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    oh that’s really loud wait where am I show you now share my for don’t share okay uh hi everyone I’m Tor Glendon and thanks for joining me today for overk group tuition yeah uh some you might have heard this before a few times but uh for every crash course for every wa2 topic recap the Tor has to say so if you have heard it before you can just inally read myself intro okay yeah but yeah hi welcome to group tution uh we promise to give you the best learning experience better okay we promise now the C thing there uh in addition to so right now we are having the lesson in our BMA campus pretty nice just beside corination Plaza right opposite n girls high uh in addition to that we have seven other locations uh koven bua and M parade are where we call home we have extra outlet for Topo J W and tanes those are our satellite campuses why you talk about this so basically if you a student like CL over there but s hasn’t stay near any of these places you can come to our Cent to study 24 hours when I say 24 hours I mean yeah if I some strange reason at night 3:00 a.m. you want to go and study and do some Physics dyss you can you can go to our main Peri campus let us know we’ll give you a keys but I don’t think you do that okay right uh besides this uh we have threee online learning resources if you want so do check it out at our website okay and if you like the free stuff joining us you get even better stuff which I think CH knows in addition to good materials I think you get pretty good teachers who gives you a lot of jokes and makes learning more fun okay uh at our centers we believe that the kids come they are hungry here and there okay even though you pay one school fee we’re not going to charge you extra for stuff if you’re hungry we have food for you to eat uh reason being our founder used to be a student then he will share about the topic W last time I student hungry study then time you spend money on food early no money go dating so he told himself when I open a center right I need give free snacks to these kids not so much about the money but it cuts our profits but end of the day the kids come in and study they hungry get there some snacks okay all right so Fe flow snacks some of my my students on the weekends okay the home I close one ey but don’t do that but yeah free snakes okay and yeah uh if you have access to our centers generally some of the students are have been studying there quite often and they make the little small communities so K we have one they stay there the entire Saturday or Sunday to study after the tution sessions the whole day okay good work on that right you can stud your friend and yeah you can have unlimited consultation to at over okay so teaching philosophy key thing is we help you prepare for exams by helping you understand and problem solve those people who are reversed know that once we go past June we go back intensive on the practice questions because true practice you understand better so clar is thinking I can’t look I can’t wait for my intensive practice papers for Bio maching okay okay all right right then is our tution rates basically you are cheap pretty cheap compared to other centers can get compare we are pretty comparable and fair okay can right then this is my personal contact if you want to connect with me I’m on IG most of the kids me on IG then I see interesting IG stories like I realize you pretty money can go forers concert bu concert I’m pretty certain this Sunday I see all these kids going for I concert you got so to buy for me is the go die fan then so I do this to at least 20 different students of them who’s are you then like yes I got chance they up sold down okay right so hi I’m Glendon uh before I teach you bio I thought be good to share with you why I can teach you bio okay uh I did a degree at n so the left most picture that was me studying okay quite a while back then I went to ni to become train teacher then in the midd picture I did my teaching career atasi junior college so I thought JC up jc1 jc2 set four set three set two set one basically I can teach anyone who’s taking bio long story short on the right side it’s a fun fact about me I used to play FL ball for Singapore you knowall it’s okay see once again don’t know B don’t knowall life is hard but it’s okay key thing is I like I like to play sports I like to play sports okay now Hobbies why okay I love to cook this are some stuff that I cook before all of these mostly will cook doing C breaker when the teachers a Beat more free after 2 p.m. class Ender ey close thatt can get cook okay so I enjoy cooking a lot and cooking is quite little to biology especially the topic on biomolecules okay now Hobbies I everyone don’t care about the B but they only care about one thing this is my favorite singer aola okay so as mentioned earlier whenever I come to this slide all the kids give me the face you must be some Boomer man who is this who’s that are you like the greatest singer in Kore no they start shouting that Sarah don’t know whatever girls grp I don’t know but yeah this is the singer who is going to reach Singapore in tomorrow and I can’t see no she’s here probably but I can’t hear her sing tomorrow I didn’t bother buying the tickets yesterday also I’m like Li CH for it are you an a fan ter no start listening to a music quite nice quite nice I don’t know if a in but yeah I’m a fan okay this is my track record long story short I help you improve in BIO if you happen to need help in bio okay okay if not let’s get the class started and at this stage most people ask where are you your is not there correct yeah I join last year November I was doing other things before that I was training civil servants of other countries yeah so I CH the B of other countries F all right okay let’s start okayy uh because I know clear said last topic before it’s not going to be a recap it’s going to More Les be a proper teaching topic okay now okay menstral cycle okay uh you should be more familiar this than n because yeah I’m a guy okay but M cycle generally for the context of every single question in your syllabus you need to immediately know that once you say menstrual cycle it’s going to last for 28 days now I know Lally speaking in real life okay how I know I’m married okay M cyle doesn’t always T hit 28 days okay but don’t worry in the exam they disregard the fact that menual cycle in natural life will vary just assume is 28 days so it is a 28 day cycle they can give you a question this menual cycle extends Beyond 28 days straight away what is the implication maybe some B pregnancy like kind of stuff okay and I realize I can ask you question because you okay sorry pause for while I need give late the notes okay so it’s like a game a left and L joined it’s okay it’s okay no worries I’m just happy to have one student to teach this too okay hi leting can you hear me test test test test test test yeah test test test test test yeah Le there’s a QR code on the screen now can you please scan the QR code to get the soft copy version of the notes that I’m going to go through okay once done I’m going to continue back to this right so yes I was saying so joury once it ends before or extends beond 28 days you saw more less there indication okay now uh part of the question also ask you what are factors which will affect the 20day cycle and I think naturally being a lady you more or less are more attuned to this than most guys or male students who are learning from the first time so what I always tell the students is this the environment okay of the lady anything can affect her menstrual cycle Lally anything so we tend to specify certain key things in the environment firstly the diet okay the stress level okay and overall health now this is not in your syab but I’ll explain to you the biological reasons why diet stress level and health will affect uh meal cycle so when you of menstrual cycle if you roll back clock when does your first menstration happen generally on the onset of puberty when we think of puberty what kind of biochemicals come to mind what things control puberty but what things only have to exist in your life doing puberty hormones ah hormones hormones okay so hormones so generally you have lot hormones so hormones if you didn’t know in your body the hormones that are you going to learn for this okay for they control your sexual production all the organs progesterone and estrogen they come from cholesterol what that’s so cholesterol then if you hear modern day media does cholesterol sound very good you fat chicken e don’t eat that Jolly Be chicken fat chicken high in cholesterol but it tastes very nice french fries they say hi cholesterol but generally everything you hear cholesterol cholesterol people are very afraid then there also a general movement of everybody to want to eat cleaner less oils and stuff like that so if some people okay like me before my wedding I to lose weight like I went on a very strict diet no deep fried food no oily stuff just every salad chicken breast what not boring super tasteless but it’s okay all for the the Glam for the wedding so my diet is very has very few