Review of the 2024 Engwe Engine Pro, what’s new with the Engwe Engine Pro, what’s stayed the same and in the next couple of videos how does it compare to the Engwe Engine Pro 2.0 … 2 identical bikes, two different specs.
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    so here we are bottom of the 15% 120t about 112t Hill Climb across a third of a mile um bike don’t make it up here it’s not worth having do love this color really do uh I’ll get some really good photos of it later problem is trying to get color grade onto different devices but I assure you it’s as good in the flesh as it looks online anyway let’s get up that hill right let’s go I’ve got a bit of I’ve got a bit of vibration at the back mud guard but that’s nothing new tell you now that’s that’s what it is if you hear some vibration and I’ve got a bit of battery rattle but that’s just a bit of tape and you get that with virtually every bike and the roads around here are horrendous so let’s just get up this hill for now see how we get on [Applause] yeah it’s climbing this easily don’t forget this is 48 volt not 52 volt um today I’m a bit heavier than normal I’ve got 202 in my pack so brought a couple of other cameras with me plus I got my gimball mics everything else in there so and I’ve gone up to 135 so 150 uh 255 done well on it and they’re off yeah it’s lost none of its power good effort some things changed some have remained the same and one of the things that have remained the same is it’s still got regen which I kind of like that some people thought it was more of a gimmick I’ve been in situations with my old one my old Pro 1.0 where it came in handy cuz coming on was all all day a n after I’ve been up for and it did it did manage to get me home [Music] as we’re going to throw it into regen right now cuz I’m going downhill but you’ll see how it works hopefully I don’t know what the reflection is like um let’s have a look and then you ram it down into one or zero and you should be able to see the green that’s energy going back into the bike into the battery and it gives me a bit of exercise going [Music] downhill I’ve been riding around with it on eom mode level three and I can see I’m drawing 500 and some Watts from the battery instead of like the four whack and you you can tell there’s a difference between that and Sport F but it ain’t that much it’s not it’s not the worst in the world so let’s get back in I’m currently pedaling it on zero pass and especially my way it’s pedalable especially if I drop down some gears yeah as we know zero PASS gives you nothing but this is pedalable anyway let getting back into some sort of normality so we’re just coming up past the college now and to be honest if I was still at unor at College I’d get one of these over a car any day at the week cheaper to run depending on your weight 10 15 miles each way is not an issue as long as you got somewhere safe to park it Financial sense or using Financial sense this helps you save for a better car so yeah all familiar all familiar so let’s get it through town a bit what I did forget about these gooseneck and bar was how Nimble they are mentioned it before and it’s kind of more enjoyable moving this bike about with these bars on especially when you’re riding it especially when you’re riding it around town makes a massive difference I mean I’ve got BMX handlebars on my main bike and and I’ve mixed feelings about the modding of that anyway but I just remember how good these are for maneuverability yeah it’s really maneuverable anyway Let’s uh drop some cogs and take it through [Music] town see who steps out in front of me today or at this tries running me off my bike every time I do one of these videos I have to cut it out where somebody’s either cut me up or nearly at me off my bike or walked out in front of me and the walking out in front of me normally happens day and here the suspension feels exactly how it used to feel same as what’s on the X the same as what’s on the pro pro 2.0 it’s exactly the same so riding it R time it feels as Nimble as the pro 2.0 with a few ex exceptions these bikes are virtually identical they really are there’s just there’s some one things that the one’s got that the other hasn’t um there’s no clear winner you I’ll explain to you why at the end of this video I’m guessing some of you actually know weight field as good as I do now from the videos but I’m trying to put some familiarity into these videos so you can get some sort of sense of the differences between the bikes personally I don’t want to do every video the same because some bikes deserve a little bit of a different ride out to show their strengths so you can see I’m pulling up this hill in sport mode level 5,300 wats of power from the battery which is a lot speed kills range weight kills range there’s nothing worse than range anxiety only imagine what these Tes a lot going through especially when you’re stuck in uh petrol station somewhere for a couple of hours waiting for somebody to release a charger you just want to get home it made it up that very easily very easily so now I can pop it back down into let’s have it an Eco for a bit leaving in look so level five level five in Eco is still pulling me out about 560 Watts no nearly 600 but it’s enough use the gears it’s enough so today for a change I’m going to take you where I learned to wind surf when I was younger can’t wind surf anymore I have all the balance of a a rocking horse and where I got my last puncher so let’s go try these tires out to see how puncher proof they actually are cuz it’s very grally very sharp gravel and it’s a nice little spot so let’s head up that way so here we are heading into puges it’s a nice spot this I’m guessing cuz the sun’s come out for 5 minutes today it’s going to be ramp packed