My first solo trip and i had the best time. Everyone should go on a solo trip at least once in this life. I highly recommend!!!!!!!
    Guys i really hope you enjoy watching this vlog as much as i enjoyed creating it.
    Please remember to LIKE, COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE if you haven’t.
    I hope you do enjoy watching and i can’t wait to read all your comments 💕🌸



    HOTEL LINK: I stayed at room 302
    Tipp: Booking directly from the hotels website is cheaper!!!!!

    *Santorini cruise was booked directly from the hotel. You could check on get your guide though.

    I N S T A G R A M
    T I K T O K

    F A C T S A B O U T M E
    AGE : 28
    BIRTHDAY : 26th December
    LOCATION : Duisburg, Germany
    ORIGIN : Nigeria
    CAMERA : Canon M50 ( From Amazon )

    #travelvlog #cretevlog #greecevlog #solotrip #santorinivlog

    have you ever seen a [ __ ] like and every lady give me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] guys so I am done getting ready and this is the dress I look incredible as always like sometimes I’ll see myself and I just feel like picking up the phone and calling my mother and telling her thank you Mom because you did a thing thank you Mom for giving birth to this dumb s because are you crazy I you insane okay I’m going downstairs to go take the [Music] pictures hi guys good morning good morning this is day three in GRE so guys a lot has actually happened since morning I don’t know with my camera is kind of like I have no idea if you can tell but I actually changed my room this is the room I booked initially guys this trip ah so I kind I first of all booked four days um and this was the room I booked but then everyone I told that I booked four days in like 4 days what are you going to do there in 4 days what do you mean you might as well just stay back I was like okay okay then I had to like book another two days and this room wasn’t available for that two days so they gave me another room which was the old room I had so today I had to move down here I asked them if it was possible for me to continue staying in the other room but the told me know that the the old room has been booked for today so I was like yeah so I had to like um carry all my stuff down here and again I slept so hard I almost missed breakfast guys I woke up at 11:00 I went to bed at 4:00 yesterday night cuz I was trying to see how I could transfer all the clips from um the phone to my laptop just so I can free up a little a bit of space to continue vlogging but I wasn’t successful but that’s by the way I’m here now today is [ __ ] day I am so excited finally finally I am going to the beach and as someone who grew up in Inu Nigeria we don’t have any Beach there so I’ve been to a beach before but I’ve never like um stayed on a beach before so this is like my first ever ever ever like beach day experience and I’m so excited let me show you guys what I’ll be putting on so this is my [ __ ] wear guys I know I haven’t been talking a lot on this Vlog and that’s actually on purpose because I don’t want to Yaba Yaba Yaba Yaba you guys I just want you guys to see what I’m doing and I also don’t want this Vlog to be long so this is my gym so this is my [ __ ] wear I got it from Sheen I don’t know if you guys can see so it’s like this I’m going to waar how you guys will see it very soon then this is oops give me a second so this is the bra thingy I see that and it has like this skirt cover up so beautiful but because I have to walk um through the streets to get to the beach I think it’s actually a beach club yeah so this is I’ll be covering up with this this is from primar and this trouser this linear trouser I got from H&M so let’s get ready I am so excited guys so I am done getting ready I want to show you guys something you see such glasses I never believe that I could pull such glasses off or like it’s going to fit me but well let me show you something sorry come again you are saying N I know you see this like I know you see this what the hell so let me quickly this is the bag I am going with I got this bag also from Shen so let me pack the stuff I’m going to go with I have a glue oil here this is also scented I have another oil for like the pictures to pop you know um so I’m going to put it inside here a lip gloss this is my hand cream from rituals a book I may or may not read this book is so good I started it on the plane and it’s just it’s just so good see I found €1 I have some tissue disinfectant sunscreen my wallet I don’t even know if it’s a good idea going with this because I will have no one looking after my stuff when I go into the water so you know what I’m just going to go with my card yeah I’m just going to go with my card yeah but where do I keep it though okay I’m going to put it inside the book should I just empty my card okay I’m going to empty my wallet and just put the card inside I don’t want someone to just take it I feel like there’s something inside so I’m just going to try to put it inside this book so this is the cover up of the bikini pants this is another cover up in case it gets a little bit chilly so the weather outside is so nice so it’s just my phone and my airpods