cholesterol if I don’t have much cholesterol okay can my body have cholesterol to make hormones no okay so just a fun fact not fun fact okay and to Google online Jenny if you are a lady who is so fit and you have such a low cholesterol level okay if your body fat percentage goes below 14% it Mak hard for you to conceive basically your body thinking you are starving you have no food obviously you’re starving and no food but your body want to have a kid not the best situation right okay so that’s one second scenario if for some reason you are pregnant and you want to embark on a LIF style where you still want to eat very clean once the body senses oh you are pregnant and your fat level goes also below 14 there’s a risk of miscarriage so these are very extreme examples of how a woman’s diet can affect her cycle okay can stress levels of course okay generally when more stress uh you affect your cycle okay at this point on time if they boys sharing this really yeah it really will affect okay okay uh especially working ladies I know of some friends who are so stress at work they miss the cycle for two three months yeah yeah yeah I had a friend who Miss for nine months so I’m thinking yo you’re not pregnant right okay that was really the case we were undergrad University students okay so another one which people don’t realize extreme emotions so you ask what is considered an extreme emotion for this okay you gen won’t in your answer but Extreme motion here I’ll L it to extreme grief who okay that’s the only case of where you have extreme grief it will affect your hormones and it will affect your Emer cyle so usually the passing on of someone very close then you might ask Mr what about the other way extreme happiness no I don’t think if you start 40 and win $1 billion or me C is going to stop maybe he gets more excited okay can so more set emotions all right so all in all the link to here is this your menal cycle will change because of your environment and because the environment will change the concentration of your hormones and these hormones are what I mentioned just now okay progesterone and estrogen okay all right any questions at home just let me know now next portion over here uh what you to take not of this for the sake of your cus like usually menstration okay I always assume all FS no start most guys don’t know because ofly I textbook okay so just to recap it always starts from day one of the first thing okay some people like to start from when after day five oh my period stops that’s when menstration happens so common misconception just take note day one of your whole entire menal cycle is the first day uh when you see blood coming out okay now and from that there’s always this magical period called the ovulation period day 14 so once again I know in real life this ovulation day changes are how I know I have married friends and obviously they want to try and uh avoid that day sometimes they do successfully sometimes they count wrongly so like in the case of my sister-in-law the reason why have a nephew now because my sister-in-law was B at MTH apparently okay okay so basically yeah that’s why young killer okay happened to come out at day 14 okay from M over all right okay next okay right so one thing to take not is this uh you see the picture below here the hormones okay that are secreted the levels throughout the entire 28 day were will change throughout so this power here over hormone no different blah blah blah basically is just summarize the one liner your hormones levels will change in the body okay they were change in the body and because there are changes that’s why you get the different symptoms of your minary cycle it’s very interesting is that cause an effect all right so before going to this power here I’ll just look at the tissue over here okay so menstration okay all right we are looking at how the hormones affects this tissue and what this tissue over here that’s called the endometrium okay so what’s the difference between the endometrium as well as the placenta or the cervix okay long story short this thing here okay right is muscle tissue okay the endometrium is the layer on top of it okay that allows for implantation of the fzed egg all right okay just copied it down there so then you can clearly see from the picture over here the muscle tissue portion okay versus the endometrium you can tell one is very rigid one is very hard right why what what the muscles do in your body uh contract so they need one function either to tighten to contract or to relax so when they contract and relax generally it giv a different function like my bicep I contract and relax it push my hands up what’s the purpose of the muscles there being able to contract and relax it’s for child the baby then push you out that’s the part where contract okay K okay now the thing is this if it’s just muscle tissue that can contract and relax do you think that would be a very good place for a fertilized EG to implant all right what does a egg need nutrients oxygen a lot of good stuff basically need a very good blood supply system so because the muscles cannot give you a very good blood supply system another type of tissue needs to be produced and that is where your uing lining coming that’s why you see a lot of oh what’s all of this these are all blood vessels and if you tie in to your lift experience as Aug girl okay every month when you’re bleeding out the tissue it’s because you are tearing away tissue that have a lot of blood vessels okay then this is the value adding part I tell you today it’s not going to be tested in your exams but generally for your own knowledge the reason why females have menstrual crem it’s not because you feel pain from this thing coming up as suggest meure crem means water which part which tissue in the body can get a crb MUSC muscle right but that is not muscle what is that that’s tissue right so it can contract but then they use the word cramp so the reason why you get manal cramp is because at day 28 assuming that’s the last day when your body has to remove all of this tissue what happens this muscles here that I label I’m going to contract and relax why is to push thing out exactly similar to the other process you do naturally that when you go to toilet to do your to take a p same thing you’re pushing out stuff so your body needs to push this Now is it going to be very easy to push it out no why this tissue has lot of blood vessels everything it’s very entrenched into the muses so to push it out you will wiggle wiggle wiggle contract relax it will contract and relax so fast that’s one next over a very sustained period of time so if you find it very hard to understand that just it’s just like you holding a bottle like this time you hold 5 minute okay not you hold for 10 minutes 30 minutes still tired how about 12 hours 24 hours and they just holding if I back and for back and for back and forth okay so that’s exactly what the muscles they are doing and because your body is doing that that’s how you get CR okay okay so if you have more several cramps means the muscle very strong that’s about it right so after we know that then we going to start about this okay at this point any questions I have a question for you if after I buil the entire thing up to this stage it is so ready for implantation of the bab of the why must I destroy it why can’t I just keep it there think about it home think about it why so example you do triple okay and every single day when you come home do you have your three science textbooks open up on a table why not why not you use it right so you keep one so when you keep it when do you keep okay assuming you have three notes okay you have 10 biop physic not not able you keep all there at same time why not okay so focusing on one means what the keeping the other one there is like wasting your energy right it’s not a time right so same thing when exactly exactly so yeah first okay I’m not married next thing married don’t to have a kid then every single month I keep it there so let’s look at it from day 14 to 28 I’m going to grow this very thick tissue there do you think it’s going to take up a lot of energy yes a lot of neutr energy expensive right basically worthy not so by day 28 the body more L knows he nothing’s going to happen she’s not going to get pregnant let’s not waste any more energy let’s stop we start from scratch then you going to think H man to the body energy energy level wise is wor in the longer run okay so that’s why they are repeated rounds of meal cycle in case I know confirm every has thought of this on their very painful day wow why what every month I must suffer this is the answer why your body is a typical singapor kiasu save money don’t waste money don’t waste energy and once you understand this context of okay every 28 days it has to go away because it’s not needed then you will start to appreciate okay how does the body know it’s not need the hormones comeing right so this prob here okay so what is menstration okay it is the breakdown and shedding of endom so two parts this one is to make it into smaller pieces sheding is for removal let me use a different color so that two key