Hi, welcome back! You join me for a Mountain Bike gravel terrain adventure in the North York Moors where I take a ride around the countryside exploring the trails and seeing the sights of Roseberry Topping and Captain Cook’s Monument. This stunning landscape of discovery takes us through the North East of the UK with scenic views and iconic landmarks, making it a perfect day out for any cycling enthusiast! With large climbs, fast downhill sections and gravel trails this is an area to visit and take an MTB ride around, with almost 80% of the ride showcasing miles of views from the top of the North York Moors. I hope you enjoy this video and amazing countryside views!

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    Thanks for watching this MTB Adventure in the North York Moors June 2024! If you enjoyed the stunning scenery and our cycling journey, please leave a comment or a like. Don’t forget to subscribe for future videos and share this adventure with your friends. Good luck, and see you on the next ride!

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    beautiful views this morning in the North York mos cheing in the beautiful sights doing a fairly long ride today which will take me around the very top up there Captain Cook’s monument in the meantime I’ll enjoy these nice down Hills yeah views up and out now look absolutely stunning going to keep on heading up this Beast incline and then we’ll get to some uh some fun bits so let’s get into this here we go back on the bike already picking up the rosw top end view loving this track so far we get some speed up heading down for the minute which is quite nice cuz I’ve got a full on head wind so it’s helping me out actually quite a bit to watch out for these yeah thank you yeah view is certainly open up now looking absolutely gorgeous so I’m probably going to head up there Cleveland way cool section this one nice and fast uh just had to change over back Tre first 20 minutes another girl proba actually gone this is the way that we’re heading towards Captain Cook’s monument and I can just see in the fire distance there should be hope a little bit of fun let’s get stuck into it like a bit more a Chuy section first one I there it’s cool around there beautiful Forest around [Music] there a nice Trail as well some loose STS but very nice not too boggy I think the thing I always worry more about is how boggy these trails are going to be just squir it around everywhere but have to be on the brakes for this this is pretty steep nice section there got some speed up now yeah awesome [Music] come on sheep thank you all playing ball so far Di’s done it bit more tecky yeah into just gorgeous Forest now which I’m hopeful will take me through it’s where I’m aing for all new adventure so they took me about about an hour to get here today yeah well worth it I think I’ll be heading right here get up here some parents these legs I like a gear for this oh no grip yeah just made it through that little Forest there which is gorgeous and uh not seeing anyone yet so it’s very very quiet around here for Saturday morning but yeah beautiful views and you can actually see where I’ve come from now there the trail that leads down here you can see L seat and all the other Peaks might be a little bit of hiker bike action again looking at the trail and uh lack of grip that I’m getting when I’m putting the power down so yeah let’s get up this and see what’s at the top yeah definitely some hiker bike going on now very pretty though yeah I could never have ridden that last section was far to uh single track and fern infested [Music] very cool some cracking views up [Music] here yeah finally back to a bit of down hill which is nice is uh a lot ping up so we can set this path around yeah nice jump up there as well he awesome rid these ones a bit all right just slightly po off but the other guys but it’s all [Music] right going to head up this [Music] Trail look so I got a downhill this little downhill section to go for now should be cool [Music] very nice I’m not sure what this is on the right hand side looked a little bit like a house from uh quite far away but really not sure I’m in [Music] treed H let’s go inside there all some old kind of Bunker or something and uh yeah not sure if you can see but you can actually see they they see in the far distance and that’s how far we’ve come which is nice and uh you should have probably whip B and then all the way up to Harley pool and obviously so on up the C North umberland such a nice time of the year all the colors fully vibrant now and yeah making this ride even nicer looking good lovely day nice angle of RADS we topping now yeah I’ve not seen it from this way before yeah beautiful views so I might just uh head to this wall get a little snack get some energy in me and then head back so I’ll do that next [Music] cool my Rocky [Music] here yeah that was nice now there is a really good kind of route down here yeah I get some nice views but also just following a different route back really and over looking roads we topping as well you see there through the Gap looking good slow it down a bit another car coming but that’s a forest reaction going on around here looks pretty cool okay so this is the the kind of start ready I headed up there as you can probably recognize a bit ear on this morning yeah been a really really good ride just want to say a massive thank you for watching the video if you have this far uh please do give me a like very do appreciate all likes and uh very very nice feedback comments that I do receive as well thank you very much for those and if you have subscribed recently again thank you so much any who I am heading back down this route see you guys in the next one pretty soon [Music]


    1. Thank you for sharing. Stunning views on your trip. Lovely and peaceful. Captain Cook's Monument looked impressive. Enjoyed relaxing and watching your great video. Hope your weekend is going well. Best wishes Dave and Dawn♥

    2. You had to have your wits about you on that one, Russ. Pretty scary downhills with all that loose gravel and wet track. The trees, the sheep, distant views… really beautiful. Loved that still shot of Roseberry Topping. Glad you stopped and showed us that inland bunker with views to the coast (great strategic spot). We are off with our camper soon, now it's cooler.

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