that going to come inside here also the camera and we are ready to go I don’t know if I should wear this is the full fit by the way I have the sleepers I go from New Yorker I don’t know if I should tie this like this I don’t know if I should tie it should I tie it guys I don’t know let’s go to the beach Bach bit let’s go to the [ __ ] hey let’s go to the [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] let’s go to the [ __ ] hey he again other glasses sorry like sorry for you J like you your make over feeling to swing like guys I forgot to get a towel so I am going back to the hotel now to go get it very very C and [Music] frustrated Alex ABS take a look ins such your heart is there any room for me I would have to hold my breath you down because you only want to hold me when I’m looking good enough did you me you a [Music] picture you find me ugly and one day you disappear point of cing it was never for even you me was iight the boys boys he doesn’t see us you’re not looking me Bo he doesn’t see you’re not [Music] looking enough [Music] good one of me he making fun of me his girl is a bu of me like that boy is a cap saying he home but I know where he at like he BL guys you see this live you see this content creation life it is not easy I look like a m man and I’ve been here for like I don’t know I’ve literally been shooting for the past one hour taking pictures and all that and know I just want to relax I just you know want to relax and have a cocktail there’s another [ __ ] Club Clos by they I think they offer like drinks and all that but the sun beds they 10 to rent them so when I saw this one I was like please give me this one one is free not 10 years I can use it and buy a cocktail I’m 9 J babe let me see if I can order something to drink Jesus and the way people are looking at me like uh Al is good are you okay oh my God literally this man is looking at me as he’s looking at he cannot remove his eyes from why stop look I know you’ve not seen a goddess for please just stop with the stairs oh my goodness like you send me a p my [ __ ] cuz he know what I’m when he hit me I’m not going to respond but I don’t sleep enough without you and I can’t eat enough without you if you don’t that me don’t like saky [ __ ] he doesn’t see you’re not boy good Bo good Bo he doesn’t see you [Music] guys so I am back at the hotel right now I quickly took a shower because I wanted to enter the city and I’m ready I’m rushing because yeah there’s no time guys the way time flies by I really had the hopes of like doing otd with you guys here on YouTube but it’s that’s not working time is passing whenever you are having enjoyment that is one time we remember to be running to be doing the same boat but yeah I’m going to show you guys in a minute guys I lost my remote control at the beach today crazy and my camera actually died so I couldn’t like feel much and that beach like it’s not like a serviced Beach the side I was at it’s not where you go and they’ll be bringing you fruits food and drinks it wasn’t that type of beach so proba maybe some other time when I go there I’ll go to the side that is serving so I can like order stuff cuz I’m actually very hungry my top is H&M this Maxi crochet skirt is from TK Maxx I actually got it because of this trip um yeah then slippers I have this from Zara I wasn’t sure if I wanted I wasn’t sure if I wanted to wear this one from New York car or this one this is the one I have on right now but I think I I ended up wearing this one cuz this one kind of brought the outfit down so yeah I want to enter the city just see the city a little bit buy like proper cretan they call it cretan in German I say cretan but here in English you say cretan food like cretan snacks and then like buy a few S I just see what’s going on in the city it’s quite hot so yeah let’s go guys I want to come back early today I need to start posting stuff I haven’t been posting content because no time no time let’s go [Music] oh my God there’s aara guys I found Zara let’s go see what theara looks like guys I think this is cute looks cute let me try it on beautiful eat so we eat and make crumbs this is also cute guys very nice yeah this Fountain is very significant here all the Tik toks about creis that I’ve seen has this Fountain so I really don’t know the story behind it but as you can see there a lot of people like so many people the people are looking at me like I thought Germans could look but people here the Greeks I don’t even know if it’s the Greek themselves but the people are looking at me they are not so much black people I don’t know that’s why they always like so looking at me but yeah so I’m just looking for somewhere to eat right now I will have to settle down and have dinner here I’m not like a papa get ready with me and go to fancy restaurants so so let’s see let’s find someone that it’s very nice to eat and as I’m talking right now there are two men by my right literally looking at me it’s crazy it’s crazy you guys see that guy wearing black on my back he was looking out um I think inside is okay because it’s a bit it’s a bit fresh outside yeah can I sit over there how many just me um you for like these uh single tables uh