ideas here students need to understand and mention when they are talking about mention okay now how come I need to shed it what I just leave it inside one why must I must take out okay so know common sense but why by Common Sense there’s a reason for it and once you understand the reason biologically stly becomes easy it’s just a speaking story okay now if this thing tears off and it’s longer connected to the tissue here can you still stay alive no it’s dead right what happens to De things in warm and warm and moist places this under your ecology ah they decompos so do you want to keep this decomposing tissue in you not the healthiest thing possible right okay so that’s why your body exp it out makes sense now so yes okay then why you have to break down as you can see it’s quite a large piece of thing and the cervix and the vagina Canal is not very big if it break down is one large thing is similar to you having constipation very painful very heart so the body natur break it down okay so that’s the first part next okay uh you have to mention as it’s being broken down is exp two three different locations firstly the uterus second the cervix lastly the vagina what’s the difference in sexual Repro you will learn the positions but basically vagina is the external sexual organ okay the cervix is that tube leading into the uterus okay and uterus is this big space over here where the egg ought to impant onto the endometrium okay okay no so the tissue automatically will break down the muscle just have just reive instruction start shedding start Contracting now they just they just Contracting so it’s two separate instructions but maybe brought about by the same hormone all right so actually the shedding is brought about by a very simple concept okay if your hand your handphone more power can it work not so as long as I don’t get power you switch off so same thing the endometrium is just sustained by hormones if I give you hormones woo it will grow it will stay it will stay once I remove the hormones it cannot sustain okay it’s quite similar to bitcoin you know Bitcoin if people stop buying money and money that the value of Crash okay all right so once again take note menstruation marks the first day of your menstrual cycle okay usually my teaches to boys I tell them menstruation marks the first day if you are attached you better start being a considerate boyfriend or husbands okay important in life doesn’t me to be your boyfriend you can just be a typical classmate okay I had a classmate in Fall when she has her menal day one period is very bad once I saw her get red out in the ambulance no it’s that bad so obviously we doing nice CL you know okay okay we just do timing okay about 20 days later we prepare okay okay what how can we help her some f bring some more mot bag some fell bring jacket or what not to help her your classmate your friend they be nice people then obviously if you are a guy and you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend no girlfriend or wife you got bad news to share don’t share on the first day you wait on thir day okay like for example Maybe I bought a very expensive PS5 without consulting you maybe I don’t tell on day one I tell on day six and she happy okay just kidding okay right so first one menstration right now next one ovulation the word ovulation comes from this key here u u in bioa t to be link to the idea of egg okay OV is the egg ovulation is the releasing of the egg there’s a dinosaur called OV Raptor because it only eats eggs okay so Ovation is to release the egg itself now why must I release the egg so if I look at the picture over here this is the ovy okay where you find all the immature eggs you will release it and you will go all the way here how come you need to release egg asking you the best person ask because you don’t know anything yeah why does the female have to release the a who is this Destin a supposed to me meat meat not me meat what uh sperm right so then to me this now this about equality of sexes right you do 50% under 50% so if this whole entire pathway is let’s say 100 m okay 100 m see the eight travels 50 m travels half 50 M okay the sperm travels about 50 m okay so halfway half why what happens if the egg isn’t released and it’s just stuck here like in purple over here what happens the sperm must ah okay so the sperm must s all the way there okay then it’s quite D so obviously if all the SP before they die will you have a chance of getting fertilized no then if every single female body works that way then no sperm surviv what happen to our species di okay okay so that’s why is halfway all right so that’s ovulation okay then what you take note is a few OVA o o o o that is the O the egg okay this one the egg itself can the word egg no because you’re not chicken so scientific is can use the word over all right then ovary is where OV is stored matures then I have the word here U when I hear OV duck which other ducks have you learned in biology so far Claris confirm you learn it in your endocrine system you learn it in your thermal regulation where else have you seen the word dark question open for people online chory and leting you can also answer ah pancreatic du right okay so pancreatic du what else as also your sweat du ah then what else ah yes yes then got your no du so basically what’s a du a duck ah yes it’s a tube I was going to say it’s a bird but then the joke will be a dead joke so so a so basically how to help kids remember everything here has to be passed into the O du it’s basically just passing into a tube okay can pass into a tube and what that tube called o right now in your syllabus it’s going to always be the ovulation will release one egg per cycle typically 14 days after ministration so you have to know this basically this 14 days coincides with your okay fertile period yes have a question bow thank you so much CH yes your bow also can extend a question further for your revision what does the bow where’s the bow duck from from your lever or from your small intestines or your gobl okay go back tting not all right okay uh wait we have a new fan joining us hi Cy okay the three other people sorry yeah hi C welcome to the session can I invite you to scan this QR code here so that you can download the soft copy notes that I am using right now to teach okay apologies to L uh Chloe and cheres you have this the time okay thank you awesome I find it very cute every you want to do direct message your also polite I love it okay all right then estrogen and progesterone now these are the two hormones that you have to know for this topic okay for menal cycle there are other two hormones link to the male reproductive system but not covered here today okay so there ovan hormones which will regulate dimensional cycle now to give help your this once you see the word regulate in anything it means control these hormones help to control dimensional cycle okay basically it’s a very good instruction manual it tells egg do this over do this endometrium do that we see very B sounds a bit like mon right okay all right so there is a whole order to this okay I shall use this picture first to teach it before talking about the hormones so how the scientist find this out okay which will help you in your learning memorizing now day we start from day 28 course day 28 okay it is very thick so what of this at 28 it start to shed so shedding over here this way it sheds and down at a point of time scientists realize oh in the blood of a lady that is very very very low levels of both hormones okay so what’s the conclusion if it start to shed when there is no hormones maybe I need the hormones for the endometrium to even grow so thing so you know once once the hormones drop canot start F just like the bed just at the iPhone battery example no energy iPhone cannot work no hormones endom perishes okay then next part is this they get Tesla so they know the endometrium has to rebuild so what is causing it to rebuild they realize oh the first hormone to spike up you can see is estrogen so as estrogen is being secreted first endometr start to regrow all right then it goes up to a certain stage okay then there’s a large Spike over here then after it goes under becomes very very thick okay usually around day okay 21 like this they start to see oh now my progesterone starts start to increase but my estrogen decreases so they’re like oh obviously progesterone is now very high and this thing remains thick okay they know oh progesterone main job is to maintain thickness estrogen estrogen’s main job is to start the growth okay so that’s how you get this thing over here what most students have diffic difficulty with is I can remember what thing comes first okay I know obviously the egg must be released then it gets ticker it must grow then get ticker off because why it happens to my body I understand but I cannot remember which which hormone one comes first so I’m going to give you a way now when you go Cen go to Cen like you go find your favorite store what youti what do you do H order food right so you order food so you order food after you order the food naturally what must you do next ah pay right now must pay