but so if you can see in front of me you can actually hear it probably that gravel it’s all sharp and this is where I got my last punch here before I started using Tannis armor and I do come up here quite regularly so yeah it’s a lovely spot right here and this is just like three miles at the centeral White Field thank [Applause] you yeah the uh the gravel is not the best it’s pretty sharp but it’s good test for these tires and make it own and I’m only a couple of miles from home so if have to push the bik back I got to punch here it’s kind of our test I’ve had my bike around here with the tennis arm running not a problem no I’ve had it around here a few times to be honest great I recommend Tannis armor been using it for a long time now couple of years that and flat out and since I had the last puncher here cuz I didn’t have it in I’ve not had a puncher since luckely like I said there was only a couple of miles from home [Music] [Music] [Music] so when you start Ping it get it own you can do you can set it up so it’s got cruise control on it so this is what I need because you can get the exercise gently what’ you think of it you know like it’s not me out which is what I want but you see I don’t get no exercise on that no I think there is as you can see that guy loved it and he’s buying one the thing is if people had a place to go where they could give these a proper test ride I could sell these all day long and over the years i’ probably sold 20 or 30 inadvertently just by letting people have a go of bikes they love them once they have a go they all come back with that silly smile on their face every time somebody has a go for the first time of one of these bikes they all come back with that silly smile on their face it’s brilliant it’s absolutely brilliant like I said I can sell these all day long well we’re coming down into new Miller Dam it’s another another lovely little spot it’s a few miles out the center of Wakefield probably four and guess who lives here Jam McDonald we might see her but we probably won’t cuz she’s away filming in Japan or something but yeah it’s a lovely little spot around here and new Miller dam is a park let’s Gob a look yeah these are the woods that are attached to new Millan and it’s a fabulous spot really is quiet peaceful sort of place you want to come just for a nice quiet walk around but it is quite a big part and there’s Hills and there’s places that you can go off it’s far bigger than you think even looking on on a map and I think if you carry on down there that takes you out towards barnley yeah it’s a cracking spot this it’s um I’m lucky to live where I live which is like this is only four miles away from where I live which is brilliant thank you so no doubt there’s places like this you can nip off too near you they’re all over the country and all you have to do is hunt them out and they’re normally not far from you unless you’re living in a city London but even if you’re living in a city London you know there’s places to explore you’ve never been before that you can go on an evik the mental health benefits of these things are just massive and just getting out of the house and not having to worry about what’s going on and you know it’s just takes your mind away it just puts it somewhere else I don’t know if any of the eagle ey amongs you have noticed yet but I lost the mirror yesterday I broke a mirror so i’ to swap the mirrors out today which was annoying I think I can glue it back together some those meow things in the really expensive I think they’re up to about 35 C each now and then you have to wait two weeks for them to turn up so it is what it is I could spend a few hours just riding around here exploring this place on the bike I you don’t have to go around like a mad man other people are here so you have to expect that but more a cracking way to get out and get some fresh air and so this is the short loop around the park which is pretty sweet as you can see at is for a nice spot to just sit and just have a sandwi and found my trailer with me in my portable chair I probably set up here Tranquility in Whitefield who’ have thought it imagine being here today so tranquil [Music] for to be honest I just want to jump in there so now you know with Jan McDonald probably walks her dog every morning well when she’s in the country what a lovely spot this is right onwards and upwards going somewhere else it’s probably going be a bit windy up here the sounds going to be like but this is sandle Castle and this is even closer to the center of weight field a couple of miles and up here it’s a hell of a view over in the distance let see if I can zoom in that’s Emily Mo Tower which I’m planning on visiting sometime soon piece of walking in history that’s what this is and over there in the distance is puges where we were yesterday I say there an hell of a view up here just a couple of miles from my doorstep and we’re back amongst the traffic coming up into the center of time again let’s through a big long hill so I’m not just going to go up this hill I’m going to go past pinderfields hospital and then back down it’s just basically all uphill from there you’ve obviously seen this hill before well I’m barely pedaling coming up here um well I have got it as highest mold and as you can see s of struggling pressure-wise I’m probably putting 10% of my capability into the bike and it’s it’s just there you go this is just all I feel I mean you drop the Cadence down sensor down or go into another level I just want to burn a bit of this battery off there you go you might be able to see that regen work in there look see the green bring it down to zero or one when going downhill and that’s a regen we saw how easy it came up this hill I’m kind of although this isn’t a 52 volt I’m pretty sure it