okay but I don’t want to sit in the middle I can sit here okay thank you so much hold on I think this one is res there oh okay I’m not really sure but no I don’t want to sit that [Music] guys so I found this place uh I want to eat pasta so I found this place that has like huge Italian Vibes so I think that means the is going to be good so I’m just going to sit down here and [Music] [Music] [Music] SP the okay thank you so much it’s okay can I have like um pepper chili chili thank you how much is this so you you told me one year no one year okay this girl want to literally she wants to rip me up she gave me the flow okay take it take it I don’t want it anymore okay okay thank you oh my God this little child literally just ripped me off right now she gave me this flower I’m told you it was for €1 then I asked her to take me where to buy ice cream so I don’t know like she was saying something I really don’t let me get to the hotel I’ll tell you guys very well cuz people are kind of looking at me okay so um let me see what you have what’s that topping for the ice cream oh okay [Music] okay you want me H let me see what you have normal chocolate caramel Oreos okay Oreos thisse [Music] no thank you thank you so much YouTube bye [Music] I [Music] m [Music] hi loves it’s now much later in the day I think around it’s not even that much it’s around 1 120 and I’m ready to go for my Safari experience I don’t know if I mentioned that this morning morning well I booked a safari experience the whole Boogie driving through the Safari is it called Boogie be Boer it’s definitely not B but Boog you know that big motorcycle you get what I mean you get what I mean I’m going to show you guys later so they’re going to come pick me up at 1:30 and it’s 1:20 so I really have to rush I was so productive today guys I edited pictures edited a real Ed a YouTube video guys a vlog is uploading as we are speaking right now um yeah hopefully it will come on tonight so I want to do a quick OOTD for you guys I just threw on something very comfortable I have this linen top from H&M this bag you guys already know by now my What’s this called the Singler or whatever it’s from I think Primark my shorts is from Zara at this point Zara needs to sponsor me because what the hell Zar and H her name sponsor me thank my sandals I wear a sandal because I need something comfortable and something that won’t fly away my sandals are from espr I think last summer all the activities that I’ve done here in gree I’m going to put like the location and the price and the rting everything is going to be in this Vlog literally I’m going to edit this Vlog so hard that anyone who watches this want to come to gree no information will be left out I wanted to put on some makeup or I don’t know if like I’m be sweating so I just decided to leave the glasses I don’t even know if I’m going to need them but we just put it on okay bye guys [Music] [Music] this is St right yes yes okay hi you can I sit here yeah okay thank you thank one two one [Music] thank you you’re welome [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah okay okay [Music] okay this hotel we go there on this everybody go everybody guys we stopped at this Village so I ordered like the trag food here in Greece it’s called p and some orange juice yes this is giving me donor Vibes honestly guys this is the best orange juice every other orange juice I’ve had for now is just Rish cuz this is pure orange very good [Music] he m [Music] hi guys good morning good morning so today is day five in Greece and today is s CH day oh my God I am so excited I am holding back myself from showing how excited I am because um a lot of people are kind of watching me now like the people I’m going on this trip with but it is a so amazing I feel so blessed when I heard about this trip or this cruise I was like yes please give it to me I mean I’m already in Greece so why not go to Santorini get so yeah um it’s quite early now it’s I think it’s like 7:00 so we’re just waiting for our bus to come pick us up and we are sking to Sant I look cute by the way and my hotel packed me a lunch boox how cute is that I don’t know if you guys can actually see what I’m wearing I have this um white shirt from Zara this is from H&M and the black pants also from H&M the slippers is what I’ve been wearing literally the whole trip so yeah S4 to go back to your hotels now please follow me guys I picked up my ticket and apparently my name is [Applause] [Music] amaka hello okay so I am finally s right now and honestly like when I booked this trip I didn’t know what I was thinking about I wasn’t thinking it was going to be this huge like this sheep is mive like literally I am sit number 29 just on this road and a lot of people here it’s crazy I’m so excited by I’m actually so happy you guys can see that’s outside so I could Lally stand up and go outside so yeah I’m excited C here we come there like a little cafe over there so guys the day is planned in a way that they will take us through some Villages and I don’t know if we will have to Embark like when we get to these Villages or not but the final Stu is likeing and you know we get to come down see s have food and all the I