We’re hosting our annual Ride Beyond Crew Zwift winter special over the next 5 weeks, and I thought I’d dig into my indoor training setup a little bit, because I know you’ll be asking questions about it anyway 😉

    Some of the products I use:
    Leeze Boom Board rocker plate: https://bit.ly/Leezeboompro
    Leeze Boom Desk: https://bit.ly/boomdesk
    Wahoo Kickr Core trainer: https://amzn.to/3UrDcIT

    Ride Beyond Crew Zwift club: https://bit.ly/rbczwift
    Our next RBC groupride: https://www.zwift.com/events/view/3253157

    If you want to support my channel that’d be amazing, you can ‘join’ it here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQuM-Jmy7LbG8jlRgp_Oduw/join

    Or by getting yourself some swag in our webshop:
    Ride Beyond Crew x TARKA handlebar bags: https://shop.fernwee.cc
    Ride Beyond Crew gravel flask: http://bit.ly/RBCFLASK
    Rille Camera Strap: http://bit.ly/RILLECAMERASTRAP
    Everything else in the shop: https://shop.fernwee.cc

    Follow us on Instagram:
    Me: https://www.instagram.com/fernwee.cc/

    Looking for a good deal on some Dynamic bike maintenance products?
    Use the code “Fernwee20” at: https://dynamicbikecare.com/ref/10/​

    My bikes:
    My roadbike: http://bit.ly/FOCUSIZALCOMAX
    My gravelbike: http://bit.ly/FOCUSATLAS
    My mountainbike: https://bit.ly/FOCUSRAVEN
    My fixed gear bike: http://bit.ly/FLEXYTRACK

    My video gear:
    My camera strap: https://bit.ly/RILLECAMERASTRAP
    My vlogging camera: https://amzn.to/2LrwxRx
    My vlogging lens: https://amzn.to/3Fk1IHf
    My action cam: https://click.dji.com/AMFLPff82dAw0OKQockj8Q?pm=link

    My cinematic drone: https://click.dji.com/AALenjNJvGZ4Y1f1F4GQRA?pm=link
    My tiny cinematic drone for bikepacking: https://click.dji.com/AH426RNnEmGr73lbEFIcag?pm=link

    All the music in my videos comes from:

    #indoor #training #paincave

    [Music] thank you [Music] good morning welcome to this video and welcome to my bike room in Alberta Netherlands since it’s getting pretty cold outside I’ve been slowly starting up my winter training on Swift again and I thought because we have some really cool events planned over the next five weeks I’ll tell you more about it later I thought I would show you my bike room setup because I will always get a lot of questions about it when riding on Swift and making videos about it so I can link back to this video when people ask me what sort of equipment I use and how I have my bike room set up in general I think for me the most important thing is that it’s kind of easy and quick one of the things I love about indoor training is that I can be at work downstairs on the couch editing videos usually think okay I need to get a ride in walk upstairs change into my kids get on my bike and within about five minutes smashing an hour-long workout afterwards I get off my bike clean it a little bit take a shower and I don’t know like an hour and a half later I’m back on the couch editing videos so I think the biggest benefit of my setup in that terms is the fact that I have a whole room and dedicated to my bike stuff which means I don’t have to move the trainer anywhere if I’m not using it right now like if you have this in the living room of course you’re going to get rid of it all the time bike is always here it’s always ready I can get up and go that really helps me to get my daily training rights in because if it’s too much hassle it’s much easier to skip so in general one of the things I want to take into consideration is that I don’t have too much stuff the only products that I want to use are the products that really help me train and if there’s anything that I sort of don’t need I don’t want it in there I don’t want it to clutter out the space I don’t want it because usually it makes a setup a little bit more difficult so I try to keep it simple I try to keep it also budget friendly there’s a few things in here that are just a pure luxury but in general I don’t think you need like a super expensive setup to get some proper training done or some proper fun rides done in zwift over over the winter time so first of all when I created the whole setup in this room then main thing I took into consideration is the window which if I open it allows all the cold winter air to go inside and this Big Ass Fan helps put all that gold Air onto me when I’m on my bike smashing set workout it’s gonna get hot and if you get hot You’re Gonna Want to get the maximum cooling effect and this this really helps another thing that I put in here but that you cannot see is a Wi-Fi extender it’s in the room next door my bedroom and I think for Swift it’s kind of key to get a proper connection so if you can do something to improve the connection you get to your Wi-Fi it’s recommended then to go over the basics of the setup of my bike here I’ve got a very heavy rubber sort of training mat think about it on some kind of Fitness Store it was pretty cheap I think 40 euros it’s very thick and heavy so it protects my floor it saves the neighbors from a lot of noise and it collects my sweat so the room doesn’t look as messy as it would if all of my sweat was going on the actual floor then for the first time this year I am using a laser boom board which is sort of like a stabilization platform for your trainer and bike it helps in a couple ways again it keeps the noise down a little bit for the Neighbors it makes the riding feel a little bit more natural because if the bike is completely stationary that’s not what your bike feels like when you’re riding it outside and here if you put in some pressure on the pedals it moves a little bit like your bike would do outside so I think especially on the longest Rift drives that I’m gonna do it’s gonna help save my back and ask a little bit and I’ve been using it for about a month now feels really comfortable I’ve tuned it a little bit to my weight and to my bike setup with a counter right here and with the springs that you can adjust because I think if you’re a little bit heavier you can make it a little bit harder and if you’re lighter then you can make it a little bit softer and maybe the best thing about this is that it’s made from 100 recycled materials so even for sustainability freaks it’s a good product to use it’s definitely one of the more sort of luxurious things absolutely you don’t need one of these in order to get started on Swift but if you’re going to do a little bit longer rise and if you’re going to spend a lot of hours on the trainer I think this is one of the luxuries that you might want to invest a little bit in from the same company laser I also have this boom desk it’s really nice to get your laptop drinks remote phone coffee really close to your handlebars because when you’re riding you want to be able to use the controls get your drinks do whatever you have to do and therefore getting some sort of platform that is movable this one is completely height adjustable it can go up to sort of here can also go down to sort of here so you can adjust it so that it works perfectly for you and it’s quite spacious so I’ve got all of the stuff on there right now if I want to use my phone for something I can just put it in here and it stays in there you can have an iPad in there as well up I always enjoy kind of watching something on YouTube when I’m writing and have my Swift screen on my laptop and whatever I’m watching or whatever messages I’m sending doing it on my phone oh and the trainer that I’m using is the Wahoo kicker core I’ve had it for about four years now still works perfectly fine you can go for the more expensive kicker power I think it’s called but to be honest with my type of power I don’t feel like I need it ERG mode works perfectly fine it can make the resistance high enough for all of the climbs that are ins width so I feel like this more basic model is definitely good enough for me I do always recommend to get a direct drive trainer so that’s a trainer with a cassette on it where you remove your rear wheel and replace it with the trainer just because it’s so much more accurate you have a power meter in there the workouts are going to be a lot easier to do in ERG mode getting a basic model direct drive trainer is what I would recommend most people to do there’s a few accessories that I love using and that I think are very important definitely the most important one is a fan if you don’t have a fan you’re not gonna have a good uh riding indoors I would recommend to get the biggest one you can find this is a very sort of simple one but I’ve improved it very much by getting a very cheap uh six Euro sort of remote troll from AliExpress it sits in between the socket and the power plug of the fan never Press On it turns on if I press off it turns off so if there’s like an easier part of the workout I can turn it off and I don’t have to turn it on before I start because then I’m already really cold as soon as the hard part of a workout starts brilliant another thing that I can highly recommend in daily life but also on zwift is airpods pro it’s not sponsored it allows you to listen to whatever motivates you during your workout and it blocks out the noise of the fan and the trainer if there’s any of that so yeah it’s just the best way probably to listen to music without cranking it up super loud and annoying the neighbors with it as well I uh I think that’s already it kind of I thought I would mention a couple of things that I’ve tried over the last years that didn’t work for me I’ve had the Wahoo kicker climb I’ve used it a couple times but the setup was pretty annoying and to get that effect I don’t know it’s it’s funny but uh I didn’t feel like it was really improving my workouts too much if I really want to raise my front wheel a little bit I would just put some books or something else underneath and that can help you train the muscles that you use differently when you’re climbing I guess I don’t know really if it works put it in the comments if you’re a geologist and you really know how that works and if it actually helps train muscles differently for climbing and going straight and another thing that I tried was a elite steering block that you would put underneath your front wheel so that you could steer and then in zwift you would also actually steer also I felt a little bit gimmicky Swift doesn’t really use that yet in any sort of training or racing situation so I also sold that after a couple times oh and I just thought of something else a few things that Dynamic makes to improve your indoor workouts they have this special indoor wax I’m a wax Dapper guy and uh this one apparently is a little bit more quiet than the outdoor wrecks and it doesn’t sort of release any particles that would be flying around in your room that outside is no problem but here you want to keep it kind of clean after a workout always clean my bike a little bit with some cleaning products and I use this anti-rust spray which is supposed to keep all the metal bits that would maybe rust from your sweat which is salty and which costs more rust like those points in there in the saddle like this screw over here some other screws there in front I always just put a little bit of that stuff on it so I don’t end up with a rusty bike once I go back outside next year and I think that’s kind of it in terms of my setup there’s nothing really special about it but you know the fact that it’s so simple it really works for me if you have any suggestions of how I can improve this without making it more complicated I would definitely open for that uh so drop them in the comments and more importantly I want to invite you to our five week right Beyond cruise with Advent series of challenges that we’re hosting over the next five weeks right up until Christmas Mike is going to start the first one this Sunday which is the day that this video is released so um if you’ve watched this video go and check out our Swift Club it’s called right Beyond group what else I’ll put a link to it in the description and then you can join five weeks of group rides challenges just fun search of stuff that we’re organizing in Swift they’re surprises to be won a nice kit by map pair of my favorite shoes by Quark all of the stuff that I talked about from Dynamic plus some more to get your bike all clean and smooth and then some riding nutrition from sterker plus of course some RAB young for beers so definitely enough reasons to join us on our little Advent challenge week hopefully I will see you there and otherwise I hope you enjoy the next five weeks of indoor cycling content there will be some outside stuff as well in between but mainly we’re gonna do five weeks of inner writing see you there ciao [Music]


    1. It was nice seeing your setup. I'm laughing at your fan though. In the USA the most common and popular fans are tower shaped and have remotes with all kinds of features. I'm really surprised to see you had to resort to ingenuity to get a decent fan.