for food so can you ever pay food before order I be funny no but you do know you pay for okay but you know what you are going to order right for example now you don’t know order you go to KC hi here 50 bucks like for what I pay for for what what you buy oh I pay order to take up my Tik Tok and be real to take a side video crazy customer so you must order food first in the world okay so this the beauty of it order is O pay is p so your estrogen will always come first course ordering food comes without paying food so just remember that order food then you pay for food okay I have no doubt that yall can remember what’s happening the processors I’m just also also have no doubt y will keep messing around the hormones okay so just order food first then pay for food to make it a bit more P because biologist P okay you order what you order endometrium and you pay for the endometrium what order it too bad man your body owns order okay so order first pay first so estrogen is the first part in the story okay so your estrogen not only makes the endometrium become thicker okay it will stimulate the maturation and release of eight okay wire why must this happen Okay me SP you it’s kind of like you know go dealership coner right so you know some people concert did you go for the concert are you a Shifty okay I I’m not Shifty okay I just find it very hilarious but it looks very fun so okay someone okay okay I plan my outfit for let’s say are you coner then my student tell me CH I’m going to dress up in this particular outfit is the one of the latest MV where her and the V know one wear a wedding suit one wear a wedding dress they everything okay they to we then come tomorrow they dress up then imagine if they dress under very nice H oh I don’t concert a b Dum right like what what the point man you do all the effort okay then you don’t do don’t go for concert it’s like wasting your time same thing so if your body is going to start repairing for the whole endometrium over here and you repair what stady all the energy grow grow grow grow grow right then it come out then for what wasting time wasting energy so you has to occur simultaneously okay so that’s why estrogen will stimulate the maturation and release of AEG from the of the ovam from the OV okay then at the same time you get what you see below repair and stimulate the growth of it again okay then all right now after growing for so long you will then switch to maintaining the thickness okay choose a different color you maintain the thickness how come it just can’t keep growing and growing and growing why how come it just can’t keep growing okay now if it keeps growing growing this then let’s say this uteran lining here I’m going to erase everything erase so that’s my original layer let’s say I keep growing and I add one more layer okay I can’t see anything that was very dumb make it thicker let’s use this nice tail color I grow one layer that okay ah you block this just one I keep growing and growing and growing so what happens eventually no space not no so you have to stop at a certain level but can it be to th no cannot so be very thick so right now my wife is experiencing this so I think it’s quite interesting that I get to teach about uh fertilization my wife is pregnant she’s pregnant right now uh about seven months so her endometrium confirm them on okay how I know first few first trimester she has a lot of symptoms symptoms can only be linked to these two so a lot of hormones she the symptoms but also means her BL senta is very strong okay really very strong we go Italy come back for Holiday she gain 2 kg 1 kg went to the babies yeah I’m not kidding you okay so that is what happens to maintain the thickness and not make it thicker because now you know it cannot get to thick no space for junior all right then next Forest also does one thing it inhibits contractions why so those contractions what will I do okay these contractions Rel to the shedding of the endometrium and we don’t want that yet we don’t want it to shed right now okay so on this line over here and progesterone inhibits the it’s a very very thick pencil what just one inhib the shedding so basically this is like the one thing protecting the endometrium right he as long as there progesterone there the endometrium will not share now what happens now if I stop secreting progesterone based on this line your sh will stop Ah that’s why sh away you see over here at day 28 what happens to the levels of my progesterone it crashes so straight away no all the protection is gone okay all the protection is gone boom right so that’s a long story short what happens what the homans do to control the regrowth okay the thickening and the maintenance of the thickness of the endometrial okay and just remember we C store what you do order food then pay for food estrogen first then progesterone all right now next thing over here this picture very complicated what I need to know key thing is this okay uh this one you already covered when my which hon result in the release order estrogen okay estrogen very good I put put over here then next part single sperm of now this one is not under the control of the female control of the male okay so what you know is this to describe fertilization because it’s a learning outcome you need to mention that once the sperm Ms the egg to fertilize it okay you call this a zygote so straight away you call it a zygote then this zygote will undergo multiple rounds to form an embryo okay now CH have to ask so CH when is it a zygote when is it embryo if by some reason you love bio so much like me and you go to a levels and you take H2 bio H you will learn when do I speci call zy when I call EMB from day 1 to five we call the F A zy from day five onwards you call embryo okay from day 28 onwards we call your darling baby8 where heartbeat you go to the guy they can scan for you and see remember that moment the doctor scan this is your little boy little child see W legit your eyes have to tears you oh my god W then not being a biot teer is not a good thing I tell you why but and I saw like wow baby that’s my baby whoa used to be a sperm you I realize Dr D boy right say how you know I can see he sexual so even though so small can you see right okay a father was very Rel because you tell me a boy I Cann see i h okay you cannot you cannot continue my plan but never mind so why being a b teacher is very good and bed we have to do test for the baby when is growing in the placenta so there’s this very detailed scan where they scan okay this machine can scan the heart beat of the baby and the half of baby they can see the blood flow so how does the blood flow do a recap you got left and right ventricle right does your blood mix what does your blood on the right and the left ventricle ever mix uh what is keeping it separated I’m here yes the C muscle what the muscle septum so in the computer streen you can see the two bloods oxygenator is red de oxygenated blue flowing like please please don’t mix please don’t mix please don’t form purple no really allergy very scared because once it can mix what does it tell you there a ho in the heart okay so learn bio with bio knowledge comes a very heavy responsibility of knowing such St my wife was very worried I was like well you have no idea how worried I was the doctor just be quiet don’t say anything SC me okay so I digress back to this so once you know it’s called embryo what you need to know in your syllabus is this they will ask you okay can you describe to me the EMB what happens so the description is basically oh the embo okay will keep dividing to reach the uterus to form a ball of sales now I’m going to show you a video to see what exactly that is okay the video is not about bir sorry okay I’m going to show you this video of you can see huh what’s a salamander uh what’s a salamander which family which type of animal is it no MMO bird reptile amphibian insect reptiles okay no worries okay people at home I hope you are guessing it is an anti okay now don’t blame you you only kid I had a friend we were University n you’re talking about the household lizard yeah the insect Vos what what you call a lizard insect yeah same as coach they all insects W I just died don’t worry they F not teaching bio now they F doing marketing thank goodness okay but marke is not very bad buy show tops it will kill all insects in including results G your marketing campaign gone okay I digress so this is a Salander this Salander what you going to see obviously it’s not the uterus because why salamander amphibian got they give up to eight or they have baby in their body so you want see 50% chance I get it wrong my credibility just now now this teacher going to ask you just I just leave okay just kidding okay so when you see the division of the cells this a very cool video to like meia this is one cell it divides two cells four cells eight cells okay 16 32 64 so there a division happening right there all right and she’s happening and happening and happening so at this stage we call a zot generally okay then you might ask a question by what process are the cell dividing and what’s the name of the cell division Lear M which