can get up that nasty H I’ve genuinely forgot how powerful this bike is start into regen full regen going on there look so this is that really nasty I came up the other day on the 2.0 and made it up didn’t really enjoy it but it did make it up so like I said I forgot how powerful this bike is so I’m going to take this one up instead 48 volt versus 52 volt let’s see what happens I think I’m going to throw it back down here after and Bri in get some of me power back as you can see it’s making it not as easy as the 52 volt but there a a lot in it and there we are that’s the worst of it let got some regening coming back down you might be able to see the battery going back up look plus it’s got battery sag obviously at the moment because we just dragged it up this hill so by the time I got to the top of L I think I was at 41% now 55% at the bottom of the a I think a lot of that was battery sag but still proves it works so now we get to go back up the other ill again straight after so I’m wondering how warm that controller is right now well I haven’t felt any slowing down this is where we normally start here at this bus stop I’m currently just turning my legs around on not doing anything but I’ll be putting some effort in this bit and they’re off drop a couple of cogs as you can see with a bit of effort it’s getting up here oh subbed under 50% battery which to be fair they’re not very accurate could be anything and as we come up to the 40 mph sign I’m doing 14 close enough it’s done it quite admirably don’t forget I’m no spring chicken or 25y old in my Prime good effort [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so you’ve uh so you’ve seen me bring these bikes up here before um my old Pro as a picture of it here my M20 more recently my Pro 2 it’s just a nice spot you can see the prison from here actually anyway let’s have a quick look at this bike I’m going to give it a really good score but not for the reasons you think I am and then down the line over the next few weeks I’m going to do a couple of videos pitting it against its newer F the pro two but they both have good things going for them and they’re totally different in that aspect and I’ll explain that in the videos over the next couple of weeks it’s still a good bike and for all its flaws bang for buck it’s still one of the best ebikes out there um maybe I’m romanticizing it a little bit because of my old one and how it sort of pushed me more into ebiking than my rad Rover did um where I started about four years ago with ebikes but my big thing with these is the mental health benefits of just getting out the door and going on adventures with them I mean you SE where we’ve been today we’ve been some wonderful places which you probably can’t access with a car most of the time you get stuck in traffic and these things were ideal for me Adventures you can go out all day on One battery as long as you’re just not ramming it around all over the place in past five on you know sport level as you’ve seen today it demolishes ills it don’t it’s not bothered by much um I’m surprised it made it up that big hill um especially with less than half a battery left but yeah up it went and it just didn’t seem bothered by it I like the fact that it’s still got Regen um most people think it’s a gimmick but it does tend to work I have one big b bug bear with this bike that I’ll explain in the breakdown but ultimately there’s some things that are different about this bike from the original one and there’s a few things that are still the same well there’s a lot of things that are still the same but one of them still a bug bear and there’s a resolved to it and I’ll explain that again in the breakdown but I’ve had a cracking day and a half out cuz I did some video of this yesterday and I’ve done some filming today and it’s just got me out of the house in good weather anyway over to the breakdown so let’s take a look at the breakdown I’ve filmed this over the last couple of days while the weather’s been nice and it’s been an absolute pleasure been great couple of days out it’s nice got out house to be honest especially in the Sun so what have we got it’s the engine 1.0 some things are St stay the same some things are different I’ll start with the things that are different there’s updates to the frame and there’s a few of them and the frame looks more solid for it it doesn’t look like the old and the bike looks solid it really feels solid too and at the moment with my pack I weigh over £250 so I’m no lightweight going around on this bike the components are the same so the mid shock the front shop they’re still the same um that stems brilliant it’s the same they’re using on the other bikes like the X20 and the new Pro 2.0 and it’s fine it’s very sturdy it’s very strong it looks better made than the old one compared it to the one in the on the old frame in by garage and looks a different thing to me so there’s that let’s talk about the things that the same and a couple other things that bug me the connector the power connector between the motor and the controller could have done with updating the reason I say that is I pulled a few of these apart in my time and you can compress the wires while you’re trying to get them apart the new screw ones that they’ve got on the other bikes like the M20 and the new 2.0 far better solution to connection and you’re can have less problems with it so I wish they’d have updated that that seat I hate that seat and it’s the same seat they’re using across the range but it’s a minor problem we can get over that by buying a new seat the battery now this was a problem that I had with my old bike that when you get down to around about 30% that battery falls off a cliff now if you already own one you understand what I’m saying that battery can go in the