that we had there tornado warning in Canada we don’t really cover tornado warnings in Canada very much um can I can look at it real quick I don’t know where the tornado warning would be in here I can just take some guesses wow actually got some pretty impressive supercells up here this one right here south of Halford that one’s actually kind of impressive it’s right along an alow boundary we could even get a large tornado out of something like this north of northeast of Rison it’s actually pretty impressive does tornado warnings in Canada this is not that this not that rare this this does happen a bit more often during this time of the year I mean in general tornadoes in Canada are a bit more rare than the United States but like stuff up here this part of Canada I mean really really anywhere along the border I mean this is kind of far north this is a bit further north than usual but like usually down here in like very far Southern Canada it’s more typical to get tornadoes but this up here is actually pretty impressive and this storm in particular South Halford is actually a really impressive supercell kind of reminds me of what we saw yesterday but this is way more discreet flavor water do I have it’s blue raspberry I usually have blue raspberry all right let’s check in on the radar real quick again just going to double check to make sure we’re not missing anything here most of these storms as I mentioned before are mostly just wind producers across the board in the um in New England I was about to say the Northeast but New England back over in New York we still have a broad circulation south of Newar but I I don’t think this is going to do much should be predominantly a wind concern with maybe an isolated tornado and then back over south of Binghamton this storm did have some rotation looks to be weakening it’s mostly wind east of State College this is also at this point just wind maybe a brief tornado the one that’s back over near Morgantown that one was weakening still got some broad rotation I mean I wouldn’t Ru out another tornado warning on this near rivesville but it’s just awfully broad same thing north of Waynesburg in in Pennsylvania and then obviously the New Jersey storms these have been going for a while too these are mostly going to be wind as they move offshore I wouldn’t Ru out a brief spin-up but it should be mostly just a damaging wind threat as those storms move East so nothing to be too concerned about at this point for today that’s nice Vi at Pikeville now for tomorrow as I mentioned there is a chance for a uh severe weather event that could be a bit more significant in the Upper Midwest we could see a severe weather outbreak but it’s very contingent on what happens in the morning tomorrow so tomorrow morning in Minnesota and North Dakota showers and storms will Rumble across these areas the main concern in this area is going to be the threat for mostly just rain but we could end up seeing the potential for some significant severe weather during the evening maybe a mesoscale convective system but that remains awfully uncertain at this time so that’s what we’re looking at tomorrow um I do want to go back to Canada because I just noticed we may have a tornado on the ground in Canada we don’t usually cover Canada but south of Halford look at this thing I don’t know what part of Canada we’re in but this is south of Halford south of Kor it’s a crazy hook echo on that thing and that I think that is a tornado right there got debris signature it looks like that is crazy these tornado warnings and tornado watches don’t differentiate differentiate each other I have to fix that let me go to tornado warning on Canada make it like really thick these radar scans come in every like six minutes this could be a pretty big tornado in Canada right there east of 340 there’s really nothing that we can verify quite yet we’ll have to get another radar scan to verify it it’s a bit more of a lower resolution radar but pretty solid chance that there is a tornado on the ground Northwest of the Lang Langham area moving towards heern and Waldheim this storm’s been kind of crazy we got a lot of storms like that there in Canada than you g for the $9.99 appreciate the generosity also thank you Shelly for the $25 venmo do appreciate that thank you for your generosity this might be the hook of all time here in Canada I was just talking about that the alow boundary the hook is right along the outflow I mean this is a pretty primed setup for a strong tornado if it does develop Max Canada weather I don’t usually cover Canada but this is pretty crazy I I just did shell appreciate the generosity thank you for the $25 VMO thank you for coming a 16-month member as well is a long time actually somebody’s actually on the storm right now there’s actually a chaser in I don’t know how you even say it Saskatchewan Canada I think that’s how you say it there’s there was actually a funnel on this a few minutes ago and now I think there is a tornado on the ground going towards heper and walim if this does drop a tornado I actually might cover it here for a little bit depends on how other things go I that was perfect pronouncing perfect pronunciation that’s actually insane that’s that’s actually absurd I’m I’m like 99% sure that this is a tornado on the ground just for those that are wondering um again we don’t really have any sort of official update but a Scot youan Canada where this tornado is just waiting on a new radar scan should be in here in a second I’m GNA see if we do have any sort of a live view of this as well see if we can see anything just waiting for another radar scan on this store I you know the problem with Canada is that these radar scans take absolutely forever like we we had to wait like six minutes for this one so just putting it out there but that is the latest scan see what the velocities and all that update with this is real you know this is really kind of far up to the north it’s kind of crazy what it is this is relatively far north this is the live shot here as well this is where the if there’s a tornado it’s going to be back in there somewhere can’t really see it might be that right