one which one this is myosis okay this is myosis to create identical s okay so this V is divide divide divide become smaller but each what is that so to make it continue interesting I’m going to keep it a speed to okay halfway you will see all the balls of cells will go inside then it will form this very very weird shape okay at this stage this timeline you probably call amb so that’s the difference when it’s all just ball a mess of ball okay now what is that how come keep moving now how come can move what you asking me all this what you just saw just now okay and ladies and no gentlemen was the first heart beat of the EMB that’s be beat beat okay so back to this so that’s the difference between zot andola zot is when it just fertilized then it keeps dividing into a large ball of cells and if you’re wondering why must I call a ball of cells from the video the only thing you can describe it is it’s a ball of cells okay then it will this part but the Blaster C this one is not in your syllabus this line here FYI thank okay based on the learning objectives if your school teacher you memorize can memorize but key thing is this B of cell will implant itself in the endomet question so far okay so there that then now we come to the front part which is generally what I see now my wife she has a really huge bump so when it comes to this stage now key thing is this uh you this used to be in the syllabus now you don’t learn it that when the egg gets fertilized it will stay somewhere there that thing will secrete hormones it’s called cus the by other cus all you know now is this okay so we Lear we if I got my progesterone it will inhibit contractions right so what happens if I stop secreting progesterone and there is a embryo group growing there is that good news or bad news bad news right so obviously we need to keep secting it so who will keep secreting it this will be secreted by the embryo okay so the embryo will keep secreting the hormone until okay both estrogen and progesterone until so when keep doing this what happens the same cause an effect it makes your endometrium super thick okay why think the RO Embry needs nutrious look quite common sense this one is really stra away once you know what the endrum does to give neutrons so when go embryo I need to keep giving neutrons so it must remain th okay so after two to four weeks all right it BEC a bit tired after you stud for a while you can ti so the EMB hey bro bro bro I need to just focus on growing can you stop making me so fine can so after two to four weeks the embryo is super tired it passes this job to the placenta okay so the placenta will be the one to secrete progesterone to maintain the endometrium okay question so how to you remember placenta only ciruit endometrium this one quite easy what does placenta start with P what’s the progesterone P for p so basically like Singapore you keep paying and pay and pay and pay for things okay right then okay what do you need to grow don’t need to think don’t look a baby as a human being what you need to grow neut most say Tik Tok Instagram as well as be real but okay never mind you actually also need okay glucose amino acids and all of these so key thing is now the mom’s nutrients as well as antibodies for immunity we diffused into the from the maternal blood space to the fetal blood AK from the mom’s body okay it does not go into the baby’s body I’m telling you now so’s that picture no picture so it become like this so this is question two helping you now so this one here is the umbel cord there’s two is so hard to see okay this whole thing here in red the red region baby’s blood the blue region here Mom’s blood okay so Mom’s blood and baby’s M do not physically touch question is why okay what’s your blood Ty oh what’s your mom’s blood Ty I don’t know Lama go and find okay so you can go ask your parents and once you find out if so happens your mom and you have like that so my mom she’s old I’m a blood okay I’m not saying my mom is old I’m just saying she’s blood she’s type okay but she’s all right so if my mom’s blood old I’m blood type A what happen your Le blood when different when your blood coagulate is a word you say to sound very learned and scientific when you struggle coate you just cl cl the same T so cloting coagulating okay have you ever wondered what does coagulated blood like it’s just is coagulated so protein in you don’t know so obviously the mom and baby’s blood different blood type if they make sure coagulate but then I still need a way to pass nutrients so what’s going to come to the rescue this magical word which we have learned in lower SE one diffusion so mother and baby black can mix right it’s okay they separate but okay as long as there’s some shell in between over here what happens nutrients can diffuse to the back vessels waste products can diffuse out so just diffusion okay just diffusion osmosis yeah be of Osmosis if you want to consider the water molecules portion all right yes so yeah over here okay diffuse so all the waste products like carbon dioxide U all diffuse up okay then your good start diffusing then as mentioned over here this is why you cannot mix blood to prevent potential agglutination of blood okay different blood type right next part this your mother’s heart will P the blood baby’s blood vessel very small when it’s very small and under high pressure what’s going to happen burst just like you when you sneeze too hard after while your blood vessels burst you bleed nose Okay because why too much pressure going into a small vessel just that typical sing about parents putting too much pressure on to small kids stress okay chill right the next part tic fluid okay so how I remember this is now every time I go to station or hotels okay I go to the hotel I always hope they have a very nice buff up okay you should I know I she laugh now when you go to hotel you see go buff what’s the first thing you do you put hot water and you get soak inside it so I generally love soaking in hot water bath because why water very warm very nice it feels like you’re getting a very nice H you know you feel like all your sh disol it’s so lovely it’s so amazing okay have you done that before G no now she like I have not but I feel like doing it okay so I hope all of you in your life one day get to enjoy just soaking in the hot water bath after a very tiring day it is one of the best things in the world okay I don’t have so said Hotel I I gotot water I got hot water the step so I just do this all better nothing bit but I went to Japan for Holiday Most Japanese Airbnb and hotels have a very small buff about the size of this table you can sit down na down also still very short you release your Fe days in the flu so you think about why is it so nice to be inside theot it is because okay it’s a very nice temperature so nice warm temperature okay especially in very coold outside all right okay so that’s how I to imagine it should everything yourself in a hot water bath okay then now if you’re baby what’s so nice about being the hot water bath okay now it’s all water I’m growing so what can I do if I grow bigger I just push water away compared to if was previously tissue then now you grow up a endometrium you have no space so it keeps the uterus expanded to allow it to grow basically a l water it’s a water balloon then this one okay very important P pressures right okay so here and there you might bump to something so like now my wife uh her B stach big sometimes I B down Stu turn around hey so w I was like okay okay not my head not my brain is baby okay and I know baby’s okay because the m fluid will protect my baby from physical shock okay then this one W this is the best thing ever allows the fetus to move inside so as you saw the intro just now I like to play sports then you already learn from genetics right father mother Gs are pass down so if you think back why this teacher to play sports this teacher High chance 50% chance for ADHD cannot keep still so now my kid inside my wife’s wom also cannot keep still so it keeps moving moving moving moving okay now we may just say of course your K got your jeans you got ADHD but technically the baby right now is trying to move his muscles trying to move it doesn’t understand that he has lims he trying to get used to it so fun fact when the baby is first born the first one two months F don’t know what this thing on the left and right what are arms what’s arm they have to relax the arm and start thinking before they can start moving down it’s a very interesting thing okay all right then why I say this a very interesting thing because at night now uh I will R some moisturizer my M my wife’s barely the skin my K will play it is so amazing like his head is somewhere the upper hand side so there he hit by my hand then play play play now disappear again and it’s a very magical moment it’s very humbling I think in life people chase a lot of different things for success but to me at the point time that is happiness just rubbing then after my wife I see okay so muscular then lastly it’s a liquid uh doing child birth it act as a lubricant so this one is what we always see on the very typical ventum