awful acting on his part, does he not know the script?

    or [Music] whatever ripped that’s not very but it’s weird cuz you go with somebody and then you he’s called him a p and then defensive come on just to let you guys know obviously I’m I’m very well trained in impulse control but if I feel threatened I might have to strike them the police you can attack us the Govern can attack us the pr can attack us uh good morning to Manchester from his Majesty’s prison strange ways it’s a very strange place and uh there they’re supporting AR Armed Forces Day I think they should get all the prisoners to dress up as soldiers and uh sing the national anthem so how do we describe this look at this even music man looks awesome look we’re down the whome end of Manchester away from the crackheads look at this fun football oh God it’s a McDonald’s thing don’t think you’re going to get I know I saw McDonald’s today look at that they got the whole McDonald’s media team out we’re doing well welcome to the corner of market and cross we’re on our way to St Peter Square I want to see if uh the work that Frederick and I have been doing the last few weeks has thinned out the pram ass crowd I’d be very curious to know if uh We’ve managed to decimate it or even who knows Millennium it deci anod Domin decim no we just want I just want to see if uh it’s still big the pramas ghouls welcome to St Peter Square everybody it’s like uh carbon copy fact simile of last Saturday or the Saturday before think the British government were like ah we we’ll let them carry on they’ll get bored and they’ll go home but they’re not getting bored they can smell chaos they can smell I guess the chance at uh political change through violence and intimidation which is what they’re doing violence and intimidation the gentleman’s asking no Israel this time where’s Israel you yeah how you doing good to see you so he was asking the photon collectors to my right not forgotten I’m going to see how long I can stand here before the ghouls notice me and uh chase me out of the city I am Fred free today I am Fred free because Fred was not free and an important announcement about the July 2 days after the general the police you can attack us the government can attack us the Press can attack us but we will not stop until is free solidarity I wonder where they’re going oh yeah of course carefully to the next you know I would prefer you didn’t stand behind me cuzz we had problems last time you’re wearing a balaclava you’re trying to ro doing it with uh copyright music but if as long as I keep talking you look ridiculous my friend keep talking you’re mate that is a public order offense dude you can’t call me that a guy got arrested for saying that I like you no he did get arrested so anyway the good news is the colleagues are coming dude you can’t just call people things like that in public you know another man that with lesser with people with lesser impulse control if you call another dad what you’ve just called me they might hurt you really badly un subject to Dad you you might get hurt really badly wow wow at least I’ve got children don’t know you are a horrible ghoul you should be ashamed of yourself you are a horrible man somewhere else yeah yeah yeah yeah you’re lucky you’re not getting arrested you’re lucky you’re not getting arrested you can’t go up to people and call them child abusers you can’t go up to people you in can we take his balac clav off as well can we take his Bal clav off all stuck right the edge of the platform you just need to back I’m not no you’re not you came up here you came up here to intimidate me because you’re a menacing little man in a mask because you you’re not brave brave men show their faces brave men it’s terrorists that don’t show their faces you have no idea how kids gloves the police are treating you if we were in Germany or Holland or America you would be hog tied in the back of a police van right now just to let you guys know obviously I’m I’m very well trained and impulse control but if I feel threatened I might have to strike him you guys understand I’m not going to assault him but if he he’s wearing a mask he could have something in his pocket I’m not happy with him cheers guys thank you yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah think I can feel your touch yeah right there’s something happening down there the marcher having a look and I know that my music people are going to come right next to me and try and stop me again I know that Gone Gone got things to do this episode guys there he is he’s Brave now he’s Brave I’m St you just assaulted me my hi beautiful day us for the day you guys will do honestly you guys will do Ser you guys going to come in the weather spoons with me have a drink no you guys going to come and have a drink with me you you’re a little terrorist supporting scum get your Bal clava back on you’re terrorist supporting scum you are communist ter terorist supporting scum and you know what I can’t wait for the government to ban you little weekly Terror like Fellatio what you on about oh you’re going to act don’t worry we’ve got it on video mate we got it on video take your little purple hair poison dark fraud poisonous little mate and F off this is England guyss area please yeah this is England guys not like little command not little little pramas go go suck all the can you all right fair fair enough fair enough fair enough yeah terrorist sympathizers you guys want chaos and dead babies you’re horrible people dead babies horrible nasty people should I maybe get get can you get your Bal clav out again you’re going to act dumb you’re going to act silly why are you rals uh I’ve got it on video you guys following me literally following him for got in video thank you thank you you’re literally following me me at all hands on me at all I think you’re dirty communist better remember where you are guys you’re in England this is England guys you horrible Communists for no reason I’ve not called him anything and if it takes a Scotsman to say this is England F off mate this is England what’s that opposed to me that’s something to do with it’s meant to be your intimidation with your balaclava supporting Hamas trying to intimidate the cameraman not going to work in England mate what you oh Charlie lad I’m a [ __ ] F good on you mate that’s it you know the truth about these scumbags I’m a yeah you are not for the reasons you might think for other reasons oh it’s just [Laughter] [Music] again you something yeah you’ve been following me intimidating