there everything just blends that’s the problem it might be it in here somewhere can’t really tell I don’t see a debris signature here that right there would be if there is a tornado it be right there it’s right in the hook it’s going to be a full this is probably I I think it’s on the ground and just looking at the uh you know picture here I’m pretty sure this is on the ground I it’s just again it’s so hard to tell in this shot I think it’s just all rain wrapped in here we probably have a tornado in here somewhere or something like that it looked a bit more outlined a second ago I just don’t see it now while I be live tomorrow it’s conditional and Storm’s firing up I think we’ll have Connor cof out there so we’ll probably go live but it’s just conditional on Storms actually firing do These Warnings even get confirmed in Canada like I I again I don’t ever cover Canada I never even look up here I don’t see anything confirmed officially on these like I I don’t know how they do all that stuff I really don’t I don’t really pay atten to Canada very often but like just trying to figure that out this is the storm a little bit further away yes we’re in Canada we’re inotan Canada right now this is Uncharted Territory on the max Velocity channel the only reason really why I’m up here is because we got a monster supercell probably producing a pretty large tornado southeast of Halford right there I know there’s a cha there was there is a chaser in this area there’s definitely a possibility that we do at least have a tornado um yeah there’s there’s definitely a possibility it is on the stronger side of things just it’s very uncertain it’s harder to tell on these Canada radar sites I mean we got velocities right now that are being estimated about 70 so I mean there’s at least some level of tornado on the ground it might not be strong but there’s a possibility it is with this sort of storm and when we have outflow an outflow boundary connected to a hook Echo like this we we saw it in Texas it’s obviously not the same environment as Texas but like you know down in Texas we had this happen we had a tornado emergency uh on that storm too that was back a few weeks ago south of Midland and it looked very similar to this it was moving south though um so there’s a possibility that this is actually on the stronger side of things but you know as I mentioned before it’s just it’s very very uncertain not really any way you can tell with this type of radar presentation we should have a another radar scan in within the next two or three minutes and I’m not sure when we’ll actually get one but should get one probably in the next minute actually we we’ve been waiting about 9 minutes for a new radar scan I’m an international tornado tracker we’re not going in International now I I again I do think there’s a tornado on the ground here at least at least was at one point it’s rain wrapped not sure if it still is it’s north of langum and west of duck lake in Canada oh have another storm up here that’s kind of doing the same sort of Little Jazz up there just waiting for another radar scan here it’s confirmed I think it’s been confirmed by storms Chasers in the area I’ve seen a few reports of it on Twitter so I’m pretty sure that I’m pretty sure this is is confirmed by stormchasers again if the tornadoes it’s going to be right in here where’s the outflow see got to wait another Eternity for this velocity scanned update hey Tristan for becoming a VIP velocity member put some arts in the chat for Tristan that is our highest tiered membership on the channel I do appreciate your generosity the velocities if they’ve updated yeah I mean the good news right now is that this is a really rural area it’s not really I mean there’s really just a lot of there’s roads here but there isn’t really much here here’s the latest scan I mean we still have strong rotation south of 781 right now so I mean there’s there’s a chance that this is you know still on the ground they’ll be moving eventually towards Waldheim and heern in Canada and Saskatchewan so those are the areas to be watching for but I mean this storm again is just it’s a very rural area right now m east so I wouldn’t be I mean again if you’re in this part of Canada just make sure that you’re staying weather I mean we don’t really cover Canada very often um if it was a bit more populated and like there’s more places here I’d probably You Know cover it more but I just don’t think it’s really needed right now wall time would again really be the main location which is still ways away uh Northeast right now we’re not looking at much other than just wind for the most part um damaging winds up to 70 now across the New Jersey Shore back through areas near vinand other than that all the severe warnings have ended across most of the Northeast we are down to six severe thunderstorm warnings uh we even have one in Arizona but the bulk of them back over in the Northeast are done so we are pretty much winding down it looks like on severe weather there yeah I don’t know what tuny size tail is I couldn’t even tell you they they say tuny size tail I don’t know what that is I’m pretty sure that’s like the I think that’s a I could be wrong I’ll give it one more radar scan cuz I think we’re only a few minutes away from it and if nothing crazy increases here I don’t think we have to be too concerned about this yeah we’re in Saskatchewan Canada this is actually a view of it right now the storm look at that very ominous a$2 coin they have $2 coins there should do a live stream on covering Canada storms I don’t know it would have to be something kind of up there for me to cover it you know this right here is really elevated these clouds those are so elevated a little bit lower here on the right this is facing south on Martin facing south on Highway 12 um don’t even know where in the world that is I think it’s over here somewhere find Martinville it’s facing south towards SAS cun unless that’s looking North that might be actually looking North that’s where the storm is that type of cloud layer doesn’t look right for looking South there’s nothing down there we’ll have another radar scan in probably