In this video, I explain how I do what I do on the bike, while on the road from Avignon to Valence.

    My bike:

    Tools that you need are a multitool, a pump(compatible with your tires) and a spare inner tube.

    How to adjust your bike: – Komoot is easily the best navigation app for cycling that I know of, a one-time purchase of $30 will save you a lot of headaches. It accounts for the changes in altitude and terrain, your fitness level, your exact way of cycling (road cycling vs bike touring vs endurance biking…) – The windy app is easily the most accurate way to keep track of the winds. It has a detailed map and hourly weather projections that are accurate (in my experience) even days ahead of the actual date.

    Music used:

    Thank you for watching

    BR the intro M to Paris bye [Music] bike giant golden statue speed just woke up I [Music] okay let’s talk about cycling now uh there’s a lot of things that I can say and there’s a lot of tips that I can give you but I don’t want to make the video too Technical and long so I’ll just give you the short tips and uh I’ll I’ll write down in the description more detailed explanation as to why I’m giving you these tips exactly now the first things that you need to start cycling the first thing is a bike and uh you should buy a bike that is suited to your needs now if you want to do exactly what I’m doing like these types of uh runs then uh I would recommend my bike this is a tribon 100 it’s very cheap I bought it for €150 here in France I’m sure that you can find it for even cheaper um secondhand that’s that’s an amazing deal it’s durable it’s fast and it’s comfortable like everything everything about it is good for the price it’s amazing I don’t think you can get a better value than that the second thing is you need some tools and you need a spare inner tube at all times on you and you should should learn how to change it and uh the third thing is you need to set it up correctly and what I mean by that is you need to set your seat in the proper way so that your legs are almost fully extended when the pedal is uh is on the lower part of the rotation uh and you push through with your uh with the ball of the foot just like so then you need uh GPS navigation I Would S highly recommend to you commut I know it’s paid uh but it’s worth it because if you use U anything else the terrain they they don’t account for it and if you rely on Google Maps you’re going to end up in some pretty messy situations uh like all the time it’s not even some of the time but all of the time so I’ll talk more about kumut down in the description and uh also download uh the windy app which uh tells you where the winds are coming from and uh it’s a very detailed kind of type of way to know what the weather is like and us as cyclists this has a huge impact on how far you can go how long it will take you like these things are important guys so do not neglect them uh Link in the description for both of those apps if you want to go on a crazy adventure like I regularly do your physical preparation is important but it’s not that hard to get fit enough for this type of an adventure I’m telling you guys you don’t need much you only need to have experience with the different types of conditions that you made that you may encounter on the road what that is is sunny sunny weather rainy weather Daytime Nighttime uh With the Wind Against the Wind against the wind is the most important I want you to go and climb Hills and then go down and once you’ve done all these mix them up with some kind of rough terrain and the point is that you need to experience uh the different conditions and once you have that you’ll know for yourself what you’re capable of and uh you’ll know how to react in real time to changing conditions also while you do that I’ll say the most important thing to to keep in mind while you’re training is to watch your breath only breathe through through your nose um so that that will help that will help with your stamina a lot and that will make you more efficient in your use of oxygen now how did I come up with that type of advice I heard uh I heard gogin talking about uh Zone training if you if you want to check it out check it out that’s more complex I’m just giving you the the basic thing uh of breathing through your nose that’s that’s basically uh that’s basically all you need to build up sufficient stamina and that’s what I did and uh of course the physical preparation is one thing the mental preparation is the more important thing guys I want you to have an iron mind so of course your experience is going to fortify your mind you’re not going to give up easily once you’ve done something uh you’re not going to give up when you encounter it for the second time you know but also I talked about what type of a mentality you should have in this clip here that I’m going to play with uh for you this was after I completed a serious challenge the emotions are row and I think the message will be clear for you guys I hope you enjoyed let’s go this was the hardest thing ever man the hardest thing ever but we got up now we’re going down bro I’m I’m I’m just spent um I’m going to bleep that out I’m sorry but you know what guys if you’re trying to do stuff like this to impress others man just don’t even start with it if that’s all you care about man don’t even don’t even think about it man don’t even think about it bro you have to dig deep you have to dig deep and no one’s no one’s going to be here to see you to see you scream in pain when you’re climbing these Hills man no one’s going to be here uh so you know this is this this has to be just for you bro this this has to be this the desire has to come from within to push through so yeah BR yeah yeah I’m go bro I’m coming for you bro you you don’t even know you don’t even know what’s what’s happening bro you don’t even know what’s going to come for you bro you don’t you don’t have a a single clue [Applause] [Music] nothing for spee [Music] come on stop [Music] [Music] hello again I’m at the hotel already and uh U I also don’t need to show you my room cuz it’s basically the exact same as the one in my day in the life of a Millionaire on the road video if you watch that you already know what it looks like now before you go I want to talk about the last two things that you need to become a super cyclist like me namely nutrition and money now for nutrition I need you to throw all of your conventional rules and the regulations about nutrition I need you to throw them out the window right now the only things that you need are carbohydrates namely fast acting carboh hydrates also salt water and some nuts for protein are nice they’re a nice bonus other than that it doesn’t matter how you get them you just need to get your body fueled up and ready to go and that’s it as for money um I it’s no secret that this type of traveling is not easy on the pocket you need a sizable budget to to travel like me and I cannot make your money for you but I can suggest a course of action or two and the first one that I recommend would be to become an arasmus student like me and use the funds that arasmus gives you to uh you know to travel like the video if you want me to talk about how you can become an exchange student what it’s like to be an exchange student and tell me in the comments below if you have any other questions relating to that topic and I’ll make a video about it and the second option that I propose I’m actually going to talk about extensively my next video I’ll give you a little hint it starts with c and ends with ripto I’m going to share with you exactly what my strategy is for the next bull run where I’m invested why I’m invested there where I get my um information or more like speculation admittedly from and even more in the next video I hope I’ll see you there now now that was it I have a little more work to do today and after that it’s night night for me may God be with you may God bless you CIA


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