Central Surya Channel drama when got one of the actress pregnant need to give up what happens no no no no no she cannot give birth in a very safe hospital already doctors around must always give birth how somewhere at home can some argument open the door see the husband do something wrong stress water then run to the taxi then always no taxi then how here drama just at the hospital so the part where you see the water back burst right this is the TIC fluid flowing out okay so the part where the water burst means all this fluid tripping out okay it means the lady is ready to give bir is meant to help also lubricate the vagina okay now this one about viruses okay can be transmitted this one is really about health and wealth why I say health and wealth all of this if you maintain and keep it safe you have health with health you can prosper in life okay now y have been introduced to not introduced your grew up with covid-19 so your gener know how to keep yourself safe and not to spread bad stuff it is just the exact same thing but now we put it in the context HIV okay so okay yes so to help you this in the question check first thing first we got blood exchange you know is that exchange of blood next or sexual fluid now for avoidance of D texture fluid is not the any fluid from your body it’s only a fluid that is being secreted by a sexual organ in your body so it’s either the vagina or the pis okay right your mouth doesn’t come with anything okay and besides your mouth and your reproductive parts no other part of your body will secrete out a fluid CH what about my eyeball can your eyeball got tears butless I check your eyeball cannot squir squ squ FL out right okay okay your eyeball will just okay and so this whole enti part just make note if a question gives you a scenario so and so happen something blah blah blah right you just check got exchange blood if got exchange blood got exchange sexual fluid HIV has been transmitted if there’s no blood being exchanged there’s no sexual fruit being exchanged you are safe that is the over uping trick to this questions about sexually transmitted G diseases and HIV okay so this one CLE how do you try SM sexual fluid without a condom then the question is is what if I use a condom condoms will always say 99% guarantee of safety okay ner is 99% safe your is safe do you know why it’s not 100% it’s not about working but you might but actually in all thearch I’ve done is very hard to break a condom okay you not K is this you that’s how hard to break you just can get one okay when you’re old enough can put water put air blow whatever or just SE video a condom is very hard to tear like it takes too much effort to tear you need a very strong pair of scissors okay about Breck of a p you must really hard so it’s very hard to but 9% it’s so in the off chance you really get contamination or you wear a fom you not your fa yeah that’s right correct yo yo no I put 99% you very lucky no you the 1% the RO bro congratulations you very good ah exactly that to absorb yourself of blame okay so it’s not about it will work if you use a condom properly 100% your work okay all right so now blood how to prevent how can I say unsafe blood be transmitted in Singapore you all don’t really get this situation about unsterilized injection needs but this is more of in countries where people share needles because they are doing activities which require needles like taking drugs okay quite set then war time area okay in the disaster like right now the world has a few areas with a lot of War right you losing blood okay they don’t know whether the needle clear or not they just or they don’t know is blood back free or not they just do blood transfusion okay now pregnancy the mom can pass HIV to the through the placenta to enter the fatal blood stream but is very rare very rare very rare okay and now usually if a mom has HIV okay last part I tell this it’s a very full story all moms in the world pregnant ladies in the world okay once a doctor finds out you are pregnant they will immediately ask you do you have any sexual trans disease or HIV they do a blood test why uh now actually you you don’t know HIV is a very very not say a safe disease please don’t get it I hope you don’t get it but it’s a disease under control so if you have HIV the medical treatment nowaday is so good you can live your life and die from die with it mean you say you were die HIV becomes a very normal thing the med there is so impressive now okay but it’s still inconvenience so we don’t want to pass it on to the baby so once doctor finds out that okay you are pregnant you have HIV straight away the delivery of the baby will be true C they cut they take out the baby and when doing so the baby will be safe why because of the last Point here okay when the baby is push through normal labor like I said sexual fluids right vagina right the baby has to go to the vagina so those fluids may enter the baby through the cavities sexual organs or the I one that’s how HIV sprs so they want to prevent this to give the baby okay A Chance in life now this unsterilized Blood uh injection I’ll tell you a very sad story after I tell you you probably remember it in USA uh why I say USA it’s not only to USA but the story happens there and also because strange things tend to happen in land of the USA okay there are people who get HIV not from doing such promisc sexual activity but because simply someone them so them so they angry right there a peri of time people who have caught HIV okay and they feel that unfair to them in life they will suck up their blood put it in a shch put it a needle there and put it in the seats of movie theaters yeah you can Google it so there lot Cas of people Gove the never check they just sit down right because why you go to movie High chance you go with your loved ones you go with your kids you’re not going to check the the chair they sit down they feel PR ah very pain anything they know for blood they Panic they can check away positive result it is very unfortunate it’s very unfortunate so now you hear this story what the you are probably going to check movie in Singapore now and the fact you’re always going to do that tells me that you are probably going to remember this in the exam it comes out okay now HIV positive moms cannot breastfeed because the virus is found in the blood so it’s okay lucky formula okay okay the next part is once we know how it transmits to protect us we can also therefore know how it doesn’t transmit so that the person can do a normal life so everything here really no blood no sexual fluid okay air or water so don’t be a bigger lie someone look HIV they sneeze this way you find it you find USA all the carons okay so you are safe sers and tears do not contain HIV all right if you to know why take H2 bio if cut you will not have HIV okay but if for some strange reason the person take the cuty touch his blood cut you then yeah you go HIV call police okay insects and pets will not transmit HIV okay so essentially everything here no sexual fluid no blood you are safe okay right then how to protect individuals from HIV education this not me teaching you this is called your sex okay I don’t know what sex education is like in secondary school now but generally they teach you about how to protect yourself right so if you have been listening your sexual education C it covers everything here okay don’t have unsafe sex keep the one partner okay if you think you Expos go for a test okay practice save sex okay uh then this portion here is only thing you know don’t use the needles okay and don’t anyhow take blood so Singapore are safe if you are in sing Singapore you donate blood and you don’t declare your HIV positive you will be sent to J is that serious course they don’t want this happen to you okay course our Healthcare System must remain to much all right okay so that’s all the I’m going to do for sexual you know say that’s all the teaching I’m going to have for sexual reproduction today in STI uh right now what’s going to happen is I will invite you to do the worksheet okay then after about 30 minutes I will go to the answers okay again uh if you any questions you can feel free to help ask me for help and I’ll will help you okay can so I’m now those go please go for the doll is there okay all right so let’s go for 30 minutes timer oh how if I’m a good teacher if you can answer the questions that I just taught you today W so solid why see CH so good I don’t to sh anymore hey I just saw the amphibian thanks CH I didn’t see your amphibian answer just now but you got it right unlike somebody CH is good be like let e e e e e so CH ask what’s in vual fertilization you take the egg out to the sper out then then we put it together we use human hands to fertilize egg then we take that fertiliz egg we put it back into the woman we insert it back into her uterus so that it get implant e e e e e e e e e e e e okay maybe everyone’s done with the McQ so that I can keep your motivation going I know I can go to the McQ first so Chloe lat and C why once you are done with your McQ just put a thumbs up then I know that I can start to review it then after that you can do