me trying to ruin my video on the that’s oh the slander oh go on say it again for the police pedopile waa oh that’s it he takes it to the bottom bloody level scraping the barrel you horrible little you hor anyway I’m going to walk down there if you guys follow him and I feel scared I’ll put you on your [ __ ] back I will it was at this moment when it got physical and I had to defend myself yeah purple purple freaks following just trying to leave so I’ve just run about a mile away from a mob there’s uh the pramas mob’s coming this way but I had my own individual M just to announce it now while it’s fresh the balac clav black guy kept intimidating dating menacing menacing and then he he started screaming right in my face you’re you’re you’re on the sexual offenders register you you abused children so I slapped him very hard and then his little purple hair friend oh you’re going to get arrested that’s assault and blah blah blah I said look I warned you guys I even told the police what I would have to do they followed me they got more people luckily a big Englishman big strong Englishman with his big dog walked me out of there and then I ran like the wind to the tune of purple-haired uh poison dart frog screaming the slanderous words that got her short AR balaklava terrorist friend slapped so along Dean gate as you can see the pram Masters are once again intimidating the whole city center sending out crackhead assault Crews to try and destroy the cameramen for my own safety we’re going to go to a better vantage point and maybe leave the city actually okay guys we’re back at the prison now that the dust is settled balaclava Intimidator got off very easily my self-defense was uh well I’d say less than proportionate just the warning don’t stab me don’t hit me don’t smash my camera there is something happening here outside his Majesty’s prison strange ways I mean the official name is hmp Manchester oh it’s I think someone’s been knocked off a bicycle judging by what I can see so I’m going to stop filming guys people get quite upset about this sort of thing just behind me there’s a young guy he’s had a heart attack he’s having his chest compressed I hope he makes it but it’s not looking good again with these things you don’t get a closeup you don’t get focus on this poor guy I hope you live mate you looks about my age maybe younger cyclist just the wide angle there’re still dressing his chest cardiopulmonary resuscitation forgive me guys I’m not going to do any close shots here okay guys I’m using the Ford Fiesta to protect his privacy poor guy the police have shut down the main road very new road down there and they’re coming to give assistance it’s uh there’s a channel oh God I’m going to stop filming over there there’s a channel I not got my car today no just a massive wide shot not your car it’s just I don’t want to film the guy obviously for his own privacy but I didn’t get your car didn’t get your license plate nothing like that no worries but do you know the story about the guy 40-year-old riding his bike had a heart attack there’s a lot of heart attacks going around right now and no one knows why know what what do you reckon it is my friend went out on Satur night Saturday night all friend yeah yeah 3:00 in morning yeah too yeah time he got home got oh my God how old was he3 63 still too young hey to just be having a random mate there’s a lot of heart attacks going around make sure you eat healthily eat your greens do lots of exercise and yeah and that’s it let’s pray for this guy here I hope he’s all right I uh I have to agree with you I’m IST about this one it doesn’t look good for him it doesn’t look good poor guy but let’s pray let’s pray he’s going to be all right cheers Madam no worries no no no no no no terrifying scene behind me they’ve got this big gray box this big brace over him that’s pumping down on his chest they’ve got this big gas balloon pumping into his mouth and it’s terrifying I wish they’ put a curtain around him okay guys um the air ambulance is going to try and land here on the road I think although the buildings either side could make it dangerous for the gusts and the winds which could affect the lift I don’t know where he’s going to park on the main road maybe me the gentleman’s still being compressed very badly I think he’s going to land in the car park I think put them in the prison grounds yeah they’ll be in the oh [ __ ] yeah inside the prison I would imagine that’s the easiest place to get down yeah you just needs to be careful with the gusts bouncing off the walls when you’re Landing I’ve seen helicopters in Afghanistan not take that into account so you do a bit of YouTub I do a bit of YouTube watching as well I was down in London yesterday yeah yeah see me my dad does DJ and he’s on at glastenbury next week oh is he your lad’s on at glastenbury oh what’s his name my viewers might know him right Jam Just say just Jam Just Jam Just Jam Just Jam Just Jam Jamie Manion and it’s house music right dance music good man he got he got a law degree he said dad I don’t want to do law what I want to be a DJ yeah and he’s down in um he lives down in London he’s got his own record record will be records and like that in fact he did a gig in Australia a couple of months back nice well if he’s playing glastenbury he might be too famous for me to ask for some free music I’ll ask I’ll check out just Jam Just Jam looking into the staff car park the chopper has landed just at the front entrance there and uh in my opinion they could have parked a little bit closer sorry landed a bit closer to the scene but what do I know I’m not a helicopter pilot just chatting to a few more eyewitnesses here would have been a perfect spot to land the chopper cuz then he’s literally 10 yards away from the incident but again what do I know here they come to the scene you can see all the prison staff have come out everyone’s very concerned I think it was a prison staffer that made the radio call that got them sorted out they’ve got the Northwest air ambulance people hems hems doctor not exactly sure what that means but my viewers will know the Oracle of viewership knows everything [Music] the two air ambulance people I think we providing support these are I think the air ambulance people are very well trained heart doctors trauma doctors and they look it they look very good and the ambulance is taking the patient to hospital now are okay he’s turning right which makes me think he’s going to Salford Royal Hospital yeah that’s the way to sford Royal