beautiful can we get into the skin like this one here I’ve been doing different since I came on this but that’s by the way so when we get to S we have time to like do anything want to do and then they will come pick us up after that I’m so excited today’s my last day actually I don’t know if I mentioned that today is my last day in and I am so angry CU I am actually so hungry and my hotel are like no C the nicest people but now I can’t open this [ __ ] oh this is so cute this sandwich a this so cute [Music] guys we are now in Santorini this is a lot of people [Music] [Applause] for you thank you guys we are now walking through District of s me it hasn’t been much to see actually um my glass is kind of falling off my face it’s a little bit too big for my face so I’m having to like adjust it the whole time so one I just had the best frozen yogurt now and it tastes so good I think I’m going to buy it [Music] guys I need to change my outfit cuz I brought another outfit here so I’m looking for like a toilet where I can change it in the middle between 250 M from here is a clock tower [Music] [Applause] [Music] the views just keeps getting better what the hell is this who be this guys now that’s a view I actually wanted to change into another outfit for the pictures but unfortunately the outfit was kind of not working um the girls were all over the place and there was no way I was going to wear that here so this view is breatht it like like it’s giving santain I want to buy a svir for myself and for my family and friends there’s a bracelet I wanted to buy but I just feel like it’s overpriced it has like a little Chanel engravement on here or I’m not sure and I’m also like very very hungry I just PR this videos I know like too dark cuz I have to like reduce everything the sun is so bright this is the best time to come to places like this because if you dare come in like June July where it’s like I don’t know 35 40° you’re going to run mad so please don’t do it okay so let me go look for something to e cuz you’re supposed to go back to the bus at like 1 and there’s a frozen yogurt I tested it was Heaven so I think I’m going to go back decide if I want to buy the bracelet buy the frozen yogurt just something else to cuz I’m actually very hungry and then see you I want to fly s you see Tenny this is the place Tenny sang about lovely so those ladies said I should go down the stairs that it’s a better View and there’s no one there so down the stairs we are going oh my God I hope I Lear four go through here it is not easy trying to Vlog for YouTube for Tik Tok and for Instagram oh my God I feel like I’m [Music] lost okay okay [Music] oop oops sorry [Music] morning wow hello so we are back at the hotel I am back from santor right now I just went to the bar you guys saw that I had a drink today like I said is my last day and I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who made it to the very end thank you guys so much I leave tomorrow and I am so sad like this has been the best trip and the best one week of my life my recommendation is that everyone should at least take a solo trip once at least once in their life guys I have like a breakout here but that’s by the way the quad biking yesterday was very lovely our instructor was so nice very funny like everything I did was just so worth it like at this point I’m not even mad about all the money that I spent because it was so worth it this is an experience that money can actually not describe I am so grateful to God for being here for doing this for myself and it’s just it’s just like I’m just so grateful and I’m grateful to you guys for giving me out an outlet to like showcase my life my experience and share my experience with you guys as well all the information about restaurant hotel booking whatnot shall be be in the description box below or even on the screen like I’m going to type everything as they are happening okay today I just need to pack right now and go to the club later on and I’m not going to film that because I just want to have a time where I am not worried about content and all that so with that being said we have come to the end of this Vlog thank you so much for sticking with me and yeah until you know another travel Vlog I promise you guys there will be more of this as long as there’s money flowing in thank you so much guys please give this video a thumbs up and do share like comment please please follow me on Instagram and on Tik Tok thank you so much for all the love on TiK ToK by the way and also on Instagram I love you guys so much I picked this necklace up I don’t know if you guys saw you guys definitely saw when I picked this necklace up I also picked up a Bango yeah I picked this Bango up as well so this is like my svir to myself for being in grav thank you guys so much good night bye [Music]


    1. Amara, I'm sure right about now, that your family and friends are so happy and excited for you, enjoying this 'AMAZING' solo trip! Money is meant to be spent, when you go back to work, you will earn more! Life's too short! Glad you had a great time, and hope you have a safe trip back to Germany! Blessed Sunday!

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