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    📌Credits & Timestaps:
    00:00 Intro
    00:21 Dave Jones | Nottingham R.R
    02:14 Dashcamfeen | UK
    02:44 Woking TM | A318 New Haw Road – Addelstone
    03:02 KeepOnTrucking | UK
    05:22 carlosvalentino46 | UK
    06:40 David | UK
    07:22 Outro
    #carcamera #dashcam #ukdashcam


    1. The cyclist at 5:23 probably wasn't hit by a bus; it seems like his camera just fell off his bike. You could hear sounds and the cyclist screaming or anyone else shouting, cars braking or horns blaring aren't among them. The bridge and its approach road have a 20mph speed limit with average speed checks, and there isn't room for any car or bus to pass a bike.

    2. Dave Jones sure spent a lot of time telling us about the small size of the van driver's gentleman's sausage and all the things he did to compensate for it. But wasn't really the van driver you were talking about, was it Dave? And even with the struggling noises his engine was making, the van driver still got in front of him, not that that actually counts for anything, unless you have a fragile ego and are conflating how much horsepower you have with how well you fill your trousers.

    3. Can we, maybe, no longer have clips from pathetic characters like Dave Jones?

      I mean I understand: Used to be just like Dave Jones myself. But then my 8th birthday rolled around and it was time to take a more adult approach to life.

    4. The cammer in the first clip needs to take some time out to think about their actions. Goading other drivers for content then all that judgmental speculation in the written commentary, it’s not normal.

    5. Well the comments for the second driver is you sir, madam or thing are without any shadow of doubt are a nobhead people don’t need to give way to someone wanting to park the wrong direction on the opposite side of the road and to do what you did is just reckless and ignorant

    6. In the third clip, the "Careless lady driver" was already across the line and was moving as she should. Cammer was careless by seeing their green light and almost smashing into her side.

    7. 0:03 – Dave sure is reading a lot into that van's visual appearance 😅 I think the one that is insecure isn't the van driver 😬 projecting much…
      3:00 – Imagine recording a dangerous driver…while on your moped using a mobile phone 😪
      5:22 – That cyclist will get what's coming soon enough 🙄

    8. @2:40. I think like Canada the UK should ban parking facing oncoming traffic should be banned. As at night the rear reflectors are not visible, and the problem of crossing oncoming traffic and then the reverse in.

    9. 6:29 – ‘if I were a pedestrian, I would have pulled him off.’ Ooh er missus!

      Cyclist in that clip is basically an organ donor in waiting and it will be entirely his own fault. The problem is that when it happens, someone will have him on their conscience for the rest of their life.

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