    1. Charlie used to be decent until he went down the far right rabbit hole and started licking Israeli terrorist boot and harassing anti genocide protestors

    2. The sharia enforcers (police force ,paid for byTAX PAYERS)in this country, SHOULD BE REPLACED AS THEY ARE NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE !! THIS VIDEO CLEARLY SHOWS THAT !

    3. 2019 “Palestinian women hold a banner that reads in Arabic, "General Union of Palestinian Women, we need a law to protect us and to protect the Palestinian family," during a rally in front of the Prime Minister's office, in the West Bank city of Ramallah, Monday, September 2, 2019. Hundreds of Palestinian women protested in front of the prime minister's office to demand an investigation into the death of Israa Ghrayeb, a 21-year-old woman whom many suspect was the victim of a so-called "honor" killing. © AP

      Videos that circulated on social media in August appearing to show a hospital corridor with a woman heard pleading and screaming, and sounds of intermittent thuds, have sparked protests and outrage at the lethal cost that Palestinian women pay because of a lack of protections and discriminatory laws.
      The woman in the video was Israa Ghrayeb, a 21-year-old Palestinian make-up artist from the village of Beit Sahour in the southern West Bank who had been hospitalized on 10 August after being beaten by her family. The videos suggested she may have been subject to further beating while in hospital. She was later discharged but on 22 August she died. A social media campaign #كلنا_اسراء_غريب (“We Are All Israa Ghrayeb”) snowballed, calling for justice for Ghrayeb and more protections for women.”

      Published in: The New Arab Rothna Begum Associate Director, Women's Rights Division

    4. I had a heart attack that led to a cardiac arrest , 40 minutes CPR 6 defibrillator shocks 2 shots of adrenaline and a shot of amiadarone I to was air lifted to hospital still here 8 years later thanks to amazing nhs staff hope that fella is ok

    5. All you people thinking of voting Labour, expect more of these idiots on our streets, Labour are dangerous for your families future, stop thinking they are Labour of old, like the ones I used to vote for, they are not for the working class anymore & will allow open borders, even the people smuggling gangs are hoping for a Labour win, doesn't that tell you everything? Try Reform, your kids future is at stake.

    6. Woke diverse crackhead unemployed couple will be seen very soon on leftie tv adverts selling clothes, make-up, just about anything because they fit the criteria of the diverse advertising establishment. How about some heterosexual, Anglo-Saxon, Christian, law abiding families being featured in these adverts ? Advertising in the uk is so focused on diversity that it is literally being agenda force fed to the british public who the majority do not like or want, its an attempt to brainwash the weaker minded public into thinking we are living in a society where being white in a white country is somehow racist! You couldnt make it up.

    7. Trying to censor you, or anybody who views their ideology as radical left wing extremism is the new modern book burning. Its fucking dangerous.

    8. 07:25 Was it because of the sun or was that just a normal British facial expression?
      That guy must be the most British man alife.

      Sees that it's not raining and get's annoyed. F*cks off back inside, without a word, with that look xD

    9. Good on you!
      Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of good courage; be not affrighted, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest

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