    2. I feel like this is title "MY BUDGET FRIENDLY ZWIFT SETUP FOR 2023" is a paradox. Cycling is dumb, crazy, expensive no matter how you slice it. Anywho, great video and info <3

    3. I'd suggest to have zwift on our iphone and watch youtube movies on your laptop? 🙂 I updated my setup with a screen where I watch movies which is a cool addition to the setup I'd say!

    4. Nice video. My budget-friendly Zwift set up is in the garage, so it's nice and cool. I also have a fan which helps once I warm up. I have an old 32 inch flat screen tv hooked up to an old pc with a decent graphics card, with a cable internet connection which I ran from the house (drilling through a few walls), so I don't need to worry about wireless signal. For the bike, I'm using an old winter aluminium machine (not worried about sweat dripping on it), with a speed sensor on the rear hub and cadence sensor on the crank, hooked up to a Kinetic Road Machine turbo, which cost £300 and is smooth and quiet. I ride with a hear rate monitor, so I have speed, cadence and heart rate, which is enough data for me. Overall I'm pleased with my sub-£1k set up.

    5. Ik twijfel al langere tijd om een indoor setup te kopen. Ik rij op dit moment alleen buiten op MTB routes. Is Zwift een aanrader?

    6. Brand new to cycling. So, if I buy a zwift trainer, all i need is a tv and wifi in the house yes?? I assume I have to pay a subscription also ??

    7. Dump de bidonhouders, maakt het makkelijker schoonmaken. Ik doe ook een doekje om mn spacers om het zweet daar op te vangen, zodat het niet in de headtube loopt. En de handoek op het suur is een andere handoek voor mn zweet weg te werken. 👍👍💪

    8. I ordered the exercise bike on January 7th and it arrived on February 12th. https://www.youtube.com/post/Ugkxzg0clhbtRf2gGxPkVETFKJJKGqdsorQu The box must have been tossed around quite a bit because one whole side of the styrofoam was destroyed, and the other side foam was cracked. The Two zip ties holding the handlebars had broken loose and handlebars were loose in the box. There are two small holes in the foam on the right side of the handlebars, I guess from rolling around inside the box. Assembly was straight forward and easy. I am 6 ft 5 in 220 lb and the handlebars and seating positions fully adjustable and work great, I'm getting full leg extension. The noise level is very, very low and acceptable. The adjustment knob for the pressure on the flywheel works well also. The exercise bike is very well made, sturdy and easy move around. This is my first exercise bike and will keep me in shape over the winter. Update 3/19/21: when removing the sticker from the wheel, make sure you remove any sticker glue also. I thought mine was clean but I was getting a slight noise from the glue. Once cleaned off, its super quite. Also the monitor didn't work, tracked it down to the pickup device wasn't in the hole. Once I moved in the hole, it works fine. Do NOT put it in until it touches or it will damage the pickup.

    9. Nice, thanks! After pretty bad outdoor bike accident, I have my garage set up with a large tv, a Bose stereo connected to that, cast through google cast/apple tv for youtube, concerts/my fav channels, then a stand next to me with my iPad running Zwift, with my remotes, phone, towels across handle bars for sweat, towels stuffed into bottle holders and fanned out just enough to catch sweat and guards better than anything else I've tried. Fan directly in front of me as well, at handlebar level. Trainer is the Wahoo Rollr on a large workout mat. Love it! Just found your channel, good luck to you!

    10. Sorry to jump in 11 months after release.
      I couldn’t help notice your rehydration product, I’ll assume is for your indoor work?
      Could you send me a link if you’ve reviewed indoor hydration?
      Thanks 💪🏻

    11. Budget and then having a separate room with the most expensive stuff imaginable😂
      Also, a rockerplate is not budget, maybe if you built it yourself, but not like this.

    12. Hey !. I want to get into swift now, after a long break from endurance cycling since college. But have some queries regarding it
      1. Does the smart rotor make a lot of noise? See, I live on the first floor of an apartment and would want to cycling in the mornings. I don’t want the rumble to cause the people downstairs any trouble.
      2. Will an entry level road bike be enough ? Is there any design or benefits of spending more for a better bike ? If my primary intent is to ride indoors. Im comfortable with it but it’s pointless if there’s no difference. What features specifically should I focus on?
      3. How much does it all ( bike, stands, trainers etc ) cost to get started.
      Thanks !

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