space of a few miles from 30% down to around about 10% and then it properly drops off a cliff so you’re not getting a true representation in that percentage I understand the bike I understand it was what I had before I kind of hope they updated it but that percentage reading it’s well off and there ain’t a real way around it one of the things I do like is that you can see the wattage that you’re pulling from that battery that’s that’s great I really like that and I really like it on the 2.0 and I really like it on the X20 and then you can change your riding style to suit and within that you can improve your range I’ve got a solution to that problem Ang sending me out the rear battery pack the the um rack pack and I’m going to try it with that and then we’re going to see what the range is like with that but like I said at my weight I don’t expect Big Range I never did on the old one I was even heavier back then it’s a good bike it really is a good bik it was always a good bike it just had its flaws and I think they tried to address the main ones but they sort of like given up on the details although one of the details that they have done is Haven just put a screw in where the charge cap goes it’s again they managed to put in one of those little hex head things and that looks far better if it was black it’d be even better I quite like that that’s an attention to details thing but for me the battery that se had a bit of battery knock but that can resolve with a bit of tape the bit of vibration in the rear fender um but that can be easily resolved I mean to resolve both these problems a few quid so it’s no big deal but that percentage range when when you get down to about 30% and it falls off a cliff to be honest it’s probably more like 35% and it can catch you unawares but riding over the last day and a half I found ways to improve range I’ve improved my riding Style with it obviously because I ride ebikes all the time and I’m more used to sort of eing out in Eco I rode it around a lot in Eco and I quite enjoyed it in Eco when you’re drawing on around about 500 unless on level five about 5 to 600 watts from that battery you’re still doing a fair speed and you’re using less energy you can put a bit more energy into it yourself as you see I’ve sold another one that guy every time I let somebody have a go of it they’ll buy one and angu need to understand this that if you got somebody that understands these bikes that can let you have a go one and explain it to you in detail how it all works they go off and buy one and I don’t blame them these bikes are Many Adventures on their own the mental health benefits of riding round on one of these for the day it’s a mini Adventure you just get out of the world you’re in and go somewhere house and that’s what’s so enjoyable about these bikes I love it and I’m going to give it 9.2 out of 10 that c I’m not going to include that but that motor connector and that battery drop off they could have upgraded the the connector and the solution to the battery is if that was a 20 a hour battery you wouldn’t be so surprised about the range drop off you’d have a bit more range and I think that’s what it lacks I think the rear rack batter is a brilliant idea I mean I’m not sure if angu stole it from me but I know they’ve been watching me for a long time it’s a good idea I don’t care who takes it um another bug bear and the final bug bear is that throttle we need the ability to turn that throttle or position that throttle at 4 mph 6 km an hour and have that as the setting and we can’t do that with this bik and even if we had to buy new controllers and new displays there’s a Marketplace for it because for those two is far cheaper than having your bike taken away from you and the police are starting to do this I love this bike I’ll always love this bike I love the color and like I said within that of give it the score I’ll give it it’s still a good bike anyway that’s the breakdown if you want to see the review of the 2.0 it’s in my videos next video coming up will be about anyway and it’s a list of requests of things that we could do with and it’s going to be called Hey angu after that the following video is going to be anti- theft so we’re going to look at locks and ways to stop your bikes from being stolen and after that we’re going to do a couple more reviews of these bites side by side so you can get a comparison but there’s not a lot in it and they work totally differently so it’s worth watching subscribe I could do with it I’m not far well I’m at 900 I think could do it a thousand so subscribers are always welcome I do appreciate every subscriber I get and have a nice day everyone


    1. My Engine pro's mud guard vibration really pissed me off 🤣 I didn't know what it was at first and scared the shit out of me. I love the Engine Pro, Not perfect by a long way but it's a beautiful bike, I got 26 miles out of mine the other day out of a charge mostly in normal mode level 2-4

    2. I look after British ex-forces. everyone we look after is given a bike as part of out mental health program. We are moving to ebikes for those less capable on the project. 100% bikes help with mental health issues, even more so with an ebike. I like your channel and will be showing your vids in the community room. Thank you.

    3. Thanks for your videos. I’m finding them very helpful as I explore my purchase of an Engwe engine pro. Being that you’ve tested both. I see you score the 2.0 higher, but out of the two, what would you consider is the better of the two? 1.0 or 2.0. I’ll the use bike mostly for going to and from work, and a little touring. I’ve got some hills, but not particularly long, but one that’s a bit steep.
      Thanks for all your work.

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