a minute if we we’ll wait for the next one and if nothing happens we’re done thank you Carrie for the one month membership I do appreciate that I cannot believe I I don’t know if Ricky Forbes is Canadian but I cannot believe he’s up there today if he isn’t like if he if he’s just chasing up there like I I don’t know maybe he was looking at the environment or something like I would have never even thought about going to chaseing can if I’m a stormchaser I’m I’m staying in the United States let me look at the tornado parameter values up here real quick I I’m curious on this environment actually I would see why somebody would Chase up there it’s actually a more impressive environment than I kind of thought he is Canadian okay that makes more sense say that’s a long drive if you’re in the United States to get all the way up there the photographs actually look really favorable though I mean this I don’t know what the risk level is today in Canada I don’t know what that’s all about but you know pretty crazy I think the worst threat of severe weather today is actually in Canada and not in New Hampshire or New England or anywhere like that before end the stream by the way make sure hit the Subscribe button we’re 70 subscribers away from 1 or 292 so make sure to subscribe to the channel there’s at least 70 of you that are probably watching that aren’t subscribed so make sure hit the Subscribe button down below it is free to do it’s the red button here’s the latest radar scan update doesn’t look as organized as before we’ll see what the velocity show though well 21 people subcribed we’re still 49 away 49 away from 292 Reed mentioned us the other day who’s us all right velocities have weakened quite a bit I don’t think it’s on the ground anymore I think it was on the ground there for probably about 10 minutes or so and then it just kind of fizzled so that’s that’s that it was interesting though I we don’t really ever talk about Canada so definitely a little interesting storm there another severe thunderstorm warning for Philadelphia that’s for wind up to 60 so damaging winds up to 60 will be possible there can I sing the Canadian national anthem I don’t even know what it is all right let’s do the gritty and then we’re out of here oh my goodness I don’t know what our gritty count is even at anymore I don’t I I have not been able to count at this point how many gritties we’ve had we’ve at least had it I don’t know how many we’ve had but we’ve had too many it’s at least been 10 I think now if anybody knows the count let me know if if at me on Discord with the count if you know what it is if you know the exact number at me on Discord Max velocity WX or actually it’s just you can just join our Discord server and at me if you know the exact number at me if you don’t then don’t add me or favore okay well that’s it for today’s stream appreciate you guys all tuning in subscribe to the channel if you’re new here um also if you need a weather app download radar Omega it’s the top Link in the description below on IOS and Android it is the weather app that we’ve been using this entire live stream highly recommend it has tons of customizability live radar feed it’ll keep you and your family safe in addition to that keep speaking of keeping you and your family safe you can pick up a Midland weather radio with the link in the description with 10% off please use the link it supports our page uh the Link’s down below it’s also going to be in the chat if you want to check that out Midland weather radios you can get 10% off with the link and the code that is in chat and also in the description follow us on Twitter follow us on Facebook those are all Max velocity WX um again if you’re new to the channel subscribe severe weather at this point again is dwindling it’s mostly going to be a wind threat from here with maybe one more brief tornado risk aside from that not really expecting much all right we might be live tomorrow I’m not sure we’ll have a video at least um and then Tuesday more likely than not will be live so we’ll be live again for the Midwest on Tuesday uh after that who knows all right so appreciate you guys all tuning in have a great safe rest of your night and we have I think about hit 292 we’re about to hit it there you go all right we hit 292,000 subscribers on the way out the door all right we’ll see you guys all again soon have a great night join our Discord server links in the description follow me on Twitter follow us on Instagram follow us on Facebook all of those are at Max velocity WX and um yeah appreciate you guys all watching see you guys all again in the next one bye-bye


    1. couldn't watch all those hours but thank you for this coverage. It might save someone's life in that area. Mainstream news could care less to warn us.I found out about tornado risk in NJ from one of you independent weather guys.I had checked nws and accuweather real quick, as i do every morning for my area and it said 0, nothing about us having a possibility of a tornado.

    2. 10:10pm. You are the greatest weather man I have ever seen. Thank you so much for sharing your talents with all of us. I will be joining or subscribing very soon – God Bless you! You are a gift to all of us ! Linda

    3. In reference to the chat message at 1:16:12 . . .

      The guy who sent the message is referring to himself as literally the most sigma weather guy ever.

      A sigma male can be characterized as a successful and popular individual who is also silent and rebellious.

    4. @MaxVelocity
      Streaming to weather warn NE and all US mainland. Is it true you shaved personal time, vacay hours to weather warn? Now that is visionary!
      Much gratitude
      @MineFind 2:24

    5. storm chasing in VT/NH is next to impossible. For those who have never been to New England, absolutely every road is a twisty and windy/hilly road that meanders every direction with massive trees on all sides. You can't see more than 500 ft in any direction unless you are in a town. It's so opposite from the midwest where there are open plains and long stretches of straight highway.

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