your sh check question as brilliantly suggested by chis okay yeah okay so see why is done thank you just waiting for late and Glory okay thanks L now just waiting for Chloe no worries CH just take your time e e e okay CH you done okay I shall just start uh okay of course maybe chlo is away from the laptop okay I’m just going to start the review of this question now let me what’s all these magical answers can this your answers please self Mark first before I go through you okay how much do you get teres oh I it all credit course I just thought you Shing all right good job good job uh those at home I hope you also got a decent score for it but don’t worry if you don’t know understand I will teach you how so uh what I’m going to share next part is not really what’s the correct answer I think your eventually by the time you study this will be pretty good at topic what I want to share is how you do my way of question analysis so to give you a perspective McQ is not so much about finding the right answer there are some influences where the answer the correct answer is them obscure one so if it’s very hard to find the cor answer let’s TR find the wrong ones yeah find the wrong ones okay so when you revise your McQ always go about thinking this a correct a well done McQ is when I know what is the one correct option and why the other three are wrong because if you know what is wrong you will let be left with what is correct okay so first part okay we have a reproductive system over here that’s you to match okay so before I start let’s label these things what is K ah placenta very good now which hormone does the placenta secr if you remember ah yes you talk so much just now I remember something okay L not the tisue paper is it which tissue is this the endometrium right then okay so if I know it’s placenta endometrium sh anything here that is not placenta andum life is good okay just cancel away then now it’s between B and D okay between B and D so endometrium is out endometrium yes contracts when pushing fetus out doing labor so the fetus okay the endometrium is the one with a lot of blood vessels it is this real really really thick part here that is growing doing your uh so it’s mostly blood vessels blood vessels can contract to push baby out no that will be your uterus okay so straight away D out on I know this is wrong right even if I don’t know B is correct there must be one right answer placenta allows for exchange of materials yes that’s the answer B okay now this one this one very stressful okay do you guys correct oh good job so let’s label what is this region wire so I’m someone to me my trick is this I don’t have to keep all the information my here okay I no this part that part so I know this region here is unical C so I C then this Parts here should be the Mom’s blood okay and it is the part the finger light projections that’s touching it means if I to draw a line this whole entire thing here should be My Placenta so I will write all this out so that later when I consider the options I don’t have to again hey why is it this part is what part again so myice to your is dra out write it down then next if this is the placenta and thisal C where is the baby baby is here right so means any Arrow going away is going away from the baby so X is away from baby then Y is obviously towards okay so when you label everything the answer becomes almost too easy okay almost too easy so which part statement is correct okay what’s the answer blood pressure be right okay so this one blood is transported towards the mother’s heart from X so is away from baby one okay this answer no of course why does it go to the mother’s heart no it just go towards the placenta okay towards the placenta so this part is wrong blood pressure and why you come to that okay so blood pressure is higher in X than y so if you know X is away from the baby Y is after it goes here and comes back down which has more blood no more pressure the one that just left the baby’s heart or the one going to the baby’s heart just left right so the one that just left has a higher blood pressure so X has a higher blood pressure than y ah brilliant B is correct for now let’s see the other options concentration of oxygen is higher in X than y what do you think if it’s moving away from the baby okay H why why is why higher why is why what happens at the yeah exactly so what I draw to help me is this your lost you just think perent the mother give what the mother give good stuff right what’s the good stuff O2 neutrons then what is removed the B stuff at what CO2 waste so if x comes in here means it must be high in CO2 and lesser than O2 so X cannot be higher in O2 concentration that is why C is wrong you okay clar then X and Y are part ofer ah I label this region here is the amical cord so why is not part the center should be wrong answer is B okay now question forward I write down first firstly in vitro means one sperm injected into ovom okay then so they use the woman’s own OV husband’s own sperm they ask you which problem can be most easily overcome okay so first one block vu in Ser infection so if you lost just draw a very very simple will vary okay my drawing early but it’s okay you’ll get it will vary now block UCT so what I going to do I’m going to block the UCT if I block the O du over here okay can will this help why means my eight come out right can come out but now if I do IVF I put this fertiliz it inside here okay we the problem yes it solv the problem okay now failure of fle to mature if the follicle what’s the follicle this is the pre mature OV so if the ladies OV are always not mature I take it out out and I do IVF will that solve the problem no because you’re still using a non-functional m so B is out okay quite set now pis is too small to allow normal development I put IVs I put a thing here but now if the pelvis is so small such that the plac the whole uterus become so small where the baby has space to grow even if I do IVF no sure cannot solve okay next scenario unstable U raw so I draw my endometrium here okay if I put the egg here now on stable right then now I remove it what happens to the egg it will die so IVF help solve the problem no ST away go so like what everything so yeah everything think easy when you draw it so that’s my suggestion to y then you ask exam I got time to draw me you have 60 Minutes for 30 McQ quick math how many minutes you have per question two more than enough time this question analysis right okay question four you what told you got transfer of blood and sexual fluid okay direct skin contact if another human go blood transfer sexual FL transfer no right okay so I put here no blood no sexual fluid medical professions wearing gloves and treating patients is one yes right because why it prevents blood from transfer so yes not sharing soap and shampoo of members this one question is I share anything okay so once again no blood no sexual fluid okay if anything even if your hand got the virus even if the shampoo got the virus can soak kill viruses yes right that’s exactly what you doing for right you wash your hands you soap can be wash your hands in water so this like huh be weird Okay prevent body fluids from exchanging between people this okay huh yes right but they never say sexual fluid say body fluid how so outut uh first SL consider Ah that’s whys so process donated blood to destroy and remove the V before transfusion this one obviously I must do it to prevent so I really know two and five I need so two and five I need okay then I know one is com out so one com out is not out is not out okay then next okay not sharing soap and shampoo members this one you know confirm out so tree confirm out so you know tree confirm out you know oh the option only option left is two four and five they B fluids here should be referring to sexual fluid so I know some of you be thinking and over what fluids really can just be your cyber M how you say before you pass dver would get right so you don’t know do what I just did cancel out what you know is confirmed wrong you will definitely get one correct answer okay sh five which about the following of HIV is true avoiding direct ski contact once again got blood body fluid no out only adults can be infected by HIV sadly no okay you know kids can get to the parents or if a young kid need blood okay sexual intercourse is the only way to get HIV okay remember the story in USA the Ina the injection canot white blood cells does attack your HIV does attack your blood cells this is why your immune system goes down hence the what is the disease for HIV it’s called its two different things HIV is the virus it is the disease it stands for acquired imuno deficiency syndrome basically you going know immune system you got okay right so now okay exciting I believe I have given Clary some motivation to do some work so let’s just do question a part one and part two okay then once I do that I’ll will go through the rest of the paper okay okay a quick let’s just set this at six minutes yours should be good e e e e e e W your Slim sounds like B e e okay the girls online are you done if you are done am I muted no okay it’s not all right time to