Hello everyone. So in this video I am cycling in Poland while on holiday back in March 2024 going in to Easter weekend, and in this episode I decided to explore some new local routes near my hometown in Poland. So hop on and join me for the ride. I hope you will enjoy it and thanks for watching my videos. It means the world to me. Look out for Shorts I publish every now and again as well please.

    I’m sorry if the video is a bit bumpy and shaky at the times. I was hand helding the camera and due to that the camera was shaking. Hope you enjoy it anyway.

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    hi everyone how’s everyone doing today I’m currently in Poland on the holiday and so I am cycling with my yellow bike discovering some new routes just on the outskirts of my hometown just to say that this video was recorded back in March this year sort of just before Easter so just be aware of this I never did this particular route that I’m riding now so let’s see what’s next I also want to uh go and explore another route which is kind of uh farther away from here gosh I’m in the wrong gear now going uphill can’t see it in the camera but it’s slightly uphill in here so I might just turn you off for a second change my gear and get it back to you or maybe not let’s see it’s another Village uh I roughly know where I am somewhere between Bish Village and Z Village but kind of deep on the outskirts somewhere uh so yeah let’s do a bit of a uh exploring here see what we can find hey look at that villes Village V I don’t even know Village what what is the name of this Village look at this house that house was amazing wasn’t it going up the hill again so uh yeah look at those houses and this one they are beautiful aren’t they hey right let’s get off for a sec check out this place this is some bike shop they sell new bikes used bikes they do uh service and repairs I didn’t know about that one I might explore that shop bit further find out what they’ve got in here that’s a good one to know and it’s uh that white house just there that’s the place this one and that one check out this that amazing isn’t it I love that really nice bike and prti in the shop how awesome eh I’ll come back here later maybe so here we are I’m in Poland in my hometown exploring a new route that I never did before it is Saturday 23rd of March and here in my hometown we’ve got stunning 1818 degrees of Celsius and it’s nice and sunny just little bit of a wind sort of slight breeze rather than wind really I’m cycling through some forestry area as you can see there’s forests all the way around me and in fact this is a connection between two Villages that I used to take with a different route that was a a route type of a route with really heavy traffic and this is just a sort of a Country Lane with like barely any traffic so I’m pretty glad I found that route because from now on I can use this Country Lane connection rather than cycling on this busy heavy traffic air Road thing so let’s head back towards uh what stet and Spa and explore another route towards yast Village see what is going to give us so I shall see you later take care and have a good day right so we are now exploring another new route which goes from swana Village towards to Jet Village and it should connect to YCO Village as well as you can see I’ve got forests so I’m cycling in the forest there’s almost no traffic in here I’ll be lucky if I meet like one or two cars maybe that’ll be literally the most of the traffic on the route as it is a very local sort of Country Lane going through the village going through the forest I’m sorry excuse me going through the forest connecting some villages with each other there you go I’ve got one car coming from opposite wait for it hey there you go oh there’s another car that’s my two cars I probably met on this on the trout there you go oh it’s another car oh I’ve got one coming from behind surprising traffic all of the sudden bloody hell right I’ll come back to you later when we get back when we get closer to uh just a village and Su maybe as well so Cheerio and take care so check out the blue sky look at those white clouds and blue sky isn’t it just beautiful we are [Applause] exploring the out just cycled past stes Village I’m now going towards yov Village it should be somewhere at the end of this route and again we are in the forest I’ve got music on Just Me My Bike and the road what else can you ask for hey I don’t think there’s anything else you can ask for it’s a perfect condition look at that sky isn’t it just beautiful hey oh my God I’m so impressed with this weather and it’s only 23rd of March and I don’t know if you can see but my bike computer shows 17 degrees of Celsius although it’s only today that it’s such nice weather past few days the temperature was around 10 11° it was a bit of a rain here and there mostly overnight so the daytime wasn’t too bad and I believe we are now approaching yova Village just around the corter let me see let’s just go a bit farther let’s just go a bit farther there should be a sign I think if I remember that well let’s see what’s that yay asov Village check this out hey hey we are in the yovita now so I’m going to carry on from here uh so next one should be brand V Village and then rosad and then my hometown so let me take you there take care well to my surprise the route is ending here and there’s no tarmac anymore meaning this is no the connection to Brand Visa Village which I was expecting to find so I guess that’s me having to turn around now going back towards suet suana and Pisha Village and going back home that way which I wasn’t expecting at all having to do that but I guess that’s how you explore the new routes and I’m on this awesome wooden bridge now just taking me over this River oh well going to have to turn around and go back the other way which is sad but well hey ho happens I guess so I shall see you later so I’m now back in swana Village cycling back towards Nita Village and then then back towards my hometown since that other new route wasn’t a connection and the road just ended in the forest at some point which I wasn’t expecting this but well it happens so it was good to explore that and to get to know that so um yeah give me a sec and I’ll be back in uh Bish police car I just had a police car going past me while I’m cycling and recording the video I just hope they not going to pull me over so I’ll better to put you away now stier so this is the end of my route I mean almost the end I still got another what around 10K until I get home so most likely that’ll be my last ride in Poland uh as I’m uh heading back to UK just after Easter and we are in a good Friday today so I’m just going to be busy with my family over the Easter period so I won’t have time to do any more rides so yeah most likely the last the last briide in Poland weather is gorgeous still uh it’s got a bit windy now so I’m going into the wind but it’s fine it doesn’t bother me so yeah I hope everyone is going to have a good Easter or you had a good Easter cuz that that video might be out after the Easter so let’s hope you had a good one and yeah enjoy your day and have a good one take care and bye-bye

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