go through anyway left only a few more minutes okay so let’s break down the over here all right what a shock okay so over here let’s see what are some things which clearly a b weird so they say weird more let expect question going to TT me something about it you can just feel in your bones so they tell you the change in the hormone progesterone over a peri 35 days straight away weight flag I only learn 28 days why you want to test me 35 days there is seven days extra so something must be up so over here you see at day 28 okay what do you see over here 28 my endometrium Stills Still thick if it’s thick what can be a possible reason why the body continues to maintain the thickness of the endometrium sorry EMB what’s is the embryo okay or the body not working well so which is a more logical conclusion there should be an embryo and true enough they a question they ask you something about pregnancy okay so they you to explain how the graph shows a woman is pregnant I’m going to try the question back to you between the command what describe and explain what’s the difference in answer I’m sure your teacher explain to you before I’m not sure whether they explain it well I’m assuming they did so now I’m going to test you what the difference then why is it important for you to know so if you don’t know what’s thect command work you write the wrong answer you waste time waste marks okay now simple describe to me your favorite describe to me your dream house dream house there what’s a dream house like okay describe to me your what’s your favorite food describe to me your G your yeah yes yes no so this question explain to me your perfect B of obviously but obviously you know I cannot give you I like it because it taste nice so taste nice is a reason but when you describe to me my favorite book you didn’t give me reasons you give me things that are Quantified blah blah not best is balls so same thing for questions like this explain the graph versus describe the graph describe a graph in is trends when you must quote data okay so some kids oh graphy I must put some data over here they never really say it to but they asking you to talk about why the graph show a is so if you go and describe or Asal increaser blah blah blah you’re not answering the question okay so but what the graph shows the is still present okay next thing the next H for graphs is this whenever I see a graph in BIO look at the axis okay I got time here I got this I got that these three things definitely have to be my answer when there’s a graph there so sure I know how I know the pregnant really realize a after day 28 you still th so here is still take that is going to be that is take so this is definitely one mark then there’s concentration of progesterone it is still high my second Mark okay right so let me check uh close answer the concent projector remains High even after the inhibit contraction okay very good CH your answer is almost there actually in fact I think it give you two marks okay thank you for that CHL you are correct the key idea here is that she noticed that after day 28 progesterone is still very high in concentration and she talk about how progesterone prevents contraction now zo how to make your answer better would be the fact you mentioned that the what thickness of the uteran lining it remains thick like the picture over here so that’s the part that you’re missing that IDE you are missing in your answer okay ch so a brilliant answer all right but how to make it better talk about the next part about how the uterine lining okay is thick but you might ask don’t I mention that it helps maintain the thickness can but I will prefer you be more direct so you just have to change the word here I can edit here you change it to maintain thickness oh I can WR here Lama so from here show is just thickness of Ling okay we me know oh yeah she got yeah here okay good job got two Mars sorry i b blur okay okay then Pro I don’t know how to phrase it this is the trick for all levels graphs if you don’t to phas it just copy forward copy forward or the concentration of blah blah remains High the thickness of lining remains high can confirm with okay now they ask you outline what happens to zygote and uterus after fertilization outline is basically not so detailed okay so between a explain and outline outline has less the details okay so what happen to Z straightforward okay first one just in the notes either that under goes multiple rounds of cell division okay then I know you’re sure right oh embryo will grow learning to the placenta blah blah let’s not forget when the zygote and what happens to a zygote it is still in the Fallopian tubes here it is still at this stage faster faster faster faster faster long is still here so it must be sh into the uterus why because the question is asking me what happened to the zygote and the interest after fertilization so you kind of get the hint I need to talk about how the zy got wait what she entering now enters the uus okay which is point number two over here okay okay I’m quite confident okay someone is saying something yes to I share happiness Yay good job uh yeah hi Adeline did you join the wrong link by chance because I’m about to end my sessions in five minutes and this is bio yeah but it’s okay you can still stay here you want you can hang and Lear some bio okay next part over here okay they tell you approximately answer given to you approxim 15% of wom suffer from this endomet so what endomet thing okay it’s a disease basically where it grows outside now I’m going to focus more on this word here the suggest in exam what is suggest what suggest ah example okay so almost there so suggest syus is something that is not in your learning objective for example did you learn endomet in your notes no right wa they never teach me how dare they test me so suggest is telling you yeah we know we never teach you but then H we have t you something else and it’s very relevant so you can answer the question using this Noel situation the best example I can give is CL do you not swim where do you learn swimming where where where H where ah swimming pool right you go ever go to the Sosa or is Park before you go in the water no but you know people can right so you think most people Lear swimming sing po but how come this guy or girl who swimming the swimming pool now they go Sosa a got the C they can start swimming there technically no one teach them right they have learned how to swim in a swimming pool but then they realize he the ocean also got water I flat flat my hands kick kick my leg I can s so exactly that’s what I suggest question is it’s something you never learn but I need to the confidence a suggest question is something you can answer so most think suggest how how no it’s something you have learned before just that you never applied to this context so apply it they tell you now endal tissue thickness so if I remove this word okay abnormal show we thickness of the endometrial tissue have you learn before what controls the th of your endomen tissue hormones away so they ask you how the thickness of this tissue changes during the first half then I screw up in the first half me from day 0 to 14 what happens to the tissue it will just grow okay so it will grow so in the context of this condition here even though you have this uh disease where the tissue is outside of the uterus it will still be affected by progesterone estrogen okay and it will still continue to repair and grow tier so w so now it becomes a bit more manageable because it’s really just oh I talk about the endometrial tissue growing just that now it’s out of the uterus how do I know I had to mention out the uterus the question themselves tell me outside the uterus okay okay now son uh just go I’ll be giving you the answer key for this this is forting essay right if not uh before the lesson ends I thank all of you for joining me today I’m going to do a short survey okay yes so this is the answer key for people online please scan it to get it I will bring you a copy one oh okay so people please scan this oh yes I no phone please scan this this is the hard copy this a soft copy answer we will upload the video to YouTube in know in after the whole entire uh all the sessions are done don’t worry okay right if I can give you number 9186 yeah you can just drop me a text okay oops oops sorry oh sorry I did not share screen okay here you go sorry here is the QR code yeah you can just contact me directly if you cannot find the thing and this thing blocking you sorry okay that’s the answer key then next apologies I need to go and find [Music] something yeah the feedback give me feedback okay okay then next if I could get your help uh it will help me immensely if you can give me some feedback for today today session all right yeah if not once you are done with the feedback thank you so much uh if I don’t see you again all the best for your wa2 me levels all right if you’re interested to attend my bio lesson you can just drop the enrollment but no worry I know bio you all can self manage all right okay chat thanks CI thanks chory okay bye-bye for

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